| Frt&aa WGncA "VhobbdaT Williams ton, K. C. ALFRED K. WHITMORE, Editor and Publisher. Entarod at the Poet Office at Wiiliatnston, N. G , as Second Ctoss Mafl Matter. SUBSCRIPTION, |1 a year, im« - -A Fw DAT, Apbil 16, 1901. WaiMTN LETTER (Free* ma' rtgniar Corrtfoodnt.) Washington, April 22,1901. -• .Qoa. Leooard Wond, military governor of Culm, lost no time in oalling at the Wbifa House after - ha arrived in Washington. Ho came ahead of the Committee from the Cuban Constitutional Conven • tion by the exproas ordor of the Praatdeat, who wished to have a talk with him before receiving the Cabana. The Preeident will hear what tba Cubans have to say, pro vided tbey take the hint given them to boil down their atatementa aa time ia pushing and thia ia the Praaidont'a laat week in Washing ton for a month and a half,and he will aay something to them,which can beFcoudocaed into abotit this: Yoa have been offered fair con ditiona, which can't be changed in tha slightest particular; you are free to acoept them and have your own government or to reject them or bava us continue to govern yot^ Aguinaldo'a proclamation,ruani iea to, address, or whatever you choose to call the paper he has aigned and issued acknowledging American sovereignity and calling upon all Filipinos to do the sam, baa hot created much talk in Wash ington. A notable feuturo of the comment made upon it by prom inent officials is that, inatead of Saying what they think ita effect will be, they almost invariably''say "Gen. McArthur thinks. "etc.The tact of the matter ii, the bigg er fishes prefer to wait and see what tha effect will he to attempting to prophesy. So many predictions have b-'en made about thing* over there that fail to square with re sults. For some year* the cases of Americans arrested in Mexico upon technical chargea have given the Department ef State consider able work to do, AH it is tlu inviii iablo practice of this g •vuriniieut todeinanl tliat Americans so ar rested shall bo giv-n lair trial. Many of those arrested have bet u employees ot tho Mexican Ceutrul Railway, as under Mexican law every railway employe upou a train which by reason of accident kill* a person is technically guilty of uiur der. A paroled American prisoner in Washington said there were fifty odd Americaus iu jail at the eity of Mexico awaiting trial for one thing or another and that they were badly treated and poorly fed; also that Americans had been im prisoned underground, in the salt . mines, tor four years While the opinion is expressed at the Depart ment of Stale (hat (lis above state ment was an exaggeration,both as to the number of Americans im prisoned in Mexico and their treat mint, it is admitted that AtnerN cans are constantly being made the victims of Mexican law and that all this government can do is, to demand a fair trial lor them. An | official ot the Department said: ''There ia no justice in the law un der which American emylnves are arrested io Mexico, bat we have no power to'change the law, uor can wo aak the Mexican Oovern ment to repeal it Even as it is, conditions have greatly improved, for not long ago it was the custom in Mexioo to regard all Americans aa Mesicaa citizens unless they were registered at the American consulate. This custom has been abolished, and, perhaps, in the eonrse of time, wo miysee a new ocder of things regarding the treat ment of railway employc». Un doubtedly there have been nnmer o«i eases where Americans have been thrown into jail and kept there for on unreasonable time.Un doubted ly, too tbe prisons bava beea filthy and mean, the r priaooers made to suffer undue hardships. All Hat «a aaa 4a, however, win a ones ia fallal la : oar attention, ia ta ask tba Mn* ieaa Govern maat to giva tha ao eaaod a fair and epaoiy trial, aad are have dona tbia ia every ia sfance. Tha reprseeatalioas to tha Mexican Govsnment haa bean re ceived in good spirit, aad ia wmmj caaaa have baea effective. Very fre quently, where a aeatauoad prison* ar had not served a suffioieat time to aatitla bin to a pardon oader tba Mesicaa law, ba haa baea girea hie liberty ia aa informal roan net, wbicb ia taore thaa ooutd ba done in tl»iscountry."Ti:«» same official called atteatiop to tba fact that Mexico waa eonateatly rom plaicing about arrestsef Mnicaw on our aide ol tlie border and oar ii.eieting upon their being triud nnder our lawa, just as they do on their aide. Condition* ia Cube, aa pictured by Mr. T. F. Morlin, of Havana, wbo ta now ia Waebiagtoa, aca far from baiag rose colored. Ha eaid: "Every tbiag ia getting dall in Havana. The tourist aeaaon ia about over and very few Americana outaide the government ear vice are left The ■ lsrgs hotela look like banquet balls deearted. Than the political eonditioaa are aa aaoer tain that all baaineae ia dull. The augar griadiag wiU be finished by May l.w I tich will add quite a aum ber to the unemployed. Idlenees breeda discontent, and 1 fear there will be trouble back ia tha Inter ior. Bandita are operating ia eev aral p!acea and ara giving tha ru ral police aotnetliiag to do. One bend waa caught laat wetk, aad arhen their tnaaka were removed two ot them proved to ba rural policaiuea.The Constitutional too vention has refueed to edopt the Piatt amendment, and that aug uat la dy of Cubans are now oaly drawing their flu a day. One of the treee planted to day, in the grounds of tba Department of Agriculture, during the offieial obeerraacc of Arbor day ~ was named Jeremiah M. Huak, in hon or of the farmer Secretary of Agri culture. Sec'y Wileon delivered an address atroogly favoring a mora general observance of Aiberday. Hhf llwka ImtMt. Canton, 0., July if. I aaa. —Miss Hrenemanis wall bnown bp our best people. She poaaeeaea real ta). cut, and will do>credit to any one engaging her. Yours very truly, Wm. McKINLEY. The entevtainmerit ■ f th • Kit gV liv Mia* iir nenraft. • conhMf 1 •»ucc«*S£ Aii4 tlia hal°. m .i* ertfwrded t > its utmo*t. .