Ceil1) o) Li crd i ci .4) li; Whole wVo. 180. Tarborough, Edgecombe County, wV. C. Friday, February i, 1828. Vol. IV. No. 2. THE "FREE PRESS, By Geo. Howard, j puMisTicd weekly, (every Friday,) at rii'O DOLLJRS per year, (or 52 num- V-rs,) P;l'u vth'n one month after Sub .'.::'ors commence receiving their papers r'!o Dollars t5 'V.V Cm fx, if paid within s months and Three Dollars at thecxpi- "tier, of the year. Subscribers at liberty to continue at any time on paying arrears. f(.jj Subscribers residing at a distance must iarbhlv pay in advance, or give a respon sible reference in this vicinity. No subscript discontinued unless a notification to that t-Cec: is given. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines wijl I)-' inserted at 50 cents the first insertion, and Scents each continuance. Longer ones at that rat e f o r e v c r y 16 lines. Letters addressed to the Editor must be ftjLook at Ihis.ttCft Money Wanting. 4 LL Persons indebted to the Subscri bers for 1S2G and '27. arc request ed to come forward and settle their ac counts, as they wish to pay their debts but cannot, unless they can collect what is due them. They hope this will be attended to. KING GATE IN. 1st January, I82S. 20 810 Reward. RAX AWAY from the Sub scriber, on the 27th day of No vember last, a bright mulatto boy by the name of r rr rrr r rr rrn irr r r Ectwcen 19 and 20 years of nge. I ex pect he has steered his course toward Halifax. 1 am told he has a brother by the name of Lewis, in the town of Hali fax, learning the blacksmith trade. The above reward will be given if delivered to the Subscriber near Tarborough, or FIFE DOLLARS, if secured in any Jail in this State so that I get him again. All persons arc hereby forbid harboring or employing said boy, under the penal ty of the law. S. L. HART. Dec. 21, 1S27. 19 FT Notice, I IIAVK a very likely Stud Horse, For sale, or to stand for one season commencing the ensuing March. He is a beautiful roan, wilh black legs, mane and tail, about eight years old, about sixteen hands high, of good form and blood, and a most sure foal getter his colls arc likely. I will sell at a low price, or let him out to stand in good hands, if application is made soon. EXUM LEWIS. Mount Prospect, N. C. Jan. 1S2S. (01 also have Land for Sale or Rent, on Swift Creek, which I will sell or rent on low terms, and in small or large tracts, to suit the purchaser. Some of it lies within nine miles, and some a bout eighteen miles from Tarboro'. 22-3 E. LEWIS. Notice. flMIE Subscriber respectfully informs her customers, that she is in great want of money therefore, she earnest ly requests all who owe her on ac counts that have been long standing, will give htfr a call as she is anxious to have them closed. She will leave for the north as soon as her collections will enable her. D. WOMB IE. Halifax, Jan. 15, 182S. 22 lyiLL BE SOLD, by a virtue of a Deed in Trust, for certain purpos es therein contained, on Wednesday the Gth day of February next, without any regard to weather, at the house of JAMES GRANT, on Fishing Creek, the real estate of said Grant, containing f A Acres Or thereabouts, of fine Land, lying on the waters of said Creek, and Rocky WILLIAMSBORO' 3tcaU emp HnilE Exercises of this Institution will A be resumed on Monday, the 7th Ja nuary, 1S28. Boarding can be had with the Princi pal or in the most respectable families in the village and neighborhood. The strictest attention is paid to the morals and literary improvement of the stu dents. A. WILSON, Principal. Williamsboro' Dec. 1827. 22-3 Notice. LL Persons are hereby cautioned a- A gainst purchasing from Isaac D. Gui on, the land of Thos. Ouion, deceased the Subscriber having a lien on said land, under authority of the will of said deceased, for the sum of Si 500, which must be paid before the said Isaac D. Guion is entitled to the land. WM. li. D UP REE. Jan. 24, 1S28. 23 Notice. 4 LL those who have unsettled ac- counts with the Subscriber, are re quested to come forward and settle ihem either by cash or note, as further indul gence cannot be given. FRANCES CAMPBELL. 2 1st January, 1S2S. Notice. HPHE Subscribers, as agents for David Dawson, of the state of Tennessee, oflcr for sale his Trad of Land, Lying in Halifax county, Scotland Neck, three miles from Edwards's Ferry, ad joining the lands of Louis D. Wilson, Benj. A. Atkinson, Thos. Vaughan and others, containing 270 acres, on which is a good dwelling-house and other out houses, a good apple orchard, &.C. 150 acres cleared land under good repair. Stop the Runaways! It AN OFF from Beaufort, North-Carolina, where they were employed on the Fortifi cations at that place, &even .egro Felloivs, To wit: BILLIARD, HENRY, LEW IS ANTHONY, HOY, ISAAC, and 1' IvANK. The three first-named Ne Jl'OCS Were rmnrnhr-nilpf! nt Mirks Ford. rJ.. V.V. recasvdle county, Va. Anthony andj jy were at the time in company with; 1:iosc apprehended, hut effected their es- c:j?e. Frank was left by the party somej 30 miles beyond Halifax, N. C.! ip;:l Isaac some 5 or 10 miles on this side 01 Halifax, both complaining of sickness unable to travel. Frank is a small ''-civ fellow, and about 22 years of age ktuc is a stout yemnjr fellow, about p years of age, complexion rather yel "VRoy is a slender black fellow, a "O'H 20 years of a:e and Anthony is :ifsloul built black fellow, about 23 years 0le no particular marks recollected. I he above Negroes were making their a' to Noifolk for the purpose of join- A liberal REWARD will be given 7 ie apprehension of Frank. Isaac, ,lJ.'aix vbithont, and should they be jlivered to Mr. Niblo of Petersburg, ' j W,H ny for their apprehension and pessary expenses. J P. TAYLOR, 'P 2d Reg't Art. stationed at Old Point rVii at... P.. IK Swamp. ALSO, a valuable MILL, ! Credit of one and two years will be giv en the purchaser by the agents. ARTHUR BISHOP. Til OS. VAUGHAN. Halifax county, Jan. 21, 1S2S. 23-3 nearly new, across said Creek, which for durability of materials, and local sit uation is believed to be inferior to none in the State. With the mill will be sold six or eight hundred acres of rinnj Woods Land: Well timbered, lying within one and two miles of the mill. For this proper ty one third of the purchase money will be required; the balance at two equal annual instalments. Will also be sold for cash,oron a cre dit, as may be deemed most expedient on the day of sale, between 20 and 30 valuable Negroes, And sundry other articles too tedious to mention. Bond with approved security will he required. ELI B. WIIITAKKR, Trustee. 