ill iMV V'4 H--. n ;U:(jU titlt:UlOO. il'iil friiMnI of tin :i ii 1 itiul t Iii friends-hip Ii.hJ eoiii.niily been reciproca ted. Tin; dispute was codiinenced and j,r.sticui.l l)V umj ieiiit;d, undjr iho nillu;:re of ininxicalioii, and the futal t,niiin;iiion of ii, iliw)ii;li unavoidable by sb. d't'Mid tut, wis Hit; more to m reunif ied btu-juise of ihe omul understanding ihut had always prevailed belvvoeti the piiriii'?!, and because the deceased was u man of good lieliavjor when sober and in vlu; full possession o( his reason. The jury retired jilier the close of the tost i niotiv, ami in h'?5 than u minute, returned a verdict of acquittal, and in this ver- iiri, ii is hfli(iv:d tin; sense of all who at ieml:d the trial, most unhesitatingly cun-curred. I ne next case that was taken up was th.jt ot a freo man of color named Mor j " i . IK; was indicted for tin; murder of James Wiggins, a white man. Tin prisoner was deiendnd by Messrs. Whit- aker and JSprui!!. Tlie testimony in sub stance, was tho prisoner ami the. de ceased, not lou; before the homicide, had a juurrel ami tnal a tow days thereafter, ami bciore the homicide took place, tin prisoner had been heard to make threat- iiguinst the life of Wiggins, in the event ot another dispute occurring between them that sown alter this the deceased with three oilier men, went to the pris oner's house in i lie night, with a view of chastising him ami required him to open the dour, he refused to do so, upon which Hie iloor alter several attempts, was pushed open, and tin; deceased entered and as he did so, the prisoner struck 2iim with an axe burying the blade up to the iielve in his bowels. The prisoner in Mauily lied and the deceased very soon died of his wound. Altera lucid charge from Judge Donnell, the jury retired and in about ten minutes, brought in a ver dict of mtiuslaughttr. The third case, was an indictment a Cainst l'olly Carter alias Polly Harrison, fur the murder of Nancy Combs, both free women of color. It appeared in evidence, that at the very moment when the deceased came in sight of the pris oner, the latter was listening to a conver sation calculated to exasperate her a gaiusl the former and immediately ran to her and struck her on the face. Tin; deceased who was a tall and athletic wo man, and very far gone in pregnancy, threw the prisoner clown with ease and while the parlies were in this situation, a while man named Hull came up and kicked the deceased violently in the side, just above the hips. The parties were then seperated, and soon afterwards the prisoner made another attempt to revive the light. Upon this part of the case, there was direct contradictions among the witnesses. Some, and the greatest number, affirmed that the person of the deceased, was not touched, and others thai she received a blow of some violence about the small part of her back, from the prisoner. The deceased immediately complained of much pain in her side, and continued to linger in much distress for 0 or 7 days when she was delivered of a rilill born child, and died. In the opinion of physicians who heard most of the tes timony, the death was caused by the vio lence in the affray and the prisoner was found guilty of woman slaughter, and imprisoned one month, and to pay the cost of the indictment Hall had lied from justice. On Thursday evening, Lemuel Tur ner was arraigned on an indictment for the murder of J. H. Harwell, Clerk and Master of our Court of Equity. The prisoner pleaded not guilty to the charge; and having offered an affidavit for the continuance of the cause, and that being refused by the Court, it was removed to the county of Warren. ib. Warren Superior Court. William Career (charged with the murder of his wife) whose trial was removed from Northampton to W arren, was put upon his trial on Wednesday the 15th inst. The examination of the witnesses, of whom there were 13 or 14, was not con eluded until dark; the arguments of coun sel ami the charge of the Judge occupied several hours, so that when the Jury re tired to iii-ike up thdr verdict; it was be tween one and two (clock. On Thm-s. day morning about eleven o'clock tin: Ju ry bro I in a verdict of Guilty. Sentence ot death was pronounced upon the pris oner, irom wliicli he annealed to the Su preme Court. The trial attracted a crowd of attentive hearers to the Court House, and was in every respect a most interesting