\hsa ttrcremaa hat iulky tu«taineJ lirr reputation and he: te>ti(n r 'hU'» can « : o no mora than give lie justice Some of her pieces are difficult and put to >eat tl>e talent to make a Suc ceed »i' them. She a ways tier au dience at will, has perfect control of her vo ice while hrrcommand of ia remarkable In tha casp Mies Brenemati had a moat in telligent aulience. ai.ti we are ef the opinion that sbe won the admi ration of all in her inastetly pro ductions of "Ben Her,'' 'On tha Bank a of the Wabash." "Maaic on on tLe Kappnhaanock," and othera. Southern Pinee (N.C.)Frce Press. Spring will aooa ho here, aad yon will want a niee, easy rldiag buggy You ran get jest what roe want at 1). B Parkers, Uobsreon vilte. Nona better wade, Anrone thinking of pureliaaing a typewriter will de well to examine | the Hammond. See ad. Those fsmous little pill*, D« Witt's Littls Bar ly Jtissr* will remove all impuritiss from your evstcta. cleante your howsis, atkt thsai regular. 0. O. Csratarphea. A J*. A Tntlaulal Frta IM Eiitaad. "i consider CLamlterlain'a though Ramsdv tba W*t in the world for broncbitia/'aays Mr. Willian Saeery n of Warrington, Fax laud. "It h«a saved ay wile's life, ehe haviag been martyr to bronqkitia for over eta veers b*tn R ataat.of the time eonfiaed labor bel. Sha ia now qoite wall." It ia a great pleatur? to the manufacturera Chamberlain's Cough Komedy to be able to pnbltah taatimonula of tbia, character. They shew that great good is being doe a, paia end aefari ag re lieve-1 aad valaahle Uvea rsetered to health aad kapptaem br this remedy It ia for mle kj H. 8 PaalACm ' Itvw «•«! NMtttlp |lMk* ymmt prwiH look Uko mv Hi all right altar wa«biug, wHboat l*r »rs«t>!eo rabbing or t»tH maMMHWI H «NU to The EatarpriNoflnudMwiitt T°* • eompoand wbieb to K—i aalasdlo do year wasblag with W| little traable. It to the mm mm pm I bat the Cbioeae oee to washing. Mnaey back M Ml nlhlii Agmta wsnted. April has eertaiair base a wtedy mMn far. A WNTIT TTtffTTtf "tMitbiic IN BalN Til Su. All D-etors hare triad to o«r»nA j TAUIiAU ly ibtiM of powders,! acid ge»*s,iabalers sad droge la ps*te! forty. Tb«ir powders 1 rjr up tke ma j eaaes wemLranss ceasing then ta •lack opto and bleed. The powsrfu »eid need in fbe inhalers have satire ly eaten atrsyfhe MOM D»aVrinM (hat tUatr ultra havseissed ta sere, whits pastes aad oiatataaU (uonot reach the dit*a«a An old and »«par* ieaeed prsctitieest wbo baa for oeey years made acle«e etndy and epssiel* ty of tba treatment of oATTARAH» baa at laat perfected ft treatoeat wbicb when faUb'ullr e-ed, aat only relieves at oaee, bat psrsaaasa'ly earaa CATARRAII, by rsmaving tba i eauaa, stopping tba dt'chnrgaa and curing all iafUmmation. It ia lit osly ( reesedy kaowa tOMi*aoi that evtual- NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS I I, J. C. Crawford, Bktrif of Mania Ooaatt f ha?a »bw day !