TPXfi Fwr. Aft M I*Bl. "LOCAL N EWS Everybody la louktn* for bargaina r —d ufatoi Uwa O OtfmiM Berrieee at U* Methediat ofcaroh Baaday ««ata| nd eveaia* by Ik* pMWr. * BOOM tare been fillip in The iMHfiiw bolkliag ua tho editor lim mo\«I hie tmuiijr in tbeaa. ▲ AM ataek el goade, lav prkee aad aceowiatodaiiag eleika, sad al* «•>» be teaad at Bti Omganna.' . Thee* are bargain* aad Imrgaiae ■i Cargo*** fc*>h tug lot portham We haow y©e aoa'l Ik Ik* (*• ( D. B. Paikrr, U ■akai tin laeet Boigtw m tbe tu tera pert at (be elate. Give him a art. 1W |*a)ft Mflitg HtTMtt at tW Metbodiat tUirb tw dwptt eed with Vntandi; ttnag aa ae eeaat of the meeting going an at lb* Baptoataharob. Yoa eaaaot enjoy perfect health roey ckeeke and aperklipg oj ea if jMr liver ia elaggiah aad roar bow 'ela clogged. DeWiU'o Little Earl/ Rioora eloaaae the whole eyetern. Thay aevor gripe. C. D. Carvtarphen. Me' WASTED.-—The aaaaee of peraona atadfian at dtmrlag la ntudy jenrqaliam, X have •ometbiac ta their advantage. Addreao: B. a of The Enterpriae, WIIXUMOTOX, *. o. I Tba aaeetinga at the Be pilot ehareb daring the paat week bare beea wall aHendrdJUT. J.N.Booth, er Greenville, ie doing a fiaa work beta. Bis eeimeae are of a high ardor aad dbothre. Qaite a naaaber of coaretekioe hove beea made dor. lag tbe meeting*. Wo neat eon gratalate Bow. Mr. Baeoa for the v way be baa prepared the aoll for ao rteh a harveet "Laat winter I waaeealaedta my bed with a very had cold ea the laag*. Betbiag gave me relief. Finally my wife heagbt a bottle of Oae Mia ate Coogh Care that effected a apeedy eare. I eaaaot apeak too highly ol v that eaeollent remedy. " Mr. T. K. 1 Beeeeaua, Man*t*waey, Pa. C. D. I Cerate rphea. A Co. PIIMCIE Weather leaf ill tery cold. Mies Eaaa Cralt, vha haa been etch, ia oat again. J Miaa Ella Aodreaa ia tbe facet ' of her ai»ter,Mr*. Bellflower. Mr. Bardiaoa made a f .ring trip Batarday ta bia hiw ia Jameevill* Miaa Emma Jonce, of Wbartoa*, ha* beea tbe gneatvf Mlwea Maarie aad Lata Baalett. Miaa Minnie Brown loft on the aooa tram Batarday for Oakley to 1 vWt bar atother.wbeV lamily ia »wk Mr*. Lather Pwam left ou tbo IV - aVlerh aioraing «ta.ii Batmday to viait her parents in * nabmgton Co. fv ■ • Ma Bdwanta, who haa been apending a week vteiting ber dan*h ter, Mra. Rieka, vent to Kiaatoa _ Batarday evoaiag. Miaa Berta Latham,who ha* boon tbe gnaat of Miaa Kroma Johneon, return ad ia bar br>me ia Plymouth Bwadar evening. Bev. Mr. Jaokaon preached la tbe Praebyterian cbnroh Sunday on "fiabbath Observance,'' nnder aae ptcea af W. C. T. V. Bev. Mr. AraeM, ot Barmville, I apent tbe night la tew a, gnent o( Mr aad Mra. W. J. Batten. Ba la poetae af tba chriatiaa choreb at Babetaoavilla. Mra. B. & White, who baa boon npeadiajc a few weeka wiaiting ber mother ia Jaehaenville.bna ratnraad ta her bame, and hiaogbt amlloa ta / Vr many friend*. Mr. a B. Speight, af Hertford, bat letaaerly at tbia town, eama aa the Mataiday evening train to rimrt ' bin fnmily and retnraed on tha Baa day aveaing train. UrnMf Tat tnaMgn nw) The amaUeat baby in tbe world according to ell u e »• al ccord** w.if Umi in Uiis rty laat atu-day. "be mother gnve birth t I*iiie nm» oae *elghe low pounda wh:te the atber wraigba omly « j« on coo. Photagrapiter Hayea tbie a >mlag laoh the bo y'a plctaew It. ia per fectly form- d aad aeemn to be a»- tirely wall However tbe phyaicinna ao, t"at it will be eery -.Wcaß