H&NiiY JOHNSTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, T AKES this method of informing his numerous . i -u ..ui: n .l- customers u u (uuiiu generally, inai lie lias just returned from New York, where he Purchased a splendid assortment, of in ms.UNtf of business, viz: Superfine Cloths, of all the most Fashionable colors, Superfine blue, black, and fancy striped Cassimeres, Fine black Bombazeens, for thin coats & pantaloons, Black and fancy Cambleis, for summer wear, Brown and white Drills, white Linen, Plain black and fancy Silks, for vestings, Plain white and fancy Marseilles, Plain and fancy Valencia vestings, Plain and fancy stocks, linen bosoms and collars, India rubber suspenders, silk do. White and black cravats, gloves, silk handk'fs, &c. Those goods wre bought at reduced prices, and will be sold low for cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. Gentlemen wishing to purchase are particularly invited to call and exa mine for themselves, a he is confident that he can please such. All orders from a distance vvjll be thankfully received and punctually attended to. Persons furnishing their own cloths, can have them made and trimmed in the most fash ionable manner and at the shortest notice. Tarborough, April 10, 1S33. Jflrs. Jl. C. Howard, HAS just, received direct from New York, her FALL SUPPLY of Goods in her line of business, consisting principally of Pattern Bonnets, latest fashions, Leghorn, Dunstable and Navarino bonnets, Worsted, Gauze and Adelaide handkerchiefs, Blond gauzes, quilling and edging, Head dresses and ornaments Puffs and Curls, Carved tuck combs, turn back and side do. A great variety of flowers, -ribbons, &c. Mrs. H. continues to carry on the Millinery and Mantua making business as usual. Orders from a distance punctually attended to. Tarborough, Dec. 1, 1832. E. P. NASH C0. Booksellers Stationers, And Blank Book Manufacturers, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. May 1, 1S32. 33 Land for Sale. rpHE Subscriber offers for sale on ihe most li- beral terms, that well known and desirable place where his father James Garrelt lived, 3 miles west of Tarborough, on Ihe main stage road leading from that place to Fayetteville Containingaboui 300 Jcrcs, Nearly all of which is well adapted to the cul ture of Corn and Cotton, and upon which, in a pleasant and healthy spot, are nearly all the buil dings requisite to the comfort and convenience of a family. .The premises may be viewed by applying to H. W. Garrett, who will make known the terms, &c. JVM GARRETT. March 2d, 1S33. 21 I PJOTSCB. milE Subscribers are now receiving, in addi A lion to their former stock, the following arti cles, which they offer on good terms for Cash or Produce. 6 hhds St. Croix SUGAR 10 casks CHEESE, 50 sacks Liverpool SALT 10 hhds RUM, 20 barrels WHISKEY 40 bags COFFEE, 50 pieces BAGGING 10 tons IRON, assorted, 20 kegs NAILS 50 coils bale ROPE, 1000 bushels alum SALT 1000 do. ground do. The above articles were purchased in "New York and Boston, and are now offered at a smaM advance on the first cost. D. RICHARDS CO. Tarborough, 15th Dec. 1832. JYcasc Riter Free Bridge TO BE DRAWN AT Kinston, Lenoir County, JV. Carolina. SCHEME. 2 Prize of $2,000 is 2000 4 6 S 10 20 40 100 220 411 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1,000 500 300 250 200 100 50 20 10 2,000 2,000 1,800 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,200 SPMING & SUMMER GOODS, OESPECTFULLV announces the arrival of his recent very extensive Purchases i K R York ami Philadelphia, and can exhibit to h.s customers such a variety of RICH ,m FASHIONABLE GOODS, as cannot be excelled I by any other establishment in the Slal(, Hwi msdehi purchases principally at the Auction Sa les .and m large qaintit.es, hisenrtfe, him to nmcure every article at the cheapest rates, and w.Il be sold at his usual very sma prn6 The same System odoing business which has hitherto met with so large a share of public favr will Te conUnued, and evfry exertion used to supply h.s customers w.tn goods greatly below , ordinary prices, where any other system is pursued. The following Articles form part of the Slock, and are now ready for in, J speclion: A verv extensive selection of Silks unusually low BROAD CLOTHS, of almost every st,ait of the most fashionable colors, Poix de Soiu, Gro de Swiss and de Berlin, in including some uncommonly cheap, Plain and fashionable rib'd Cassimeres, Sattinetts, extremely low, unriolt' Fnrnni' bst Italian Lustrinr, Matteoni's do. Superior gum elastic Suspenders, 20,000 Cotton Gins. FIHE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends J- and the public, that he continues to Manufacture & repair Cotton Gins, At his old Stand in Tarboro near the bridge. Having carried on the above business for everal years in this place, and his work being generally ap proved, he deems it unnecessary to give any particu lar reference. He will continue to execute his work in the most expeditious manner, and at his usual mo derate charges. JOHN WILSON. Tarborough, Jan. 1833. 