•«•* •• «*• following UhU or paroala of laud lor tawa d»a and unpaid far (ha jraar ItOO, and will Mil tltfMWa # «afc M bafora CfVrt koaae doar is Williaaaton t# tLa lat )ohday »* lW'J.Uia !•» day of April 1V01: Goaaa Nasi Tawoahip * -w.. MAMK - r TAXES COOT TOTAL £• Sbialda 80 toraa adjoining Bakar Bail 100 . IJO 2ld Vaiiltr mn 4 Balrj KiU 118 130 348 JII Evaaifti •• "J ft Ut««p'»lm4 29 \W 15? II (Jrifto IS3 4T 14 It baapaoa ftjf |Jt 4lf \V If (Irißu 10 I*3 aoron ndjoiuiag MN J QarrtU 139 IIP IW Irvia Gray » > f Baaaott laad IT 180 }47 B O Howall 79 ** Frad TajrWr land IHO 180 110 Maailtaa Towaakip Bedford Ua*t ktira 147 naroa adj Phi I pat lan* 197 130 837 Edward EvaraU 1 tawa Ist nod raaidooaa IK 1 80 S It Mr. li D Hoard lair*2 town lata BIS 180 • 488 J O Hoard 210 **•* Mttohal t»r« 4 00 110 8 90 B G Hawaii 2 town loU ra*ida»eo and Bill 1 8| 1 80 7 || B U Taylor 244 aaraa adj T Joaoa T*y'or 738 130 I M B L Upton 314 " *iakury laad AB3 •1 80 018 John Via* 220 aaraa PkiJpot laad . ~ * 904 180 4 34 „ KftUraoavilla Towt.aklp A 8 Blan l 1 tows M v 933 . 13) • Kl W H Harpr 1 lava let J)W 190 18 98 Ifoaaa Juiiw 1 U*i lat I IT I 80 4 01 Edward Joaaa 1 town lat 17 1 SO ) 07 Frank -K aigbt £ laVb lota Hi IJO 110 Joha Maya 1 towhlot IN 130 ' 413 Aaica Bubarao* 30 a oral adj J B Reaa 119 1 30 3 10 .1 A Hi, Mirk 1 fowl lot *3B 1.10 3 93 j:;mblU» i tut i« M O «aitk )asl - 1 11 l 80 141 J T tiaiitk i tut in Me.O Smi'h land 112 I|o £42 11*) wood Thcnitii) 1 town lot * 17 1 30 147 ttlad* liarahili 33) acraa Cobura land 459 130 0W Groaa BaaJa fawnabip J W Nicholaaa 00 avaa adj J, O. Cpok 133 190 308 Fanatta Ta»l «• * Maria Jopaor ft) I|o 117 J B Pandir 1 town l*t 100 190 *- 230 V Boar Oraaa Towaakip. U ■ La«gattt 16 aaraa adj J H Waod 40 # 4 90 1 TO Jaa a Wyua 10 " •' J O Long 17 130 147 Baojaam Joan 10 ana (7 139 19T "1 Qriflina I owntth'.p _ - folio A|tr Land abd 1 u«bar Co Li Hay land, Stalling land, Br vm Doaiai l«ul nnd W B P«*oi l*ad 250 1 30 3 80 U II Fiohar 20 acra* Diaaond Clip land 89 1 30 1 43 Mary J Jaokton 100 *oraa aooatr lino j" 88 ISO 813 8 H Tarry 100 aor«a adj JII Paal 470 130 800. Jaa B Woolard SO aaraa Wilkina pUm 17 130 . 