THE nVTKKPBIB& FNUND ETCST FB»AT AT Wilfiamstoo, K. C. ALFRED B. WHITMORB, Editor and Publisher. Entered at the PoßtOSeril' WflHMßtoo, ~ aa Second Clan* Mail Matffr. SUBSCRIPTION. $1 ayear- Ymm at. MAT 10. 1901. (IMnlmll) It my be that editor* «!© not as « nit weer diaraenda but many ef them ceuUl aftord to If they weul.l i nadiirt their bueinees oa the na« plan as otWr buainaas Mo —tfcal is have pay for what they do m d callact what is honestly due the* grkssw the reason why? WISIHSTW LETTEI FTRWM —» ««*»UI C—MB— U* > May Bth, 1901 Ever since Admiral Dewey pre dicted thai the next war the U. 8. had would he with Germany .thera have been periodical stories alien ing aa intention on the part of Oermaay to proroke a war with aa. J net now. the latest is being de classed. It started in Berlia. its foundation being a published in terview purporting to hare been (im oat by high German official* which, in speaking QI the rapid growth of Uenuaa interesta in South and Central America,mark edly ignores the Monroe doctrine. That interview has arouse! con siderable interest in Washington, largely inofficial circle*. As all the world know*, the Euij>eror of Ger maay ia desirous ot greyly strengthening his wiabe* Germany to become a great eea power— and while be has partialj auccceded and is now constructing a fleet of warsuiits that will make his nary about as strong as our*, he wants more money for naval purpose*, and of ia flaencing public opinion in Ger-j many in that direction. that I rmaon.warlike talk in the Gcrmaa press is not rery seriously consider ed ia Washiagton. But one thing may be set down as certaia. It Germany, or any other power thiaks the U. 8. will not tight to maintain the Monroe doctrine, they will make a costly mistake. The Interstate Commerce Com mission rendered a decision thai is highly important both to railroads and shippers, when it construed the law, which & New York con cern sought to show was intended to pat all receivers of freight in carloads on the same footing, tliit a rail road company is not in every case under legtl compulsion to famish the same terminal fiscili tie*. tor all descripiiou* or traffic. If that construction Mend*, it will place a powerful weapon in the baads of such railroads as may «!•*- aire to descriminate against any of its patrons. A domestic problem, which War -SK-;.|, will irr to solve before Congress aieet»,is now to make the National Guard of tbe eereral atates a working auxiliary «t the regular army in time of war, aa such a. way thai the cumber eome red tape method, followed when the members of the National Guard became U. S. Volanteerr for the war with Spain, may be aroided without offending the prin ciples or prejudices of those who at idlers for the rights ot the atates in all dealings with the Fed err! Government. It ia not an ea*y tosh, bat those who are charged with this duty of considering it,are hopeful ot tnccess- All those inter eated will have ample opportunity to be heard before aay plan ia art tied apoaby the War Department, aa it is ths desire of the department thai a plaa be reported toCoagress orhaeh will arouse ao serious ep- It is already |uite certaia that a tariff war will be taught ia Goa a»*t winter,aa less aaeseihiag anaaa ie distract