TK KKVSUIOK. ktara aat oa Wednesday. wltk fner t kw »■!■«. A tea bills wi* p*s | «i ttw Mac hxul la nature. via ■Mr nrtal eorractloaa la Mil* Tha total mt "mm gaoraai** waa m THURSDAY'S SESSION. Tte adjoaraed ssaaion of lb* Oea anl linallj Dvalar gata aaoti« ilcwww torn to the wharf af laclsla- KM aai thaa adjourned alee dta. K- »al> Haaaaa Mt at noon tad re ■ataai la aaaaKxi aoatlUii like aa how and a bait paaatag Wila aad . iT ni aa aagy-golac aort «f body. «Hk aw m-ait-f aad tba Spoakei la tba Houaa. aad three Senator* aad tbo praldeat pro tern la tba Saaata TVy did ant ataad much oa tbo form ality of thla#s—theaa nine Bokma hr they wonkl paw a bill or two aad (hn aU aroaad aad chat aad laagt tUI somebody else brought la a MIS thtj aaated passed, aad tbea they d grlad that oat. Th*r began by appointing Louis ——Jafcaaaa a Jnatlce of the p»K« hi Hoaaa Creek township, Aabe county, aa* ended by abolleblßg the office 01 Biolllat Clerk aad pottinc tbo ea ralllag boalneaa under cterga ot the Secretary « State. He la to bare It , done at tea cents a copy sheet. Thte bill arao Introduced at the regu lar aeaskm Of the Legislature and weR Ibmatb tbo Houee. bat was promptly tabled la tba Senate. That body. bow. oaar. asetoa to have change Ita mind— at nap fata It took the bill ad the tattle and u i J it aad aeat It bark to the Houao for crmcarrence la aa .Whoa It arrived aad aaa read aome —yrisa una eapreaaed at Ha appear aaoe there at thfc time, aad Mr. WaUa mt Iredell, aald: don't know whether are ought to pans that bill or not It looka to me Uke we are getting rid of most all c/f oar pair)nag*. Some of na mlgt* tow down here again and bare aoma vaople that wc mlgbt waut to get in ' aClce.- Mr. Winston said the House had Haul the Mil once and he dlda't sea how It could afford to hark water cow. The bUI went through and tbo En rolling Clerks office Is a thing of tbs paat. TUB lICH'SE. > The Mkralng bills were Introduced \ aad passed In the House: By Mr. Winston: An Act appoint lac IxHiis Johnson a Justice or the peace for Hone Creek township. Aabe county. This name was left out of the enrolled omnibus magistrate hill pamcd by the recent legislature. By Mr. Winston: An Act supple, amtil to an act to atneml cbipier 82, Uawa of 1899. This correcU aa error la the enrollment of an act providing ' for an Issue of bonds by tho c-Cy of Kowbern The original act provided that the bonds should be of denomina tions not greater than (1.000 nor lets than (10; the enrolled act reada "not greater than (1.000 nor less haa (10.- By Mr. WaUa: An Act to Increase the number of commissioners for Ire dell county from three to live. By Mr Watts: A resolution la re. C>rd to adjournment of >;he Genera! Assembly. By Mr. Winston: An Act pannlt ttac all persons required to give bond to the State n! North Cruol lin to gl» such bond In a sir rot y company, to !>■ duh approved and sublert to such isolations as the Governor and the department in which the txind IF glrea m.iy prescribe. Additional oomrlty may t>? required whenever It is deemed mcraary. The following bills sen: over from tho Seaate we-e pweoj by the House: Aa Act abolishing the office of , Enrolling Clerk slid putting the work of that officer In the nanils of the Secretary of Hfia At 1:10 Speaker Moore di*-lired the General Assembly of North Carolina adjoarned slno die. THE SENATE. Senator London, president pro tern., nlwWl the Senate to order at 12:10 There were three other Senators pres eat: Arrlngton, Woadard and Drough toa. A resolution from the House that tba General Assembly adjourn fine die at 12:30 was passed. The following Mils were passed on their a'vera! readings: House Mil. to Increase the number xT commlrslrmere of lre>lcll county to Cve. to become