Domestic. FOU THE FREE PRESS. of ... .. nf t?in "T?rnn Press." And;they prefer acts of . we KS&it thTs critic was gion, to those ofproVane J thasl-iiorantofthisfacU '-g', and tlio Snriptv. to vindicate the as bijvy w 7 7 " - - perscd character or our mincers. But really the piece alluded to, is so full of envy, libel, buffoone ry, ignorance, and infidelity, both inatier ana manner, umi me Agreeable to adjournment, the North-Carolina Temperance So ciety met on the 1st April. The members ffenerallv aixonfteA Jr'rtmm;ffnrt Kniinm nmr TGreat unanimity of feeling and member would disgrace himself sentiment mong the members. After the Lecturer had concluded, a Com mittee was appointed to examine into the general situation and af fairs of the Society and their re port was ordered to be forwarded to the Editor of the "Free Press," or "Raleigh Star," for publication. Dr. Little was appointed to deliv er the next lecture. The Society then adjourned to the last Satur day in June. Report of the Committee. Your Committee have taken in to consideration the subject re ferred to them, and are happy to state, that from the facts that have come to their knowledge they are induced to believe, the prospects of the Society are as flattering as could have been expected. Your Committee are fully satisfied that nothing tends more to the promo tion of the object of the Society, than the faithful observance of tiie fundamental principles of the Con stitution by the members. They have, therefore, strictly examined into the conduct of each member, and are truly pleased to state, that they have every reason to believe that the members are strictly con formable to the spirit of our rules. We dare not hope that this will always be the case with every in dividual, for we have always seen in every institution, that unworthy and unfaithful members would creep in. That men of this de scription may eventually find their way among us, is not to be doubt ed: but their conduct, however in jurious it may be among the un thinking part of the comiminhy, cannot be alleged against the So ciety by men of sense and reason. Notwithstanding the general prosperous state of the Society, your Committee have witnessed with painful regret, an opposition raised against us by many per sons from some of whom we fond ly hoped the most efficient aid. A few of these, we doubt not, have been led to oppose us from misconceived motives of the nature and tendency of our Socie ty; and for the remainder, charity would fondly cover their conduct with the mantle of human imper fection. Were it not our indis pensible duty, we would gladly dismiss this part of our painful task. But conceiving it to be strictly embraced in the subject referred to our examination, we dare not forbear to inform you, that there has appeared a publica tion of no ordinary character, in the "Free Press," printed in the f WW - town ot larborough, professedly own proper names; and that this is really the character of the piece alluded to, be beer leave to refer vou to a few of its items. What could have dictated what is written against our President, but an qnvious feeling at his cha racter! Did not the writer know that if the Scriptures be true, the same measure he meted should be measured back to him again! How then dared he to sit in judg ment upon our President's heart! Who made him a iudue of what were the motives actuating our President's breast! And shall ev ery person who endeavors to pro mote the public weal, be accused ot SelfishnPSN- nnnnlnritv.hnntiim J j'ujyutui llj liuillllli CCC.i We fiOUbt not. hmvnvnr O . i ill name ot Exum Uutlanu lias ueen bandied about as a common thing. We scarcely know how to bo se rious in speaking on this subject. Our Secretary is accused of being ot the tarnily ot Dunces, because .... . .J ... , r this sapient critic, was ignorant of ced, and we trust, sufficient h" been said for that when and how the mistake was ma'dc. Si mm veht riderc ndcto. If he cati now be willing to laugh We cannot notice tlm V ll of nonsense, about bacon J &c. for already we have tresJ ed upon your patiences, our design to show you, that by writing a professed reply. The charities of our hearts would wil- I! 1 1 .1 U 1 1. uiigiy navo iorooruu such nursn ! expressions; but when we speak of let him laugh. We shall not stop things, we must call them by their to notice the words improperly spelt (and the use ot one word not to be found in either Johnson or Walker") for Dossiblv thev miuht have been typographical errors.! 1 he writer marks a passage ot benpture as a literal quotation. If there be any such passage your committee arc unacquainted with it. After such a display of igno- ium .-tutu (i u ic-piay ut iuu- o " ,JI oiaiiuincrQ ance on the part of the writer of fne sponsors should stoop tcuid the piece alluded to, we are not so much surprised, that he has not capacity sullicient to comprehend the design of our Society. Your Committee are satisfied, that the Constitution is as plainly written, as the English language will well admit of: and this writer is the 7 , only person of whom we have i ii. i i i that his surmises are no better, heard, but what readily under funded than his allegations. For stood, that the fcociety was de we have authority to say, that signed to prevent the intemperate what he has written about the use of ardent spirits. If the wri- 1 resident lamenting his having ter be really in earnest, in assert built a comfortable house, is abso- ing his incapacity to understand lutely false. And if we are not the design of our Society, we entirely deceived in the allorrod author, it