pF Ire,. mm dsfp i- ' - Tarborough, Edgecombe County, JV. 0. Friday, January 30, J829. FoZ, P. JVo. S4. t-::,r;:.- y! THE "FREE PRESS," ty Go. Howard, I published weekly, (every Friday,) at rf".' DOLLARS per year, "(or 52 num bers,) if paid in advance Two Dollars C3 Fifty C'-ntf, if paid within the subscription year - n Three Dollars at the expiration of the yeas for any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at anytime on pay ing .-r:vu:-s. Subscribers residing at a 'dis tance mast invariably pay in advance, ov give a responsible reference in this vicinity. No subscription discontinued unless a noti fication to that effect is given. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first inser tion, .tu l 25 cents each continuance. Long er om-- at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they will not be attended to. Money Wanted. npil K Subscriber having determined to remove from Tarborough, and desi rous to close his business, informs all those indebted to .him, that payment mast be made at or before the ensuing February Court. I also offer for sale, on accommodating terms, my House and Lot in Tarboro'. P. S. SUGG. January 22, 1829. 23-5 Notice. A LL persons indebted -to the Subscri bcr either by note or account, are respectfully invited to call and ccltle the same as soon as possible, as the subscri bers are under the necessity of making collections between this time and Feb ruary Court. KING e GAT LIN. Tarboro', Jan. 20, 1S29. Notice. "O ANA WAY from the Subscriber, on -J '.he 22d of December last, an indent ed apprentice b-y, by the name of FRANCIS REDMOND, about seven teen years of age, dark complexion. 1 will give a reward of Ten Dollars for the ueiivery of said boy to me in Tar borough all persons are forbid harbor ing or employing him under the penal ty of the law. HENRY JOHNSTON. Tarboro', Jan. 20, 1S29. Roanoke Cut Herrings. A RR ANTED to be good, for sale at fc4 cash per barrel, near the Brid ge in Tarborough, by GEORGE W. WOODMAN. July IS, 1S2S. 49 Just Received, And for sale on Consignment, N addition to mv former Stock, a lot of DRY GOODS. t;nr!tf riy & HARDWARE pcr.tons wishing to get bargains will do well to call and exam ine, as 1 am determined to sell very low for cash only. (01 have also just received a fresh lot of CUT HERRINGS, re-packed and inspected. JOS. L. SIMMONS. Halifax, Oct. 2, 1S2S. (pI would take this onportunity of saying to the public, that my intention is to do a GENERAL Commission Business: Therefore, persons who may favor me with any artitle on consignment, may , y.on lhe strictest attention and nunc- J.L.S. Constables' Blanks for sale AT THIS OFFICE. , Mrs. A. C. Howard, TNFORMS the ladies of Edgecombe A and vicinity, that she has opened, in the house immediately opposite the Bank in Tarborough, a handsome as sortment cf FANCY GOODS, suitable for fall and winter wear, which they are respectfully invited to call and examine among them are Pattern silk, satin and velvet Bonnets, of the latest Northern fashions, Leghorn Flats, assorted numbers, Fine and coarse straw Bonnets, Silks and satins, plain and figured, Gros de Naples, different colors, Black mode, velvet, and crape, Florences, liece, gauze and sinchews, Lutestring, satin and gauze ribands, Superior bobiiiett caps and capes, Curls, caps, and turbans, Beaded and spangled wreaths, flowers and sprigs, new and elegant articles, Black and white Ostrich feathers, Feathered, velvet, and down flowers, Bunches and wreaths of flowers, Coral ear-drops and necklaces, Straw, siik and fancy cord, gimps, Fancy reticules, pin-cushions, cc. The above articles were purchased this fall in the Northern cities, and will be sold en favorable terms. Ladies' dresses, cloaks, pelisses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw Bonnets bleached, dyed, or trimmed, at a short notice. Tarborough,-Oct. 30, 1S2S. Farmwell Grove 'HUE TRUSTEES have employed Mr. Jas. IL