THE BHTEBPBISE. rCBUSHKO KTTUIT ntDAT JjSgt'-..- ■ - ViHuM.K'C: > AI.FRKO s. wimrao**. T - Bum AKO rvausHKß . .. If a aahacrlber irWm the paper atoppnl the publisher taunt be aotiScd aad aabacription |Md «p. Advertiaetaeat* on which n->«p-ci*c n»mt*r ml laaertion. U n.a.k-1 will be a. irked "till forbid ' and up to date o4 4Heoatiaa •ncr Admll>;a»U ilta-ialiiiir] tefcntJUi* lime ' Contracted forlia»r*plred will be chanrel tiaa* •teat rate* for the time actaalljr puhli»hed tf» communication aotlced althoat the mat of the writer acenmpanie. It- not to be (*!► lialied, hot ana guarantee of food faith. BuainriM I/KHU J cent* a line * OUlmrin and Krvlatioaa of Rttptrt. a!l over li line*, S cent* a liae. Copy for Adverticment*. O' change of Adver liacmeuU. laiwt be t th» office not later than i Wednen-lny noon * " / ILIL afaSCKIITIOVII.oo A VKA» IX AnVANCK -«' I ITIVI j? Kulcfcd at the I'oat Office at WUliuatlun N. C., aa Second Cla»» Mail Matter. ■ FBIDAY, JT'LT 12.1901. HEW METHODS OF NATURE STUDY. It is refreshing to note that na ture study is becoming more and more a common feature ot school and college work, and also that tho methods used are somewhat different from those in vogue some years ago. Time was when the atudy of birds meant shooting them, or collecting their eggs and nests, and when the ardent stu* dent of quadrupeds, insects, rep tiles, or any other living thing, felt it necessary to prove his love for his subject by knocking it in the head, and to measure his know ledge by the si/.e of his collection Thanks to the camera and common sense, things are different now. The nuturalist has learned that he can find out more about birds and animals by making friends with them when alive than by dissec ting them dead. At least half of the popular books on nature study which have np peared in the last few years have evidently been the work of theout of-door naturalist. Tho lover ol nature takes his camera, his opera glass, his text-book and his note book and, hies him to the woods or fiichls, where ho quietly sits down on the ground or props him self against i> tree, and keeps very still. It is not his purpose to in terrupt, but to watch, tiiebouse keping of his friends in lur or feathers, lie knows that I lion port of a gun or the smell of blood will effectually put a stop to the kind of studying he desires to do. It is nvf practicable lo kill a jH-r --cou and make friends with him at one and the same time, and the rule holds just as good if the per son is a squirrel or a robin. The naturo-lover, therefore, sits for hours in his chosen place, tramps for miles over wood-paths or through untrodden wilderness not for the sake of bringing home a well-filled bag of game, but in order to store his head with inter esting information. He wants to find out, pn liaps, what the habits of a certain bird are, and how its song at certain season of the year differs from the mere twitter heard jat other seasons; what it lives on, and how far north it ranges. Can he discover all these things by ly ing in wait for the bird, must pay for his knowledge. So, like nn honest man, lie pays, and in re turn learns more, nit only aboute that bird, but about various other creatures met in his travels, than the mere sportsman would know if he hunted a hundred years. Old woodsman, it is