mm mmm Whole JVfc. 421. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, JV. C.j Tuesday, September 25, 1832. Foi. ZX JVb 5. The "North Carolina Free Press," BV OEOKGK HOWARD, Is published weekly, at Two Dollars and Fifty renin per year, it paid in advance or, Three Dot iars, at the expiration of the subscription year. For nny period less than a year, Twenty-Jive Ccyits per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those residing at a distance must invariably pay in aclvance.or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be in serted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. gnMPyHBHHftWHIilWIillllll 1 IT 't TWTBnBWyiMWWCTMMIIllIMmi3lCL NULLIFICATION. Explanatory of the modus operandi of Nul lification. The Columbia S. C. Times and Stale Gazelle, in reply lo a correspondent, gives the following "explanation of the whole scheme of Nullification. " After some introductory re marks, in which it states that "nullification is not absolutely a peaceful and effectual method of re dress, but that it is so according to every rule of probability" the Times proceeds as follows: The next Legislature of South Caroli na will be composed, in general, of the members of the Free Trade and State Kights Parly. It is generally eonccded by our antagonists that the friends of nullification will possess such a constitu tional majority as will enable them to call a Convention. This Legislature, it is presumed, will be convened by the Governor very shortly after the election of the members. They will meet fur the sole purpose of calling, and when that shall have been effected, their business will be dispatched pro hac vice. The Convention then will be assembled. This body will be composed of the choicest wisdom, virtue and patriotism of South Carolina. Its deliberations will be at tended with all the solemnity which the occasion of their meeting must inspire. Th eir proceedings would be characteri zed by the directness and straight for ward integrity of men earnestly engaged in important duties. They would em power the Legislature with every func tion that might be deemed requisite for the emergency'. The regular session of the legislature in December will be distinguished by the passage of statutes and enactments that will establish in its most unequivocal form, the doctrine of State Rights in this country as a practical measure. The Legislature will adopt, it is probable, something analogous to the following provisions of nullification. They will impose very heavy penalties upon all concerned in collecting the du ties of the Federal Government. They will give the individual whose property may be seized by the Revenue officers for the payment of duties levied upon it, the right to the recovery of the property by civil jocess. They will institute special courts for the trial of all criminal and civil actions springing from the' ope ration of the veto They will authorize them to sit and decide immediately upon all cases as they arise They will render the venue or place where the action is to be tried transitory, so as to remove every impediment that -the- Union and Northern party in Charleston may impose upon the operation of the law. For it would be a leading object to make it as peaceful and harmonious, as it would be expeditious. No one can doubt who knows any thing of the people from whom the juries would be composed, that these measures would be successful. They would effectually nullify our unrighteous system of protec tion. These regulations too would be adopted, and carried into effect, we think, by the first of January of the ensuing year. Congress will then be in session. 1 he measures of sovereign interposition Adopted by South Carolina, by (we make "o question) Georgia and by Alabama would soon be proclaimed in accents of thunder in the very sanctuary of error, usurpation and tyranny. The issue would now be fairly made up between these Slates and the General Government. What next! is the anxious question. It will be conceded, we think, by every disinterested person who is at all conversant with the true principles of our Constitution, that those States had only exercised a political right, and that the federal Government was bound in stantly to recede from its impositions. Our opponents would admit that we act ed with the words of peace and in the at titude of peace. Whatever of harshness might predominate in their opinions of our tenets, they would remember, that we acted from a conviction, however mis taken that conviction might be, of the equity of our cause that wc made in ev ery stage of the controversy, an appeal a peaceful appeal of course to the great constitutional tribunal of the Union the Convention of the States. There every error, whether of a Federal or State cha racter, might be rectified every griev ance meet with redress. But we will not pretend to found our hopes upon the justice of our principles, or the virtue of our Northern and West ern confederates. We are writing to the understanding of men, who have seen enough of human