12th January, 182S. 22-3 Notice. COMMITTED iothe Jail of Euge- combe county, N. C. on the 16th of November, 1S27, a negro fellow, who says his name is HENRY, that he is the property of Mr. James Okrey or a wv. mid" that he was purchased by Mr. Okrey from Mr. Amos Rawls, of Nansemond county, va. nenry is a bout 30 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 in ches in height, spare built, no marks perceivable. The owner is requested to come forward, prove his property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. FRED. BELL, Jailor. Nov. 1527. 15 Just received and for Sale, Dr. Chambers' CELEBRATED REMEDY FOR intemperance, - Accompaniid wilh a volume of evidence sufficient to insure the confidence of the most incredulous, of the happy and al most universal, cure of habitual intem perance and its beneficial eifects in in-' vigoratinj 6c restoring the Constitution. ALSO, Dr. Swaim's Panacea, So justly celebrated for the cure of scro fula or king's-evil, ulcers, rheumatism, syphilitic, mercurial, and liver com plaints, and most diseases arising in de bilitated constitutions, or irom an im pure state of blood, &c, &c. This medi cine is also accompanied with a volume of evidence of its happy effects in resto ring to perfect health thousands that had tried all other remedies, and given up in despair. The Subscribers having be come agents for the original inventors and proprietors of those valuable medi cines, now offer them pure and genuine to the Public, assuring them thatt con stant supply equal to the demand, will be regularly kept on hand at their store in Tar borough. R. S. D. GOTTEN. January 24, 1528. Br. H. L. Irwin, TNFORMS his friends and the citN A zensof Edgecombe, that he has loca ted himself in Tarborough, near Eli Porter's and opposite George McWil liams', where he may be found at all times ready to attend to the calls of his orofession. To his acquaintances he would say but little, only that he would be happy in attending to their calls but, to those with whom he is not, he informs that he is not entirely a novice in the practice of his profession, having practised for several years in Waynesborough, where he had the good fortune to enjoy the confidence of a large portion of the county, but was compelled to discon tinue in consequence of his ill health that cause being now removed, he feels that he shall be able to meet the most sanguine expectations of his friends and benefactors. January 23, 182S. 23-3 Tarboro9 Academy. HPHE undersigned, who was educated in Hamilton College, New-York, having taken the Male Department of this Institution upon his own responsi bility, will devote his undivided atten tion to promote the interest of his School, and accelerate the progress of his pupils. He has taught the Classical Department of the Fayetteville Academy during three years; and has had charge of. -the Washington Academy during the last eighteen months, assisted by Mrs. San ford in the Female Department. He therefore hopes, from his long experi ence and success in teaching, to merit and receive a liberal share of public pa tronage. Believing a moral and rigid discipline not only conducive to the in terest and future welfare of the Student, but likewise to the prosperity of the In stitution, he takes this occasion to ob serve, that every species of vice, immo rality, and insubordination, will meet with exemplary punishment. The well known morality of the citizens of this place, the facilities of intercourse by Stages to every part of the State, and the cheapness of Board, all concur to render the above Institution worthy the attention and patronage of a liberal and enlightened public. The Classical course of studies will be preparatory to an ad mission into the University of this State. He will supply the Students with all kinds of Classical and English School Hooks, as cheap as they can be obtained in New-York or elsewhere. The Aca demical year is divided into two ses sions, consisting of five months each; and at the end of the first session there will he a vacation of two months. The following are the terms of tuition per session: The Latin and Greek Langua ges, Natural and Moral Phi losophy, History , Astronomy, unit the Mathematics, - 15 00 Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography, Reading, Writ' ing and Spelling, 12 00 Rudiments, - - 10 00 JAMES J. SANFORD. JFor the satisfaction of Parents and Guardians, thefol lowing gentlemen are referred to the Rev. James Wea therby and Dr. Hugh McCollough, Washington Dr. Benj. Robinson and John Huske, Esq. President of the U. S. Branch Bank, Fayetteville and the Rev. Daniel H. Barnes, Principal of the High School, New-York city. Jan. 24. 182S. 23-4 II T ggg i, w The greatest freedom I know in being thought a wit by the world is, that it gives one the greater ad- ( vantage of playing the foo...Pope. 1 I, , 5 t ' i. .. i- i. r V. ' I I", .1 i v. V; n 'I'; 7i:

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