J i L TarftorouA, Edgecombe County, JV. C. Friday, Jiyust 21, J829. FoJ. VI. Xo. i Tract Depository. rpRACTS from the American Tract Society also from the Union Tract Society, may be had in any quantity, at he Society s prices, by tcrwardmg or ders, with tlic Cash, to 1 P. W. DO WD, or 77. P. HUNT. Oil Notice LL those indebted to the Subscriber oither by note or acrount, are re- viuesUd t come forwa.'d and settle them, or they may oxpec to settle with an Officer, as no longer indulgence can be iriven. FRANCES CAMP n ELL. T.n hnrn' 1 :t li Am. icon r:o NEW AND FASHIONABLE Milliner y, iVc. o2 o FOB, SALE, fie Pasl ftjyice in thciown of HALIFAX, The following Articles, A wit: Bacon, Lime. ! 1 .rrintrs - Shad. Vlour. Stained cuitain B Iteads, Windsor Chairs, Leather, wagon Collars, Tobacco, (twist and bundle,) wholesale and retail, ALSO the following Articles: kJottlc Corks, Fly Stone, Tt rmerick, Liquid Blacking, (linger, Spice, Nutmeg;, , Ycnitian Red, lied Lead, White Lead, Verdigris, Baitman's Dions, Opodeldoc, A Hum, Lrtheridge, Ink Powder, Pearl Ash, (j round Paint Brushes, asrrtcd. Shaving Boxes and So:i;i, Spanish Whiting, Turkey I TnibeiCrom. Yellow, Prussian blue, TooLh Brushes Mace, SnutT Boxes, Spinning Wheels, Shaving Brushes, Razors, Blank Warrants, do. Notes, do. Bonds, So e;ish Vnnatto. do. Blueing, do. Indigo, Wag :is ironed, do. not Ironed, Almanacs, Dura. le Ink, Slaughters Bitters, fee All of the above articles will be sold "ei v low, for Cash on! v. JOS. L. SIMMONS. Halifax, Feb. s 1S29. RS. A. C. HOWARD has just re ceived a handsome assortment ol FANCY GOODS, for spring and sum mer wear, which she will with pleasure exhibit to the inspection of those Ladies who may please favor her with a call among them will be found Pattern Silk Hats, the latest New-York and Philadelphia fashions, Battcse and Cambric do. do. Leghorn Hats, assorted numbers, do. do. for children and misses, Plain and open straw do, do. Black, white and yellow Navarinos, Bobbinett veils, caps, capes, and collars, Superb turbans and head dresses, Plain Bobbinett, fancy Handkerchiefs, Bobbinett and blond laces, White and straw coPd blond gauzes, Toit'oise shcli side combs, Brazilian tuck, turn back, and side combs, Curls and pulls, mowhairdo. Mrs. Cantelo's patent Corsetts, Sw iss muslins, for Ladies' dresses. Plain and figured Grosde Naples do. Metal buttons, for do. Watered and figured Silks, Plain silks, florences, &c. Black mode. Satins. Crapes. vC Brown Cambric, straw col'd Battcse, A superb assortment of ribbon and flowers, Pearl and coral ear drops, necklaces, i'ec. Purling, floss, wire taste, Dolls glass beads, and a variety of other articles. Ladies' dresses, cloaks, pelisses, Sec. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw Bonnets bleached, dyed, or trimmed, at a short notice. 1 at borough, April 10, 18:29. It. & J. Dunn & Co. NFORM their friends and the public, generally, that they have now on hand their supply of spring (Boons, Which embrace a complete and very ex tensive assortment of every desirable article of STAPLE AND FANCY 1) BY GOODS, Amongst which are: A splendid assortment of Silks, Several pieces 4-4 Satin Levant cens and Wa tered Gros de Berlin, ouitea new artirlp. A beautiful assortment of fine Thread Laces and Ldgings, A most splendid assortment of fancv Calicoes, i large siock. OI l.HUtLKlJ, A general assortment of Medicines, Drugs, Oils and Paints, Huts, Shoes and Hardware, in great variety: Which, with every other article usu ally kept in an extensive assorted Store, they offer for sale on the most favorable terms. Being confident that they can give general satisfaction as to price and quality, they respectfully invite their triends in town and country to cail and examine their assortment. LIME. pOR SALE, by the Subscribers, 100 casks Thomast on Lime, which wil be sold low for cash. D. RICHARDS $ CO April, 1S29. herrings p:;CKlVi:D this dav, lifty birreU of NEW HERRINGS, which will be sold low for Cash. I). RICHARDS