vox., ii. WILL MEET ISSUE. Cibais Discuss the Action of Tkis ■' ' V, - OOTCrtBWt, CONSERVATIVES CLAIM A VICTOKY Oothraaks Wltl Occar AKhoagli Re MIMUbDNf. » •* Havana, By Cebla.-Th» Cuban eott rtitutkmal eon recti on met In aecre: sea •1M Thursday afleraoon for a tor «Bl dlMuaatOO or tfc. -PhitqiSSba ment. Tfcs conservative element •cored a victory. It wu decided to cow lane the sas •lons of the nmorot »od (» reft* the an matin int to the special rommit- Ue on ralatioas, wtth instructions ig bring la a report Twenty-ninj delegate* were present, 6eaar Uorente and Oen. Rirera being the only absentees. Geo. Sangullly farored dissolving the convention and returning the smendent without die euailOß. The other delegates were unau lmously la Carer of continuing the its sines and of send Ins some answer to the executive department la Wa«Mni ton. The argument turned oa the ques tion whether the ocnveotlcn had pow er to adopt a scheme of relation) that would be bMting on the future re* public, kstmek a majority of (ha delegates opposed -'thla view. Today Senor Nunei, representing th» conser vatives. argued that the delete ci « empowered in tta call tor the con lion to aatabilefc pfcimanent rela tlona with tbo Unltted States and ought not to atteffpt to ahlrk ita duty. Gen. Sangully contended that the In /taatfcn of the original call waa in- Jjulled by Gov. Gen. Wood's Instruc tions at the opening of the convention whan delegates were asked to give only •a opinion. The radical eleoieot did sot flook to Geo. Saoguily aa bad> been expected, and the convention'a action In refer ring the quaatkm to the special cmn mittoe on relations Indicate* a will lngneea to recede from the farmer atti tude. It la evident that many of thg delegates •till hop* the amendment ■will be changed, but there la ao bitter feeling now apparent. It la doubtful Whether the convention will ever agree to accept ttoe amendment, but the Con •ennatlvea maintain that the willing neas of tho Radicala to diacuee, and II necessary, to tend a committee ti Washington givsa a more hopeful as pect to ooodttHons which were growing ■trained. It la generally bettered that the crisis, if any estate J, baa passed, and that by the time the committee re port* the prcoent excitement will hare passed. Much depends upon the, at 1. tude of the RadlsaJ delegates. If an impassioned appeal to the people la Is sued, aa It ta rumored will be the case, this may causa demonstrations of pro test against the Unltted State*. But nothing In the nature of an uprising I' •ay longer faired. Fresh Troubles In Par Bast. London, By Cabla.—A crisis hni arisen In far Baatern affairs, which In the opinion of the British govern ment, Is graver almost than the troub le* which originally turned the eye; of (She world toward the Orient. Secret negotiation* are going oa between the United State* and Great Britain with • view of thwarting what both govern ments believe Is a determined at tempt on th* part of Russia to plaal herself permanently in one of tbt richest tracts of the Chinese empire The conference held Wednesday be tween United States Amhaesaiiot Chaste and Lord Lapsdowne, tha Foreign Secretary, had nothing to do with the Nlcaraguan Canal affair. To quote from a British oflclai. "th: Nicaragua controversy la a minor matter compared with the nreeenj situation." , \ ——— Riot In Porto Rico. San Afan, P. R„ By Cabla—A aerl wu riot occurred here Thursday. At - oYsloch in th* avenlng five ar.lllerytm v •ad a corporal of artillery named HU coc* lsl't their guard posts without 0.l dets and charged across (the pUzi Into a Street in which a mob of peo Ida bad asMsabled. Tha soldi are Orec a volley lato th* air, dispersed the mot and resetted School Superlateodsni Arasatmng, wk> was besieged by 'fc mob la a bouse situated about a block trow the city's centre. The city ha/ been orarrun fay a riotous crowd o probably 1,600 persons who fhoutec "Down with tha Aasrtcaaa!" Daaslsh West ladles. London, by Oabla.—"The unite* States gorartuneot has addressed i noes «o the Danlah gorsresnsot almosi throating in hosss," says the OopeOba pea oorraaposaOspt of tha Dally Mall "to th* sffsot tbst it will not penali any tstosfar of the Danish W«st In dfc» to gap fcneigu powsr sad that ii tha swat at Deateark I'afSslug to s*B iha Uctted Stats* wtil rsqutie that In land ait marine nsatisallty shall be properly Jfearaatesd aad th* Unttsd Stataj' •phera of laflaaaea ha rsspw ted." Par Expositions. - .» Jeflersoo City. Ma., Special.