Stiiain to take charge of this institution for the ensuing year, the exercises of which will commence on first Monday in January next, embracing a course of studies preparato ry to the University. The Trustees are very much pleased with the general deportment of .Mr. Strain for the past year, ending on lhe first day of this inst. at which time the students were publickly examined on their various studies, and their profi ciency much to the satisfaction of both Trustees and those present. It is generally known that Farmwell is a healthy situation, entirely remote from scenes of dissipation. Good board quite convenient by Mr. Robt. A mill ion and Mr. Richard Bailey, at $5 per month. Tuition as follows: English, - - $7 per Latin and Greek, - loysession. A. W. MOORE, Sec1;. Dec. 6, 1828. 17 BOA11D, AY be had within a mile of Farm well Grove Academy, and a good road all the way, for two or three boys, well disposed, not exceeding 15 years f age, at Four Dollars per month for the year, or Twenty Dollars for each session, to be paid at the end thereof if in advance, S3 50 per month. Ap P'y 10 MAIIALA MOORE. Jan. 10, 1829. 22-3 Notice, 'THIE Subscriber respectfully informs the Public, that he has taken the well-known stand in the town of Hali fax, formerly occupied by William P. Clopton, where he intends to carry on TUB SADDLING And Harness-making Business, In all its branches. Work shall be executed in tha noatesl and best manner charges as reasonable as can be atiorded and 1 will be thank ful to all those who may favor me with their custom. A. TVOMBLE. Halifax, June 19, 1828. Notice. 'jPlIE Subscriber having hired Henry, the Blacksmith belonging to David Randolph's estate, will continue to car ry on the Blacksmiths' Work at the' same shop as formerly, and tenders his services to all those who please to favor him with their custom, hoping by punc tuality to merit a liberal share of public patronage; those favoring him with their custom will leave their work at the shop, where it will be punctually attend ed to and faithfully executed. WILLIAM II RANDOLPH. Tarboro', Jan. 9, 1S29. 21 For Bale, At the Store of 11. & S. D. Colleu, IN TARBOROUGH, Turks Island and )D 4 T m Liverpool sack 3 Oi$LjLl JL j Molasses, sugar, coffee, tea, and chocolate, Iron and steel of every description & quality, Blacksmiths bellows, and every other arti cle to make a complete sett of Black smiths tools, Old brandy, by the barrel or retail, Jamaica rum, 5 years old, Otard's cohiac 'brandy, 10 years eld, Pure Holland gin, old rye whiskey, Madeira wine, N.E. rum & common brandy, Together with an extensive assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, Of almost every variety, at as low nri- ces for cash, as can be bought at any store in the place. A constant supply of Swaim's Pana cea, Dr. Chambers1 remedy for In temperance, Jud kins' s celebrated Oint ment, kc. &c. I (jpThe highest price paid in Cash, jfor good clean baled Cotton. ! January 1, 1829. .R.J. Dunn Co. I NFORM their friends and the public, 1 fl that they have received their FALL I SUPPLY OF GOODS, which compri ses a handsome and very extensive as sortment of nearly every article, new, , fashionable, or desirable in the Dry Goods Line. A very large supply of GROCERIES, Of all inscriptions, Uavdware, Hats of every quali ty, China, Glass and farther ware, Saddlery, Boots and Shoes, and an assortment of Tin ware: Together with an assortment of Sole, Upper, Harness, Skirting and Bridle Leather, Calf, kip, morocco and sheep Skins, Soaps, Perfumery, Ladies Leghorn hats & Straw Bonnets, j Work baskets, Inrushes of all kinds, Hooks, stationary, Tortoise-shell, ivory and horn Combs, Paints, Oils, and Drugs, Pocket-books, Fur, seal-skin and morocco caps, &c.