-I Whole Xot 1(53, JIC Tavb orongh, (Edgecombe County, JV. C.) Saturdai.- '&u V, August 2h, 1833. Vol. IX Xo 52. Vorf'i Carolina Free Press ' lY G KOIiG r. IIOWAKD, Is Muhlishcl weekly, at Tzvo Dollars and V)., ('. !t-r yriir, it iaid in ;ul ance or, Three DoL-tin-, at the expiration of the subscription year. For aiiy pencil k-ss t!ian a year, Tvjcnty-Jive Cents per n.cnth. Mihscnbers are at lilct tv to discontinue at any time, on sivini; notice thereof and paving arrears those rcMding at a distance must invariably pav in ai!v:t:icc,orgivea responsible reference in this viciiiitv Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be in yrrteil at 50 cents the ilrst insertion, and 2.5 cents each roiuiuiuince. Longer ones at that rale for every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marked the number ot insertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered, and charged arrnwlimri,. Letters addressed to the Editor must be v cr they may not be attended to. post paid, Fi 'oui the New ork Daily Advertiser Major Downing official report of the United States Hank. Published "By authority." Rip Raps, August 4, 1833. Dear Sir: I have just got here after ex aminin the bank; and it was the toughest job I ever had in my life. The Gineral was so bent on my doing it, that I had to "go abend" or Pd sneaked out the first dry. I was nigh upon a weak about it, figerin and syferin all the while. Mr. Middle see quick enuf it was no fool's journey 1 come on; and I made some of his folks scratch their heads, I tell ycu. 1 iiiu um no notice of my coining, and I jumped right in the thickest on em there one day when they were tumblin in and shellen out i he mutiny like com. "Now," says 1, "my boys, I advise all on ye to brush up your multiplication tables, for I am down upon you with aligntion, and the rule of three, and vulgar fractions; and if I find a penny out of place, the Gi neral shall know it. I'm no k-reei) horn, nor member of Congress, nor Judge Clayton, nor Mr. Cambreleng neither," suys 1. As soon as Mr. Biddle read the letter the Gineral sent by me, says he, "Major, I'm glad the Gineral has sent some one at last that knows something, and can give a strait account;" and with that he cnll'd the bank folks, and tell'd em to bring their books together. 'Now,' says he, "Major, which cend shall we be gin at first!" 'It makes no odds which,' suys I; 'all I care about is to see if both eends meet; and if they dont, Mr. Bid die," says I, 'its all over with you and the bank you'll all go, hook and line" and then we off coats and went at it. 1 found some of them are fellers there pingy sparp at syferin. They'd do a sum by a kinder short Dilworth quick as a flash. I always use n slate it comes kinder natural to me; & I chalk'd her off there the first day and figur'd out nigh upon one hundred pretty consider able tuf sums. There was more than three cart loads of books about us, and every one on em bigger than the Dea con's family bible. And such an eternal batch of figerin I never see, and there wasn't a blot or scratch in the whole on em. I put n good many questions to Mr. Biddle, for the Gineral gin me a long string on ein; and I thought some would stagger him; but he answered them all just as glib as our boys in Downingvile do the catakisc, from the chief 'eend of man' clean through the petitions; and he did it all in a mighty civil way too, there was ony one he kinder tried to git round, and that was how he come to have so few of the Giueral's folks among the Di rectors until very lately! 'Why,' says he, Major, and Major' says he (and then he got up and took a pinch of snuff and of fered me one) says he 'Major, the bank knows no party; and in the first go ofF, you know, the Gineral s friends were all above matters of so little importance as banks and bunking. If we had but a branch in Downingvillc,' says lie, 'the Gi Mural would not have had occasion to ask such a question,' and with lli.it lie made mt; a bow; and I went home nnd took dinner with him. It is plagy curious to hear htm talk about millions and tliou n glib too at it as lie is: cant tell. 'd four-ce-liiipponios 1 "i-'hfuoo! llf ccn f,serin y tho I d , , i r,Ull,m ou''" -f-t as I e I, USe;l co,'''fin' "o nil i I ' Ut 80 lo"S as ,lle Bank was at work twos pretty m,.ch like counting a flock fhecp.nnfi, day when they were just , t .to a new stuhble-for it was all the Wi t crossing and mixing, and the only way vns to lock up all the banks, and as last ai you count em, black their noses. INOV SaVs T nnn lw tr. . " n: i ii j ..v, ti iU immure oiuoie. liVl!lWMm,eilhe. Ginern't0k out .however, came home, sometime in the .o "unui, uuu Slum' u more inn fivi n Ut i. J - i v. lli.llla tT?ii . - - j " 'J'mii, uniuit;, -J11 lake a look at your money bars, for the; tell the Gineral you han't ot slufi ciaf in the Bank to make him a pair ot specifies, none of your rags' says 1, 'but thecal grit;' and with that he called - or o oaps in Quaker coats, and thev opened ularge place about as hi" as the 'east roon;' and such a sight I never see boxes,i)ags, and kags, all full, and I should sa; nigh upon a hundred cord. Says 1, iire Biddle what on earth is all this! fi- am stump'd' 'O' says he, 'Major thk's our Safety Fund,' 'how you talk!' iiys I. ! 