IKB VHYBBPBISE POBUSHKD KTK*T NIDAY _ WlWaautoa, I*. C. ALPKBD B. WHITMORR, .. . Korroa A>O FMNUI ... It • aabacriber whlw the paper rtoppcl the paWliaher m be aotiSed and aafaacriptkm Advertiaeaient* on whk-h no apeciSc aamher (I iaaertloaa b Marked, will be marked "tin forbid" kad charged up to daU of diacoaUua aace. AdvertlaeaieaU diacoatinaed before the time rootraeied for baa expired will tie etiarged traa aieat rales for the (iae actually published. No oaataiaakaUoa noticed without the aame af the writer accompanies it—not to he pub tiahed, tmt as a guarantee of good faith. ' - ' Business Local, 5 ccuta a line. Obituaries and Reaolationa of Respect, all orer II liuea, j cents a line. Copy for Advertl*cn>eata. or change of Adver tiaemeati. mast he In this o&re nit later than Wednesday noon. •ÜBACRIrTION fl.oo A YEAR IN ADVANCK I ■ i Enteral at Ike INM4 Olbw ml Wiilismaton, 'lf. C. Li M Second CUse Mail Matter. KBIDAT, JVHE 14,1901. The*'writc up" of the Bar den- Howell wedding was re ceived too late for publication. Many thankd to The Beacon for this brilliant flash; it will have our attention next week. The meeting of the citizens » at the Court Ilouse Monday night was all that could be ex pected. The citizens turned out in large numbers and were thoroughly interested, as good citieens always are where im portant matters are brought up for their discussion. The school question has been settle ed, BO far as having an Academy for next session is concerned. We hope our citizens will not etop at this, but to use every available means for making Williamston an educational centre for this section. The better the facilities for educa tion, the larger tho patronage; and it ia also an inducement for families, with children to edu cate, tp move into our midst. Our citixens can readily see the advantages; not only mentally and morally, but financially; of this and other progressive move ments. MR. 8. J. F.VERBTT ON THE SUBSIDY BILL. Subsidy ia a governmental aid to any social cr economic institution. The commercial indepen dence of a ,nation rests \lpoatllc proper development of the three great branches of ecomonic activity — agriculture, manufactures and commerce. Our agriculture has received aid from ex|>eriincnt stations and distributors of seeds, etc., our manufacturers developed by protection, our domestic commerce by land grants and loans to railroads. Our foreign commerce is not aided by the {government and is to-day the weakest in the world. Eurojie carries our trade and coutrola our commerce. « Our trade with Africa and South America was recently destroyed by a combination of European ship owners. All the cotton goods exported by the Southern stills to Cliicago, to Canadian ports to be shipped aboard English subsidized ehips. In 1808 the price of cot ton declined to 4Jc. per pound because England used many • of her freight vessels in the South African war and there WAS no means of transportation i to Asiatic markets. Asia, Africa and South America a foreign trade of nearly four billion dollare in cotton and leather goods, cereals and farm ing utensils and the U. 8. gets only 61 per cent, of this, a trade in the articles most nec cessay for us to sell, while Eu rope gets the athev per cent, simply because she lias •hip lines with those countries and we have none. To proMCUte the three months war with Spain ooatr t government was forced to buy forty ships from England and Germany, regardless of Beu- Lrality laws. We pay Europe annually $300,000,000 for freight and passenger transpor tation, include with this the loss due to lack of ship bjilding industry and the lons we suffer ia allowing rivals to control our commerce and the nation ia damaged no less than one bil lion dollars a year. It is evident from the condi tions described that the lack of ships in foreign trade ef fects