pj EHTERPRISg" IF ETSMD Evnr TRTUDAT BRED E. WHITMORE, ijUilor and Publisher. a. Hfctored at tlio Post Office at Kraaton, N. C , aa Second K»H*il Matter. KwCRIPTION, tl * year. s KattlrT MARCH 28, 1901. ' IK there ia an I marked across Hp paaagrapli it mentis that jour I HpW'P*' oo expires with this issue i DM that yen are respectfully re- to renew at once or your Boa will be dropped. ■ Mr. CSFnegie offora the city BNorfolk $50,000 forapublic Hprarj building. * i m His. . (Rural VWtor.) k I A man in Raleigh buried n ■rife on Sunday and married Hgiun on the following Thur.*- Hlay- There is piuh in other Bines in thrac latter dnyt/ Ma Brell a« in .buiincas. I The criiuiual docket of Rfartiu County Superior Court Hfaa cleared yesterday About ll p. m.Tuis was the largest I locket evor lieforo our Court EfWd xro hope there will never ■pa anathcr criminal ducket a> Bprga.. l j . . r In this new judicial district in Ur h ich Edge comb has been u solicitor must ha -p- Hwinted, and, af course, tharn* Hllre a few oeekors after the Hionnr. So fur, Hurry Stubba. Bpf Williaraj'ton, C. C. Dnniele, Ipf WiUoirand Martin Shnw, of ■Henderson ar • nil prominently Ikeutioned. The majority of tha ■par at thia place, it is aaid, rpvor Mr. Stubbs, who ia nn l iable lawyer and a moat excel ■•nt man as well.—Tarboto Hkmtherner. I It ia with pleasure that we Ijbubliah the above article, and |Src aincorely hope that our abla Ifltepreacntntivca will secure the ifj^poiuttnenl. — I It it estimated that the revo |Mbuc act just passed hy the itoenoral Aasembly will produce Hj1,700,000. This will enfer the Kntire expense of the State HtoWmcnt,.including interest Hut the debt, the appropriations ffpadc for the educatienul, char- Mi table and penal institutions, Hand those made for other pur- Hr°* c '> Th-» Legislature is mi bo Rongratulated for AK> ?ucces«ful [Melution of what, at first, meemod an almost impossible Hhtdertakiug— that i.-i, the' Hraiaing of the amount m.idc Htecessary by tlio pledges of ®lhe party in power for increased Kapproprintione for edit out on Hind for charitable H—iayettcville Observer. (Wilmtu;lon £ur.) r, Pet«f MtCann, a farm hand near ■Carbondale, P», ha 1 a busy day week. He stole S9O from his Baployer .ran , away- got caught ! jail and committed suic de. Hi in the same /.ay. He couldn't ■peat that performance again to Hpve bia life. (Wihaiugtoa Star.) HKUiin the pasttwenty.tve years jMrew Carnegie has given to lib- Hiaa and other publicohjaeta S3O,- , HbSS* not including the sis,oeo,' He to be devoted te the technolo MMd iustitute he will build at Pitts- Hp. Hi* fortune ia $3,03.000, oeo Hp annual income $13,000,000. ■Part Worth T« , two North Mkliinisns ere charged wi»h at- HBfting to kidnap a man wanted Hjpa state for murder.— Ex. KB j ■ »- •« y. - r.. e " " ■■■■». .—IN. . T■■ —■ — WHITIIIIUHSr TRIAL. COKTIirrBD FBo* UlCklL PA OK. not to be. unsasy that lie would net get hart; ami would be, back pres ently. Jones 'sent off toward Dow er's'whistling and singing, wit ness stood in the door listening to Jones, tieard liini say he was go ing to whip him a man that night before he slept, said Mrs. Annie Moirie was there, no one else but husband and children. Witness sat np all night with Jones,Mrp.Msry Little and Bland and a part of the time Mr. W.M.Bland. About 4 o,clock Jones said to Mix Bland he Was bad off and Mrs. Bland said she kaew it. J«nri> n*kerf her if lie would die. . Mr liiau'.i H.