THS EETBBPBIBE. FKIDAT, MAT 24. 1901: LOCAL NEWS Bed teaaw "ad."affß. B fed BOianiaj. B L-Godard baa had Ua atore Tha aaaatiaff at the M B Cbareb A Baa ataek aff gaada, law prta* aad areawaadatlaff derba. caa al waya be tead at Bb OMffaaaa*. Laat aaahla KMrrpHa atated that Mr. Dawaaa Bawea had baea Oaaaty HaaßafjUahaald have read Mr. Adilpbaa Bawea. Mr. Wa. BBade*» atabla aa Maia Caratarpbra wUI eaadact a icgalar la thia iaaae. aader tha haad mt •Mart* Oaaaty aat Flooded with Laaffaw,* yea will Bad a reply te aa editarial which appeared ia the Greaanße Keßeetor, dated May 17. aad headed "Bet That Way Here.- Dr.ILL. Jaatiar. aff BealariDe, left laat waek far Baaaßtaa. Martla eaaaly, la leeata tar tha practrM mt aaadtaiaa. Tha daatar was Call ae ' qvinaff aa aaeiahie repatatioa aa a aarreaafbl phyakaaa aad he aid be greatly mL aed ia aad aaarad Haala tßai M. Nm N IMB. PiaC. C. W. Wiboa reaeivad a lel fpta Satarday fraaa tha oth aal Brad aff Bacfcy Maaat. aatifylag hiM aff bia atecUoa aa priadpal mt the graded ached. FkaUVßaaa baa baea tha pria threeyeara, aad aader his excel . baa Made eaadnßal The eatira Maanarty will regret ta aee htaa aad bia eatiaaaUe faMily leave aar tewa, bat, the of hie Maay frieada will be tar his aa , A QUIET WEDDING. Mr. W. E. Stnhlw. bookkeeper tar Beak of llartia Coaaty. of this towa, aad Mia Ftnaia Robersoo. of aear Jaaaearille. were BMtried Wedaeaday ereauag. at 8 o'clock, at te hoare of the bride. Rev. f. J. Harper, of SauthfieU. N. C. oC catoi Only a lew intimate friends of the bride aad the family »w Mr. Stabbs and bride arrived I ye&terday morning on the 8:45' •'dock train aad went to the Roa aoke Hotel, where tbey will atay natil the Rogenon howae caa be famished, where they arill go hoase keeping. The aaany friends of the yaaag maple wish them a loag aad happy life. , I "A hlh Most** Thia la tha atrikiag Utte of te 1 pliaifag drama wkick waa beaati ' tally aad akUllaßy piaaaatalatte ' Opart Haaae Lata last Taaaday , ereaaagkyte Aaaatear Dramatic «abaf Beattaad Seek. It waa a happy aetac'iea aad 1 plraalag aad latereatiag tbraagb I aat Tha dsMgbtfal aad aaatarly , iaaitiaa af every part waa chaiae. , lariaai aa i iadiaatlre mt tha aaaam , ia which tbeea alarar aalghbora al wsyaaainiilally exeaaU their aa dcitakiagaf whatever aatma |y. it WM aot ealy werthy ef thaw 1 atighbara, tat woald have daaa aredit ta ezpaataacad draaaliata. Thapmfaraaaea waa aader the as 1 aaHaat maaageaaeat at Mrs V A Baaa, which af itaalf bespeaks the t te *rat af te eraat aff ita praaea Thais lakiag part la te ptay Vsaeaa.(kaaaa aa Jarry terra wp) tha traap, ] ■aalj Baaaiefudfaiheraf *^l aad kept the aadirece ha a atata af ■taglid aawtaa aad taara. Mt WW I Jaaey played te part aff Dai Lee, a ■i ail 11 Hi Baakar, aad Mar later , af Fraam bu part aell. Aa daama Ptaekbara, aapbaw af , CatlapLCMahtaah played te jWMttaaal vißtaa ta petfaattaa Mr. I. B CaMeM waa a taw. ■ Mr. W.B Bl 1 In, aff Haailtaa, ' WMM tawnaaaday. Mr. Gaa. t. Kewetl weaft aver ta Bar. J. O-Qathra apaat aeveral * days im tawa thia weak. , nUe, waa la tawa Thcaday. Miai A. B Bichardaoa, ef White* , wmtjm