true, often know a great deal of the habits of wild things, not only from the banters bnt the naturalist's point of view; but it is well known that they seldom hunt for mere sport, and never kill more than they need for actual consumption or for sale. Ono dees not find an Adirondack guide running amuck in the woods, j K blazing away at everything ho sees. Powder and shot are too precious, tor one thiug. Consequently the people in fur and feathers, not de sired by him for food or other pur poses, soon learn to know him, and he understands them. Sometime he i s not much of a sportsman in : the ordinary sense ot the term. . And the men who attend to the preserving of game and the care of . forests know quite as mnch of wood craft-aa those who live by shooting | the wild creatures. | IMd Pyjujwla Cart R•_ u M|MIV VMt |M #®ta WASHINGTON LETTER (From mir rtsulti Coricapondeot.) Washington, July Bth, 1801 The-Post Office Department hn* begun aright in whiulT it is clearly right and in which it will he sup ported by lillthu strength of the Ex i ecutivc branch of the government I hat notwithstanding those advan tages, it must get the support of • the press and of public sentiment, in order to win a permanent vic- Itory. This fight is to shut tl»e I lake publications out of the privi lege ot second class mail. The I government pajs sfio,ooo,ooo a ! yeai lor carrying second class mai (and receives less than $4,000,000 for it. That much of this loss is ; due to abuses which have crept in j to the construction of the law-con structions never dreamed of when the law was beifig cnacied-is ap parent to everyone who has become at all familiar with what consti tute a largo proportion ol second class mail. In fact, from an in vestigation , which has been going on for months, the postal officials have Wfri convinced that fully one halt oflhe matter now mailed as second class, should under a strict and perfectly proper construction of the law, b8 compelled to pay as third class mattar. A new rule for the construction of the law is to be issued by the I'ost Office De partment, for the especial purpose ol shutting out fake publics tions. When it is promulgated, lookout for squeals from the owners ol the fakes and l?om such legitimate publications as can be wheedled or paid to say that the business of legitimate publication is being in terfered with. Theso squeals will be worked for all they are worth for their effect lipin Congress, where the fight will certainly be carried. Postal officials declare in the most positive terms that the new construction of the law will not injure any legitimate publica tion and count upon "getting the support of all such. The President's proclamation declaring free trade with Porto Hico on and after July 2otb, will be issued as soon as he receives an official copy of tho resolution adop ted by tho legislature of Porto Kieo. The President's proclamation for the opening to public settlement of the Kiowa,. Conimauche and Apache Indian Reservations in Oklahoma, was issued today. A force of thirty clerks from the Gen eral Land Office; left Wash in ton Saturday night, to do the work ol the I ard offices thnt will be opened at llene and Law ton. •. HAMILTON Richard Johnson has returned from Virginia Beach. ' . Miss Inez Gray anil father went to Williainstoii ou