-ti«l uo hr would 'j«*t wt-'T IR» «aid hf WHS going'to dic.Dtdu't say at.ything pine. J told her lie was standing up. mid his finger was hurt and withesx wraped It np with some ]>owde> and cotton- Witnoss said J»ncti told several others saino thing Jones HHtd il'Jic lived lie wtnld get him yet. Monday morning Jones told Mrs Little that he wanted to nee Whitehuwt, for her to seud for him, didn't want to leave anything dike this behind. Jones looked lit witness and asked her if shodidn t know ijow it all was nnd she said yea, prattv much, asked witness i > jiruy fiijf him and to ask every body «lso to pray for him. Wiliiewa xaiil lie wgre. his father's coat that ('lathes wore In ought out and oho raco|(uized them Iroli UHN out and she lecgnizcd that, saw piece likejt st Iwiry. • (Ja cruMM exatninaliiin, »aid she was JS old; had 4 eliildren, youiiKexf . yoar Mr. HtuliliM ««( ili» liih't niie *h kad told what she testified to and that she tohl him in his oflics dur ing present JVnn ,' eoi rt, Joties tatfor told h i t, iliitlu's, didn't briufr e .it. Jlud known Whitehnrst 2 or 3 jeats. Happen ed to live-iu same neighborhood for ssveral years. Next witness was lies. Miiggiu Uland, slio testified that sho lived about 150 yards from Jones, was in liar door and heard Jones going over to Bowers liatlooiug and cursing and said he would *hip him a man. Heard a dog bark and Chen two pistol shots, then some one crying it was Mr. aud Mrs. Junes. Went right to Jones after he had been carried homo and stayed all night. Said Mra. Little, Mrs, Jonee and hersell were in the room about 4 o'clock Sunday moru-' tag when Jenee told Ihrm the statement aa cited in Mr*. Jon*' tptim>Miy. Ou Ja.tmi'jalioii, said e.ii ht'tdi'is ina;,i.,i luie-'t. trial itn i also.lietOTp CiU'oner'h jurj but didn't tell t lie above siatetqent said sho had talkod with Mr . VCbicdi aid about case and he s'aid lie wanted to prove that Jones wns stauding up. Talked with While hurst duriug court. Mrs. Mary Little was next .wit- ' iieSK, teatifled that she was ludftlw the Monday before shooting anil heard Jones ask her luibbaml if VVhileirurst had be*n there Joijjh said Whitohursl should not up and down these roada-i-i l.e did he would kill him. Witness told Mr. Wliitehtil'St what Joilrs had MII.I iand that "tie had better lof>fc [Raw Jonss next day alter «lio*,.tint l • * in his room, Mra Blaud and Mrs. Jonee were there. Here she eono. Imrates the RtatiMiYenuii i tiurttto witTK'-Mnj aholfT ♦:!•!