lu! rniaeaocb a child The little yoag ater m abewt tba mac of an ordinary cigar Tba pareate are rcepctead Peraonal Mr. Manaagba, of Breretta, Waa ia tewa Wadueaday. Hon. H. W. St abba la attaadiag eaart ia Plyaoatb Miaa Mlttia Cofflekl is vlaiiiDg Mha Auaa tJrawtord. ba aaraooa ware rnueb enjoyed Oreeavillo Kefleetor. Mr. Jan. D. Bigga waat to Ply avutb Wadaaaday eveaing. Mia. T. U. CruJup, of Kittrell, ia vieitiag Mia. A. 1': Oraviord. Miaa Ida Uaaaall left Wedi»v«da.v eveaiug to viait tneade in Ply month Mia. J. B. Cherry, the up 10-date aiilliaar of Baailtoo, *pent Sunday ia tawa. Mraare. Theodore* Maxell auif Cbai lie Fleming apt ui Bunda> in Waahingtoa. - Miaa Brt'iirmau h» lha o|>ria Uoaae Moads) ntgbt. •reaotuaoo editorial page. . Mra A K W'hitmoia, who ha» beea vialtlag relattvaa in Norfolk, ns taraed Monday evening. Ker. Jan. W. Roaa, of llethel.wlio ia boldiag a eenea of mettinga ai Everatta, waa ia town Wediit*e»li\.>. Meaara. D fl. Jonea arid W. R Rhodes, of Haailton, nt tended the Baaaett caratarphen wadding Wed aaaday. ' Mr. Martla OaraUrphea, or Tar boro,waa la town Wedneeday to at land tba marriage or bis aacle, c.D oaratsrphea. Mr. W. H. Oaratarpben, of Nor folk, arrived in toen Toeaday evening to attend tha mh triage ol bin brother. Mlsaea. Annie Misell, Hanieon and Blanche Harden, ol 1 Pl> month, were atteadanta at tba wadding Wednesday. Meaara. I. H. Newberry and W D. Bennett, who are patlrata ia the Ht. Vinoeat'a hospital in Norfolk, are gettiag along nicely. Bar. B. K- Msson.ol Williameton, wba preached in tha HaptUtcbarcb bar* Banday morning aud night,re tamed home thia morning. Ha wax board by large congregatioiia and Maeter Bill and little Miaa Hilda Kllpatriek, who hava been upend tng aoae time at their grand fatber'a, \V. H. Wilaon, returned boaa Monday to tlio regiat oftf air aaay little Mends. W. M.Wilaon,onr popular grocer, ia attending the week in another vi. eiaily veiling hif hlafer, nnd »niue otber fellnw'a sister, too. Iltirrt hack Matthew, hilt don't bring tli*- voang lady with you I bia tinm. JH CeaMi't Kill SttU It If he'd had Itchitig Piha. They're tarnby aanay ing; but Bueklen's Ar ale* Pair*- ail) •■nil- tl>« »or»t cat- of pllaaoa earth. It ha» cureilihouaands For Injari"« I*ain» or Bodily Ertip* Uoaa its the I eat »alvn in tLe world. Pike 20c a hoi Cine Hold by N R. Peal t Co. A ICAVTIFUL WEDDMI / limtt-CsritirpNi the prettiest wed«hJig* ever wiltif-at-ed ia thiMuwn iced at the Methodist Episcopul chareh, Snnth, Wi-dnefday niorning at So'eloek.Tlie contiucting partie« waie Mr. obaa. D. OHrstsrphcn, a papalar aad bigbly eateeaied boai aaa maa of oar town and Miaaßliaa Bryant Bennett, tie ebaramg and attractive daaghter ol Mr. W. B. Deo Belt. Tbe chnreb waa beaatllailly deee rated witb evergreeaa and potted ptaata. There were tieautimi arebea over the aida aialea and one Jaat over tba alter rail where tba bridal eoopleatood, from which bang a lovely bell of flowers, ia the reeeaa behind tba palpit and inside the alter nil there wera aasaeroas and rariaea kinds or plaata beantifally arraaged. Baadaome candle a tick a with lighted aaadlea were placeil oa either sida of tbe palpit aad abed their BMIIOW light apon the aeoae of loeeliaeaa. Al) thawiadovs bad beea heavily draped, and ia the with tbe aoft mallow light ftea tbe eaaiiiea and shaded ehaadelier and Maine; the waa «m!r eiea ««n li« auiifnl. B> 7:44 tL«-« bmr.h «a- well with frierde at«) relativea to ail aeea tl.a a*ir ••£*> ot he |N>p«|.tr j iraeg Ti'l' • Piomptly al aeVl-Hih ' the l*idal party arrived ht the chaieh, aad u> the a»ratae Maadela ahan'a wedding march, akagatlewui ly render*d by * entered the cttarc'. lt*" brWexm -id* ' baudaemely pownfd ai;d carrying ' targe ot i«»w«r?