Tarbofdugh, Edgecombe County, N. C. Friday, January 9, f89. Vol F.X0. 21. THE "FREE PRESS," Zty G?o. Howard, Is published weekly, (every Friday,) at TITO DOLLARS per year, (or 52 num bers,) if paid in advance Two Dollars & fifty Cents, if paid within the subscription year or, Three Dollars at the expiration of the year for any period less than a year, T;vcnty-five Cents per nvuith. Subscribers t liberty to discontinue at any time on pay ing arrears. Subscribers residing at a dis tance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. subscription discontinued unless a noti fication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first inser tion, and 25 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for ewry 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number cf insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor rriust be post paid, or they will not be attended to. Just Received And for sale on Consignment, IN addition to my former Stock, a lot of DRY GOODS, CROCKERY & Hardware persons wishing to ret oirgains will do well to call and exam ine, as I am determined to sell very low for cash only. have also jnst received a fresh Jot of CUT HERRINGS, re-packed and inspected. JOS. L. SIMMONS. Halifax, Oct. 2, 1828. would take this opportunity of saying to the public, that my intention is to do a GENERAL Commission Business: Therefore, persons wh may favor mc with any article on consignment, may rely on the strictest attention and punc tuality. J. L. S. Roanoke Cut Herrings, WARRANTED to he good, for sale at i5t cash ny harrel, near the Bridge in Tarborough, bv Mrs, .A. C. Howard, TNFORMS the ladies of Edgecombe A and vicinity, that she has opened, in the house immediately opposite the Uank in Tarborousjh, a handsome as sortment of FANCY GOODS, suitable for fall and winter wear, which they are respectfully invited to call and examine among them ore Pattern silk, satin and velvet Bonnets, of the latest Northern fashions, Leghorn Flats, assorted numbers, Fine and coarse straw Bonnets, Silks and satins, plain and figured Gros de Naples, different colors, Black mode, velvet, and crape, Florences, liece, gauze and sinchews, Lutestring, satin and gauze ribands, Superior bobinett caps and capes, Curls, caps, and turbans, Beaded and spangled wreaths, flowers and , sprigs, hew and elegant articles, Black and white Ostrich feathers, Feathered, velvet, .md down flowers, Bunches and wreaths of flowers, Coral ear-drops and necklaces, Straw, silk and fancy cord, gimps, Fancy reticules, pin-cushions, &c. The above articles were purchased this fall in the Northern cities, and will be sold on favorable terms. Ladies' dresses, cloaks, pelisses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw Bonnets bleached, dyed, or trimmed, at a short notice. " Tarborough, Oct. 30, 1S2S. GEORGE W. July IS, 1S2S. WOODMAN. 49 Notice. Notice. fMIE Subscriber has lost or mislaid a large brass-barreled PISTOL, brass plated lock, with the guard broke off. I am uncertain whether it was left in this place or sent to Nash to be repaired Any information respecting said pistol will be thankfully received. JOHN A. IRVIN. -Dec 17th. 1S2S. . IS-6 Farmtcell Grove rpiIE TRUSTEES have employed - Mr. .Jas. H. Strain to take chaise rVHK Subscriber very respectfully tms institution for the ensuing year, libertv of returriny hisl1"0 exercises ot which will commence thanks to his friends and customers in " first Monday in January next, Edgecombe and the adjacent counties, embracing a course of studies preparaio- for the liberal support he has me! with in the line of his avocation since he has been a resident of Tarborough; and he flatters himself with the hope, that by paving everv attention to his business that patronage will not be discontinued. He has just returned From the Xortbern Cities, With a general and lucll selected Assortment of Goods, Which he is proud to say, he can sell as low as they can he procured in this State. They are as follow, viz: Superfine blue and black Cloths, Olive, brown, and steel mixtures, Cassiiueres of different colors, Fancy siik Ves'ings, Figured and pl-iinsilk Velvet, Fancy Valencias, new pattern, vmte and black Cravats, tflack horse-skjn Gloves. White and black beaver Hats, &c. Gentlemen wishing to purchase any oi the above articles, are respectfully in yited to come and judge for themselves, those gentlemen who furnish cloth can nave it made and trimmed in the neatest manner and on the shortest notice, as the Subscriber put himself to .some trouble wle in New-York, to obtain the latest ' most approved fashions. He has 11 wise in his employ first rate work wen. HENRY JOHNSTON. -arboro', Oct. 1, 1828. ry to the University. The Trustees are very much pleased with the general deportment of Mr Strain lor the past year, ending pn lhe first day of this inst. at which time the students were publickly examined on their various studies, and their profi ciency much to the satisfaction of both Trustees and those present. It is generally known that Farm well is a healthy situation, entirely remote li om scenes of dissipation. Good board quite convenient by Mr. Robt. Arring ton end Mr. Richard Dailey, at $5 per month. Tuition as follows: English, - - $8 per Latin and Greek, - 10 session. A. W. MOORE. Sec'?. Shocco Female Academy. "jVf'RS. LUCAS respectfully informs 1TA her friends and the public, that the Exercises of the above Academy will be resumed on the first Monday in February next The utmost attention will be paid to. the morals and behaviour