I THE ENTERPRISE |* PvauaaiD Evket Thcrsdat | WSliamston, N. C. | ALFRED K. WLHTMORE. Editor and Publisher. E In tared at the Post Office it | WBhuneton, N. C , as Second [ SUBSCRIPTION, $1 a year. | | TISMSAT, AFI.IL 1!. 1001 We are indeed glad to know". 1 thai the Commissioners have I decided, to put a competent [nan in charge of the county home. This has been needed sometime,and now that a keep* er is to bo selected we hope tho Commissioners will be careful •nd get a good man, though they have to pay more We think our Commissioners ought to use the same care in getting • man for this place aa they would in getting a nun to rgn their own farms. We have ■ . board several of our most influ ential citizzna say they would rather pay more taxes, if usc assary, and have a good county home and a good man to run it,thau to have it as it lias boon for somic time past, h Jfc congratulate our Com inissioncrs on the steps they have taken, nrd we are in hearty sympathy with them. Any time we can ha of service to theni for tlio upbuilding or our county, we are at their i command. Know that strength is yours, in proportion to your progress, enough for each (lav, he it mental, physical or spiritual Realize that tliero i» reward for every labor, rest after every task, aud ridd for every faculty Your reward may not bs what you expect; proh ftbly it will he much better. The power which comes from trying is more than worth tlie effort. —Adelaide Keen in tli>- W> ■ • ■ April Ladies' noma Journal. Aguiualdo li:ts*i;iken tin o »t" or allegiance to the Uniu.lj States and lias solemnly sworn to renounce all his relations with the .revolutionary govern ment in the Philippines and to henceforth recognize and ac cept the Supreme Author.jy of this government. Aguiualdo becomes freesgain and it is expected that he will i | —receive some recognition from the government tor lii-Hmrran der. Some of the olhcials in- Washington are- still .suspicious of him. and are averse to plac ing him in ativ position of trust where he could use inllucuce •gainst the country. WASHIRBTBN LETTER (From cror rtfftilar Corrcepor.ieot.) April Bth. 1901> Uncle Sam has no idea ot turning showman, and as lou«j as Acui ■ ~ nalJo is a prisoner, lie will not taj * allowed to come to the U. P. If he lives up to Ihe oath of allt-giHiict ha bos taken and carric out tlie promises he has made to G«-»i Mc- Aathar, he will eventually become( free. Tben, if he has the price,and | wishes to visit the U. 8., lis will, be as free to do so as any other! resident of the Philippines. But all f that will take time, and there is; BO probability et his exhibiting! •- himself ia this country in the near I fatare. Bome ot the thousands who SM writing to the War | meat as to what ought to ba done ; with Aguinaldo, are inclined to bs : waggish. Oae of them, signing | hims>lf"The Poet of Winnisook/'i | headshßcommunication with this] wm, expressing his idea of the | essbanrassment of tlie Pieeident aadtha Secretary of War: I "What shall we do with Aggie? Pray what shall we do? Eliho looked at William, And William looksd at Eliha." The President easily succeedad in pereaadfog Governor Allen, of Porto