effective after be nexi general e'ectlon. House bill, to elect I.ouls Johnson a Justice of the peace for Horse Creek towaahlp. Ashe county. Tha bill to abolish tho office of en rolling clerk and put thla duty In the heads of the Secretary of State, was taken from the table and passed. A bUI Introduced by Senator Wood art Increasing the nnmber of com nlseV'tinrn for Wilson county to Ave after ISO 2, waa paased. President Ixondon then ratified the hilto awaking his signature, and the Seaata adjourned sine die. THE LAWS ENACTED. Fallowing are the bills passed at this adjoarned session aad duly ratified by tha pi latfjng officers of the two the Judicial District act aClNl ftMTTfl'T the Wayne stock law act. To allow clerks per diem and mile age for this adjourned session. To rsgnlste fees of witnesses and oCk-erm in Iredell county. To atrlke out Wake county from tbs gctmaiv election act. To allow tba people of Mitchell V county to vote on a compulsory achool aczeadance law. \ye aaead tha coanty board of adu. a tßa«ot ao far as Catawba is coa ceraad 'tcor-ecmK • mune). - Ta allow the increase to (JOO.OftO of tha capita l\ stock of the Golds bo ro Uater Company. To appolat J. E. Peteraan. O. W baacatla sad W. H. Collins aad ach era. Jaatlcca of the peace in Wafne "yjr the'l*ll tf of E. E Flacb. t aaMlc school teacher la Nash conaty To Provide for the paollcaUoa of tha arsceed'.nga of tha court of Im- Tte lacrease aamb?r of commission sra In Iredell county * Ta abolish the office of. enroll la* » C To lactase aaater oT tommlEatoa era ta tks lioaar fclstt tha varteGea that sre known la Ca well la the locality rather than lake tba advice of aay one from a dls taace. aad especially Is this advice (aad If the aatuaa baa been oa soils aai eiysswis similar to yoor own. II Is tree that there are varieties that can be piaated In almost any part of the raantry. for tbey endure all kinds of ritaaste and most kinds of soils anil , lapuaaaia. Bat la the more ttposed places, or rather fa the colder sections, varletlea ate few that can be planted ever a wide area with certainty of sue resa. Yet the fsct remains that there are eaongh sactesses in most parts of the country to be a guide fi»r those seeking Information. Tarietlea of apples should Ite cboseu that wID cover the entire season, and this Is aow easily done nnder good con ditions for keeping fruit over winter. It la true that the matter of keeping fruits has been neglected In recent years, became of the prevalent notion that modern cold storuge method* arookl revolutionise the whole Imslnexx. while caves, fruit bowex ami even cellars bare been neglected, and all l«e- Cfuse there waa a belief that this new method would take tht- place of the old way. The farmer might refuse to build > (.bur Wn under the nilsiuki;a u.jtiuij 1 that the silo is soon to take the plnce i of the haymow. This reference Is not | made with an Idea that- there is u similarity In the illustration, further J than to try to sh-tw the Impractical*)!- j Ity of the new method as applle.J to tin- > keeping of fruit fur the home, for the ! cold storage plant is too ei|ievsive. If ] not entirely Impracticable for tin- small I operations on tie- average farm, while , the rare. If properly constructed, will be found a cheap and effective method of carrying over" the necessary late I fruits until the time of use, or sale In case there Is a surplus.—American Ag riculturist. Ewes that are providing for youm; lambs aboulJ not be kept on gralu and hay only. Turnip*, carrots, or even ensilage, will be found excellent for promoting the milk yield. an.l keeping the animals thrifty. Tho young lamb that receives an abundant aupply of milk will set Into urarket early aad bring a good price. A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! . . . . • . ' S ... "... ' : ~J~\ , - v' ■%ni, " ~ I inn *"** ih * »*»*• *\ Wlwll many a common dof. , IT*V If" bmmmn nature to Imitate great things. jSp|!.i&o I LION COFFEE I 1 IS IMITATED. * -• i I But the aroma and strength peculiar to HON COFFU t/S *" "•* cr 'ound In these Imitations. 