"i Btn'l no nun cdfcctlre icertsory R tor % IholM* get-up llu t scarf. K (Mum It tm M tWriMtlH • EDtbDfr aa ever ■ sedartlr* Spanish dame It la a protection. too. You may draw It evar jroar ahoaldera vkea a breath of chill air aaddaaly aaaalla you. , The thinner it Is the batter. Ki Above all. It must tot be all atif feoed. which mans that the fabric of established la bar fame la thla d|rec- Uoti that aba makes visits to Phila delphia, Boston and other cities when called, aad has establlahed a regular nllady's choice are cause, softest aoaaaallae. chiffon sat aad (neat crape da china Thla dalatr affair may be plain, tacked, embroidered, edged with trills or Salahed off with feathera. If reath ere be chosen, marabout feathers abonld by all means be selected. These lovely acarfs are oheaest made In white, though turquoise, black coral and any other color In which beauty which chooae to array heraelf often flgarea. Furthermore, these scarfs are aa useful going to and from aa enter tainment as after one has arrived. Ia donning one's wrap there's but to . draw the scarf up around one's neck, aad luxuriate In it boa fashion. Aa for length, the moat truly pietur- ' eaque scarf reaches nearly to the feet, while In width It may be anything from twelre laches to two yards—this laat-mentloned Is only for the flimieat ' material!.—Philadelphia Record. SHORT AND USEFUL POINTERS, j It's tillage that Increaaea the avail able plant food In the aoil. Orer-rlpe cream will sometimes causa ; k bad flavor In the batter. Don't forget that salt and ashes are what will aid the hog's digsstlon. You can f>ke your choice of a damp ■ poultry howr or a healthy flock. * The good farmer always sees to It that the feed trough* ire kept clean. Good drainage, be It natural or artl- 1 flcial. i* essential to success in the or- 1 harl. It will pay a farmer to work for a good reputation, as well as for good crops. Give the cows a chance to exercise In the open air when the weather is fa- 1 vorabie. The farmer whose hogs have plenty of sulphur is rarely troubled with lice I on them. Not getting all the butter-fat out of | the milt Is equivalent to throwing | away money. jt But only good seed. The difference j In the grade of a few quarts of seed | turns out to be a difference of bushels , In the crop. Hospitals in our great oitiea are sad places to visit. Three-fourths of the patients lying on those snow-white beds are women and girls. , " Why should this he the case F \ Because thev have neglected themselves. Every one or those patients in the hospital bedsihad plenty of warding in that bearing-down feeling, pain at the left or right of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in\the small of the back. All of those things aro indications of an unhealthy condition of the ovaries or womb. ' What a terrifying thought! these Door souls, are lying there on those hospital beds awaiting a fearful operation. Do not drag along at home or in your place of employ ment until you are obliged to go to the hospital artd submit to an examination and polsiblr >peration. Build up>the female system, cure the derangements which have signified them selves by danger signals, and remember that Lvdia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound has saved thousands . "of women from the hospital. Read the letter here published with the full consent of the writer, snd see how she eecaped the knife by a faithful reliance on Mrs. Pinkham's advioe and the consistent treatment of her medicines. i ' ♦ Mrs. Knapp tells of her a rest Qratitixte. 