—Th Beasts pssosd the Boo* Mil appro lUimim $60,000 for a Missouri exhlbl st th* fMt-AsnarlMn^ torT s*lag*t ssat to the povsnw* lor hh THE ENTERPRISE. ! FEKMANENT REOISTKATiUN " -' ' -• ■ " A MMSM Par It PUMI |j TWHOUM, - SENATE. Forty -seventh Day. Lieutenant Governor Tome* Milled the Senate tc order ahd Rat. Or. Gold, of Wilson U off-wed poorer. About the. customarj ' Bun*er of private and local bills were Introduced. The Sonata passed the . Charlotte primary election b 11, atu-i * which K adjourned. * Forty-eighth Day—The Senate met 4 at 10 a. m. At noon the High Court oi the Sebfctfe was organised for tlis trial of the Supreme Court Justices. The accused were »re»ent with their at a torneys and filed answer to tbe House charges, disclaiming any Intention of ' wrong or Insult to the Legislature. * The answer was given by Kx-OOvern * or Jarrls. and readb y the clerk of the Senate, after which the court adjourn . Ed to Friday noon. r 1 Day.—Tk« BeruJe mel st 10 o'clock. Lieutenant Goveruoi Turner presiding. afrd Its*. Mr. But ' ler oHe-ed prayer. Leave of aibeencc *ras granted Speight cod Sugg. , The Senate considered tne dog tai I la>w, which wws mad* to apply to cer r tain counties only. A nuartjar ft lo , eel option bills www passed. A bill was Introduced to give graded school " to Hendersttivllle. > Fiftieth Day.—The Senate met at U * o'clock. The bill to make elsteen Ju » ductal districts and the bill to amend . the charter of Wilmington wore con sidered. A number of bills were Intro d'wvd and inferred. Fifty-first Day.- The Senate held two sessions—a live-hour session froir I 10 to 1 o'clock, and another ahortei > ree.ilon beginning at I o'clock.. » A large number of bills were passed , most of them of local Interest onlj and of small Importance. But several measures of Imporlarci 1 also claimed the attention Of the Sea * ate yesterday. Amongt hese was the piuaoge of ttw [ judicial districts apportionment bill loaded down with a number of mlnci ' amendments, however-and It wl' necessarily have to go hack to tbi * House for oonourremee. The vote wai ■ 28 to 13 for the bill as amended. , The bill providing the machinery foi , carry lag out tbatp rovtalon of the nev constitutional amemdanetit In regard t the making of a permanent roll c 1 white voters (Illiterate whites to rrg later once between July 1, 1901, December 1, 1908, and all suclf.'whi I were voters In 1867 or their drscen daius. to be entitled to rote ever ar | forwards) was another of the Import -1 ant bills passed. HOUSH. Forty-seventh l)*y.—Speaker Moon convened fhc House at 1:30 o'clock. Prayer was otiered by Rev, Dr. Mar shall. Speaker Stevenson of the South Ca rolina legislature was present and wae Introduced to the House and Invited to act with Speaker Moore. The edu cational bill passed second reading. A number of local bills paused. Forty-eighth Day—The House met at 10 a. ni. In commottee of the whole the House cotlnued consideration ol the revenue aot Two sections, those relating to Uie Inheritance tax and tax on slot machines, were passed. Tha House held afternoon snd nigh: sessions, working on the calendar. Forty-nnth Day. Speaker Moor« convened the House at 9:80 o'clock. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. But ler. Morning, afternoon and night n slons were held. The House at 10:30 went Into com ttitttee of the whole to consider the revenue bftl. Section 71, taxing liquor dealers, was adopted wttlhout amendment. Sec ton 72, dealers In rice beer and medi cated bitters, waa amended by adding champaign, peach and orange older, fectlon 73. druggists selling liquors, was amended so Cbat law of 1867-1883 reXlng^thereto Is not modified. Sec tion 7ju rtlaprnsarlea, waa adopted without amcnrimirat, Inserting county for Stite Treasury. Section 76, grain d jOlllerlM, was adopted without aicondment. Section 76, social clubs, waa adoptei without amendment. Sec -77, aa to application of taxee , was aavended »o aa to make applications conform to aectlon 74, aa regards dls peumrlea. Section 78. legating to granting of Uoenaa for sale of liquor avd ragniattn* sale