1 jpf p ' _ Taste LION COFFEE and tlicn taste the others that arc glazed and coated with Irlfv,. y ,». egn mixtures and chemicals to make them > -i- f_ - "look better" aad in order to hide iuipcr (i(A [jJ& Tr » » of lion coffee i Watch our next advertisement. —■ -w s www ■ ■ hefts. and you will understand the reason of Its popularity. *' i« ■ ji i In every package of LIOM COFFEE you will find a fu'ly illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, in t tact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to ftml in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort ami convenience, and which they may "have Isy simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads frvxn the wrappers of our one pound scaled package (which is the only form in wtich this excellent cotfee Is sold). ' WOOUON sptce CO.. TOLEDO. OHIO. MAAAAAAAA AAAA AA AAA A A A n r4 A A A AAA A | BowelsE^^ X Caused by over work! Over eating! Over-drinking! No part Of the human body receives more ill treatment X X than the bowels. Load alter load is imposed until the intestines become clogged, refuse to act. worn out Then X you must assist nature. Do it. and sec how easily you will be cured by CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Not a X A mass oLvtolent "Stnd mineral poison, but a pure vegetable compound that acts directly upon the diseased X X ana wc*n out intestinal canal, making it stiong, and gently stimulating the liver and kidneys; a candy tablet, X X pleasant to eat, easy and delightful in action. Don't accept a substitute lor CASCARETS. - X jf *to T* briaf'a sarjrjn.—vtVrlrr'a Wetkly." * V X . ,n ' "I km ml 4 tai« >t . u«i ■!!>■■« W* j" X [J JCXWT 3Kvy3!V .on ■««■»■« mt l»« fc,wiU VSrooU ronaup.- _ CI Y * Mht >m« ion pIHM M•• ibfl tontU* ** * * V n jAW ffll&AtJHiSSi • in- tom&mrnm-. I UJ mnuiliv I HmM o( m win rhtf A V /By ASPVH , IMtWTnMaMllltawaKafClN'um. V A aHf I »ow tw» »►— mm to um— khibi ad*y. mm 4 cmr A S? MM KSy •on Tb» Y Wmß UCil, It M ••€• A nWMV. AYUIm l«k tll'Vb Cj Mxmf lilr n T nguayMMk itA ; J Ca Mf * or * | y) 8 BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. _ X S NEVER SOLD at BULK. X J* '■ ' 7 r ~ :r ~ " """ "' ' ~~ r ~" .» ~ ""7" ~~ ""T"' ~~—4 -V -', t- • -' - 1 ' ■" -1. . ■ ■•••-. : •UMin am un uiLwit-j Vbs capital Clay Una Ba Magaia-i rsatlhraagb aad I.msl hwagtri atrrkf BWwsan Ika fast aaad lonia. •■d lasabWMl. The haltard Air Mae BMlaay ta called the "Capital Cttv Um," baeaass ft aubn, the Capita* ot the «x Stafaswhtaa km , mm exdeaive of the SaOoaal Cbpkal. throagh.wMsb ltatialaanaa selMbeaKewi Tart to JacksoavCls sad Taaps, Floridm. It ruae through tataaad. Ta.. Maiagk M. C . t'olaatia, a. C.. Adaala. Ua., Miatjmwy.i A I®, and TdlckMMt. PlflL ThtaruadwUl eeatlaee to rua the Isaaews . FlorlJa aad HotropoUisa UaMd, saJ it>. Florida sad Attaata VOW MaU albrd-, tbg the oaly Utrowgh Haial anvtai dally, laelndlag Saaday. hafatn New Twt bim Florida, aad la tba abortssa liaehsloaaa. tbcM* poiati. Theae spUadidly medsaa tralasol the Baa board Air Llaa Ballaay arrive aa sad depart from Fcaasylvaata kaMaaa sa Washlagtoa, Bddaaia PbWadsl|jli» aad New Tort, aairjtag IWaaa'a most Im proved sqslpasMt. with aasanslleil dtal&g ear service, eoapaataaat. dnwiag-rwoat sod obsevatlea ears. It baa rallnaa ser- j vlee Ive tinea per week -tndT" way from 1 Waskiagma to that rriahralail raon, Ilka j boast. M. a I ll hs»U» abort Mae