Rico, fc» withhold his resig* nationyilthosgh he eama to Wash ington for the purpose of present ing it. He will retnrn to Porto Rico about the let of May, but it is not expected that he will remain more than a few monts longerh.lle says the island ia getting along all right, and that alter the Ist of next March, wlieu tho tar fff law, under which the revenues for I hi* support')! Mis Wand government are now raised will expire, there will probably bo tree trade with States. Mc. M V F. liittcnhouee a prom- NOTICE! NOTICE! \ Martin County desires to employ some OOMPCTDINT MAIN ,1~ KEEPER OF THE^-^2^ Couhty Home. J. 11. CoffieW 1 J.%. lirOM'll V COMMISSIONKKS O. K. Cowing J NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAX I'AYERSI I, J. 0. Crawfbld, Sheriff of Mnrlin Uouoty,ha\s ihl* day levied on the following U«cl« or of U'i'l tor tHfS dua and unpaid for Iha yenr 1900, and will Sell the >iuu« tor cash at public aite'ion b.fjre ths Court hoots door in Wiiliauntoti cn tie l»t lltM'i.y is> ltd.11» l.ld.ty o 1 April 1901: *V, * V. \ Goo** Nest Township NAME V ' IAXB4 COST TOTAL Ed Sbielda SO acres mljoining Baker Bell 1 00 1 30 2 30 ; J*oi»s Cunl»y S3I *ciu •' Henry Kiu 1 13 ) 30 2 'lB .111 l*van»B} "Vf J P. Ilyiitsn'slstid 23 130 1 ,*»8 II Ui .ffin 132 " T Zf hompaon 3 f.7 1 80 4 t»7 WjM ti, itfiii 10 1-2 aor\is'«uljuini:i>( 11 N J lfarrell 133 13J 2 t>-t Irvin Gray 5 *' '! tl.iaaat.t Und 17 130 147 IIG ilowtJ 70 " '■ Fred Taylor land ItO ISO 310 Hamilton Toivaihip \. Br lford Koiit heirs 147 adj I'hilpot Una J97 130 82i Edw.tr I Ewr«tt 1 town lot and rs.iJcns* 1 85 1 30 3 lii H D ll'jurd Leirs'J towu lot* 833 . 130 403 Jt) llouid 2'O.tcrsii Milthel farm :. 400 .1 30 630 B G Howell '- town lots and onill 638 180 763 II II TayTor 214 acr#* »«tj T Ji'iur Tay'or 738 130 803 BL I pton 211 " W inbnry land fi 23 , 130 flfl3 John Yinaa229 acrsa Thilpot land 804 )80 431 Ilohsraonvills Township A S Bland 1 town lot y 833 130 401 W II llarptr 1 town lot 1108 130 It 3H Moaes Jones 1 town lot 287 * "130 427 EJward JODSH 1 town lot 07 130 107 Frank Knight 2 town lots ■ fiO 1 80 .1 ihn Mays 1 towh lot 2 03 1 30 4 23 1 Ait'iM R .'JO »or»» nfj J K Hc*« 180 130 310 .1 A IF Uik 1 town lot 2 ;»3 1 30 3 03 | Kfl-WJi I iut in Mo>G Smiik land 111 ,130 241 .• r :Wh t Int ill Mo G H ai'.U land • 112 130 242 jliywucd Tbomaa I town lot \ \ 17 130 147 S, ..la PatDhill ;>3J acrta Ooburn land 459 130 (89 Cross Itoada Township J W Nitikolaon 60 aerss adj J. O. Cook 133 13© » 263 Fnhnu Tsel '« " " Navin Joynsr 37 130 IC7 J U l'»nd"r 1 town lot 100 laß 230 n*at GrtM Towoahip. U H Lajgotii 25 i"r«a sdj J II Woad 40 \ 1 30 1 7(» ~lis S Wynjj 10 "j»' J G Long 17 j ,*ty |47 litfiij iiu'n Jonfsis"S"ras tf 1 1 jIY Griffins lownthij> Ballo it M CLmd and I.mnb«rCo L.ll«f Und, Mulling* Unl, land sod \V It Tesl land 250 130 w 3 80 Tl II Fiahsr iiO Biitmorul City Und 33 130 163 Mary J Jackion 100 acren county !ias 83 130 2 i;{ 311 Parry 100 acre* adj Jlt P#«| 470 130 600 Ja» B W'oolurd 30 acrea VVitkina placa 17 130 147 ' William* Township J J Rcntbrulg* J A lUrdiaon 83 130 813 J R Motdey 60aers l.vnch place ... 