Tuesday. Willie Pi itchard of Scotland Neck ii visiting his uucle Mr. Sam Pritcli ard. - 1 ——* Miss Maggie Everett has returned hooniC after a very pleasant visit to Uoper. Miss Norman Cloman who went to Battleboro Friday to hear blind Tout, has returned home. V. _ - .J_ Miss Uutb Matthews iimV Dc-libie Sberrod have gone to Willinraston to spend several days with relatives and liieuda. I. • ■ Mr. Scawcll.who taught school in Hamilton some yearn ago, is here, on a visit. Jlis many tilends uie glad to see liirn. The ladies of tho Kpiscopnf Church gave a lawn party on last Thursday ni>;bt in the yard of Mr. J. B. Clo. man. It was greatly enjoyed l»y all, and financially was a success. There was an affray hereon Sat urday night, between Wash Kuffin and Jerry Clark, both netf.o's,' which threatens to end sfrionsly, ius Claik is said to he ui a dying con dition. X f . . The largest shipment of comb honcv, thiit was ever shipped from Martin Co. was shipped ;by S. 1). Matthews this week, viz l.'to cases containing :»240,it being one fourth of his entire crop. U wits shipped via X.4 S. R. U. the hot | Feat her I ist week Mr. Matthews | lost about 30 Iha of lioney, it bay melted. The piles that annoy yoit so 'will be quickly and permanently healed if you iise DoWitt's Witch Salve. Beware of worthless counter feus. t You can never core dyspepsia by dieting. Wkat your body needs is a! plenty of good food properly digested i Then if your stomach will not digeet if, "Kodo! Dyspepsia Curs will. It j contains all of the natural digettanto j ' h«nee must digest every daw of food i tnd so pr«-p.ue it that nature can use it in nourishing the body and replac ing the wasted Itjsues, thus giving life, liealih, ambition, pure blood and good healthy appetite. Oyid> POIUTrr ~ W F donei was here Sunday J II lt'ibcrson wai iu town Friday l)r Nelson, or Everetts was here Friday 1) Harris, of Tarboro, was here a few days ago Buuyan Kdmotison has been yerj j siok with the fever Miss Annie Purvis, of Robt-isoii ville, was in IOWII Friday. •*pr Justice and Claude Itnnting of Hamilton «eie licit* Friday- Miss Mintie Robeisnii attended the picnic at Willie S.ilsbnrjr's last Thursday Miss Bulah, Boss anil Nannie Purvis, ofTaibnro, have been vtyit ing Misses Bailie and Lena Hvcrett CURE FOB OHOLEUA-NEVBIt KNOWN TO PAIL. During last May an infant child of our neighbor was Suffering from chol era infantum. The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery.l took a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have recom m «n led this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail—Mus. Cl'Kris BAKER, Book waiter, O. For sale by N. S. Peel & Co.f A PLI ASANT EVENING. I.ast Wednesday evening Mrs M. D. Cooper - entertained compli mcntiry to her sister Miss Mayte Nooney, who left the next morning for a simmer outing, touching El'zabcth City, Columbia and othei points. 1 lie sweet strains of music min gled with the voices and dainty ices made the occasion a most ca JoyaMt one. Affe saying goodbye to Mi i! Nooney and wishing her,a pleasaiu i trip the quests left with happy | the evening. [The above article was receive*! too late for publication last week.