'Now,' siys I, 'is that all genwine!' 'Every dolll- 0f it,' says he, 'will you count it Majrr says he. 'Not to day,' says I; 'but the Gineral wants me to be particular.ni just hussle some on cm;' and at it I wen, hammer und file. It ra ly did me goc, for I did not think there was so much al chink in all creation. So when I got ired, I set down on a pile, and took out ny wallet, and begun to count over sorre of the 'Safety Fund' notes 1 got shavid with on the grand tow er. 'Here,' saysl, 'Squire Biddle, I have a small trifle I shiuld like to barter with you, it's nil 'Safety Fund,' says I; 'and Mr. Van Buren's Lead is on most all on em.' But as soon as he put his eye on em, he shook his tyad. 1 see he had his eye teeth cut. 'Well ?ays I, 'it's no mat ter;' but it lifted mv dander considera ble. 'Now,' says I, 'Mr. -Biddle, I've got one more question to put to you, and then I'm thro'. You say vour blls are better than the hard dollars; this puzzles me, and the Gineral too. Now how is this!' 'Well' says he, 'Major, 111 tell you; sup pose you have a bushel of potatoes in . Lowningville, and you Wanted to send them to Washington, how much would it cost to get them there!' 'Well,' says I, r about two shillings Jawlul for I sent a barrel thereto the Gineral last fall, and that cost me a dollar freight.' 'VVell.' says he, 'suppose I've got potatoes in Washington jist as good as yours, and I take your potatoes to Downingville, and give you an order to receive a bushel of potatoes in Washington, would'nt vou save two shillings lawful by thai! We sometimes charge,' says he, 'a trifle for drafts, when the places ore distant but never as much as it would to carry the dollars; and with that we looked into the accounts again, and there it was. I, 'Squire Biddle, I see it now as clear as a whistle. When I got back to Washington, I found the Gineral off to the 'Rip-Raps,' and so 1 arter him. One feller then telPd me I couldn't goto the 'Rip Raps; that the Gineral was there to keep off business; but as soon as I told him who I was, he ordered a boat, & I paddled off. The Gineral and I have talked over all the Bank business, he says it is not best to publish my report, as ho wants it for the message; and it would only set them Stockfish nibblin again in Wall street. I made him stare when I tell'd him about the dollars I saw there; and once nnd a while he would rinkle his face up like a ball of rovlins; and when I tell'd him Biddle wouldn't give me any of his 'Safety Fund' for any of Mr, Van Buren's rods into the brakers. We are now pretty busy, fitting and jointing the heaths and rafters of the message; and if Mr. Van Buren don't git back before we begin to shingle it, I guess his Safety Fund will stand but a poor chance. The Gineral don't care much about having his head for a sign board, but says he, "Major," when they put mv head on one eend of a bank bill, and Mr. Van Bu ren's on toiher eend, and "promise to pay Andrew Jackson," and then blow up, it's too badt wont allow itit shant be. The Gineral says, if he allow Amos Ken die to make his report about the State banks, it is but fair to let me publish mine about Squire Biddle's bank. So 1 am getting mine ready. We have a fine cool time here, nnd ain't bothered with office seekers; we can see em in droves all along shore, waitin for a chance. One feller swam off last night to get appointed to some office the Gineral thinks of making him Minis ter to the King of the Sandwich Islands, on account of their being all good swim mers there. Yours, elarnally, J. Dowmkg, Major Downingville Militia, 2d Brigade Ksingwur i nenomenon. a corres pondent of the Bulletin gives the follow ing account of an uncommon occurrence which took place in Genesee county, N. Y. on the 10th of June: Between two and three o'clock in the morning, there was heard by several of me inhabitants ot the towns of Java and Sheldon, Genesee county, a remarkable roaring, resembling that of a "rushing mighty wind," accompanied with a trem ng motion of the earth, for a consider able extent. It was so considerable, that some removed the glass and earthenware from their shelves to prevent its breaking. In the morning there was discovered on the farm of Mr. J. Sykes, in the north part of the town of Java, a remarkable breach in the earth extending from Sen eca creek, west across a small flat of a few rods in extent, up the side of a hill, the slope of which was about 40 or 45 rods in length, h was 20 rods