riaatagat Mr. Wm Blade's- aailflaa laiila 1 Aadaaaaa apaat Maaday ia Gold Mae Liana Blade, aff Haaßlaa, , ia riaitiaff bar aaater, Mia. Helea Maaday 1 riialag Tha Bev. Mr. BayaoUs, af Ply aaoath, apaat aareral daya ia teara thia weak. Yarreß apaat a pact el laat weak la Jsaweißa. Mr. J. W. lalnaa aad taaily leftßaaday aaraiag to rait rala tirea la Pactalaa. Mhl Wbl. Blade aad Mtaa Bailie Babnaaj retaraed fnae Kiaatoa laat Fnday ereaing. Dr J B Badthwick, af Jaaaw ills baa baaa aUeadlfig ta Dr HanaßV praalaaa thia weak Mia JUtlie Beaaatt, tha papalar -Central Gut." wha baa baaa ill for a lew days, is oat agaia MM Mary Haaaefl,whahaabaaa attaadiag acbaal at Wiaatoa Bataaa, lataaad laat Saturday areaiag. ■r Fraak Gray aad Mr Banaagha» aff Bcatlaad Back, attaadad "A Nokia Oataaat" Taeeday areaiag Jaa. L Bigeraaa. who attaadad the Oak Ridge laalitata te paat areaaa, ia ia tawa tar a few daya Mr. 8. If. Newberry left tawa Wedaeaday amraiag ia tha iateraat af Martia A Biggs Faaitara Fac tary. ■a Daaa sad MM Lacya Daaa, wha eaaao aver with the troop fraa Bcatlaad atappiag at Ftaf Wlaaa'a. MiM Naaaie Baltk haa Jast re taraed hra a twa weeks vhit to Ftyaaaath where aha aadc a hart of Mn. B B. Maaoa retaraed Mn day evaaiag fraa Waabiagtoa, K.I OL, where aba had spent aeveral! daja viaitiag frieada aad relativra. Dr W H Harrall left Monday attead the Farty Bighin B«iioa of the Berth Oanriiaa Medieil Buete? > which aaareaul ia Darbaa Taes day saeeaing Mm Ada V. Oeada*, mt M«i'- loauy Co, near Wa«biu£taa, wha has beaa apeadiag tha wiatr-r with heraiater, Mrs. F. A. Boyle, of Plj aaatb, isaow viaitiag Mrs. A. U. Smith. Oa laat Satarday Mr. Tbaaaa Oardca, taeaaarly aff Haailtaa. bat aaw a reaifiat af Broeklya, N. Y, aceaapaaiad by bia wife aad twa cbildraa. also bia alater. Miaa Dar ' dee, af HaaUtoajad Maater Ater 1 tea Danlea, of Kortolk, apaat tke d«y with Mrs. A. 1L Sauth, aff thia , tawa. Dr. aad Mra. J. B. H. Kaigbt aad little daaghter, FraacM, re taraed Baltimore Wadamday evaaiag. The frieada of the family ' who have baea aaaaxioaa for tha leoarmy of little Fraaoaa, will he I glad to laara that dm haa a proved woaderfaHy. While away Dr. Kaight aaßwsd rary mask oa accaaat of a kail oa kie ekia. aaaag CINj Dare Maaea apeat Baaday la BetbeL ! Ed. Procter aad Mia Ida wara ia toaa Baaday* BM. Shaw retaraed froaßeaaa , Mile Satarday. daariltaa Taaaday. i Baa H. Ilsakrtt. aff BaaUaad 1 Beak, waa here Baaday. J. G- BaM aad Mtas Maria Gaapar 4 went to Haailtaa Saaday. H. K. HarfalTa baby bay wha , has beaa W 1 Gspt. Harparvaff te Britlge tor3a, j' taia thtavkaaity repatnag bridgea Ricky Baraett vialted Geld Foiat Baaday aal retaraed wick a aaw baggy. - ' 'i Baaaal Gaapar, wha haa leru ( rialaif ta ha bed te paat *eek , ia napeoviag rapadly B MM. q Hg— aad aaa, I—i, cfßaiUai llwt,tKN»». |M • ia tew Unfcj, tt> fat tea aiaca KeveMhar,hea*ntatoshtayet. 