nature and have wit nessed enough of the integrity and disin terestedness of Congress, not to be per fectly aware that the whole question would be considered and decided upon other grounds than its merits in a moral point of view. But at t4jo same time, we know how the motives of interest that ge nerally have a searching effect upon the heart and head of brother Jonathan, would operate upon the present occasion. Where would the Executive be at this moment of ihe crisis! Gen. Jackson, in accordance with the boldness of his cha racter, would not hesitate a moment. He has already expressed his sentiments on this subject with his wonted frankness, and we may expect to see him prepared to use all his authority and as much more as he can assume, in the rigid coercion of the South. Gen. Jackson may pronounce the States of G eorgia and South Carolina to be in a state of insurrection, and may put their coasts under a state of immediate block ade. A frigate may be stationed off the bar of Charleston, another off the mouth of the Savannah, while a cultermay scour the shores of those two States. But even this is very doubtful. Gen. Jackson's i.: i t . i cuuiuui wouiu never venture on such a hazardous step. Mr. Livingston and his colleagues would advise a reference in this most awful crisis, to the Representa tives of the whole nation in Congress. Common sense, decorum, and a fear of responsibility would compel them to this course. The passionate nature of Gen. Jackson would be obliged to submit to the moderation and better judgment of his advisers. But it is immaterial to the ar gument what the President might think fit to do in his fury and his folly. lie would act as the Commander in Chief of the naval and military force un der the constitutional limitations. As such he is subject to the superior control of Congress. The navy and army may be disbanded at the discretion of the Fe deral Legislature. Their operations are subject to their direction. What course would Congress pursue! Upon the an swer to this question, hangs the whole fate of the enterprise. The answer is easy. Congress must determine either to compel the disaffected States to secede, or to coerce them to submission, or to make full concession to their claims: Will they compel Georgia and South Carolina to secede? What would be the consequence to them of a separation This is the question which they would discuss. Whatever may be the igno rance of a majority of the people of the North as to the true value of the Southern connection, their argus-eyed statesmen are alive to its importance. The North Would be ruined by such a measure. Their agriculture has never been profita ble and would become less so. Their manufactories would be levelled to the dust, for what Tariff could then enforce the purchase of their products. Their navigating interest would disappear from the face of the ocean, for it would lose the privileges derived from the Union which have hitherto cherished it. They could not hope to gain any thiug from the pre carious profits of the carrying trade, for every European port would be closed to their vessels. Great Britain and France would never have permitted a Yankee vessel to enter their harbors but for the benelit of the rice and cotton trade. If they can secure that, without the naviga ting rivalry of the Northern States, they will do so. Will the Northern statesmen then dare to whisper secession with those facts sta ring them in the face Will they be prepared to meet with a bold front and steady nerve, their ruined constituents! Will they be ready to embrace poverty, the loss of political distinction, and the perpetual odium which would be entailed upon the third and fourth generation of their descendants! They must lose eve ry thing they can gain nothing by a se paration. Will the acute Yankee then move for disunion? Never. They would be as little in favor of coercion because in that event the South would secede declare themselves independent, and form treaties with France, Great Britain and the other nations of Europe. These powers would embrace the proposition most willingly, for every argument of scij interest would be in lavor of it. They would be their own carriers and they would of course protect their own com merce. So much for the blockade. As for military coercion, it is too ridiculous to be mentioned now by the warmest an-li-nullifier. It is evident then, the voice of Con gress would speak concession. They would annul the Protecting System re duce the Tariff to the revenue standard and be taught by the lessons of experi ence to refrain at least for a season from the violation of Southern rights. Thus would the process of Nullifica tion prove itself, however controverted and opposed by ignorant and unprinci pled men, the peaceful and efficacious instrument of Federal salvation. Its suc cessful administration has been witnessed again and again, and a few short months will exhibit its most glorious triumphem blazoned upon the annals of the Republic. (rThe Charleston Evening Post says: It