FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1828. QJThc Rev. Thomas Duprce will by appointment preach at the Haptist Church in this place, on the first Satur day and Sunday in July next it being their regular meeting, the members of said church are requested to attend, as business of importance will be before the church. Com'd. CANDIDATES For the Gentral Assembly of N. C. EDGECOMBE COUNTY, Election on Thursday, 31st July next. For the Senate. Louis D. Wilson. For the House of Commons. Benj. Sharte, John G. Blcust. Benj. Wilkinson, HALIFAX COUNTY. Election on Thursday, 14th August. Senate. Is ham Matthews. House of Commons. George E. Spruill, Wm. E. Webb. Richard Jones, The Speech. Mr. Clay's "war, pes tilence and famine" speech, appears des tined to pass as rough an ordeal as its notable predecessor, the "ebony and to paz" of President Adams, concocted at the same place about a twelvemonth since. Among other things that have risen in judgment against Mr. Clay's speech, we find the following: Tn his remarks in Congress in 1819, on the Seminole war, Mr. Clay said: "He was far from intimating that General Jackson cherished any designs inimical to the liber ties of the country. He believed his intentions were purl; and pa triotic. He thanked God that he would not , but he thanked him still more that he could not, if he would, overturn the liberties of the Republic." In 1822, Mr. Adarns speaking of Gen. Jackson, characterized him as ono "whose services to this nation entitle him to their highest rewards, and whose whole career has been signalized by the purest intentions and the most elevated purposes." More Economy. The Report of the Select committee on Retrenchment, ap pointed by Congress at its recent ses sion, has made its appearance in several of the newspapers. Our limits will not permit even an abstract of this interest ing document; we cannot refrain, how ever, from presenting a short extract from it, adding another item to the ex tended list of examples in which Presi dent Adams' recommendation to have "an eye to the strictest economy" in the disbursement of the public moneys, has been overlooked. It appears from what follows, that Mr. Cook of Illinois has al so been amply repaid for the loss of the favor of his constituents, in consequence of his voting in the last Presidential election for Mr. Adams: "In the Appendix, it will be seen that your committee receiv- ea a communication apprizing them that the late Daniel V. Cook, late member of Congress from the State of Illinois, had received the sum of 5,500 dollars for some scr vices connected with the foreign relations of the. country. As no record appeared of this item on any of the accounts transmitted either from the Treasury or the Department of State, your Com mittee called on the Secretary of State to inform them, if, in point of fact, Mr. Cook had been so employed, Where they were to look for the settlement of the ac count. This call resulted in an overture on the part of the Secre tary of State, to make to the com mittee "a confidential communi cation'' ' respecting this expendi ture, which "he neither admitted nor denied." On full considera tion, your committee decided to decline receiving a communica tion burdened with such an obli gation, as they desired to make no report to this House which might not be common to the peo ple, whose trustees and servants we are. "That Mr. Cook, after the ad journment of Congress in the spring of 1827, received an ap pointment from the President, connected with our foreign inter course; that one thousand dollars were paid to him in advance, and in part compensation for his ser vices; that he actually embarked from New-York for Cuba towards the end of April, (which, it ap pears, was the place of his public destination;) that he arrived, ear ly In June, at St. Louis, Missouri, on his return home; that he was in exceedingly critical health, and in doubtful condition to attend to any business, more especially of a diplomatic character, requiring so much labor and anxiety; that he did not understand the language of the people among whom he was sent, probably as a secret agent; that he must have been less than one month in Cuba on this ser vice; that he was to receive, and has probably received, a further sum than the amount of the ad vance made him, in remuneration for his services, and that this re muneration came out of the secret service fund, are facts which your committee think abundantly ap pear from the testimony in the Appendix. They coerce, on their face, the solemn inquiry, why Mr. Cook, under such circumstances, was appointed a secret agent, and why he was paid out of this fund!" Mildness of the past IVintcr. We understand that there is now to be seen, on the farm of Maj. L. U. Cherry, in this county, several stalks of cotton of the last year's crop, which are again in a forward state of vegetation, and appear equally fresh and thriving with those of this year's growth. after the intelligence was receiv ed, the bells were tolled, the flags of the shipping-were hoisted half mast, "processions were lormea and marched through the town, of persons whose daily bread is ear ned by the occupations of com merce, followed by the emblems of suspended industry and decay ing trade. The vessels in the harbor, which were preparing for sea, stopped the taking in of their cargoes; those that were ready for sailing, were held in suspense, the owners undetermined whether to send them on their contemplated voyages, or to discharge them and lay them up, or change their destination." hung at the same time and u for the mnrder of Mrs. Lon ' James Sehvyn, a negro bov hung at Elizabeth Citv . ' ?3 23d ult. for burglary. MONEY MARKET Ncio- York, May3.Qn' dred thousand dollars of the5' Five Per Cent. Stock, iSsileJ the Delaware and Hudson rJ I . r m r o r it uroo onl I . . vvnipunjr, vto (5uiu yesterday K auction, as follows: 85000 at Pi $25,000 at 7-and 870 Owf premium upon Stock bearing Ql an interest of five per cent.does not look like any great pressure for, or deficiency of money, the means of commanding or $e curing it are not wanting.