public rtuatao* foam thequestaou Tht agitataoa Parted by Bepecesalat ire Babcucfc, } rt Wia., when ha iutaudueod the WtiMHN the daty tru* all gssaa ateaCy.aai Mr. Buhcock ly winii il thai ha iatradi to \ li.a Itm it by iatrwdudag a bill as soon naCougree* meets, providing tar the repeal ef the daty oa all ( trust caatrailed products. While | Mr. Bahesch wnald pnier that this , war he caaflatd to the republican , party ia Cuan «sa,it is oWiusa that 1 it ail! -sjtk. Thedi-Tociato haw i [di»K -ut«d the adtaatwgv they I thiak they can gaia far their party I by sapportiag Mr. Babccck's idea, ' aad they wOl paebably attempt to 1 carry it em farther. Oa the other hand,the mare conservative repob- ( licaaa are likely to be found op- , peeing the kill, aot ao much be caase they are again st its provis , foas, aahecaam they regard it as F ja a. tack apaa the protection pria l dple, which ther claim to he the t keyateaaedf sacoesa of their party I aa well aa of the coo a try" a pros -1 prrity, which they cannot safely > encourage. The attilade ot the people will probably decide the re •altof the flght Oa general prin ciples, regardless of party, ths pcuph aia asai ahslnaisgly ia tavor ef lcgislatina that will carb tbe power of ths trusto. This Mr. Sab cock claims his bill will do. The argasseats facet a tad by the sup porters aad appeasets of the bill ' will he the determiaiag factor ot . the attitude el the people. Speaking el the privilege of fraahiag mail official called atl?atioa to the not general -1 ly known tact that two women have the privilege «4 sradiag any —ilulilir matter through the U.S. ■ails fist; aim that aay mail mat iter addressed to either of thrsu will be carried free. Them two women are Mm D. Graat aad Mrs. Lo cretiaß Garfield. Mr. Moataga White, tar Boer diploeaatic ngmt, who baa l*jen in Waahiagtoa a week, baa an aoaaced that Oom I'aul Kurger will visit this coaatry ia October. J JB. Mann, of Hyde county, has been elected Super intendent «f the State peniteu tiary. _ Skin aftdk IM will readily ditap j Ky cawg WTitt'i il-h It net L Sbh* I-vk mi for eduaterfcit-. ll I JM r-jHih* ]rM will get good I malta. Ii a* the quick and positive I care for |tWL' D Carstarpkca. i A CM Mcket M CWcto. hbtol. Va., —■Special.—A pet cat j is the mother of a br*od of young %.hicke;as may seem rather odd to be t:oe. bwt such n state of affair* eteieta at the bom -ol Or. 11. T. j I Be:;y, in Bristol Ihe hen had . I I warmed the neat of eg-;*, when she I drooped aad died. Observing the IdrtnlW *pp:arance ot the nest, 1 al>uut which the cat had played she kcieelf upan the egg* and re . mamc-i faithful '-o them until 16 1 1 little chickens bad beckon through the shells and were playing about ker. I The mother 1* now easily a favor • ite at I* e home of Dr. Berry. f -Our littl* girl was asaaawipa Item attaßgulatlea dating a sudden r aad terrible attact of ereep.l quickly ( aecared a bottleufOneMiauteCough f Mir, Kl>l«K hri ibtc* J—... It. troop wa* mastered aad our little idarliag afxedily rrcovrrsd.