every phase of our indus trial life. Our industries pro duce one-third store than we consume and upon the proper distribution of this surplus rests tho prosperity ef the nation. Now lie fore we can have s for eign merchant marine interest ed m the e* tension of our trade and the protections of our in stitutions three ecomonic dif ferences must be provided for. These differences include the cost of ships, running them and aid given by other govern ment to their ships. In brief, the total difference or disadvan tage under which merchant marine has to exist, is one per cent per ton for each hundred miles, as compared with En glish ships. This difference can be over come only by some govern mental aid. Subsidies or direct bounties, constitute the only diroct and immediate means of pioviding for this difference. This means of developing a iner chant marine has proven suc cessful with all our great com mercial rivals whose purposes and conditions are similar io ours. Germauv, France, En gland and Japan give $26,- 000,000 to their merchant ina riue and they possess the great Eastern markets and own nine tenths tho world's ships. The struggle in the worM to day in all the conflicting inter ests is for commercial suprem acy; to be commercially su preme. we must have a mer chant marine. The question is then, can wo better afford to withhold SO, OOO.OOOiu the treasury or to savo annually one billion dol lars of wealth to tho American people, establish our indepen dence and security, possexs a just share of the word's com merce and place our' business life on a firm foun&Ution. We have subsidized every other phase jof our industrial life and have been blessed by the reault Justice demands that we apply tho same policy, es tablished by a century of use to our merchant marine. Mr. S. J.Everett woll merits our praise in so ably, so suc cessfully defending the irn popular side of this most, un popular question. The synopsis given above shows the line ofar gument pursued, but does not dojustice to the many well turned oratorical expressions used by him iu the debate. It is a matter for general con gratulation throughout the county that Martin has raised her voice in debate through one of her tising sons at this ven erable institution and has bom off the palm- Mr. Everett,with his assis tant, won the President's Pjrige, This is one of the highest hour ors to which the debater may aspire. With the exception of the Wiley P. Mangum Medal, which is open opt? to seinors, the President's Prize is. the highest reward conferred & commencement speaker at the University. F. S, H. Get yoor plow Uses from Eli Gurganna. J , —... : MflHtyp LETTQ- % (Fnaoar irgalarCwieapuadeat.) June 10th, 1901. ( Is the ooaatr jto undergo another 3rd term diaenwon? That question r is beingasked is Washington since ' Senator Depew expressed the opin ' ion that President McKinley would I be again nominated. Those who r remember the bad blood aroused 1 by the attempt to give Glen. Grant a a third term, and who afe not per sonally interested, hope thst'Bena>- tor Dspew's interview was not the result of a previous understanding. * as someaa y it was, to make a seri -1 ons attempt to give President Mc-1 - Kicley a third term, and among - them are some of Mr. McKinlcjC*. . best friends and strongest MipjK-rt l era, because they know such an r attempts* bound to stir up strife, owing to the Urge number who 8 Relieve that to give any inan a third ' term, no matter how successful his " two previous terms have been, - would be dangerous to the welfare, t il not to the very existence' of the - republic, and who would resist it : with all their power. The only ar gument in iavor of a third term for any I'resident, holJs equally good j as an argument in favor of a life tenure for the President, and with ' that the country won Id cease to be > a