Severn Iiail lujcn out of town in his grt iind wIilmi returning, hnd occasion To ,1,-ivc across the Kail Road. Perceiving, however, the locomotivt; advancing, he checked his horse until it should pass. Unfortunately the noise of the steam and machinery alarmed tho-animal; and when dio locomotive was close at hand, not withstanding the efforts of Mr. Severn, it attempted to rush across. The engine overthrew the honSe and gig, and so inju red Mr. Severn that he expired in the course of a few minutes. The horse was billed jnstantly. (Tr'In Providence, R. I. a few days since, a little child swallowed a cent xvhich had heen given to it by its father. Dr. Richmond was called in and gave die ehihj an emetic, when the cent was thrown from its stomach! Ireland.-- Considerable excitement prevails in Philadelphia, amonr the mends of Ireland, in consequence of the bloody measures about to be adopted by the British government in relation to that oppressed country. They have held luge and respectable public meetings; revived the Society of Friends of Ireland in that city; resolved to present an ad dress to the people of Ireland, strongly expressive of their condolence and heart fell sympathy with them on the oppres sive system to which they are to be sub jected, and their determination to do whatever can be done, to aid and sustain them, without a violation of their duties as citizens of the United States; and also to address the friends of freedom in Great Britain and Ireland, conjuring them to strain every nerve to procure, as early as possible, a repeal of the odious law in question; and expressing their op probation of the wisdom, prudence and perseverance, with which the illustrious O'Connell and his patriotic associates have labored for a peaceful restoration of the rights and liberties of their coun try. Raleigh Star. Breach of Promise. n the city of cw lorK, a tew days since, George Weeks, a "respectable widower of sixty and upwards," was fined in the sum of two thousand dollars, for running away with the heart of Hannah Elbert, aspruce spinster of 23, without taking the body also, as the said Hannah desired. FOREIG&J. Latest from Europe. The ship Chas. Carroll, from Havre, and the barque Sci ence, from Glasgow, have brought Paris dates to the 22d, and London to the 24th of March. The Cotton market at Havre had improved a shade in price at Liver pool the market was brisk and prices re mained unchanged. o FRANCE. Havre, March 24. The cstafette from Paris, brings news of Gen. Solignac having taken 600 prisoners, in a sortie from Oporto and that the Egyptian ar my, by the latest accounts, was marching on Constantinople. Canning's negocia tion has tailed the Spanish government is not disposed to join England and France against Miguel. The eternal Dutch and Belgian question is still un settled. The question of abolishing negro sla very in the colonies of France, has been opened in the French journals, and touched in the Chambers. It is not im probable that the example of Great Bri tain, on this subject, whatever it may be, will bo followed in France. The French ministry have passed a bill, that places all free people of color upon a footing of political equality with the whites. ENGLAND. The Glasgow Guardian of the 26th says: The Irish Disturbance bill passed through the Committee on Friday night. Dungarvon, March 19. By accounts received from Youghnl. a melancholy loss of lives took place on Saturday, by the upsetting of two market boats, near Cable Island, which caused 52 human beings, men and women, to meet a wate ry grave. They were on their return home to the neighborhood of Ballycot ton, having gone to Youghal that day to got gold for bank notes, which also went n the deep leaving a number of orphan, '"atateofwre OThe brig Sultana arrived at Balti 24fl. P I ' AW,,Ch p,ace 8he ,et on the fo I i- CapL WiMis at prior iveti g.l...hip. hall a" about 71? 