133 ISO 263 Siniis It .berton 50 aoreHltoteraOn hsir 14> 136 '• 70 ' M iry A Rab#r*tpu 40 ai-ras J A Tvrry land r , 77 130 o^7 L-iuia H Willisiiu *• aote* J D Willi nni 2 7'J 130 402 >i 3S'.,\ll!'n t »» 600 Acres Walli«.jt s.vainp 353 130 4 6,j Willu.m'lon Townahip Wll Wil*on fi>r Ilaiiy acres 133 j 263 Sarah Li tz-uort* 8 a»r«* Mary lluidjr Und 17 |3O \4- WSS Fiiulk for mo! lut 1 town lot 50 1 :*0 1 Hii Henry O.irkia 10 itJr.n *lj M itti.iaatt 270 130 4no Bt,l„n 11 AkMell Wt- . #7 1 ;t0 2271 Jolin LLARKOTIL IPf» AORES a '|TJT\ Clierl'.V 339 1 ;$(» aqq 0 lUrram Jobusoii Aitlinr I..uli.au 1 (owu lot 67. 1 ;k) 197 U A.Lloyd 1 town lot 30 , J. 30 - 16 ' Cyueti»» Jl »ore7o acres ailj Tliouias Moors 67 ,1 30 IS7 1 Mc G H idj Xaviu Scott 4 27 13 ) 157 J >>li a SUde 1 town lot I|9 133 249 , Ilmry Yariell 1 acre adj Jans 11 tssell 233 13 ) 363 I L>enj«min Jone« I acre adj W H LFGGATT 31 130 161 I Jamssville Township GII An-ja 33 aorss residence 220 130 330 J J lUmbridgcSO acres adj Gorden Harding « 7J •« * po M h Und 167 130 297 WPi Casper 19 •* " Coopsr lanp * 67 ISO 197 811 Davia 60 44 W Davis land 316 130 446 T lUrvay.Daria6o'• adj J T liollidsy 134 180 264 i N J Modlin 35 aorcs llyman land 1 321 130 451 Edward Moors 10 acres Beaby Smith land 33 130 163 Wss Newanan 13Jscras residence 57 130 187 * Grsen l'stiford 7 acres adj F.~ Brooks 220 1 ;K) 350 i H C Spruill Guar acts* no dsMription 838 130 463 Jll W«tsrs 300 acres Watsrs land 333 130 463 I Jesis T. Ward 1 aorss U lit'ilj U nd 2 27 130 3 57 * J. C. CItAWFORD, Bh»riff of Usrtia Couol/j ( ' iaeot Chicago lumber dealer, now vlsitiag Washington, said*in the course ot aa interesting coavei aation cn the extensive ratuifira tion of hie business: "Chicago has for manj years been drawing her lnmbtr supply largely from Lake Michigan ports. Bat ia racent years that has beoeme well nigh exhausted, and the supply has been coming from Lake Superior ports, hot even that is showing stgas of exhaustion, and we have to purchase more and more frorti central Wisconsin and the South. The Southern states in the imme diate*fHture will arcd increasing quantities to the Northern states. I saw, the other day, a large con signment of Arkansas lumber for Maine,once famous for hsr lumber industry. It was to Le need for the] i construction oftewer* for wind*J , mill*. However, thf ni|(tilr forest i . area* of the Pacific coast most! , eventually be drawn «>n to supply . Ill* eastern cities. It was ap i proached not loot; ego by • gentle man who nutftl tn aell me 4,500, 000 feet of lumber -eta Vmicwver , island. Th»t u a pretty hi* y»'* n i tity, hut his timber preaer red were , represented on the map by what J looked like tittle dote." , An incident is related ot the col lege life ot Hon. C. C. Knox, the new Attorney •General, wliicb , shows that small thiugs sometimes affout a man's. future. Mr. Knox . was n student at the West Vir r ginia University,which had a rule r that no student - should attend n theatrical performance One night | Mr. Knox apd 19 other atudents | violated the rule, and the next day tliey were expelled. All but Mr. Knox and ono other student t signed a promise not to again vio Ittte the rule and were reinstated. Mr: Knogtlien went to Mt. Union (Ohio) College, where ho first met Mr. McKinley, upon whose advice lie after wants became a lawyer and upou whose invitation he has now become Attorney-General of the U. 8. Had Mr. Knox not been hoen ex polled from the West Virginia University, he might hare never , met Mr. McKinley. It is an op«n retret in Wash t iugton that the Navy Department . is not favorably inclined tt ward , the Holland Submarine Boat Co., . although a number of Naval of ficer's think anl have spoken very j highly t (hp H 'llisia I type of boat , ftiwl A liniral D-wry among thom. Jit wis this opposition tbat pre- I filled legislation it t)ut Iqfft SfS|i|up I of Congress authorising the con struotio'i oi additional Holland > boats for the Navy. That this op position is to bo continued is made 1 plain by the anriouneomunt thftt. by directioa of Kt-o'y Long, the Vaval Hoard of Construction will prepnro designs for a submarine vote,to be submitted to Congress with an estimate of its cost. lliiHuia is having an inning in Washington Just now. The U. 8 Govsrment has oftyaially stated Its (ati'tfxotioh at Russia's p>lioy to wards Manchuria, nnd now Domes Capt. T. M Bees, a Pittsburg ship builder aud maker •>! boilers and maohinory, with large and Inoreas ing interests in Ru*siaund China, who s'lid In a published interview; "I know >f a certainty that Russia will nsver take under her flag Mau ohuria or Moagslla. I can now give with propriety a state secret showing how foolish has hern the cry against Ruasia,regardiug Mau ohuria. In 1893 a body of loading Manchurians accompanied by the high priests anf prioces ot Mon golia and Tibet, secretly went to St Petersburg and called upon the Cgnr and offered a pet iton signed hv t hoUMumls of the leadmfpritiiens proving tor Russia to take the three coui)!riea.ihur j)r>n>i»ing •" furnish the soldiers necessary to become free of corrupt Chinese of. , ficials and the Chinese The ( Emperor told them he could not . accept the oountries. Twice *iuv, the same thing hasbeeu done with the same reeult. It Russia r had wanted Manohurla, Mongolia and j Tibet, she could have had them without the asking, each year for , the past eight years." A Rigiij, Ruri#| FUN. Washed down a tela*r*ph |tus ' whiah H. M. Rlltsin, of I«ib*on la had 1 to repair. "3tai ding wsUt deep in ioy ' water,"hs writes; * , o«v« si« a terriHl# J o.i'd slid co,i K h It grew wor9 daily. 1 Finally the l»e*t dootnrsin Oakland 1 Neb .Bmm Oi«y **d Omaha Mid I had ' Consumption and could aot live.Tken 1 1 beean usiag Dr. King's New I>ls* ' novery and was waolly cured by sis I battles." Po«itivsly guaranteed for 1 Coughs, Oilda and all Thriat and 1 Lung troublss by N. 8. Pe«l 4 Co. ' Pries 50c snd ll 00. i ■ .. ■ V '\ « • i You will waste time if yeu try to J ours indigestion or dyspepsia by atarv ■ ing yourself. That onlv makes it . wows when you de sat hardily. You always need plenty of food prop- digested. Kodd Dlspepsia Cur* ° is the result ot years of scientific re « search for something that would «TU J g«st not only soma elements of food, * every kind* And it is the one remedy tkst will dv> it. 2. D. (Jarsterphen. » —-.x- ' ■ 1 ■ "" " 1 ' 1 'Tit €tlf tl Fill Bui Conntlew thousand* h*re found a ' bieaeing to Ibe LuJjr in Dr. King* ' Life r ilia, which cur* Constipation, ' Sick Headache, Ditxinee', ■ Malaria, Feiier an J Ague am) all 9 Liver and Siomarfc troubles. Furalr , ; M«»r gripe or weaken. r ' Uuty V>j at ». 