4 "D* A.S MM. PIXUAM :—I have RETIRED much ben«flt,fraaa usiar tatr y«ptabl« Compound and Sanative Wash. Attar my ehlldwaa bora, blood poison let In, whioh loft mo «Hk granelated ia ft* mmat ion of the womb and coageatod ovariee. I bad suffered from aupprosssl and painful menstruation from a girl. The doctor* told ma ■ i the ovaries would have to be roatoved. I took treatment two yeara to escape an natation, [ ■ bat still remained In miserable health la both g body and mind, expeatinff to part with my • WV reason with eaoh coming month. Alter using \1 one bottle of the Compound, I tiiinams entirely w*l rid of the trouble ia my head. 1 ooatlaaed to ol ase roar remedies until cured. J "The last nine months have boon pssesil la kar perfect food health. This, I know, f owe en ■ Tim., ""-'.v u> Lydla E. Pinkham's Vcfe- WMg tabic C impound. "My gratitude ia great Indeed to the one to "Y* whom so manv women owa their health aad I r "• «""■ S SOOO S?— aibu's a*cU YRNNDH -I.YI>IA riau*a MUKUM c»" wZk*»i*£ss** K ** ***" | vr.Tv;ir:::iTks»it»s'« Ey« w«t jr w ■ - " ■ J1".," i '■ ' = POTATOES AND WEEDS. U la practically Impoaalbie to put a good crop «f potatoes aad at the rami titee allow a heavy growth of weed*. Laat spring it became necessary to taki charge of a farm adjoining oar own. aad where to plant potatoea was a paz tllag quaatlon. because, although thi ■oil was rich. It waa very foal, a largi growth of weeds having matured seed (inanally for many years. We thought It would be very difficult to keep them In check, but the soli being so well adapted to potatoea otherwise, we de cided to try growing them oa a certain Held. The ground waa plowed with a reversible plow, with a Jointer, thai completely turning everything under. Then tt waa nicely harrowed, and the rows furrowed out three feet apart, with a horae hoe. the seed dropped It Inches apart, and covered with th* horse hoe, leaving a ridge over tha leed. In a few days the fteld waa gona over, lengthwise of the rows, with a smoothing barrow, thus partially level ing off the rldgea and destroying msny weeds that were juat starting. In Ave or six days the operation waa repeated, and in about a week thereafter, before the potatoes were all up, I went through with the cultivator throwing a little dirt right onto the potatoea and | smotherln? the young weeds. This operation waa repeated at lat rvala or , about one week, until' the tope were so large that the horse could not go . through without treading them down. At digging time I do not think a bushel ' baaket full of weeds couro have beea gathered 09/ the whole acre and a ; quarter, and the yield waa very satla factory for the year, being Its bushels. ' I have seen thla aame r.tld planted many times and weeds were Ave or alx feet tali at harvest time. Thorough | and late cultivation I think will keep them down.— F. H. D., in Agricultural ' Kpltorn Ist. i LEGISLATION FOR SHOP GIRLS. | FnwJCft. AftJ -KftgJ/wiii. taken up tbe "aeata for shop girls" question, which has agitated onr leg lalaturea and ahopkeepcra for years 1 past. Tha Early Cloaing Asaoclaton 1 brought about tha good work In Eng land. Thla society la something Ilk* our Conaumera' league, and watches over the ahop emplcyea in paternal fashion. The English act provides one seat for every three clerks In places | where goods are retailed to the pub lic. and imposes a maximum penalty I of |ZS. The French act is even more atrlng | eot. it provides one seat for each I clerk (or "assistant." as they call them 1 over there). In all places whera goods • are aold or manufactured, and penal tlea up to S2OO may be Imposed.—New j York Commercial Advertiser. Moat womeu think heaven slow | without any bargain oonnlar. 80. 