CO. boro April to, lsl2'J. Tar! X) mar Cabinet FURNITURE. FPI1E Subscriber continues to nuke any article in his lini either of ma hogany or walnut also, plain and cull ed maple Bed' oads Those who may ei'".e to tavor him with their custom, av rely on hiving their furniture of gor- I matorials, in the modern stylo, and as f.ithfnlly executed as they can get fro any of the northern cities. He h;i rw on hand for ale: One --rgr1 mahogany Sideboard, with look-iiK- da-ses in the back board, four carved pawsfhul columns in front. One do. with a press o;i top of it for glass war? One mahogany Secretary and book case. Two mahogany Bureaus, one with carved paws .Hid columns, the other plain. One mah-)gaiiv Dressing-table, will carved pillar and caws. A few pieces of walnut furniture. ALSO, picture Glass, assorted sizes, from 10 by 12, to 25 by 35 inches. Looking-glass plates, assorted, from 8 by 5 0, tj l. by 22 inches those who have their looking-glasses broke and the frame f.ood, eun be furnished on moderate terms. CopaV Varnish, by the gallon or smaller We have just received a consignment of Cut Herrings and Shad, Put up this season, at one of the most celebrated fisheries on Roanoke. We have also on hand a few hundred barrels of CORN, neatly cleaned and fanned; all of which we will sell low for Cash. R. &-J. DUNNfy CO. Halifax, May 7th, 182.9. 5 measure. Any of the above articles will be sold cheap for Cash. Lhose indebted to the Subscriber, ei- i u ,:,. ri ;her by n()tp or account, are particularly i nnilptri. pnelosinyitae cash, will requested to settle the same between jhankfully received ind promptly at- ,!.:.. ... i ii. r . . r i . t .uibauu me him m iaj. tended to. N. iiaAountree. At the Store of h & S. 1). Colicn, IN TAR BO ROUGH, Turks Island and 7 O i T ril Liverpool sack 5 I-i JL Molasses, sugar, coffee, tea, and chocolate, Iron and steel of every description &: oualitv. Blacksmiths bellows, and every other arti cle? to make a complete sett of Black smiths tools, Old brandy, by the barrel or retail. Jamaica rum, o vears old, common brandy, Together with an extensive assortment of Slitde and Fancy Goods, Of a.most every variety, at as low pri-neXe(j be bought Groceries, &c. rHE Subscriber offers for sale cheap, for cash only, at the Post-Office in 1'iilboroiigh, next door to Messrs. R. & Cotteirs store, the following arti--'ht r.U of which have just arrived fiom NeV-Yort, and arc fresh and of supc rioitjurilit y, viz: CogLic and ;'.);ie brandy, whiskey, Coroals London aiui American porter, Alb.iy beer, best northern cider, I n-it,i..1 K,-,r,i ...1... , .... CrffeA.nd teas, in-nner and sniro. m,:stMr, ?Ia,ll .s c?niac brandy, 10 years eld, Nnt.nis cinnrunoumace, cloves, ginger,' j Uir? V0lIa.ml '?a T wlnskey Raisinbvihr- bov nrnn.n,,!. Madeira w:nc, N . L. ; urn U commo - , CuiT 'tf., figs, almonds, Brazil nuts, !ama;nd'.-, water and butter crackers, Belo-n ;iusages, presoryed ginger, Candy, iSsortcddricd peaches, apples, A lew j eees fancy calicoes, ginghams and Londtv plaids, citings, Cottf!) s irting, bandanna handkerchiefs, (ientlcni n's gloves, socks, cravats, ice. Alum, sat'petre, spirits turpentine, Castor oilglaubcr salts, sulphur, pearl ash, Potter's vgetable Catholicon, by the bottle, Camphor, vl'indsor soap, Castile do. Starch, copcras, clialk, red ochre, Lime juice.foolscap and letter paper, Fine sealinj, wax, wafers by the ounce, restaments.spelljng books, load pencils, Murray's kr', Knglish reader, i.c. Mar.cabau stifl. Spanish smoking tobacco, Best chowi;v.;tt)')acco, common do. Cut tobacco i-papers, paste blacking, Spanish segar , jtoughten's (jitters, hones, Powder and slot, empty bottles z ticklers, Sperm candles tallow do. moulded, Window glass, tyfhilc lead, putty, Sec. Bed cords, plotrti lines, trace chains, Cut nails a -oovUl, wrought 6 penny do. Slock, knob ar.dpad locks, assorted, Pocket knives, .'