— Ed j THE BEST jTEMEUY FOR .STOM ACH AND BOWEL TBOUT-LKS "I lisve been in the diug buuiiem for twenty years and have sold most nil of the proprietary medicine* ol any note. the entite b»t 1 have never found anything to tipi,! ChamberlaiiTs Colic, Cholsra and Diarrhoea ltemedy for all stouinjli and bowel troubles,''says O.W W.tke field, oi Columbus, Oa. "Ttii* remedy cured two severe cases of choleiM morbus in my family and. I have recommended aid sold hundreds of bottles ol it to my customers lo their entire satisfaction. It afford* a quick and sure cure form .No family should Die without il. I keep it in my house at all times! For #s>t' by N. S. Teel k Co. \ • Screen floors at Eli Ourgnuus. IT DAZZLES THE WORLD. No discovery in medicine has ever .created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused King's New Dbcovery for Consumption. It's severest tests have been on hopebas vietims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hsmorrliage,Pleuriiiy,ai>d Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs,Colds,'As thms, Croup, Hay f«ver. Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it is the quick est, surest cure in the is sold by N. y. IVel & Co., who guarantee satisfaction or reiund money. Large bottles 51K- and Sl.llO. Trial botlbs 'free. Scud us y our s|Ues.s. Many thousands been restored to healj.b ar.d happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If af tlicted with any throat or lung trouble give it a tri*l for it is certain to j royc beneficial.(yOughs that havrresintCil all. other treatment for'years, Laie yielded to this remedy aud perfect health been restored. Cases that seamed hope'.esr, that the climate of famous hesltb resorts failed to beno C.t, have beea permanently cared br its use. Bear in mind that every bot tie is warranted oud if it does not prove beneficial the money will tw refunded to yon. For sale by N. S. . Peel & Co. A Ud complexion generally w»H» from inactive liver ud bowdi la | all ancli ciiw De Witt's Little Esrlj ! Risers produce gratifying rtwlU , Summer Clothing. Straw Hat*, Etc., at K . Gir*aaa*. , - It ii»%«i*r to k««p well than get cured. De Witt's Little Birly Risers takes now and then, will always keep roar biws'* in fjrfect order. They never bat promote IB . easy, gentle sctio'u lIASSKLL. Mr Jack (Joburn vm here a few • lays ago G F It jberaou went over to Bethel W A Plotting came borne la»t Wednesday night Vin S'even ol Dana bat been iiere the |>nnt week. M -Gilbert June commenced coi uig l«-.t week. MM Cora Elm 11 of I'arntele, i" visiting Jit.i H 1! iv'moiiM>!i Miss llu tie It ibt-rxoti wan iug down uote a f«w dare *£> Ander i~>ber*o:i and I beanie Kv arvtt passed tbiougb bere Sunday Miim Olara Joliusou wa« visiting Mian Bunca Purvis a lew .lava ago. Messrs It >i It itfbuck ;ui 1 Si i i«* White were at Mr J 11 L®urv.»' Sun day Mr Willie SaWbary hail w picnic ou the Itb Everything paaaci oft quietly Adrian W'nielmrd ip nnii'l la»t week. lliat Ins dluess waa not mfiluiM | ■ . ' —«w. WHITE MAN TURNED YEL LOW. Great consternation waa felt by the friend* of M. A. llogsrly, of Lexing ton, Kv., when tiny saw he waa turn ing yellow. Ilia skin slowly changed color, also Lis eye*, and he suffered terribly Ilismtlady was Yellow J aim dice. 110 was treated by the beat doc tor*, hut without beiiefit.Tnen he was ailvir-C'l to try Electric Bitters the wonderful Sicttnvh and Liver remely and he write*: "'After taking two bot tles I wholly cured." A Irisl prove* its merit ficr all •toniaeb, I • v«r an I Kidney troubles. 