Whole Xo. f20 Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Friday, September 12, 1834. Vol. X Xo. 52. V'if "Tarbnrauizh Free Vrs?,'"' BV OKORISE HOWAUD, Is jmolishcd weekly, m ywo Dollars and fifty Ct nis p;-r r;ir. if paid in advance oi, T'n t c Dol lars, at ihe cx;iration of the subscription rar. rot any pcri nl less than a year, Tivcntij-fivc Cent per nirnth. Subscribers are at liberty to (li-O'iuimu: at any time, on ivin notice thereof ami paying arrears those residing -tt a dUtav.ce must invariaMy pay in adauee,or give a responsible reference in this vieinitv. Advertisements, not exceeding U line, will be in-s-M-ted at 50 cents the first insertion, and .5 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marked the Dumber .f insertions required, or they will h continued until otherwise ordered, and chart;el accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. C(Jx,The fulJowiiii; handsome and iust cum- pliaient t iht itiii.V.jitanl of t he Somli, is copied the subject. Accordingly, aft cr mature deliberation, ho gave his decision ,-ind is sued an order in favor of one of tin; par lies, who took possession of the Church on Tuesday last. The malcontents, however, determined not to he put down by the mere dictum of a Chancellor, re solved upon repossessing themselves of I he property. Accordingly yesterday morning, some time before church hours, a party of them, armed with crowbars, forced an entrance into the basement sto ry, and took possession of the building. The worthy pastor having been apprized of this movement; wisely resolved, in or der to avoid the scandal of a brawl, not to solemnize divine service, and, with his foil owers, went to another meeting. In the mean time, those who were opposed to the decision of the Chancellor collcc- iiofn the Noi thamplon (Mass.) Cornier. Southern Manners. The manners of j ted in the church with the females of their the Southern people we like better than ; families, and, assisted by a young clcr those of our own. They win confidence gyman whose name we have not learnt, without effort, and create a feeling of so- performed divine service. At one the ciality without ostentation, and throw a- crowd in front of the church conducted round them a sentiment of kindness with- j themselv es so disorderly that the Alder- out affected display. We know not what! man of the Sixth Ward requested the in- may assume ihe character, and present themselves ns such to the people of thai State. The true claimants and their a gents will be provided with documents to identify them. The whole of the conduct and corres pondency of these unfortunate exiles of this country, has impressed the public with feelings of respect for their charac ter and sensibilities. produces this obvious difference be tween the two sections of the country, whether it arises from habit, climate, or education, but it is a very apparent and striking one. The people in the South are warm hearted, courteous, free and ar dent in their conversation and manners. They meet you with unrestrained cordi ality, and enter quickly into your feelings and sympathies. They are particularly attentive to those small matters of civili ty which cost so little effort and confer so much pleasure. The manners of the tenerence oi mo lolicc. Lyons and Smith, the officers, were accordingly sent to keep the peace; and the afternoon ser vice passed off quietly. As the gates of the iron railing in front were locked, those in possession of the church at one time resolved upon forcing them, in order to give ingress to the congregation, but hav ing been given to understand by the of ficers that such an act would lead to a breach of the peace for which they would be held responsible, the refrained from proceeding. Accordingly all who came people of the North, on the contrary, are to church, male and female, were oblig but too often cold, heartless and repul- ed to scramble over the iron railing at sive, chilling every thing that approaches some risk of impalement. ..Ar. Y. Coitr. lo warmth ot heart or cordiality ot teei- ing. The Southern man meets you with n ready hand, and a kindness and free dom ot manners which at once captivates and delights you. The Northern man, on Fatal Accident. Capt. John Wilson, one of the oldest and most respectable inhabitants of this place was found yes terday morning, lying, in the agonies of the contrary, from his austere manners death, on the lirst floor of I he building used and cohl demeanour, w ill too often repel . by the Collector of the Port for storing all attempts at intimacy and unrestrained j goods. I lis sleeping apartment was on intercourse; chiding the feelings of oth- the second floor, and it is presumed that ers, and stopping the spontaneous rush ! on Monday night last, in endeavoring to of kindness and generosity f rom the descend the stairs in search