to sad from BMsoa t Norfolk. ParUiaoatb. lahHk Boalherw I Fines. OolaaMa, Hsvaaaab, Jaakaasvtlte ■ Tampa sad AtUata, aad the pvtadpsl ettla* ' Lvtweva Uw Ikrath aad East. It la sl*o the direct rosts to Atheas. Aaa —ls aad He? n. la Atiaata dlreot eoaaaedoaa are nade to I the Uul >s Statlaa tor ibanaaosgw Sash- 1 \ ills sad llsaaphta. slso for Xs» Orl-ea* . I and all polaU la Texas, Oslltiaali sad Hex- . I» " i i T ' i i I la Is the oaly Mae operetta® | thronsb tralaa, aad Fellaiaaataeptng eers ! I etsreeo Atiaata aad Norfolk, a ham eoaaee tloes sre nade with the OM IKxalaen 1 Hti amahip t'onpaay. Iron New York, lb* II A M. T. t oaiiaay. Iron Baatoe sad Frovt- i ; decee, Iks Norfolk k Wa-biagloa MUaab- at I 1 Cnmpaay, from Washlagtoa. the BaiUnor-- 1 Hlraa Fseket Coaspeag, frsaa Baltlmofe. >,d tho N. T. P. A X. Hallway, froir. Mew j I York aa4 Phlladelpala. Throegh Pullman ran also operated oa quick MTbedslee teas a Jaskaosvllle aad nr. 1. 'M*. ila MoatlaaUe, and bstweee JaeC : Koaviilo and New Ollaaai'. la addition to ' tbrouab tralaa with Bpffe* Cbatr Cam le tweea Hsvaaaah aad Moatgema»| . The local trala aai ilaa (s last-cists with | most ooaveelsat aehedalas. In fsct ih" tlsabserd Air Llss Itsil wav will tlekst | aansgara for aay pole e. nlT'-rdlng Ihi qelekeat scbsdstos. «d«m trains ssd most eoaleftabls acrrlcs. Ite 1000 mile books, sold St *iUO. srn K--od ir«m Wsablagtoa, D. overtae cslho ty%- tum of 2,C36 mllas, Inelsdiag Flerids. Tho Water bury American says: "People who Are aptMillad at the thought of a litpior license fee of $l - ought to consider the case of Pall Hirer, where the liquor dealom ace trying to see If they cannot get the pre.ten! fee of reduced." -f To Keep Cabbage. Cabbage Is easily kept all winter by '' betas burled In the ground bead *»u ward- Select the wat Arm hands. rat ' off the root smoothly and pack lb« • ta piles much as apples, turnips or ' almllar things are treated. Wbaa re ' moved, a few leaves nay* be loud spoiled. and it win be neccssnry to ' thoroughly cleanse the whole bead. tearing off each leaf before boiling the j head, as a small brown worm, easily detected. Is liable to work its way ia '• axacngst the leaves. The flavor la per haps not gnitn as fine as when the heads are frc*3, bat the lover of cab -1 bagc will readily excuse this la order ' to get a rigbt good dish at such a sea . son. p COMSNmiit in the Inserancs gviinsn The German government not only tells life insurance to Its subjects, bat 1 It requires those who earn less than a •main 'amount to be Insured jlata and old age. » The ben that Isy».Ja_Bot the luj j hpg o — ~ IE WIS TO MAKE YOU A Ml or I TOLCMS or i "TBKfTosr or MV t-irr AIDWOM* «v SOOSSB T. WAMMMCTOS. " and AdatreM. W* 111 T --W-' - JT» *»TW*snr «apjr W* ■ H.ltiiatiMd|npkr-4 ki P deeft" 1 ar ' wa * i Pa •("■» la *r*ry nimmrr /JO. ( otil illatrlrt U tb« xa» -a3k. 7w>Vkl "r *" " u>ir • DMIKT rf ln» *ili» Bar ul ho ma J.L NICHISiCH PERIOOO fill fai dlnrlbitlaf •4v«rtWiff —tfffff w • »> - { furMtnuhSlkid. .Nr«r««lt •»1 all aIM frt • the. htrabflltj Nnp> tualtoi for lie. Ailun >' THIi .lM liaion J (iIJIHLKiTON»I.4 1 DROPSY t>«a* K«h • f |s.i.«.u:il» >al Kllavt' >*■— i >1 . frt*. I» 1. U OIUI SKi ®. AiiMh. «b i USE CERTAIN IUVCUBE.G F M'WI.IW.I.IMC.KRMLLOW .HMMM, »«. P- tiMH.. cu»4 r»i»»», su If iee he* Mee4 eeieae, elees. bens wh>, I«tlt ■—l fStw, Mi hair ih Kin ■kia. HiWUk *M dbtMHiM, og— ■» form mt ■■AIIVIGI MIS^MS^IMSSSK boMpn. wart sr sow, take But on 11 MMi(lllLl). h«atw»mttM —asnanadsftn laiajlhiagrloataib. Bo'antc ml Siqaaal Ik* W«»i. tkrr tttn sen bffc. ■ illws fas IM pn and B 11. H I* II ■■a**l laM far JS /MB. Drag Sam, tL Tnd aataMt baa by writing Blood MM CO . n MMrb iff Atlanta, tie. DA mfalmUcaaiAmt ardiral adrica