11. THE JiixL* (tent. I Aaswcr Filed to tbs hnpecchmtrt Charges of tho House. The answer of Justices Funics and Dongllata of tha North Carolina Su preme Court to the charged fltel agaicat then by the House of Repre sentative* in the Impeachment pro ceedings begun before the Sen'.t-, was presented Wf.taetday. Tha answer iu very long and covers tbe eharjej tioo by section. The accused judges disclaim all intention of reflecting upca the legislature and deny all par tisan bias In tbe decisions rendered, and also claim tbe constltut oiai rlg.st tj Issue tbe mandamus In questUt), claiming tbit the aeld maniamui'was Issued against an' appropriation m u'e In the act creating tbe office of shell- 1 flsh commissioner; that thia art was , peered by a former ic«!sl*Uire. and tbe money tp carry out Hi provisions was appropriated, and that no law abo'lsli kig tlhe office oould effect tbe office or cancel the appropriation during the term for which said ehell-fleh commis sioner waa elected. Closing the Jus tices aay: These respondent* again solemnly declarajtfea* while they have deplde 1 political convUtlone which they have coos latently followed In private life, they have never permitted persMal or political reasons to Interfere In the slightest degree wtth their judicial opinions. They have at all tlans cheerfully accorded to the Legislature the rasper* and consideration due to It aa the laW-making department of (be State, and have always upheld its acia when they oould do so by any reason able construction; but whenever thneo acts clearly appeared to be In vlolatloa of the constitution which It Is their flrrt and blghe.t duty to preserve inviolate, t.'hey have said ro In plain and Arm but reopectful words, la concludlEg their answer to this artlc'e these respondents at-lopt the languag? of Chief Justice Taylor, the Ural presiding officer of thla court, who, In declaring an act or tbe legislators unconstitutional In Jonea vs. Critten den, 4 N. C„ 56, dooMed In 1814. cloud hhi opinion with the following words; "ctueh sa it Is, we submit It to the candor and good sense of our fellow citltens. who, aithoii«h they may think us In error, to which we are subject in common with the rest of the bum-in ■ family, will do Us the justice to be lieve that auch error Is neither willful nor agreeable. We have dlaiharned wlfert we believe to be an Imperious duty to our country, and the meca eonscla recti forma our conaolatlo.t and support." And the respondent, David M. P*nr obea, further answering the said lift la article for himself. says that aa herein before stated, he qualified aa aaxocla'Q 1 juetlce of the Supreme Court of, North I Carolina 011 the let day Of January, 1895. The f-tt'd court was thou com posed of Chief Justice F»lrc!oth and Associate Justices Avery'Clark, Fur chte and Montgomery ,/four of wh'tn had been elected In 1894 by thf same party that controlled the Legislature of 18»5. As associate Justice of »nlr court, this reapondent delivered be opinion of a unanimous oourt In the casos of Cook va. Meares, 116 N. C„ 582, and of Stan ford va. Ellington, 117, N. C.. 158. Tbo effect of these decisions won to Invali date an election by the legislature in 1895. and t*> retain In office a judge and Plate librarian politically opposed o the Ijeglslature aa weN aa to tbe oortrt. As the principles of these decisions were in by all parlies, the d'rect rfleet thereof was t> stop othor litigation of a rtlpiilar character and to continue In the eontrol of an unsuc cessful political party for two yenii longer tbe State penitentiary and de partment of Agriculture. It la trve these cases did not depend upon prin ciple of Hoke vs. Henderson, bul upeti principles more recent and not so well settled. This respondent cites