is not the first time he has been detected in relating un founded assertions about the Pre sident. We are at a loss for words to describe our astonishment at the buffoonery and ignorance display ed in what is written about our Secretary of Correspondence, (II. T. Stanton, improperly printed H. S. Stanton.) A typographical error, is made the subject of the most low vulgar ridicule and is this not buffoonery? But the buf foonery would be more pardona ble, if it were not accompanied with the most astonishing igno rance. The writer charges our Secretary of Correspondence with ignorance (not in so many words but in substance) for accepting the appointment: because, says he, he might have known, there would have been no other Socie ty got up, with whom he could correspond -Quid ridct? The ignorance was his own. Here was a writer, professedly writing a gainst a Temperance Society, and yet was so ignorant of the subject about which he wrote, that he did not know that many such Socie ties already existed in the United opinion, that it is one of the most unprovoked attacks upon private character, that we have ever seen published in a newspaper: and had not the writer of the piece al luded to, placed himself, both on f V account of the matter and manner them had been published in the common newspapers ol the day! What is said about our Seem tary is of the same nature. Here is another attrmnt nt wit nnrl ftf memho Wtyand SmC-f f,an crrorin the its cncm d to show t Zt lucuiucrtj. ve nave examin- onnter in sneilinrr thn ed this communication, and are of been said for that nurnnr uV we first saw" the paper com it, we were led to bbme tl,e j tor for publishing suchanabu communication. We owe it hi I ever, to Mr. Howard (theEdk! to state, that as we have been i ' formed, he refused its publication until he obtained a responsible name and was paid for it G3 an a(j vertisement. But even in U form, we think it highly injurious to admit such communication! Your Committee exceeding,!' gret, that men of the standing in such a publication. Your Committee take pleasure in stating, that notwithstandb the urgent request of the writer, the paper alluded to, has not been published in any newspaper, ex cept the 'Free Press." Had Ae writer attempted to show by argu ment and reason the injurious ten dency of our Society, we should then have deemed a reply neces sary. But as it is, we befr learn . in conclusion to recommend that no further notice be taken of the icritin" or writer. Respectfully submitted, JOS. R. HORN, BLAKE LITTLE, H. T. STANTON, F. ALEXANDER, : FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1828. would, had we it in our power, re commend him to put himself to study in his school books again. The writer is not content in at tacking thus wantonly private cha racter and our institution, but fi nally, he attacks religion itself. Perhaps this was the main design of his paper. He gravely asserts the members are so religious that there is no living in the neighbor hood with them. Your Commit tee are aware, that infidels of ev ery description, whether learned or unlearned, have endeavored to give Christianity a false gloss,) gyThcHev. P. W. DO WD has a; and then to trnmnln it nnrlnr tli Mon- unhallowed feet. It is just so : t,,v night after the last Sabbath in Aprij. with this writer. He would havenext Monday niSht) Tuesday fo' .1 .... . ! In..,! tne people believe, that the rcli-r"1" r . i t . . I gion oi me members renders them intolerable neighbors: if so, the natural consequence would be, let religion be banished our country. In proof of his assertion, he ad verts to the fuss, as he calls it, which was raised about sellintr cakes, at the Camp-meeting. We would simply ask the question, who raised the fuss! Did not a certain character, whose name has been before the public in more shapes than one: and who is not very remarkably religious or mo- fetates, although aa account of ral; and who is received as tho acknowledged author of the piece alluded to; bear a distinguished part in that drama! The friends of Christianity have evnr hnnn able to detect the false glosses of printer in spelling the name of our rior beauty with triumph. So fur friend hxnm Ontlnnrl n;,i u r. ' . " 1UI . " , "w,t u,u U1U UU1" "s possessors becom no- bS d bo LhJJL S hbor.. And perhaps it is on nal. as nublislipX V, . T1 .j y cc..unt rhov arc com- fl O I KlirJ . C ill 1 .... Thnm thn " . li 'tr'"cu i,Icn OI "Ml Habits " IT. "u"' u ."as correctly always suiler bv a cnmnnri.nn '.,c ?rror jn spelling was with the virtuous. For however typographical, and made by the' fallen men may bo, yet in genemT New Hope Spring Races, 182S,cod menced on Tuesday, 15th inst. First Day A Sweepstake, 6500 en trance, mile heats, eijrnt Subscribers: .Tas. Gee's b. c.Pawnee, byArchie, 1 ' John Minge's b. c. by VTirinian, 2). r. H. Maclin's b.c. by Archie, SJ ' J.J.Harrison's br.c. b'Virginian,-" Time.. ..first heat, imin. 55sec. -cC' ond heat, lm. 57s. Second Day Jockey Ciub $600, four mile heats: Mr. Wynn's s. m. Sally Hope, by Archie, - - 1 Mr. Minge's g. f. Betsey Ran som, Vitginian, 2 Mr. West's bl. h. Nutbush, by Van Tromp, - ' Time.... first heat, 8m. 10s.; sec0fi4 Tljird Day Proprietor's Purse,5-C' two mile heats: Mr. Minge's g. f. Betsey Ran som, by Virginian, Mr. Maclin's g. f. bv Hal, Mr. Burton's b. f. by Archie, Mr. West's b. h. Weehock, by Shawanee, Time.... first heat, 3m. 57s.; heat, 4m 1 J 2 & 3 S gecCoi Consrress. On the 15th inst. thc' riff bill was ordered to be engrossed ' third reading, by a vote ol

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