and condi.ct Of same, was adopted wtthoiM amend ment. Section 79. merchant's tax, wvi waa amended by requiring merchant* to liet asworn statement of gross aale ( twice each yeir and pay taxea eeml ancually, Instead of once a year. Thit section taxea all retail merchants V annually, and S cenia on each fIOO ol whole volume, grout of buslne?s trans, aeter. Wholesale merchants are to pity $3 annually and $2.50 on gross volume of businaaa transacted ana uai ry. Section 11. dealera n pistols. dltKi bowie knlvea, daggers. sling ahots, loaded oanca, grass, iron or metall t knucka. (10 annually, was adopted. Section 81, taxng organ and piano dea lera. was adopted. Section 83, cigar ette dealers and manufacturing of ci garette* waa amended aa follower Tie tax of H oenta a thousand on ttie man. ufacture waa stricken out and follow ing tax waa substituted, as factory whoae output is 250,000,000 or leas $350 500,000,000 or lsaa $'00;- exceeding 500.000,000, »1,000. The Ux of |5 or dealers remain* at 35 annually. At the night session of the House the senatorial apportionment bill came up for conference In the Senate amend meota. JJUIS moved to place Mecklcn •twrg and Cabarrus In a dlatrlct wl.b '.wo Senators. He made a passionate and powerful appeal for justice to Mecklenburg, lie said tbe proposed bill gtvtac Mecklenburg one Svnator wltb a populaton of 5C.000 disfranchise! 19,000 cltliena; he said the Democratic eausua had decided that Mecklenburg should be placed at the foot and cot considered In the co-Bgreaaiaraal and ju dicial apportionment and he bowed u> might suffer, bat no caucus had pu' this senatorial Indignity on h!s people aad be faleed his votoe In solemn pro test "Oabarrus county and Ma repi e aantatleaa." he said, 'art asking for • > ' 4 Trut UOur,tier,. Our IVeithbor,, and WILLIAM STON, N. C., THURSDAY MARCH 14. 1901. till*. The rhslrtakn bu jolt sdmlUed thm to give anothtr district two Sena tors be bu disfranchised H.ttOO people and has ptU hit own county with a erantor and admHa that I rectal I It not fatltled to IC No caucua hu *«ed on llli and I wtWtaot eat such dirt at an* conaitJtUe'a dlctaton. i appeal to the *iues at Justice at this House and do r.ot bslleve my appeil will be to vain,." Fiftieth Dafr —Speaker Moore con tea«d the House at I:SO o'clock. P.-*y«" was offered by RepreactMatlvo Weaver. ' The sen«U>r!»l district comanittee re ported the apportionment bill. The nhwew recommeodr-d begin WHh the twenty-fifth dlstrd Tttve Mil a* recom mended and passed is as fdllows: Twm.:jr-ftfth diatrlot, Oabornu and Mecklenburg, two Beostors, Tw*crty->ltt4i, ROwan seventh, Pbrayti). 'I **ftty-elgbth, Stokes and Surry. Twatfty-oluth, Do*ls, Wilkes, Yad kin. Thirtieth. Iredell. Thirty-first Catawaba and Lmlooln. Tlhlirty-eecond. Oast On. Thlrty-fhdrd, Clevelerod, Handorsoil, Pclk and Ruthfwfordtoo, two Senators. TMrty-fourth, Alexander. Burke, Caldwell and MCBowell, two Senators. Thirty-ftt;ih, Ashe, Alleghany and Watauga. fifty-first Day.—The House heid two busy rossions, morning and after* noon, and adjourned until Monday at 1:10 a. in. A resolution Was adopt «d which limits members to ten minutes dlscus c'on. No memiber can apeak mors than once On the aime subject. The House tritksicted much impor tant buslne s. The 9tubbs bill provid ing for a permanent registration roll of all persons eligible to vote under the new amendment to the constitu tion waa passed after a red-hot flgiit The machinery art wis considered and is how ready to come upon it* reading* The Aobtnaon antl-tru«t blllNra* considered with much lu« terest, but action wa« deferred. The revenue set was complied iu committee of the whole, and action on Its final pasaage was deferred till Mon day. LABOR WORLD. The number of woiueu changed In the factories of Fininud is 10,3t»f. In the United States tbout twelve thousand prisons are engaged making lamp chimneys. Armed men nrc guarding the Ieary coal mines at Seattle, Wash., where the men nre on strike. About half the firemen of Wastilng toit, D. C., have organised to secure better pay and shorter hours. Blast furuncc employes of the Ma honing Valley, Ohio, arc orguulxlug to Join the American Federation of La-. bor. . A trades union brauch composed wholly of skilled automobile drivers is the latest development In