republic. Some of those who - know Senator Depew s propensity t for joking, are inclined to believe r that, not having been boomed I himself, he gave out the third term interview tor the purpose of having a little fun with the several boom lets that are being nursed in I * half of brother Senate rs, anl that * it had no serious meaning Tliiit I my be true, but it would be just us f well for the opponents of a third f term for anybody, to speak out and stop the joke before it goes too tar. The President could, of course, r end it at once, but he is only hu man. It will be remembered that ' President Cleveland said he would * only serve one term, but he served » two and is believed to bo willing . to servo again. The Prrsidoncy of . the U. 8/is a thing that few men are willing to decline. I The billions, tirsd, nervous man ■ cannot succeeefullv complete with bis healthy rival. DJ Witt's Littls Early Kiers the famous pills for oooatipa tioa will remove the causa of your troubles. C. D. Carstarphen. ' NOTICE TO PENSIONERS Io accordance with an act of the last General Asscuiblyfail persons ( now on the con federate pension list, either soldiers, or widow* of ' NoMieni, will be required to mnke 1 new a|i|>lication before Count} - Hoard of Pensions at the Court i House iu Willianiaton, oil third Monday in July. l'-KH, all such as are unable to attend 111 person, 1 shall send a certificate from n ' creditable physician, living and I pact icing meiliciar, in the com munity m which «aid applicant , shall reskle, tho applicant is I uuable to attend. COVXTY ItoAßnop PKNittoSs. I You assume no risk when you buy . Chamberlain's Coilc, Cholera and , Dirrahoea, Remedy. N. S. Peel & Co. will refund your money if you ars not satisfied after using it. It is is everywhere admitted to be the most succeesful rempdy in use for bowel complaints and th- only one ' that never fails. It is yleasant safe . and reliable. N. S Peel & Co. ! Mtnctln WISH. . r All women mnsiblr desire to be at tractive. Deauty is the stamp of health ' because it u th" outward mauifrsta- I tioa of inner purity. A healthy woman s always atiraetive,brigMt *j»d happy. When every drap ot blood ia ths veins is pars a beauteous fluxh ia ' the chesk. But when ths blcod ia im ' para, Boroesnaas, bad temper and a I tfkHu* coaptation tells the tale of I ticknea*, all too plainly. And women ( to-day know than is ns ' ont health. Wine ofOardni crowns wooes with baanty and atUactive ■ aesa by making strong and healthy thorn organs which make her a woman. ftf Vi* si Cardsi, and in 'a month yoor fiiaads viU foitfly know you. r SnsMssr (Xotbiag. Straw Mate, Eta., at Eli Oargaaas, t . "The Doctore told ma aiy soagh I was incurable One Minute Congh Core mads aae s well msn." N orris 1 Silver, North Stratford. N. H.—Be -1 ttf you rs not foSad relief from a stubborn eovffc, don't daapair. One Miaala OoSgh C«re has o#red th•»» i sands sad it will ears you. Safy ap4 sura. C. P. Cantaiphsn. . .1 - . * .V— * s . . Insolvent T Amt List of lasolvsat Tum of Martin County for IkyMt 110 f t Township W T Bart * Left Cooaty 92 19 B Brad lord - « 2 01 Thoa Boston - - 200, R L Downing'' * 2 0»] 1 FOFenyll -sft ,n m , 2 00, 1 WCFerrall . .JL !B S H«arne « > 200 ■ Hoary Jaaaes » "• 202 ■ Lorie A* Jobs*' ' 20 i Haody Knight left ooanty 200 . WEModlin la Prison 200 .WT Moore Lflft Couaty 213 . 