Whole No. 419. I'arbordugh, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Tuesday, September 11, 1832. Vol. IX No 3. The "North Carolina Free Press,19 BY GEORGE IIOU'ARD, Is published weekly, at Two Dollars mid Fifty Qcnts per year, if paid hi advance- or, Three Dal at the expiration of the Subscription year. Pen any period U'ss than a year, . Tvjenty-Jive Cents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at anv time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears 1 those residing at a distance must invariably pay in advance.or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding 1C lines, will be in serted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Lon'ger ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marked the number ci insertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, rr they may not be attended to. FOR THE FREE TRESS. Mr. Editor: In language sonorous and musical, "Civis" has tendered his congratulations on the political essay which I had the honor of writing, and which was published in the columns of Vour paper, 14th Aug. and in accordance, with polished etiquette, I reciprocate the generous sentiment, and condole with the public, that the brilliant "Civis" should waste his invaluable time, in writing "so much against the public good" and will leave him to the "luxury of its indul gence," with the additional felicity of be ing displeased with himself, for the pre cipitate manner in which lie needled to gether ''The colorM folds, that float around his sitting sun, Like crimson drapery o'er a monarch's throne." ".M ine shall be the more ingenious pur pose" of developing to the enlightened citizens of Edgecombe, a faithful exhibit of the high claims Mr. VAN BUREN has to their disapprobation. Previous to the year 1811, he exercised himself in various magical experiments in politics, preparatory to his grand entree on the public theatre, and it is said that his skill in the first rudiments of his science, at tracted unbounded admiration, from that portion of politicians, who were ever rea dy to attach themselves to the fortunes of the successful. In 1811, Mr. Madi son acted as President of the United States, n period of gloom and despon dency, and which demanded the best vir tue and ability, to meet the approaching storm. A declaration of war and British impunity were the general topics of the day our country was not prepared for the crisis, but rested her hopes on the chivalrous spirit and patriotism . of her sons concert and union in the rcpuhli-! can ranks, were indispensable. It was highly important that Mr. Madison should j be rc-clccled war with its "notes of preparation," resounded throughout the land "every American, whether his do inicil was in the east or the west, in the north or the south," was expected to ral ly around the "star-spangled banner" but, ah! the genius of opposition sudden ly arose, and held its midnight orgies, chaunting unhallowed requiems, in the land of its nativity. Didaper republicans were seen to glide suddenly and myste riously from the genuine republican ranks, and join with recreant revelry the flag of disunion and under this flag, and at this critical juncture, did the old oppo sition band, in conjunction with the di daper democrats, offer the name of Mr. Clinton in opposition to Mr. Madison, as President of the United States. At this time Mr. Van Buren not only acted as fu gleman against Mr. Madison and in fa vor of Dewitt Clinton, but amused him self in divers mystical tricks, in paralyz ing and dividing the country at the very commencement of hostilities. The de claration of war was declared in 1812 -it concluded in glory, and Mr. Van Bu ren became invisible and when lie be came visible again, we find him in oppo sition to Mr. Clinton. In 1824, Mr. Van Buren opposed the election of Gen. Jack son, and was remarkable and indefatiga ble in defeating the wishes of the people his political friends participating large ly in denouncing Gen. Jackson as emi nently disqualified for the office of President- but, oh! funny to relate, he pointed a moral and adorned a tale, by leaving his former friends in the lurch, and rally ing around the standard of Gen. Jackson. Is it not evident that the man is seeking for office does he not twist and turn with every popular breeze! He found Gen. Jackson to be the man of the peo ple, and he suddenly altered his compass and directed his crew to hail for a new portmany like himself who rend the air with tariffism, are "birds of passage," ori the look out for better quarters. And when Mr. Van Buren becomes President, the "little birds" of the South will flock around the Great Magician, like black birds do our barn yards. On the 2d Feb. 1827, a bill was intro duced into the Senate for the re duct ion of the duty on imported Salt 5th Feb. the question was taken on the passage of the bill, and Mr. Van Buren voted against a reduction of duty on salt, an article of prime necessity, an article which is daily used by every family in Edgecombe. "Such is one of the evidences" upon which Lowndes "can sustain his broad allega tion," "that in supporting Mr. Van Buren we support taxation and restriction, and consequently the very evils we so loudly complain of." Civis, whose fancy is ever on a cruise, and whose imagination is bespangled with "castles in the air," has advised me to read Mr. Van Buren's "speech at Al bany," before I again draw inferences, etc. I have performed that duty, and will sub join a few extracts which have not beetl quoted by either of us, by way of illustra ting the manner Mr. Van Buren would dispose of his casting vote, provided he! was Vice President, and had to decide on any important question, that would affect the farmers of Edgecombe. lie commences his speech, with much art and adroitness, by unfolding the per plexities which he encountered, in con vincing himself, that he fulfilled the du ties of a Senator in Congress, by leaving his seat, and hastening all the way to Al bany, to partake of the grand tariff ban quet which was then before him Mr. Van Buren said: "Every American, whether his ctomicil was in the east or the west, in the north or the south, wish them (i. e. domestic manufactures) success. They were closely connected with the welfare and prosperity of the country, rendering labor productive, creating and diffusing wealth, afford ing honest, .if not lucrative, employment, raising up within ourselves the means of independence, and opening home markets for the production of our agriculture. As such they had heen steadily encouraged hy the State and the nation almost since the foundation of the Government." "In regard to it (the question of protection) there is, in this Stale, with the exception of the portion of the inhabitants of our chief city, and others of more limited extent, no diversity of opinion. The policy of extending a fair and reasonable protection to the domestic industry of the country, through legislative enactments, is and has for many years been, the established sentiment of the State. Upon that subject the gentlemen who had preceded him, he said, made very sensible, and for the most part, judicious remarks; but here, at least, they related to a by gone question. But as to the extent to which that protection ought to go, and the best means of applying it, we differ among ourselves, and should probably continue to do so as long as there were different interests among us. Upon the general subject, the sentiment of the Slate now is and long has been in accordance with the acts of the government." "He knew that the wool growers had not for the time being, a good market for their wool; for he had himself two shearings of no inconsidera ble amount on hand. He knew, too that the farmers had not obtained good prices for their produce, and he could assure them that it should not be any fault of his if they were not obtained; but it was nevertheless true, that the attentive observer could witness every where throughout the State the smiles of prosperity and plenty. Is this, he asked, a picture of imagination, or is it reality; gratifying, consoling, heart cheering reality. He put" it to the knowledge and obser vation of every man who heard him, whether there was any thing more certain than there is no spot on God's earth more prosperous and happy than the State of New York. If there wai a ci tizen of the State who doubted it, let him travel, and he will be convinced of his error; and if he can desire to witness a picture of the reverse, let him pass through the Southern States, of which so much has been said; and if he did not return satisfied with the superior prosperity of his own State, he, Mr. Van Buren, would acknowledge his incapacity to judge in this matter." "His situation in reference to the wool grow ers' interests was well known to the most of them. He had, at present, invested more than 5520,000 in sheep and farms and which he meant to devote to that business." Let us see who composed the Baltimore Convention viz: advoeates for and a againsl a latitudinous construction of the Constitution Hartford Convention men advocates for and against the Pension law advoeates fur and against a Na tional Bank for and against the Tariff, etc. Such are the materials, and such was the Convention, that has undertaken to rule and govern the nation, and to palm upon the American people a man of high tariff principles. Mr. Van Bu ren's "Albany speech" was made in 1827, his instructions by the Legislature of New York were given in the winter of the same year- the tariff act became the law of the land in the spring of 1828 why then instruct a man, who could deli ver such tariff sentiments as Mr. Van Buren did at Albany, previous to the in structions given him by his Legislature? The fact is, that this was done in order to place the blame with the New York Legislature, and to make himself less odious to the Southern people. Is it not evident that Mr. Van Buren, in placing himself in a situation to be blamed and not to bo blamed, was manoeuvring for office -the spoils of which would render him the master spirit of the age. Many ; highly respectable citizens in the State jof New York, declare that the nomina tion of Mr. Van Buren by the Baltimore Convention, will defeat the election of Gen. Jackson. Mr. Clay and hisfriends consider the nomination in the same light this is good evidence. Why then shall the pattizansof the tariffcandidate, continue to support a hopeless cause' divide-and embarrass the republican ranks let them cease then to urge the claims of a man who has no principles in common with the farmers of this ccrunty. One of Mr. Van's