till t . 1 11 f i 4 7. te3 Whole No. 214. ZfarWbtgA, Etfccomfo County, JV. C. FrWai,, September 80, 1828. .! V 'Pi 1 i THE "FREE PRESS," ?y Geo. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Friday,) at 77TJ DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if paid in advance 7 wo Dollars & Fifty Cents, if paid within the subscription year and Three Dollars at the expiration of the year for any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at anytime on pay ing arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. No subscription discontinued uidcss a noti fication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at .50 cents the first inser tion, and 25 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number f insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they will not be attended to. " Roanoke Cut Herrings, WARRANTED to be good, for sale at S t cash per barrel, near the IJridge in Tarborough, by GEORGE W. WOODMAN. July IS, 1S23. 49 Cheap for Cash!! Stale of North-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY, JUSTICES COURT. Jonathan T. Eason, Original Attach vs. v ment, returned John Huff, ) levied in the hands of William D. Petway, as garnishee. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Justice of the Peace, that the defend ant, John Huff, is not an inhabitant of the county of Edgecombe: is there- jorc oraerca, that publication be made in th6 Tarborough Free Press for thirty clays, that the defendant, John Huff, ap pear .within that time, answer, plead, &c. or judgment will be entered up against him as confessed, and execution issue accordingly. no n r. joyner, j. p. 12th Sept. 182S. . 5 Price adv $2:25 C ORN, Fodder, Bacon, Tar, Lime, Castor Oil. Gentlemen's best Fur Hats and Caps, Mackarel, (in whole and half barrels,) Flour, 1st and 2d quality. Some prime New Herrings and Shad. ALSO, some superior Seuppernong Wine together with many other arti cles, which will be sold very low for Cash only, by JOS. L. SIMMONS. Halifax, N.C. March 10, 182S. (pI would take this opportunity of saying to the public, that my intention is to do a GENERAL Commission Business: Therefore, persons who may favor me with any article on consignment, may rely on' the strictest attention and punctuality-. J, & )t 3imarantl), AND Ladies Literary Companion Published weekly in the town of Fay etteviile, N. C. BY WILLIAM POTTER. IHS little work, the object of which is. to blend solid instruction with a grecable entertainment to amuse its readers while it furnishes something pro vable is published in octavo form, comprising eight pages, on a medium half sheet, wtth new type and on good paper. And although the Editor has to contend with all those difficulties which naturally occur in the commencement ot a paper under a slender patronage: yet his price ($l 50 per annum, paya ble m advance,) is no more ihan that of several periodicals in the United States ot the same size, supported by very nu merous subscriptions, and published ut monthly. S tS0'"0 responsible for them, this KoVpecL scndinl ' ne.or two insertions and office ZTl bpcp.C0,ntain'S the same to this T?atn "afJbe Cntit,ed toacPy- acco ZTl SUen fw originaf matter The editor is determined to exert all h , owcrs, by a 1 propcr meanj to ,e. Save .SUCCess: nnr n: . ., , " 8"d,eo' public patronage. A,IS- G, 1S2S. . . Printing nealltJ executed. Religious Motitt. rpiIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Roanoke Union Society, will com mence at Whitaker's Chapel, on Satur day, 4th of October next, and continue until Monday. The members of the Society are requested generally to at tend; as an Election of one or more De legates to the General Convention at Baltimore will be holrien on Monday. The friends of Reform, in other sec tions of the State, are requested to hold their meetings and appoint their Dele gates to attend said Convention. . There will be preaching on Saturday and Sunday as usual. The Raleigh Star will please give the above insertion until the time expires, and forward their account to the Editor of theTree Press, Tarborough. HENRY BRADFORD, Pres. Halifax county, Sept. 5, 182S. 4-4 Last Call. 'JMIE Subscriber informs all persons indebted to her, that a settlement must be made at or before the Supe rior Court in October n xt. All open accounts after that time, will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. I). IVOMBLE. Halifax, Aug. ?S, 182S. Negroes for Sale. f)N the third Monday in OCTOBER next, at the Court-house in Halifax town, 1 shall offer for sale, 5 or G liktly young Negroes, FOR CASH ONLY, Belonging to the estate of D Piitman, deceased, to pay the debts of his testa torby order of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August term, 1828. JAS. J. P1TTMAN, Ex'r of D. Pittman, dee'd. Aug. 30, 1828. 3-7 Notice, THE Subscriber respectfully informs A the Public, that he has taken the well-known stand in the town of Hali fax, formerly occupied by William P. Clopton, where he intends to carry on THE SADDLING And Harness-making Business, In ait its branches. Work shall be executed in the neatest and best manner charges as reasonable as can be afforded and I will be thank ful to all those who may favor me with their custom. A. WOMBLE. Halifax, June 19, 182S. (0 WANTED, an apprentice to the above business... .a lad aged about 14 years would meet with good encourage ment. A. W. Notice. WILL SELL OAK & HICKORY Firewood at One Dollar and Seventv- five Cents per cord or, will furnish by the winter with the privilege of cutting and carting themselves. v J. A. IRWIN. 