( Joins duriug the tio h i'xauiiu atioii Kaid she lived on MIIIIU f.iitn, had udd Mr. Tc >HI Wtrrehar'd what! Jonea said, saw Mr. Whie'.mrd at ut Jir. Ward s. Sh* wus Iffore nmjjiHtiatis 11 viS HI tA rl at thev wore H( th»y made up li.iii miujs to*wear thut Jones was stauding up. Re dirvut, s iid .rones wus mad with the defendant and didn't want him to go to his house. The next witness was Mre.Aunie Noma, said shs lived 8 miles from Jones. Saturday night ot the shoot ing sho was at the home of the de ceased. Bhe corroborated the state ment oi Mrs. Mollie Jonea and al so the statement about lonea say log he was stsndiog tip Oe cross examination said shs was in the j habit of goung to Jons's very often. [Wa't resasmbsr smag While hurst when joung woman but had j been knowing bins 16 or 20 years, ■ | knew Wbitehurat before she waa ;®ar rid. Remembered talking to Mr Mill 1 Mil .111.1 .1 I , n't II nasaw •; ' 1 Wbiohard about the rase. The next witness was Win Bland who testified that he waa home Monday lwfor* shooting when Jonea tdd Whitehurst lie had to leave or lie was going to kill him. Next day Jones a ttne over to Bow ers, and several were there add Jones told Whitehurst tracked him to his (Jones) home. Whitehnrst wanted to know if he' had stolen anything,J.mes said no ! Said Joaes tried to hire hiin to get Whitehurst out that-night so he could shoot him.'Jimcs s.ii I if he couldn't get him aoy other way he was going to burn him up. Said he was not ut the "shotting. Oir otose examin tUon •aid the reason! ho did utti tniiko tli.it slalouretit bt-fore tiio 111 trial tliH tjio rate stopped liirn. Which ai d oaiiio to his house and tuiked liboilt it. Will. Little testified to about the same thing us Bland. On crime examination, said, lie had seen the piece of iron at Tliad Junes befoiit shouting, was witness at tlio magistrate** trial hut didu't make ainv statenient. w 11. 11. Blaud U>tifl 4 d that he know both p.trtie*; Jones s«id hv wus going to kill Bill VVliilehursl. O'tost exaiumatioii liv«j i.boiii one 1111 It*tr 1 111 Win lilttnd. lold Ihe defendant livfore tlie wTnit Junes had ituid. 1 lan km wn While imrst :ior 4 \ems 'lVdd V\ hithard aln nit it ut Uolnrs- HI ville, d. J.Fonl li st ilit-d tliut ho wit' ai .'oiiesßini hiy atiei fight nl ont j a iu. iigaiu 2p. in. stayed nil ingS4W 1 0111 A/Jlan .ing. W»'s in 111 the loi'iii WriVn M : • IIK trotu l'ei iift-iir. C'rosn i n ni,n «• - 1, , ►aid lie lntd LIT VO KIIU.VI 1 I .1 ' i it 111 12 >r IS WUMKIV 1 Said i.c kinyt-d iu th« .00111 with Jone« •«l! tli*i time and 11 *• ver Leant Jun«i inaku any Htst«ra>>iit. to Manning. Baid llUndV cunrse ur wsi bud, ul.u LinUV( Manning'' wusgiud. S«versl ci'araeter wii'uvhjh . wers etamiusd and all stated tij it d«!enl i(.t'e clur ■otel wan goo.l, hoi l'in in*) irity h.nl not known ouUcli of yaars. Also tta m ijority of th*. wit i>es«si stated the v'"> Mutt rs of Bland and Little were bad. UnrslkC dufsun ilossd. Slats fd»e»d ier»)r.»l olir.icter wii«» nsst.es ou the stau I end proved tiio obaraotsr of lbs laajoiuy ot' witusvuuii far tbs defsiuv to b« bad. Foe clmi act»r of wituense* for etata were ie»- tilled to by oluiacter w]tnss»es tt be good. Tumr* Wan liardlf any of lbs proeeedingt bat Jjoke 1 at if itemis was godly of, ai Is is', wan alaugotsr, and when tLsdury Isitllie court io>ut. lbs iu»j'irii) present 1 -it 1 li*) veidttft wouiit «l j i ».>kt i a IU iUklHllgh sr. . tide va VV. A. IVny judgment .