Whole No. -180. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. ttj Friday, December G, 1833. Vol XNo 12. The "Tarborough Free Press," UY GEORGE HOWARD. Is published weekly, at Two Dollars and Fifty CV prr year, if paid in advance or, Three Dol lars, at the expiration of the subscription yiar. For any period less than a year, Twenty-Jive Cents per im nth. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those residing at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in thin vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be in sorted at 50 cents the first insertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marked the number ot insertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. Fitui rices of North Carolina. We extract the following from tlie annual Treasury Report: I. Of I he Revenue. The balance in llie Treasury, Nov. 1, IS32, was - - 7,92-1 73 The receipts from all sources of unap propricted revenue during the year ending Nov. 1, 1S33, were as fol lows, viz: From the Sheriffs for Public tax, 6S,120 21 Sfate B;ink of N.C. div'd of cap. stock, 54.4.93 S9 Bank of Newbern, do. - 45,450 00 Hank of Cape Fear, tax of 1 percent. 2.601 00 I3mk of Newbern, do. - 3,S27 25 State Hank dividend of profit, on 27C4 Shares, Dec. IS32, - 5,52S 00 A. M. Slade, iecurity for late Sheriff of Martin, - - - 678 29 John Sloan, late Shff of Mecklenburg, in part of judgment for tax of 1S31, 1050 51 Sales of furniture at Governm't Hour, 100 62 Gov. Swain, as guardian ex. off. of J. N. Forsyth, - - . 1 90 50 Buncombe Turnpike Company, for di vidends on stock owned by the State, 550 00 Bonds for sales of late J no. Haywood's HI. Of the Fund for Internal Improvement, Balance on hand Nov. 1, 1S32, - 813 4; Received from purchasers of Cherokee 1-anus, &c. - M a k i ng a n ago rega te of The expenditures'have amounted to 1,458 61 2,272 ot 1,292 9: 128 92 S96 25 9 00 property, 1,142 55 John McKae, in full of judgm't, (prin cipal S3,000, interest S153 3SJ 3,153 t. J. Hay wood, 2d and 3d bonds, John Holloway, 4th bond for land near Raleigh, Chs. Manly, 2d bond for tract of land, Two small items to credit of late John Haywood, -Bent of public lots, 3S 6S0 40 413 '52 450 43 79 19 10 00 Making an aggregate of 5196,744 70 The Disbursements for the year end ing Nov. 1, 1833, amount to 13S,S67 46 Leaving a balance of Cash, Nov. I, 1833, of - - S57,S77 24 The disbursements consist of the fol lowing items, viz: General Assembly, - - 539,518 09 Rebuilding Capitol, - - 32,030 00 Treasury Note burnt by Committee of Finance, 1S32, - - 18,681 3S Judiciary, - - - 22,44S 00 State Bank interest on deferred pay ment for stock, - - 3,356 21 Executive Department, - 2.300 00 Treasury Department, - 2,000 00 Comptroller's Department, - 1,000 00 Penalties for failing to comply with act of 1831, refunded per resoluiion of General Assembly, - . COO 00 Electoral Election, - . 1,371 02 Sheriffs for settling tax, . 1021 05 Public Printer, - . qqo 00 Pensioners, - - - SI 6 00 Congressional Elections, - 519 94 Electors, - - - 416 85 Adjutant General's Office, - 200 00 Bogue Banks, - - - 60 42 Money burnt, issues of 17S3 and 1785, S 20 Contingencies, - - - 7,459 77 Leaving a balance of - - 5979 OS The expenditures were as follows: Cash paid A. G. Keen, balance for work on Cape Fear, - - 25S 76 James Wythe, Superintendant Public Works, salary and expenses, Jas. Mebane, lor Cape Fear Nav. Co. for balance of State's last subscrip tion to stock of that Company, Win. R. Hill, Secretary to the Board, Making an aggregate of - 51,292 93 "This fund has become so reduced as to have but little more than a nominal ex istence; nor is there n prospect of its ac cumulating much from any resource now within ihe control of the Hoard. The receipts from Cherokee purchasers constitute at present its only source of income. These at best would be incon siderable; but, owing to the unsettled state of the title to those lands, collec tions have of late been almost entirely suspended. The whole amount of bonds, exclusive of interest, as shown by the bond account kept in thisOffice, was, on the 31st October last, $32,034 G7." RECAPITULATION. The foregoing statements show balances of cash on hand at the close of the business of the fis cal year ending on the 31st of October, 1833, as follows, viz: Amount as Public Treasurer, 557,S77 24 Do. Treasurer for the fund of Inter nal Improvement, - - 979 OSA Do. Treaurerof the Literary Fund, 1 17,024 SI J Making an aggregate amount of 5175.8S1 14 "It will be seen, in the course of the examination about to be made by the Committee of Finance into the fiscal ope rations of the past year, that not only the Sheriff, but all others charged wih the collection, and paying into the Treasu ry, of the public revenue, have observed a punctuality in the discharge of their duty which, it is believed, is without a parallel in any previous year. By the act of 1TJ7, the Public Treasurer and of Patrick; and a letter from that county to the editor of the Franklin Whig, says, .