LEABNINO TO BE A TELEPHONE Each jatr finds tbe new recruits *rho step tats the ranks of tb« tele phone brigade representative ,of > his her training. With every large telephone exchange there la now a regular school for employe*. The acbool roomii an with dtrntay ewltchboards and Hnltation apparatus corresponding to all the other para-' |>)ieraalla of a regular exchange; and a* the beginner In the Held la glren Wn opportunity ta try her hand at the practical work of the vocation, ai well aa being afforded an Insight Into the technical terms and theory. Fol- ' lowing the plan now in force In many of the beat schools of all kinds, a fetrl, if ahe does not learn rendlly. j under one teacher, is transferred to the care of another instructor, no that an aspirant Is never dismissed na un fitted for tbe work until (he has had a fair trial. After her period of probation In tbe school room .proper, the newcomer Is detailed day after day to sit beside an expert, watch her work, and hear her explanations under all circumstances, ' until she gets a good Idea of The sys tem. It is weeks before she Is Intrust- 1 ed with sny definite responsibility, and evea then she Is usually on duty only .during the slack hours, wlien one of the bid employes can keep nn eye on all ahe does. Under the new system, whereby a tiny electric light tinshes •up when a subscriber desires to com municate with some one, there Is far leas strain upon the operator's nerves than under the old plan, wherein the t bl«V» of the bells wan constantly In j ears. Inasmuch ns the light Is ex tinguished tbe moment ihe'sifliscrlbef' ha* totalled talking nnd hung up the j receiver, the telepluuic noF] continually bother to Inquire: "Are you through?" and Inasmuch ns she In re- J quired to make fewer motions nnd ask j fewer questions, slid naturally nccom- | pllshes more lu any given space of I Mme.— Ledger Monthly. A CLEVER WOMAN. "Why do you always dress your two daughters allks?" queried a society woman of a friend. "It must be a i great deal of trouble, and. as they are ! not twins, it necessary." "Well," answered the other quite frankly, "It Is because of the effect. ! My girls are rather ordinary looking— j not plain; Iri fact, rather pretty I thlnk-and with fairly good figures, ! but quite unnotlceable In their ap- i pearance. If one were in brown and I V th ® ot her In bluo on the street, no ono I would ever give them a second glance but, dressed alike, they look really distinguished'* It Iw the same In a ballroom. WAen they go | n tpgether 1 In pretty, fre«li tftiwnn, they ftcceuti>- ' ate each other, ao to speak, and the simplest tollest becomes striking A pink bow by Itself Is a p| nk bow,'and nothing else, hut two pink bows be eom« Imfcedlately an arrangement Tou see that idea exemplified on the I stage In a ballet. It is the repctlton of dress that gives the effect. If tho i dancers were in different 'costumed It would be lost completely. Of course aa you say it is a bother to have ' ® T erythlng to match, and- when oue | frock is rained, that rendora the other I useless, too. BtUl, I think It pays."- New .York Tribune. T AN ODDITY IN STATIONERY. Point lace is the name of the newest j Botepaper., It comes in square sheets In lavender, light bluo and pale buff. | This color shines through the whlt« ; '■designs of net and small flowers auil leaves. * • The bu»y m»n who never luui nny time ! might eat n few dlttiir Ho', 11 THE DUTY Of MOTHERS. j • * What suffering frequently result? ' from a mother's ipnoranoe; or more ! frequently from a mother's neglect to , properly instruct her daughter 1 Tradition says "woman must suf- j fer," and young women are so taught. There is a little truth and a (Treat deal of exaggeration in this. If a young i - suffers severely she needs ' treatmeut, and her mother should see j that She gets it. Many mothers hcMitnteto take their daughters to tKphyslciun for examina tion ; but no mother need hesitate to i Write freely alxxit her daughter or j , herself to Mrs. I'inkhnm and secure the most efficient advice without i charge. Mrs. IHokham's address is Lynn, Mass. Mrs. August Pfalzgraf, of tionth Byron, Wis., motheV of tlic young lady whose portrait we here publish, wrote