.jUsors, needles, pins, Sewing silks, sp il cotton, Buttons, assorted ' Common tuck am side combs, fine tooth do. Tooth brushes, 11 ;i hooks, cc. is:c. Together witl imany other articles, which it is uselesVo insert. The Sub scriber intends to Keep a general supply of Groceries, whih he flatters himself ; he will be able to djl as low as they can j be procured at this market.. ..and he in j vites all persons vhingto purchase any I article in his lin !p call and judge ol Orders irom the be Apple Brandy. npHE Subscriber has a few barrels of A excellent APPLE BRANDY which he is disposed to sell on reasona ble terms. EXUM LEWIS. Mount Pospect, June, 1S29. Notice npiIE Subscriber has sundry judgments remaining in his hands, which the owners are requested to come forward, pay tiie costs and take them. As 1 do not expect to be in town every day, I will leave them in Nr. Henry Austin' store, where they can be got at anytime " by applying to Mr. Austin. They are left there for the convenience of tLts owners, who will please come forward as soon as possible. DAVID LLOYD. July 20lh, 1S29. 49.3 l)r. Edwin Whitehead OESPECTFULLY tenders his ser At vices to the inhabitants of Scotland Jfeck, And its vicinity, in the practice ot Medicine, Surgery, &c, IN .ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES. He has located himself at NICKELS' c STORE, where he can at all times hep consulted, except when professionally" engaged. Scotland Neck, Aug. 1. 1829. 51 4 TO THE Printers of the U. States. F late the prices of all the materials used in making Printing Tvnes. have been greatly reduced, anil the faci lity of manufacturing greatly increased, The Subscriber therefore, has been in duced to make a proportionable reduc tion in the prices, which, from the 1st of April, have been as stated in the an- at any ces tor casn, as can store in the place. A constant supply of Sicaimi Pana cea, Dr. Chambers' remedy for In temperance, Jud kins' s celebrated Oint ment &c. &c. QThe highest price paid in Cash, for good clean baled Cotton. TUST RECEIVED and now opening, a splendid assortment of fancy &. staple Seasonable Goods, At unprecedented low prices 100 bar rels superior Cut HERRINGS, &c. &c. R. $' S. D. COTTEN. May 23, 1S29. II. Johnston, IRISHES to inform his friends, and " customers that he has just received from New-York, a few GOODS in his line of business, such as . Superfine blue, black and olive Cloths, Fine black bombazeen, of superior quality, Merino cassimcre, a handsome article for gentlemen's wear, Dark drab French drills, White and fancy Marseilles vestings, hand some pattern?, Black and fancy silk do. Black and white cravats, Cravat stiffeners, suspenders, &c. He also has on hand a few black Lea ver HATS all of which lie is disposed to sell very low. Tarboro April 23, IS?0. The character of the Type made at this Foundry is well known to the Trade, who are assured that in regard to the quality of the metal, finish, and durability, no deviation has been made. He has on hand a eomplete assortment,, and can supply any quantity on a short notice; he will be happy to receive the orders of his customers, which will have immediate attention. Merchants who have orders from abroad, can have offi ces complete with Presses, and every thing necessary for a Printing Establish mcnt, put up in the most perfect mannet. Publishers arc requested to give this advertisement a place in their papers lew times, to receive payment S3, iu Type, or in the settlement of their ac counts. RICHARD RONALDSON. Prices.... At six months credit, fc: approved paper, or a Discount, of 5 pee cent: for cash. Pearl, per lb. gl 40 Nonpareil, 0 90 Minion, 0 TO Brevier, 0 56 Bourgeois, 0 46 Long Primer, 0 40 Small Pica, 0 38 Pica, 0 36 English, $0 SG Great Primer, 0 34 Double Pica, 0 32 Do. Gr. Primer, 0 32 plain, Scabbards and Quotations, 0 The prices of other descriptions cf Types are proportionably reduced. Old Type received in payment 2t 5" cents per lb. 1 Philadelphia, Jul? 6. 50-S Vrxniing neolhf cxtciifet) LEWIS BOND. hrr.h 2Glh, June 4, 1820.

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