*" So I I wri»«* A- L S|uffooid, Cbr*ter.Mich •jot* « aaatarphea ; inUiiie*wUo». "j The ami law ante on in .4d of * j ' • oa*l ogee briag earned aite a pat '! eat asediciae. waa laat year, when ■ a Wetfel Coaatr, W. Va. a new » post sffirs va astablisluit ami r earned Kodd, aftea the ftMmps go | [ dot Djrpejwta Care. aumiMactaretl r , by K C. IVW lit A lii, of 4'hicago. Ij It had givea each aatsfadiir) re I salts that the aaaae wn nnaniaa , easly sefoeled ky the people to tbe taew effiea aad adopted by tbe de r partmeat at Waahiagteajk CL This actasa waa eatirely volaatary oa ' tbe part ef the people of tbe com* 1 waaity. without aay colicitatiou • whale vet bum the - of Kedei inapepais Can>. In (jd the ksawledgy tbt>T o(44ißfd k the aattrr w. * wti.u . ttojr Bfceired a hrttei xnimc tbe , (iw4 math -Oil*"*, w , V* ."-aid the t tV t ill tony 1 y wiifl n *u>acea. K* a *er.Bc*ii..u oi alateuaea* theieadt* n leterrcd lot ' (helmewt jPsrtC4ppe(la 4e. ' A ps»—eatiap an ld«:.te d L |fly a Bead the aaaouaeeawats ef the Btahmd Air Liaa KSOU aad tha rbaTgr "t M| r*"' **- mm* **l havabseß suSariag from Dy spepsia far lbs psattoeaty year* aad have beea oaahle after trriag all preparations sad phymsisae to gst aay relief. After tskaag eaa bottle Kodat Dyacwpaiateul fouad relief aad asa aew ia jkplfer health lhaa I have beea for tueatyyeafaJeas net praia* Kodol Dyspapaas «ai* too highly.' The* writs* Mia. C-WKh erta North Gtosk ArkJODJOatatspheu Fraak,oaeef Or. Maight a honwa raaaway laat week uhile guiug dowa tha liter hill lie ma tale the fence aad rat a place 12 iaehea laag ia hie leaasch, the wuaad atartiag jast betweea the fore leg*. We are lafatmed that be «.i aieug rery well. - f The leaat in quaatiiy aad lb* ia quality describes DeWiu* Little Early Biases,ths tasaous palle forcon atipatioß aad liver ceeaplamta. O 0 Uamtarphea. CARD OP THAKKBI The aaleaaaea of the town wish to extend to their employers through the columns of "The Enterprise" their heartfelt thaaka aad appre ciatioa for their geawrneiiy in agreeing to CIIMT their etnree from BOW until September let, at 8 o'clock, p. ar il is a liak ia the chain which biads them closer together aad de monstrates the (act that their re lationship ia moat cordial and that reciprocity is the cardinal prin ciple of a merchant ile life. Mr. W. J. Baxter, ol North Brook, N. C., aeye he suffered with pilss lor fifteaa yeara. lis tried m«ar rewedi«a with no reunite until ha nae-1 lHWitts Witch Hazel Halveaad that quickly cured hiaa. C. D. Usratarpheu. There are bargaias aad bargains at Garganita' lookiag tor |iarchasrs Wa kaow you won't let them pasa Ika biflskMi'S Ff«k TMK. vA well kuown minister who fas ust returned bom an extended Western trip telle the following: • • Recent'y in Los Angeles five l«rorainent gentlemen of f reign birth chanced to meet. O«e was a Rossian. one a Turk oneaFrnch* man one an American and cne an Englikhman. 71 esc gcntlrrrcn be came liosoa friends, and-dnaliy a champagne supper was pioposcd at which aach gcntlemin to be in keping with the times, was to give a toast to his native country the one giving the best to be at no ex prase for the wine. Here are the toasts given: The Russian —"Here's to the «ta>* an J bars of Russia, that were nt ver pulled down. The Turk—"Here's to the moons ef Turkey, whese wings were nev er clipped. Tbe Frenchman— 'Here's to the cock of France, whose ~ feathers we*e ngver picked.