«u*pcmlctkoii puymsi t vt cost st rc nut st v( prlkccutor, as )jtj,Oto damages had pai 1. St •te V 9 W. K Modlin, by agree ment between dt fendant and the t&(>Uluii verdict of murder in mdde grec win renjlereiLond pilsuiier sen tented to 11 yeare in the p niten ti..ry. . talc vs F.tt ory dtnmone by •T Ajemt'iit vc diet OL in nif I»I:J tor . .inretu iietf >'entetu*ed t vo yifMa. i;i pen it* iithiiy. St vvs p ery \V lliam c teven ' ' 'ti l r ; 11.11 |e-. e F.\ 11, M lid!' in a d .Va. ttu fjr Wi i. iitf - , N'owo'.! and \!! )> o: 1 t'xr.K * ell :iiul v IIII!M o»» S;:ii *I . ER • S-I x ned'if t"i • Jivhie to 1 o»t r" v ')'•.« mi nt «d ct i,f t ( tiiiji'i in #n c'r«rloi d!i«n>s • 11 I in 11 is nu liter foi I' : • tsr iinc! I.wc'l -t iitfii o WMl'mnf t7_\c.%t4 in the j ci it • yoaih in p' 11 tciuiu>; l.wiil 6 •t.oiiths in jsij, Si.de ■ 6 J U'iili.itna, ptv t!cu guilty jll ' itstU * m jaiidil 0.1 piy n»e..t of o'St State va L P Hard son. pleaded #uiity judgment susp udodon pay ment of cost by re j ie it of pro ecu or. "" , State va ilattie Jone*, I ifaticida, pleaded guilty ef man a augbter sentenced 18 month*, in pcniUn tiary. Stane vs Jarrett SI y'.es earring a concealed w ap n, not goiltT. ' A WMnr'S LIN Affair Htosiraa s setback, if .he h«»oflen •ivs bisatb ihrongh 1 onrtipatioii, Bil liouaaessar Stomach Troabl#, but J)f. King's New I*.is fills nKrajm cut* those trbnbisr|jlsan lks iyit(a,>*tit> ee the br«atb, bautsb bsa laehs: bast in tbs world for liver/ kidueis sod bewtls. Only 25* at SI Teel * Co "ST:.;.. ' ." ■ i ■ 4 :;)3 RAHILTM. Rev Mr. Wir.gntc held devine service* at the l'pisco| at Church on Sunday morning and evening. I he church «u crowded at both ser vice*. m , —ftamillon is to be congratulated on her four ministers this year. The? are ail good d*v«ut and high min is ) christian Past rs. -Mrs Hol»bi anil Mary, of Wi| iiamstnn ■ were here last week vUitinf; their many friends. Mrs.T.II. Pritchard, of Scotland Nsck a former resident of thia place is spending a few days with her brother, and ever) one iftglsd to see her | Misc** Mittic and .Mull.c Coßicld we. s in t j*n Hunday to attend! church. Miss Meta Dew is visiting the family, cM Mr Jack Si.errod. Quite a number of our people wiil go to W i'liamMon during curl. . (crowded out) A Quilt Holt Marrlit*^ Sun da uftarnoon nt j:to u clock, thr family and >• few friends wcr n«»e i.ble*; in the p ell/ parlor ol Mr York to witnr-s th _• inarriaj;- of hi S3ti. Air. (otin York to i*» ..|ii ie j erjiard f Suff nk Va. I hff ceremony p»rf rnied by i'V Mr. "ultoii iu a veiy 'mprc • aii e inaif cr. T e pe»)»l« t»f SV'iliiamMon j in in ill the fo>t wMiie* f r th« chaini iiiK bride and th • pc pillar groom iSiti wish for i cm that their pal way lliiMi'i'h lit" mar l>e atreti n with a ceU'M flow cr* and thut th ir joys may li" u&|l:i>vm|. • Ii" li U emul) t»'l'owr v |i p* call* f r • luh Mum's t'lim'i ( "'.ft. FVr H'i iltr mi ilr u iinul'|_;> |. llm oi.lv lui in rn« iniw tty iI.hI iuurnii litis r?f!