-ho 11 Id these applications be successful, another petition will be presented to the Legislature, asking that the lower end of what will remain of the county shall be attached to the county of Henry, and the balance thereof ceded to the State of North Carolina! General ZsstmU Abstract of such of the proceedings of the Legisla ture as arc considtred interesting to our readers. SENATE Thursday, Nov. 21. The bill to repeal the act of last ses sion, esla bli siting the Bank of North Ca rolina, passed its second and third read ings, and was ordered to be engrossed. JM r. Matthews presented a resolution, authorising the committee of finance to burn such Treasury Notes as may be found in the Treasury Office; which was read ihe isiJdand 3d limes, passed and ordered to be engrossed. UOUSIS OF COMMONS. On motion of Mr. Filter, a message was sent to the Senate, proposing to ap point a joint select committee, to consist of seven members on the part of each House, whose duty it shall be to take in to consideration the condition of the cur rency of the State, and to enquire into the expediency of establishing a liauk; and if, in their opinion, it be expedient to es tablish a Hank, then to enquire whether the same should be u Bank of the State, to be owned exclusively by the State, or a Bank to he owned exclusively by indi viduals, or by individuals and the Slate conjointly. of sundry citizens of Martin county, pray ing the emancipation of a slave named Ned H vman; which was read and referM. Mr. M'Cleese presented a bill to pre vent justices of the peace from issuing a Capias ad Satisfaciendum on the judg ment of a justice of the peace until the return "no property" is made; which was read and referred. SENATE Friday, Nov. 22. On motion of Mr. Montgomery, a mes sage was sent to the other House, pro posing to raise a joint select committee, consisting of five members on the part of encn House, to examine whether the pub lie printing for the State cannot be done upon terms more advantageous, and re port by bill or otherwise. 1I0USF, OF COMMONS. On motion of Mr. Smithwick, the Ju diciary committee were instructed to in Comptroller are required to publish an- quire into the expediency of so amending nually, on the 1st day of November, a .the present laws for the benefit of insol- 13S,SG7 4G II. Of the Literary Fund. The balae on hand Nov. 1,1832, was SSS,586 32 The receipts for the year ending Nov. 1, 1S33, have been as follows, viz: From entries of vacant land, - G,270 43 Taxes oa sales at auction, - G75 64 Tavern tax, received from Sheriff-,, 2,731 28 State Hank for dividends of Capital ' Stock owned by this fund, - 14,100 00 Do. for dividend of profits, - 5G4 00 Bank of Newbern, for dividend of Capital Stock, - - 3,525 00 Cape Fear Navigation Company for dividend of profits, - - 5G6 14 Making a total to the credit of this fund ot $ 117,024 SI There has been no expenditure from this fund during the year list of t tic delinquents. It is remarkable, that there has been no necessity for such publication the present year, inasmuch as there has not been a single instance of default in any collecting officer; and it gives me particular pleasure to have this opportunity of bearing public, testimony to the promptness and fidelity of those with whom it is made my duty to act, and in whom these qualifications are so im portant." The Treasurer again calls the atten tion of the Legislature to the unequal operation of the assessment law, and proposes that the poll and land tax be reduced, and a tax of one-tenth of one per cent, be laid on all species of proper ty, including lands. This he thinks, would bring into the Treasury three times the amount of the present revenue. Of the judgment against the late Treasurer Haywood, the balance yet un satisfied, exclusive of interest, is S17,740 40. "The demand at this office for the re demption of Treasury notes, it will be seen by statement (K) accompanying this report, has been rapidly diminishing for two years. From that statement, and from their great scarcity in the country, the inference is fair, that the amount yet in circulation, after making proper allow ance for what may be destroyed, cannot be very considerable probably from twenty-five to thirty-five thousand dollars." presi vent debtors, as to abolish imprisonment for debt, except in cases of fraudulent coneealmeiit. On motion of Mr. Irvine, a message was sent to the Senate, proposing to raise a joint select committee, to consist