** The American—ljeie's to the stars and the strips* of 4jjwticp f never trailed in defeat ** Tbe Englishman—■•Here's to t* e rampin'roarin'liaa of Creat Brit ain, that |ore down the stars and bars ol Russia, cllpppd tbe wings T -*W. p*Hrr«l »• leather* iff the cock of France aad ran like h—l from the stara and stripe* of the United States of America.—Ex. Ihe summer is for the closest possible ass-ciat: n with Nature: U)f tbe tea hings of th se simp'e every dag irutljs: those wondeiful lea-oaa of l-fe which in ever) wild fl »wer that blooms ia evg y leaf that growr* in every bird that rings, and ia evety brook that JVe le.ivp the* • Ifm us unread and yet FitbVk' «*m c ftsci'ife liuo, mo e mystery, more oaa ploh than iu the finest romance ever Ladies' Home JonruaL If feu want aoaaethtng to make your garaeata leak like aew ami all right after wa*biag, wNboat the trenblerf rabliag or beatiag r4> arad 1« eenU to The Katerprwe .#rr |et ae gH you a eimtiMßad which la gsaranigrff to do voar wa>hlag with very Mile tmibV It H la aaaae oowpaoad ( ih» iheChiaese uae m ' Ufli-n bet if set eatK'jt d AgetsU w- ut^J. * - EXCURSION RATOB IP MEM. PHIS.TES9. tti mitf **r in baiutat. Reoaioa Cealaderate Vetotaas, May 1901 Ob tifffl*" 1 * of tin Reunion of United OnUmU Ik Ssaßeord Air Lias Railway will eell j tichotn from stotiioa ite tin* to ( Jfemphie andratara at the veiy l«v rat* of aae ewt par mile. Tirkrfi will be aoM MtfMIMM ud 27th, good to rataf* aat3 Jnae fck. An ntwiM af final limit to Jnae HOtb. 1901 will bo granted oo all Bao boarl Air Line Railway tickete and on all tickvte reading via that Baa bj depositing aame with Joist Tick#* A|'Bt at MaMpbia oo ar before Jaao 3rd, wd apoa payment of fifty cent*. Doable Doily Trains with Cart actednlae and perfect peasenger aar j visa- make the Seaboard Air Liael Kailway (Capital City Lioa) o con tanient sad attractive route to Maao 1 Li-. For tickets, Pullmea and Bleeping I Car inntim tad foil iafanaotina aa to ratee tad nefcadake apply to aay agent of tba Seaboard Air Lioa Railway. 83 St TO MOUKTAIV AND BBA BHORE RESORTS. VIA ouooabo Aim un aaiLWAr. I " • j Bofora completing arrangements for 1 jmtr nam tripa or deciding opoo place* at wbicb to opead tba waor, YOU abonld call oo Ticket Agente aad . Representatives of tba 8* board Air Liaa Railway. They ara apecially prepared to furniab iafor m it ion aa to lowaot raise, qoickaa* schedules aad ao*t attra*tivs root** to ika Mountain Resorts io W*t»rn North Carolina and Bnnthwost Vir lina, alao lo Aa BoaoWo Raoarta of Ocoaa Viaw, Virjnnia Bwb, Old Toint Comfort, tbo great Eaatara Ra ,ort« along tba Jareey Coaat and other popular pi are* reaabed via tba Seaboard' Air Lino Railway. Thie Company ia onaring lower ratea tba* ever with perfect tr«in etrvice and faat through scheduled It will inter eat and benefit yoo to call oa Boa board Air Liu Railway Agent*. 