8 L Oweia r 200 ,8 J Swinsoa left county 2"0 ' John Hrvage » 200 Tferj" Todd Dead 211 , f2913 Williams Townahip I A J Hosier " Lift Ooanty S 75 A br.er H Jam* • -r? « 2 CO i Henry Perry • " 200 Jonaa Forry 25 ~|7 00 Williamston Township W H Bonnott 17 JoMfih B Rennett 1-eft County 200 Claude Baker " u 2 1« Wilay Dngan 2 0^ Jno M Hmmll left eoanty 100 Albert Holley . » 2«0 Henry Litham 2 *> Harry McLin left ooanty 217 Wm M lUv left county 2°°: Oeo R Roberaoa - 00 Alonso Rigors Left Uoaoty 202 Henry Bliih 2 00 •lerry Thomas left oounty 200 *2i 5 6 ' \ Cross Ko*4S* Townahip JS Ohane • Uft Ooonty 200 Perrv Everett 00 Win K veil 17 Geo D Mobley Dead 200 F A Moore Lfft Bute 2 OH Willis Sherrod not found 200 ' John Whitfleld laft ooonty 211 \V R WhiUker 20 ' 10 74 , ICobersOnville Townahip I T W Andrews ,2 00. Tbeo Brown laft county 213 I J 11 Boating 2 01 W D Bland 233 I ROBeet laft ooanty 200 | A T Croat , 1 - 233 Colin Daniel '» « 213 Jrtmeo Ellenor* " 2 00 AeaGriaee «■" * 200 Richard Grimes" w 223 T L Jonaa derfd 3 18 J T Jonaa •' laft ooanty 00 W T Morrie 2 17 Jamee Mooring left county 200 T H Robe won dead 2 00 Ueuiy Robareon left ooanty 200 Zacharia Rioa •' " 2 17 J It Sulla (to old) 2 27 Robert Willia . 2 00 Tube Woo ten left county 2 10 40 04 . Poplar Point Townahip Setler Batemora 2 00 R S Ito wen dead 2 0 > James Carroll laft county 200 Chas Dickons » w 2 00 Handy Orimea 07 Aaa Jennings dead 200 TtiOa Sheppard 2 00 \. ' i Hamilton Townahip L F ilrown left oounty 2 25 Peler E D.tvia 4 * " 2 00 H D Everett H H 2 43 K F Hooker « M 2 00 W T Hooker H •• 2 00 Ed Holley * •* * 20 Cleveland Jonaa •* 210 1 Robert ■' * 2 oo John Pike »« * 22 " Owen ttpruill Jr dps*) 2 (JO Carey Smatlwood left eounty 2OP William Thomaa »' «■ 8 06 I iheo Weetherabaa 2 o>> I - ~ 25 16 Gooaa Neat Townahip llenry Brown left ooonty 200 John Qrll u u 2 OO llcftty Gowff4 ' w 210 ji» Dolbrrry f} J G Q lover $ 02 . Jamea llarrell f 00 1 W O Howard left county A 4 , J F Johnson 2 00 Riohard Jonaa 00 Mra A Lynch error 27 I Drew Manning laft ooanty 2OS , Steven Sharif V - 202 I Henry Salabury « " 300 i Bennett Williaae 2 00 | 3147 « Total ffcaolteafa}* Oa#a*y ! •' i-'ctmtftoMferif j 35 4t of tifiig Uouaiy. Appiovod hp th» Board of Own* miaaionera, of Marfh Cooaty# and ordered to be pnbttahod according to i the proviaionaof law. 1 Thia 21at day of May 1901. , . W.O. Manning, , ujipepuca canooi De long iifan Be cause to live requirea aouriabment Food ia not noornhtag until it la dt geated. ▲ dieotdared atomach cannot digeet food, it must have aaaiatance. Kadol Dvapepeia Care digaeta all kinda of food without aid from the atomach, allowing it to real aad re ' gain ita natural function.lu elementa ' are exactly the aame aa the natural digeative fluida and it aimply san't help but' do yoo good. C. D. Caretar phen. " , TO MOUNTAIN AND SEA SHORE RESORTS. VIA HE A BOA KO AIR LIKE KAILWAY. Before completing arrangements for your summer trips or deciding upon places at which to apend the aummer, you should call on Ticket Agfenta and Passenger Representatives of the Bea board Air Line Railway. They are specially prepared to. furnUh infor mation as to. loweet ratee, quickest schedules and most attractive routes to the Mountain Reaortain Western North Carolina and Southwest Vir ginia, also to the Seashore Resorts of Ocean View, Virginia Beach, Old l'oint Comfort, the great E«atern Re •orU along the Jersey Coast snd oth»r fopulsr plifM* rea;h«l via the dmtboa'd An Lme Railway. This Company h u(f>ring lower rates than ev«r with perfect train service and f«at through schedule*. It will inter «at an.l benefit you to call on Ses i luiard Air Liie Railway Ageuta. Ji.gt Mr. Jamee Brown of Portsmouth, Va. over 90 years of age suffered for years with a bad eore on his (ace. Phyaiciana could not help him. De- Witta Witch Ussel Salve cured him permanently. C. D. Csrstarphen. CENTRAL ACADEMY an Industrial and Training School tor boys and young men, will be gin its annual session Oct. Ist 1901. Young men desiring to go to school and pay in part with work may write to us AT ONCE. Twenty one are desired immediately; 6 tor farm work, 6 for carpeuter's work, 4 for masonary and plastering, 4 for painting and 1 or 1 for printing. For further particulars address REv. CHAS. a. TAYLOE, Principal, Littleton, N. C. tf Sim Years li 