ii" -.WM Carolina prcc prexs HI ( EORGK HOWARD, C,;,K-ryc.ir, i puul m adv.u.ce-nr, Three Dot ,ur, ut the ex;.. ration t the subscription yt.ar For it:,y pcn.Hl Ics t :i year . Twenty -flve Cents per ,;i.ntn. NinaciN are at hhemr to discontinue at l,im' ! Srvm5 notice thereof and paying arrears -ti.use iv,k1iiiK at a distance must invariaMv t,-iv in J,iv:ince,.r g,v e a responsible reference in this vicinity .Xikerte.i.ont. not exceeding 16 lines, will be in-' ted at oO cents the hrM insertion, and 2.5 cents each , uii:muuu-e.. h'n;cr ones at that rate for every 16 Hkv Advertisements must be marked the number i msci uoiis required, or they will be continued until idicrwise ordered, and charged accordingly U-ttcr addressed to the Editor must be post mud they may not be attended to. ' j,ici'.'tyu'i(t nit. --The following is iven by the New York Courier and KnquireT asa trans hiMi of a "Loiter from Hlaek Hawk, Chief of the Holy Alliance of Sacs, Kuxts, I'ottawotla mics. &c. lo his illuMriou jquaw, Dcbikit Ilei tis, or t!te Star of Night." r,i Bouchiun, (New York) Fifth Moon. My Sweetest: 1 am now on my way htne. I am glad, tur I began to he tired of b ing stared at by the white squaws, who, I believe, all want to marry me. 1 believe all tliis admiration is owiii" to my having killed a few Long Knives,nnd burnt up some of the women and children in their wigwams, for there is nothing tlx-se people, especially the women, run afier with such e?ierness as a murderer. They hunt him as we do a buffalo, and see him hung up with the same pleasure we do dried meat. They arc a very cu rious peopie, and asked me many ques tions which I answered with a lmuih. One of the Black Coats came to convert me; hut 1 told him, as soon as they could nil agree among themselves, ifthev would send me word, I would take the mutter into consideration. You can't think what a great man 1 have become among this people, in con sequence of having burnt some wigwams and killed a few Long Knives. Though ihey boast of their power arid numbers, I can sec plainly enough when they come into my presence they stare like so many stuck pigs. The Great Father at Wash ington, was niighty civil, and made me a lung speech, of which 1 did nut believe one word; but 1 was even with him, for I made him another, in which there was not one syllable of truth. 1 believe they think the red men are all fools, or like some of the long oared dogs 1 see here, who, the more you whip them, the more they crouch and lick your hand. This is also the eiise with the young papooses, and from their being so frequently whip ped, I judge, leads to their abject sul misVton to a system of tyranny, which has been called freedom, in order to recon cile them to being treated like slaves. Would you believe it, my sweetest, neither man, woman, or child, dare do any thing they like in this free country. If tliev drink as much of the snirit of li- j i (juid fire as they like, they are put into prison; if they kill each other, as brave men ought to do, they are hung up by die neck, that the white squaws may have the pleasure of seeing them dangling in the air; and if they are not inclined to work, all they have to do is to starve. In hort, they can neither eat as they please, drink as ttiey please, dress as they please, 11(r do any thing else as they please. And this they call liberty! I thank the Great Spirit that I was born a red man, nd tiiat J killed some of the missionaries th'it enuie to make slaves of us all. 'I'hc white squaws here have troubled mc very much, by coming in great num- hers to make love to me. I believe I might have married six dozen of them if I had been so inclined; but, though ihey wiar rings in their ears, paint their fa- and otherwise imitate the red wo- Inpu, I confess I did riot admire them v,J'y much. Between ourselves, my sweetest, they are as impudent as wild catjS and more than once would have stared me out of countenance, if I had :5ot pulled out a great cloud of smoke betw Tarborough, (Edgecombe Count,,, jv V.) Saturday, July 20, i33. rol IX o 47. ue thmn nnd myself. You k 'so.UutU Ihey cannot n ; -y --r-o manyowith t 11 day wtth thetr eyes shut, ,!i., no. g; .nut that these squaws shut U.eir yyes etther by day or night, I believe, fur I could never go out or stay at horn.-, without having a hundred great eyej startng me 0ui of countenance. 1 wish Iliad killed and scalped a few more Lot," Knives and then I should have been e ven with them before hand, for the offer, ces they have committed against mv mo desty. But u is no great wonder "these white squaw do nothing but stare peo pie nut of countenance, .seeing ihey have nothing else to do, that I can find.' Tin men do all the work here, and y-t they call themselves tree as well as civilized! 