one. The nrosecution ably conducted by Gen. Saunders, and we have never heard a more ingenious and eloquent defence than that submitted by M r. Badger in behalf of the prison-or- The testimony was entirely circum stantial. War. Rep. Lute from Europe The Packet ship Han nil) d, at New York, furnishes London date to the iOth September, and Portsmouth to the '22d. The Cotton Market continued firm at former quotations. The extracts contain no political intelligence of moment. The following js the only article which we ihink worth copying: The Cholera prevails with great vio lence in many parts of Kurono, and narti- cul.irly in Sweden. Up to the 19th of cpt. there had been 3179 cases and 1279 deaths of thai disease in Stockholm population short of 80,000. Q" Lev. ". Hutgins will preach at the FalU Tar River on Thursday, ihe Gth of Novcm- her; 7lh. at Old Town Creek; 8th, at Tarborough; tnh, at Williams's M. II.; llth, at Lawrence's M. II.; lath, at Deep Creek; 1 3th, at Conocun a iv. Com. DILI), In Pitt county, on Saturday the 25th inst Mr. Willis liandoljth, aged about 8.5 years leaving a concourse of friends and relatives to mourn his departure. fsTLadies Call, etl known and Clit j pics of his maim er age are but the realization 61' .11 the well known and Cheap Ws lTluUo. 1 "i .1 i . ....... UICW JacKson lor the I'leMdency, the undersign ed (at ll A AU examme his splendid assortment of black bury) espoused his cause, believing lhat one and laricy colored Silks, elegant fancy color- posseted of Mich lolly patriotism, and ed inured foulard do. A lew pieces elegant signal services to the country so emphatically Challays, bishop Lawn, elegant Muslins and La- constituted him its benefactor-, could not th- ces, black and tancy Merino, beautiful new style er than a most worthy representative of the De- Caheoes. There you may also find a few dozen mocracy of Ihe Union. With continued and pair gum elastic and fancy Garters, a handsome unshaken confidence in his patriotism and inte- .ssuirm.iu vi iancy lined and bound gum elastic grily ot purpose, it is with highly gratified feel over Shoes (a very comfortable article for win- ings lhat the undersigned is now affurdtd an op- ter,) an elegant assortment of Cloves and Hosie- portunilv of devoting himself ane w to the same y, elegant Bonnets, very superior white and co- eaue, but in a moreextendtd sphere. ored corded Robes, under Sleeves, siik and Ardently attached to th National Constim- thiead corset Lacels, elegant fancy Handker- lion, and to the Union of the Slates, as ennstitu chiels, thread cambric do. Belts and belt Rib- ting an impregnable safeguard to our political, boits, bonnet do. Merino Shawls and Hand- civil, and relijrious rights, whatever mav hvt a verchiels, Bracelets, bead Bajrs, belt Buckles, sil- tendency to violate the provisions of the ore. or vt r Thimbles, shell, luck, side and neck Combs, endanger the perpetuity of the other, shall re toilette do. A verv h:mdsnme assortment of I reive ihe most unreserved condemnation m ih taliu, kid, prunella and calf skin Shoes.- A good Editor's hands. And while the freedom of ss(,u;j,ent ot Perfumery, with many other art i- speech and the liberty of the press, blpssings eies wiiicn nave just been received and will be guarantied by the great Charter 01 our nights. sold very cheap, but ni charge will be made un- j shall remain unawed by the threatening ol am- prices Current, ? Tin borough, Norfolk, and New York. less there is a sale. 20th Oct. 1S34. J. IV. GOTTEN. 'PIIAT on Friday, next, will be sold the 28th of November on a credit of six months, at the late residence of Duuid JMuijo deceased, a parcel ot Likely JWrofs, Horses, Cattle Sheet), fat IIors. Corn. Fodder. bition, or unsmothered by the corruptions of ar istocracy, the Lditor promises, not only that l,lhe Constitution and the Union of the States, (which he has adopted as the motto of his paper,) shall be strenuously vindicated, but that a rigid enforcement of and promnt obedience to the popular will, that most important principle ot Representative Government, shall be called for and advocated through the columns of his paper. A full and fair discussion of those important and leading political topics of the day the Uni ted States Bank. Internal Improvements, and the next Presidency will be admitted in ihe. "Standard.' Bu opposed, from principle, not only to the U. S. Bank, but to all other National moneyed monopolies, as well as to a wasteful system of Internal Improvements by the Genual Government, ihe Lditor will raise his voice a- OCT. 27. per H.irn, - Ib. Beeswax, - lb. iti'undv, apple, 'gallon. CoilVe', - lb. (i.r!!, - bushel Cotton, - II). Cotton Hags'ins, yard, riour, sunerfiue, barrel Iron, - lb. Lard, - lb. Molasses, - gallon. SniMi, brown, lb Salt, Turks Isl'dibushel. Wlit-at, - bushel. Tarboro jYorfotk. 