i En ii wi n -rJaBn iriofc JVo 201). Tarboroiigh, Edgecombe County, N. C. Friday, August 23, 1828. : Cfcp jfor Cash!! ORN, Fodder, Bacon, Tar, Lime, Castor Oil, Gentlemen's best Fur Hats and Caps, Mackarel, (in whole and half barrels,) Flour, 1st and 2d quality. Some prime New Herrings and Shad. ALSO, some superior Seuppernong Wine together with many other arti cles, which will be sold very low for Cash only, by JOS. I. SIMMONS. Halifax, N.C. March 10, 182S. (Jl would take this opportunity of saying to the public, that rny intention is to do a GENERAL Commission Business; Therefore, persons who may favor me witii any article on consignment, may rely on the strictest attention and punc tuality. J. L. S. Notice, FT1IIE Subscriber respectfully informs the Public, that he has taken the well-known stand in the toivn of Hali fax, formerly occupied by William P. Clopton, where he intends to carry on Tllti SADDLING And Harness-making Business, In all ils branches. Work shall be executed in the neatest and best maimer charges as reasonable as can be afforded and I will be thank ful to all those who may favor me with their custom. A. WOMB Li:. Halifax, June 19, 1828. Cotton Gins J usl received and for Sale, Dr. Chambers' CELEBRATED REMEDY FOR Slntnnpcratuc, Accompanied with a volume of evidence sufficient to insure the confidence of the most incredulous, of the happy and al most universal, cure of habitual intem perance and its beneficial effects in in vigorating & restoring the Constitution. ALSO, Dr. Rwaiin's Panacea, So justly celebrated for the cure of scro fula or hing's-evil, ulcers, rheumatism, syphilitic, mercurial, and liver com plaints, and most diseases arising in de bilitated constitutions, or from' an im pure state of blood, &c. &c. This medi cine is also accompanied with a volume of evidence of ils happy effects in resto ring to perfect health thousand that had tried all other remedies, and given up in despiir. The Subscribers having be come agents for the original inventors and proprietors of those valuable medi cines, now oiler them mire and ramim to the Public, assuring them that a con stant supply equal to the demand, will be regularly kept on hand at their store in Tarborough. R. $ S. D. COTTEN. January 24. f v?8. Notice. y"AS con. lilted to the Jail of Hali fax cou on the 12th inst. a run away negro ,,irl, small size, dark com plexion, and aged about 18 or 20 years, w:io says she belongs to Wm. Prince, of Southampton county. Va. and that she was stolen from said Prince by his bro ther Littleton Prince, from whom she made her escape. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove proper ty, p-iy charg.-s and take said negro away, or she will be dealt with as the law directs. U SIMMONS, Jailer. Halifax, 21th July, 1S2S. 50 FOR SALE. Subscriber has on hand a parcel of steel and iron saw Cotton d5tttS, Which he will sell low for cash, or on a Credit of three or four months. He also holds himself in readiness to repair old Gins in the best manner and by a short notice. His Gins can be had at Two Dollars jier saw, steel saws iron ones lower. Old Gins repaired at a low price. His work will be warranted to be equal to any iri this vicinity, if re quired; as he flatters himself to be equal to any Gin-wright in this Slate. Per sons wishing to purchase, can have them delivered and put in operation, by ap plying to John G. Iimlet; near Cur lin's old Tavern, seven miles from En field, and twelve miles from the town of Halifax, where he keeps a regular shop. . JOHN G. HAMLET. July 22, 1828. 49-9 ' Notice. fpHE Subscribers having located them selves in the town of Halifax, for the purpose of carrying on the Coach-making Business, In all ils various branches, Inform their friends and the public gene rally, that they will work on the most moderate terms, and that their work shall be done in the most fashionable and durable manner, and solicit a portion of public patronage. IV M. A. TAYLOR CO. Halifax, Mav G, 1828. 38 Roanoke Cut Herrings, VtfAR RANTED to be good, for sale at $4 cash per barrel, near the Bridge in Tarborough, by GEORGE IV. JVOODMAN. July IS, IS2S. 49 Land Negroes FOR SALE. 11 Y virtue of a Deed of Trust, cxecu--ted to me the Uth day of November, 1S25, by Isaac Milliard, (of Halifax .county,) I shall sell at the residence of said Hilliard, on Monday, the Sfi flay of September next, that valuable and well known Plantation and Mills, called Broolt, Situated on the north side of Fishing Creek, one and a half miles above Cul pepper's bridge, and 20 miles south-west from Halifax town. ALSO, at the same lime and place, upwards of Twenty likely Negroes, Consisting in part of house servants one a good seamstress, and another a good weaver. Terms of sale one half Cash, and the other half in instalments of six and twelve months, with interest from the day of sale the purchaser giving bouj with approved security. IV M. BURT, Trustee. 19th July, 182S. 49-7 Mrs. D. Womblc, TTAS just returned from the North, and is opening a most superb and extensive assortment of Lui9 Fancy Goods, Direct from the City of New-York, Comprising a general assortment in her line of business. Mantua-making, in all its variety, executed with despatch in a superior style and alter the latest N.York fashions. Halifax, April 14, 182S. Drs. Boykin Q Long, WAVING entered into Co-partner-iLa ship, respectfully offer their profes sional services to the inhabitants of Tar borough and its vicinity. Aug. 7, 1823. 