of a light, he heart. They are often mere icicles, mistook his way and fell through an open which even the warmth of a southern trap door. lie was insensible when d breeze can never melt or soften. Oll will be recollected that N. Syl vesier absconded from Philadelphia on the Oth June last, with several packages of bank notes, amounting to 4000, be longing to some brokers in this city. He directed his course south, and left Savannah in the brig Romulus, which arrived at Havre On the 15ih July. The fact of his departure was communicated loMr. Beaslcy, our Consul at Havre, in a letter sent by way of England, which fortunately reached him before the arri val of the Kornulus. Mr. Beaslcy writes from Havre, under date of the lGth ult. is follows, "Your letter of the 24th ult. (per ship United States: via Liverpool,) was received just in time to accomplish the object ofu; the Romulus arrived in the roads soon alter its receipt, and, with the aid of the police, I secured the person of "Sylvester" before ho landed, and I have obtained upwards of o000 in spe cie, notes, and drafts, the particulars of which, and the means I made use of to serve you, the sailing of the packet will not permit me to give by this conveyance. iV. Y. Mcr. Adv. Dry picking. A mail carrier in In diana not long since, cut open the mail bag, and after opening all the letters, found one at last containing one dollar, enclosed to a printer in Pennsylvania, which he had the cruelty to appropriate to his own use. Quito too bad to rob a printer of so much money! Anticipation. A man by the name of Murray was to have been executed in Philadelphia on Friday last, but on the morning of the day was reprieved. The people, however, who had got up a dying speech and confession, together with a full and true! account of the execution, for the occasion, not willing to lose their covered, and expired in about an hour j labor, were hawking the same about the The Blacks. The Woodbury (N. J). Herald says, that ihe upper part of Glou cester, New Jersey, "is literally overrun i wnh blacks, driven by the violence of an infuriated ninb from their homes and property in Philadelphia, to seek shelter and protection among the farmers of our county.' Their numbers, previous to this influx, had become in some places troub lesome in others a burden and a nui sance;. A temporary sojourn among us, considering the circumstances of the case, may be borne with but the first indica tion of a permanent residence should, and we feel confident will, call forth a rigid enforcement of the statute against the admission of blacks into our boundaries." We have no doubt that they may return to their proper residences with perfect safety. The. Canterbury School Mr. Will iam II. Burleigh, (as we learn from the New Haven Herald,) who was employed as an assistant, and we presume succes sor, in Miss CrandelTs School for color ed females, at Canterbury, was arrested on Wednesday afternoon, for a violation of the law relative to the education of the blacks from other States. afterwards. Petersburg Int. QIn answer to a late address to Mr. McDuffie, by his constituents at. Abbe ville, he declines being a candidate for Congress, at the ensuing election, on ac count of ill-health, and states that if his health should not improve in the next two months, he will be compelled to re sign his seat for the unexpired term for which lie bus been elected. C7"Tlic number of postmasters in the United States, who receive a less annual compensation than ten dollars, exceeds 3100. Nine of these are in the receipt of an income of ten cents each. There are 25 others who receive a smaller sum. The postmaster of Novi, Mich, obtains 2 cents. A Church Braicl. Our readers are not perhaps 'aware that a difference, or. doctrinal points, has, for some time past existed among the congregation of l)r MLeod's Church, in Chambers street and so many difficulties have, in const (justice arisen, that the Chnacellor ha been invoked to exercise his authority on G7Thc Poles to whom the grant of land was made by Congress, have accept ed the warm invitation given to them by a public meeting in Illinois, to make the selection from among the public lands in I hat State. They have appointed two of their number, Baron Louis Chlopichi, and John Prehal, to be their agents in the -election, who will set out for Illinois in a few days. The committee of the Poles who expressed their acceptance of the Illinois invitation, added a caution against imposition, which it may be worth while o mention, for the benefit of our citizens elsewhere. They say they are not aware hat any of their countrymen have yet proceeded to the interior, but are "fear ful" that some of them who may not be "creditable specimens" of their body, streets, all the same as though the man had really been hanged. GJLconard Harbaugh, of Franklin county, Pa. who