-, p»"tce« iled ' the brtaa down tbe Wc*t auu,whik 1 the |i>aaiM,wiarha blaakeoafa aUk tact mt Hfkt u»a«ft%nt«rat the But We. The bride carrying a lonlj baach ofmarobaeiloeee enter td tIM ohurcb oa tbe ana of bw atatar, Miaa Malt**, the aiM of hoaor Mid vh atl at tha altar by tbe groom. who wae atteaded by bia brother, W. H. carata* p»»eo, of Norlolk, aa beat man. > Iter. If r. Buttou, paator of tbe M. B. tba eeieawu.v, aaiag tba rtug in tba awet lapree aire umuuer. At eight mlautea altar eight o'clock tba happy couple were proiiouuoud w;in and wife. After receiving ooiy*talaliona from tbe l>aetor,t be bride and graoai left tha uhnreb through Iba centre aisle,pre ceediug tha followlag couple*: «V U caraiarpbea aad Miaa Mat tie Bennett; Jnu Cook aad Miaa Fuaden; Himo'n Sittersou aad lliaa Mattie Wat ei>; Kada craw font aad Miaa Lata; J j Kbodea .aad Miaa Hrarutta Prel; A Ilsaeell aad Mian Aun.i orawloid; Uodwia aad Ml« LuU Statoti; I> Buia Blgga and Mjn* bnima ilswtll; Martin Carstar pben and Miaa Ida Battel!; J u lm 'Lamb and Miaa Holla caratar|>haa Loaia lieniu-tt and Miaa Vietoata Mania. Three wera faNowed by tba uafcers, Jno D Diggs. Jr., Juo pop*, W u liigga aud Jau lluwll. Tb« entire pert) drove to the de pot and there was tba aatiel acrae on aaeh ocea»h?ne r congratulation", Ir teeing and ricelhrowiag uatil the trnia arrived. ihe ooupie boarded the train aud tbovere of rice, aad 1a a few asiuutea tbe trala pulled out from tba atatian leaving the boat of friends waring adieue aa loag aa tbo traia wae la eight. The bride nnd groom will nail Be In more and Waabtagtoe, ielurn mg next Wednesday evemug. The bride waa tbo recepient of tnaay bandaome aad coetly preaeata The Katarpriae wiebea for then a loag and happy Berried Ufa. Tit mi WJ CURE. Aa lafiMlu Truitaiat l|«Mch Iraik irtft are Balis Carei Dally la Sftta tl TUnhts K > KOXIOI'S DOSES. NO WBAKININS Or THE NKKYIS. A PLEASANT AMD kwtive cvaa roa thb LlQl'OB HABIT. is now generally known and that Drunkenmaa ia a disease and nt weakness A body tilled wi>h poison,and nervea com pletely shatte ed by periodical or conatant uae of intoxicating liquors, requires an en idote capable of em tralizi' g and eradicatingthia poison and destroying the craving for in toxicants. k tiffeier-may new cure themselves at hone without pub li city r lo a of time from busines) by this wonderful 'HOME GOLD CURE r vfhii h ha bcea perfect d after many % earsof close study and treatment of inebriates The faithful us nccordii-g to dirr-ctlc ns of this wonderful di icve«y 1a positively rnaranteed t > mre the most oh. ftin ate case no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the mar veloe* tranaformation of thousand* of t>runkar a inte sober,industrious tnd upright men. WIVH Ct'RF. YOUR IIU • ANDSI ( 1111.l RKN CURE YOUR KAH'F.K-!! • his renredyia in ao » > «e a rostrum l*ut is a specific for this di»sa*e n'y and is roa' 111* fully devised and prepare J that it is tho outfhly aouble and pleasant to t e taste lo tf at it car. be given in a cup cf tea or coffee without the knowledge of the pereon taking'it Thousands of • runkards have cured themaelvea with this priceleea rem edy, and aa many more have been cured and made temperate men by having *he *CURK* administered by loving friends and relatives without ti eir knowledge in coffee or tea, and bnlieve to-day that they discontinued drinking on their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and mia leading ' improvement." Drive out the die ase at nee and for all time The "HOME GOLD CURE" ia aold at tbe extren ely low price ot One Dollar, thus Placing within tha reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than othera coating |is to fjo Full directions accom pai y each pack ge. Special advice by akilled physicians when request ed w thout xtr.4 charge. Bent pe •'iiid tw any pmtofth* worl on re ceipt of Ont I'ollar Address Dept • ED' IN H. f.ILEi k Co., tjio aud ijj . Market Street, P ll ' a .tlphia. 1 Al corre pondenee atrictly con fidtfntial . Ptf iti Miitih* are speeially deader• > nnd it once, arriout ' o( eb foiow One Miuia Coa«h 1 -Care molt like asagis. It ia aet a eoaa 1 808 aaixtsrs bat ia a high grade rea« > C. P. VmtMpkm *U» WHY NOT HAVE IT RIGHT nort > WPVKUSIK a IINM WEU. Hare you ever atoppod to t Link fiow #rfrYl^ much it *ll depended upon Who BiOlt the Corset You Wpre? t You would not go to a shoemaker for Jar glovea—they both use leather. A cor- at? set maker who knows hie art creates Gf&l£2Bs£syv^\ perfect figure and afforda hie customer \ not ouly pleasure but comfort. It's the \ \ ' 'know how" in 1 R. &. G., 1 Short Waist and Ntraigflit Front Price rs, »1 and 01SO „ * AU latcd style Shoe* and Slipper*, also Latest St \le Alba- • ( , troee and Silks. SLADE, ANDERSON Co. Skin trouble*, cut*, burn*, realdr, and otialing quickly lical bjt the •f De Witt'. Witch ll«i«l B*l *e. It im imitated. Be tar* 70a g«t L)* Witt'* 0. D. Ceretarj>h»n & Co. NOTICB H»lD| i)u>Htd u UaiiMnlot upoa lIH f » laic at W. H. Clark INHHI uotlc* U h#r»by ({>« toperaim HoMluft laimt afiiiiit aal4 Htatr to pmcnt the ra la thr lor pay«»nl ou or before th* nth day of April 1901 or tkU aotW will he plend ID bar of (heir recooery All peraoat ind- Mrd to tald trtalr an rrtiwiltd to ■th laamllili p*y»rn«. Thla ijlh day of April 1901. 30-M O. D. CLARK, Adni'r. ''l bad pi lea io bad I could get no raet uor tied a ear* until 1 tried De- WiU'« Witch llaaol Salra. After ueing it one*, I forgot I er#r kad any thing like pi In. "*E. O. Boioe, Scaui Paint, N. Y. Look ant for iaitatlujM Bo aura you aik for DeWilta. C!. 1). Careterpben. 4 Co. MILLINERY AND— . PreNsmakliig . AT MRS. J. B. CHERRY'S, Hamilton, N C. You will find mj stook oooaiat* of the La teat Styles: Rata, Cap* and Trimming!- COMPLETE LINK. Tot Public iuvited to call and examine my Stock. I poo,— mtmhenklp I«,m fttaerod |*aa,oM IIMW The United IINWIIKIT SttlBTY will policbe from s*so,. 00 toll ,000.00 payable when you marry or al the expiration of. (5) five yeari. For Particu lar«*. adlress DILLAHU.MT k UITTIMOS, Local Ag'tn, Williamston.N.C. MWrMKHBIWHWi WEDDING PRESENTS 1 HLVK» WAKE, err oiAsa. CLOCKS, ! runt cmwAWAat. ThrM lit the tppreciatc4 tlfu Hial ' cwaNnt »ervice with a rich. ka»4n i j i appear*no. ■' ( | Th« Ckolceat Deal(a>aal Hcw«t I4eea , • May he teen h*r«. MaN Orders Pnartly FHW. BELL, The Jeweler, \ TARBORO, N. C. j NOTICE A FIMT CLAdS KKSTAt'BAMT AT KIIIBY'S STOKE Down the Main Street The only up to date Keatau [rant in town Meal* ienred at all houra. Fur