Berlin'* labor circles. Silk strikers at Reynoldsville. Peun., linve secured a wage gait! of one ceut n yard, recognition of tbelr union nnd reinstatement of old hands. Women to the number of 160, em ployed as weavers In the mill of the Haledon Velvet Company, at Paterson, N. J., struck for an advance lu wages. I.ocouintlve engineers In the employ of the Pennsylvania ltnllroail have asked that only In the most urgeut contingencies shall they be called ou to work more thau ten hours n day. Wages in Slam In the past twenty year* have Increased seventy-five to eighty per ceut., but food supplies have ndvanced In the same tluiti 157 to 715 per cent., or au average of 200 per cent. All the marine hollermrfkers In Buf falo, N. with the exception of thosu employed In a single shop, went on a strike io,j|ympathy with the strike of the engineers that was begun some time ago. TUf 1200 men and boys who went on strike at the N'atahe colliery, operated by'ttrc Hhnraobtn Colli Company, at Mt. Carmel, Penn., have returned to work, the company having disbursed the semi-monthly pay and agreeing to pay at a specified time hereafter. RAM'S HORN BLAST*. f nrc HIS . a e n'i harmless fins. Deceit at last ds oelvea itself. Ctooktdmss cai nrst be coaaeciat- A double mlnM man is but h.ilf A troubled con science makes a hard pillow. "Measure for me- Mtm" applies to legislatures. Tact La not policy. He who injures his brother draws his own blood. The social oard table to. the col ev» of gambling. - £ The yoke at Chrtot to made lot two Himself and you. God's shower* can bring DO bleesinj to setdlees soli., One can do what be cannot do If he does what he cap. There to more pitn In practicing brotherhiod than In preaching ao-jut It. If God give* you hsird tasks be proal that He ha* so much confidence la you. With some life to a icheme of chen lagTthe Lord and death of cheating the d « v P-. • , Tbe church can not save the world aa long as she depends on the suppoit of U»e world. It is not wise to cut down the this tles in such a way as Ml scatter the seeds "I wonder If there's any lazier occu pation than fishing." "Wojl. yse—looking at people fleh- I IB®."—Brooklyn Life. . . . . ' *• : THE GAVEL FALLS I » \ AM the Extra Session of (he Senate »' (loses, } • NOMINATIONS ARE ALL RATIHED 1 No Baslnesa Othar fhan That of An \ executive Naur* Waa Transact id -1 Ad|ournmenti *ii_i j Wjrtlngton. I). 3,, Special.—A'ft4r proceed)n®» laatl..* only «lx day*, tha •it.aordlnary « e *a on of the Senate waa declared adjounrtMd. *:*« die. at ItK p. Saturday. During the mtt alen pracUoally buiiaea* exjapt that of an ex«cutlr> character w«s tran*- aoted. The se sion was called by ths m*ld«Bt In ordrr that the 6>ena.t« • might hava an opportunity to confirm | appolnbmanita mad* at the begnn.lng of the n*w admlnbtntlom- That bu*l | nest Occam;*laUM. lihe.« wan toarther for the Senoite to do. At tho I npenJng of «h* day * section, the Pre ' *ldtiat pio tem, Senator Fry*, of Ma ' lna, was Induced Into office, Uie oath ! lislng administered by Vice Presld*ni . Roosevelt. Hon. John H. Mitchell, 1 the ree*ntly electfl Feaotor from Ore ion, wna preaented by hi* colleague, ; SanatOr Simon, *nd took the oath of I office. H* ««■ given a cordial tecep • tlon by hU eoHeaguee on the floor, ■ many of wihom had served in the Sen | ate with hm, and by hla friends |n the 1 iallwlea who greeted hi* appearance wttih hearty applause. Through the comrnlttee of tho Fen eooelsttaag of Mr. Hoar, ot Minis -1 chasetta, and Mr. Coekrell, of Mla»u- J ri, tli* Vreotdent Informed the Senate that he had no further commur.ica tions to make. He conveyed to the Senators hla cordial wishes for their welfare and hi* that they might have a happy return to their homes Without ceremony the aek-aCoa was th*n declared at *ll end. For a considerable time sjfter final adjournment, many Senators remain ed on tibe floor of th* chamber exchan ging cordial farewells, sonne of them making eng*g«menit» for outings dur ing the long reresi. it was an Inter esting scene thai "Was eagerly wtched by the hundreds of pertona who 'had poured Into liie galleries at the con elusion of the exeootlve session. A Trades College. Auntln, Hex**, Special.