Principle?, not Men Or as the; "rink would say, in Ins bad JLat in, prhicipia no a homines. Mrs. M a r y D i c k s o n , a J a c k s o n i n a 1 1 , a n d also proprietor to one of the old est democratic papers, in Pennsyl vania, has been appointed Post mistress of the city of Lancaster, in the room of Mrs. Ann Moore, an Adamsnian, removed. Here is a nut for the coalition to crack! Now they may cry out about re form, for this is carried to the ve ry skirts the ultima Thule of pctticoated politics. Alderman linns will no doubt set up a hue and cry, and mingle his tears with the removed; the "Pink" will quote from Tacitus and Stone, himself, will, for once in his life, shed a tear. What surprises us most is, that w o man, lovely woman, should ever have been found an Adamsmau. All the prettiest, the loveliest, the wittiest, the wisest, and the best of the sex, are Jacksonmcri.. ir6a. We arc authorised to announce Ki:uu:'d Debkrky, Esq, of Mont gomery County, (late Senator in tjie State Legislature,) as a Can didate to represent this District in the next Congress. We are also authorised to state, that Mr. Culpepper, the late Rep resentative, is not a candidate for re-election. We have unquestionable author ity for stating, that James W. Clark. Esq. of Edgecombe coun ty, in this State, has been appoin ted Chief Clerk of the Navy De partment. Mr. C. is a gentleman of high standing, so well known as Clerk of our State Senate, that it is needless to say, it is a most judicious selection. Fay. Obs. Raleigh, April 21. We learn that two of our citizens who took the Stage for the North on Thurs day last, had their Trunks cut off from the Stage, about half a mile beyond Louisburg, on the Halifax road. The depredation being soon discovered, the gentlemen left the Stage and returned to Louisburg, where they engaged a party to go out with them in search of the Trunks and the Thief, and they were so fortunate as to re gain both their trunks and to ap prehend the thief, a colored free man, who is lodged in the Jail of Franklin. One of the trunks had been opened, and some articles taken out and found in possession of the offender, which were iden tified by the owner. Reg. Norfolk, April 18. Another Enterprise on the Ca nal. As a pleasing evidence of confidence and public spirit, we notice that an association of en terprising individuals in this place, contemplates the immediate es tablishment of a line of Packets, to run through the Canal, from Norfolk and Newborn. One of the Schooners, a vessel of impro ved model and light draught of water, is now on the stocks, con structing by Mr. John G. Collcy, and we learn will be in operation in about 6 weeks. She is owned by Messrs. William Loyall, Ro berts & Clifford, Samuel Vickcry, John G. Colley and Wm. D. Ro bcrts,and will be commanded by Capt. Edward L. Young, who has the credit of planning tho en tcr prize. This company will not in any wise conllict with the "Transpor tation Company," but bean impor tant auxiliary in accomplishing the objects ot that establishment. Move Presentments. ..The unan imous 11-0501111110111 of the Grand Jury of Greene County, at April i We heartily welcome them as co- iMipenor L ourt ol Ljaw and Jvjui- operators in the good work. There ty, is room enough for all.-Beacon. The Grand Inquest of the coun- ty of Greene, having disposed of i Decrease of Slaves in South all the business before cm, Carolina. It appears from the deem it but respectful, that they Reports of the Comptroller of fciiouiu notice the rresentmont ot fcouth Carolina, that tho number the Grand Jury of Wayne Coun ty, transmitted to them in rela tion to the Hanks of this State, in which an immediate call of an ex tra Session of the Legislature, is iccommended. In regard to which, we do not hesitate to declare, such a meas ure would be highly improper and 'inadvisable. And whilst an extra Session of the Legislature would 'ost the State ten or