33 M A VHIIY MCCHWL "SMtttiif In Mm Tfc# So. All Doctors bare tried to mreCA TARRAII by tbo ot^jwWdm, acid ga*es,iahaler» anddiugphepaate form. Their powdora dry op the ma pimoa membranes earning then to rrack open and bleed. The powerfn naad n the iahalera have entire* I ly eaten away tba aame membrane* that their Makers have aimed to core. •b*?o pastes and oiatmeats aaaaot rtarb tba diaeaaa An old nod exper ience 1 practitioner wbo baa for many years inijf a cloae atudy and special* ty of the traatmoot of C ATT A RAH baa at last perfected o treatment which when faithfully oaad. not only reliever at once, but ponnanen'lr cures CATARRAiI, by removing tbe causa, stooping tbo discbarges end coring all infitzamntion. It ia tbe o*l> • remedy fcaowa to «ci«Qc» that actual i ly raachea tbe afflicted porta. Thie wonderful remedy ia known as , "SNUFFLE? tbo GUARANTEED cATARRAU cURE," and ie sold at lbs extremely low price of One Dol , lar. eaab packagp coclai ting iateraal and external medicine auficieat for a I fall moaths tivotaMßt aad everything Deceasery to He perfect use. -SNUFFLES" io tbe only perfect | CUIUS ever mod* .w u now rooogniyed «| the oaly aafe and poaitire ears far that apooytog aad disgusting diaeaaa .It oles cure* inflammation qiioVly aa 1 permit ' ently nal a aleo wonderfully qai-k to relieve HAT FEVER or cOLO io the HEAD. ' cATARR All when neglected oi«eo leads to cONSUMPfIOX—' 3NUF p I.ES*" will savi yoo if yoo use it at ' once, it la «o #» r*mely, but a 1 complete tiaatmeat whisk ia jxgjtiye ' '} K n aranteod to care cATARR AH l| in any form or stage if oso-1 according ■o lip djpeftiooa which accnmpanj ( each packjife. Don't dglay but aead ' for it at oocpk U*l writs foil particu lan as to yoar cooditioo.aad yoo will raestpoapwiilodfH* frf* the die ' coverer of tkis yoaderfal remedy re gardingyear esae yiib«nt ooft to vo : brvowd tba ragaUr priaa of "BMDF : FLES" tbp "GUARANTIKD OA > TARRAH cURE." Sent prspoid to oay addraa ta tbe ' fjnited fitat#a 9r Coad« oa receipt of - One Dollar, Dept. oMI.Ed. vol B; Gilts A oaft 33 Market Street, Philadelphia. - . ■ f \ervbudy ia hmkiag far bargaiai nDit oi r finding thorn at Qatgoaaa 1 ItASUP-BnmlMiarjda i t|ii V" ■' * *e * LAND BALE' ay vtrtmafa Aiaac a# (br tapcrtor Coart W W»illa Ca—tj i: ia (he rm«c af H- C «*sawj If. wamttiH I (hsa V- Maafcy. Mar **, f* at u anolKfc. m al Ihr Cant fcuaar e»awinhauta>. It. C an Io tkc Mghor MHafctaaaiwiladwiajn 11 ail liaa Maitm Caaatj. mnfaiai tkr laaS (i l l. VainaaS oOni aad >a»na aa the Kalna Water* tract af iaial ciauiwi at sen* arat or In* «a 4 tally dncitbcd la the deed *raai Oa> I a. HurTt to Hcyt N Warn ragl«tei«d in nook I« p«e JtS aeaialcr of Ucada aSka. WUMawtni R. C Thb April jth. •*•- I «> AO. CAVIoaO. Cwaslainait. 7 M Sriflfft GpftM M. M- Ahctin, a civil war veteran, of Wiaoloator, writes: -My wife was alch o long time ia epite of good doctor's treatment, hot w*a whollv cored by Dr. Ring's New Lite Pills, which worked woodors for her health** They alwayo di. Try them. Oaly 25c at N- 8. Peel A Co. MMM UIMY jggg tout Mtaaa i of road aMnmtm itfwaa aa. —t ta liawl appnlaSlaf apali, others lar fcxml «k lM>la|after oaiateieal*. fgnaalary (aaraataed yearty; rrtro walaioai aad em- Kaota. rapid adeaaoeraeat. old cotaMiohcd haaat. Craad chaacc far carmrot au or aniaa loatna*pteaaaat. yimaaisl paaWaa. Uherai Irrnt aadfalarr. Maw, beilttaat liaea. Writ* " , " W STAFFIH PUSS. rj Chare* Street, Nrw Harea.Coaa NSMIRNIH P. A Denforth, af LaUrange, Qa., aafferol for aix months with a fright ful rnaalng aora oo his leg,but writaa i hat Hack Isn't Arnica Hilts wholly cored it in fire data. For Ulcets, Wonnda, Pilea, it's the beat aalv: in the world. Cnre gnaranteed.Only Sfic Sold byS.B. Peei & Company. NoTfCK ! Haeiai a« r upon the •» tate of Jeaaette i.. dac'd.nutioe i« hcttby ghna loUl credK'M* ha ing riant' ainot e*- •atet. (>oeara* tl*e aae to the ti 1 with ia 12 ■auatha {mm thia day vr thi iwtir r aill I. • plrad ia har of their teeovt ry AH j«raoa- ia 4HarJ ta oald eotate are re>|Oei4«l to oettk the war. Thla Jth. day of Ainil. 