H trw weeks ago a noted minister *«t to en of the local railroad sta tions to meet a (Head, ear* a Cleve land paper. Upon entering the station and kwUat around he saw an elegant ly dtsaaad woman, who apparently was about to board a train. She was carrying a number of par tels la her arms, and besides had with her three of four children tbst with great difficulty she was trying to helj •lone. The clergyman appaonched the lady and offered his assistant, which She accepted, afterward thanking bici very graciously for the kindness. The train moved out of sight, and he wen' on hi* way thinking of the endless c i>= portunltles one has for doing (P >' when all at once he discovered that h was carrying a beautiful allkumbrrl la with pearl and gold trimmings. The reverend gentleman Is nbw enduring distress of mind, fearful that the vic tim of his abaent-mindeilneds may some day discover him In the pulpit. Hobby llama' CotU(«> ■ , Considerable alterations are In courts of being carried put at the birthplac; of Robert Burns, known as "ntirns" Cottage," at Alioway, Scotland. It is Intended to remove n hall attached to the back of the oottage, used as a mu seum and temperance refreshment room, and to transfer the Burns relic, from this to a new and larger hall itr, a range of cottage buildings which have Just been completed within th" grounds attached to tbe cottage. Th" caretaker and his family, who Inhabit part of the cottage, have also been pro vided with accommodations In tbe no.c buildings. The cottage will thus bo restored ns far as possible to its orig inal'condition. . Sackcloth has been put away In cam phor. A.k Yesr~l>«alsr r.rlu*.-. Fno.-*..,, A powder to Into yonr «hVt ; rmtt tbo Corn*, ltanioD*, hwollen, Korf, Hot, Aching, Sweating Feet ami In growing Nail*. Allen « Foot-Ea«»e make* nrir or tight rhotM raay. At nil riruggMt* mi l •hoe ■tors*. 3A ft*. Sample nmilrd Jf'JIKK. Addren* Allen H. Olmtted, L(jllojr,\N. Y. In Ohio a minor iniiat hnre the enntont of parent or guardian in order to marry. . Hall'a Catarrh Cure l« a llijuid and l. taken Internally, and arte dirertly U|>on the -blood and muemi* aurfarea of th'; ayitetn. Krnd for testimonial*, frer. Sold by Pr.ijjgiat*, 76c. F. J. Cuknjct k Co., i'rop*., Toledo, O. There are more epiiiater ao by choice than the worldiioga would believe. FITS permanently cured. No flta or nprvntia neaa after firwt day a uae of Dr. Kline's tlnm Nerve Restorer. 11 trial bottle and tr«*iiac frcv Dr. H. H.Kxink. Ltd., 981 Archht.. I'hila.,Ti«. Many a inan with a hue head ho.i a vcr) bad fceart. A Colonel in iha ISxiJah Houth African arrny aaya that Adaitu*' Tutii Krutti w.ia u bloaaing to liis man while iiiari'hui*. AH arctic doga are provided with a thicL teat of wool uuder their hair. New England Women Have an Abiding Faith in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. After years of struggle to attain and merit pnblio confidence, with a firm . and ateaafaat belief that some day others would recognire iu us the truth, I good faith, and honesty of purpose which we know we possess, what a genu ine aatiafaction it Is to succeed, und to realize the uplifting influence of the merited confidence of a vast army of our fellow beings. Thus stands the l'iiiUltijm name iu New Knglaiul, aud all-over America, and nowhere is the faith iu l.ydia K. l'iuhhant'a Vegetable Compound greater than in New England, its home. Merit, and merit alone, can gain this. ORQANIC INFLAMMATION. PAINFUL PERIODS. "Dic-an Miia. . Pinkiiam : I was I troubled very badly with inflamma tion of the bladder, was sick in lied with It. I had two doctors, but. they did me no good. A friend gavo me Lydia E. Pinkham » Vegetable Com pound, and it helped me. 1 have now taken three bottles of it. aud I am entirely cured. It is a (iod-send to any woman, and I would recommend it to any one suffering asTwas. I think, If most of the women would take more of your medicine instead of going to the doctors, they would be better off. The Compound lias also eared my husband of kidney trouble." Mrs. MABFI. Gookik. Box 100. • Mechanic Kails, Maine. j NERVOUS PROSTRATION. *' For two years I buffered from nervous prostration, the result of female'weakness. I had lcucvtnrhoea very badly, and tit time of menstrua tion wouid be obliged to go to bed. Also suffered with headaches, pain across back, and in lower part of abdomen. I was so discouraged. I had read of Lydia K. Pinkham'a Com pound, and concluded to give It a trial. 