—A legisla tive Qpmmlrtce appointed to InvevM gote the moft practical wuy of build ing J«p North American trade wl.h South America Through Texni, recommended that a donat ion be made by Texas- of 1,0)0 acres of land and f 1,000,000 In Aimerlea through Texno. recommended that a donation be made by Texas of 1,000 acre* of land and $1,1100,000 in money to «reot an International trades college el some point along the gulf, to Inatmct the youtto* of both North and South America in the mercantile and manufacturing industries and nendi of both eectlon*. Federal set's laace aad co-operation will be aekod for the movemeuvt. The President as Peace-Maker. Washington, D. C., Special —T3»e:e are ilgne that th* friction which haa been rogeatlered between Ser.retaiy Root and Beostor Piatt over the an nounced determination of the former to appoint Colonel Fanger at asalet-int. Secretary at War. ngardlee* of Mr. Piatt's objection, will aeon bo ro moved. Mr. Piatt. Who is now In New York, haa jnade an appointment for a bilk with the Preßident on the eubject aa soon aa th* former returrs to Washftigton, and nuean'Whille, It Is umlerrtood that Mr. Root will with hold his ao'lon In the premlafn. the In timet!oo bedng thrown out that tli!* mieurwierstacllng can be tp.ellly ad )iuUd upon a free or vlewit, Th* Oermanlc Behind Time, New York, Special.—The steameWn-i Oermandc had not been reported u« alghted from Fire Island up to 9 o'clock Sunday afternoon. She waa ex pected to arrive on Thunfdty evening. Incoming veanela report extraordinary heavy weather on the Atlantic, and it I* probable that the Oermanlc ran into a atom and was Obliged to slow down. Seized For Illegal Trading. Manila, by Cabl«—lt 1* reported that the small steamers Orient* tnd Car man, plying on the Faalg river and Lag una de Bar. have been aeised, It being alleged that they were trading with the laiurgents. Contraband ar ticle* were found aboard the ■faeamer*. The Oriente had been stlxed prevout J y but bad been realesed, the evidence again* her not being cufficlent to jus tify her being held. Thle time, how ever. the evidence of Illegal trading I* stronger. The authorities are deter mined to atop smuggling on Loguna de Bay, and other aw Mis may follow, At.empt to Rvh a Bulk. Toledo, Ohio, Special.—Six m-*'ie 1 men made an attempt f. rob the Citizens' Bank, at 0., six miles sooth of here, Saturday morning. They *w'.ofy4 dynam.te twice to git I n entrance W the ba:ik from an adjoining building. Th?y' 1 were were dl*covered by awakened cltlxeqa I After ftriog several shot* at their pur- 1 *n*r* the robber* made good theU , escape. 4 y INAUGURAL ADDhESS Washington, I>. C.—President Mo Kiuley* second Inaugural address is, a In pnrt, n« follow*: My Fellow Cltlxeus: "A'hcu we As sembled here 01 the 4tll of ilarcli, 1807, there was great anxiety with regard to our currency nud credit, None exists now. . Then 1 felt con* D (trained to convene the Congress In extraordinary session to dcrlso rerou tes to pay the ordinary expense* of th* „ Uoveruuient, Now 1 hare the *Atlsfac» tloo to announce that the Congress • just closed bus redneed taxation In the sum of (11.0U0.000. The imMoual verdict of lSoti has for (he most part been executed. What f ever remain* tinfullllled IK n cout lull ing obligation resting with uiHlliulti -5 IHhert force upofi the Kxeciitlve hud the « Congress. t Four years ngo we stood on the . brink of war without the people know ing It, and without any preparation or 1 effort at preparation for tbo Impending - peril, I did all that In honor could be j done to avert the war. but without , avail. It became Inevitable; and the Cohgres* t.t Its first regular *er*lon, a without party division, provided won f ey In anticipation of the crisis and W . preparation to meet It. It came. The . result win signally favorable to Aineri ' can arms and In the highest degree 0 honorable to th (ioveruiueut. It lui - posed upon us obligations from which . wo cannot e ape and from which It u would be dlshouorable to seek to es cape. We arc now at pence with the 1 world, and It Is my fervent prayer that I, If differences arise between us and otb i. er power* they may Ik> nettled by , peaceful arbitration and that hereafter ' we may be spared the horrors of war. '' Existing problems demand the >- thought and ijuickeu the conscience of v the country, uud the reNpousiblllty for their presence as well