8 Sept. 1S2S. 4-3 Stop the Thief. TJAN AWAY from Capp's Gold Mine, Mecklenburg county, N. C. on Saturday, the 18th day of August, a negro man named DENNIS, About 20 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 in ches high, dark complexion, with a scar on one of his cheeks as well as recollect ed, his left. He took with him a large grey mare, 16 or 17 hands high, with a long switch tail. He has been traced from Charlotte to Torrence's X Roads, on the Statesyille road, thence through Salisbury to Greensborough, passing himself by different names and on differ ent business. It is expected he will make for the neighborhood in which he was raised, which is not exactly known, but supposed to be near Tarborough. Any person securing him in jail, and taking care of the beast so we may get them again, shall be reasonably reward ed, by giving notice to the Subscribers, and all reasonable expences paid. NATHANIEL HO BBS, JOHN MAYHEW. IMount Mourne, Iredell Co. N.C. ) September 1, 1828. y 5-3 Just received and for Sale, Dr. Chambers' CELEBRATED REMEDY FOR Sfntemperance,- Accompanied with a volume of evidence sufficient to insure the confidence of the nost incredulous, of the happy and al most universal, cure of habitual intem perance and its beneficial effpets in in vigorating & restoring the Constitution. ALSO, Dr. Swaim's Panacea, So justly celebrated for the cure of scro fula or king's-evil, ulcers, rheumatism, syphilitic, mercurial, and liver com plaints, and most diseases arising in de bilitated constitutions, or from an im pure state of blood, &c. &c. This medi cine is also accompanied with a volume ot evidence of its happy effects in resto ring to perfect health thousands that had tried all other remedies, and given up in despair. The Subscribers having be come agents for the original inventors and proprietors of those valuable medi cines, now offer them pure and genuine to the Public, assuring them that a con stant supply equal to the demand, will be regularly kept on hand at their store in Tarborough. R. & S. D. COTTEN January 24, 1828, A VALUABLE Tract of Land FOR SALE. PffHE Subscriber having determined to remove to the South, offers his TUACT OF LAND, lying on Rockv Swamp in Halifax county, sixteen miles from Halifax town,, containing seven hundred and four acres, for sale. One third of the above land is alluvion, infe rior to none in the county, partly re claimed and the balance reclaimable. The reclaimed portion has produced the rise of ten barrels of corn .to the acre; it is now in corn and cotton and is very luxuriant, promising as large a crop as it ever produced. The upland is very fertile, containing a variety of soils, adapted to the growth of tobacco, cotton, corn, wheat, rye and oats; it is one of the best stock ranges in this section of county. It has on it one of the very best selected apple orchards, appended to which is a first rate still and apple mill, a comfortable dwelling house, with six airy rooms, a kitchen and laundry, and other out houses. What recommends it to the lower coun try farmer, is its extreme healthiness The society is a good as can be had any where. Those wishing to purchase are respeetfuljy invited to view the pre mises, as I am sure they will be better pleased from a sight, than a description of it. The above land will be sold ac cording to the times. A credit can be had on a part of the sum agreed on. MARTIN BEAD. 22d July, 182S. 50 H7"The Edenton Gazette will please in sert the above four times, and forward the account to the Post-Office at Halifax. Constables' Blanks for sale. - At this Office. PROPOSAL, For publishing in Petersburg, Va.- a Newspaper, to be issued every Mon day, to be entitled THE TIMES. Fkancis G. Yancev, Editor. He;ry Wiiyte, Publisher. Devoted to Agriculture, Manufac tures, uommerce,the Mechanic Arts, Sciences, Literature, Poetry, and General News. rjHHE TIMES will be of the largest size of Newspapers, exceeding in dimensions any journal at present pub lished south of Washington City. It will be printed on paperof the best qua lity, with entire new type, of elegant modern cast. Its pages will be compact, filled with the most valuable matter, un der the heads above enumerated: and the Editor and Publisher nledfre themsel VPS that neither expense nor labor shall be spared to render it useful and entertain ing to the planter and farmer, the mer chant in town and country, the profes sional gentleman, the manufacturer, the mechanic, as well as the lover of mis cellaneous reading. They will endea vor especially to make it acceptable as a Family Newspaper. The state of the markets will be particularly attended to; every kind of information industriously sought, and the pric.es of domestic pro duce, as well as of foreign goods, given with the utmost attainable accuracy. To insure the readers of the Times the earliest intelligence, a correspondence will be established with Europe and alj the principal cities of the-United States, besides a general exchange with the . in terior newspapers; and slips Avill be is sued immediately after the arrival of ev ery mail with interesting news. THE price of Subscription will be Three Dollars rer annum. ArlvprMcino- hv tVi year $15, limited to two squares 20 for turcc Mjuares. i ransient advertisement inserted at the customary rates. With this exposition of our views and intentions, we resnectfullv solicit th support of our friends-and the public. will please call upon either the Editor or Publisher, and subscribe their names. As the terms are as low as can possibly be afforded, and as considerable capital is required in the rnrnmpnmpnt. sub scriptions in advance will be gratefully - -1 ! 1 I ,r.i . . J acKiiuwieugea. i ne nrst numoer is ex pected to appear early in August; before which, it is requested that all the lists may oe returned. Petersburg, Jupe 24, I8gt,

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