1 J. Fruk Lnc dtoaM te bar ialaffhiagr.adaather. Mm. T. M. ,| AMMk> Quail MI Ml Friday. LJm'a, a in towa „ Bwtav iMtMf hta bnltar who bM he 1 if « :*k !kmwi« for ibrer smk>4. a I U.RG*: 'atr,lhn Vam ud IWDnoyarttMla rna ap te Ike SutcFraaa teßtna Bait | tea* WHorriaT -7_ M Wbrtehaia*, MtfNr L drrtr luacn, rain I BaaHaad r Xeck aal while tfcm par ihaaail a fiar bakaf Wnr. Mrs. J. J. Loag aad tefhKr, Miaa iMiajfcaiata Bi ntaalllaib ft—fcl la attiadpka Wrial «r Mra.T. M. Alliknil, Mm. L*l'« Mn. Caapn aad dang.-.ter, Ma Manr. while kw inai a That to Mrs. B. B Cawaeifl* bad qaita a baht «w day ibis week Ike hunt 'they w» dnraj bc eaaae fhghteaaed at the tram aai raasevend kaaM yards before Mag slapped. Fartaaaldy far tha taraad. flagh Maya, af Panaatei wee ia tawa Maaday W A Jaan, af Ereretta, apeat Maaday ia thia o(T R L Saith apaat a taw bean la Wißaaatea Maaday H 11 Taylm aad J T Badth. mt Bethel. apeat Saaday here T H Griaaaa aad Ira D Bobereoa •peat Friday ia Willi aaaataa Miaa Vera Ilaaaeil apaat Bator daj "iJCbt aOb Miaa Ltaaa Bolter aaa B E KOabaat la boa iliac tha et-auaL We haft to have 'pbaaei L BTba-ap«aa aad Maja Rearea •prat Saad.iv ia Tartera. Tbey re pact qeile a Baa tea f Vooel D C Wilkiaaoa left Vaeedaj | to visit bia brother ia Wiaatun. Wr wiah biaa a pliaaaat trip QtiHe a etwad of aar jaaag pmpk acat »ibi i Friday afternooa They had aph-a-lid lac> as they broogbl | Wae •». t:-!i ! 'iLUHk We fcr't "xi e in-' Satanla* nijhi. Var* tea ;.th b»,a bcra caafckl Mr. tL>sspr ng Turn- * light aaeb aickiM ii IhU «om> many Mr. lit my Siada laiabed aettiag out tahtri T ae»Uy Wa bare hal aaae fiaa acatber for rcplaatia* tobacco J L Bated aad Mia Man Ballard aaat te Boatload Seek oa the l«ik. McaaraJ B Ballard aad J 1 Tboaapaaa veal la :,•» Sl acdaT J B Ballard caagki 231 cat worms , mm Maaday vbiit replanting to kseea JMMLE MA Faker was a tawa Maaday , vixtiuc frraada Mr SLVaßaaa baa gone Korth | Everybody ia Jaamvißs aiabaa J same freM the heavy rate aad asid , sight. , - Ibal Iha ijiialw banba t Aa ahte aeiaoa nadcfinrad by Bet J 1 Harper, at BamhiaMJßaa day. Mr Ha perfr aalpd waa "Moaey." It waa *afta a papalar AN Chat baaed bn aaid it waa aaa mt tha haat easaaaae that IhctTtrkard Mr H O Jacfeaaa starting aat the ] other day, after a biff rata, called ' aa Mr J T ia araaui a«eat. | whaaaaked what me waatrd, Ba. pliad. "I wact aa a«M-il I aaa afraid I thiL fall iato a frog \ , bole »'»•! I mraed b-Jaa I get baab -- -TIMES." Ym • tic' ;! vide > H|»« ' r>- *' r yd K«-l» da » ac* act P4K /. UtßiU't Little 1 EalyKiHN ci-jm tha c«Ma of > iiaaaiK- UOCanuvphaa. I sil APPROACHIIiG. ■ ii" ■ ■ i i - - Why not give yourself a surprise to-day and come and select a becoming suit,bat or negligee shirt, neck wear, fcney hose, collars, cuffii, etc.? Teull find at trraclive styles and reasonable prices here and the best of attention—it's the price that brings the people —aud~ satisfaction brings them back, tnat's the key note of this business. The word value never had a more generous meaning than in the splendid line of MEN'S SUITS nt 810 Hats fr«m SOo to SJ. 60 Fancy Hose 27>c to 60c Negligee Shirts 60c to $1.50. Stop nnd Think i The beat of Clothing, Ilata and Men's Furnighings at SLADEI ANDERSON & Co.'s A(t«nts for Amarfeat Leading Tmlorrn. 