1901. OiiKaaoucAhON ay-ttp 'da»'r. Inari if i Caagk A coagb is not a di«aa«-> bnt a *ymp torn- Consumption an bronchitis,which are the most dangerous and fatil dia nw, have fur their int indie ition a p-raiatent co igb, and if properly tiaatol as aooa aa thia couch appears jr easily cored. Chamberlain Cough Remedy hat proven wonderfully roc otesfui, and gained its wide reputa tion aad extensive cafe by it'a 4itcce>e in oari'ig tba diaeaaee which cense coughing If it ia not beneficial It will not coat yoo a oent. For aale by N 8. Peel fc Company. fKOTICK ! 1 1 Tht SheriA o certlkcatr for the oale af a. T.Orif te'a iatareat ia a certain piece of land in Uoaar lleit Toaaahip. N. C. (or laae* doe for thr year ia*.haeiaa been aaalaaed to mt by the hoard af Caaaty Coaaela*eera.of Martia Caaaty.l (haU. uakaolaeal redeatptioa to nade. deauad deed fur aar «odayo after daU of thla aotic*. TMo Mh day of Hay 1901 ii-jj p - I*o. U niRKA SlMMtnatit Past •'1 recall now with horror" asye Mail Carrier Burnett Mann of Lstaa na, 0.. "mv three years of enffering from Kidney trouble. I Was hsrdly ever free from dull achee or aoate pains ia my hack. To stoop or lift mail sacka made ma groan.l felt tired worn out, about ready to givo np, when I began to uee Electric Bitters, bnt six bott lee completely cured me and made me feci like a new man." They're oarivaled to rVgulato Stom sch. Liver, Kidneys and Bowel#.Per feet aatialaction guarsnteed by N- $■ Pes) A 00. Only 50 cents. •NOTICE Hariac qaaiited as Kirceto upon the MVt af Chr|atl*e lobetaa, dee"d. Notice hrrrhj fieea !a V- |i hjiiiv irciU * -->»1 -tat- Ulttu Lo Ihf andent.u-4 fo' ani. at oa •* hefsn the ,'.h day of April r thi> aotior will he plead in I«| of their AU ixtaaaa iadopted lo asM eotnic are tiaaVtit*t>!hU' vajaet't. Tii» it. Jsj >« V( til 19a. riKMN Mil':. I xerwer »»-« Oeo W. N'«» ell. Attv T .r tatcCKtnr FHSkt Fu Ks Lift. "My father nd ciMer b> il: died ■ t Cimsnmpiion," wiite> «l T. Weather *•■»!, of Mich., !:f >' I *.*« ' saved Jrcai eauie loir miyi>y Dr Ktr > 0 very.An atuot of Pneumonia iff*, as. >.bet nate coagb and very eefsre Jjjpg which an epoellent doctor pould p4 h'-'fs but a few montfu nee ot this wonderfn) gj- dicjpe it.a lo cie aa well •#eter ami I t mus v ia laltlliMe lor I M)gb% Cold-> and al! Throat a'-d I.hiik Utah s.Triol hoitW fisee Guaranteed bottles (Oe and II | at If. B. Perl A t *>mpaay itoTica ' H«- i-y |U)J|tnl (»'p)fUi:iio- apna thr ca ttle af UyaMß .WfA;'CaMcr p fctety Shea «» an perrons a-sin« mii -ante W peeaaat theaa t- the n 'ca-d fcr Mrraettt «n ar Vforr the • th Cay of April 19a? nr lMaaotanr artll he plead in har of tiwir TCeoe ety. All-pero .1- irdeb-ed ta mid cauOr aar » Thla yOi dayelApsUlgM. fUNXTrMU **At aaatiase I Mf«e4 6m * m- 1 m* Sf>rain af Ik uklv," MT* 0«O E CMJ. editor af the Guide, Wishing MbTh After M9K err era I rfjom umiM MdioM* ntkoat ntecrt, I tried Chaaherlaia'a rain Bala, and am plesaed l«nj that relief aM u no* aal b*xu il« MB aa-1 • com plato ewe *pee>lily fallowed. Thin remedy has also beea n»l ia my bail; for (rat bitten test with the battiwalta. 