1 wrote to Mrs. Pinkham. and received a very nice letter in return. I began * at once the use of her Vegetable Com pound and Blood Pur ti.-r, and am now fueling splendid. 1 have no more pain at monthly periods, can do my own work, and have gained ten I would not be without your Vegetable Compound. It is a splendid medicine. lam very thankful for what It has done for poe. Mas. J. W. J.. 78 Carolina Ave,, Jamaica Plain. Mas*. If Lydia E. Ptnklium'a VcKeUWc Compound will cure these Women why MOt yon you«;mn«>t tell until you try it. If - yon arr ill. and really want U get well, commence its use at our*. and do not let any drujf clerk jw'rsundc yo« (bat he baa comethinfr of bia own whic'a ia better, for taut is abaurd. Aak bias to produce tlut evldcnca we do. ° «• Ej» V«tw First Corpse Cremated In Jsaes. Japan la the country la which cre mation la practiced on the largest seals. In an Interesting statement made to a hygienic congress. Mr. Ta 1 mihe, chief police surgeon of Toklo. IfSave the reasons for this practice! The burning of corpses had > beginning j In Buddhism, a Buddhist priest, It Is said, having been cremated at Shin shu twelve hundred years ago. In 187* police orders were Issued regulntlng j-the practice of cremation, and to-day i in the environ*'of Toklo alone-there are seven crematories. According to the authority quoted, cremation Is ac complished in less time in Japan than , In Other countries. In two or three ~ Fours jhe body Is completely reduced to cinders, and that without the slight est odor. Whereas in European coun tries there are seven or eight classes I of funerals, there are In Japan but five, the prices of which range as fol lows: (5.40, $3.80, $2,80, (1.60 and 80 i cents. At Kioto and Osaka, as well as In a number of other towns, It Is estimated j that two-tbfrds of those who die from Infectious discasea are cremated, and of others two-fifths. In 1898 out of 38;5»9 dead. 21,943 were burled and 17,956, or forty-five per cent cremated. —Philadelphia Recdrd. To nuicltly introduco tb» famous blood pur liter, 11. I). I!. (Roiauia Blood Italm l inlo n-w i. imn, we wilt give away 10.000 traslflMsta tbwlnlcl; free. 1). 1!, B. will poMUvely ran nil blood and (kin tronbles— ulenra, cancers, scmfula, eczema, eating "ores. Itching linmon, swellinga, pitiljilns, bulls, carbuncle*, bone paini, niouumtMin, catarrh, contagion* bioof |K>iKon. affecting throat, bone*'and joints o* uiurotif patched. It. It. 11. niakw the blood j urr and rich, brain every »oro or eruption and ktojia nil ache* and pains. Druggiata, (1. l'nr free treatment. address* Blood Italia Co., 12 flit' hell Ht., Atlanta, (in. ltaicrib* tron l.ie and free medicil advice given until enred. it. It. It. cures old, Jeep-Mated esse* that re fuae to b=al under'; aient i>: dicuict or doe* 'torn' truuiuciil. Mitrbic ia abundant in tiie southern ■ the Balkan Mountain*. rta - Thr lirraicl Hrorljl. , From tho uae of Crab Orchard Water are PI - by taking It In Hinall iloaen, and ua- ri-gularry. huiall ilon?* aiiiiiulate the of lip. attiuiarh and iiowela, and re- Htjor^them to their normal condition. The demand for candlea in China is very l.irge, owing to the fact that they arc u«ed at ull religious ceremonies. >?nch package of I'utius Kat*gi.ssa I>tk ( uli.rn niore than any other dye and colora them heifer too, Bold by all ilruKgiala. The "n» of ■ acetylene abroad la very mink more general tlisn it it) in the l'in ted States. 