|lt»». pr.Tfntc I'OI NIIIPIIYII JL. ('N>>T4l'|'ll«N. Tilll Prim From tUc Vindicator Ttutlv erfordtmi, A r . C, Th* sditfir of lli* Vindicator lisr occasion tataai lii» rffi ,ie.v of t'hata- Iterlajn's pain H*lni lain* willi His raoat rsta*ik«b|* rspiilto in *«cli W First, Khrtimitiam In th* abunidrr from whieli he anflWH axerusialing ain f"r tea day*, whioli was r#'i- *ml w''b i*l> apfUioil •)» nl Pain Bun. rutiliiiiß the. part* > fi} clrd and r»«f is-rg iMiaal hotipfi' anibtntiie r* "I In *,vry fkort HIM. ffiftWt, in rheii matimit IN Hugh jnim, almost pro** trttiiig liini wilb aa'vara pain. wliii*h wa» rcli«vrd l>y Iwii application-, rubbing wiili tba liniment en retiring at night, and jilting up Ira* IrOi si i. t. 4 Piai A t!.». Tliaii priiiß|»tn"« and Iheir pl**.*- ant if- ta make o* ;v i'|a little lui!y Ui* * moat populu litiif pil'a wlier nvr tli*y sra known. They a>» «i;n lily I'viTtuit f/>r Ijvei and boa*| froublrji. (\ I>. CMritanpiisn. ■ ■■■i ii ■ ii ill FOR SALE Clmttftl Mortgage * Do*. 10c Dood Tru>t Short Korin li«u Uon'l ' I 'h* Trniit'ttV Sal« •• Hl- Siaii» Warroi's " liv i'mtcot 111 i k« " rimlier |)t eil.l " JHh- Hmi'v'l •' M'r N'o'trv I'ttMie RUnka " *>• I'VHIM " ' CJIIWII to UOI:O II|»I!IV ULLORDORR THE FNKRPRISL O.XL Y £ TAN DA JtU M A t; ll 1 ZV E WITH INTKItUIIANQKAULE TYPE OBiUINAI. VlilBI.E \TIUTI.SU TYPEWRITER "HAMMOND" ALP UKU K. WUITUOUU, A({*lit Tor Martin County. WilliunatAii, K. 0. North Ca -ollna I Martin Cuuaty J H. C. 8?ruill, tt ala, vs. J. It. WttOl, tt ill. B> Tlituc of ■ dccrct oT the Superior Court of v*>*tin Cumity la th* aho\T eotUlot ae:lo:> I will on Hominy Ntrck i th, ly«i, tiring th* fir*l MomUy of«e>irt week, «t it ociocV, ro, «*ll tu *h« hlglxat Wddrf for e*T)i«» ll* voatl Wsutl door |i> WiltiAnuton lUc |qcl «T l§nd la Hid county known | the Watrf* vtjoih iti( tb* l»ad of H, N. Mil other*, c*B l«t*l*( M sens aon or I***. Thb nth 4*y ot Ftk umry iy*i. A.O.6AYX.OKD.OM. Strike I Mel FM "I was IronbUd for **v*ral yaar* with cbronir; indi»x'i'>n and nsrvOus debility, write* P G. Or**n, of Lan* casfar, N. II , '-No rr m-dr belpad m* natil I b«zan Eiwtrie Riit*r«, which did ne more.aood than al 1 the medieinra I *r*r u**d. Tiiay have aUo kept toy wifa in *xnell«nt health fnr . year*. Bbe a»ya Klrelric BitUr* arc 1 jnot vplandid ior lama!*.trouble; that th»y are t tontp and invoriga tor for W**!c. ton down w unen So other medicin* caa t»k* its plae« in onr family Try Only 50. - Satisfuotion i;iuraots*d by N. 8 P»vl & 00. 6UAIU«TC€O SALA*r YEARLY Men ud wmien of gooi addreu to rn»r*«*nl I*l •on* to imwl >|ipoiatnc *r*nt«, other* f>*r I K*l work looking tltfr our luterent*. fcMMlsn miranlwd yesriv; extru cornmiwimii mil t-x --p*r«rt, * *dva:icrmeni t old e»t«Wl»'K»' ! l.oiix. Grand i'hjt tee for i-«riie*t roan or woman | to 1-rure l>lraivw>i. permanent position, liberal | I .mm 1. 4'ill ire New, LriHia.it liuer Write In MKC. ' STAFFSRD ?R7jf, Chitr. 'i' ', New 3a*vn,Covu. ij-I i I lio'altl • H it' HOlltlrtK ! im «jlnatinn. ITiO'i wli>>ra faear:y >*ni| tlrotiK a « tbo * wbr/rsa «.• *>.! dijf.t t.|»-iiy ol I..«m| odul Dj | *pai« '.?i,r«il l«ra i« WtMl I oil f.ll il fid IliftiW* Y i| iHi all 111 - jf,iol lihml \on *>• «. IT r«'n fnnir iii I ifMfltinii, !