Whole No, 420. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, N. C.) Tuesday September 18, 1833, Vol. IX No. 4. The "North Carolina Free Press," ISV GEORGE HOWARD, Is published weekly, at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per ye;ir, it' P'd in advance or, Three Dol lars, at the expiration of the subscription year. For any period less than a year, T-enty-Jive Cents per mcnth. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at an time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those residing at a distance must invariably pay in advaiice.orgive a responsible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be in serted "at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 ines. Advertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or tncy may not oe attended to SOUTH CAROLINA. The Charleston papers have published a letter from Langdon CAeves, lvq. addressed to the Secretary of the Sumtemile Union Party meet ing, declining, in consequence of a series of do mestic, afflictions, his appointment as a Delegate to the Convention proposed to he held by that party, at Columbia, during the present month. In this letter, Mr. Chcves advocates the proposi tion of a Southern Convention, as the best mea sure to be adopted, at this lime, by the Southern Slates in reference to the oppressive acts of the Government. "Every other remedy," he says, is less powerful, less certain, and probably less peaceful. Any other remedy, which has any power, has ominous forebodings of evil stampt upon it." In reference to the State Rights, or Nullification party, Mr. Cheves remarks: "The measures of excitement to which they have resorted, I am obliged to think arc dangerous, at once, in their operation and example; and Nullification, the great ultimate measure to which they are hur rying along, and to which all their acts tend, I fear will be an awful experiment with the power, and upon the welfare of the good people of the State. I must not, however, be understood to impute to the parly any impure or dishonorable mo tives. On the contrary, i believe the great mass of both the great parties of the State is governed by the most patri otic feelings." Col. Draylon lias also published a long and able address to his constituents, detailing his views of the present Tariff and the reasons which induced him to vote for it. The add i ess is too long for our columns, and we can only give the following extracts: "It is alleged in all the newspapers in this State, which adopt the reasoning of "the Address," that no spirit of compro mise or conciliation entered into the composition of the late Tariff act, and that its sole object was to confer addi tional bounties upon the Tariff States, and to increase the burthens upon the Planting States. My opinion of that act I have already expressed; and it is not my intention to ascribe to it merits which 1 have hitherto denied to it; but I cannot refrain from admitting, that the act of Ju ly, 1832, does contain some provisions which proceeded from a spirit of com promise and conciliation on the part of the advocates of protection. It is noto rious that ioud and reiterated complaints were made in the Southern Slates, and particularly in South Carolina, on ac count of the high duties upon coarse woollens and blankets, and upon cotton hagging, and that the duties upon them were diminished, to gratify and concili ate the South. After March, 1333, upon coarse woollens, of a value not exceeding 35 cents the square yard, ami upon blan kets, of a value not exceeding 75 cents each, the duty will be almost nominal, being 5 per cent, ad valorem; and upon cotton bagging, the duty will bo reduced from 5 to 31 cents the square yard. I have read in numerous publications in the newspapers of this city, that.the woollens and the blankets which are imported by the planters for their negroes, cannot be purchased at the prices limited by ihe act, so as to be included within the reduced duty of 5 per cent. My reply to this statement, I should presume, would be perfectly satisfactory. I am informed by the most competent and respectable au thority, that such woollens and blankets the planters arc in the habit of impor ting for the negroes, can now hh m.r,l.n sed abroad at the prices specified in the act, and that no doubt is entertained that this wdl be the case, after. that act shall be in force. Should this, however, be an error, as the reduction of the duties upon these articles was made, and was expected to be made by the advocates of the protective system, exclusively, fur the accommodation of the South; and as they repeatedly and positively declared, that the articles could be procured at the prices mentioned, I cannot hesitate to believe, if the fact be otherwise, that up on satisfactorily establishing it, such a law would be passed at the next session of Congress as would rectify the mis take. However desirous the restriction ists may be, and unquestionably are, to preserve what they consider to be their interests, it would be doing them injus tice to suspect them of so gross a dere liction of principle, as a deliberate de sign to defraud, or of the commission of so egregious an act of folly, as to calcu late upon being able to deceive, when the means of detection would be so soon and so easily afforded. "The minimums upon woollens, which created peculiar discontent, for the stron gest and most obvious reasons, have also been abolished for the gratification of the South." I have thus, fellow-citizens, submitted to you my reasons for the vote which I gave upon the passage of the late Tariff act, and my views of thut act, both in its immediate effects, and as compared with the existing Tariff. 