8. Peel & 00. ■ LAM) HALE ► t By vHbii t>f a decree of the Superior Court of Martin County made ii. the raw of K. C.Hpraill H all v* J. H. Witm ft >la, 1 k> *U on Moodav May Mti, tsci at n oolock, m at (he Court house door iu Willlatnaton, N. C. Mil to the liighe*' ; bolder for eaali a tract of land in Jarae»vUK tuw.i ■Uip, Martin County, adj« ruing tlw land of lI.S. 1 Water, and other* and known a* the' Nrlaon I Water* tract of laid containing tuo acre* mm or lea* a ad fully deacrtbrd in the deed from Cb.v; t H. Mirrll to Hoyt K. Water* registered ia book . O, page iM KcfMtr of Deed* office, Williiitutoti K. C. lU* Ajrtt Jthi I-yOI. e a*t AO. CAYIOIO, CoMia»i*»i»uer. Kodol •'Dyspasia Cure . Digests what you eat. ,| It artificially digests the food aud aids Natura ia strengthening aud rccon* t, itruciing the exhausted digestive or* igans. ltl» lb# latest UibCovcrcdiJisiestr 9 lent and tonic. Mo other preparation I can upproach it ia efficiency. It in stantly relieves aud permanently cures r I Dyspepsia, lndlge*Uon, Heartburn, Flatulence, Hour Stomach, tfaitfvs. ' Blcg Headache, oftßtraißi»Cr:iwp-«at»d t til gtber results of imperfect l|f e»tton i r Prs»trfeeyC.C-o«WlTT«Co.6ftlMie C D.CAUHr.VUIMoMjA' CO i eUMMEEO SAURY YEARLY i Me i *'id women of gv> t *.ldreu to represent ua. >om lo travel «pp itri-ir amenta, other* tor local w»rk looking after our iutereM*. f oo.alary f guaranteed yearly; extra co"tniii*ioti> and cr penv«, npid advancement, old eauhltrtied houw Grand elianc* for rgtfcott Man or woman , to atfiirc ptcattut, j ermaiient p-Mitijn, libera) ireontr and future. Ne&, brilliant line*. Write 1 atonre —- > STAFFED mil ■ ij Church Street, New Ngvea, C«as. iJ-»6 "I have be-n Irotibl*! with indigei lion fof ten jrcara, have tfjed »«py , thing* and epent mteli iaon»y to no purpose until I triad Kodol l)ytp«p»- eta Curs I bnve taken tvs bolt|f?« ftDii gotim wori> relief fr»«a iVm than *1! other medicine* taken. I fee) more like * tpy than f hate f»l> in tweu'y year*," Ander on R ; «gf, of Bunny Lute, Trj. TU •;»« «n 1« itnye t«»iiß«d a--did Mr, Higf>-. D. (Warphen. N'OTIOR | Having M ai admini«trtitf>r upon the ft tate af Jmnettc T«. Cur ou, dcc'd.nulict U hqre'.iy tatr to putta ii the to t'»• unt'.fiflgn# 1 with iu it motithi from this ity r tain u-i'lcc *v4ll he I>Ua'U>i of ttulf All |Ktw.t tl* bled to »j*ki tf\ \U »rr re'tacHtct to scitle the Mm*. T||U jth, of April, tool. 8IIKHR0I) CASON, a>Hp , Vlmr ll KM III* Li£. Tw»l»e venrs «>•» J■ W.3:iHiT.tn ilarlfotd, o>un, aorHtohad bl« with a ruat> wire. Inflemumtiou Mini hlood'po!*nninif In. F«r tvt-o test.* h«' enff' f' 1 inte' t>elv. I lien • Ita'xt d iQlor* itrgfii.Mivputnti'iK, '•but'' h>* wriien: "I uat'd duo bull." oi K)oiric Killr unit l]boX,aol Uuul,'» n'tt Af itl h Stlyo . nd my !«'n * »•- ■ und it .1 *•11 Me'evr." Fir Knii'ti na, ICc a«iAa, I',. 1 to-. 8.1 U au n. -Soiva an-l ajl lilo.i.j r} K|mqi i) It.