1 h ive been to see the great shows at all the cities through which I passed, ami always found that they all looked at me instead of the show, I am convinced thai I am a very great man, and when I get home again I shall take care to make ev ery body of the same opinion. I was at a place they eall Castle Garden, which is paved with pebbles and without verdure, to see some fire works, which 1 thought very good, but there was such a smell of powder as made me fee! warlike, and I had a mighty inclination to scalp a few heads that stood uncovered just below where I sal, and presented a temptation that was almost irresitable. The fire works, in some measure, kept them from staring at me, for which I am much in dehted to them. Afterwards I was invi ted to another garden,, for they cannot gel along with any thing here without me, and I don't know what they'll lo when I am gone. Indeed i have been very much persuaded to stay among the Long Knives and make a show of my self, as they do of elephant and tigers. They tell me 1 shall grow very rich by it; but I must have some compassion on the poor white squaws, several of whom, 1 understand, have died with gaping at me already. There was one poor squaw who strained her eyes so wide open to look :it me,' that she has not been able to shut them again ever since, and sleeps with them open like a Mitagoackiouick. 1 have hitherto only told you of the white squaws, although there oth r squaws here quite black, as black as a minx. They are as curious though more modest than the white squaws The black squaws, however, do not crowd into my wigwam like the white, nor show their admiration of me in so un becoming a manner. Still I cannot go out without the black squaws staring at me, ami showing their teeth like prairie wolves. As a secret, I tell you, dearest, that our venerable and revered prophet, Maxaxchitchi has taken a great liking to these black squaws, and has deter mined to marry two or three of them, that he may, on his return, associate them with him in his calling, for which he thinks their color is very appropriate. I could tell you a great deal more about the absurdities and follies of these people, who call themselves the most en lightened in the world, notwithstanding the superior claims of the Pottawattomies; but just at this moment, a crowd of white squaws are breaking in upon me. I see I must marry a few of them, to gra tify their curiosity. You need not be jealous, my sweetest Dtbikit lkibis, for I shall give them to you to fetch water and skin buflfalos, when I have the supreme felicity of sunning myself in the bright rays .of thy starry peepers. Farewell, divine spirit of moonshine. his BLACK X HAWK, mark to which they had been invited, they re tired to an anti-room to seek repose. Among the gentlemen present was one who requested an introduction, for the purpose of having a rcligimis conversa tion with the sons of the forest. Young Hawk, sometimes called Tommy Hawk", had just thrown himself on a sofa, when ihe object of the visitor was made known to him, he smiled, and say ing, " lazee1 lazct? covered his head with a blanket; nnd fell asleep. iV. T. Gazette. Presidents Tour. On the Presi dent's arrival in Boston, the corporation of the University, through President Quiney, invited him to visit the Univer sity. The invitation was accepted. It has been a custom, on the occasion of a visit to the University from a President of the United Slates, to confer upon him publicly the Honorary Degree of L. L. I). Accordingy,.as soon as if was understood that President Jackson would visit the University, the Corporation vo" ted him this academical degree, and the vote was, at an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Overseers, confirmed. On the arrival of the President in Rox- bury, where he wus met by the Select men and Committee or Arrangement?, he was addressed by Jonathan Dorr, Esq. as follows: ir: In behalf of the Selectmen and Committee of the inhabitants of Roxbu ry, I am requested to meet you here, and greet you with a free, frank, and hearty we lcome. We duly appreciate your pub lic services And may his powerful arm long remain nerved, Win said the UN ION it must be preserved. To which the President made the fol lowing laconic reply: "It shvul be preserved, Sir, as lonp as th re is a nerve in this arm" flrOnc dny last week after our "Red Brethren" had risen from a dinner table OyThn Editor of the Carolina Watchman, Hamilton C. Jones, Esq. in the last number of his paper, puts in his claim lo the authorship of the very humorous story which has been publish ed in almost every Journal in the Union, under the head of 'Cousin Sally Dil Hard.1 There has been almost as much speculation in relation to the paternity of 'Cousin Sally,' as there was some years ago concerning the authorship of the Waverly Novels, and until now, as