'J he biggeat hero ia the man aho is reared Rioat and runa leant. A Tlouili'a Scat tree.. If you iu»re Itbcunialisin, write Dr/ Hhoop, lim ine, Wia., Bo* 14*, for Ms bottlek nf In,, llhi nmatie Cure. asp. )«id. Hend mamoney. I'uv if cured. Most men beat their wives- that Is. w lien it jjmiies to u game of cards. " 1 cannot help but feel that It Is my duty to do somVthing in regard to recommending your wonderful uiedi cine. 1 must say it f Is the grandest s .W 7 ® V medicine on earth, By M land have advised I Iff yF J'* g r, ' u * ninny suf- I\i Ay J A Bering with /emale j \ / ./ troubles to take It. />. JJy jLI tell people 1 wish jy-- J 5 I could go on the pUtf " rnl V•. 11 1 wa * pninfui n.ciisirua ; ation. The suffering 1 endured pen ! cannot describe. , 1 was treated by | one of our most prominent physicians j here for five months, and fountl myself ' getting worse instead of better. At the end of the fifth month he tuld me he had done all he could for me. and I that I had betJf*~goto the hospital. " My sister adviscSf»l\ to try your Vegetable Compound, as iV^cured her of backache. 1 did so. and took It faithfully, and am now cured of my •rouble, and in perfect health, many nlianks to your medicine. I cannot nraise it .enough, and would recom ; mend it to all who suffer from any feouile weakness."— Mks. 11. S B.ux, 401 Orchard St., New lluven. Conn. SSOOO reward. VWWVW City ot Lynn, fWJOO, whiek yUI bp vaiil to •!)> |h rrt n who can And thai *ht' lni.»iii.i 1 l«t!cr» »r«» ioi pm Ui», or N**r» i>ul>iikUed 1 vU\r* obtuminK Uio writer's »p«oial perml«c:on Lydia L. Im.nkiian in* Co. fiIEATUUCAtIMAL ASSEMBLAGE. atsa-Sskai Last Week. - WliMtow-Salem, Special.—Mora dla UngnMad icMars were entertained have Um week than have «ver before bean gstbered Ift North Carolina. -The Houthern embraced such man u Lyua Abbott, Bishop Boane Dr. Parkhorat, Dr. Curry,.and wealthy philanthropists who IBs deeply 1»- tereated ia" education lir the South: Most of Cham pri inaj-Ul'" became in terevted la aegro ediftedUon, but latter ly titer have broadened" inte.est and are Interested In the betterment of ail educagloa of the Botitlfc:v A special trata from Now York. br»*fiog Ofty nina educators, leaders and pfciian thropista, rtwkel Mka at 1:0 o'clock Thursday and were canted at once to the hospitable hoiqs ot leading cili aeas where they are entertained. W. A. Blair, chairman, Major Eaton, Rev. R. B. Caldwell, Dr. H. T. Robin son aad John W. 1-YJen composed the committee that BM| the members df the i Cpnfarem. e at GlwUabou and accyim panled them to th# dty. \ v . ( At • o'clock the flrai of the conference held ,in Salem Female Col lege was called to order by Dr. Cnrrv. who introduced Bishop Doane. of. Near York, who made a hearty addreb* fn sympathy with the SouUkcrn prob'fcai, paying a high compliment to , Female College. * —--r-i —-?—• ——~ I'resldent Ogd«n pr**ent«d (l )vr-rn'»r Aycock. who made a happy .and timely addreaa of welcome. He was rectivivl with auch continued applause that "ie aald: "If this continues I shsll.tMik tbe campaign of 110 • is itHl in pro grras." He emphaslied the events that haVe made Narth Caro'.lna, great j In all history, a history Lhat lias iwt been adequately written, lie op uej | the eyes of some by his alluslnn -.0 I great events, winning hwai ty eheeis when he inmle a happy allusion to the j fact thai aftir furnishing more troips t for the Conference army than any"! other State. North Carolina cemt-n-'ed | the love Iwatween the by i Ing tho first blood In the war with j Spain Bishop Rondthaler aV o .delivered a ij-arni and fitting*.and able welto/ne for | Salem. • We have labored with A double uur- j den In. the ifh In Klueatlijn.'" h*? Mid. "because the whites have lo pay ; most for the education of the blat ks *s • well as"for their own children." He then «|>oke es follows: "!t gives me pleasure In the tuuiie of the Winston-Salein community to Welcome yon, the jnembevs i(f th*' E lu- , rational Conleroaf-* to »itr ftnilhern. homes. I have'the nil.lltional n%tis-T faction, la behalf of the trustees and j the president of tho Ealom Academy . of asking ypti to iho the fa illtiea '.f our college 'or the pimiv'iCion of your , inifvu'laiit educational labors. •It ' seems espr-iall> tapiproprlate that thu ; chapel of a Moravian Institution,i which for a hundred yearß has i*?n educating -tiie datighterjt.of .tit,# .Sni'h • from the Potomac to the Hli> tiratide should become at this time, the ullirtal home of a eonferonee. destined ond«»r Ood, to at 1 mil lute tho cause of e.ltua- | lion over lhat Bame vast area of | States • *1 "For me, an occasion like tills his a , peculiar charm, In view of niy. own ; life e*p«»rlence. My wudter aervlt-swwats t given In great cltle'-i, where 1 cann? I Into totii li with the best Northern | sentiment. TU-ti in the Providence of Clod, I was transplanted Into PoiHh. where amid everwldenlng ac nualntance I have leatinwl to lova the people ns If I had been !>«t-n amont them. Having such Intimate enteral • for both sections of our great country,! I have often said to myaclfv-' What n j. pity that the best North and tho b«->t j do not know each other better " . TMs natitmal ne.il la belnK in«t by y Conference* like throne now as em-j till nr. It Is nut amid the clash of poll* ! tlcal amldtlons on. niV arena like j which the city of Washington furnish- J es; It !s not amid the speculative Byaln , of a Now York bourse, or a' New Of- j lorftofl cotton market: It Is on the broader Held of ft human Interest In | the fellow man that 'North and South may learn to know each ot her well i enough to have the eateam which they i really deserve from one another. Tbe J South haa dicing these rcoont yaaraj of now eipwicnce. Iwtai carrying a double educational loftd. Sho has liean i obliged to divide h«*r school mtj'.vy b""- tween white and black, although thoi latter a com pa.niflvelv Rmatl elomnrt In the tax list, while they form a.'very large element of the population, lie- | cause of the needs of the other rac*», ! the white public tchools have haj. : espeilally in country districts, a vcjy limited and struggling cxiatonee. s "it Is right, while at the same time His generous that our Northern brethren should In various private and unconstrained ways. B.safM ns in j our double task And It Is both wfse j and fair that they' should cojie jo vllt us. In order to learn tho problotn j with which we have to deal, face to face, and to hear what we. who live in 1 dally struggle with them have len nel about them. In 'the hard school of a*.-- j TNAL EXPERIENCE-" • • "If some educational need were to : arise, we will say. In the State of ' -Massachusetts, and we in North Caro- j llna should f«*4 ourselves constrained ] to help solye the problem of our Kas:- | em brethren. It would be proper for ua I to go to the scene of that problem an l i hear what the best people hava to say about It; otherwise our help might involve some very coatly failure and | might tend. In the end; 'to Irritate j rather than assist. AnApuch ia the ex act iase of the southern educational j problem. It neeils to be loarned on the ' apot, by friendly advice and contact with those who live amid 1 these emer gencies of a new time. It la In thla fair and kindly a'»t rlt that you have come to see ua and we have gathered to welcome yon. "We are not met on an oarasion i whk\|i calls merely for sweet worda and ) soft speeches. A banquet might make such courteous demands upon. us. but t not an earnest conference of- national j import We do not want the paint pat, i or ths varnish brush to be here em- j ployed. We need rather to have the j gi«al educational problems ,of the j south stand In their , nnflve wood aa pect. showing all the knots ot dlffiicul- 1 ty Juat as they are. y/hat want ; from one another ia th? truth.. Jf an/ one has a vital question to Mk.' let htm freely aak it: If any onajtvat 4fkaac?r uinfd fart to giuA. Ist him. copxmunl-... cate It without constraint. It is oc i of the most Important occasions which can o«tur In a llfe-Ome, or atrlctly fol- ' lowing the scripture Injunction, to j speak the truth