6 Ja0e,rL0f ,,avinn board about 70 persons, whom they had pick- en upat sca. From their statement it bound from England to Van Dieman's bZri VI,,.1IUPW1 of 200 convicts on board accidentally took fire at sea, while he mate was drawing liquor from a cask edge. More than 100 persons, men and women, perished in the flames. After lhe veSSel look fire lhe ot the passengers constructed rafts, on winch about 70 embarked, and were for innately saved from a watery grave by he timely approach of the two vessels a bove alluded to. Cholera at Havana. A letter from Havana of the 2d ult. received at Provi dence, says: -The distress of all classes in the city, beggars all description. It is estimated that 15,000 persons in the city and suburbs have been cut ofF by the epidemic. Shocking accounts con tinually reach us from the country, and the grinding has been entirely suspended on some plantations, in consequence of the death of vast numbers of the negroes. Evicts Current, At Tarborough, Norfolk, and New York. APR. 29. Bacon, Beeswax, Ii randy, apple, Coffee, Corn, Cotton, Cotton liagging, Flour, superfine, Iron, Lard, Molasses, -Sugar, brown, Salt, Turks IslM Wheat, Whiskey, - per lb. lb. gallon lb. bushel lb. yard. barrel lb. lb. gallon lb. bushel bushel gallon. Tarboro A'orfolk.A: York' 8 10 it 9 9 10 18 20 16 18 19 20 80 100 70 73 42 43 15 18 13 13$ 11 14 35 40 65 70 58 60 S$ 9 9 Hi 105 15 15 20 14 20 1 1 20 550 600 537 575 550 600 5 6 4 5 7 8 9 9.1 6 8 35 40j 27 33 25 30 9 12: 7 7$ 6 7i 75 801 48 55 40 42 70 80' H2 40 50 31 33 31 33 OH. IUE Officers attached to the second regiment of Edgecombe, will meet at Tarborough, on Friday, the 10th May next, ly the hou?of 11 o'clock, A. M. armed and equipped for the pur pose of an Officer muster and also to settle their returns. B. II. BELL, Col. Com. April 29, 1833. $25 Reward. RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, about six months since, a negro woman named COARTNEYshe is about 5 feet G inches in height, very black, and about SO years old. I have no doubt she is lurking about Sparta and Mrs. Hunter's, near Tarborough. I will give $25, if she is de livered to me in Stantonsburg, or confined in any jail in the State. All persons are forbid harbor ing or employing her under penalty of the law. IV M. STEWART. Stantonsburg, April 2Gth, 1S33. 36-3 $25 Reward. HAN OFF from my plantation on Toisnot, Edgecombe county, on the 1 9!h inst. a negro man named 22 or 23 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, stout built, quite yellow for the appearance of his hair which is as knotty as the negro's usually is, has long lips, large feet and long toes, has a down look when spoken to, had on when he went off dark clothes and a black furred hat. He will probably lurk about" Dr. Hall's plantation near Tarborough, where his father and mother are, until he can procure free papers to pass to a free State, as he has done the like before. I will arive the above reward to any person who will confine him in some jail within this State so that I get him again, or deliver him to me in Stantonsburg. WILLIE BR O IVNRIG G. . April 24th, 1S33. 35 Gmify Locksmith Business, JBlacksmithing, Sfc. 4 NY orders in my line will be thankfully re ceived and faithfully executed at Mr. Wil son's gin shop in Tarborough. RADFORD GASKINS. 17tb April, 1S33. .34 'PHE Subscriber, who for several years past, lift haa.. i I 7 vtu ciid-uu in tne Cm Making Business, In Kinston, has established himself w IN GRANVILLE, Where he carries on the above business, in all as various branches. All those who wish to sup ply themselves with Gins of the best quality are respectfully solicited to apply to the Subscriber, personally, or by letter. All orders for Gini will be promptly executed. From the Subscri ber s long experience in his business, and from tne approbation which his work has hitherto met vyilh, he hesitates ot to promise entire satisfac tion to ad who may see fit to extend to him their patronage. Gins out of order will be expedi tiously repaired. The Subscriber takes the lib erty of calling the attention of those who wish to procure new Gins, or to have old Gins repair ed, o the expediency of applying to him in time. When all wait as is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pressure of bu siness, that many are obliged of necessity to sub mit to a longer delay than they wish. In connexion with this establishment, carries on The Loch and Gunsmith Business, He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, and Mill Inks, and Gudgeons, of a composition invented bV Daniel Peck, of Kaleigh-Gm Mill Spindles, with Steel Collars, (turned.) These articles equal to any manufactured in the United States. All letters and orders must be directed to the Subscriber, at Greenville. a HENRY CHAMBERLAIN. April 1st, 1833. 