3DJ05ICE- BROKE JAIL, of Edgecombe countv, on the night of the 2d February, 1833, negro Said to be the property of James B. Tartt, of Alabama. Said necro is about thirtv rears of age and has a dark complexion he was )rought here from the jail in Chatham county, and it is probable be will attempt to get back in that neigh borhood any information respecting him will be thankfully received. FRED. BELLS Jailer. March 12, 1833. 29 Bank of JY zwhern, January 7th, 1833. AT the lale annual meeting of the STOCK HOLDERS of the BANK of NEWBERN on the first Monday of this month, It was Resolved, That a Dividend of twenty-five per cent, ofl each and every Share of the Capital Stock of said Bank be, and the same is hereby declared ant' made payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and after the first day of March next, under the following rules and regulations, to wit: First all pay rnents shall be made at the Principal Bank to the Stockholder, or his Attorney, duly appointed, on production of the original certificae. Second Payment of Dividend of Capital shall be eviden ced by the receipt of the StockhoIdr'or his At torney, in a Book prepared for that purpose. Third All payments of Dividend of Capital shall be endorsed on the Certificate of Stock, by the Cashier at the time of makiner bavment. Fourth The transfer Book shall be closed on the twentieth day of February next, and remain closed until the first day of March following, and no Share on which a Dividend of Canithl may be paid, shall thereafter be transferred on the Books of this Bank. Extract from the Jour nal of the Stockholders. JNO. W. GUION, Cashier. January 18th, 1833. 21 3000 whole Tickets at $5, isgl5.000 2000 half do. atS2:50 5,000 S?0,000 When the Commissioners named in the Act of As sembly authorizing the above Lottery, shall have disposed of the Tickets and appointed a day for the drawing, they will, in order the more effectually to secure public confidence in their proceedings, sur render the entire management of the business to the following gentlemen, under whose direction the Lot tery will be drawn, (viz:) John Watkins, Esq. of Du plin, Hardy Bryan, Esq. of Jones, Hon. Richard Dobbs Sfiaight, of Craven, Col. Blount Coleman, of Lenoir, Gen. Wyatt Moye, of Greene, and Richard Washington, Esq. of Wayne county. And in case ejjher of these cannot attend, to such gentlemen as he or they may designate from their respective counties. Asa Board of Managers, it will be their province to choose their Clerks, who shall be sworn to keep faithful records of the drawing; ftiey will also select the boys to whom shall be assigned the business of drawing the tickets and numbers from the wheel; for which services the Commissioners will allow the ne cessary compensation. The drawing will be conducted on the old and po pular mode, by placing the Prizes and Blanks in one wheel, and the numbers in another, r itteen per cent, will be deducted from the Frizes, and the fortu nate adventurers will receive payment upon present ation of their tickets, immediately after the draw mg, or at any time within twelve months thereafter. 1 he Bridge when completed will be tree for all of a very superior lustre, Extra rich India black Satin, and watered oiiks, Very rich figured Gro de Soiu, - Pink, green, yellow, white, blue and straw col d Satins and Florences, Green Silk, suitable for calashes, 12 nieces Ponjrees, black and lead colored. Pongee silk Aprons, and super India hdkfs. Ladies black and white rich embroidered and nlain silk Stockings, Family Mournings, fashionable for spring and summer, in great variety, Norwich Crapes and Bombazeens, Rich Oriental, Paris & London printed Muslins, 262 pieces Calicoes of the most fashionable style, some at only S cents per yard, 38 pieces Furniture do. commencing at 85 cents per yard, 41 ps. Ginghams, beautiful