bei ug now placed beyond contingency that South Carolina will nullify the Ta riff, we fulfil our pledge to answer the Richmond Whig's inquiry, "How will South Carolina stand in relation to the Union after she has nullified? And will she continue to send members to- Con gress?" Wc answer that it would be presumption in us or any man, to pretend to say what will be the course of our State subsequently to Nullification. It will depend much on the course of the Federal Government, and on a thousand other circumstances so that it is impos sible to reply with any certainty but we may say this much, that Carolina will stand towards the Union as Georgia does now. "Will she send representatives to Congress?" Georgia continues to do so, and her right has not been disputed. "Will she expect the compensation of her members, to be paid from the Treasury?" She will not attach much importance to that matter, and will doubtless voluntari ly assume to pay her own representatives, so long as she is freed from paying tri bute to Northern manufacturers. (QThe foregoing articles from the leading Nullificatioo papers in South Carolina, doubtless correctly exhibit Ihe temper and determination ol that Dai tv in rtcard pursue impeding the Tariff, The following ex- tract from an article in the Charleston Courier, shows an equally spirited resolution onJhe part of the Unionists, to resist to the utmost the en forcement of the Nullification doctrines: "Let us now see how far the putting down opposition at home will hold good, as a peaceful measure. The opposition to Nullification in South Carolina is not a trifling one, and is composed of such materials as will make it no easy task to suppress it; it is composed of men who know the value of their inestimable rights, and dare defend them at every hazard; who will dispute every inch of ground, and surrender the rich legacy bequeathed them by their fathers, only with their lives. The mask has now been thrown off, the dismemberment of the Union is openly avowed in our streets, and an ill omened voice sounds from the seat of government of South Carolina like the death bell of liberty, saying, this Union must be dissolved let the unhallowed sound awake the sleeping to a sense of their danger, and rouse the friends of U nion to buckle on their armor; for on that day when we must submit to the odious doctrine of Nullification, which is the first step to disunion, or resist it, then will the name or submissionists be forgotten by our opponents, and thousands of Caroli na's sons will show that they would rath er die freemen, than live to see the noble inheritance which was purchased by the blood of so many patriots, lost to them selves and their children forever." Resistance. The Montgomery (Ala.) Gazette of the 21st ult. says: Mr. Craw ford, the Marshal of the Southern Dis trict of Alabama, was a short time since resisted by a portion of the white settlers in the Creek nation, while attempting to carry into effect the proclamation of the President of the United States, ordering an immediate removal of intruders out of the limits of the same. It appears that certain citizens, formerly residents of the lower part of this State, under the impression that they would be shielded by the 'sovereignty of the State made it convenient to build a town on Indian lands, and to name it Ervvinton. Upon the Marshal arriving at the spot, he dis tinctly informed them that they had acted in direct violation of the instructions of the Executive, and requested them peace ably to leave. They refused to comply Willi his request, and threatened him with their vengeance. In a short time after, a detachment of the Federal troops, under the command of a Lieutenant, were marched from Fort Mitchell to the spot, and the town con sumed by fire. Upon the news of the conflagration, a process was issued a- gainst the Lieutenant who commander! on the occasion, for the purpose of bring ing him before the civil authority of Pike county, for a violation of the laws of the fctate. 'Ihe Deputy Sheriff attemntPft to execute the process, and, in the at tempt, was pierced by a federal bayonet to such an extent that his life is desnnirprl of and so ended the matter. A few days ago, the Marshal left Wetumpkae for the white settlements in the upper part of the Creek territory. What has there been done, we know not. 8c much for the doctrine of Nullification, when put into practice. The Cherokces. The Cherokee Phoe nix states that there vyas nothing of great interest transacted at the General Coun cil which commenced its snssinn nn th 23d ult. From other matter contained in the same paper, we are induced to be lieve that the Cherokee nation is serious ly disposed to treat. Mr. Boudinot,edi- tor or merhoemx has tendered his resig nation OS Editor to thn Prinmnnl Chief John Ross. We gather from the letter icaiyiiauou, inai me iLuiior uuu me authorities of the Nation are at variance, the former adverse and the latter favora ble to cession and rnmoval. The naner. it is supposed, will be discontinued.