1 cheerfully ita oae to all rlo mar naad a iret~clr»« liaemsat." Bjld by 31 & Peel* Co. ' * NOIICfc 1 jaaMM M WPOM the estate of C. C Cafe.hiii dea««4; SCutssr U hfft cf>r lop»wt U» to the MWTH nit nd lor «f April, KM « u« MICT Bill fcr ■ Im W Ikru itm ay Atl |HIH»I Mrtntlo all eMaSe ut R |wefit»Ml«i—aet l—fct Tfcis 4ay at Afet? KK. A-M r J.L COUIAIK Ata'r NOTICE A n«ST CLASS RCSTAI RANT AT KIKKY'S >TORK Down the Main Street The only up to date [raut iu town Meals served at all hours. For both White and Colored Fine Acrom-xl itiuns •'•ll :iU'l n e Hit MKALA 45 CENT;* S. P. KNIGHT, PROP GIRL - 0 *«»» X/ V a v^^Tftltpn A atftovt. thMd n« Ifcr laftr ir ptiinl c .r| f r da)» ,h » Hi- t.♦«! 5 rati « n i l a]! ndnt wt talk tl t»e*«in i|ipli*d Prior ft. 1% i I', j*y nil (raaafor lath .» cH*v«« TV r ar?aja Prtearnllers Co., i» «t 5* Maw York. Mil LINKR\\ AKI> . DroHsmaklitflf . Mutt J B CIIKRRY S, *■ , Hamilton. N 0. Too will find my UmA ©insist* of the Latest Htylea: Hits, C«|w and Trinunioga- COMPI.ETK IJNH. Tna I'ohlic invited to call and examine my Stock. NOTICE HA ring Q«UIM « dKiulralnr upon the es tate of W N. Ckrfc drcrawd (Mtioc H hfffhy five to |*noc« hoMbfr bow iiainet mii rtUtf toyfptnllHtatoVht —Arrnpni f-»e tnyment oaor before thr 15th day *F April >MU or tl.i* aoticr will be pkad taUrof their rrcuoer y. All , priau— imkhkd tenhlcittr are rrqucnted to —lre Iwi linn |ia|wnt jfett - D. D. ClAftK. Ata'r Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, ' Digests what yon eat. This preparation contaia* all of UM I difestanta and digests all kinds o! food. It gives Inataat relief and twnt fails to cure. It allows you to eat all , the food yon want. The most sensitive stomachscaa take It- Byiuusemacy thousands of dyspeptics have been eared after everything else failed. It; Is unequalled tor all stoamch 1 roubles, j -sbssssS&SssS«sr c. I'.CAUSTAKP II v.x K co. IfttBEKKIWE CHALLENGED WORLD! Jw TQ PBOOUCE THE B * U * l ' °* ROBERTS'CHILLTOIIIC FOR CNIIIS,FIWERS, Night Sweats and Grippe, and lift. all forms of Malaria. UWUSUp" DON'T WAIT TO PIE I 1 %StMj/ SPEND 25 CCNYS AND BE CURED I J None genuine unless VMOOtfH CURES UK mars' TMtC HUMS I i Red Cross is on label TRV IT. •NO CURE NO PAY. V 25c. PER BOTLLE. ■ Substitute «NNM OCLIGHTTUL TO TARE. mmmmm ■ii 1 ■ ■ 1 ' ———J f tor *aW ourj(.»£«*t *nrf tt*Adf y Auderpou & Co. , « ; 11 !■ 1 mm—m „± ~SL WAftftANTUJ ; ILUMX6 SEWING MNOTWMALJFFIFFL K .. . V '"/ | . J A. C. L ATLANTIC CCA.VT LINK K. R. COWAItT. * TRAINS GOING DOCTH. ,; . S c|| =1 c| *. «.!r. 11. r. M. A. MJP. M. Uftyc Vchiov— »14»; S.3S 1 . ... Ar. Rocky lit .... "»! 9JJ f_—. P. M.j j U»t T«rW»ro.. '» 71 ' .... *JS —_-Ci— ~ JU» Rocky Mt ... Imito «/ • sn'i» |* U«« WIIKOO •»,10 4 j 7 w i!C >«• l.ejve Sclma sis tl k*— ... l.v FiiHlcville.. 4.* 11 V 5 i- —— AT. Florence 7 .5, *4O ; r- m.! A . m. - j . Ar. Gol Utwrj ... ! j js U Goidaboro 1 4 «?} Jja !.». Magnolia „.J 7 J'j « J5 At Wilmington j..„ * H t 00 j pr.M ijjr m. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Hi sfij Rk| i >• ' -- p'i j- T TV. p. w.r ; . l,» Florence 9 Jol 7 IS I.v. Fayettrvillc . u tj! 9 UavcSdma ... 1 joj •« JSI Arrive WiUoo 1 ]}L II l]|- iA. m jr. u. a. u. Wilminftoa —j —I 7 « t3S l,v. Maiuoffl .... J —--J *J* 11 L.v. GoUUboro I 45C 1 37 U » "p. M.i A. M.jr. m. r. m. Utw Wllnoti * 35; 5 » » »3I »• 45 «*• Ar. Racky Mt , 3 Y*l 610 »» 45{ » U I SI AntveTarbora . .......1 ♦ — [ —— l, «vc Tarboro a .u; • Uv. Rocky 111 .... .1 o| »» «i' Ar. Weidou 4 - 1 r. M.I A. M.|r, ¥. • Ysdkiu WvUion M*in Uue-Timta lm*» Wtl uiiarton. 9 no j. iu , arrives Fayetlerille lie P m lcjvet Imtltcvilie t» *i p. ■ , »r»tve« SM»- fo'.it I«ii> I" xdnruinK leaves Saufoitl jaj p. ra , ar.ivc ( ayeticvilte « » p. « . leave Fajrette vilk 4>> p m.. artnen tt ilmiugum y 45 p. ia. BeuiKltst ille Mranch—Tiaia leaves Braactta ville K«JS iu . MMXIIMI 905 a. la . Red Hpriags 9 si a. m., l"arkton 1041 a. Hope Mills isjsa. m anivc Fayelteville 11 I®. Retnrnln( leaves Faj-etlcviUc 4 45 P Hove Mill* 5 o»p. ta., Red SpriiiK" 543Pnt ~ Maalott 116 p. arrives Sea* U *c"incct(,.!| s at Fayetlevillc with train No. I*, si Maxton witl> Carolina Cei tral I aim ad. at Its S, nana "Hi tiic keU Spi n*.and Blw ta.'te iail r 'id. al At id with the swaUjard Air U*ae aad Ruutiuni l'ailt*»>.»t Gull taith the iJbil amaad Cliurl«.tte i-alliohC. Tiaio on t. « Neck Wiaach Road leaves Wcltl-n 3 .s p. in., lialitax 4 try. m . arrives SoA latid Neck ,oh J.. m . i .teenvilh T J7 P- R™- a'.ni ; « p. lußvtuniinK leaves Rin Moll 7 jaa.a i.reciivflle » t; a. to , airivinf at Halifax 11 His. IU . W'cldon 11 ij a. in., dally ck.ep* Soi*iay. I'taiu. ou Utancl. Irave lnlH| ton blO a. m., and 130 p. n»„ arrivr Pal sUt 9is A. m„ 4 »o p. ni.. returning leave raiwle 93? s. m mid 6 301> in., arrive W aal ingtou 1100 a. m. ail" 7 jo p. in., uaily except Sunday. Trafit its.'t» TbiWo N. C„ daily except Una day S3" p. i".. Snm'.ay 4 ij T' m . arrives Pltr month; 40 p in., fc, iu p. ni. Rilaruiog, Waves IM] mouth uaily eicept hniicay. 7 30 a. » , and Sunday 900 a. "in., arrives Tartoro una. Midland N. C. Branch leaves GaMs l«>ro daily, except Sunovv, «sa a. srriviM SwithheM fr 10 a. m„ Ri turein* leaves MM - oo a.m., atrives Cioldnboro Sua. m. I wnia o» Naal.villc Htanch leave Rocky Moral at 1 >a. in.. i> m., arrive Naahvilie is is s. n ,4w l>. m., spiiiiE hvpe 11 «ia 4r> P K lurnitig leave Spifag lloj e 11 *>a at .4 SJP »». >a»hri.k-11 4S •• tn ,s*jp. m. arrive at Rocky Mount 1110 p. 111, ft.opm, daily eacet-t Suadnr. Tiain on Clinton lirauch leaves »amv h* Cimton oaily. except Sunday. 1141 a HI. and 4 >} p. fi. Kttuniinit Uavti cliatuai »4J a. m.. xad 2 *1 p. in t'laiu No. 7S make* floor crawdioa at Wcktott fur ail poinu North daily, all rail via Rkhaaoad. H M KMIRSON, Gcn'l hmsfti AgesU I. R. KHNLV. Cen'l Manaxrr. T. M. F.MERSoN, Traflkc Manager. far fros axaminaUoa sad sdrioa. lOOK ON PATENTS W^O.A.BMOWAOO. Pstaat lAwyars. WASHINOTON.D C. a»n»a»«Miaiii>«ii»»aii>aaMi»»»»Ma 1 M veanr Jj^^H6ixraitiiNCi iljjffijra Oeewwasrra Aa. Aaynno aendlng a akatak aaS an aMf aaeartatn MI aptMaa fraa slaUwa Intenilon to prohahly salaala>la Cuanulaa 1 lons «ittt& coMasKKiMi aNals •ml 1 rsa. tlhlsat aasaty fofsaaariaapaaaaMa. Patents takes tkrowh Mras kCEntdiS i e»H MTMTT. arßkort lathis