given •aai a( fan BaMc taandHak. Over 3000 af cwan bybnlag B. D. B. The padap ataap stacks to one thing Mtil * gcta there. far l« Balppannd Hmdnrke. Thaa dbagneatda and daageroa# dl*- ina My ha mßi ■t * lanedialotr by the I m*T mm at Hie**' lapadiao Headache Can. Ue.fa>aad Meat aU drag •tore*. If yanr daaggbt doas M* heap It aaad fa for ; nt—a an bbl battle, llicii Cttiaiai. COL. C- facia ■aollcte baaaaffa Mat naaoa oHiriiian of tbc wnbt dir. A aanla daw of Crab OrrlarJ rata wfli »i —j ly »ah«ia it. It core* by aaaarriag Iha i —lip. II IUN I I It m the faWai of every womaa to lava ap ta la phsfagraiiha fnni ftNUw lira* do an: .tain tbf boafaarapat lb* kcttk. bold by all drug s'*. Tla pen ray be mightier thaa the award. Vat tbc award never gets a sua at* bbef aaifa. Soar ma in n rapidly as .to die of oii age at larty ' , Watb had nptcalma, a* they cannot rack tk*atW*i inn tatarrh b a blool or caMMhaal dbeaaa. and ia order to rare it pan naat lobe ialiroil raaolk*. Hall'* Ca iwrk Cbea la aba lotinalh, and act* direct - I* an far U—d and aaa«raa rurfac. 11*11. '■a.ilb (W. n aol a ipaft atJiriw. It aaa [ißLaaafa. I l> «*• of the Int fhTMrun* in tbo. la—laj K* pan, and W a rripiUr pre . . ii. ilia. It ia nnnanl of tbc l»at tonka known, r ala'i»«tb theb>* blor. i (.nriOrrv. >.liH daavrdr .• far Mm rurfwe. Tb. infcrt 'i nib*lino of lb* bo Ingrt-ifc nUb .bl p.tSurn anrh rooin'al rrwatj* in cor agnamk fcr.t U bvttiaonbb. Tree, r. J. rwaaav a Co.. IVip , Toledo, O. Ml by la. price. lit. tlaii * rawly Mlb are the Ixat Mint nn nrrrpt adrice as if tlaey i am Awag the pt(t X iaror. Xrm Wnaliwa nutbiax Kjrrap for ebitlraa IMkiaa. aaftaa faa |m. redaoa. ialaaaa*. | tbnTwnya rata. mnantadooHr. ISeabotti. a. .fa*p antii you want to u*c a langdnlann- lrl*]t}Kia>r. % Fb'i m. fa* « .aamaitition '» an inf»Hil.l« | aaifa nibrw»|bMnl«iiM>. N.W.Kmuai. ' ( Ocran Onn, %. J.. Feb. 17. 1U» The kaker doran't |w«e aa a hortiml larval, bat be know* all about flour rais "» - llavr van ev«r eaprrbnrnl tbo Jorfnl aeo aatlon J a (oad afprtilr? Ton a ill if 70a thaw Adana' Pi| la Tatti ffaMt The amap of the heavy rain rlond a* MM r*r4a; of th* delkste, fleecy tutna, fM )>rJ« Always keep the all pens dry snd rlenn. nelng plenty of litter. A dirty pen Is conducive to scours. For sever al calves, fed together, lit up. narrow stalls ai/nr side of the pen snd fasten rnch calf by a rope or stanchion to feed each separately. This will pre vent the stronger calves from getting mure than their share. Keep them fastened or tied for half an hour afier rating to prevent their sucking each others" ears. The pails used for feed ing milk should be thoroughly clean ed and scalded with boiling water each day. v.. ' . FRAGRANT §O7QP£NT a perfect Lipid Dentifrice MWllKHminifc OCc Urpt ugtw snd roaott. 7fc /n At aB Iha faaaao. ar by Had for the pfca, MAUL * HUCKCU NEW YOIMC IWllnna»ikn»nat.WniNbtbn«...» ■ cILHENNY S TABASCO. AIIUIIM h raciillated If ronaaaaUoa thla rnpar wba wHUac adrartlaara. lb. IS illßßapggßMj CM v j^l s s v % n J Z#\ * v ■ § Vmmjr \ ' j( \\ 1 A woman is sick—some diseaso peculiar to hor sex is fast developing in her system, Bho goes to her familj physician and tells him a story, but not thp whole story- She holds back something, lobes her head, becomes agi tated. forgets what she wants to say, and Anally conceals v what she ought to hare told, and this completely mystifies the doctor. Is it a wonder, therefore, that the doctor fails to cnre the disease ? Still we cannot blame the woman, for it is very em barrassing to detail some of the symptoms of her suffering, even to hor family physician, fhi# is tho reason why hundreds of thousands of women are now In corre spondence with Sirs, rink hum, at Lynn, Mass. To her they