147 WillialM Tawaahlp J J Booihridga lOnoraaadj J A Hardiaoa 93 1 90 3 19 J K Meblay 60aor«a Ltnoh plaao 131 130 593 Sodia Bokonon 80 arraaßakiriaa boir 140 190 • 270 Mary A& a bar ton 40 aim J A Tarry land 71 190 fO7 Louia H Williaat 0 acraa i D Willioaaa g7J }3O 409 N SStallioga KK) aaraa WnHing avunp 961 130 4|3 Williaaaton Townnhip Wll Wilaon fvr Harry Blgga 26aarao 131 199 '193 Sank Rasaaara 0 aaraa Mary Hardy lond 17 190 147 VSS F.ulk for auihor 1 town lot SO 130 1 M Hanry U trkia 10 aaraa t|j 14 Uoanott 270 139 400 Btaton Uaaaall 1 town lot 87 130 117 Jobo Hargaod 100 oaraa adj B I Charry 939 130 480 Kntaon Jokaaon 1 acr* Kanay Watta land 31 190 161 Arlkur Latham 1 town lot IT I|o 197 H A Lloyd 1 town lot , 9B 13® j§4 Oyaatka Moara 70 aoraa adj Thaaan Moaro 87 190 1 97| Ma G K«g*u 0 ncr+a adj Navin Baott 27 11} 167 John 31*.W1 town let 110 130 . 949 Hanrr Yarraii 1 neraadj Jaoa Hawll 2 93 1 30 3 93! Boojamis Joaaa 4 Mr* alj W II Uu«tt ,81 1 80 1 91 JaOMOVill* Townakip - Q II Aa.ia S3 aaraa roai.laaoo 2%) ] 30 3 5u J J Baatkridga 30 atm adj Oordao Harding - U * " Pu«h lai.4 147 130 997 W B Caapor 19 *• H Ooopar Uwp 47 iSO 107 811 Davia 60 M W D«via land 3IG T- 10 449 T llarroylW 80- adj JT ll»ilkt»y 134 1 3w 9 U4 S J Modlia S3 aaraa llynuui laaU 321 180 r 431 Edward Moor alO at-rra Baab) teitL laad 93 130 193 Wa Nawaaaa 18>oraa raaidooea 97 130 117 Groan Totitard 7 aoraa adj F. Brook a 299 139 960 d O Spruill Ga»r SIX) aaraa aodaaaription 119 130 4f|. Jll Watara 210 orroa Watoro hwd 333 139 4tt JcaaT> Wnid 1 aci»»ll lull, laid 927 139 317 J.O. mWTON>,K.orif«flfMUaV»at, Kreaahea tie ofliato* oarto, IMB woedertol iwliy ia kMM aa •miurruts«« aoAiuvTitso oATABBAU «(TRV i^iiNUit tVe MttMMif low prioe of 0a» tW tat, wb paebafo oootoiaiag ialorßal aad wtarsal Mediotoa aaßfleat far a MI MOBlbs tr*ata>*Bt and •»*rr»»ii3K IMNMW7 to it* ywtot aae. •HJKUPrLV ia the oaly parfoet cATABR A. T! oUBB tw uib ml, iHMrntofiiirf u the ««t; aafo aadpaaatiaeeareiot tkit tM*Tiin Mil liim 41 alaa cure* iitf—tioa gatohly Ml paraaa •atly aalia alao woadarfolly quick to itliava UAY FEVEtt or cOLD ia Ik# BEAD. cAT ARB AH wkaa n»*leeted adaa lead* to cOJIBUMPnOS-' MrF FLW Will MY* fM if ;w MM U 1! 00041 It U-B* erdioary rata*dy, hot » oooploto tmtsiDt which U paeitiar Ijr (iiruliW to aara OATABRAB to |ay former atage it o*ad aeaordiag to tka direetiolll whidk aaeaapany eack package. Doa't delay bat e*ad lor it at aaee, aad wr'U toil partien ! law aa to yaw owditioe.and f* wiM I rec*if» eoeoial adaia* from, the die !«»?• rar of ikH «Mkrfil reaedy ra gardiaff yoar mm wUbeat coat to rou beyond the regular prioe of "BBUF | FLE?" tka "GUARANTEED CA TARRAB CUBE.' 1 I Reel prapftid •« W addt«» •« lb* Catted Stata* *r o«e»* aa receipt af 1 Oa* Daliar. Addraae Dept. mi.jiP* WIN B: OII4U A C*. 993 V aad 3382 * Market Street. Phlladelpbie. IB tar It MM Ooaatla* thaaaaade bava fawi a hleaeiag to tka lady to Dr.Eiopi N*» Lift Pith, wbieb enra. Con-t»p«tiM, Seek Headaeka, Dissiaeaa, Jauadie*. Ifal*ila, P*nar an! A|pu and all Liver and Bteaack traablae. Porelr vegetable; ae**r gripe or waak«B- Only 2&c at N. 8. I'aal A Oa. R LAND HALE By atrtaaWe daaaaaef aba aafrrfer Coart et Madia Ceaaty w4i la the CM af M. C.l*n>ill aak«J. K. VMll It alf, I atl M Mnlqr, May Mb. K®»e« wo-Mock. aaetlh* CMUMW 4wla WlMMiaafria. W.