In lave.' 1 The '-otJre conference was a pn»- m|jm» muni BAuvn, «ttr LtM-IU ■mfalf •M kMtwM. The talotid Air Um taUnj to «(1M the "Capital Ok* U««," train i» Mm the Capitato of lb* ill glabra which ft tr*. vcraaa aai-tedia of the National Capital, thtuugh akKk Ha uaiaa raa Mild tram Maw York lo JartsosTille and Tampa, Florida II rana throegb BMwad. Ta., Kaieigh. N. C-. • Tula rad anil continue to run the famous Florida aad HetroMlUan Limited, and tba Florida aad Atlanta FM Mail Trains, afford ing tba oaly through limited nervine dally, including DudafWWß New York aad Florida, aad to tba ihmiw Una between tbene poiata. aodera tralai of tba Hea board Air Line Bail day arrive at and depart from Preaayivania Bajiway Btatlona at Waahlngtoe, Maiitaiere, Philadelphia aod N«« York, carrying Pullman'a mo«t Im proved equipment. with anexeeUed dining car in ika, wpaifeal. drawl off-room and aheertatloa car*. It baa Pullman ser vice |n liwwt weak each way from Washington lo tilt celebrated raaort, Pino burst. N. C. It baa the abort Hae to and from Blehmond, Norfolk. Port-mwlb, lialeigb, Houlb«rn I'lMb Columbia, bavannab. Jacksonville AtlulLud the principal cities butw">a Ura Hualk aad Kaat. It IS *l-') the 'IKmiMUb) Alba s, August* and Mao n. I M Atlanta dtract eetineotlona are made In the Uil'« HUUm for haltanooga, Nash* tide aod Meaphla. «|n lor New Orlrana and al! poiata la Texaa, California aad Mex ico. la addition, it to the oaly llna operating 1 throa.b train*, aad Pullman aleeplng cam In taam Atlanta and Norfolk, where eonneo tloaa ara made with tba Old Uoalil'D Kl-anablp Compaay, fr jn New York, Ibelf. tILT.I ompany. Irom Buetoa and Provi dence, tba Norfolk A Wa-hlogtoo Steamboat ('Mianr, from MTaahlagtoa, the Haltlmore Btcam Packet Com; any, from Baltimore, as* the N. Y. T. AN. Railway, Iron New York aad 1 Philadelphia. . Through Pullman can alan operated on quick achodalea between Jaekaon villa and Br. I. oia, rla Montlcello, and between Jaek aonvdia aad Mew Orieaaa, In addition to throuirh tralaa with Bullet Chair Cart bo twcao davanaab and Montgomery. The local train aervloe to Brat-claM with moat convenient •chedulea. in fact tbx Meaimard Air IJne llall wav will ticket passengers for any poln a, aIT rding the quick eat ached u lee, lineal Iraina an|l tami 'comfortable nervlce. Its nouo mile at •26.00, are good Irom Wa«hlog«?BV l>. C„ over the "utlre »ya lem ol 2,600 ml lee. Including Florida. "The great trouble about matri mony." says the Manayunk Phlloso pbcr. "la that people take each other for what they pre - end to be, and nut for what: they. are." , Nell—"When they came back frt»m their wedding trip be had tb liio pocket." Belle "He always w»:i close!- : - -• ■ ■ • • - • DYSPEPSIA LION COFFEE A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OP ALL! 9/w~,/)C? |V PuritJ is kept »p_- i^gggg; * Cmstnt Kicking ijtyV rfVTSfea "" Constost WatcMir. * : S3«:w^j2i£' : '• JT! [ |VV Ya B Jk/J? We have our eye on the purity of ! W{ LION COFFEE. ST ff 1 'v..'! will always be kept upt Wo I IBES**' Pain 5. VV X.. shall kick if it isn't. Com liU.emitlsm. Nmrslcu. Bnt nit ' - h«»« It, wad Jio.ots w« e-ltr«r to »ny WU _ "*"• *— drf't *4 inM -, w,0h. u ,„.„.d.-«^«, t You will never need to kick if IV"*""' '« ■'" >OUS ° '. DROPBYABA!AY is absolutely pure, no ■ ■ YY KM.^RUN^MIIH Lion Coffee SSH Lion Soffee l . •. W W Th »mh iVm ■«!« Wmf«l»> MWF. ' , ■ . McILHENNY'S JfABASCO. In trrerf package of UON COfftl you will find a fully Illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, la mALk wrtt. E?r^!Tj¥HHS*irjß^ii fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fall to find in tha list some article which will contribute to their happiaeaa. tWi« comfort and convenience, and whkh they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Head* from JUnwaCTBII-l M JCT*wßi the wrappetj of our one pound aealad package* (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold/, i woou^^co.. l^,o^ 1 Worms J X CASCARETS are a sure cure for tape worms and those other pests of worms that make the lives of children 2 and thejr mothers miserable. Any variety of parasites that live Jn the human stomach or bowels, and feed on the S f substance which should properly nourish the body, are dislodged by Cascarets Candy Cathartic, and expelled. Z X One or two drive them out, and persistent use is sure to do away with the unwelcome Intruders. * X X Many children and older- people suffer from worms without knowing it, and get thin and weak, although their ? 