of the young Ladies placed in this Seminary; and its retired, pleasant and healthy situation, its salubrious air and fine spring water, make it a very dosirable residence for youth. This Academy has been under her care for the last seven years, and on ly one case of sickness has occurred du ring this time, although the principal part of her pupils were from the most unhealthy parts of lhe State. Being oniy a few miles from the stage road, her Academy affords opportunities for Parents and Guardians of regular com munications with their children and Wards In addition to the usual elements of Education and Plain and Ornamental Needle Work, the young Ladies will be instructed in Geography, History, As tronomy, Chemistry, Botany. Philoso phy, Mythology, Drawing and Painting on V elvet, Music, &c. Terms Board and Tuition, S50 per Session. Music, $20. Painting on Velvet, S5. For Drawing, Painting on Paper, or Nccdie Vork, no extra charge will be made. Warren County, Pec. i5. 19-3 Mrs. O'Brien's School. 'THIS Seminary will resume its opera A tions on the first Monday in next month. Owinz to the pressure of the times, we feel it obligatory on us to gra duate the terms of Board and Tuition, as nearly as maybe to correspond therewith: Board and Tuition per Session, $55 00 Do. Do. for the younger pupils, 50 00 Music, - - - 20 00 Tuition alone, - - 12 50 Do. for the younger pupils, - 10 00 Those charges include all the expenses of the Institution except for Books and Stationary, which (if not provided by parents) are furnished at cost. There will be no summer vacation. WilHamsborough, N. C. Dec. 1S,182S. Domestic, Presidential Election. -It hag )een made a question whether the late election divided the peo ple into the democratic and aris tocratic parties, as in 1800. This question is to be decided by com paring the polls. 1800. 1S28. 19-3 Dec. 6, 1828. 17 Valuable Property FOR SALE. .!()N MOND AY, 12th of January next, q I shall sell to the highest bidder, at my plantation on Swift creek, in Nash county, a fine parcel of fifulcs, a first rage Saddle Horse, and a good Harness Horse all my slock of Cattle, Hogs and Sheep Farming Utensils, c. -c. At the same lime and place I shall, as surviving partner of Wm. T. Williams, dee'd, sell for cash, his interest in two brood mares and five colts, viz: one two year old stud colt by Washington, one year old stud colt bj' Marion, one year old filly by Archy, and two last spring colts, one by Kclipse and one by Shaw anee. "E. D. WHITEHEAD, Pec. 23, 1828. 19-3 Notice, THE Subscriber respectfully informs a,. T..ui: i. i 4.1 iL. uii- x uunu, inai nu nas mKuu me well-known stand in the town of Hali fax, formerly occupied by Wiljiam P. Clopton, where he intends to cany on THE SADDLING And Harness-making Business, In all its branches. Work shall be executed in the. neatest and best manner charges as reasonable as can be afforded andT will be thank ful to all those who may favor me with their custom. A. WOMBLE. Halifax, Juno 19, J.S28. N.Hampshire, 6 8 Masssachusetts, 16 ' ... 15 Rhode Island, 4 4 Connecticut, 9 8 Vermont, . 4 7 New-York, 12 20 16 New-Jersey, 7 S Pennsylvania, S 7 28 Delaware, 3 3 Maryland, 5 5 5 $ Virginia, 21 24 Kentucky, 4 14 Tennessee, 3 11 N. Carolina, 8 4 15 S. Carolina, 8 11 Georgia, 4 9 New States. Maine, 1 Ohio, 16 Indiana, 5 Illinois, 3 Mississippi, 3 Louisiana, 5 Alahama, 5 Missouri, 3 Removal, HPIIE Subscriber has removed his Boot and Shoe manufactory to the build ing directly opposite the Court-House, recently occupied by J. H. Mathewson & Co. He bas on hand, a complete as sortment of gentlemen's, ladies', and children's BOOTS AND SHOES made of the best materials, and by first rate workmen, which he will dispose of at reduced prices, lower than they can be obtained in this part of the country. Orders for any work in his line, will be attended to at the shortest notice and executed with neatness and durability, as he has in his employ first-rate work men. JAS. H. HARTMUS. Tarboro', Dec. 23, 182S. 19-3 J . . . . 0 Thus, it appears, that, the 16 States which voted in 1800, have given now a similar vote, except as the result in some of them is varied, by their voting by general ticket pr by districts. Wash. I'eL Future prospects of Norfolk.--The opening of the Dismal Swamp Canal will be the opening d'f an uninterrupted water commu nication between Norfolk and a hack country to the extent of 430 miles, principally through a region unsurpassed in the fertili ty of its soil, and the value of its marketable productions, by any other section of the Union. It is unnecessary to pnlargo upon a fact so interesting to men of capital and qnterprize. Boatsi suitable to the navigation of the canal and of waters of North Car olina, to Weldon, at the Falls of Roanoke, are nearly ready to commence operations; and in a little time the establishment of commercial houses and agencies may be confidently expected. Thus with a cheap conveyance and the certainty of a market at Norfolk for their wiieat, flour, cotton, tobacco, corn, and other productions, the planters on the Roanoke and its branches, in North Carolina and .-Virginia will be enabled to extend the cultivation of those products, and to find profitable employment for their vast dominions, heretoiore remaining idle, because no price that could be obtained fgr their produce would pay the expence of getting it to market. Norf. Her. Emigration. The western pa pers state that emigrants in vast numbers have poured into India na, Illinois, and Missouri the pre sent season.