1 feel confident that my vote will be approved of by all of you, who prefer conciliation and compromise to a rupture' with the members of our confederacy. When a system has long been established, u Inch -extensively con trols the national capital und labor, how ever unwisely it may have been introdu ced, it cannot, suddenly be abolished, without spreading desolation and ruin among millions, and communicating a perilous shock to our tranquillity and se curity. However tec may deprecate a protective tariff, in its principle and in its details however indignantly we may ar raign the mbtives in which it originated, and the consequences resulting from it, the majority of the people, are neverthe less, convinced, thut it is warranted by the Constitution, and recommended by the soundest policy. From the preva lence of these sentiments among the ma jority, and ihe legislative encouragement ot them by high and stimulating protec tive duties, immense capitals have been invested in numerous and complicated branches of human industry, which, it must be obvious, ought not to be interfe red with, excepting with the utmost cau tion, deliberation and forbearance. Thus impressed with the importance, tluTintri cacyand the delicacy of thissufiject, when the consideration of the tariff' was bro'l up, during the last session oPCongress, my anticipations of its improvement were limited to such alterations as would light en some of its burthens, obliterate some of its most obnoxious enactments, and manifest a temper and disposition indic ative of still further amelioration. When the foundations of the system should be thus undermined, the cheering prospect would be presented, that Congress would gradually act upon the principles which ought never to be lost sight of that do mestic industry should qnly be incident ally protected by duties upon foreign im- portations. Although the tariff act of 1832 is, in my opinion imperfect, altho' it still requires great and radical im provements, yet it docsT appear to me that it makes such approaches to what it ought to be, as to render it worthy of ac ceptance, at this time, to every patriotic and reflecting statesman, who seeks to obtain the recognition of the principles of Free Trade, by temperate and practica ble means. "To what extent the duties and the re venue will be reduced by the late tariff act, 1 have already shown. Surelv. a di minution in the protecting duties of $i,ttoy,uao and in the aggregate of the revenue from the customs of 5,187,078, is a relief, in the gross and in the detail. Surely a diminution in taxes, which redu ces their neit receipts from $17288,645 to 12,101,567, is a general benefit. These ameliorations, combined with some concessions of the South, and the repeal of the minimums upon woollens,! ought to be hailed, with some satisfaction,! as the harbinger of belter times, and as leading to a more auspicious consumma tion; and more especially, ought we to be inspired with confidence, when it is re collected that these reformations were effected, although they were opposed, to the utmost, by the, firmest zealots in the cause of protection, and although the bill which contained them, was voted against by six of our own delegation, in the House of Representatives. If thus much was achieved against obstacles so formi dable, the hope is, proportionately flat-! termg, that those who are willing to sac-! rifice the pride of opinion, and the lust of power, to a spirit of amily and compro mise, and Mo lay their resentments, and passions,vand prejudices, upon the altar of their common country, will accomplish greater objects by their judicious and persevering appeals, addressed to the reason, good sense, and real interests of the community; JSy honest exertions thus directed; it mayvell be anticipated, that the delusiorfsWvhich have been crea ted by a selfish theory, will be dispelled lhat the revenue, at no distant period, will be limited to the proper cxpences of the government that the tariff will be so regulated, as equally, to diffuse its bur thens and its blessings, among a free, a prosperous, and a uuitell people. When a career lias been openedwhich may carry us to thejjoal at which we would arrive, shall we falter in the course which we have commenced shall we stop short in the progress to which we are invited shall we, supinely, slumber on our posts, when the victory may be won, by discre tion and perseverance? Shall we instead of availing ourselves of that "tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to