wide at the end next the creek, 13 at the middle, and 1G at the upper end, where the earth was sunk from 25 to 30 feet, while it was raised about 20 feet above the bottom of the creek at its lower end, making the highest point at the creek nearly as high as the lowest depression at the other ex tremity. The bed of the creek was rais ed about 20 feet and carried about 3 rods beyond its former situation. The ground was thrown into ridges from 2 to 10 feet high. A considerable portion of the sur face has entirely disappeared presenting in its stead several . strata of different kinds of earth. Trees, stumps and logs were carried 12 or 15 rods. A small grove of timber, some of which was 20 inches through was carried the above distance, some standing, some broken down, and some torn up by the roots. In some instances, logs and other ponderous substances, that were in contact, were separated G or S rods, and others before at a distance, were thrown together. There are many conjectures concerning it, but no one can satisfactorily account for it. entered his bouse, and proceeded to his room, where his suspicions were confirmed by finding the deceased there, arid the marriage bed prostituted to tho vilest passions. He immediately seized a club and beat out the brains of the se ducer of his wife, and destroyer of his happiness, as he lay in the bed. This done, with the same club he beat his n bandoned wife so severely, that she died in a few hours after. Burns immediately gave himself up, and was committed to prison, in Fh rn mington, N. J. where he now awaits his trial. When the decease of his wife was mentioned to him, he expressed the high est satisfaction, staling it was exactly what he desired. Phil. Gaz. CT'We understand that Mr. Jonathan Hare was drowned on the evening of the 8th inst. in crossing the river, from New berry's election ground, on his way home. Fay. Jour. .ftTA correspondent of the Springfield Pioneer states that Mr. MtrAdams, of Clermont county, Ohio, is the father of twenty-seven children. lie has had four wives, all of whom were young women at their marriage. May, 1833, Mr. M'A. is married to his fifth wife. A hard casc.--A worthy physician in Boston, was last week arrested together with a lady with whom he had boarded, and they were committed to jail in tho same room together. In the morning, they were placed together at the bar of the Municipal Court, and there together awaited their turn of being heard and tried. Thev were informed that they a' were charged with having lived together contrary to law and gospel. The Doc tor produced a certificate of marriage and the clergyman who had signed it tes tified that he had married them together. t is dangerous travelling without certifi cates, especially if, as in the Doctor's case, it subjects one to the risk of being" ocked up all night with a lady.. U.S. Gaz Baptists in the United States. Fromx Allen's Annual Register, wo learn that the whole number of Baptist Associa tions in this country, a few months since,, was 811; churches 5513; ordained minis ters 3153; communicants 402,558; bap tisms, during 1832, about 50,000 The. increase of churches since 1831 has bf ;en. 438, of ministers 219, communicants-48,224. From other sources it appears tb at the. Baptists have in different Slates, eighr principal Colleges, of which the 'oldest is Brown University; (17G4.) and the larg est, Hamilton Seminary, in SJ. York, which has 130 students. VYli.ole num ber of students between 401 and 500; and, including the Baptist academies: over 1,000. Infidelity Murder. A laborer on the Jersey Canal, Bull s Island, in the Dela ware opposite Lumberville, named Burns for a long lime past suspected his wift of infidelity. Unwilling to act hastily in the malter, but being strongly convinced that his suspicions were well founded, he resolved to take measures to ascertain certainly the whole truth. To do this, says the Doylestown Democrat, from which paper we gain these particulars, he gave out that he was going from home and did not expect to return soon. He, C7The Journal of Commerce states that James A. Hamilton, U. S. District Attorney for N. York, has, already made 8100,000 out of the office, which he has not held mure than hvt years. Politeness of the Press in the fVest A Kentucky paper thus speaks to and of a cotemporary nnd neighbour: 'Is he waiting for an excuse to call us to the field! We can furnish him with none whatever, further than to pro nounce him, as we do most sincerely, and with an especial regard to the mean ing of our words, a drunkard, n liar, a puppy, & most redemptionless scoundrel. QTAt the Jury term of the court of common pleas of Preble county, O. a man named John Taylor, nearly 70 years old, was tried and found guilty of assaulting n girl 12 years old with intent to commit a rape, and sentenced to thu Penitentiary for 3 years