can give every symptom, so that when she is ready to advise them 6he is" in possession of more fset* from her correspondence with the patient than t_.j pnysiou-u can possibly obtain through a personal intervijw. Following we publish a letter from a woman showing the result of a correspondence with Mrs. Pinkham. All snch letter** nro considered absolutely confidential by Mrs. Finkhain, and are never pulriislied in any way or manner without the consent in writing of the patient; but hundreds of women are so grateful for the health which Mrs. Pinkham and her medicine havo been able to restore to them that they not only consent to publishing their letters, but write asking that this be done in order that other women who suffer may be benefited by their experience. u > -J Mrs. Ella Rice. Chelsea, Wis., writes: ■ Iteii Mn rnuia:—For two ye%rs I wm troubled with falling nn.l infia iarr>«tiaa of the womb. 1 nafToroil rery much with bearing-down pain* headache, backache, and waa not able to do anything. What I endured no ooe but those who hare suffered aa I did. I could hardly drag myself acrosa the Ouor. I doctored with the physicians of this town for three months and (frvw wonc instead of better. Hy husband and friend* wished me to write to yon, but 1 had no faltlj in patent medi cine! At last 1 Wane ma bad that I concluded H> a** your advice. I reeeired an answer at once ad rising me to take Tour Vegetable Compound, and I !ul XX lief, re I had taken two bott%l felt better, and after I Sad taken Ore bottlce there waa no happier woman on earth, for I waa wr.l arain. I know thct your Vegetable Compound cured advise everv w*mmn who suffers aa I did to try Lydia E. Pinkham a table Compound. IViieve mo always grateful for the recovery of my health.**— RlCK, Chelsea, Wla. - ~ SCNNFI REWARD Is IS i a teftW?£s Ride For FcrtMstag. The application of IwlHlicti should ! be made under tbe most favorable rir- ] rains and snows Is less when the fer- j tiltxer it Incorporated with the soil. | , When broadcasted on the surface by hand there may be too much applied in places and an Insufficiency In others. The use of a fertilizer drill will give good results when using fertilizer at j 1 time of drilling seeds. but a harrow on the surface, after broadcasting the fertiliser, will aid in more evenly dis tributing It In the coll. Cool ashr-s. If scattered over sandy land, will tend to soil heav ier. They'do not possess any fertilis ing value of consequence, but may sometimes prove beneficial In prevent ing the attacks of some kinds of In sects. Vsed fer mulching currant and gooseberry bushes coal ashes have been found of advantage In protecting against currant worms. Hardnppe—"Wigwag Ikes to be thought eccentric." llorrowell —'Yes; i he even pays his bills." AGENTS"?!?; Brohard Stsh Lidiaaf Poßf RtMtr c^a. s; -55. , £'.ga-" irFREE! "T jil SPORTING 6000S, ML RAWLIM6S SPORTING flisg 60QDS COMPANY, o*« Lwna at., ir.urn.aa. T »•.ii. ~ S4 A DAY SURE Zi&fc ft »»tfc rtfj* «er fa ut «wk tf) *•••« « !>•»!. 4ii KutiiCßf. la W. L. DOUGLAS $34 $3.50 SHOES L^i TW wl wt> 1 mnr mjtt mm* |U| wIMi |Vf «ttll->-li>UHt»Jn t j 1 IMhtti'MUkOHL fyj ■• Trt>»» ■■» IIUI t lMW«tirk|V LDni:li»W> BidCi ww> nm tmt ycV mull >|W ». Mi:.l 1 L ll m 111 I 1 ||«|«» mill iIT 1 nil'- U kt ton sol t«T am aa4 «n Mt fit UIM far Too. wtw ' 4hx« fm far.n. rartow film Hi fle. tiltl («i rarrhn. sr.,«. IBMK«Hr Ej« Vita Two bondrcd busbds of po tatoes remove eight/ ' of "actual" Potash from the | soil. Unless this quantity is returned to the soil, following crop will *•*• *«*» klfar lint KAU VORK^ i _____ ! ill DYSPEPSIA yields to nflture's msdtoln®, ■ tfiß» tWQWMI —TBI W.UWk» oooooooooooouoooooooooooo

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