friends said, in a let ter to a friend, "As to the Vice Presiden cy, Mr. Van Buren must be the man, no lens volens -if not we can never make him President. It is said the Senate will reject his nomination to England 1 hope so, for then his election as Vice President, and afterwards President, is rendered morally certain." Admirable! here then we have another clue, another manoeuvre, which will account for the proceedings of the Baltimore Conven tion. Me is to be our President it seems we are then to be governed by a man who "uttered a roaring philippic," in the Slate House of New York, in opposition to our second war of independence. The Missouri question yes, the stum bling block to the Van Burenites well, here we have it. Mr. Van Buren was in the Legislature of New York, he voted against the admission of Missouri into the Union here then we find Mr. Van Buren, contending against the interest of the South. He was also remarkable for his activity in electing the Hon. Rufus King to the Senate of the U. Stales another politician, who stood against. the Southern States on the same question. So far from regarding Mr. Van Buren's cause identified with the Constitution and the Union, I regard it as dangerous to our liberties and pregnant with anar chy and confusion. That Mr. Van Bu-i ren will be rejected by the American peo- i pie, no unprejudiced politician will deny, which "will furnish another striking and impressive illustration of that wholesome truth," that political inconsistency does not always succeed, when the glitter of self promotion and the spoils of office arc the rewards and to the "factious and designing, will hold out this admo nition," that when taxation and restric tion are put in operation to render one portion of our country a paradise and the other a region of misery where the curfew sits in sullen silence, and joins in a mournful colloquy the pale-faced buz zard the "very stratagems practised to accomplish" this state of things, will in deed, cause the high sheriff of disunion to "hover around the sanguinary plain," and perhaps make the "phrensied imagi nation" of "A Jacksonman," stand ag hast, "wrapped up in the solitude" of his own misconceptions and partizan absur dities. The politics of Mr. BARBOUR are honest and consistent, devoted to the U nion, to the South, and to the rights of man his career in politics is worthy of the highest eulogy he has always voted for every measure which had any tenden cy to support the interest of the Soutli and the dignity of the Republic. The great popularity which he now enjoys in this State, is the offspring of spontaneous homage voluntarily bestowed by the ' friends of the Union and constitutional liberty. His popularity is not of that slippery kind, which is obtained without merit it is of that kind which always accompanies virtuous and enlightened principles. The "'six plantation" affair, 1 leave to be corrected and improved by the quizzical genius who in this era of "strange events" has favored the com munity with so much political drollery flashes of wit, and acute deductions on the political state of the Union. And before 1 conclude, I recommend the far-' mers of Rdgecombe to recollect that Mr. Van Buren voted against the reduction of the duty on imported Salt. And sure enough, he cared for nothing in life, save his anxiety to make the farmers of the. South pay high for their Salt. In closing this short sketch of the tar iffed career of Mr. Van Buren, I will no tice some additional inconsistencies which seem to be stalking through the ranks of the Van Burenites in this dis- trict. At a conventional meeting held at Washington, N. C. the proceedings of which may be seen in the Free Press of the 28th Aug. last Mr. Joseph B. Hin ton was called to the Chair and Mr. De vine appointed Secretary. The meeting proceeded to nominate a suitable person as Elector to be placed "upon the ticket now forming in this State, in favor of An drew Jackson, as President and Martin Van Buren as Vice President." Joseph B. Hinton was first put in nomination, but withdrawn. Gen. Wilson was then nominated, and rejected. Gen. Wilson is an "original Jacksonman," and a warm partizan of Mr. Van Buren. Mr. Hinton was again put in nomination and unani mously elected. The politics of Mr. Hinton 1 know nothing of, but a friend at my elbow informs me, that he is not an "original Jacksonman," but was a friend to Mr. Adams's election. It ap pears then, friend "Civis," that you have in your ranks some of the "loyal adhe rents of the fallen house of Quincy." If the "farmers of America are the objects of Mr. Van Buren's admiration," why did he load them with high tariff duties, op pression and other political evils, which come nigh grinding them to the dust. Mr. Barbour is the man of the people -they will elect him in despite of calumny and detraction. LOWNDES. Savannahi Aug. 21. We understand that the four negroes in confinement at Lexington, charged with aiding and abet ting the horrid outrage, perpetrated by the man Hemby about a month since, were tried last week and found guilty, and two of them have been sentenced to receive 75 lashes, be branded and sent out of the State; the other two to be hanged on the 1st September. Hemby, the white man, will be tried in Octo ber. Appling, the sufferer, is slowly rc; covering, Georgian,