pipe ppi pii ! r-s-c-".S ISA :nr.:;i eo ivJ mm Whole No. 27- Tarborough, Edgecombe County, N. C. Friday, JJecember SG, 1828. Vol V. No. 19. Til "FREE PREESS," By Geo. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Friday,) at TWO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if paid in advance Two Dollars & Fifty Cents, it paid within the subscription year or, Three Dollars at the. expiration of the year for any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time on pay ing arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. 2so subscription discontinued unless a noti fication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first inser tion, and 25 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number f insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they will not be attended to. Just Received, And for sale on Consignment, N addition to my former Stock, a lot of DRY GOODS, CROCKERY & Hardware persons wishing to get bargains will lo well to call anil exam ine, as I am determined to sell very low for cash only. fyi have also just received a fresh lot of CUT HERRINGS, re-packed and inspected. JOS. L. SIMMONS. Halifax, Oct. 2, 1828. would lake this opportunity of paying to the public, that my intention is to do a GENERAL Com m i a a ion Bus in ess: Therefore, persons who may favor me with any article on consignment, may rely on the strictest attention and punc tuality. J. L. S. Roanoke Cut Herrings, A RR ANTED to be good, for sale at 54 cash per barrel, near the Bridge in Tarborough, by GEORGE W. WOODMAN. July 18, IS2S. 49 I ; STORAGE. - ; rjFIE Subscribers have taken those large and commodious warehouses in Washington, known as the property of William Ross, Esq. where they intend carrying on the Storage & Commission BUSINESS. To those who place business in their hands, they flatter themselves that am ple satisfaction will be given. Ii. $ W. TANNAHILL. Washington, Dec. 1S2S. AG 4 Mrs. A. C. Howard, "NFORMS the ladies of Edgecombe and vicinity, that she has opened, in the house immadiately opposite the Bank in Tarborough, a handsome as sortment of FANCY GOODS, suitable for fall and winter wear, which they are respectfully invited to cull and examine among them ore Pattern silk, satin and velvet Bonnets, of the latest Northern fashions, Leghorn F! its, assorted numbers, Fine straw Bonnets, Silks and satins, plain and figured, Grosde Naples, different colors, Black mode, velvet, ;tiui crape, Florences, liect, .iuze and sinchews, Lutestring, Latin ,nd gaiue ribands, Cur's, caps, and turban, Beaded and span-led wreaths, flowers and sprigs, new and elegant ;rticlcs, Black and white Ostrich feathers, ! Buhciu-s and wreaths ni lowers, Straw, silk and t'aucv cord, Hums, fee. The aove articles were purchased j this fail in the Northern cities, and will be sold ot. favorable terms. Ladies' dresses, cloaks, pelisses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and si raw Bonnets bleached, dyed, or trimmed, at a short notice. Tarborough, Oct. 30, IS2S. Notice. flMIR Subscriber very respectfully . takes the liberty of returning his thanks to his friends and customers in Eugccombo and the adjiccnt counties, for the liberal support he has met with jn the line of his avocation since he has been a resident of Tarborough; and lie flatties himself with the hope, that by paving every attention to his business that patronage will not be, discontinued. He has just returned From the Northern Cities, With a general and well selected Assortment of Goods, Which he is proud to say, he can sell as low as they can he procured in this State. They are as follows, viz: Superfine blue and black Cloths, Olive, brown, and steel mixtures, Cassimeres of different colors, Fancy silk Veilings, Figured and plain silk Velvet, Fancy Valencias, new pattern, White and black Cravats, . Black horse-skin Gloves, White and black beaver Hats, &c. Gentlemen wishing-to purchase any of the above articles, are respectfully in cited to come and judge for themselves. Those gentlemen who furnish cloth ran have it made arid trimmed in the neatest rnanner and on the shortest notice, as the Subscriber put himself to some trouble while in New-York, to obtain the latest and most approved fashions.- He has likewise in his emplov first rate 'work men. HENRY JOHNSTON. M.i tioro , uct. 1; 1S2S. .7 Farmwell Grove 2icaftemp Mr. .J as. H. Strain to take charge of this institution for the ensuing year, the exercises of which will commence on q first Monday in January next, embracing a course of studies preparato ry ti) the University. The Trustees are very much pleased with the general deportment of Mr. Strain for the past year, ending on the firs! day of this inst. at which time the students were publickly examined on their various studies, and their profi ciency much lo the satisfaction of both Trustees and those present. It. is generally known that Farmwell is a healthy situation, entirely remote Irom scenes of dissipation. Good board quite convenient by Mr. Robt. Arling ton and Mr." Richard Bailey, at $5 per month. Tuition as follows: English, - - SS per Latin and Greek, - 10 S session. A. W. MOORE, Sec1 y. Dec. C, 1823. ll SALE OF LQTS IN THE Town of Marianna. jMTIS town is situated bsautifully on an elevated plain at the head of navi gation on the Chipola river. It is the seat of justice for Jackson county, one of the richest and most populous coun ties in the territory of Florida. The Lots in the above named town will be sold without reserve at Public Auction, on the first Monday in Janu ary next. Terms, one-fourth cash, and the balance in threp annual instalments. ROBER T BE VERIDGE. J JUananna. JNov. 1, 182S. 15-5 Notice. 