as for their • righteous settlement rests upon us all— -0 no more upon me than upon you. t The American people, Intreuched In freedom at home, take their lore for freedom with tlieui wherever they go. " and they reject AS mistnken and uu • worthy the doctrine that wo lose our . ,-bwn liberties by securing the enduring c foundations of liberty to others. Our Institutions will not deteriorate by ex tension, and our sense of justice will e not abate under tropic suns In distant r' sea l. . We adhere to the principle of equali ty among ourselves, and by no act • ' ours will we nsslgn to ourselve* a sub- H ordluute rank in the family of u tlons. 1 The part which the United Slates • bore BO honorably in the thrilling • scenes In Ohlna, while new to Auktl it can life, has been In harmony with - its true spirit ami best traditions, and - In deuling with the results Its policy 1 will be- that of moderation and falr l UeSM. We face at tlilM moment a most im portant question—that of future rela tions of the United States and Cuba. With our near neighbor* we must re main c|ote friend*. The ileehirat'ton of the purposes of . this Government lu the rcHolutlon of April 20, 1808, must lie made good. Ever since the evacuation of the Isl -1 and by the army of Kpalu, tho Kxecu , 'tlve with all practical speed has been , assisting Its people In hie successive i *teps uecesary to the establishment of a free and Independent government, 1 prepared to assume and perform the 1 olillgatliin« j of international law which f now rest* upon the llulted Ntntcs uu ( der the Treaty of I'arli. , 1 The convemion elected by the people to frame a constitution la approachlug | the completion of Its lahor*. The trans , fer of American control to the new . government I* of such great Import ance, involving an obligation resulting ' from our Intervention and the treaty ' fit pence, that I uui glad to be Advised by the recent act of Congress of tho policy which tho legislative branch of 'the Government deem* c*scntlul to the , best Interests of Cuba nud the United State*. ! The principle* which led to our Inter ven.lou require that the fundamental law upou which the new government rest* should lie adopted to secure n Government capable of performing the '• duties, uud discharging the function* • of a separate nnttnn. of observing it* International obligations, of protect* i lng life nnd properly, Insuring order, ; safety, and liberty; nnd cotiforiuJiig to i the established nud historical policy i of the United Suites in It* relation to Cuba. While the treaty of peace with Spain was ratified on February (I, 1 SOU, and rutitlcntlob* were exchanged" nearly - two years ago, the Congress has Indi cated no form of government for the Philippine Island*. It uns, however, provided r.n army to enable the Execu tive to suppress insurrection, ro*tor« Mice, give security to the Inhabitants -v-*nd establish the authority of the United Plates throughout the urchl pelago. The settled purpose, long Ago pro claimed, to afford the Inhabitants of the Islands self government as fa*t n* ■they were ready for- It will be pursued "with earnestness and fidelity. "» Our countrymen *honld not be de ceived. We urenot waging wur against the Inhabitant* of the Philippine r*l- Auds. A portion of them are making war against the United States. My far the greater part of the In habitants recognize American sover. "Ignly, and welcome It us a guarantee of order und security for life, property, liberty, freedom of conac -nee and the pursuit of happiness. To theur full protection will be given. They shall not he abandoned. We will not leave the destiny of the loyal millions In the island* to the disloyal thousand* who are In rebellion against the United States. Order under civil institutions will come HS soon as ihose who now break the peace shall keep it. Force will not be needed or u*ed when those who mate war Against u* shall make Uno more. May it eud without furth er bloodshed and there he ushered In the reign of peace to lie made per tuanent by a government of liberty un der law. *■ The record* ahow that within tlife past few year* Mr. Andrew Carnegie ha* given away, principally to librar ies, $13,000,060. This 1* an indication tBR jim old scotchman" Vas honest in~ the expresirfotrthat "H la disgraceful fo die fact that hi# net Income haß exceeded hi* gifts, the old man will have to get a hustle cn him or run the risk of dy ing in diagraoe. , A LIVELY SESSION. 