0 . . . s :d by N. S. Peel 1 Co. UK N'T It A(i-ACADEM Y an and Tra'ninj School lor '.M»ys and young men, will l>c* it.i aim:iuJ.session Oct. ist. 1901. Yoong' ni«:i desiring j»o to :»i-ltaol,and p-*y in part with worl 1 may .write Uv na at «»v»r- Tw-ntv-j one- arc desired.ititm liatel;,-: 6 lot 1 farm work, 6 for ear, enter's work, 4 for in.isortary and plastering, 4 for pal ting awul 1 or t for printing j For lurthtr particulars a 'dre*> RKv Ctus a- Ta*iik, Principal, Littleton. N Cu, tf BASE It ALL T V Hll»HO VH BUlhill The We liu-M.lay resulted in ' a score of 8 t >2 in tavor of Tarboro StfOrc by iuniug-: 1: 11 K Tarlioro, 00 2 0 0 GOO \—S 8 1 Raleigh 0020 00 0 0 o—2 10 6 Batirie*: Buseb and Foster, Per son and LeQrnude. Umpire, Mice. T'ie Willi.uns:o:i rooter* attend ing the mine were: II W S uM»>. A I n.iwfud, K II Ciawf.»*d, S W il.uiell, A S■■■»; ffield, WS Hani* and A K Wliltinorc Outs and bruises aro h sled b> Chamberlain's l*ala Balm in about one^third the time any other treat ment would require because of its an tiseptic qualities which cause the parts to heal without maturation. For sale by N. 8. Peel & Co. Reduced rate* at the Hotel, at Nags Head for thom taking advan tage of the excursion on the 27tb, A TOOK MILLIONAIRE Lately starved in London because lie could not digest his food. Ijlarly use of Dr. King-i New Life Pills would have saved bim.They strength en the stomach, aid digestion, pro mote e.s-imilation, :mprove appetite. Prira Money bick if not&ati-fied lioiij by N. 8. Peel & Co. Everyone visbitig t' ntfca Jrln to Sag's Heads aiiouM go ou the -Vtb. "1 am ;r. iebtetl to One Mioute t'onnli Cure for mf present good health and my life. I was treated in vain Joclora-lor luag tiooble fol lowing laJtripps. I took One Minute Cough Curo and recovered my health" Mr. E- 11. Wise, Madieoa, Ga. _ Kodol Dyspofwta On Mpwt* what JM Wis, , SIIE DIDJiT WEAK A MASK. But her beauty waa cotapletelyhK?- dea by eore>r, b'otche* ttd paplw (ill she aecd Boeklea'a 3slaa> lt» tbey mirkr.i m will all Erup tion*, Fo«r StMe-. BoiU, Ule«ra,Car loadei std Frlon from IU s». Is fallible for Cuts, Coras, Bants,Bcald« 1 ar.d I'iles. Care fitrißltel ise at N. SJPseHTXVa ; IT NI VIC KHITY of rVorlh OiroHiiP TIIE nE VD O! the Slate's Educational System A adctritcDepartment, ; f /,'iu', IJ/i'iiiVim", /V>iir/nii>-j £i?htr five tbolarahipe. Free ta ; - Si n *.ea-het» and miaiiter'a sott' L ans for Ibe needy. 527 Sti*ti!s 43 lufKtli N m DiiOioniSories, Water WorluCex. tia! ileatitag System. 9"- -!0,000 ?pe-rt in improvessents in 1903 sn 1 19)1. F .'1 term begins September 9, 1901. A tire*. b l\ VEXADLK, President] Chapel Hilt, N C. W. U. BIGGS, MMCh'ANT TAILOR l.ivito) you toe til a»:«l iiig|>ect his and'+ §urnmcit CI.OTIIING for 1901 Choice productions. ' Co.Teet fit- StTKBIOR WoRKMAXSIIIP. Bigg* Drug Sture. GtMfUMTEEB SUMY YfAUT Mrr am! w -mra of *vel'g.)dTrM to trprcwil u>, I »Itartl agents f«f Ua»! wetk oki int rrc+l* lu**K; tktta n- atl t* ]*rrj&e*. i«pt>l udrancritrnl, nil t*lah!okt4 tvsaac. Of and d jjQLtui rafic cat an a a ct vuauj !•» vctifr t»ka*iat. jr ruir'it puaflkio, liHt-1 it omr ulfa'arr. Near, brilluat Use* Ur.t STAFFORD P3ESS, '.Xi* lljvrn.Corß n Ml i * - ill ■ ■ ;Vt(3YHERHOOD IT he greatest amtltloa ol Amer- g iean men and n.mieu Is to hue p homes libml with The § woman i:Hicl.