-lHcr University of N.Carolina. ..The oublic anniversary examination of the students of the University Cotton Crop of the V. Stair of North-Carolina, will be held at! The Savannah Georgian, of Chapel-IIill, on Monday, the lGth '12th ult. contains a very long and day of June next, and continue particular statement of thecrop from day to day until Thursday, of Cotton of the United States for the 2Gth; which last mentioned 1828. Also the imports, con. day is appointed for the Annual.sumption and exports, of Cotton Commencement of the College, in Great Britain. This paper states the total crop of the United Raleigh, June 3. The Su- States for 1828, will be 667,000 prerne Court commenced its sum- bags, viz: mer term, in this city, yesterday. N. Carolina and Virginia, 50,000 By an act of the last Legislature, South-Carolina, 120,000 the time of its meeting was chan- Georgia, ged from the third Mondav in Sea Islands from Georgia June and the last Monday in De- and South-Carolina, 36.000 cember, to the first Monday in Mobile Bay, 95,000 each of these months. Re". I New-Orleans, 366,000 Total. G67.UU0 Wilmington, May 28. Mr. We published an estimate in Christopher Tillinghast, of this April, which made the crop of town, terminated his life on Sat-. 127, 706,000 bags. Pd.lnl urday last, by committing himself to the river. He left his dwelling Petersburg, May 31. Yester early in the morning, and not re- day, at about 2 o'clock, the jury turning to his breakfast, appro- that jmci been impannelled on the hensionsfor his safety were exci- ay preceding, to try Nathaniel ted, and diligent search was madei Snelson, charged with having for him. On Monday attcrnoon; robbed the Bank of Virginia, in his body was found floating in an tlis town found a verdict 0f gu;j. Tng wP nltl0n' rCUr llT,wharf and sentenced this unfortunate ot K. W. IJrowii, Lsq. Ihc un- man t0 three years imprisonment fortunate man in order to render! in the Penitentiary. We under his purpose ellectual, had tied a:stand the ;ur reCommciulcd him stone of about 30 lbs. to his body.! fi10 mn l1, Jnr vvr,u I I I o lint nrn.i 4 . v - -I . . . . . n ,1 .1 I .mo nui ucf iuuuu aucuiuu unuer Tariff Bill. The excitement created in the Eastern States by the passing of the new Tariff bill, if we may form a judgment from the newspapers, rather increases than subsides. A general indiir nation seems to pervade all the sea ports, from New-Haven to the eastern extremity of Maine. Let ters from Boston represent the people of that city and its neigh borhood, as being not a little dis satisfied with the course taken by Mr. Webster, and quite disposed to charge its mischiefs to his ac count. It is said confidently, that if he had voted against the mea sure, it must have failed. The passage of the Tariff bill made a great sensation at Port land, in Maine. The mornim his coat, which evinces his design to conceal whatever might serve as an indication of his fate. The cause assigned for this act, is a melancholy engendered by inces sant struggling with difficulties and privations. Mr. Tillinghast has left a wife and child to de plore his untimely end. Rcc. Another Murder. We have been informed of another murder in Lincoln: Joshua Irby, who lived about 20 miles from Lincolnton, on tlie iorkville road, was killed by his negro fellow, on the 20th ult. Mr. Irby and the fellow were in the distillery together; and it is supposed the negro knocked his master down with a sledge-hammer, and dragged him to a situa tion where he let hot water run on him till he was dead. The negro was apprehended, and lodged in jail on Thursday. Rumor savs that Mrs. Irby was privy to the murder of her husband, if not ac cessary before the fact. Car. Fxecutions. Joseph Wear, con victed for the crime of kidnap ping, was hung in Concord, on Fri day, the 30th ult. Negroes Joe and Mollv, WCre Old Dominion. Dewitt Clinton. The proper; ty of the Mate Gov. Clinton, of New-York, was recently disposed of at public auction in Albany. The elegant sliver vases, present ed to the Governor by the mer chants of the city of New-York on the completion of the Grand Canal, and which cost about S3000, only brought 6'GOO. Steam Boat Disaster. On her passage from New-Orieans to Louisville, on the 14th ult. the boiler of the steam boat Card Commerce bursted,and fifty-M persons were killed and wounded. A Cincinnati paper states that it was owing to the endeavor of the Captain to overtake one steam boat and keep ahead of acother. Foundling. The selectmen of Roxborough. Mass. have offered reward of $75,' for the discovery of the person who left an info"1 child, a few hours old, at a tw smith's shop in that town. Slf) hills ivppp fi-mtif VI a note stating that the would be rewarded in the ma world, for whatever kindness tlie) mav show it in this.