them merely to show that his Judicial con duct hfl« never been Influenced by per sonal or po'itica.l bias, but ha» al ways been governed toy his op'n'.on of 1 law and ills sen'O of duty. And further answering all and sin gular the said articles Of Imveaciilnent exhibited against them by House of Representatives of North Carolina, these respondents declare that In ail . the matters and things th«wein chsrge l and allwed a#aln« them they acted In their judicial rapacity ST? lustl?wC«l tht l Supreme Coutt of North Carol I n>. and not otherwise, seeking honfs.ly and falthfvdly to M "charge thelf oß dal duties to tbs best of their knowb wigs and ability. Tbcy conscientious ly believed It to be their ao'emn and Imperious duty I to affirm the eilu Judgment of the Superior Oourt order ing the said nnndamns to be Isurd; aIT | (hey considered themselves then, and still consider themselves, custom ed In their aictlon 'by the highest au thorities. Including many declsiona of the Supreme Court of this State, They declare that they have never violated, or intended to violate, any provteUn of the constitution of this State. But on the contrary, have al ways endeavored to support, maintain and defend it. They have never dis regarded or Intended to disregard any vaUd enactment of the General Asaean bly of this State; hut on all occasions, have upheld and suatalned them. Tbcy have never knowingly deviated or in tended to deviate fr.im the orderly course and practice of the courts; on the contrary thay huve steadily sought to follow and conform to tbe establish ed 1 rules of procedure and practico. They have never sliown or intended to show any dlarvapect towards the , co ordinate departments of the StMe gov ernment; but ay in TUfty bound, hiv! always yielded to tfeem tho rights and powers to which they are entitled.Th ;y have never wrongfully taken or cause 1 to be tAen, directly or indirectly, for themeelvea or others, a doUar from tbe pubKlc funda; but«n the contrary to far as consistent with their official duty, they have Conaistenly upheld the lawa protecting the State Treasury, Nor have tbey ever In their judicial character Intentionally mistreated the bench of bar of the 9ut»; but havo ever accorded to both tho eoneideratlon and reaped to whlcih they are entlt'ed. They fuither declare tha.U as Juftiros of the Supreme Court of North Caro lina, they wer* clothed wtth the power aad charged with the duty of expound ing and constructing tbe cona!Button and lawa of tbe 'land. Tbe reply la algned; DAVID M. FCRCHRB. ROBERT. M. DOUGLAS. THOB. J. JARVtS *l. OSBORiW. - , F. H. BITSBEE C. M. OOOKE, 1 . WM. P. BYNU* -t,: . B. F. LONG. . •(.. f LINDSAY PATTERSON. ,. f Blobba—"I hear your Muni, the pawcferoker, taai loet bii wife." Baobba —"Yea; h«> a lone widower now." Tht m, earth and etare are all Made of tht HW elemente. A Bm«4 0/ almoet a centerj kat proven thai Craw Vrehard Waut la a reliable epeeUc for kick Headache, Dyapapaia and Conetlpetion. Hve it a trial. ' . -- The man with an elaatie conecicnce ia alwaye wiiiin* to etretch a point. Tlm Amaer of Afgbaniaten haa iaaued an order that ail tht young men throaghout the country, who are not permanently em ployed at aoaae occupation, are to Join the army. He haa alec cauaed it to be pro claimed that a viaion he had when he | came to the throne, in which he waa in atrueted to build a wail roond the coun try, haa been fulfilled. Can at ih> Ba»r To heap the akin clean (a to keep it healthy; every mother ritould therefore eee that h»r baby ia glvea a daily bath in warm water with Ivory Hoap. The nurtery abnnld alao be well Hired and cleaned, and all clothing waahed with Ivory Soap, well riaaad