■•*'t I>IIr i>, Iwlubnnf Or niir «'o >i i ir - nb'r tbi* i mt'i'Vi n.,ii? b iip bin In \cu •juod. Thti liini' »«i «iii vi» ft- luMiiiia run lak« i . I» "i. tif'pii#!, J. B. t GvK ik t i:r,r:j{ti........ Wll.btA a Won ' I'. • An,Vitif wiping to jiiiioli vau nj \Y ituh i't ('locf liiiul I ViVU US A CAl.Ii sWaicliea mid Clocks repaired on Short Notio*. If yon Invu any r*p«irlnj{ to lie dona; we san d« it. Mtin Bt. Mpposit* Blacksmith *h*p NOTIUK I ! I Thf Bhf rjfl'* fur 11* «|le qt J.J.80%r (r'« inferf.'*! it« certain pi *T of li*t»d ty tfousf •'« it, C M tof iw \\it for |hr yu r Uvlng 'ottn to m/, I tinWflllt R tl nru mptim; 1- tu -ii' 1 , ti«M -ud dteti for same, TliU i)th Omy of warcU t/»i. •5-*)P I NO. 1,. N Mil A BiM Caijk Metflciis (ir Cklitfnt ,J | li.iva n i bvaii oicy in r*oetnm*i d ing Cbaiulmi U. i'a t'uunli ft. aavdy," nav» F. P. MikTaii. a widl knowi m.d popular b«k«r, of I'starabiitg. Va. "W* v v*i 't tc O'tr elillilrai *di*n'.Kithl'd with lad o slur a'koopitiß and it ba-i alwnjH Riven pf>rf«et aatiafaelion. It waa re- O'.iQun-iidrd t> ma by a dtu^'" l *' I lii* bf: t oofh niHilifina far oL.iJr*n mil oo italusil ii i upitl'U or Otbft b:itin ,, »i diiin " Sj!d D. I'**l Jk (!oiu;itiiy. ' VdTICR ! II *"|nn f.iiUM a» altitlfti«tm(9r npan th«? e« *Utf of V|Mty decM, ttotkc i« her»l.y lrt%«n!u4l' ffHitarii H* i n ft t *'c to p'Vient the M\m* tu thfl »H'» . .in ti Moa'ht fr.tm hit il*.- q- lkU ii .tiaa »11l Lc 1 pleat In S*t of d%.-t I'll to >*ll unit an' r« iwrl.-U lo •etlle the (.♦hi ■■ flili i jth, day o .l'olnitarv i »t, r. s. mrjfS'OK, Ajliu'r VJa*v '".llllki n, d*a'd I.ika i )!'»'•! T*!«I, ehdd an aak lor •norc w'•»•»» ( »»ii it# M unit* Coop'i i'h'-. >'.. l b-r* »nil r«i.« i i'li v r«r 'OU|>. il IM>'l '» I' lrntn'! .. n •!■« *i|.l .I,|lh :■,».! tVrID • M« »>if 'llliy ijiw' ii II iii* vrj| p. him) •iiu . aid 'ia« W»-|| M w#|l .. ni m "»••»•> • I*r lor whiMtoiaif ••oi-jjfc I!, f) ('..IHIht I Dfl. It*nai{ n'ranvi't woli We>Kt» Win! mot, > 4 Newid'.ljti*' rlat* Atf-li's »u ie«> aeat tbi* f n»nr;i,nre t ii.nnd t«» writi» Ai oklii I anil Hedt'» | wi-h i« any to aiy frtemU tiist I nliaJl de« vol* my mitire fim* to th* !n*ur* a in'* in th*nonnt\ nnd am a pnaiiioK to (Ire »«i| ibe lieat lu. miance to l« bad. idle, Hvaltli and Accident on ea«y t-r»«. Alkx- COSBY. - A Hirrilli OilbrNk "Ot larit* aor*a oo tny lilt)* danj{h ler'a liead,ilev«luped into a ease of fcald bfad nrritet C.. D>l»bill, of Mor fl.n'f.wn, Tann., lot. Buckl*** Artiiit J*l*a cured har. TiV a «aaranie t -d iura for Tatter, B,ilt Rheum« i'ituiil**; snre*. Ulcers and I'ilri'. O.ilv 2.Vi nt N. S. Teel A Oo 1 1 There are awit bargains at Ourcanus' looking Tor pniviia*e* Wi know yon won't let tiiein paw. , Right Was Her Ttrrtr 1 "f wonld eoiiph naarly *ll nigbt 1 lonn," writ-a Mn Ob I*. A Alasondria. Ind. mid «"oi id hardly 1 aj any alaa|>. I bad ro i«ad Ilia' il I talked a Mock I #onld CoU|(li fri|(lilfnlly ait.faplil blood, Im*, wln-n all ollisr iO'ilic:'i«a filled, 'hue •1.00 Ifiillr-sof l>r. Kir.u'a Njw 1),. |spovery whnllv r irwljrn" «nd I «l 58 pound ." It* iln^ilu'rtt' nii ir-'iitu"! 10 i ll re Comii',l Uroii «bi|i* *nd all 'hrntl Sud Ifliijftlron'.|»- Pyirs 50: im 1 fl. trial h-ilt!