8 10, 10 11 18 20 40 55 15 17 00 65 12 12. 30 35 COO 650 4J 5 y" 10 35 40 10 12 70 70 40 80 .so; 50 in iy 37 40 12 13 60 63 13 14 14 28 575 600 4 5 y lo 7i 9 40 45 25 2fc A. York: 9 10 20 28 10 65 14 14 Wheat. Uve. all of the IInuehnld and Kitchen Fm niturf." farming UinnsiU ,u nth. . Anions gainst these ill-advised measures, in whatever 7 ' i i .i i . i i 1 1 i too ledioiH to mention, the nronertv of said de- snaPe ,ne ma ue Peenieu; anu ne win equai- ceased. The saie will ermtinm. from dav to dav h oppose the exe.cise, by Congress or ihe Lx- until all i. sold. A bond with rmnrnvpil sprnri- ecutive, of all constructive powers, believing tv will be required bv the Subscriber before the ,hal the perpetuity ot the Union is only to be i ii i ij ecureu ny a juoicious in vision 01 pow rs ueiweeu ihe General and State Governments, allotting to the first only that which is strictly delegated to property is delivered. Oct. ISth, is:m. jr. d. HOPKINS. 57-5 500 650 7 25 7 38 1 12 25 9 30 n 40 2G .7 Tarburough and Washington. TurW. Wa&h'n. Staves, W. O. pipe (long; ni) 00 ;32 0 do. do. hhd. do. 12 00 16 00 Tar, bbl. - - 1 00 1 25 Turpentine, dip, do. - 1 50 1 90 l. TIIC F rices of Dry Goods! T0W in New York, has the pleasure of an nourcingto his numerous customers and the n'lliiic, lhat he is now purchasing by far the CHEAPEST AND MOST i'Vsf ionahlc Jlssortmcnl lie has ever yet had Ihe honor of exhibiting to them, and is fully authorised in saying at least 20 per cent. Cheaper Than thev could be purchased a month ago Those therefore thai wish the very latest and most approved style of Goods at Exliaovdinary Loiv Frices. Will do well to wait a short time until his As sortment arrives. Oct. 25, I S3 1. Jolicc. fy Thursday, the 13th November next, the Subscriber will sell at Public Sale, at his residence on Cokey, SO or 90 Hogs 175 barrels Corn, 1 cotton Gin, Cotton Seed, and many oth er ai tides too tedious to mention, &c. As I am ujoing to remove westward, the sale will be pos itive. Terms, six months credit, with interest from the date. r. A". BULLUCK. Oct. ISth, 1S34. P. S. The Subscriber has a good blooded filly, one year old, that he will sell at private sale. W. A. B. Notice. 4 LL persons having claims against the estate of Arthur Knight, deceased, are reques- Lawrenee & hem-ay's And GALES' S, NORTH CAROLINA ZTOK 1835, For Sale at this Office at the Raleigh prices, viz: 10 cents each, 75 cents a dozen, $4 for half ice. Oct. 1S34. a gross, a gros ted to present them for collection between thi and tlje 1st of January next, or this will be plead in bar oi their recovery. ANo, all persons in debted to said estate are requested lo settle the j times, that, in a Slate which is so emphatically same bv lhat lime. ! Renublican' in nrincinle as North Carolina - - j i i North Carolina Standard. The Constitution, and the Union rf the States they "must be preserved." flMIL undersigned proposes lo issue a Weekly Newspaper, with the above title and motto, in the City ol Rah igh, North Carolina. Practically a Printer, and having for many vears conducted a Press in another part of the State, the principal object of the undersigned, in now locating himself in Raleigh, is employ ment for himself and support for his family. And believing that the eslablishmsnt of a Pa pr at the Seat of Government, which shall do justice to the venerable and patriotic Chief Ma gistrate of the Union, and to the measures of this Administration, and through whose columns the legitimate and cardinal principles of Repub licanism shall be defended and inculcated, is de manded by the present crisis of political affairs, and called for by the sentiment of the People of the State, the undersigned has adventured to en gage in the enterprise, with the hope of being sustained in his efiorts tor the accomplishment ol so desirable an object. It is an anamoly in the political history ot the SJlLLY KNIGHT, Administrator. Oct. 2Sth, 183-1. 