51 A VALUABLE Tract of Land FOR SALE. nnHE Subscriber having determined JL t . .. J iL rr . . i iu iciuiive iu nit; ouulii, uiiers ins TRACT OF LANE), lying on Rocky Swamp in Halifax county, sixteen miles from Halifax town, containing seven hundred and four acres, for sale. One third of the above land is alluvion, infe rior to none in the county, partly re claimed and the balance reclaimable. The reclaimed portion has produced the rise of ten barrels of corn to the acre; it is now in corn and cotton and is very luxuriant, promising as large a crop as it eve: produced. The upland is very fertile, containing a varietv of soils, adapted to the growth of tobacco, cotton, corn, wheat, rye and oats; it is one of the best stock ranges in this section of country. It has on it one of the very best selected apple orchards, appended to which is a first rate still and apple mill, a comfortable dwelling house, with six airy rooms, a kitchen and laundry, and other put houses. What recommends it to the lower coun try farmer, is its extreme healthiness The society i as good as can be had any where. Those wishing to purchase are rcspeetfully invited to view the pre mises, as 1 am sure they will be better pleased from a sight, than a description of it. The above land will be sold ac cording to the times. A credit can be had on a part of the sum agreed on. MARTIN READ. 22d July, 1S2S. 50 lThe Edenton Gazette will please in sert the above four limes, and forward the account to the Post-Office at Halifax. Herrings! Herrings! ! TUST RECEIVED, and for sale at Cut Herrings, Which will be sold low for Cash or produce. E. PRICE $ CO. ay 13, 1S2S. 39 Tax Receipts for Sale. At this Office. Qiianky Academy. "INFORMATION is hereby respect fully given, that a Public examination, In this Academy, will commence on Monday the 2oth of August, and con tinue three days. Examination in the languages and higher branches of En glish will take place on Wednesday. On Thursday, . A liltelorical Exhibition, May be expected; preceded by a report of the progress and conduct of the scho lars during the past session, and of the result cf Ihe Examination. A vacation in the Institution will en sue. The School will open again on Monday the 13th of October. JAMES BISHOP. RICE B. PIERCE. JOHN PURNELL. July 9th, 182S. - 50 4 Notice. A LL Persons are hereby cautioned a " gainst purchasing from Isaac D. Gui on, the land of Thos. Guion, deceased the Subscriber having a lien on said land, under authority cf the will of said deceased, for the- sum of $1500, which must be paid before the said Isaac D. Guion is entitled to the land. JVM. R. D UP REE. Tan JCOO Sylvester Smith, TAILOR, ISIIES to infonrf the Public that he has commenced the Tailoring Business, IN THE TOWN OF HALIFAX; Two doors above the Bank, Where he intends to execute his work in the most neat and fashionable style, and at the shortest notice. Halifax, May IS, 1828. 41 $100 Reward. RAN OFF from the Subscriber, on the 18th of June last; Six Negroes, To wit: Negro fellow CORY, very black complexion, spare made, long whiskers, about 28 years of age. His wife FANNY, very black complexion, low, well set negro, has been my cook for several years, and the signs may be seen on her arms from the heat of fire this negro woman Fanny, has her daugh ter NANNY, eight years old 7th inst, very black, thin made, thin jaws, anil very long head and her second daugh ter EMILY, 28 months old, of a more yellow cast than either Also, her son ARNOL, born the 17th of February last. And the sixth is a very bright yellow girl named AD ALINE, 21 years old, stout and well made, with a burnt place on the left side of her head, which she received by falling in the fire when an infant this girl is in the habit of combing her black hair over this burnt place to hide the scar she has been brought up in my house entirely I ex pect she will attempt to pass as a free girl, and change her name. This girl has a variety of good clothes but a few days before she set off, she broke into her mistress's trunk and took with her sundries of wearing apparel, she also, had a black fur hat. The whole of these negroes carried ofif a variety of clothes, even their bed and furniture. I expect these negroes are lurking in Edgecombe county, in the neighborhood of Mr. Whitakcr's old mill, near Mrs. Benton's; quarter, on Fishing Creek. ELOPED from the Subscriber, on the 24lh of March last, my man PETER said negro was formerly the property of Mr. James Jones, of this county. I purchased said negro at August Court lastPeter has a wife at Dr. Vaughan's, near Mr. Nickels' store in Scotland Neck, where I expect said negro is lurk ing about at this time said fellow hasa dark complexion, is stout and well made, and about 35 or 40 years of -nge. ALSO, ort the 26th of May last, ran off negro man KING, very black com plexion, 6 feet 5 or 6 inches high, thin visage, eyes sunk very deep in his ,K ad, gray head and beard, about 55 yea old. I forewarn all persons from harboring, carrying off, or concealing said negroes under the penalty of the law. I will pay the above reward for those eight negroes, if delivered to me or secured in Jail so that I get them again, or Twenty Dollars each for the five oldest. RICKS FORT. Halifax County, near Enfield, July 23, 1828. a7"The Norfolk Herald will please insert the above three times, a;;d forward the ac count to Enfield Posl-Office.- 50-3 V 00

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