pattern, at 20 cts. do. 30 ps. cross-barred jaconet Muslin, for dresses, A large assortment of cambric, medium, jaconet, mull, book, and Swiss Muslins, Fig'd book & Swiss Muslins, uncommonly cheap, 50 pieces Irish Linen, some at 25 cents per yard up to 1 40, the very finest made, A very large and superb assortment of rich fancy Gauze, Crape, Hernani, Parisian and other neck Hdkfs and gold embroider'd Points, A most splendid assortment of bonnet, belt and cap Ribbons, newest slyle, Needle worked infants Dresses, Black silk Velvet and velvet Ribbons, Very handsome Parasols, best quality, do. Um brellas, Thread Laces and Inserting, Narrow bobbinett Laces. Edgings, and Footings, White blond Lace and Edging, 3-4 and 4 4 pl.t in and fig'd Bobbinett, from 30 cenls to Si 50 per yard, Black and white lace Veils, some of a very supe rior quality, "Bl ick, white, green, and second mourning blond gauze do. Green Barrege, for veils, an. t-j l I. .u:, i- i t.i r persons who may pass it-and the route to Newbem j UiUCK WUMC IJM, anu Kree" "anan crapes, across this Bridge, is as near for persons living above : Black Canlon and Nankin Crapes, as the present stage route, and will be the means of; L;idies and children's lace Caps, avoiding nine miles of deep sand. It will also be in the direct route from Wilmington to Tarborough. It is the wish of the Commissioners to accomplish the drawing on the 4th July next, in the town of Kin ston, Lenoir county. If the sale of the tickets should enable them to do so, timely notice of the fact will be given in the newspapers in order that as many as may wish to witness the drawing may attend for that pur pose. It is hoped and earnestly requested that the gentle men to whom tickets may be forwarded for sale, will use early and diligent ifteans to dispose of them and that all persons who arc disposed to patronize the Svork will do it at an early day, as the Commissioners are desirous of calling cn the Agents or venders of tickets about the 1st of June for settlement, so as to enable them to prepare for drawing on the 4tU July. William D. Mostly, Council Woolen George Whitfield, Sen. Jesse Lassiter, Allen W. Wooten, John W. S West, Windal Davis, Ncedham Whitfield, Kinston, March, 1S33. QjTickels in the above Lottery can be had at the Post o ffice in Tarboro ' : Commis sioners FEOPOSALS, For publishing by Subscription, a concise IIISTOUY OF THE Kehukee Baptist Association, Irom its original rise to the present time, BY ELDER JOSEPH BIGGS, Under the supervision of a Committee appointed by the Kehukee Association. nplIIS work will be divided into two parts m. i oi( 1.1M114111 me iiiawiy ui ine Kehukee Association from its first organization until the year 1803,as compiled by Elders Bur kitt and Read, (omitting such parts of it as are considered superfluous.) Part 2d, will embrace a continuation of the History of the Association, until the present period, by Elder Joseph Biggs, &c. CONDITIONS. The work will be printed on good paper, -with a fair type, and will make about 300 pages, duodecimo. It will be furnished to Subscribers, neatly bound and "ettered, at gl per single copy, or JglO per dozen. (TJPersons holding Subscription pavers will please send them, on or before the st of sjpru next, 10 suiaer Joseph biggs, Williams lonor7 to George tjoward, Tarboro' , N. G. Worked muslin Capes, some as low as 15 cents, Ladies and gent's silk, hoskin, kid, beaver, and cotton Gloves, in great variety, Ladies beautiful embroidered and printed cot ton Stockings, White and black cotton Stockings, some at 15 cents per pair, Gent's black and white silk half Hose, Ladies and gent's do. do. Gloves, Plain and fancy bordered linen cambric Hdkfs. Long Lawns and linen Cambric, Ladies Leghorn Flats, some as low as $1, Diamond straw and Dunstable Bonnets, Navarino's, 10 cents each, 25 pieces straw Trimming, 12 dozen artificial Flowers, 10 pieces Oil Cloth, beautiful patterns, Russia and cotton Diaper, Beautiful article of furniture Dimity, Furniture and apron Checks, 200 dozen cotton Hdkfs. 5 cents each fcupwards, 6 dozen Prussian Shawls, 1 1 bales 3 4, 4-4, 5 4, and 6-4 brown and bleach ed Shirtings and Sheetings, cheap, Col'd Cambrics, Italian silk Cravats, Splendid damask table covers, Men's silk Hdkfs. 