-J with leuiale Jit- S ease b ,co(utaM|y meuawi «iih{j Lcomilitp a wife. Xo 3 Sf'licint Cj»n mrtiw Jn,) or- | Lut Wine »t CwJut .tors tf regulate •UTjngeuioiits ilut pre- Q vent conception; does prerent I Biwnia;r: Ass reMore weak f fune'ioiu and sliatUved oerrcs H and does bring babies to hosnes l aren aud ihnolsle lur yean. Vi -n# «>f t'ardui pive* women the hiailh and to bear henl- Ithy children. You can get a dollar bottle of Wine of Canlni from vour dcakr. W!XE ,r CARD(fI 1(3 Mutetttsest. jrfcrnki sad oat saekaes af TbcUnnr, Hlaak lwW, TktMrMfksb(t«.spoiua«u4| t* 1 ** ?' — ■ «>•« M. ?" w .y j* «we wa Mwnkgal Wtatcf ivdillsßT 1 thi Ki«.j. w.c. AxmL LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTIHg. Parwaat to U« Xoticc i* hrrtV *jrn» app)kat»« will tar aaudr to the K ari of Cauntr CutnaieispaoeKr* to (ratal to the troslrrs£ncil Uoei&vr to «rt«jl sparituom »n l null ttqoon (of aax ttu -Hhfl, bpfjmmj. Anpitf ill, a! or acar I. K CdUare a Ctviaiif lu>hrf*iaavllftr •hip, Mytln county , Tti» J*hr tat. avot, 49 A L BKUFLOVKI ft CO AI»MINI3TUATOK'3 NOTICE Having qut'in *.i a* a«]minitratcr of M A | lx >t»cr«Ki. deceased, late of Mflrtacoanly. S C . '.huiMoimiity alt {eroßft Uvise asaitat ! ih i4at of flail %lect««cd to cxhihft ihna to tlie on or brfore tlae pni Jay erf J«ly i ox. oc tbia flMict wi.l be pkadct! in tor of tbeir .. c\ivrry. AU prr*oaa« indchol to nuJ estate • !l plca«c anakr iaucdiatc ;uracflt. §, jrj « «.f IJIV &*i. C'H auacasos, AAnmSnlor. KOTICB liUml la wstwa' fci iiinHiilft to iiaffiTp. $ C. for am Sk Iq, . taoa* bm uk lo sir. 1 ika!!. at less trial f .'ca;j.ilSn i- nat?t Hiflna 9S «!•}• frau Oftr. d«ausl ikol for an Th}» jrd July l*x 4«-t» IP copfEa. ROnCB SMkCMlta 1 htttliifHlTOt ( . wtnCMd i ■ . Umli —Oty, »*■ T. HWlcr ' niCßblUikT 1.. . _ ~J*_ ■ '■ I SD«MLtnmWMßuiil WkiUry wij ' «fb.JA>niiiMk.UHOMir aadvMr. • OtzE.>*st L Bt-tJUbtrt S LrwltMitoc C A R JFC LTIT.CLA-'LC' ).l,n»MO nfr Chn. nnr l-nrtl Joka ' binvnl wife JCoaa. WiUaara T Badtry.Ucary &a«LSd3tl fcjMHii.>kan Win. WW fbsC ■«*■>. Xak ami —Dr.i> ik Ititai Aap I>l »* SuSt r«at iM u actaaa atkM M d>m tu krra in—ii *■ IV Safii* cent f Haszim narijtfaalV •> of irilcrfab fa* ful&a —timWlliqlißiiß ilataSml «U> ' u m vtTlta Cwly rai aU *fnteb | nJ«w am —i? >MHB '■ iMlanii nlffli ud ddnJ«b«ia h>- Itri ulr ailaaa thai I atlMeOcr «dj Allots. Clrak ci Ikr Saprraar cagrtaf aaafia Canaty. at WiM—a. DC • ikr M%( taprf I«H. and aamrectaci '• te W|l|»l h ail Mia or tkr fUwt.i •nil inh to Ike am far tkr irW dfanfc it Tuilljuc l>u J A Rom Ocrk liia Caal ~ NOTICE % WSOTSS aadrr rflk Clerk of tkr Sapa* torn c«nt af Hutu Cratr •• Uk p». • i i flag nI«W fiktnud Cam and nk aaar | lk> J Cm in m.lli VUa. at will «S at UKCaal fcian ia on auadit If ik »jw. Ikr foUvariag baL tu sit:—A j Had at haf ia laa.tia Coaaty aljua ling tkr ■ k% laad oa Ibr Kortk: BaaduJpfc ni.ka.-J a w Kvt »>• Vath >ad tit Fn;.