*« lir> at S. 9. Pe l A Co. By viHneof ai*eeree of thl, Superior W ! ■ Mart'* County is> a *pett*l pr .; edluj; (Kwlliii i'J re. Alo'iio if lit. I. \4 u'r Hoerua ]■ lUirlwHi. Dc'd aio.ln*l ilm i ; «lmondaoil am! wife, el alj, 1 •halt «-TJ>O« T.. I*WL «ate before Caurt Ifiw* door in ton;-: of >r t M. C. OB la« real tu wit —A eertila lra»t ot land la Orfffiii »Towuibi;v «*iuty i"'i au !,iik 1 .idvi a* V-t To -r— l-i di' i.10.i u' l'.r land* ->f t'.ie lat.- T'otr.lljii urraiuon.; Mi 'Hir*. liel'itf th> liacieloti,*.!"--! t) Kill ; r ar*|et }. Ua"rtJio3. ! De\ .l i 'Ui; ll* I* Ut* af ' m*l r f.illey and ot!ier 'rorainln*: u r.ii'i' lo*«U aml--Ijillu I a l * tf^intii»r m; be ' 0 !'ie P' Vi'if r- i.ttery / Ma tl.i Cbvui}. I T- r m of *i> v A-».H Tlii • lia>* 'i i*t . f V M*3 HA* v:v f\ *ra d r«a. j iVi.r, Ivinin. of | 1 ,) >-iiif, il I , anil'r*'l '*l ri'dr •> • ••-atgi A 1 i'ia alti'ii'iuli 111 '»l »•-• n -a-i >» A • 411 * 'ar 1 I II R I 1 IN fit'** Ii 1 1 v t- 1 111 n ' 'ii-i •. \ 1 'en I• I* 1 ' • 1 H . | Ily i »jiii« I' rfii>l .|!*r m • , I 1 bo I- a li' !■- -iv : f '• • i- il in 1 -irii', 1 ■.. I 1;1 —hi -1 fo" - H -l- t !)f>|l |*i* .*'l-1 " 1 i 'lm w ,m' \ 11 f 1. , It:'-' if • i*-i>•••,. . I 11 «*ll|tl .f' '■ .I! IN I. . E^piCupo ( D!ce«ts what you eat. I; 11 ar U flclally ilf eats tbe food and aldi Katuro la and tev'bft* MrucUog th* exhausUU oW*«tlv* ou {una, UlstbsltiflsLdlseovereddttfestr ut and tunic. No other preparation MU r.pprowl» it 15 Cfflole&o*. It ln« lUinliy relisvesand permanoutly cures )ysp«psla, Indigestion, Heartburn, PlatulQiics, Sour Stomarh, Nausea, lick iletulaclie, Oastraljria t.'ir.nip , 'a'id •11 other reiuiu of lopur f set ili?o»t too PrieeKo. andtt. Ur«* »U* eunwlst 14 tj ■tali uUa. Uook allabout ay>p*paia ninifaaim Pr*p*r*« */1. C OeIBITT * CO.. C|)a*|» C. n.CA s vH|'ltf.N |'V i;n @k^9BwHUSI T "oiwwisa* S 1 Cor vni3HT« Ac. AflC**# it v .i rtiwciijaioii mry MfoVly nr--ni»*»nr t- ir It! Mit4.il rrjt* Wl.otlu r AU InrwrtMi) U ur*hithlfimtttnl.tl.il. Ountnunlrt rt 1 ;pt)r r.»tin.i.>nnM. Iliii»li>.'vJko*Prrtci*u - tH»* *t fuf i» •• VnH tin uitt it ti i"Utf*i >i »i»u A. Co. rvcclrc tti»>tout ciiWi, In toe ScKtiiilic JltiKricatt. A iMMUlaotttetf VMnatntMl wnfMv. T.irr"«t rtp. rnli.tlt- » of uny pritwiUt rt ?.»t *l «n»tn. $3 • flnri ftk*i i.y«W wwi.k .Hrx '« r 'T TMI* lirA :;IH ' . vvi: v '-'/-I :.Lr^aTnE l»ybiiLj 1 - wrl T0 rT * l ' Ck VHC taUAL OF *JTPS|3> I CH FOB CHILLS, FEVERS, t, >»'\V3 NtflM C veils and GripTC, end iMi'hlW i S r.»i fcrnta of Malorla. PON'T V*MiT TO DIE! GpEKD 20 CCNT3 AMD BE C'JHED I V.'COMEF'Jt CURES EiXE MASTS' TOST FftSPUSI Rod Cr'ots is on label TRY IT. 9NO CUHE NO PAY. » Sio. TE!! GGTIUE. X> r vt uu « -if3S3a& orrucKvri't- to ta:-.e. »c~cw» J\>r '•> ii\ - hi » 4i,«i Ai'kr n (St Co. THiRBWH ILLINOIS"' WILLIAM SON ACADEMY. SPUING TERM BEGINS JAN'Y 14 -1901. -tj & ■ Your twirls ami boys s-'iall rocoive tlio very liest atteution. "TT. SEND THEM "... C. w. WILSON, Principal A. C. L ATLANTIC COAST JUNK ». K. COUP/. NY. coancffiKD ecßaouiV. t*aiks ctfivc soctit. DATKU «?■•!» . I» . aiUfipP i_2_ . -tve Tsrtwrj . 12 nj. It m * i ' * "*' ••• ' » «i>| 637 4 l»| II 5* .