fifteen thou sand dollars, wo conceive that no possible good or advantage could result from it to the community, in as much as it would be submit ting the same subject to the con sideration of the same men who have but recently decided upon it. An: in the decision of our Lcgis ture on that important, subject, we most heartily acquiesced. In our opinion, no Legislative interfer ence could relieve the community Jom their present pecuniary cm ''in assments. The only substan tia relief will be found in increas ed industry, prudence, economy, "!Id mutual forbearance with each and in abstaining from the i,l,perfluiticsand luxuries of life. By order of the body. WATS OSMOND, Foreman. Ncicbcrn Spec. ot slaves in that state decreased in 1 year, from 1824 to 1323, thirty-two thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven; and in the next year, one thousand one hundred and twenty-nine. Total decrease in two years, 33,850, being more than one eighth of the whole num ber, (300,282,) in 1824. All this is attributed, by Mr. Seabrook, of S. C. to the Tariff of 1824. Jour, of Com. Since the destructive fire which occurred in Savannah on the 9th inst., there have been nine differ ent attempts to set fire to that city. The excitement was so great in consequence of these diabolical attempts, that the armed militia were ordered out, the town sur rounded, and strict search made for suspicious persons, with what success, we have not heard. Several attempts have likewise been made to fire the city of Au gusta and the town of Camden, and those places appear to be in a state of great excitement and alarm. Fay. Obs. Money lost at Gaining Tables... An important decision was lately made at Charleston, which we sup pose to be new in this country,! though not in Lngland. Qt goes to establish, that S. & M. Allen may recover t law $2500, lost at a Faro Tableby Alex'rMain, and belonging tdthem, won from the said Main by Henry L. Waston, Jos. Watson, and Nicholas Spald ing, Gamblers, and actually pas sed into their possession by Main. The action was brought on the affi davit of Main himself. ib. United States and Territories. The National Journal has an interesting article on the public lands of the United States, elicit ed by a report of a committee of! the House ot Representatives to whom the subject was referred. From this article we have con densed into a tabular form the ex tent in square miles of each state and territory, with their estimated population in 1830: Square Miles. 64,000 61,000 58,000 56,000 54,500 53,100 49,000 46,35S 46,000 45.309 1 Virginia 2 Missouri 3 Georgia 4 Illinois 5 Florida 6 Alabama 7 Louisiana 8 Mississippi 9 New-York 10 Arkansas 11 Pennsylvania 44,950 12 N. Carolina 43,800 13 Tennessee 14 Kentucky 41,300 39,000 39,000 3S,S00 35,100 32,000 30,0SO 10,S00 10,21: 15 Michigan 16 Ohio 17 Indiana IS Maine 19 S. Carolina 20 Maryland 21 Vermont 22 N. Hampshire 9,2S0 23 Massachusetts 7,S00 24 New Jersey 6,900 25 Connecticut 4,674 26 Delaware 2,068 27 Rhode Island 1,360 2SDist. of Columbia 100 It is estimated that the abro gate population in 1830 will be 13 millions, and in 1800, 32 millions, allowing an increase of 35 per cent, on every 10 years, which has been the rate of increase heretofore. Estimated pop. in 1S30. l,lS0,ooo 130,ooo 4lO,ooo 130,ooo 40,ooo SS0,ooo 300,ooo 1 30,ooo 2,000,ooo 35,ooo l,390,ooo 720,ooo 600,ooo 650,ooo 35,ooo l,000,ooo 400,ooo 420,ooo 600,ooo 450,ooo 2S0,ooo .c00,(;oo 5S0,ooo 350,ooo 80,ooo D0,ooo 50,ooo There is said to be a great de mand for single ladies to make loives of, in Indiana; so much so that when a family of young ladies arrive with their parents, from an other state, they are courted with the utmost assiduity, and if dispo sed to say yes, are married in a trice. Counterfeit Dollars. Mexican and Ferdinand dollars have been counterfeit ed extensively, as is supposed, by a gang of counterfeiters in Arkansas. On ex amination at