-C. •"« to Mm bitfbral MM« for nth • Mad af laad la JaanvlUc t >wa «M|>. Marti* CMMty, adjo|aie|f tlir lead of H.X. WaMreeaad alien aud kauwa aa lb* Mrlaaa water* teaet c4lead caatainla* aa acm aat e* Iraa aad (altr daactibad ia th* dead feme Chaa ■. Mlarll te Majrt W. Water* r*gMer*d la Baak O. rap *M a*ftrter of Dndl aMor. WillUaateo W. C. Thl» *Pril J">. «»»i> ■MI a O. CATV>*». CAUWWI. Kbdol Dyspeptic Care DiflMts whit yo» • At. ItarttfctoUydHaatotkalaodM«ald> Bsffl/tsffjsciwsssssus: 0. D.CARITAMUEN A 00 mUWm UIMI TEAW.T l(i H M, MUX »«lr|«*l Ippotaftaf unu, o»hrr| fy I«(%1 vera 100 Him *ft«r p«r lala|aa*a Ma ** lir r |HinataH|Kwlr; tatra aaaaiMaaa aa* n paaata, npU a4raaaraMat. *M vatobliakt* baaat. (3>aa4 ckaac* for rarant aaa or waaiaa la aacurr plraaaal. ynaaaaat paatUaa. Utwrai Ircoaie and fntarc. Near, brUlUut llnca. Wrilt afaaM. STAFFIM PRESS, tj Cbarab Mrart, Maw IMf k "I k«va Wta troablad with iadifaa tiaafortaa y*ara, bar* triad »aay tkiafa aad apaat aiaah man*y to ao parpaaa until I triad Kodol l)y*p*p> ata Car* f bava tak«n twa kotti** aii>l Kotiau mora raliaf from tbaa than all otbar tabaa, I foal van |iha a bar tba* I b««* fait ia twaaty /aara," Aud#r on B : SR'. of Bunay U>aa, To*, Tboua-ad* kava taatii*d aa ii 4 Mr, Rlgi{a. IX Caratarpbaa. NMTICE I ffariai MwaHaf* aa tfmitiAnm ayaa Ua a* «*• a« K c 4»H.aa«M ia fc«.b y *lv*a to aM «*rdl«ara k*«lag "lftia* a*«tM H'« W |n N awlh' >tam Mil' 4tr °»*l>|a u»l|a« *|ll be •l«to U tor «* W'l r "wacry, t|l - n-4rbl«4 to aaM "talr art w*av'l »u a«tlla »>>» a»> . TWa ilk, day of Aphl, I«OI AHattKou caaoN. ■* iHtp aa* I '. It Kipt Hit LH. Twalv* year* aga J. W.SulliTto af Hartford, OOBR., Mratobad kit lag with a raaty wira. Inflamaatioa and blaod poiaoninn *at ia. Far two Taar* k« intanMly. Ib*n Iha liaat do*tor* urg*l BBipuUtioo, "hut** h* write*: "1 u*rd on* bHt>* of Kleatre Bitter" aad 1| bol**of Busklnn'a Ar nioa tiaiv* aa i My lag wa* aiiu d and well a» atfr." Fop Ktuptioaa, Ko ■•■aa, Tetter, Bt i Rheum, tJo'>« aad all lilood ! ai>r i ra Blaatnu Itttter* baa a'> rival on earth. l>r them. N. 8 Pe«l A Co. will gaaraatoa •mie. faatioß or r*fnn>l Monay. Oaly ftVo. \ m 11 NtmcKiir Th* aharif °a arrllMla far tka aala at J.J.Baw ar'a lataraat la a atrtala H« at laa* la Uaaaa Haat TavaaM*. H. C.. for laaaa 4aa tar tba yrar ■tft. karlagk«a aaad« taaac, laball. aalaaalae •l ra4*aae«laa laaaa*a, 4*awa44ae* far aaaa*. Tbla l«(k day at March i*ai. * «»-AAP— )HO, U NIMBA Tk But lmi| Br MNBtHn, 4010s asLtsr raoa PAJM. All Who a«* Ckaaakerlaia'a Paia Bala for rboaaatieaa are daltgbtod with the qaick relief Iron paia wbiab it a ford a. When apeahiag tkia MrJ). B. Biaha, of Trey, 0., aaya: "Stat tiaa age I had a eevereattaak of ikea satiaaa ia mj am aad ahouldar. I tried aaaaarooa raaediaa bat got BO relief aetil I waa raeoaaMaadad ky Meaara. Geo. P. Pearaoaa A Ua.,drag giataofthi* plaee, to try t'haaabar 1 laia'e Paia Ha'ia. They n Deem and it fO highly that I knight b bottle- I wis sotiii iVicTf l a.' ail pun. I M#r. * rv t'MM* li d ' b'" It 11 w+i.i to many of ia '>>+ with Cm that it u . ■ra >.