-I flt.Ul ..v I,> l| IS . . „„ .. •V -it .lilt i .■> 12 I _ . Vt, »«j| !X *»ru ... .;.',l' j*J i ••> «;4-M'wj. -I ri " A. *1.4 ii.la j ..._ I. I , fil i*? ir. Wiln.l igto.i ..L. ._ i ..... ». I ' JJ] J}* taaims OO;M4 N JKT.T. *&sS j! ti K i •••* K ~j** a.m. —mr j ~ i.v, Klorf'C? y 30 7 it - J,v. r«vctKvitU* I fi •$ .... 944 .......L.... .. '/ M , x •* - 'l* I JU II Jjj \ Atd** Wiivui,. a 5 i| {.... . ..... . !A. W. ■?.* SI. I *. M. : 1,-. VNt n. I ... *: o> »JS 1. .'A.; 1.11 .. ... jft j. III* : • " J J «v» ... .1 ,» "»* ji\ *l.|. A. M. 1\ M. P. 11. .A m „...•] I,j jj.nij :o lit Ar. .lis .:i j u i.. 11 j., 11 jj Ijj A' I'. .'* ■ »r.'.. ii» !. .. 1 • ••»■•■ J j _ __ •• t, .; ii'ifXt j-."1 if ... - . i;i f A, ' M. .'j ■ W i-i «i Mal i U 1.— I Trr.l 1 >a**» wn ii ; I i, I*u .. \ , n.li: . l-ic Dih p. •' .' "—• »'—' 1 v 1 1 »"1 1 -, -r '-in h» ;'t 1 V, I>. ill. kl'i.fl" 11 ! ).'•> iosp. 111. "iiV'i I >• '» |» . .U« •• M » i,*..iv t i.i -.1 |£>,.i. ( yum. ).v I In • imi . t. m Jitinrltft >4l.* v. M . ill :uil /Oj a .n,, : ct! Spi.f.ga « -,l 1 'i" *. H A MilU' ujst. . » \. • . ;» . ei'-itnl I *.- Kama •>. 1 . tlu J ft.. Met r .4> • . Muu .u|.. ia,.«riKriß»u --1.1 u>\ lite 7 I) I nt. Ci .H i 11. .11 v i M.\;;>c whU tmin J(o. jS, at s:a.. 0 "r.ii *J, «t K«4 1 4', il .1 ' »*' ■ 11. j./.ji .11 '.Im 1 mid ... .v, ~itv.,',: v> I f . ■ ;ii »• 1.. ■ Nick II .K'lli Kt a 1 l"*vra ••* •« • "»:•• . linlir** i yji. iu.. atriH* ifcot* .. uvk ~j' |v it| H Uiteiivifc Ai" Ji. 10,. Kin. 'l' ■ ?»!'. .." .. T icawf. Ki.iioi ;.Mm i re*»\(.ie' v«. m., arrimtji at iUlilaa n ill. u... U' k'.uii 11 v.i k. ill., daily c\crj,t Su. day. Tial:i» nn Wa»! i;i|[luu Qra'isli I-"' e Walking t»n H 10a. m , and « jo p, lu , airlvr I arauif 9 a. tu ,4cop. m , ntnrnl iij leave Purmcla 915 a. m , aire ft jap. lu atrivi Waa .iiulmi ilea a. m. a:il 7ja p. m., !ntlvticp: SuuJay • Trafn liavra Tbilianj J*. C,, daily tx.apl iu» 4 v. *>.. a-ilvat Pl*- muulli 7 4op, !»., ti« p. in., Kttmuiu(, Iravta Plymouth 1 ally Sum ay. 7 V a. in , aa4 Sunday 9 lO a. ui,. aulvta Ta.bu:u lu 10 a. a>., u una. tu. Train on MKtlaiu* y. C. Branch leavta Co 14*. bom dally, except Sunday, juo a. ■«., anlvtag SmithtiLkl 6 10a. m,. Kttinnmg liavia hiuitlitatl 7 00 a.m., airivrn C M>l t. h as a. m. 't'ralita mi at».4)», ni., 3|n p. ni., an ire Nn»ti\ Hit 10 >a a. "iX u|>, »»., hui In* Vort: 11 «o a. ni., 4>3 p. a>.. 1 hctnmliiiT Itatc kpilkK hop* 11 »c a. in. ,4 up.M. N i-li\1II» 11 45 ». m., s >5 ji. m„ arriv* at Hockv MOl lit la 10 p. in,, fturp .in., dally unit I uuday. T'alK OB Cluil' ti L.auch lravie *V."anaw fa* | C't' l'Ji. 1 «dl>. «MC| : Stiiiirtay, 11 40 a in., and 4 s\ p, m., :eti.iiiiiiElca,«at.lUtou 643 a. a., U4 topm 1 T-Bin N•. 7'- m»! » rkwr ror.ncclton at VrMaa fot ail} oir.ta .N'wiii daily, all rail vii Kkl.aiun4. » l.kli KIHK, «'*ti'l I »irll|tr AlCut, sJ. H. KJCNI.V, I'.in'i MAiairr. * • r. Id. lUIukHTN, TiaOb. >:ai:«gcr. !. ! invert or #]•> nt for IVi« mtninnlWn and ndrlca. ; BOOK Oil NIEITS c.e.sftowstco. ' Paiwit Lawrm. WASHINGTON, OC. ! n ■ft>r»vi »i 1 »> »111 1 1

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