and dried in the ,ux gi.ua B. rtiaaa. Union labor ia building a handaome etrurtore at Moline, 111., out of funde raiaed at annual faira and Labor Day cele brationa. Dunne the laet eiy yeari MOOO haa bean thua collected. Of thia aum 13000 waa apent for a deeirable aite aud $16,000 waa raiaed by loan, which leavee WfiOO to be apent on a building. Thia will be two atoriee high throughout, with a tbree-atory front. Wa make a tpaciahy of imnce.l meat— employ tha beat akill —uk I the beat material*. We ttakt our fame on k. We ■ uie It to advertiae the many other ■ | good thingi that we make. LIBBY'SI MINCE MEAT J ' A pifkige makes nso-fcrgeftaaJ Your grocer will furnith jt if you aik him. You will find it better than home-made— better than any mince meat you ever tailed. You'll eat Libby'i food* thereafter. Utty, McNeM ft IMy. CMca* Oar book, "How to Make Goad Tbtaga to Eat," aanl Iraa. LION COFFEE AJ.UXURY WITHIN THI REACH OP ALL! • r ' H3 All Alike! LION COFFEE ,T NKVIR VARIie. J»> Waton our nmxt advertisement. If you like one package you will like all LION COFFEE. LION COFPKE i not. glazed or coated With egg mixtures and chemicals, trat is I an absolutely oure coffee, full of strength and flavor. In every package o' LION COfHt you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, in f vet, no woman, man, boy or girt will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, ciimfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which thl» •-eeltent coffee is sold) « 4i . V _ _ . WOO4JON SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OMO. ' *' ' , XXXJ«{XXKXXXXXXXXXXXX>{XXX>OOKXXXXXJOOiSOOOOOOO«XXJaOOOOO | For the Family i H All ages hall with ctelight the coming of the most wonderful, meritorious preparation that will lighten the Ills 15 O of humanity and will do away with the taking of obnoxious, violent purges, inconvenient liquids, and pills that tear ST, © your life out. Simply because in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic you will find just what yoa want, convenient In M © form, pleasant of taste (just like candy) and of ne/er-faillng remedial action. They have found a place In millions * Q of homes, and are the favorite medicine of the whole" family, from baby to good old grandpa. 4 X I© Dont be fooled with •übatltutea for CABCARETBI l. ' | I R BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. X fcccl 25c. 50c. R ii o J I T4m R«t Dr. ®. A. Hayden, editor of the "Taxoa Euptlat Herald, aald the Her. Dr. Oanflll. editor of the 'Mia Baptist Standard," and MM it teen or twoofcy other Baptist* of «M BS»te. for libel, in that by faytac hard tb!nga about Mm they Sad encored hie exclcetoa from the annual meetlßfc X the Tcxoa BeaptUt Convention. Ha won 'be a Hit and waa ftannagea to -the amount of $30,000. But the de fendant carried the auit to «be Appel late Court and now the Judgment haa been rtveraed Jto t-at tmlaeu son* thia* shall com* to li*ht, Dr. Hayden will not eat the awn awarded by the lower Court. , I Thirty aaiimiee ia all the Mom repaired te dye with Pnui FanELiaa Dm. Sold by all druggieta. There are no homeopathic phyaiciaae in the medical corpe of either the amy or the navy. ____________ The oldeet German college ie Heidel berg, 1380. • tea Howard. 