* I» OMWiii'• r r'tama** K l kale bv A. I.'. • A V -a*— ■ _ . ,Mot:CSS Mart aa Uxa» u4vr ~*** f 1 - I*l. of CUrlatlac Rol**ait\ do. 1 *: .i.tlot la -.#rcby glata »o»apcr»ja akiil:4 -utkaa aaanaat aaM aahtt UM.u I. uc aatnlpat far pajnaaiH on vat J*lar* th* «U> day ot April iyj*,. r thlaaatlaaartUW iJtadlu bar«i thain«wr.i., JLB »ira>a* >a laka»d a» aaM aaam aaa rafaaatad taaah* taaaaaMata pajrwtat. TWavtkdayW au> i>ai rUwtlt rm. Wanalar a-a »*» W. WaaaU, AM* >m Oa J NOTICK f eaaUAad a* atarfablrttar appa 'tt j ■klf a# CC.C II 111 l daraaiad; thMm la bar*. ' mite o (mm tk*a to tW ao6trrigaad far Ml—W««w>llm M»* j*fcy af «fi(l, tfm or (Ma antler will t* plrad In bar af tbrir mw try. AH ptraonl «M malt art rr qtiraud to atto tamcillal* piyatal Ti:u mi lajr af April mm. rV-4€ > J. U CWTUW, Ad:Vr A lijiac, Nartaf Flul. Washed down i telegraph line whisk 0. K. Ciliaon, of Libaott la bal to r»f>«ir. "Stet.din* waKt deep in icy water,"k« writw: »«• a terrible cold andcongli. It grow «tor*e l.iily. Ksaally the l>eU docwr*in Oaklaad j Neb ,81001 0i»y and Obalm said I La* Cenaiimptifn toil could not live.Tben if Ufm u»ing Dr. Kiug'i New Die* covery nod «M wholly eared by eii better" Pj.i.vely gnar**tee 1 for Congli', Cjlili aa l til 1 hroat tod Lang trouble* bv N. 8. Peel A Co. • Price Me *nd It 00. it ones Marine qualified a* a loiniArator apan Ifcr «- tola af Hjratan Robcraoa. dar'd; Mutiae li herrbjr glWalu aft ptrwna ItvUiag again* MM NUtl la prereul thcia to the audi raigaed '« payaaeut on or Mm the fill day el April i/aa ar lb la not in will br plead la bar af Ibrir mm try. All pirmuliilrMtiltoaU eatalr ar* I*. Caeatad to makr immediate pljrant, TMi ytb day of April mai. M.KNNV HtfL, A*ataMiator. § You will tut* tiw if yon try to , care ladifeetion or dytpipeie by atorv in« yoora*lf. That only bee il ( won*. you 4* eat hardily. You ( always need plenty of good food prop- ' erly Kodol Diepepeia Car* w tbo reau ; t ot year* of *ci*ntitQ re- , teereh for «oa*|bl«4 tW would di-> geel not only souie elMM'it* *i fool, every kiad. And it )■ tke one reuely ' that will do it. U. I>. (Jaretorphen. J. B. PEELE & CO. 1 JK A KLKRB ' WilliAßtaxoit, N, C, Anyone wishing l» piirohKM a W«(ch or Cluck fttiould QIVK UJjt A CALL. Watcbe* and Clock* repaired or Short Notice (f 700 H«re\ay repairing to be dano; wc 4o it. V/j M*ln St. apposite Blacksmith jUIAkj, to viAwr J^^HbixmiiMii m j/tiHkiw l 'M'" OcrnnoMT* t*. mm tr«c Old—* liwy far MWftnajm—% Jmlsshi^"^ / IflflßFßTtflWE CHILLEWGETHE