- -p Tarborough, Edgecombe County, N. 0. FrMa,,, jftrcS 21 1828. FoZ. IK No. 3i. ,-. TIIF. "FREE PRESS," il y Geo . Ho iva rd , Is published weekly, (every Friday,) at ffl'O DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if P;iul within one month after Sub scribers commence receiving their papers fTJ0 Dollars & Fifty Cents, if paid within uv months and Three Dollars at theexpi- Lticn of the year. Subscribers at liberty to I '. -..,inn. nr. anv time on n.ivinor hwoom tllscu -.,7 1 . "'-ilia. Vfty Suoscnocrs rcsiuing at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a respon se reference in this vicinity. No subscrin- tion discontinued unless a notification to that dec: is gJvcn Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines will ibe inserted" at 50 cents the first insertion, and H cents each continuance. Longer ones at 'tint rate for every 16 lines. Letters aauresscu to tne Editor must be postpaid. Notice. THE Subscriber respectfully informs her customers, that she is in great want of money therefore, she earnest ly requests all who owe her on ac cents that have been long standing, will give her a call as she is anxious to have them closed. She will leave for the north as sojii as her collections will enable her. I). WOMBLE. Halifax, Jan. 15, 1S2S. 22 Sto To wit the Runaways! RAX OFF from tteaufort, North-Carolina, where they were employed on the Fortifi cations at that place, Seven Negro Fetlotvs, : MILLIARD, IIEXRY, LEW Notice. J WILL SELL, LEASE, or RENT, my Lot and houses at Enfield. The stand for a Store is equal to any country stand in the State....and not inferior to many country stands for a house of entertainment. The building consists of a convenient two story dwelling-house, well-finished, with four fire-places, store-honso ware house, gin-house (and gin,) and other wui-iiuiica....jjussession given immedi ately... .terms accommodatin Gth Feb. 1S23. SIMMONS. or- Notice. A LL Persons are hereby cautioned a- gainst purchasing from Isaac D. Gui- on, the land of Thos. Guion, deceased the Subscriber having a lien on said i.uui, under authority ol the will of said deceased, for the sum of Si 500, which must be paid before the said Isaac D. Guion is entitled to the land. WM. R. D UP REE. Jan. 21, 1S03. 23 Land for Sale. QN Tuesday, the 1st day of April next, will be exposed to public sale, at Providence, in Edgecombe county, (the residence of M;j. Lunsford K. Cherry) a valuable iract of tmn, The property of Eaton Lir.ch. contain ing about two hundred and fifty acres, lying on White Oak Swamp, and adjoin ing the lands of Mai. Lurisford K. Chcr- IS, ANTHONY, ROY, ISAAC, and4r' Green Exum and others. There is FRANK. rl he three first-named Ne roes were apprehended at Hicks' Ford, Greensville county, Va. Anthony and Roy were at the time in company with those oppreheruled, but effected their es cape. Frank was left by the parly some 20 or 30 miles beyond Halifax, N. C. and Isaac some 5 or 10 miles on this side of Halifax, both complainingof sickness and unable to travel. Frank is a small Hack fellow, and about 22 years of age huac is a stout vounjr fellow, about i years of age, complexion rather yel hwJioij is a slender black fellow, a Jout 20 years of age and Anthony is ' stout built black fellow, about. 23 years i no particular marks 1 er.ollestcd. The above Negroes were making their way 10 Norfolk for the purpose of join ing me. A liberal REWARD will be given for theiapprehcnsion of Frank, Isaac, toy and Anthony and should they be delivered to Mr. Niblo of Petersburg, r'0 will pay for their apprehension and a'l necessary expenses. J. P. TAYLOR Capt. 3rf RcgU Art. stationed at Old Point Comfort, near Norfolk. Nov. 9, 1S27. 13 Trust Sale. yiLL BE SOLD, by virtue of two . separate Deeds in Trust, for cer jn purposes therein contained, on 'unday. the 25th day of March next, j the house of Thomas Austin, on jjocky Swamp, all the prop :rty of said JjUsl'n, consisting of Tract of fLanft, non by the Parham Tract Stock of every kind One Negro .Man, jJ'Ramc Harry and sundry other arti es too tedious to mention. The terms 1 dp accommodating and made known lhey ofsale. fU n. WIIITAKERj Trustee. on the tract, a sufficient portion of open land, to work three or lour hands to ad vantage; a good and convenient dwell mg-housc, kitchen and other houses; with the advantages of a healthy situa tion. Persons who are desirous of pur chasing a small tract of land, are request ed to go and view this. Nine months' credit will be given on the whole, and twenty-one months' indulgence on one- half the purchase money. Bond and an proved security will be required of the purchaser, before the right is conveyed. R. PITTMAN. AtVy in fact of Eaton Linch. Edgecombe county, Feb. 26, 182S. 2S Just received and for Sale, Dr. Chambers' CELEBRATED REMEDY FOR intemperance, Accompanied with a volume of evidence sufficient to insure the confidence of the most incredulous, of the happy and al most universal, cure of habitual intem perance and its beneficial effects in in vigorating & restoring the Constitution. ALSO, Dr. Swaim's Panacea, So justly celebrated for the cure of scro fula or king's-evil, ulcers, rheumatism, syphilitic, mercurial, and liver com plaints, and most diseases arising in de bilitated constitutions, or from an im pure stale of blood, &c. &c. This medi cine is also accompanied with a volume of evidence of its happy effects in resto ring to perfect health l.V r us that had lried all other remedies, u, siren up in despair. The Subscribers having be come agents for the original inventors and proprietors of those valuable medi cines, now offer them pure and genuine to the Public, assuring them that a con stant supply equal to the demand, will be regularly kept on hand at their store in