111*. . The readme of Uua paper will he pleeeed te learn that there ia at leaet one dreaded die eeae that aoienoe bee been able to eare ia all lie atagee, and that ia Catarrh. Hall > Catarrh Cure ia the oaly poeitlve enre now known to the medieal fraternity. Catarrh being a ooa •titutional dieeaae, re|nirea a roncMletionel treatment. Hail 'a Catarrh Care ia taken inter - nally, acting directly apoa the blood and era rout aurfaoee of the eyetem. thereby deetroy ing the foundation of the diaeeee. ead giving the patient atrongth by building np the con stitution and emitting nature in doing Hi work. The proprietore have ao mneh faith In ita curative powera that they offer One Hun dred Dollara for any eaee that it faile to earn Head for liat of teatimoaiala. Addrttt . f. J. Gnawer * Co., Toledo, a - Bold by Draggiete, 7 Sr. Hall a ramily PUIa are the beet. The average annual number of hoaaicidee in South Carolina ie HI. lira. Wlnalow'a Soothing Syrup for children teething, eoften thegunaa, redaeee lnflapaaa tion, aflaya pein, enree wind coUe. Me a bottle The coraeratoae of the White Hooee waa laid oa October U, 1792. Piao'a Core Ie the beet medicine we ever need for ail affectione of throat and huge.—Wa. 0. EnDiLtt, Tanburen, lnd„ PobTll,ltoo. Apeaieh ahem are white exoept of. Le Vlancha, wfiich are bleak. Read Prof. H. A. Wiinia'e advertieemeait in (hie paper. It ahonld be of Intereet to yon. To forget to wind a wetch ia a eare aign you are getting old. , * - A Colonel in the Brttleh South Afrtaaa ' array aeya that Alama' Tutti Frutti waa a bleating to hie men while marching. Belgium haa no aavy except a traiaiag akip for the merchant marine. tatoes remove eighty "actual" Potash from the §& soil. Unless this quantity X®, is returned to the soil, &the following crop will K t« hit ttnha nHh» ihl ■M) coropoatwn, OM Md valot o# ■BMHIV toe Ttntw craps* TWy taw mm free. kAU WORKS, Dr.BuH'siS=H^ CoughSyrup^grSj - J^^mVELVcSSI | I IlkM no m«h wnnns ! 51# ,Vb!^» j* rlnirW 50« m j B f, MMD-OtCMR CMIMIOAL CO.. E g mi.vmtm wi* J lUiym||Ull lOLICrWBi of lflf BBTp II ko>l addreaa »ti«rlin«r- IVMR I bfti Ur to lßtrodtioo and aa I ."■lUllfimiir MiP| tha Mill woodar •' modal-* ilmaa. Onarantoad for t"a DraraaUoa of enalayioß and oora of inf*l» ilinn Popalar prb. Repeat* mrrwbtrt. (■■MM. Ohio. 11 MM USE CERTAIN S"CURE.?» "frnmni'i i will dWi T^ffS^ssffrr ■BHSBSSEiIBBp ■■■■■■ ■: W a WORLD wU toai M - - Wneu ha • • •(r*u»n .a tnaic. ■ l««i ami B Hf an .-r*»i. of > Woo >oro ■ time. wkr Mt>i»r ■B Am Inatrum?nt 528 la farntture IV* eater t a raea ■ 111 ißToatmaot. I f TOO cot O 0 of lit (laadttl aiakoo r, pre-ent rd tijr air. age t»IH aut will ba aa aaaf Bra run m»(' ■ aow. aa tha day rou koogbc P r rrtee ItKKM. ORGANS $3500 UP. PIANOS $175 00 UP. 0> Wrtla far Catalegae ■■« Trraaa. M.A. MALONE, Oolumbla. 8. C. DYSPEPSIA yields to nature'* medicine, J| W rafllf rarat I>t»hm*U nnd e»l jrrmth. H»«, ki I»**j arid l»«»wt( dlmirderw An an rivalled aperient and Usatlre; %nr\vor*x*i% •sbaSfcfSSS&S infck*S*T lo WU* !. 1 of eaenadMeed water. JSW SUBS*®!** mark m even bottle. MU OBCHABB WATW CO.. UjriwiM*. K» , | 3"BALZER's" SEEDS tWILL UN TOO RICH" 1 TWattaaarin. »«aieo».etfce«sei I ■KiwilwH mi tkaa 1 ■ ■etal^Wotoaaeraeiewla*. MS - It tone of key peraeve. ftrei •IpjML eroprU week* after BwiagJl 1 l£*mcVf!*!2* y£»gj|i idihihlidwtilw m Mk BSC* jvi ■ grtW ■■« * Rescue Prow SICKNESS " StIFPEHINO. jm-X. WUTIIMI, M tha druxlaaiaclaaee of heallaf oriataated. ha* reerued bora bopeleaa caaaa than any other knowa asyxwssi iv,?. alpaca lor apeclal offtr and a fire COM of Waluotrlus". (all/ Mutilated. Aacxtfta • PMf S. A. WBLTMBa, • IWMllll. Ma»MA.«>. TATE SPRING, yS' ' gffgagaffiagg THOt. TMLIXMH, Oaatr * PNpr. TAtB «*«lKa. tBK«BMUL r" ■ eiAA ssrSr SSSS/jutt asis TBK 4LLIGITOB UIUHBXT CO., rHIBMOTOK, «■ C- DQ8ITION8! r Moraralla than we nan poaalhly fUI. Uuaf- I an to-of po-ltlonabarkau bjr SCOOO Conraaa ■hii-MM. Bam air tuna. OWahmuo f raa. Addnat. COLBKIIA »Ul tOLLXOI. COLC MMIA. IC Rn. Bo.B.B.1—r»IMI.B*» B. ailaait.aa. « ■■ •i.ll.

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