! ........... . . 1 . mam wl. iLiL.xZu ;; Whole No. 170. TarWouffi, Edgecombe County, N. C. Friday, January 25, 1 828. Vol. IK No. 23. THK "FREE PRESS," By Geo. Howard, U nuMished weekly, (every Friday.) at TH'0 DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num ws.) tf I)ail1 w,tllin on month after Sub scribers commence receiving their papers f.:v0 Dollars v njiy enzs, u paid within months and Three Dollars at thcexni- iaticn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at an) umc on paying arrears. Subscribers residing at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a respon ohlc reference in this vicinity. No subscrin tion discontinued unless a notification tc that effect is Siven- Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will he inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 certs each continuance. Longer ones at hat rate lor every 16 tines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be postpaid. QyLook at this.CQ Money Wanting. A LL Persons indebted to the Subscri bers for 1S26 and '27. arc request ed tJ come forward and settle their ac counts, as they wish to pay thru debts aut cannot, unless they can collect what is due them. They hope this will be amended to. ICING $ GATE IX. 1st January, IS2S. 20 $10 Reward. RAN AW AY from the Sub scriber, on the 27th (lay of No vember last, a bright mulatto boy by the name of RICKE Y MITCHELL, Between 10 and 20 years of age. I ex pect he has steered his course toward Halifax-. I am told he has a brother by the name of Lewis, in the town of Hali hx, learning the blacksmith trade. The above reward will be given if delivered to the Subscriber near Tarborough, or FIVE DOLLARS, if secured in any Jail in this State so that I jret him again. All persons are hereby forbid harboring cr employing said boy, under the penal ty ot the law. S. L. HART. Dec. 24, 1S27. ID Stop the Runaways!.. n w urr irom inauion, Xorth-Carolirin, where they were employed on the Fortifi cations at that place, cven Negro Fello7V3, Jouic IIILLIARD, TIEN II Y, LEW ANTHONY, HOY, ISAAC, and AK. The three first-named Ne groes were apprehended at Hicks' Ford, J'ccnsville county, Va. Anthony and jioy were at the time in company with o-.e opprchendcd, but effected their cs pc. Fr;r,k was left by the party some or o0 mi,cs JCyond naif3X) jy. C. of II G.me 5 or IOmilcson ibis side 0 Wax, both complainingof sickness JJ unable to travel. Frank is a small nf feI!o'.v, and about 22 years of age mcU a stout young fellow, about )V CrS nc C0:r,P'RXn rather yel- 'S a s,encier l),ack fellow, a 20 years 0f age and Anthony is 01 vrf 'l ljlacI kUow, about 23 years ".J.r"no particular marks recollected. ivavnfca'v Ve.c"roes werc nk'nS their in,; Norfolk for the purpose of join- A - liberal REWARD will be given Hrj aPPrchcnsion of Frank, Isaac, Hn nl0uV aml should they be Wii oMr- NiMo of Petersburg, all np, Pay for tlleir apprehension and ssary expenses. P. T..ivr.nn. PL 3d RclS Art o.v. nr.i W 7 LoJorf ncnr Mroik. Notice, I HAVE a very likely Stud Horse, For sale, or to stand for one season commencing the ensuing March. He is a beautiful roan, with black legs, mane and tail, about eight year?? old, about sixteen hands high of good form and blood, and a most sure foal getterhis colts are likely. I will sell at a low price, or let him out to stand in good hands, if application is made soon. EXUM LFAVis. Mount Prospect, N. C. Jan. 1S2S. (PI also have Land for Sale or Rent, on Swift Creek, which I will sell or rent on low terms, and in small or large tract, to suit the purchaser. Some of it lies within nine miles, and some a- bout eighteen miles from Tarboro'. 22-3 E. LEWIS. Notice. 1MIE Su bscribcr rcsncctfullv informs i - -j her customers, that she is in great want of money therefore, she earnest ly requests all who owe her on ac counts that have been long standing, will give her a call as she is anxious to have them closed. She will leave for the north as soon as her collections will enable her. I). irOMIUE. Halifax, Jan. 15, 1S2S. 22 WILLIAMSBORO' rjHHE Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on Monday, the 7th Ja nuary, 1S28. Hoarding can be had with the Princi pal or in the most respectable families in the village and neighborhood. The strictest attention is paid to the morals and literary improvement of the stu dents. A. JYILSON, Principal. Williamsboro' Dec. IS27. 22-3 Xrust alc WILL DE SOLD, by a virtue of a Deed in Trust, for certain nurnos- es therein contained, on Wednesday the 0th day ot February next, without any regard to weather, at the house of JAMES GRAXTy on Fishing Creek, the real estate of said Orant, containing 1800 Acres Or thereabouts, of fine Land, lyinjr on the waters of said Creek, and Rockv Swamp. . ALSO, a valuable MILL, nearly new, across said Creek, which j for durability of materials, anil local sit uation is believed to be interior to none in the Male. With t ic mi w be sold six or ehrht hundred acres of Vinnj JVoods Land: Well timbered, lying .within one and two miles of the mill. For this proper ty one third of the purchase money will be required; the balance at two equal annual instalments. Will also be sold for cash, or on a cre dit, as may be deemed most expedient on the day of sale, between 20 und 30 valuable Negroes, And sundry other articles too tedious to mention. JSond with approved security will be required. ELI B. IF J 11 TAKER, Trustee. 