'Phone 25. THE NOME MLB CURE. k lumlit Traaataaat ly vMtl Irwk vis an Ni«| Carat Daily la SpHa af Ttcanalm HO Koxlol's DOSES. MO WXaREMIKG or THE NEBYES. A PLEASANT AND ROMTIVR CUBE FOB THE LIQUOR HABIT. It n now generally known and understood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness A body filled with poison,and nerves com pletely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neu tralizing and eradicating this poison and destroying the craving for in tosicants. Suffeiers may now cure themselves at home without pub licity or los of time from busi neas by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CURE* which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure thr nwi-: stiuate case, no matter how l;=»rd a drinker. Our records show the mar velous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR HUS BANDS! CfiILDBKN CURF. YOUR FATHERS!! 'I his remedy is in no senae a nostrum but is u wpccitic for this dicsrse on'y.nnd is so skill fully Je\ isc. and prepare 1 that it is ih'i*>ugiii) oubic and pleasant to t«e laa'e, j it car. be given in a cup of lei or c ii'ee witl ut the knoaledy of the person . j; it TliOusaiH' of Prjnktrrd* It.tvt cn« «l thenise'vi-s with tlis prio i-> 6 rem edy aud aa many more have been the ••CURE" admii rst. red tiy loving friends and relatives witti >ut tl eir k. owlcilge in cotT I »r fa. and bnlieve to day that they I discontinued drinking cn their own fie • mil. DO NOT WAIT. Do not l> deluded by apparent and mis 1 aiding ' improvement." Drive out the dis.a«e at once and for all time The "HOME GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price ol One Dollar, thus Placing within thj reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing s*s to sjo Full directions accom pany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when request ed without extra charge. Bent pre paid lo any part of the world on re-1 cetpt ot One Dollar. Address Dept. C4»i, EDWIN B. GILES A Co., SJJO aad ijji Market Street, Pail* al^lria All correspondence strictly con fidential WEDDING PRESENTS 11 ! aH.VKBWABg. CUT OLASS. Cl.oca A. ! I FINK CHINAWABR. I | TWw trc the •pprcdatrd gill* IM (ibMm service with • rich, toilw> J ynimit | The Chekwt Droiyntttid N»nt lAtf* ' May I. wen here. ' 1 Mil Crfrrs ft ! I 1 BELL, The Jeweler, i' TARBORO. N. C. I SeWitt'a Little Early Bmnanrcli ♦he rasaotaat ban* «»f the bnw-!» and r rtmuy iff puriti a a;* dily with no dieooml'uri They are famous for their efljeacy- Easy to take, aerer pipe. V D Carbtarplwa. W. H. BIGGS, MERCHANT TAILOR Invites you to call inspect hie 3|)pnqg + and + §un]merE , CLOTHING * 1801 Choioe productions. Correct fit- SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP. ttigg*' Drug Store. JJEO. W. NEWELL, Attornay-at-Law. I WLLMAMSTON, N. C. i IflT Practices wherever secvloss I are desired. Special Attention given to exam ining »nl making title for purchaser* ' of timber ami timber lauds. jjR -fOUN D. ULQUS, DENTIST. Boora:9A. M. tel2 M : 2P. M. to SP.M. Office on Smithwick Street North ' of Main. WLL.I.IAMBTON, N. C SPRINGTIME IS THE SEASON FOR «Paf«tittg' ,—and cleaning up.