&.c. All of which will be offered at very moderate prices many of the goods MUCH LOWER than they have been heretofore sold in this market. Being confident that they can give satisfaction to those who call on them as regards the quality, style and prices of their goods, they respectfully invite all who want to purchase to examine their assortment. N. B. We will continue to buy COT TON for cash, and to take it in trade or payment. Those of our customers who wish to send their Cotton to Dunns & M'llwaine of Petersburg, to be stored or sold, will find us accommodating in j our arrangements, and anxious to pro mote their interest. R. o J. D. $ Co. Halifax, N. C. Oct. 1828. THE Subscriber h.- amoved next - uoor 10 Aiessrs. ii. 5. D. Cotten's store, where the Post-Office is kept, and where he offers for sale cheap, for cash only, the following articles, all of which have just arrived from New-York, and are fresh and of superior quality, viz: Loaf and brown sugars, coffee and teas, , Pepper and spice, ginger, mustard, Cinnamon, mace, cloves, nutmegs, Sec. Alum, salt pttre, powder and shot, Copperas, pearl ash, maccabau snuff, Raisins by the box or pound, Almonds, Brazil nuts, prunes, figs, &c. Cheese, northern butter, apples, Ink powder, camphor, Windsor soap, Albany beer, best northern cider, Best Holland gin, by the gallon, Madeira wine, do. 4th proof Jamaica rum, do. do. ccgniac brandy, do. Stoughten's bitters, porter, Spanish segars, Best chewing tobacco, common do. Foolscap and letter paper, Wafers by the ounce, candy, (assorted) Dried peaches, apples, &c. &c. The Subscriber intends to keep a con stant supply of all the above articles, to gether with many others, all of which he flatters himself, he will be able to sell as low as they can be procured at this market; and he invites all persons who wish to purchase any article in his line, to call and judge of the quality and pri ces. Orders from the country, enclos ing the cash, will be thankfully receiv ed and promptly attended to. N. H. ROUNTREE. Tarboro', Dee. 29, 1828. B. Richards Co. I NFORM the Public, that they have fi just returned from NEW-YORK, with a general and well selected Assortment of Seasonable d5J0B, Which they are now opening at their Old Stand among which may be found the following articles: Superfine blue, black, mixed & olive Cloth?, Superfine Cassimeres, Blue, mixed, green and drab Plains, Sattinetts, Bombazetts and Bombazines, White, red and yellow Flannels, Rose and point Blankets, Cotton and woollen Stockings, Cotton and woollen Socks, Northern manufactured Negro Cloths, Dark and lijht ground Calicoes & Chintzes, Furniture Calico,' cotton Cambrics, Muslins, Jaconett do. Muslin Robes, book Muslin, plain & figured, Irish Linens, Lawns, French Cambric, Cotton Shirting, Domestic Cottons, white and colored, Canton and Italian Crapes, Green, pink and white Florences, Levantines, Sarsenetts, Sinchews, Canton crape and silk Shawls; Cassimere, nierino, muslin & cotton Shawls, Silk, muslin, linen :nd cotton Hundke: chiefs. Furniture and narrow corded Dimitv, Russia Diaper and Diaper table-cloths, Oil cloths, l ed Quilts ar.d bed Ticks, Ladies' Leghorn and straw bonnets, Gentlemen's fine Hats, Children's leather and roram do. Ladies' dress and walking Shoes, Gentlemen's Boots, Bootees and Shoe& Gentlemen's plaid cloaks and Plaids, Carpeting, cotton Bagging, Osnaburgs, Trunks, Cordage for packing cotton, Sewing Silk, Thread, cotton Ball, Pins, Needles, Ribbons, thread Lace, Hair combsj large and small, A large assortment of coat and vest ButtoAj, Cotton cards, writing Paper, Quills, Coffee, Tea, Muscovado Sugar, Loaf do. Molasses.'New-England Rum, W. 1. do. French Brandy, Holland Gin, country do. Whiskey, Tobacco, Candles, Indigo, Snuff, Ailspice, Pepper, Powder, Shot, Coarse and fine Salt, Together with a general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Glass ware, Paints, Oils. fyc. Those who are disposed to purchase, will find it to their interest to call at the above store. gyCASH given for Naval Stores, Cotton in the seed and baled CottQUy Beeswax, &c. Tarborough, Oct, 18?.