1 | The United Stales Senate Gets Up 1 a low. / MOVE TO LIMIT DEBATE THE CAUSE It Was Of ered By Mr. Piatt, ot Con necticut, and Several Senator* Ex pressed Their View* strongly. Washington, D. C., Special.—Quite unexpectedly a lively debate waa pre ripitatenj at the flrat bualneas ranlon of the Senate at tho Fifty-eleventh Con tra*. Mr. PUtt, dt Oonnectl ut, of' fered an amendment to the rules .to limit debate In the Benate. It* pro ponement had no purpoaa of provok ing dleouseion upon it today, but sev eral Senators expreijeed their rlewa in no uncortato teirma. Senator Mason, ot Illinois, '(liounht It dhl not go far enough and gave notice ot an amend ment under wihich, lie said 1 , the ma jority would not be under the control of the minority. SonaUm Wellington, of Ma.rylan.li, and Bacon, of Oeorgla, denounced Ithia effort to Change the rul*s as unseemly, the former cflial longlnt; the right of the Senate to con sider the proposition at thds session. Many of the new Senator* were .re cipients ot 'beautiful floral offerings from their ifrienidu, several cf the on the Democratic elde of the chamber being particularly notable. Mr. Simmons, of North Carolina, was among the recipients. Former Sena tor I'effer, of Kanaas, waa on the floor during .the eaifly pant of the eeasloiv, and was oordi'.»lly received by hl& for m«r colleagues. Tho day's seoalon of the Senate was practically the first of the Fifty-Sev enth Oongresn, tha.t.-'of Monday bnlng brief and routine in fliaraoter. An im mense throng orowuled the galleries. Vice Prealdeut Roosenelt'a appearance evoked a gfeat wave of npplaute from the galleries. After the reading ot tb§ journal the Vice President administer ed the oath of ofllce to Mr. Nelsan. of MIII ik«*>to, and Mr. Mcl>aiirln, ot M'b •iaslppl. Mr. Plait't, of Coninoc.litcut, gave no tkee of an amendment to the Sen we rulee to Wan(t ddbntie upon any bill 011 resolution to "reaaonablo limits" 11 ennble tho majority to do business In the Senato. Mr. Maoon, of Illinois, gave notice of an omandtnienit he proposed to offer to (he flrtnemdimant of Mr. Piatt. He in itiated the.t the time ehoyld be fixed In ilie rulea for t;h» limiting ot debate. The Senate, ho said, was the only leg islative body in the world In which ihe majorlity was controlled iby the mi nority. Mr. Bacon, of Oeorgle, disapproved of the proposed change tin the rule*, and dn-lared ihl* purpoaei of doing everything In W* power to defeat the amendment. The methods pursued now by the Senate In hi* opinion were the beat poesible. They permitted full tlmo for and examina tion of ewry measure prestn'ted. As to the prop' el t lon of Mr. Mason to adopt a modification of the Reed rules, he assorted that tho House ot Repre aentnttlves operating rnn.lor thoeo rules, did not deliberate tipm any legislation. I( merely sug«o*te«l legislation which came to the Senate In crudie form and by It had to be put In proper legisla tive shape. He warned the Bona e that If 'the proposed rule were adopted. It toon would go the whole length and present titoe spectacle of ft ongress, nat only the House, tbnlt the Senate ads'), dominated by one or two men. Mr. Wellington, of Maryland, chal lenged the propriety of the presenta tion of such a proportion at. an ex traordinary aoseion. Reifeirring to tH*> of tho river and harbor bill, he raid: '"Phi* proposed rule Is offered a* I melfiT of revoll.gr." Mr. Plntt retorted' that he woe not In favor of the paesage of the river and harbor measure.-. Mr Wellington replied that while he was arguing against tlhe river and hat • tbor b3l. he wo* threatened unless he cea. c el hi* opposition, that a cloture rule would 1c presented and Its adop tion Insisted upon. v,J bow," lie fcaJd, ".to no i»rty and , to no man when my coiifdence teP» me that a mwaure i* wrong." Grain M Ml®, NORTH CAROLINA, Devoted to the of Young^Wonleu. . „ LARGE FACULTY OF la SPECIALTISTS. ' »* .. 