111 "Will wooden ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Peaae, of Law rence, Kan. They knew she bad been unable to leave her bed in Reven years on aceount of • kidney and liver trouble,nervoua prostration and gen* eral debility; but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk,'' ahe writes, '* snd in three montha I felt like a new person.' Women suf fering from Hendsche, Backache, Nervousness, Sle*plei*ne«B, Melan choly, Fainting sud Dissy Spells wiil find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. N. S. & Co- Only 50 cents. WMLD-REMWftED PARKER BUGGIES, D R Piffcif, - Rttomirilli. II C MIS LIFE SAVID Ry Chtßlirliia't CiHe, Mtltn aid DirnhMi Riatd). ' I am sure that Chamberlain's Colic' Cholera and Dirralioca Rem edy at one time saved my life." says A. F, I afalette, of Gregory Landing. Clark county, 'Miasouri. "I was iu such bad shape that the doctors said I could not live. When 1 was at the lowest ebb, one of my neighbors brought in a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Remedy and I look it and got instant relief. I soon got up. and around. That was nine years ago and I am still in good health. S|nce then that medicine baa always b#e» in my bouse and always will be. It 19 the bast on earth." For sale by N. S. Peel & Co. Attutioi Trors Your attention U ctlM to the Ittnm Act ot I**, which iinpoac* licoac Ui at follows: O*J SLL SKU.IMC. GOODS, y»l** or SJrrclwud)* )|MCTipficm. aa «««»l >** o* l/A;'" " ■' M.K P841,kM1.« CIG4*KTfRB Mp aaan tl IkwaM UI if fejlt , AJ.I. üBALKka IN riavoiA llctal Knock#, an aaaaal Ucrusc tax cf |ao.aa. AH Merchant* who aril any beverage wtych partake* of the iaUnkatlag aatare.aach aa ake Seer, MnHcstni B|tter*, Champa jut CMer. Cherry rider, Orange riilet, r|tm s c«*r f Schiedamachaappa will hate to cwptflith Ihe law granting liquor Hceaae, or be fcweil not len thaa Two-HnaSred nor aaore thaa KiTe-Handred Dollar! or iaipriaoaed wot leaa thaa three aaawtha nor More thaa three year* at the dtacretM of the court. On all hone deaten who bay and «etl Hone* Hr MoSt «n aaaaal Uceaae tax of s*s*o. ""AUparOei UaM« Jo» ghprr mentioned use* arehenWiVfcjHfca lo'LltiuimJiaaS am hceaae at owcr and tare tW>nlM UM ' Very M*#cctMlT. ; J.& shoatr , Dangery''dissS,*aol^dtui h follow neglect of the bowels. Use DeWkt's 1 Little Early Ri»er« to regulate them and yoa will add years to your lite 1 asd life to your yeara- Easy to take, • BSTer gripe. 0. J>. Cantarphen. * **'■ .... * rfttrfeWTiri Sam Tn Fni Natft. "Oar little daughter had an almost fatal attact of whoopinfc cough and broncliitia,"Write* Mrs. W. K. Hari iand, of Armook, N. Y., "bat, whoa all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Die , covery. Our neiee who had Consomp* tion io an advanced Stage, also need i this wonderful medicine end to-day aha is perfectly well.'' Deeparate throat and long diseases yield to Dr. King's New Diacovery ai to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Courtis and Colds. «le and 91.00 bottles guaranteed by N. B. Peel & Co. Triad bottles free. NOTICE Pursuant to IAM Notice b hereby given that application will be made to the Aoard of County CoinmiMftioner* to grant to the uudcrngned liceuae to retail splrltuow add malt liquor* for six months, begining July lat, lyoi.at the village of llwll. W. C., ln Ji*ftitt cmu\y. .. ThH Kay 16th, 1901. 34-40 F. lIAIS2.IP. * Oldi't Marry f«r Mmy. The Boston man, who lately mar rieil a sickly rich young woman, i«j happy now, for be got Dr. King's New Life Pills, which restore! her to perfect health. lofallihle for Jaun dice DillioUsnes*. Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Gentle but effective. Only '2sc at N. 8. reel & Co. NOTICE Pursuant to Law Notice h hereby given that application will he made to the hoaM of Coanty Commissioners to grant to the undersigned license to retail spiritnou* and nu.lt liquors fur six months, begining July Ist, 1901, at the Taylor Store in Martin county This May 16th, lyoi. .14-40 J J. WHAVKR ft CO A WORTHY SUCCSSOR. "Soaatkiig Ni* lliitr Tki Saa. All Doctors have tried tn cure OA TAURAU by the use of powders, acid gasee,inhalers and diuga in paste form. Their powders dry up the m% ctious membranes causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerfu acid used in the inhalers have entire ly eaten away the same membranes ' that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot rtach the disease An old and ienced practitioner who has for many years made a cloee stndy and special ty of the treatment of cATTARAU has at laqt perfected a treatment which when faithfully used, not only reliever at once, but permanently cures CATARRAH, by rsmoving the cause, stooping the dischargee and curing all inflammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actual ly reaches the afflicted parte, This wonderful remedy is known as "BNUFFLE3 the GUARANTEED uATAR-RAU cURE," and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dol lar, each package containing internal i and external medicine sufficient for a full months treatment and everything. necessary to its perfect use. , "SNUFFLES" is the only perfect cATAItRAH cURE ever made anrf la now recognized as tha only safe an J positive cure for that annoying: and disgusting inflammation quickly and permtn-l eitly anlis ah»o wonderfully qui-'k to relieve HAY FEVER or cOLD in! the HEAD. cATARRAU when neglected olten leads to CONSUMPTION—''SNCF I FLES'' will savu you if you use it at! onoe. It is no ordinary remedy, but a I complete treatment which is positive* ly guaranteed to cure cATARRAH | in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each package. Don't delay but send - for it at once, a|>d write full particu-t1 !ars as to your condition,and yon will receive special advice from the dis coverer of ihis wonderful remedy re garding your case without coel to yon oeyopd ti)« regular price of "SNUF FLJJS" the "GUAH4VT6ED cA TARRAH oURJJ." Sent prepaid to any address tu the United SutM or oaoada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. C49I,ED, WIN B: GILES A Co., 2330 and 12332 Market Street, Philadelphia. 1 MkJSIW'i ATirrm Eiphdu "Of a gasoline stovf burned a lady here frightfully," writes N. K. Pal mer, of Kiikman, la. "The best doc* ton couldn't heal the running Yore that followed, bat Ducklen'e Arnica ' Salve entirely enred her." Infallible for Cots; Coras. Sores, Boile, Bruieee Skin Di«easre and Pilea. 23c at N. 8. Peel A Company. WORLp - RENOWNED PARKER kacfip a e manufactured by D- B. Parker, Rcberspnyille, N. C. VQU buy a better buggy for tfee same money, ' Why order your buggiaa from a dis. » tance when you can get a better ■ one, right in your own oounty, for I -MM ' -* *.. .. • m A. C. L ATLANTIC COAST UIO! *- a. COWiKV. TRAINS GOING SOI TH ' DATKU 2&i\ 5 * ti Jan. ijth. I*a. a- = 0 ? D >-1 6 9 o j - -1 J. A M.fp. m r. m A M. r. I Leave Weldoa .. » » * sH Ar. Rocky MS 1«u vS* —r—• Leave Tarbnro l» Ml. *« j—H LT Rocfar Mt »•) 637 5 IS IS : Leave SIIm. . IM 1 »«> 1 w .3 $7 » . LnnSrlau *35 u IS L* i aMlnilk 4 * ujj Ar. i-ktrrpcr 7 Ji. i+u r. M , \ M Ar. i j... 75S . | Li ■..." l*l»-t * m S 45) J' l.v Mijnilu ... -I I 1 7 »'i « Ar. wtaaluiUM. I ..... ... . 930 IV M. A. M r 1 I-- ' * TRAINS GOIKO NORTH. I *»ji'j J.... 3 I*s £ 3 ||s *• £ & 1 * i Lfl l A. 11.) P. M.j IvfcHurttKT 9 JD 7 3S —— Lv, UytUtvilit- 1J u ... 941 —i— U*vc M.'iaa .. 1 1 si* " VtlMia if ij' —♦ I ia. M. r. M. A. I l.v. ffiliiftaa . ' —7 oc 9 i Lv. Uagadb ; ... i *3® " l»*. tMJklaboro ,—.. 49 s ~r> —1 »37** ; A. M T. M. P. J Uatt Wkltnn a j 5.V3 ,a ? 3 IO 46 " Ar. Rocky Mt 1 3; 6»o »a 4y »» *Z « I Arrivr Tarix*ro 646 Lmvr farboro... »3- >j -»»»-« Lt. Rocky Ml ... J? I•» SS A,.W.M,.