was tried and acquitted of the murder of Miss Jane Gonder, has been since tried and found guilty of ad ministering poison to her for the purpose of producing abortion, and sentenced to 4 years imprisonment and lo pay a fine of 50 dollars. Melancholy Accident. On Thursday last, eleven young persons, seven gentle men and four ladies, residents of Brid port and Addison, in this State, started on an excursion for the purpose of gath erinir blackberries. In order to arrive at the place where the berries were expect ed to be found, they were obliged to pass over a portion of Lake Champlain. I In they attempted very imprudently to do in an old anil leaky fish boat. They had proceeded but a short distance from shore, when, melancholy to relate, the boat filled with water, and nine of the eleven, five gentlemen and four ladies, before assistance could be obtained, in the midst of life and pleasure, and with scarcely a moment's warning, met a wa tery grave. The other two saved them selves by swimming ashore. On Friday night seven of the bodies had been found. The gentleman who was said to be the best swimmer in the company was drow ned; when found, was hooked up with three of the young ladies still clinging to him with so firm a grasp as to render it difficult to separate them. Vermont Statesman. CyA copy of the Declaration of Inde pendence, in verse, tor the use of schools by a lady, has been presented to the edi tor of ihe Charleston Mercury. Tho performance, snys that paper, is a litera ry curiosity, and is executed very ingeni ously and neatly. Curious fact in Natural History. A snake nine in-hes in lonoih, was found in the cellar of the Hon. David E. Evens of this village, suspended by the tail from a spider s web, shnpen like, an inverted pyramid. The reptile hung frooi the apex by a knot tied in its tail, and like another Gulliver, was "being teased" and preyed upon by. its Lilliputian enemies, the spiders. We profess to be able to see as far into a mill-stone as the most hawk-eyed of our learned Thebans, but we confess that we should be terribly puzzled were we required to describe the precise process by which his snakeshiri was thus suspended in durance vile. Batavia N. . Advocate. A Double Fish. A pair of cat-fish. connected together by the skin at the breast in the manner of the Siamese twins, were taken alive in a shrimp net, at the. Cape Fear River, near Fort John ston, N. C. about a year ago, and presen ted to Professor Silliman. One of them was three and a half, the other two and a half inches long. Important hint to Farmers. A gen tleman, residing between ibis town and Boston, who has been making some agri cultural experiments, requests us to men tion, for the benefit of other agricuhur ists, the result of his experience during the present season in the use of manure. In September last he spread a quantity of stable manure on part of a meadow; and February he manured the remainder of the field in a similar manner. The crop of grass on that part which was ma nured in September has turned out re markably heavy, while from that manur ed in February a very light crop indeed has been gathered, lie accounts fat this difference in the produce of the same field, by the fact, that the manure spread in February prevented the rain from reaching the roots of the grass. Tho moisture was retained by the manure, and was evaporated on the first sunny or win dy day; whereas, during the wintet months, the moisture does not evaporate so speedily, but has time to soak into tho ground. Preston Pilot. ffT'It is a fact that cannot be too gen erally known, that if the wound made by the bite of a snake be immediately suck ed, the poison is mostly extracted, and the danger averted. In some of the French Hospitals, women are specially employed to suck wounds, and extract poison; which is always attended with good effects to the patients, and no inju ry to the operator. Casper Hauser Redivious. In Mon treal, a person has been committed to jail, for want of a better place, with whose name and history no one is acquainted. It appears he was brought to the Emi grant sheds at that place, at tbo dead of night, by a carter, with no covering save a blanket. He is a young man about twenty-six, perfectly idiotic: he neither speaks, nor observes passing events, but sits on his haunches the whole day, swin. ging himself backwards and forwards, and playing with his fingers. He ap pears to have suffered from punishment, for the moment any thing like a whip is presented to him, he becomes very much alarmed. The only sound he utters is like the suppressed bellowing of a frog. His hands are soft, but the soles of his feet hard, as if they had never been cov ered with shoes. In running, he exhib ited agilitv, particularly in leaping fences, N Y. Evening Star.

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