( t~rn Ht» i)) >|v'4l '« esjitli. *'».%• i'im. N. H IVfl 01. wi|l h itijt ft.ction '>r r-jnti'l u> u>v. Qair : JfOTlfli ! { J The atlt iff'e cciliAt«(« far |)if of JJ Cdw er'i i.ite e t in • crrrain piece af land in C.ixmf Neat Tb«nVii|s N. C., for t»*c» dl|e for the year 184 a, hiring been n.vlc to u . I ahall, uui.sa leg al ruUmgttoii U 'Hal , Un»4 id 4ec4 for Htat. Tht» >»tii d«y of lurch ij«l, *-*> n— jho. I, mNKe Til Bui Hail/ fir Itkiiaitiia. qUICK RHUKF THJH PAIN. All who u*« Ohamberlsis's Pais Balm for rhe-imsiiim ars delighted with the quick relief horn puin whioh if affi»rle. Wken apeaking tliia Mr.D. N. Sinks, of Troy, 0., aayi: "Sojse tims age I bad a Mrereattsok of i ken mati-in in my nrm and nhoulder. I tried nnmeiou* remedies but got no relief until I WM raeommendsd by Mea*r* Geo. F. Pauraonji Si Do.,drug* giata of thic place, to try hxmber lain's Pain Balm. Thoy it so highly that I bought b bottle J was soju relieve lof Jl pun. 1 have since reccommended linimsnt to maay of my friends, who kgree with bsu that it the belt remedy for muscu* ler rheumatism in ths market. For sale by N. 8 Peel kCo ~p" NOTIC* Ravin;; qualified a* Executor upon the Estate of chriftiue Roberaon. iecd; Notice ia hereby glrcu to all persons hnMiu , claim* aijaiaal aaid eatate to piraent them to tl* fur Waw lit simrliefprt tnr jt* 4ayof thta notice will be plead in bar of their recovery All peraou* indebted to aaid eatate are rvqweatcd to make imaediate payuxut. Tki* /th day ol April igai. K.BNHY PKKL. Kaccutor V-« Ceo. w. mwtU, Ait/for tet«atof. KOTIOK I Itvrfng a)IM »'• uliilafatnbr Upon (be Htato of C. C. Ca'tiaiac deceased; Holier ii brrr bygtoCß to *ll p*r*MM hoMiac«(aliM||Hnat nil r««1« to»m»M Ikra to tw whrtlfixl for piyi'XMt Mor M')« the SUI day of A||Hl, lyu of Utl* wAkct *'il W plrtd ia Hr of Ikcir r> em ery. All fenrm* In VUrd l > n d «tlt ore re l *-*led' to nito irnimdtete payment T..U ut day of April loos. &■** J 1,. cy XAIN. Ada'r FOR SALE" [/ ~ Chattel Afor l g;»ge Do*. MOt Deed Trust '* 30« Short Form Lieu Bond ' 10»: Trusteed Sale 10c Suie Warrant* " !0c Proteat !>i uiks " Sc Timber I>* ods« " 20c tttytion (l.ttikn " >of Xoiir. I'n lie HI ik* ftc Jurtlit'"- l' -CO " ; H" Carfli t" iiejo 'ujutiv .ilior-ler*. • THE ENTERPRISE. O.XL Y SIWXDMin MA C II I X 13 WITH. \ ;»:v ili m»B (•HKJIX VL. V|»iU!.K W iITHU TYPEWRITER almikii k. wuitmoub, Agon for M iriin (lufiuit, WillimnN 0. J- B. PEEIE & GO. WIM-iAMWo*. n. 0. Anyo«# wUliJmh to parclmse • Wiitch fir Clock ttliou'd aiVK US A CALL Watolie* aql Clocks rvpnired on Short Nolicr 1 "* If yon hn»? ft'i v rep tiring to b« iloue; we Mil «|a it, M'iln St-, >pp «i»« BUfkmuitli li«p JkkkMh*. BO YIAUr JIi^^HuKXPIIIIINOV WJ f1 ■ I . I "WM 1 COPYRIGHT* 4c. rABTCeo MUdlnf 0 rktfrh erul d«ocf';.'i.m m»l 7AI» «««rtnlj r»f pptrtaa ftoo ronlVm IK pr..b»i.l7 rulMUkt* fupißUlWw tlo'isaiiictivK'tiDdjiiilaL PWHIi •apt Irro. (il'l'V, M«m» t>i Mcort"* bHlnoi. 