« Aaima laad ea tkr WcU. fcamu tkr aid -Kaarkrr XrSaaa kawarad. ' raauna] oat- B kaaMamaaarar Btaa. TtiaiofMr-tiat ka!f«k and taiaan ha laiin aanaiki fiua day of «ik with a prr-cral iali iial irfmrii |»a)atal. Tkaajoar Hk. i*. A- H. ft milk, "k^^tuaalafaam, NOTICE 1 jaka D Dot. Haiaul *» V,. Rana Royt yM, Drfradaal. Tkr Drfradaal akar named aria lakr aatarr I tkal tkr akoar caMled ictta kaa km laaaaa ' irdaa ikr SapaaaorCoan. at Mattia caaalj. aad' aaauai daly i TI maraaldr at tkr Coart 1 Haat ia Wilkaaaaßaa oa ttyr jad maday ia Srpt > ■pi.akniaadaknr tkr drfradaal ia la apyrar aad aaaa > i or draaar la tkr ouaplaial akark tea krra daly (ltd That Ikr pmrp*-* of Ikaa a liiia Hto drrtarc tkr piaiatad . litlr to a taactaf laad aaaaideuaaty.kaovaaa tkr Nriaaa ailin laad. a»d to rmckadr Ikr defradaat fna aay aau iaa« ikrrrrvaad to art apaaallrerd Ka [ drrd. ranvtodW M Jt. VatmlaC. C. Valm Tkaa adk day af |aar l|ai J»«J | A. UDLK. X Ckri Saprrtor Cwwl ~i WMTIY SUCCESSML "SMttliag to* iMcr Ik Sai. All IWor» hire triad to care rA TARRAII by the bm of powder 1 *, acid (fW'.iiUlfi and drugs in ptfu form. TLeir dry op the mo cuous iiiembranes cm»in;» tLeai la '-rack open anil b!eed. The |o*er(.i arid need in tLe inhaler* hare entire - ly eaten away the eame meabrane* that their maker* hare aimed to cure, while parfft and ointments cannot reach the disrase An old and tenced practitioner who has for many y»ar» mad* a clone stndr and special ty of the treatment of cATTARAiI bad at last -perfected a treatment which when faith'ul!y ustd, not only relieve? at once, lut f-eruanen'ly cures CATARRAII, bv removing the cause. ftor|»rtic the discharges and curing all inflammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actual ly reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy' is known as "BXUFFLE3 the GUARANTEED CATARRAII EURE," and iiwold at the extremely low price of One Dol lar, each package containing internal and external medicine sufficient for a fall months treatment and everything ui ternary to its perfect use. "SNUFFLES" is the only perfect cATARRAH cURE ever made and ia now recognised as the only safe and poaitive cars for that annoying and disgusting disease .It alao cures inflammation quickly and permaa ently an 1 is alao wonderfully quick to relievellAY FEVER or cOLD in the lIEAIK ' cATARRAII when neglected often leaita to cOXSUMP riON - SN U F FLBS* will save yoa if you use it at OBCSL It ia no ordinary remedy, but n complete treatment which is positive ly guaranteed to earn cATARRAH in nay form or at age if used according In the directions which accompany each package. Don't delay bat nead for it at once, and write fall particu lar! aa to yoijr condition,and you will receive special advice from the die-, coverer of thin wonderful remedy re garding year cam without coot to yoa Uyoad tjtf regular price of "SNUF FLES the "QUARANTEED cA TARRAH cURE. r Sent prepaid to any address ia the United Stat** or Ouada cn receipt of One Dollar. Addrsaa Dept. c49I,Ei», wiK B: GILSS k oa. 3330 and 2332 Market Street. Philadelphia. ———l I nil Guessing Contest. Cut tkis Mf aid sen] witM 25 rents to 7Tb Enterprise. EDITOR ENTERPRISE:— Find enclosed J| cents lor 3 mouths sub- - - , , My Outs; 1®....."..... HWOdf- :^r A4dwm. w .. . PltMt write Kmc and Address plainly. B No gons noticed accompanied by above ticket aa^^H a 3 carta, A. C. L j inuTX KUiT qu J ttoxrm ' aww«a ukuna. miSi CCUK tOiTU. mret, j r> ! z - *as-si:*a KC . » r- i i _ -iA_ J1 r ii_«r M : i Jt. T. u. WriSaa— aa ja. a »»>■.