1 Schools of Music, Art, Elocution. Business and Literary Courses Charges Moderate—Board $lO Per Month. Well equipped Laboratories for Individual VVork, Library of more than 7.000 Reference and General Reading. College Building Heated Steam, Lighted by Electricity, Situated in the Ceqter of a.Catnpus Of Forty Acres- Elevation 800 feet atny/e sea level. Health record uusurpasseA. Sana * . . £ DRED PEACOCK, President. NO. 25. | NEARLY A BILLION AND A HALF. ' Heavy Expenses of Qoveramemt For the Past Year. Washington, D. C., Special.—Rep'#- •cntatlve Cannon, chairman at the House commit Lee on appropriations, and Representative Livingston, the ■enlor Democratic member of .the ooas> mlttee, have prepared statements of the approprlationa cf the Ftfty-eptxth Con rreEß, which will be printed hi The Congressional Record. Doth place the local appropriations for the CongreM at $1,440,062,545, placing those for tho first session eft $710,150,86» and for the second at 1729,911,623. Mr. Cannon publishes a table shwwlng the expendi ture* of the previous Oougreas at $l - and Mr. Livingston makes a oempsHion with the *l#ty-f«irtl Cbucress. which appropriated $1,044,- 580,273. In his statement, Mr. Can non says: "Of the total appropriations mads at this session, at least 130,000.000 will not in the llghft or past expediences, be expended. This conquerable margin betwieen actual expenditures and ap propriations made by Congress ln d(carted a sum total of expenditures during the fiscal year -902 of not ex ceeding $699,911,683.07. This sum In cludes $53,000,000 on aiocount of tho sinking fund requirements for the fis cal year 1902, which, at course, under the torras of the law, will be met only to such extent as surplus revenues in the Treasury may permit. After meet ing the fullest ordinary 'requirements of the public. sarvLos under the appro priations which have been made thers will surely remain sufficient revenue tor 1902 to meet nictt less than $30,000,- 000 of the requirements cf the staking fundi "'The most marked increase Indicat ed In the approprlationa for ordinary expensed of the govetrnmisnit made for tho two years 1903 at the two sessions of 'this Congress over those of the two preceding years, 1599 and 1900, provid ed for by the Ftilfty-flfth Congress, Is for the postal servlco. The neocaally of i!ihe>e Increased appropriations to meet large business demands Is re ferred to as a cause for congratula tion. The appropriations have beon reduced $128,150,000 by this Congress under 'those provided for by its prede cessor and this has rendered possible a redueton of taxrfrn the sum of $41.- 000,000. W'.ilh/a continuance of the wlae administration enjoyed by the country there is every reason to antl cipatn a further reduction of public expenditures in the near future and a corresponding further reduction of ta«e»." Mr. Livtngs'.on says: "The Fifty fourth Congress was the last one that made appropriations for the support of the government prior to tha lie glmritnig of fhe Spanish-American war. The Fifty-sixth Congress is the flrft Congress appropriating for the sup port of the government since the cloie of the. Co-called Spanish-American war. The difference between the ap propriations maJo by the Fifty-sixth Congreai and those made by the Fifty fourth Congress amounts to $395,482,- 272. "During the aesskm Just closed the demands of the people, through their representatives, for the construction o' the Nicaragua Canal have gone uu heeded and.those for new public pulld- Ings have been* pefsl silently denied. The - river cinl harbor bill has ibecn permit ted to fell. The payment of Just claims of honest pooplo n«a!mrt the govern ment has not been provided for. "The most casual examination of this table makes comment practically unnecessary. Jt shows that the army for each of the two years prior to the Spanish American war cost a little over $23,000,000 atwl but llttlfe more than $46,000,000 for the two years cov ared by the Forty-fourth Congress, • while for eich of the two years Sim a' that war, 1901 and 1902, It costs slls, 000,000 or $230,000,000 for the twr. years, exclusive of deficiencies thai hove bf-eti' proivdfd for In large ►BUMS out of appropriations made tor ex penses of the Splhlsh war during the Fifty-fifth Cowgir «o. The navy cost for lh« two years, 1897-98, Is $63,362,- f|oo, while the years 1901 and 1902 the?e oupr prlr.tlonis amount to nearly sl4l, fion.ooo. For the payment of pensions the appr"prle'lons show an Increase at nearly $5,000,000 for the two yeats.