30 cents each, Low priced and best Bed Ticking, some as low as 12 cents per yard, Cotton Yarn, from No. 5 to 18, Turkey red Cotton, Cotton and wool Cards, best quality, Cotton Fringe, Piping, aad Braids, While aud red Flannel, and point Blankets, Padding, Buckram, Buttons, Silk, Twisl, flax Thread, and trimmings of all kinds, WThite, Russia, brown and motled Drillings, Black & col'd Lastings, Brochellas, & Princeltas, Best crape Camblet, and plaid Drillings, Rouen Cassimere, only 20 cents per yard, 30 pieces yellow Nankin, Cotton Cassimeres, and Canton Cord, 12 pieces brown German Drillings, 10 do. brown Linen, Grandurells, Washington Stripe, &TicklemW Gent's fashionable Stocks, shirt bosoms & collars in great variety, most fashionable kind, Splendid bead Bags and Purses, of a beautiful and entirely new pattern, A great variety of round and cut gilt, glass, and steel Beads, Italian Opera, Parisian, and Neapolitan carved Combs Plain tortoise shell, tuck and side do Carved and plain neck do. common Brazilian luck and side do. a large assortment, ' Pearl, steel and plated waist buckles, Bracelet clasps fancy and travelling baskets, A large assortment of Perfumery & fancy Soap?, Ivory snuff boxes and tinsel ornaments, Feather Fans and silver Pencils, Cloth, hair, and tooth Brushes, Splendid German flower Vases, Fire board Paper, and bullet head Canes, Violins, violin strings, and splendid liquor cases Looking Glasses, in great variety, Low & Reed's compound chlorine tooth wash, Indelible and writing Ink, A few dozen Windsor Chairs, Glass Knobs and curtain Rings, 21 dozen men's FUR HATS, comprising complete assortment, amongst which are the finest and most fashionable white, drab and black, broad brim and roram do. 75 dozen fine and common palmetto Hats, some 20 cents only each, Men's, boys and children's silk and cloth La fayette and other Caps, 2500 pair LADIES SHOES, consisting of spring and high heel'd prunella, some at 50 cents per pair; Bolivar and kid spring heel; high heel morocco 50 cents per pair; seal skin, fine and common calf do. 200 pair mies Shoes, some spring heel prunella, at 45 and 50 Cents Oernair: also. hi!Hrpne hnntinrl hnPS. some at 15 cents per pair, only, 2700 pair MEN'S SHOES, viz: very best calf skin, high and low quartered; lined and bound brass heel high qtd, superior article, at Si 25 per pair; low qtd do. 75 cents; coarse brogans cheap, and coarse shoes at 65 cents; also, mo rocco, and seal pumps, boj-s shoes, hoes, &c. An assortment of Trunks, very low, A general assort't o CUTLERY, HARD WARE, among which are some very superi or Razors in cases, pen and pocket knives, in great variety, some with 2, 4, 6 and 12 blades with pearl and shell handles, dirk knives, &c. Knives and forks, carving knives and steel, spoons, scissors, guns, pistols, dirks, gun locks, scythe blades, chisels, plane irons, patent au gurs, coffee mills; stock, knob, pad and chest Locks; brass candle sticks, tea trays, axes, hatchetst trace chains, steel yards, &c. A large variety of China, Crockery $ Glass ware, some elegant setts of China are in the assortment, handsome Cut Glass, &c 30 bags St. Domingo, Cuba, and Lagu-ira Coffee, 11 hhds. St. Croix and New Orle ans Sugar, 8 barrels superior loaf and lump do. 12 hhds. very superior retailing Molasses, Best young, hyson, and gunpowder Tea, Pepper and Spice, only 121 cents per lb. Nutmegs, mace, cloves', ginger, mustard, &c. Preserved Ginger, in jars, Prunes, muscatel raisins, almonds by the box, Lime juice and Lemon syrup, Very best cogniac Brandy, Jamaica Rum, and Holland Gin, 10 hhds. New England Rum, 5 do. Whiskey, Cider Brandy and country Gin, Champaigne, Madeira, Port, Claret, and Malaga WINES, of the best quality, An assortment of French Cordials, best quality, Real London Brown Stout, in quart and pint bottles; Best Spanish Cigars, Lorillard's best Scotch Snuff, Chocolate, and fine table Salt in loaves, Sperm and tallow Candles, 10,000 pounds Swedes Iron assorted widths, A large assortment of CASTINGS, consisting of pots, ovens, spiders, skillets, tea kettles, spice mortars, grid irons, frying pans, cart and and wagon boxes, &c. 35 kegs Nails, assorted sizes, 40 boxes 10 x 12 and 8x10 widow Glass, Putty; 25 kegs Dupont's best Gunpowder, 100 bags Shot, . White lead, chrome yellow, Prussian blue, ver digris green, chrome green, Spanish brown, reu ieau, copal varnish, linseed oil, &c. &c. Together ivith many other Articles too tedious to enumerate, all of which will be sold at a very small advance, For Cash or Country Produce. Tarborough, 16th April, 1883, " O

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