of se ven members on the part of each House, to take under consider the propriety of amending the Constitution of the State, and to inquire what mode is most expe dient to adopt for the accomplishment of the same. Swallowing up a County. The Lynchburg Virginian says: Petitions will be presented to the next Legislature, ask ing for the formation of two new coun ties, to be made up, in part of fragments SENATE Saturday, Nov. 23. The consideration of the proposition of the other House, to raise a joint select committee to take into consideration the propriety of amending the Constitution of the State, was, on motion of Mr. Ed wards, postponed until Monday next. IIOUSK OF COMMONS. On motion of Mr. II. Jones, the Judici ary committee were instructed to inquire into the expediency of so altering the law prohibiting the trading with slaves, as to prohibit any person from buying from, trafficking with, or receiving from any slave any article of personal proper ty whatever, except it be in the same manner and under the same restrictions as are already provided by law for such prohibited articles as are expressly enumerated. Mr. Guthrie presented a resolution, instructing the Judiciary committee to in quire into the expediency of repealing the act establishing the present Supreme Court of this State, and of creating one or more Judicial circuits; which was reud and rejected. Mr.. Smithwick presented the petition SENATE ftlon day, Nov. 25. .Mr. Brittain, of Burke, presented a bill to erect a new county, by the name of Yat.cey; which was read the first time and passed, and, its further considera tion postponed until Monday next. On motion of Mr. Clayton, the Senate proceeded to consider the proposition of the House of Commons to raise a joint select committee to take under consider ation the propriety of amending the Con stitution of the State. The proposition was amended and concurred in ayes 40, noes 21. Mr. Flowers in the negative. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Received from the Governor, by his Private Secretary, a message accompa nied with n communication from Thomas G. Polk, chairman of a large and respec table meeting of the members of the Le gislature of this State, held at the Govern ment House in the city of Raleigh, on the 4th day of January last, together with a copy of die journal of the proceedings, and the address prepared by a com mittee of that body to the freemen of North Carolina also, in further com pliance with the request of the meeting, a file nf certificates whirh have been for warded to him by the Sheriff's of the re spective counties to which they relate, showing the number of votes which were given in each for and against a change of the Constitution at the annual election in August last. The message and accom panying documents were referred to tho joint select committee on that subject. SENATE Tuesday, Nov. 25. Mr. Morris presented a resolution, that n message be sent to the House of Com mons, proposing to raise a joint select committee, consisting of five members on the part of each House, whose duty it shall be to inquire into the expediency of passing a law exempting from the per formance of military duty (except in case of invasion or insurrection) all commis- sioned officers of the militia of the grade- of Captain and upwards, who have serv- ed, or who may hereafter serve, with, good reputation in the militia of this State for the space of five years in suc cession; and that they have leave to re-, port by bill or otherwise. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Allison presented a bill to reduce t lie salaries of the Supreme Court Judg es; which passed its first reading. The bill to divorce Ann Eliza Viveretf, after motions for laying it upon the- table and postponing it indefinitely had been unsuccessfully made, passed its second reading yeas 69, nays 59. The bill was then read the third time, passed, and ordered to be engrossed. SENATE IVed n esday, Nov. 27. Mr. Montgomery, from the joint select committee appointed to examine whether the public printing cannot be done on terms more advantageous, made a report thereon, stating that, in the opinion of the. committee, no investigation is necessary; which report was lairt upon the table. HOUSE OF COMMONS. On motion of Mr. Seawell. the com. mittee on Internal Improvements were instructed to inquire into the practicabil ity of draining father in part or the whole of the swamp lands within the State; and, if deemed practicable, the probable cost and expediency of effecting the same; al so to ascertain, as far as may be within its control, any information in relation to the probable value of gaid lauds when reclaimed.

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