5S'3 jVotice. riMIE Subscriber wishes to inform the people of NASH COUNTY, and all the adjoining counties, that he is no longer Constable of said County, And all those having claims in bis hands for col lection may apply to Isaac B. Hunter and find them. They will please pay him the cost and deliver him my receipt and take up the papers, as I expect lo start to Alabama in a lew days. x J.1MES HUNTER, Const. , Stb Oct. 1S34. 55 5 which bason three several occasions, by large and triumphant majorities supported and us tained Andrew Jackson for the Presidency, be lieving and knowing him to be a safe depositaiy and faithful representative of their principles and whose People, it is confidently believed, are still devoted to his cause should have no paper at its Capital, through whose columns the measures of his Administration can be lairly vin dicated, and the voice of his friends freely heard. It is the desire, and shall be the zealous endeavor of the undersigned, to afford that facility. His earliest political impressions were in uni son with those of the Democracy of the nation; which experience, and his growing years, hav conspired to strengthen, until the settled pricci- her, and to the latter what is clearly reserved to them. As regards the all-absorbing question of Who shall be our next President? The Lditor will, in due time, be ready lo inscribe on his banner the name of him who shall be selected by the Democracy of the States, as the Republican. Candidate. Although, at this particular juncture, a more than ordinary attention to General Politics is called for by public sentiment, yet it is the de sign of the Editor to devote a large portion of his paper to the loca4! affairs of the State, and the pe culiar interests of her citizens. Located at the Seat of Government, he will be enabled to com municate to the People early and correct infor mation of the proceedings of the Legislatures while in session, and logive prompt advice of all acts of other servants of the People. He will zealously advocate whatever may contribute to developethe rich resouices, unfold the latent en ersies, and elevate the character of North Caro lina, as well as encourage all lhat may tend to enlighten the People in regard to the internal advantages with which they have been blesecl by nature. He will strive lo make his paper ai disseminator of facts an assertor of the truth a vindicator of innocence and virtue a censor o vice an advocate of justice a promoter of har mony and social order in the community a de tector of fraud, imposture, and crime and a sen tinel, promptly to warn the People ol the hrst ap proaches of every danger with which their right3 and liberties may be threatened. In fine, it is the Editor's desire and hope, hould gentlemen of leisure and suitable acquire ments favor him with their contributions, to render his journal useful to the Agriculturist, profitable to the Christian, entertaining to the searcher after news, instructive to Ihe man of science, amusing to the miscellaneous reader," and a "Standard" under wihch the patriot and poli tician may rally, confident of a secure defence a gainst ihe evils of Consolidation, and a still more dangerous political heresy which seeks to spread itself through the land, "mingling its fitful blasts with the steady current of Consolidation, and threatning, by a combined movement, greater injury than any before dreaded." With this brief expose of Ihe object, the de sign and future purpose of his journal, the Editor throws himself upon the liberality of the public, and solicits such aid and assistance from those who maybe friendly to his enterprise, as shall enable him to sustain a Paper which shall be no discredit to the State, but worthy of the cause which it is his pride and boast to be an humble but zealous advocate. The "North Carolina Standard" will be print ed on an imperial sheet, at least equal in size and execution to any paper in the State; and issued once a week, at three dollars a year. The first number, it is hoped, will be out du ring the first week in November; the Editor therefore requests, that the names of all those, who shall have subscribed previously to the last of October, may be immediately thereafter for warded to him at Raleigh, lhat he may be ena bled to determine how many of the 1st No. to strike off. PHILO IVHlT&t October, IS 31.

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