12lh January, 182S. 22-3 OXFORD jfcmale $caDcm? nPIIE first Session of the yecr 1S2S, will commence in this Institution on the 7th of January. Terms, for Board and instruction in the Elementary and Scientific branches taught in this Semi nary, will be 60 dollars; Music, $2S; Painlingand Drawing, Sl5; French lan- bUJ6v-j pi oeasjuu. ne institu tion is well furnished with larjre M ms Globes, a Chemical and Philosophical A- A I II- . . .apparatus, anu a L,amnei ot Minerals. If Parents and Guardians d.;sirc it, the Pupils will board with the Principal, otherwise boar(j Cati be obtained in high ly respectable families in town. Strict attention will be paiu lo inc manners and moral deportment of the vounsr la dies. Four teachers wiil be constantly employed. JOSEPH LABAREE. Oxford, Dec. 11. 21-co-3t Notice. rpiIE Subscriber has just received from rv .-- y i. ii . . r nuu-iuih, h smaii assortment oi Morocco and Prunella Shoes, of th best quality and latest fashions for La dies and Children, which he will sell very cheap. ALSO, a good assortment of materials, and he has in his employ the best of workmen for manufacturing BOOTS AND SHOES, I Of every description, at the shortest no- Noticc. COMMITTED io the Jail of Edce combe county, N. C. on the lGth of November, 1S27, a negro tellow, who says his name is iiii.i, mai ne i the property ot iur. James UKrey or a hrov. and that he was purchased by Mr. Okrev from Mr. Amos Rawls, of Nansemor.d county, Va. Henry is a- bout 30 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 in- i . ches in height, spare uunt, no marus perceivable. The owner is requested to come forward, prove his property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. FRED. BELL, Jailor. - Nov. 1827. tice. 1 he gentlemen and ladies are in vited to cali and examine for themselves (at the shop on the corner opposite Messrs. Barnes & Jackson's store) where all orders will be thankfully received and punctually attended to, with neat ness, durability and despatch. JAS. II. HARTMUS. Tarboro', 10th Jan. 182S 21-eo-3t Domestic. The following accounts from dif ferent sections of the Union, respecting the weather, will no doubt be read with interest. THE WEATHER. New-York, Jan. 3. The win ter continues open and remarka bly mild. The navigation of the North river, which was partially obstructed by ice, two or three weeks ago, is now open and free all the way to Albany. A sloop loaded with produce arrived here yesterday from that place, and a steamooat wiin passengers lett Courtland street this morning for Albany. The Connecticut river, we also understand, is open to Hartford, the head of ship navi gation. The Delaware is also in fine navigable order, and the steamboat Trenton continues to i make her regular trips to Phila delphia and back again. Most of the small streams tributary to these rivers and to Long Island Sound are unobstructed by ice, and the water communication is kept np, the good effect of which is felt, more especially by the poor in the article of fuel. Post. Norfolk, Jan. 9. On the 5th, Gth and 7th of January the wea ther was so very warm, that the doors and windows of dwelling houses were thrown open to court the passing breeze, and parties w ere seen promenading the streets by moonlight as in summer. Ve getation has of course, felt the ge nial influence of this delightful temperature of the atmosphere: asparagus of mature growth hy acinths in bloom apples and figs in a forward state trees and shrubs buddingoats (we speak as to one fact only) grown to more than half their full height, are a few of the features of this remark able season. Other results, how ever, are not quite so anima;mg: there has been a great deal of pork spoiled, and the wheat has been so much accelerated in its growth, as in the event of a hard frost, to be much injured if not entirely blighted. To conclude, our oldest inhabitants aver that they have never known so warm, a season. Herald. . Raleigh, Jr?n. 17. -We were yesterday presented with a mess of asparagus, from the garden of Capt. Thomas Cobbs, of this ci ty. A fine mess of this vegeta ble was taken from the same gi;r- -den on the 7th inst. This may be taken as a striking evidence of the remarkable mildness of the pre ceding part of our winter. Thro' the whole of the month of Decem ber, the weather continued, with but small variations, as pieasant as spring; and January, thus far, has been little more like winter. There is a great contrast between this and the weather experienced here last January, which was the coldest known in this section for many years. Star. There are at this time, (14th January, 1328,) peas in bloom in the town of Salisbury. Car. Charleston, Jan. 4. Our vecrc table market this morning con tained green peas and tomatos, which sold at prices not higher than are given at their naiural season. Patriot. Among the peculiarities of the season may be mentioned, the ap pearance of a load of watermel ons in our market on Christmas day! They were brought we un derstand from Twiggs county, and sold at a good price. In the gar den of Dr. Bird, of this town, strawberry vines have been for some time in blossom. Macon (Geo.) Telegraph. A white shad was caught in Pe dec river, near Richmond (S. C.) Court-house, by Wm. Powell, on Christmas day. Chcraw Spec. i,';s' v - i t f. IS

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