WORLD • * TO PIIOOUCK TMS CQUAL OT RototTs CHiuTomcFoi Chios, Fnrai, Night Sweats and Qrippa, and Win I 111 *" fomi of alria ' yiyßaMl PONT wait TO PIEI \Mm++ 2d CKHTtt AND »C CUMCPI Mwu (mum unliH liMOilWl CMMS III! WMRTr TOWC FUOWI R*d Crou it on TMV IT. 9 NO OURK NO PAY. • Mc. PCR aOTLLS. Don't Uki t Sub«titut« »M» DELIGHTFUL TO TAKE. IIIMI ~ j 11 1 ' 1 "* For imi| Bjr till THK '• _ WASHINGTON IHSURANCB VO j " THK GIANTS Oy GIANTS" —Hu more ciuh behind each $ 1.000 policy in force than any other company. GOOD, T.tVE AGFiSTS WASTED. • - s. * Wnnin\ till,. II WAfWANTta HW YKAR| 8 HUHQIfi 6LWLNO MACHINE. OO^QSUIMMB . - ' - 6 - —B#;44 '•■"£ a r > 'TT' • T :H • ■ A. C. L ATLAItnC COAiT uxn *- >. COMTAXT. TKAIW* CO|KC Sol TH »atw, ff*lsJss7T7l 41 la. it. t». aiir. N.A. m. r. m. UmWtrtM .... II AT. lucky Ml IX«VC .. II l/tti - fe% MtKtv Ml 1 *• »• «fl 6 Jtl .% 15' II M l.i«v* w1!«7» M ... Iyy i« 40 7 M >57 149 , AiJm* ..... » nit ... 1 lt». rtyrlt.rtlk- 4 j*» |J Vj - - -M- Af.Muraara .„_ r 7£ A .,j. Ar. Goldrbaro » u fcr. Cotd.lnra ..... ... 6«j |ja Lv. — _ 7ji ID Ar. WwaiMtoo- • H 4«a mnii oo:mg *o*m. . „ A. M.I r. M. {"• «» - • UhMlnillt III} | 1... . M*»« arlato ...- t|t r , l| U SS' Arrirr WiUau..... 1 m|. ■> Ij . 'j *.* rzsns: I,*.WllaOaAe*- .: *aa an V,». MuuolU L i'S !.». cliiHabire ; a > t | ul* ' r. M A.M. S!Ulr.it Man WUaaa ijj j m la ij la aa I AT ' Mt ll* M U4i M*a I » Arrirr Tarbaro .. * a* low T*i*are ~ >)l ... L . b." x». Tadhla Pi rial »a Mik Ua«— Trala hem Wtt> ' artaatoa, ink. »'»•" Vur*tt*r«t« •>*• ». m ,lttr«a t« « p. ml, entaaa fca fard lUI. % IWSmtafßaaaa Sanfard jat », ».«» p. Wa*« rarA%i. t %iadSr^Tr^'£4. ,i iiSam. «io(|«ta. a. »., Mad tprlac* m ll' H a a S:,?Xt "iJLt HayritrvUlr ««»■., K«M jwtOfcJllto i toriuaa p at.. ai ssfsffiSß?tfagSstt 1 Railway, al Calf wtth Ua Harbaaa US Ckirlutk Railroad Trail au Um «c,UM|M eraack (tad liana EoMSK-Saatrs,TSr tt iSum W jablaßton Braacb laa*r WaablM ~ ' (ua ai,, aa4 m. arrlvr Panaalt aia . t. «to». m., rrtwatoa Irarr Parairla |» k. e.M * tap. at., arrirt WaAiaetoa ilea*, a, I *"9 J J*f - • • rmcrpl baada*, fiilm wavra TbrWo K. C . daity *aaap* ta» ear }»• >. eaadar «'} »« W. M*»«» rir •aadajr «a*a. at., afflv** Tartala w M L a, naaa a, Trtia •« M, C. •ran* laaraa Oald» 'wzvoi ■ KHNk San ItaAj «l« MA « . 14f * m trr+nt MaabriU aaa a. »MbvWii«sa. m.jijp. r aniva at lack; l pt , jrte: , 2iaiferj:s?K; Clinton dall/. rm- p; «aada- . u m A at., aad aa» ( |. » » » ia. I T.alu Ma >♦ ma bra daaa fwaatrlfaa aa Waldaa i far *lt ftjula Itßtlh daily, all rail via KlrbaaowA. M. U. EMKHeoN. Cra I laaaxagrr ApaaC 1.1, KKMLV. Caa'l Mauanr. T. M. XMfcftaoH. TraAc Maaafrr. ' l^taaaiaaabblaiUikiaablitoatobtow SiSrwaacwmmaß WW M MituicSLfucc rowuMirdoe. r*m tiwywa. WMMIHTm, P C. ' ibtMMaaiwkMnMiMaMkMMaawii

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