great uncertainty about it, as there ex ists at the present moment on the subject of Junius' Letters. It is decidedly on of ihe best told stories we ever read, md its effect upon the risibles is well describ ed as follows: He now laughs, who never laughed before, And he who ahviys laughed, jut hear him roar! Raleigh Register. ers. Indeed, it appears almost certain that the whole of that section of our coun try will be subjected to its ravages. At Tampico, Mexico, the mortality has been unprecedented. The population of the place is only about 3,000, and the number of deaths in 14 days was 900. ib. G7The steam boats Sentinel, Dclphine and Rambler, with full cargoes, were to tally destroyed by fire at Louisville, Ky. on the night of the 21st ultimo. The passengers and crews had barely lime lo escape, leaving behind them their bag gage ami money. The fire originated in the cook's room of the Sentinel. ib. Singular Suicides. The Pittsburg Advocate says; In a letter received by a gentleman in ibis city, we learn the following facts, which occurred in ihe neighborhood of Little Beaver, in this State. The letter states that very singular case, or more properly cases, of suicide, took place in this neighborhood within a short time back. A woman, whose name I do not now recoiled, hung herself, with a hank of yarn her sister, about two weeks after, followed her ex ample, with the same hank and two or three days since, another sister did tho same. Ihe fourth is now kept closely confined, her friends fearing she may commit a similar act. Lasi fall one of the same family hung herself, making in all four who have been the means of th ir own deaths, none of which can be accoun ted for even by their most intimate friends. They bore excellent characters, living in the midst of plenty, and to al! appearances were living happily. OyThe celebrated Robert Dale Owen, accompanied by his brother, two or three of his sisters, and M. D'Arusmont, the husband of Frances Wright, have arrived at New York. Owen is on his way tr Nw Harmony, where he proposes to. fix his residence. OCTWe understand that immediately after the adjournment of the Rail Road Convention, on Saturday evening, the delegates from the counties more imme diately interested in the work, held a meeting, at which it was determined that proper measures should be immediately adopted to connect this city with Wil mington and Newbern by a rail road. It is proposed to begin the work here, and extend it to Wayuesborough, or to such point, near that place, as may be hereaf ter determined on; from which point the road will branch, one line proceeding to wards Wilmington, and the other towards Newbern. Committees of Correspon dence have been appointed in the seve ral counties interested, and books for subscription will be opened forthwith. Raleigh Star. Cholera. A few cases of Cholera Fredericksburg nnd Richmond, Va. in the neighborhood of . mm , . i i Williamsport, iul. ann at Amelia iiann, Georgia. In the Western and South Western St ttes, it has subsided at some places, and made its uppearance at oth- (Tr'The following was written on the back of a one dollar bill of the Montpe lier Bank, Vermont Slate. "This is the last dollar I have left out of $15,000, left me by a father; and, O God how has it gone! Would to heaven I could sav by doing good. But alas ho theatre and lotteries and the gaming ta ble have consumed it all; and I am now a vagabond upon the earlh, and am in fear I shall soon t ike up rny abode in a gloomy cell. June L 1833." Hydro Oxygen Microscope. An ex hibition has just been opened in London, which combines the wonderful wilh the instructive in an extraordinary degree. By a very ingenious philosophical appli cation of an intensely brilliant gas light, the whole effect of a solar microscope is constantly produced, independent of at mosphere or cloud. The most minute objects in nature are magnified many hundred thousand times, and the most re markable phenomena that can be imagin ed are shown to the spectators. The ap pearance of living animals in drops of wa ter are enough to , convert the thirst for that liquid into adjuration. The Wyoming Massacre. The bones of those who fell in the Wyoming massa cre on the 3d of July, 1778, were lately discovered on a plain occupied by the village of New Troy, on ihe Susquehan na, above Wilkesbarre. On the 4th of June they were disinterred, preparatory to the erection of a monument cornmem oralive of that disastrous event. The work for the erection of it has been com menced, and it is expected that ihe re mains will be deposited, and ihe monu ment raised on the 3d of July inst. The' number of sculls disinterred was 80, all of which were broken by a tomahawk or bullet, and from appearance all were scalped,

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