2«;^CTKV rmw Scientific Jimertcaiu k bwdNtnel* |lltntfMod wr«H», t«rre>« elT ■ Jssss: WiSWSSifiIP ROBERTA WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD T0 proouce the cauAL * r Roberts' ChillTomc foa Chills, Fctebs, Night Sweat* and Grippe, and H II Hi a " form 3of Malaria. PilllSIl"" DON'T WAIT TO DIEI SPEND 25 GENTS AND BE eUt^BI None genuine unless WOOOERFUL CURES PAKE ROBOTS' TORfC FUMES I Red Cross is on label >T. V NO CURB NO PAY. • 25c. PER SOTLLf. Don't UK* « SubttituU —MM» DEHOHTPUL TO TAKI. ———» for 'tiio u\ —b » Uurguu* ait| 3lai«;, Auder*oo & Co. I'll K WASHINGTON ■ ~ LIFE HVSUBA.MCK O| " Tltfs GIANTS OF 01 A NTS " * —Has mor> cash behind each SI,OOO policy in force than auy ither eompatiy - '** .V J OOP. I.IVB AGKN'TS WANTED. ' CUE PREFERRED ACCIDENT INSURANCE CXI* -Isiiut's ihi! best Htid most' lib-'i *1 A UDENT A D JkALI'H P >Llv»t S. SIO,O Ml acjiimt policy slj » 'ear, hasi a 0 per cent aceiunulatiou feature. -A health policycovcriug 27 'did wicr ani vhile iick oats slo a year. ' W HITMOIU: & NIiWKLL, District Agents, - 7 *■ a— ■ \Viliidiuntou. N. C. A. C. L I ATUXTIC COAfT UW 1. l.€Cir?m. OIfDCMCO KRKM-U. I- 1 • 1 ' — 1 TSAimcoDx sorra. * jMTn> L ■!. ■ !*?sla * - . I I fM }*• *■>. *>. «•->. * "*- *»rt WrMon .... • i© a jat Ll ,5| | VMn Tarboro .. »* nf. 1 iW i.r *»-kr*lt. _.l I «i' nail • j ij.' i* s» •'« v - «?—-■- » W 7 w >57 >«• I n wiiii i.r. PaycMrvi'.lc.. *j» ;» n _i _ t \r. F1 .retace !js , . . __J r - * 'A. M. "} | Ar. OoMj t . 1 37 S3 I . Lv. G lUliruf j .. i ___ amJ i.j| l,». M ii*> it l__ . T?r « ■ Ar. Wumi igtxi « aaj t M j kjWAjtjr.lt. G >;n-i soiia. Hi? ?X j **> K %>. 9 H £2 ! -—rair^v—- J.V. .a .j, JJr Y J.W.C » l.ua I 3.__ It Hi VI Arn« tfilnrn.. . »tg T j ttT. Wlhoittrttm. J . .K _ «fu»JK ; laiiT. I.*. Gu. U'.uro _.|4 n iJjuii ll* a M. r. nit, It If*"? 'Y l "-! '» } M u U '« *sl aa* A', -t >•* lit —* j3» in n, tvS • U Arm's ri l»jn>... j « a| I f4 nia | a .. " I" 1 C-.R iy Mt ~~1 T !•» «si --J Ar. Wvi t »I «i • £ jrrz 11-. M 'A- M?r. 11l Va tkiu I»iU m ">Um Uae-TWn Inm wil mi-1,1) l. ia* a «., arrt«c* hpHnflk iar — k tu . 'rata I'ajtUv. iltr un p. m., miti 4 fma- I.jMniP- itt. Het'ir ■k > m . ariive I'ayettrviUr «»»■.. fuStT | V.i:e JOB. lit., arnvr, ;7V,/g; I " , rt&.uja a Mutuim, *. m. Spring* ! «5i • *M» VVHi* Mitt, mu" I JEssisa • *1 I arrttrvillr «k>- ;rtl» Mult a* 1 KAXkan with Urall ia CrtHrii >ab~at K.M Sprlngi with H t Rid tiiahtand llJwHura nil road, at San font »iu» Um auTuk aid Chfe Traja Mx.lUud K«k IWKt *■*! 7 >4P mVylurum* learn Kiaum, «W* liio» II H i dailr «nM IMtq. tralua on WKtupn *ra* C w |SWuU» toatioa.B , andajnp iLiriWrirwk ,a a. m.,i»p.irtw*gl«« tktwal* »» e. j ia./id6j»|L iiaa a. aa, T*w TT«rP»f>> K t, dailj vaM laa- £»p, »».. 4 >5 p n«w ■. * attUaawtec. IravM Kyijoiilh daily tu«pt 75. imoJ'to. ' •• a«i H, ;. 7rts* »« MUland N. C. Braack liana Ca»*a I Hft*td'fc laa^ 7 ao a »., arri*«a UaMabw* I as a. a. 1 Tniua uu Nwbvlllc P-aack inn tactr alant aty wa in.,j«»p. m. arrin NaakviiV. waa a. Nwl villr 11 45 a S *S V wrw« at Cork. : "I I' 10 p. a.. > . ■ .(i, ««, I»a>aj. T.ala on cliutuu j!a»m!. Wart. «ai H « fat C.lmioj Oaily tsun »«»lay, u aa-.aada a I'T anM>> *** CUuWia ' B ' ' Tniii?V|j 7* n akra i*» wawalaa ■> WiHaai fur *it po4nu Nurlh «Utily t til nil >* | H. N. EMEKSOIi. 1 ». «jwfcsv-«n «" T. M. KMKRSON. TiaakTiaiagw. , ' I I n BOOK t) PtTEITtb'b&JrUS ve.4.aMHrw. PaUat Lawyw WASHINGTON. D C. "MMMMMMWWMMMMMMMiaJ