„ p] . „1 Yadkin LH\ uimi Main I.ioc- Trmin leave* Wll vma m . irriftt Fawllwille "®i I ui . fcavea K»>r«rvillr ■> tj p. m.. anlwi (tea font ■A3 lim Krtuf niug k«v« Mo lord 303 | m , arrivr F«)rttrvilk 4Jo p. m., k«*r viUe 4 id p w . ai liiti 1 Hcnurttavillr Brmnch—Tram kim HcanrlU ▼illr soja m . MaitonfO) a. m . R«l Spring 1)11 a.m. l-arkUm 10 41 a. m. Hupr Milla 10 33 ■ . arrive Fayrtlrvillr 11 10. Ktturumg leav« FayrllrtUlc 4 4S P m . Hope Mill. 3 00 p. m.. to Spring* s 4} p. a.. Maxtoa 6 16 p. » , arrimln ■iitfvlllr ; 13 p. tu. Luanrcwfl at l*'a»«llt»UW with Iraia No. 7*> « Maituo with Carolina Central Railroad, at to Spring* with the Red Spring* awl Bow More tall •Sad, at haaford with the Seaboard Air I Jat aw Southern Railway, at Gall with the Dwrhaa aw Charlotte Railroad Train «• the Scotland Neck Branch Road leave tt'rldoa 333 p m . Halifai4 'IP arrive* *cp land Nrck 3sM p. ureenville 637 p m.. Kit "ton ? 33 P- " Returning leave* Klnaaow 7 3* a.i Greenville >})ta. arriving at Ha Ufa* iiUa m . Weldoa 11 33 a. ar. daily excrpt Sunday. Train* ou Washington Branch leave Waahiag ton x 10 a m . and 1 ja p. ar. arrive rarnaete 9 ■ a. in , 4Ou p m . tela ruing leave Fanaele 933 • ■l. and 6 wpm. arrive Wa*hia«law 1100 a. a. and 7 w P in Jailj eacept Suwday. Train fcave* TlwWo K'C.. daily eaccy* ana dav vjop jw iiawday 4'3 P » . imnith 7 )o p. a . 610 p. a.. Returning, leave flwaoulh dail) except Sunday, 7jo a m.. aw Sunday 900 a. a., arrive* Tartnro 10 10 a. a '' 'Train'ou MUtaad M. C Branch leave* CaMa boro daily, eacept Sunday. 500 a. a., ai lIIH KaiihScfct 6 10 a a.. Retarnbig leave* HaaßhSek 7 00 a ru . arrivea i .oklaboro S 13 a. a. Tiaiaa on Na>h«ille Braach leave Rocky Maaa at ifi a. a,t4o p. a., arrive NaahvUle aa a a.403 p. ui. Spring hope ii 00 a. a.4>3 Pa. Reiturning leave Spriag Hope ■■ *>a. a.,4 35p.a Na hville 11 «a. a , 5 »j p. a , aniv« at Mock] Moinluiop a., r. sop. a., daily eacept Saaday Ttain on Clinton liianch have* Waraaw l« Clinton daily, exctpt Sunday, 1 1 aaS. a., and 4 » p. nr.. krtuniisiß kavea CHvtia *45 a. a., aac ' TraiiOiix 7S aake* cloac cnaacctisa atWeMa for all purata North daily. SI I rail via RtcfcjMad H M. KMKRaON, Gen l r*al aa« I A|tal J. R KF.NUV. Gen l Manager. T. M. IMHRsON. Tnßc Maaager. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. J his preparation contains all of tIM Igestants and digests all klnda oj fiMid. It glren Instant oelief and DCTM rails tacure. lt allows you to eat aU the food you waut. The most sensitive ' st(uracils can lake It. Ity Its use Qiacjr tlumsands of dyspeptic* hure been cured after everything else failed. II I* u 110411 tiled tor allMouiacb troublaa, It can't help brt da yea m*i ' PifpurJinlTb; F.G,lßA'intOn,CkkMt I 'l'be |l. MRS contains IK tlBMm tfccHr. M j G. D.OAUSTARPHKN* Si OO.^ b JLV s . v M I # AI HOUSEWORK! Too nnscb housework wrecks wo- I turn's nerves. And the constant | care ot children, day and nigkt, is I often too trying for even a strong 0 woman. A haggard face tells the i story of the overworked housewife and mother. Deranged manses, lcbcorrhcea an.) falling of |ht womb" result (run) Ereiy housewife needs § reinejjy to regnUte he? mouses and to keep her sensitive female organs in perfect condition. WINE'CARDUI is doing this for thnewanih of American women to-daj. ltliwi Josmm and tint h why * 1 til mSasai, I II hava Mi lar yuan. laa Uujw I owa work illtail say Ma, sad I ■ naahad laat was tM WJiM I STRSYS a Sana tv* m wU Uaaa evsey 4nr, ta KQTfpfc F*)r*aaßt to Lav MaMce |s bcrehjr apt'' will he ingle to the boar* of (faw CoutniiHtmn to to Ihc nad«n|pic) lKvpae to retail «piritno«u »nd aalt Uquora t«r atx moatha, begining July irt. 1901, at the J. * Rohenoo* Store in Goid mint Martin coaly.' This May 16th, 1501. *4 4» T.a.«XA>Aa*oo

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