4 LL those'indebted to the Subscriber by note or account, are requested to make payment by the 1st of January next, as longer indulgence cannot be JOHN WILLIAMS. Tarboro', Oct. 31, 1S2S. 119 given. Notice. i LL those indebted to the Subscriber by account, are now called on to set tle the same between this and the first of January next, or they will he placed in the hands of a constable for collection. FRANCES CAMPBELL. Dec. 10, 1S2S. 17-3 Stolen, or Strayed, FROM the Subscriber, liv- iSZSu nrx in the town of Halifax, a 32j&em SUUltUJy IlUHSti With a bald face, blind. of the left eye, about four feet ten or eleven inches hih, about 11 or 12 years of age. He was taken away the 13ih inst. JAMES DAVIS. Halifax, Nov. 25, 1S2S. 16 4 Qjiariky Academy. DMIM Trusters would inform the pub lie, that their institution will open its third scholastic year on the first Mon day in January next, under the conii uuod care of the Rev. S1DNKY WKL- Turborouh Academy. HHHE EXAMINATION of the'' Fe male Department of this institution, will commence on Monday, the 22d inst. The public are invited to attend! The Trustees of this Academy take pleasure in announcing to the public, that they have engaged for the ensuing year in the Female Department, those young Ladies who have so successfully and satisfactorily presided over this de partment for several years past. The. School will re-commence on the 1st Monday in January next. By order of the Hoard, ROBT. JOVNER, Sec'y. Tarboro', 10th Dec. 1S28. 17-3 Tarborough Academy. HPHE Trustees have engaged the Rev. JNO. WORNOCK, as Principal in the Male Department for the ensuing year. Mr. Wornock has been engaged in teaching for a number of years, and is recommended every way qualified to render satisfaction to those who may patronise the school. The exercises of the academy will commence on the 1st Monday iti January next. By order of the Board, ROBT. JOYNER, Sec'y. Dec. 17, 1S28. 1S-2 name of Elder William B. Worrell to said certificate without hrs knowledge or permission, for at the trial he served the Church as Moderator. JAS. BAKER, Jr. Doc. 15, 1S2S. 1S-3 For the Free Press. 7&T1. EDITOR, there has recently ap neaied in vnnr nnnrr cnn.n ci.m LER, A. M. of whose qualifications iti tures on ihp rnnrlnpr nC lm n .i-.ct. is unnecessary now to speak particular-) Church at Poplar Springs, in Franklin, ly; seeing that we have before stated, J county; and myself, as the Clei k of that that he came recommended as an able i Church, in a trial of Elder WILLIAM and experienced instructor, by the trus-'T. NEWBORN for crimes alleged a leesofihe academics over which he had j gainst him. I wish you, sir, to W the presided, in the states of New-York and j public know through the medium of vour Virginia, and by Dr. Nott, De Wilt; paper, that the ( hurch did acquit him, Clinton, and other individuals of th- because in lite exercise of their united first standing in our country; and see-.wdom they did not think the proof ing his'Mipt'rintcndencc, in our institu-! sufficient lo exclude an Elder Irom tion, has fully met the expectation rais- church fellowship; and as he wished ed of his worth, a an intellectual and some testimonials of that fact, the Church moral guide of youth. ! ordered me as Clerk to wriie him cer- Price of tuition, for the scholastic! lificate to that amount; and believing; year of 10 months, $25 in the languages: through the insinuations of Elder New and advanced mathematical studies; $20: born, that it was' the ordinary way of iii uif nrguer, ana ino in me lower ooing Durness, I ventured to afiix the I I .-11 1 I t . ! ... orancnesoi r.ngiisii eauc:iiion. Boarding, with lodging and washing, may be had in the neighborhood of the academy as low as $5 a month. Payment, or settlement, in all cases. to be punctually made at the close ofj each session: the lirst ot which will ex tend to the vacation, to take place in the months of August and September;' and the second will terminate at Christinas. No scholar to be received or continu ed for a period short of a session, nor of a year, unless by special agreement be fore entrance, or afterwards good reason and timely notice be given; or unless entrance is unavoidably delayed until a month or more of a session be transpir ed, in vyhicli case deduction maybe made. The most approved school books and stationary supplied when necessary, at moderaje prices, by the Principal. Mr. Weller has a juvenile library, maps, and the like, which arc gratuitous ly lent to the pupils. The government of the institution is mild, hut fin?. ' No youth need be sent to the Quanky Academy unles he be ex pected to conform strictly to the whole some regulations of a public seminary. Mr. Weller will be assisted in the in stitution by his lady, who, in an apart ment of the academy, will teach sowing, working on muslin, and marking, with spelling, reading, writing, "arithmetic, grammar, and other useful and ornamen tal branches of female education. JAMES BISHOP, RICE B. PIERCE, JOHN P URN ELL. Quanky Academy, 4 miles west of 17 Halifax town. Dec. H 1S2S. 5 4 isomc w 1 - . 'J HE Members of Concord Lodge, No. pS, Tarborough, are informed that the funeral rites of Brother John L. Mayo, will be solemnized at the resi dence of Luke Ward, on Sunday, 28th inst. The members of the Fraternity are respectfully invited to attend. By order of the Lodge, D. RICHARDS Sec. Dec. 17, 1S28. Notice. rflMIE Subscriber has lost or mislaid a 1 large brass-barreled PISTOL, brass plated lock, with' the guard broke off. I am uncertain whether it was left in this place or sent to Nash lo be repaired Any information respecting said pistol will be thankfully t reived. JOHN A. 1RVIN. Dec. 17th. 1S2S. ' V' JS-6

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