prosperous fortune," abandon whatever is dear to us as patriots, what soever renown we have derived from our ancestors, whatsoever of glory we have acquired abroad, and whatsoever of lib erty and happiness we have enjoyed at home, "and, raahly barter away these in estimable treasures, to plunge into the vortex of Nullification? Shall we yield ourselves to be entangled in the mazes of political abstraction, which is either so subtle or so paradoxical as to mock the understanding, or so false and so perni cious as to lead us into error and danger? Shall we, with our senses awakened, and our faculties roused, and our vigor unim paired; march tamely under the banners of those, who while they profess to put down usurpation, themselves usurp a power paramount to the Constitution and laws who while they proclaim, that they will emancipate us from federal oppres sion, by a peaceful, efficient, and legiti mate remedy, would reduce us, either to the alternative of submitting to the gov ernment we resisted, or of seceding from the Federal U uion? The first alterna tive would be degrading humiliation. Should we adopt the other, the United States, from the imperious dictates of seli-deienco, would prescribe to us such terms, as would prevent them from being injured by our separate commercial laws and regulations; and to deliver ourselves from their invasion of our sovereignty, should we resort to an ally, the price of his aid, w ould be the sacrifice of our in dependence. "I will dwell no longer upon such gloomy scenes. That the Supreme Ku ler and Director of human affairs, may in his mercy, so incline our hearts and guide our counsels, as that the fierce and stor my passions which threaten us with civil dissention, which distract our social in tercourse, w hich embitter the harmony of our domestic circles, shall be banished from our bosoms, and only be remember ed as solemn and enduring warnings for the future, is the fervent prayer, of your faithful and obedient fellow citizen, WM. DRAYTON." CTAt an election held in Charleston, on the 3d inst. for lntendant and War dens of that city, the Free Trade (or Nul lifying) Ticket succeeded by a majority of about 160 votes over the Union Tick et. The result of this election, exhibit ing an increased majority over the elec tion of last year, may be taken as evi dence of the fact that the cause of Nulli fication is gaining ground in that section of the Union. Pet. Times. OCTA man gives an account in the Charleston Courier of a gross outrage committed on his person in the streets, and attributes it to political hostility, lie says he got "somewhat intoxicated" at night, and when he came to himself in the morning, he was lying in the Public Market, tarred all over, his head shaved, and one of his whiskers shaved off, his pantaloons and coat cut, and his body mutilated. He knows no other reason for all this, but that he is a Union man. We ihiuk'he must have been "gloriously drunk" to have undergone all this with out waking. A general rote had taken place at the house of a Mr. Campbell, a few nights before, and the parties are edifying the public with their different versions of it. The election for City Officers was to take place yesterday, and to the elec tioneering and treating incident to that occasion, we suppose these things may be attributed. Fay. Obs. Georgia Bank Notes. An auction of rather an unusual character, was lately held at S avannah. At a large collection of persons, a quantity of the notes of some of the Georgia banks was put up and struck off to the highest bidder Those of the Bank of Macon, which has recently exploded, broughj from 15 to IP; cents on the dollar, and from what wo can gather may prove rather a dear bar gain to the purchasers. Notes of three or four other banks were sold at ratest somewhat higher. Counterfeits. Counterfeit American half dollars are in circulation in Balti more. They are smooth to the touch, of light weight, have no ring when struck, and may be readily delected if examined with any care. The Comet Much disappointment is expressed in New York at the non importance of the Comet which has just made its appearance in these heavens. It is, they say, "absolutely without a tail," as smooth and snug as a soap ball. We advise the getting up of a few indignation meetings, to express public sentiment. It is out of all character lhat "a Comet" of any character should be tailless, and if nothing else is done there should be a few stars strung up like onions, to make a pendant for the visiter. We doubt in deed whether a Comet, etymologically considered, has any right to come'without a hairy tail, and we think it would be on ly right to turn the tailless intruder out. U. S. Gazette. Lead cannon. We learn from the Ga lena Gazette, that leaden guns have been cast for the defence of a stockade at Col. Hamilton's, on the Pick a-ton-e-ka, thir ty miles east of that town as no iron or brass pieces were to be obtained, re sort was had to ingenuity, and the lead en pieces were found to be well fitted for the object desired. a V

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