both White and Colored Fine Accomodation# Cell and tee me. MEALS 25 CENTS S. P. KNIGHT, PROF W AS lEl>—Be»*ral Wadaof pine mrnuL TIM BnWrpriao. Bead the ad efHi genet* Frey W. H. BIGGS, MERCHANT TAILOR Invites you to call and inspect hie CLOTHING for 1901 Choice productions. ■" ~ Co/rect fit* SUPERIOR WoRKMAXSIIIP. lligga' Drug Store. |VXO. W. NEWELL, Attorney-at- Law. WILI.IAMaTCIX, N. C. MTPracticw wheravar wiviosa ire deeired. ttpecial attention glren to rxniu iaiag ami wakiDglUleforpnrehaeera of Uaber and tun aw laul*. jjR JOHN I). BlOfW, DENTIST. II «ur«: I A. M. to 12 M : 2P. M to 5 P, M. Office on Smithwick Street North of Main. W ILUAM&TOX, N. C I >» routs One. (!ci All And see that vou will gave money to call and examine my atock of LADIES AND GENTS S3HOES I carry a full line of the latest afcylea and pattern*. I havo also juat received a new line of Gentlertjen s STRAW and ALPUINE 1 of the Latest Styles. Come and tec mc before you make your purchase. I wiH offer you some inducements. Yours for busiuesi, Eli Gorpios. MS HOUSE PAINTER WJLLIAMSTOS, X C. a*te> Reasonable Corr»f;«.ud MCC. S .lieUad y —«* GURL -0 , aratloa. holdln* the hair in perfect carl (or d»y« . milllH lh« (•«««*uf p*r»p»rallo« aad ill raoiat •«« la the altaMphere. It.lttailly appU«d. Pri« |i. aaapk patkaft qc. «t pay an traaapar i *•**— — 1 f>» §4 Nfw MrfftfNfw V«i • I C '-V • ■ ■' ' V - , * • . r ' i % % •> | ; r » : u DSNKIS AIJWWIW, rtti. T. w. tachUAi:,J«a. K»n»g*r. /ott# ft. tildes,**, k Ymi THE DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. MANUFAOTURERSi OF fr'US OWED NORTH CAROLINA. PINK LUMBER 43ffP DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND OYPRBSS SHINOLBS, WILLIAMSTON N. C, and Correspondence Solicited. COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL I 5, 00,00 BANK OF MARTIN OOU3STY, J. G. GODARD, CASHIER. '■ * ——— Report ot the condition of the BA.IK at the close ofjßusir.ess Feb'* sth, 1901: - ' RKSOCRCRS. I UABIUTIKa. »»a discounts U.ojuj CiplLl stock „ 1,000.00 t »lt«! Malr> Son,l, fjoe 00 ; I'mlividrit Profit! 5411.M Furniture »nd Plxtitrt* Shu.Kj j Individual lir|K»it« Dur from Batik a . 119.966.1W Certificate* of Deposit* t J 000 „ Cash Itcma fc." I ' c « h 17.9T4.J1 TOTAI ' *37,079,61 Torn. j I, J. G. Godard Cash'er of Ban'X of Martin County,Mo'solemly swear (or affirm) that the abov.S statement is true, to the o F my knowledge and belief. J. G. GODARD. Casln r State of Vorth Carolina.— —bounty of Martin. 'Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 2Jnd diiy of Feb'y 1501 W. K. SIUBBS N. J ' ' Wheeler Martin. A'HHW S. Tiiggs. MARTIN & BIGGS, MaifUfaoturorfii of FURNITURE, "WILLIAMSTON, N. C. i ■ ' _ . _ __..... t „ ... CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 'PHONES: —Offie 33; Factory 4G. SPRING OPENING We will have next week a full_line...of .SUMMER. BRBSS ' .. .' An) tliinjfto suit the most fastidious. Give UM h ornl ' IS. B. Vmm & €*• CULTIVATORS AND TOBACCO FLUES. AM NOW HEADY" TO SUITLY THE Any one desiring CULTIVATORS AND FL UK will do.well to seo meWbfore buying elsewliero, GAKTvS AND WAGONS MADK - TO - OHMill. J. L. WOOLARD NOTICE! NOTICE! Martin Gounty desires to employ some COMPETENT MAN ~ m KEEPER OF THE .-^s,.y~>' County Home. J. B. Collield ] — J. %. Hrowu • | COy^l'Bl«>NbK3 " i —-0. K. Cowing J : —m . , . j * *•* * r. . ' • * * T~ * : ■ V

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