Mrs. Pink hum in Januarv, le>UO, saying . hir daughter had suffered for two ▼ears with irregular menstruation bad headache all the time, and pain in her side, feet swell, and waa generally miserable. Mrs. Pinkliam promptly replied with advice, and under date of •V* March, 1899, the mother writos again that Lydis E. Pinkhsm's Vegetahlo Compound cured her daughter of all pains and irregularity.' Nothing in the world equals Mrs. , Ptnkham's great medicine f«>r regu- sremaa'a peculiar monthly FRAGRANT Tooth Powder . is a new PsUnt Bos, hsndy '• tu 9R C A U Urgs UQU»tfOWtU,Tfc 49 - iff *u ts* STOSSS, es •» Aaessst, •MUtWMMfcSSWWft MfFf-' - MfctMatL,-.; v. -—' II w, . ■ | m | good fjSSds goles | B»M»N9Sm®MWB«Ste«i» Good ltsMli Ltiw ■ Hurceaa. THE annual report of State Highway Commissioner 3ns. H. Mncdonald for tbe calen dar year 1900 was presented recently. It Is a voluminous nnd Im portant document, reviewing the va j rlous aspects of highway Improve ' ntents In Connecticut under the Ntate ; Aid set. In speaklug of tho present State highway law the Commissioner says; | ;Tbe policy of the Btnte liaj been al | most universally accepted as n wise i one by the towns. The present law j has lieen nccepted by thirty.-ninetowns ; which bavo never before participated in State nld, making a total of 153 , towus which have applied for State assistance under (his law. The fact demonstrates that the law of 1800 is the niosP popular under which wj ! have worked. This Is principally due | to the liberal assistance by the SUtJe 1 nnd (he wise provision lu the law al lowing tbe Commissioner to meet the conditions by which the town Is sur rounded. Almost all of the objections offered by the towns In regard to for mer laws are removed under the pres ent law. It will bo Impossible, how ever, to draft any law that will be en (lrely freo from objection, for It Is Im possible to build any law that cannot be Improved in soine respects. | "The present law, governing as It I does the whole of the action >«f the | State nnd town on a liberal plan of I financial assistance, and broadening j the policy of the Stnte In the method of construction, and nlso keeping well within control of the State the whole | movement, has enlarged tbe Held of i work for the Commissioner nnd has I reduced somewhat the Jurisdiction of ' the towns accepting State nld; but so far every change from the laws of 1805 and 1807 hns~becn very much more beneficial lo the towus and around the whole movement safe guards that have already .demonstrate j ed Its worth. j "It has never been the policy of the ' State to be unpleasantly arbitrary la , her dealings with the towns, nlthotigh i at the outset of the movement It was | difficult,to have all towns understand | this. Ah the work has progressed | the towns have bceu brought Into a j fulL knowledge of the attlttide bf the Hrate. "It was at first thought by many j people of our State that when the | roads throughout the. villages were lm | proved the Interest would die out, and ! that a vote for the improvement of i others would not be had. On the con trafjrfThe desire for a general Improve ; tnent of the roads In all towus In which wo have constructed roads la ; Increasing rather tliau diminishing. I which fact, speaks well for the future of the good roads movement. ! "1 have many times Improved four, : five and six sections on a main high.- } way with an appf >pl'tttl ton*' f SIOOO, and while each section Would not ex ' tend over many lineal feet of road the | sections selected are places that had I been for years a weak spot on the i road, and would have been Improved ' long ago had the town been Unau- I daily able to so do. It stands to rea~ j son that If a road having live or six ] bad places at different points on a j road six miles long, nnd tliese bad sec- " j tioiis eau be removed for SIOOO, there | by rttflaimlugand making a good road i of the live or six miles? It hi money well Invested. As a matter of fket, the I largest return far the money invested' ! Is tiie Improvement of these sectional pieces of-road throughout the State." | Commissioner Macdonald makes tills' | protest against the old .drag scraper: j"I have seen thousands of dollars | wasted with (his old-time practice of j pulling the washings from the .i'oad j back on the road. The road scraper I properly used Is n great assistance to | our country roads and a saving of a | large amount of. money and time If It , Is Intelligently used. The old drag sera ; per system Is a back number, aud i should remain so. It Is the lack of ' knowledge of how to use a road sj-ra j per and not the hjiul scraper that is ! to be condemned, it would be better, j in the use of the road scraper when | the sand washings are found In the ' KUtter to-lift up the blade and let the | washings lie where the rain left tlieiu, | mid go ou nud drop the blade only Into ! good material, and thus leave the road J In a passable condition, Instead of elglit Inches deep, as I have often seen j if with worn-out road scrapers." The Commissioner does not think it | wise to attempt to build n macadiuu | system throughout the folate. The pol l icy of the State has bean not to extend j the building of macadam beyond Its natural growth. Cnder the present system the towns have latitude lu se lectlng such kinds of roads ns they j desire. t 111 addition to the work that has | been done during the last two years j under this appropriation there were | remaining thirty-three towus to be finished the tlrst year of the appro j priailon. which represented twenty * miles. The amount of moucy that .Will be j used lu the appropriations ou the part of the State and towus during the last I two years will be s4ti7,sftO. The total miuiber of miles that will be finished with the appropriation nu d.sr the contracts let for the last two years is 1000.—New York Tribune, l)»wit of m »w Km. We are ut ike dawn of a new era In road building, which promises lu the I Arm quarter of the twentieth century ' to cover our country with a system of 1 hardened way* which will be used not ouly by wagons and carriages, but by bicycles, automobiles mid traction en gine traius. the latter carrying the of many farms to the near est market at prices so cheap that they would now seem Incredible. , . • _ lir-(i Hll "PtsU" Oa. J Tii* prudent man. traveling by rail at ulght. keeps Ms pant) on. The story 1 of the cltlsen who is suiug the Pull uiau ~Company because his breeches were stolen from under his t pllloW," making it'necessary for blm to sit for hours wrapped-In a blanket', the jest nt all the other passengers, should aot ■ftii f. \inl,aalail |>u aM aa H A/it usual t itu • ' gO uUUtvU?(I UJ nBJ PfPOnnVpi vCf^T^tv*. i Hit. uoll . ; , , .. .. A.**. Kj'-Va.. -'** t, . HAIR ORNAMENTS KSjD HATB. Hair ornaments appear Jo'many pic" t'lrefque novelties. are wlrer gates bows and In/ silver aoc gilt fastened Jewelled ornament In odd design; serpent combs whlct piss through tbe back coll of hair anl appear again on top and shell claspi for fastening bowknots and- loos* tresses In the back. One new colffurt has the sides undulated, with the bac)t In soft braids low down. High, small oils a la Watteau are piquant with the addition of a crisp rclret bow at-' Inched by a rblnestone slide.—Ameri can Queen. Danish lighthouses are snpplied with oil to pump on the waves in case of a storm. ®. Speedy, Prompt and Sure. . Acts quicker, never gripes aud obtains better rsanlts A than auy laxative known. Ji Hl|« Its action is msrvrlous, Us effect Immediate. HHw NO remedy will euro constipation snd billousneas so quickly and with absolutely no discomfort aa | jW Hunyadi Jdnes wJw Avtragi Dot*: One-hstf gtaMful on trlslng In the morning, Kvery druggist snd genersl wholesale grocer la tfte world sella It. |IB ■ pi# for the full name, I n| IIP Label with AOIV "HunysdiJAnos. | DLUL Ked Csntrs Panel. Sol* Importer lno of ANDRBAA SAXLBMNER. IJO St., N, V, , j MMINCH ESTER HPBv gun catalogue free aooat Winchester Rifles, Shotgms, Amnltioa Send namo and addreu on a postal now. Don't delay If yon are Interested. , WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. ' ifeWINCnESTKR AVENUE . . » NEW HAVEN, CONTT. I LION COFFEE I a A LUXURY WITHIN THI REACH OP ALL! _ , • - There is nothing that a Jsh\ SOCIAL LION £/i Xkf \ «s' \KL s \ fer i i\\ appreciates as much as a good ify Ift ~V \ jup of coffee. A |||/iu( If you don't drink "ON COFFEE /Jtt. **jJ '' J —|" 'fflf / y ° U ' at keep some for Jl' fI.P But what can you buy for your iil " \lj self that is better or that costs Watch our next advertisement. go little as * LION COFFEE? Get the genuine ! (Lion's Head on every wrapper). If not at your grocer's try another store. LION COFFEE is not glazed nor coated with egg mixtures or chemicals. We have no Imperfections to hide! L-ION COFFEB »• absolutely pure coffee, and nothing but codec! In rvrry package of LION COFFCK you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, in ■ fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fall to find In the list some article which .will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they nay have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads froth I wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which ie the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). WOOLS© wee CO., TOUBOO, OHIO. fff- deathl ■ 'iV * u ,r II l|ljfl||lMnifl begins In the bowels. It's the unclean l| r I places that breed infectious epidemics, 1 and it's the unclean body—unclean in- B side—that "catches" the disease. A ■ person whose stomach and - bowels I are kept clean and whose fiver is live- B ly, and blood pure, is safe against yel m low fever, or any other of the dread ful diseases that desolate our beautiful land. Some of the cleanest people outside are filthiest ihside, and they l -' 1 - are the ones who not only "catch" the infections, but endanger the lives of all their friends and relatives. There's only one certain way of keeping dean inside so as to prevent disease and that is to take CASCARETS. Perfect disinfectant and bowel strengthened. All diseases are LIVER TONIC ioc.^ M NEVER ALL DRUGGISTS. m SOU) IN BULK. PiJpSSPP HJEiWS ' - P£&glg& plpllllafi,, »««" liklai ClS(inßn i.l«,lkrni '* * r EaWg.tZS will n.*«r get net I ,„J b. v*ll «I 1 Ik* ['■! .a Ul *V. IT' I r.V?£ „ .t.rt t»- ii ■■ in —ii niiLjis iii*i»wwfc«M>s^ Don't tort9\ ill him relisted at omoe kj OOOM Urn—. Wo I, pug. »o fxr. Dogs in Hamburg arc taxed according to MM— lha feigner tlx dog th« liter*" tk* ' Uz * '" ■- • i Tfce Tiiilniar Of man? thousand! alio nao and hara used / Crab Orchard Water in rsrious diseases, would warrant an/one in giving it a trial. | The |«n in mightier than tba sworJ j when it cotoea to signing check*. Don't drink too much rater when cycling. Adams' I'cyain Tntti Frutti 1* An excellent 1 substitute. The I/ondon mint produced 107,089,518 toina last year. , i Keratohea, »addla galls. aora shoulders. J sweeney, outa, bru ses, and lameness of eret* klnd.eoredatuueobyUoose(Jrsa.e Liniment ' IThe nt-w woman waaU to brcc« up and b« a man. For La Clrippe and Hradarhe. Thoao dlsflgnwable and dangerous die eases may be rt»lle»ed Immediately by tba t meljr /iiw ol Hldka' Capudine Headache Cain,/ lie, ard MX at all drag toiea. II yoqr druggist does not keep It aend for pottage on trial bottle. flic*. CumctL 9K Ralofgb, N C. Feait >rs and Coat raw are bow ustnz Uowe r)rse«e for aora tlinm. and e»ld«. Itcures wh-a all aI«T7«U. The wlie Uteaaefor man or baa*t,»T*rr bottle guarent d The girl with blpb Ideals seldom marries an fieronatt. * | Pots am F>nci.iss Dtbb do not »pot, streak or glra your goods an unevenly dyed appear jance. Bold by all druggists. 'IIM making of poat-holea is an easy mat i ter in Ahaka. A mane of potrder blasts old the hole in an instant, a' tejfgraph iole ia inserted. water is poured in. and the inteaae cold holds the pole oecure ia an encasement of ice. , How's Til la I We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for any eaae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. /. Casual A Co., Props., Toledo, 0. We, the Qndersignod, bare known F. J. Che ney for the4aet IS years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all boainess transactions i and financially able to carry oat any obliga tion made by their firm. Wort Tarsi, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wtumor, Xtrotr * Haiti*, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mneona sur faces of the system. Price, 7#c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Mils are the best. • The new Senator from Utah, Thome* Kearna, waa once a laborer. Wfen Yen Bay lak get Carter's and you will gat the best every lime." Inklings" free. Carter's Ink Co., Boston. The population of New Mexico ia 195,- 310, an inoreaee of 27.2 per cent. Mrs. Winslow'i KoothingSyrnp for children teething, soften thegums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, curaa wind colic. 