34.3 $5 Reward. RAN AWAY from thr 9nlc(t.;i,n,. Sunday night last, an indented apprentice, a colored boy, named WILLIS HAMMONDS, Aged about 16 years, tolerably stout built, bright complexion and hnOiv Vio,i it:.. grandmother is a free woman named Olive Ham monds, and lives in Halifax county, where I expect VVillis will try to get, as he has several other comiec tions in that county. Said hoy stole his indentures, and will probably try to pass himself with them as free. The above reward will be paid for his recover ry, if delivered to mc, in Edgecombe county, near Col. Rcnj. Sharpens, or secured in any jail so that I can get him. All persons are forbid harboring or em ploying said boy, under penalty of the law. WILLIAM BROWN. April 9, 1S33. 33 Just Received, And for sale by the Subscribers, 30 hogsheads JSlolnsses, 50 casks Thomaston Lime Which will be sold low for Cash. D. RICHARDS & HD Tarboro', March 22, 1833. Earthenware, Chinafy Glass. 'PHOMAS J. HARROW & CO. Importers, A SS Water-Street, New-Yorkare receiving their spring importations in the above line; com prising a great variety of the Newest Patterns which are offered to Southern Merchants at the most reduced prices possible for the article to be sold at. In addition to the ahjvp, they have a large and complete assortment of Gilt and Plain LOOKING-GLASSES constantly on hand at low rate?. Hoping a continuation of the liberal support hitherto received from our Southern friends, we have made every exertion to lay in a stock of the most desirable Goods for that market and it shall be our constant endeavor to promote the interest of alt those who may favor us with their orders. THOMAS J. BARROW $ CO. Importers 88 Water-St. New York. New York, Jan. IS, 1S33. 23 Rocky Mount Hotel. nPHE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has commenced keeping Jl House of Entertainment, At his residence at the Falls of Tar River, 18 miles from Tarborough and 55 from Raleigh, on the stage road. between those towns. He will provide every thing abundantly, necessary for the comfort and convenience of man and horse, and hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. ISAAC W. HORNE. Jan. 1S33. 03 James M. Redmond, JKSPECTFLTLLY informs his friends and the public, that he has just returned From Aew York, where he purchased and now offers lor s;de, in the Storehouse between the Post Of fice and Mr. H. Austin's store in Tarborough, dn extensive 'Assortment of GROCERS3S & Among which will be found: Loaf, lump, Havana white and brown Sucars, Molasses Coffee, Gunpowder & Young Hyson Teas,, Irish. Monongahela and Rye Whiskey, Holland Gin, Jamaica and New England Rum, trench and old apple Brandy, Madeira and Malaga swert Wines, Chamnaip'np nnrl CAawt in r. . rrench Cordials, assorted, London Porter, Albany Cream Ale, Newark Cider, Lemon Syrup, Lemon Juice, Stoughton's Bitters. Butter anrl Smwr rv.,,-i-...... 1 . ' Bunch Musratp nrrl Mnri p,:.... 1 v. uiwvjiw jciiaii.'ry Sultana Raisins, witlmnf Smyrna tigR, Prunes, Oranges, Lemons, Apples, West India Preserves, in glass jars, viz: Qitron, pine Preserves, in earthen jars, viz: cTierrie?, cranberries, -00 1 .