2 appetite is good. • The best Way to find out is to take Cascarets. Never accept a substitute! A j>Uen_afiKb»ui' M jts —Brooklyn Citu.u. to - wwm dIkUM IM M •, ' tauicut on tt imh ifttr a> Mix tn ~ A «the CASCARETS. TkU Ikm tun ku mum 4 »*. V aybadhealthfarthep*>ttkraotmts. Ism crq# s - A Vine *° u Mkla « »• only Mtanto ( 0 t. 2 w*t*j of noli CO bj Muibl* peopte.- . S 9 " °*° W BOIOM, B»H4, MIM. -—5 A The judge be>~n to nodcraUnd, »n4 be-* ' Z ! |o&calci& | J . BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. * • • TBD IS 2 • (ccc) 25c. soc s • .._ mvnxLDmmnx. i 5 7HE TABLET - „■' I ' * tin. WiaaJeWaieothtngqrnap CavaMUrea ieetMag, aoftaa the (Baa, radaaaa talaaaa tla,a&fi H*> enraa wiadealie. MeabaMU Montana atill has abort tojmjMO seres of ODoccnpied land. a« a iiiMaaiaat Mirnifi w§ NMNRfn Marriage la adalttadly alwaya a hazard, bat in Servla It has bean made the baa la of a novel variation on the nanal mode* of speenlaUoa. There ao cletiea for paovidlng bonuses on mar riage were formed, bad flourished to aqeb as extent aa to sraatly accele rate the marriage rate. The funds ware obtained on the mint sys tem, and. as many members who got a bonus and a bride abruptly stopped their Contribution!, the aspiring celi bate subscribers who were left found their- obligations lncreaalng more rap idly than la the experience of most married men. Consequently liquida tion has set tn among these companies with great severity, aad the boom la matrimony la likely to be followed by a slump.—London Financial News. When it.nilns cats and dogs the opti mist Is thankful that It Isat raining monkey* and parrots. » 3rrown will be large; without P°t a sh your Oar took.', t«Kh| about c—po—»>oo ol hiMn beat adapted foe all crop*. ar« free to all imnmn. GERMAN KALI WORKS. 0) NatHU tU New York. Wmr U ■■■■«*». ». »w ItHimlili w4 i«ni 4b «M Mrt«Nimd >r tißaiy hm or Hleka" flpiw lull*' Cam lie, Me and Meal all dm* tUttm. It year druggiat doee tot keep it U for poetage on trial bottle. Hicu Cmou. Co., BaMgb.H.O. The Chicago girl ■■nagaa "ta gat than with bouTST. Ba 17. FRAGRANT §O,22ESS? • lla|||J 4av Ik* ' pViIHI I9RIIIIIN iff IN | Teeth ■* Mouth Nnr She SOZOOONTLIQUID, 21c Aff.! SOZODONT TOOTH POWDER, 2k Lane LIQUID a* POWDBt, 71c fcll At all Mwm, or by Mall tar the priea. HALL A nuCKEL. New Yarifc W. L. DOUGLAS $3 ft $3.50 BHOEB «£" i^.l Tba real wortb of mT $*M and «M» aboae mMlw«tb PW oUier nutHURM to 00. My n.m Una naaet ba STrJ * fkW eauaUad at aay prlca. ButtatMnrldtiriMft. I jUI I) 7 Smtkat Zl)'>U4!rJ!!i?u | n _■ Taka ■* mMIM«I Imlrt onbarta, W. L TxmflmtMet JgtifeggMFik with a— aad prtra nam pad cm botvoaa. Toa» d.aierrtowld keep them ( I gf it one dealer eielnatre aale la aacb imn.lt . \ be doe. not koep them an* will Bat fat tbaa t«r Jom.cr4*r /JHV dlrert (mm fart.ify, en loeinr prtca and lie. axtra lor on*a». Car MM M* .itU»al wearer*. Hew Cmu**trv». , r—tOelart£ I I nam ». f. L BOWSLAS, IncUta, Ban. ill JM _t i'!i|" -- Hill ■ |''| M lo— wlw»f»n4 wrtfT,ejpim ite» iff §*mm CM Opmu (Im MMiaai. Iw 11 MMtitw, mMM ntoMliaMlN 1 ASKS* KSy.SS SS^Hi foot **4 Dot of koouMoro. dlfforooi width* up to fc of mm lmr±. la giiulM, —jr . - ra m u,. if y«a fuk UMM wlrt IM ellnh—i at ft M«(a dMUdbdC 1_« UM |miM> DO«W BMkIM rtla* mf llWul*! INni'l anWra HVllfMrhlM ZJaJrafcZl VUMaL ' - " ■ 1 111 » rFR E e7 u r Y? IfftRTHI WOOI ulk RAWLIN6S SPORTING UII GOODS COMPANY, iiaaltu tt.tetM. AGENTS^ Irakarl IMb Ink n > ■- Baat Miliif OuCEBTUN^GDRLI

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