Tarborough. R. S. D. COTTEN. January 24, 182?. The thorough-bred and celebrated RACE HOUSE, SIXAWANEE, WILL STAND the ensu ing season at my stable, in the county of Halifax, North- Carolina. QPVon miloc frfm the town of Halifax, five from Enfield Court-house, and three from Crowell's TT"roads' and wil1 bc lel t0 mares at 1LN DOLLARS the single leap, paya ble i at the time the mare is covered; vv ENTY Dollars the season, payable TMn?' ePiralion of the season; and IHIRTY Dollars to insure a mare to be in foal, payable as soon as the mare is ascertained to be in foal; with Fifty Cents to the Groom in every instance. The season to commence on the 1st day of March, and end the 20th day of July. Particular attention will be paid to mares sent to remain with the horse, and can be fed if required with corn and fodder at twenty cents per day. Good and extensive pasturage gratis. Sepa rate fields of small grain are sown for mare with young colts. Every atten tion will be paid to prevent accidents or escapes, but will not be liable for either. Mjatxmnee, IS A BEAUTIFUL CHESNUT SORREL, five feet one inch and a half high, ten years old this spring. PEDIGREE. SHAWANEE was got by the cele brated horse Tccumseh, he by Archie out of Thomas B. Hill's imported mare. His dam by old Citizen, his grandam by Alderman, his g. grandam by Roebuck, his g. g. grandam by Herod, his g. g. g. granuarn cy Partner, &.c. JOHN CROWRLL. Feb. 25, KS28. 28 I he Washington Herald. War rent on Reporter, and Raleigh Star will nlc.ise pivp the above four insertions, and forward their accounts to the PostmasUr at Halifax for collection. $5 Reward. QTOLEN from the Subscriber, on Sun- day, 24th ult. two papers one of them his free paper, attested by Rich ard Eppes, Clerk of the County Court of Halifax arid the other a certificate of recommendation signed by Thos. Ous by, E. P. Guion, and L. Hardenburg, all of the town of Halifax, and also at tested by R. Eppes. All persons are earnestly requested to stop said papers should they be exhibited and a reward of Five Dollars will be given by the Subscriber on receiving them again. ALLEN MITCHELL, Free man of Color. Tarboro', March 4, 182S. 29 THE CELEBRATED HORSE General Marion, ftJ&K WILL STAND the V?Ai aSS&i prese n t Season at my Sta ---, ! 1. I1I1IV 11 Ulll ixd iifax town, and will be let to mares at TEN DOLLARS. Cash. the single leap TWENTY Dollars the season, payable at the expiration of the season and TlilUTY Dollars to in sure the mare to be in foal, to bc paid as soon as the mare is ascertained to be in foai with Fifty Cents to the Groom in every instance. The season will commence the 1st day of March next, and end on the 10th of July. Particu lar attention will be paid to mares sent to remain with the horse; separate lots are provided for mares with young colts, and they will be led if required at twenty-five cents per day. Every attention will be paid to prevent accidents or es capes, but no liability for either. General spariott, Is a beautiful dark bay, black mane and legs, full 5 feet 23 inches high, now eight years old, in good order, &c.' He was got by old Sir Archie his dam by Citizen, his grandam by Alderman, his g. grandam by Roebuck, his g. g. g. dam by Herod, his g. g. g. g. dam by Partner, &c. GEN'L MARION was run at Lawrencevillc against Sir Henry, and won the Jockey Club with ease; he travelled to iew-ilarket. and there won the Jockey Club, beating 13et- sey Richards and others. LEM. LONG. Feb. 19, 182S. 27 57The Raleigh Star. Warrenton Ti ter, and Washington Herald will please give tne above three insertions, and torward their ccounts to the rcstrnastcr at Halifa?:. PERFECTION, WILL STAND at mv slable at Mount Prospect thfs OJU&JL season, nnd will ho lot (a 2 - - .T awh i-v mares at the moderate price of SIX DOLLARS the season, which may be discharged by the payment of Five Dol lars, if paid within the season THREE Dollars by the leap, (the money to be paid down for the leap) 3nd TEN Dol lars to insure, the insurance money to be paid as soon as it is ascertained that the mare is in foal and Twenty-fire Cents to the Groom in all cases. perfection, IS A BEAUTIFUL ROAN, Now in his prime he is about sixfeen hands high, and would vie with any horse in the State for form and muscu lar strength; he is of good blood and descended from an excellent stock of horses; he has proved himself to be a very sure foal getter, and his colts are likely, where they have had a chance and come out of mares of any account. EXUM LEWIS. March, 1S2S. 30 "Now is the Accepted Time." AT AND Under Prime Cost 'T'HE PARTNERSHIP existing un A der the firm of BOWERS $ NEWBY, will, by mutual consent, be dissolved on the 16th May next. In order to close the business of the con cern as ear!y as possible, we shall on Friday next, the 14th inst. commence selling at Wholesale and Retail for CASH only, the entire STOCK of DRY GOODS, Amounting lo more than 0,000 Dollars! 3 Comprising:, (with a variety of new and fashionahle Goods expected by the first arrivals from New-York and Phi ladelphia, of which due notice will be given,) an extensive and choice Spring assortment, at and Under N. York Prime Cost. Our determination beinc tn close doors on the day above stated, our town and country friends and the public may be assured of their NOT paying a PRO FIT on anv one article thev are how ever requested to CALL and JUDGE for themselves. COUNTRY MERCHANTS who purchase this Snrins will find it srreatlv to their interest to call, there being more than one half of the Stock uncut. (tVA list of the articles comDrisincr the assortment will appear in the paper of Friday next. BOWERS NEWBY. East side of Sycamore-street. Petersburg, March 11. 30-2 K TI- v j '1. i 5 v. -.it

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