-...a,i.,wiii,a jjiccii gages, quinces, ana cur rant lellv. I amannds, Currants, Citron, Cassia, aies, capers, Anchovies, Soft shell Almonds, Brazil and Madeira Nuts, Filberts, Shell Barks, London Pickels, viz: girkins, onions, mixed pickle?, piccalilly, &c. West India pepper sauce, Cayenne Pepper, London Mustard, Race Ginger, Chocolate, Nutmegs, Spice, Pepper, Smoked beef tongues, Bologna sausages, Codfish, Mackerel, Scotch Herring Best Havana and Alexandria Segal s, Lorillard's Snuff, in bottles and bladders. Buckwheat Flour, in half barrels Mould candles, VVntingand letter Paper, Writing Ink, Wafers, Liquid & box Blacking, smoking & chewing Tobacco, Candies, assorted Cologne water, in fancy bottlf s, Children's school and other Books, Toys,'&c. &c. The above articles will be sold at a small ad vance on the New York cost, for Cash. April 24, 1833. 35 FOR SALE. rpHE Subscriber ofJTers for sale the whole of his JL PRINTING MATERIALS now in Washington. They consist of upwards of twenty different founts of type, from Brevier to eight line Pica; an excellent Press; flowers, rules, leads, cases, chases, &c. &c. with appurtenances complete for carrying on the bu siness. They are all in good order, and some of the type is but little worn. The paper at present issued from the office has as good a patronage as any ever published in this place. To a person of industrious habits, acquainted with the business, and desirous of locating in this section of country, a desirable opportunity is now offered. A wish to engage in other pursuits, elsewhere, alone in duces the present proprietor to dispose of the estab lishment. The whole, if speedily applied for, may be had a bargain. 1 GEO. HOUSTON, Jr. Editor of the Union. Washington, N. C. March 29, 1833. COFFIELD RING, MERCHANT TAILOR, EGS leave to return his grateful thanks to his friends and customers, for the lon" en couragement he has heretofore received in his endeavors to give general satisfaction-; and also hopes that they will still favor and sustain him with the same. He also begs leave to inform them that he has just received from New York, Jl Supply af Spring Good, In his line of business, in addition to his formes Stock, such as Superfine blue and black CLOTHS, Brown and steel mixed do Polish green do. Drab Cassimeres buff and white do. Black and brown Cumblel, for summer wear, Striped Drillings and fancy stripes, for pantaloons, Plain and figured velvet Vestings, Plain and fancy silk Vestings dark & light Valencias.' Plain white and figured Quiltings Bang-up cord, Black stocks, linen collars and bosoms, Suspenders, cravat stiffeners, &c. TOGETHER WITH AN ASSORTMENT OP &ea&ymafce eiotfjincr, All oi which he will dispose of low for Cash or on a sHort credit to pundtual customers. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine for themselves. Gentlemen's clo thing made and trimmed in the most fashionable style and at the shortest notice. All orders will be thankfally received & punctually attended to. Tarboro', April 24, 1S33. Selling Off at Cost. T W. & J. R. HORNE have now on hand, a variety of Spring and Summer Hardware, Groceries, &c. All of which they are willing to dispose of on the most accommodating terms for cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. A number of articles may be found among their assortment which they will sell At JS'etv York Cost. All persons wishing to buy goods uncommonly cheap for cash, will do well to call and examine for themselves. Calicoes from 10 cents to 55 cents. Cotton Cloth, 6 :: 10 :: Cotton hdkfs. 12$ :: 25 :: Silk do. 45 :: 100 :. Checks & Plaids, 10 :: 20 :: Ladies fancy Silk for dresses at very reduced price?. Blue, black and olive Cloths, very cheap, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, &c. Fine morocco Shoes, from $1 to Si: 50. Prunella do. from 60 cents to 1.50. I i-' 1 And a number of other articles unnecessary to ,"tm,u"' ney expect 10 ming on during the summer a splendid assortment of " seasonable Goods. They .will keep, on hand at all times a supply of Groceries,vhich they will sell very low. Rocky Mount, April 1st, 1833. 32-4 Lawrence & Lemay's north Carolina" FOZM833, For sale at this Office, at the Raleigh prices. AN APPRENTICE to the Printing business is wanted at this Office. A boy who can spell and read well, will meet with good encouragement if ap plication is soon madei March, 1833.

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