—v I have on hand a large sup ply of the celebrated "F HAMMER" Brand Paint in all colors. If you wish to Pftvc money on Paint, call in and let me tell you how to do it. I also have a nice assortment of MUIt.VLO OK WALL FINISH in all the st *hudcs. Put up iu 5 pound packages Ready For Use JCRT RECEIVED 2CARLORDS of the celebrated Acme and Snowflake Flours They give satisfaction. KKMKMBEIt lam headquar ter* for anything uaually kept iu an up-to-date store of General Merchandise Tours to r.lep«e. liCEtiAJiES. * | 9J , ' j -u "Our little girl was unconscious from etraßßuleUon duri«g i ttddw Red terrible attest ef eroup.l quickly MCured a bottle of Oae Minute Cough s Cur*, giving her three doaaa. The , crimp waa mastered aad oar little darling speedily recovered/ So writea A' L. Spaffoord, Cheater,Micli. J - 0 D Caratarphea \ \ DHNKIS SIMMONS, Pru. T. W.TttGHMAN.Ota. MlMttf. ~ JOHN t>. BICGH.ikC. » l(Nl THE——-T DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBEBC O. MANUFACTURERS OF BTfUS ORIED NORTH CAROLINA PINE LUMBER v -x. ' ' ' AND DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHINGLES. WILLIAMSTON N. C. _ . . * -Vl ty Orders and Correspondence Solicited, «*. * . ' COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. - BANK OF MARTIN COUNTY, J. G. GODARD, CASHIIR. Report o! the condition of the Bank at the close of Business, April •4th, 1901: RESOURCES, INABILITIES, UiM diaeounta $13,011.93 Capital Stock 15,000.00 o**ri*mfU $537. 1 Undivided Profit* 1747-cS oak*4 «UtM loads $500.00 Individual Deposit* f39Z.6B.rfr Farmitare tad Fixture* $602.83 Certificates of lfepoaita f7.i00.0a Dae 9mm laaki $19,966.88 Dapoaita subject to check J fij.^aS.ia Caafc Itcma i4.Si » CMh * tl.-my TOTAI « . TOTAL, • 1)5.775-'} • / * ' ' I, J. G. Godard Cash'er of Bank of Martin Oouuty/do solemly'swear (or affirm) that the above statement is true, to the lust of my knowledge and belief. J. G. GODARD, Cashier State of North Carolina ——County of Martin. • Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of May 1901* W. E. STUBBS, N. P. Wheeler Jllartin. Dennis 3. Uiggs, MARTIN & BIGGS, Manuiucturerii of FURNITURE, \VILLIAMSTON, N. C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 'PHONES:—Offic 33; Factory 40. LADIES." A man is known by the company 110 keep*. ♦* A woman's figure is shown by the Corset she wears. R&G STRAIGHT FRONT for b2*uty, Empire for ease. Call and sec our line. "We al*o have a nice line of Gent's Straw Hats, •P.... N S PEEL & CO» CULTIVATORS AND TOBACCO FLUES. I AM NOW READY TO SUPPLY TIIE TRADE. • , Any one desiring CULTIVATORS AND FLUES will do well to seo me before buying elsewhere, GARTS AND WAGONS MADE - TO - ORDER. J. L. WOOLARD ROBERTA WE CHALLEKGETHE WORLD TO PRODUCE THE E Q UAL 0F 1 ROBERTS' CNILLTONIC FOR CHILLS.FEVERS. Night Sweats and Grippe, and Sip A , SPEND 25 CENTS AND BE CURED I None genuine unless WOODERFUL CURES RAKE ROBERTS' TORIC FUOUS I Red Cross is on label TRY IT. •NO CURE NO PAY. • 25c. PER BOTLLE. Ooo't Uke « Sub.tituu >•••••• DELIGHTFUL TO TAKE. •*••••» For eale by —Eh Uurgaiuw ami Bladf, Audersou & Co. : — b -- • y- % - — u ■f , > i 1 ' V 5 ' : ~. SEND US YOUR Job Printing.

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