the Mint, the first are pro nounced to be worth only 40 cents and the latter 31. The manner in which they are executed renders them extreme ly mischievous in our currency. By a chemical process, the external pellicle is made to assume the appearance of good silver; or rather, to be really good, bel ter, it may be than standard, so that even an experienced eye could not de tect the fraad by inspecting the external surface merely. The Secretary of the Treasury has issued a circular to the District Attorneys and Marshals of the U. S. requiring them to use all diligence in finding out and bringing to justice those concerned in this business. two heats bv Major Ridley's b. f. by Vir, gmian, beating Mr. Gee's and Col. Wynn's colts. Second day, Jockey Club Purse,S300, was taken at two heats by Mr. Jas. J. Harrison's Sallv Hone, heating Mr. Wm. Wynn's Brunette, Mr. Benj. Moody's Mohawk, and Mr.T. S. flnnrt- rum's Volunteer. Time 1st heat, 6 minutes; 2d heat, 5min. 59 seconds. 1 hird day, Proprietor's Pu rse. Si 50. was taken by Mr. Jas. J. Harrison's Cor poral Trim, beating Mr. Wm. M. West's Iphiclus, Capt. Robinson's Su san, and Mr. Beni. Moody's Holcorn. Time not given. Mistakes rectified. It havinsr been v O shewn to the satisfaction of the Legisla ture of Alabama, that sundry females of this Mate had committee mistakes and married men, who were not originally intended for them: Acts have been Dass- ed declaring eleven of such marriages VUIU, UU JlVlUg UiC JJdlllCS cUl uppui iu- nity of correcting the errors of their youth. Query, may not some of our Ulu isachelois be so iortunate as to find their wives among this class of Ladies. Tuscumbia Telegraph. Ohio Oil Stones. John P. Helfes tein (as agent for the owners ol the quar ry) has now 100 hands engaged in pre paring oil stones for market; has now 30.000 pounds in market and from 15 to 20,000 more nearly ready. They meet with a ready sale, and are pronoun ced by mechanics who have tried them to be superior to those imported from Turkey. DIED, In Nash county, on the 14th inst. Mrs. Frances Blount, consort of Gen. Hen ry Blount. Price Current, At Ihrboro9, Petersburg Neiv- York. Pet'rgNYo'k APRIL 24. Bacon, Beeswax, -Brandy, apple, Coftec, Corn, -Cotton, Cotton Bagging, Flour, supf. Lard, Molasses, -Hum, New-Eng. Sugar, brown, -Salt, loose, Wheat, -Whiskey, - - peri lb gal lb bul lb bbl lb gal lb bul gal Tar'o' 6 7 20 25 45 50 16 20 30 35 7 8 20 25 6 40 50 50 601 11 1 75 80 3U VT 40 50 6h 7 20 25 30 45 13 16 40 45 64 7 23 24 36 40 11 15 50 53 8 9h 8i 9h 20 25! 19 21 S64 7 35 45 35 40 9 12 75 87 IX 1$ 30 35 $7 8h 6 7 27 32 32 35 8 11 47 54 23 North-Carolina Bank Notes. s lit ft. VtVl Ul J J W Vslriil UUUUUUki At New-York, 3 to 3 do. H. Johnston, TI7ISHES to inform his friends, and customers that he has just received from New- York, a few GOODS in his line of business, such as Superfine blue, black and olive Cloths, Fine black bombazeen, of superior quality, Merino cassimere, a handsome article for gentlemen's wear, Dark drab French drills, White and fancy Marseilles vestings, hand some patterns, Black and fancy silk do. Black and white cravats, Cravat stifFeners, suspenders, &c. He also has on hand a few black lea ver HATS all of which he is disposed to sell very low. Tarboro', April 2S, 1S29. Belfield Spring Races, commenced on Wednesday, 15th April. First day, a Sweepstakes, of 6500 each, for three year olds, one mile heats, was taken at 5 Reward RANAWAY from the Subscriber, on Tuesday, the 2Sth inst. an indented apprentice to the boot and shoe-making business, named CHARLES NORTON, About 16 years of age, slender built, and pretty well grown. The above reward, but no expenses will be paid for his ap prehension and delivery to me. All persons are hereby forwarned harboring, or employing said apprentice, under the penalty of the law. JAS. II. I1ARTMUS, April 30. 1829. 37

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