20c a bottls A Spanish railway Has ordered KO cam from American manufacturers. riso's (tare cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure. -J. W. O'Baicv, 322 Third Avenne, X, Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. 6, 1900. There are .120,000 ma«l servants in Lon don. MlMg*TMlt M^acr*- Seaboard Air Line Hallway Autbouaad a nit* tickets are sow (old from A point* oa , >U Kiwi at rata or •2**). iaelodias tboae I prfvlou-Jr Kla la tbe .-tats of Florida at r 9 0.00. Tbaffl ticket* ara food o««r Ike «•- . tire SeaboaM Air Uao lUiTwajr Byatea and a-e honored between Blefimood and W«eb loßton by the Itirbmond, V redariokabn tg A I'otoiuac and Penoayivaola Railroad*, be tween Portsmouth »od Baltimore by the Baltimore Hiram P» k*t Company—Bay Lino— and bet awn Oliatou and Columbia, 8. C., by the Columbia. Newberry and Las , reaa Railroad. AH tieket* wlileb hare been •old at na m and eodoraed "notgood I* State of Florida" will ha boooruJ o>*r MM entire ay stem, luelu(iln»,Uaea la : gardies* of aaeh endorsement!, B!cea Ceoee Creaaa Will abenluWlv ear* Cnoir, CoCO»a ill COLD* qa ekei than aaytklnf known. Every cotton planter should write for our valuable illustrated pamphlet, "Cotton Culture." It is sent free. Send lumt wnd addraii to GERMAN KALI WORKS, 9) Nuiu St., N. Y. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 ft $3.50 SHOEB VS 1\ The rral worth of W. L DOOJIM 53.00 (nd HW ** Ki •how compared with otlx-r HUM UMM to BH.OO, PffJ V O Onr(4.0tOIII Edn Lino rtnoot bo Oqitailed at Any L J \ W ■rim. Wonaktiulaoll mro S3M ud KUOtbort EjM; !/ than any other two mannfaetoraralntho UnitedMatoa. / dealer »nouW| korp tkenu w« «fr« mm dailn exclusive NI« hi oath tow*. L Take «iih«ll|ii|e T Inatet "n ha ring W. L. Doaflaa aknee W ith ' /lL .. |MMn4pHM MampH on bottom. If /mar 4«'« viU not frt thra far ron, mm direct to fartorjr, emclo«4i»f prtca u4 JCk. rxtn for earring*. / j BUto kind of leather. iU". and *ldlH, plats or cap to*. Our aim* vtll Kwll you ai»)rwli*rr. IWtto /or MUhyM WW £prn»p J|E^ We MM r«>t « «*l»r W. la. DMUIM MIMM « •*, JHHn^W/KF' W\ Kjrritli IM MU MV lima. ■rtortifcM. MM—. •W— --FACE HUMORS Pimples, Blackheads, Red Rough and Oily Skin PREVENTED BY MILLIONS of Women Use OJTKURA SOAP; fitted by *VI Cuticura Ointment, the great skin core, for preserving, port- | fying, aad beautifying the skin, for drandng the scalp of era*ts, scaks, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hak, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, tough, and sore hinds, far Uiijr rashes, itching*, and chafing*, in Ike fam of baths far aaaoyklf irritations and «»too free or iiftmlti perspiration in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative antiseptic purposes which teadify suggest thrnirlwi to women and mother* and for aQ the purposes od the toilet, bath, nd oar eery* No amount of pertwssion c#n induce those who hare once used these great skin porifkra and htatiHftm to aae any others. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate aaeQkat propertks derived from CUTICURA, the great dk con, with Che purest of cleans ing ingredients aad the most refreshing of flower odors. No other to be compared with II far preservings port ;p fying, and beautifying the skin, hair, aad hands. No other foreign or dooeatfc MM aoap, however expensive, k to be compared'with It far all tke purposes of the tA*V*j and s Tfc«fccomfctaafaONE SOAP at ONE FRIGE, vie.t 1 CENTS, the BEST sfcin and complexion soap, and the BEST toilet and baby tip world. ' .* Compute Dr. Bull's Cough a^na.-gagSvruP E SAWMILL MAfIIWHY, c C ? PIANING MILL Macfckery, t i * HICK ua\m\Z I A f ENGINES AND BOILEIS, all „ L ' Types, MacMaery aad Sap- « T 17 plies of Every Description. £ I s 'Large Stocks aad Qakk D p v Shioments " W.H. Glte&CO.S (•LtIBIA, au c. n CIAn MRS PER 1000 tii v tuieim liiiwmt CO., I HABLBST**,*. —T ' : So. ia. USE CERTAIN r^CURE.H