__ • • 41 r£> - r --p~ '-- 'lfxaa* Taakcsa a» as* ;T . Lmj ~1 ' Ur*aay*... "> UaR Suaj . . jy. mt- jaa \ iaa laawaoia—. _i"s«ti ! A*. Hcnair - I j ,J _J i e *-A * j Aa ";a| CTT I.*. LuMan - - I a iv i a UXwaha U Va. JV-a ■ fa, ««a ______ I \f- MAX r. Jt. TUIHCOOICintTH. „ i*jters* ** s a , >f> a a • S a o"3 * a Zsi *- *» * a •- - | . U a r. x. iAj». rv ■ iaaa . * —, i j i.« - I»j UaiM. it i) * aa . arta=a I I y ii j} ***!- aJHSeasi j I A . " '» I V M r M A 11. tr.Wa; _ ' jao is • > u |a an .' U- r « ■Out —,» a *4 —sr. " „Jr i. i A. M. r x r. M. [jfa" Wit ■•> _ 'USG u 'la«! iaS If. !a-iy m Ij. »H lib air 111 — 4«l 1 U»? laikaaa a -- U». ly XI J V ._| aaej" Aa. W,kMo a. I t Jsf — jr. m | A a. f. m wtia Kriaaa Km lit* —Tlaaa lam WO- aaa aa amri lajiianllli »•] e m . *»*• aa aj p m . aniaca liaa fard :«iP a Buctarraac Saiu faafcaliai p. la.aiTM kayrtsr-.aUe»» JL aa, kaac Fayttu f)h or a.a-nc wtiaiaagiaa > qe. a. " feau««eir Stta.-k-I>au ka«ra ► aaatts 1 ilk aa, H»iSoyii a aa. Had 'niftaga lava a.ra«ba vua.a, HifrMilli USA a.ani • taiaOn* aa aa. Saaaaaaas karca lafrtanik a ass-aa, Miifi MiUa aaa jl m.. Scd a t ilaa iil]■ ■ a I ail ■ Mia arU> a krljf a. (AttKas I axtmair arilk laaaa No at lhaka aak CilUaa Coaial Saalaoad. at Ked urn. I n» ask ikr Brd ftuamrt raii aaad at Ma" -rI aask iar - akaani Ait Liar aad MV aMaai atOaCf alklirDailaaaad rkaHatli Saafi lal I Ttaita aa Ikr *Wadaad JCcck nraack laadktvta I WrSSaa i»r aa. Siklai« ijk aa . aiiiaaa Sea*. . laad a. t.nw.ik Ir p. a . Kta aSaa - V r abtnat kaia knaaa j spa a a n. irrfrCrc at llaulaa it ia a. aa St»ka aa jj« K.iad ta.tjrf Maaday. Ti. .aa WaArylaa kaact kaav Waskia»- l,m iota araad ip? aa *mu l-aiaaili 9ia a n.tai> aa. atanaaf haw farina W m A a aim« Va.kiagtaa uaa.a. »»: t 73 p aa . daSa tacya • aaday Traaa kaaa, SaaVwaS-C.. daUy ttetft Rua dat •} a. -iaa 111 *ii f *, arrtail ttr »aa • ftp. aa., fay aa.. anurnao*. kavrs rh*i>!-•feflf - uni waday ;j» A a, aid ktaib; laaa,. anno Tanui aw 10 a. aa, '*T-a* -a X C nraack Wa-T. (.ofcia. kcto .r a. rji« .v _-«U-. jaa a. an . armiua kai:ii.-.-1) »'■» a aa Il kaxa aautUtll 7 BOAT. . a-11 - • '**■ iiaucta »as a. ia. - T. aa.l Vya kacky Mount al „ *• A K- 1> !».aunt iaaatnUc waa. aa.. I»{sa . i>"l l~*« 11 aa autnn ■>•. lutni-.n «ai l«;riia» aa.i){|M. Sa : -.ii« ir r- a a- .>*> |* a , ui»c al kwAy tt 39 aut-av „Trxi*t w Üb:M imxi *ini» wr OKT A*BY. U«FT SBD«T. 11 #«. AIM! 4 M l> an , I .fcsiwi Miic*iaulua a. at., and a ■*» w . V-an Sinr 7* nk * cV>ar iffrtloß at VrVSoa U aU rati «ta Kt tiuumd, - —1- M. OCT ; 1 Mn|tt J^tai. 1 » K.FXI.T. Cval —=n T K. UIKIsO.X. T.ifti 34Aca®rr. Rodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoa eat* Tbi ptvparatkm contains nil of the HfKt*n!> ami dipMi all kiada q| food. It givrt instant relief aad nevm (hits to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The must seoaltlre' stoßuctfS can »ate lb By its use macy tbovi aacii of d)«peptles have been carvd a f t«r enerythiag dee failed. It Is for allsUMunch truubka. It aart kelp kat-da ymm gaai ftrf.l ■ dnl> ky tr. I*Wm*Ciiv,l IJrage Tkr ti. butair oii -atM-fH liaaalk Mc. Sa C. PICAKSTABPaKX k CO. BO YEARS* aa r^a^ll » laaaij fcrniateaaaSf r*.n:a latoa tkanaak Maaaa ilkaaam erjdadiAafl aaannttil - Sckiliflc Jhwlcait teoi'ii 'r,c.A.saow&co. WMHINOTOM. D C i%ia%taiiiaaaaiaiiM»iama»aaaaaaaa»i •J • ' • 1

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