vol. n. LOST IN A STORM. *«clftuage late By WM ua > ' ** A FAMILY OF FIFISN MtIWMED r . The Great Uulf Storai Mas Swept All Telegraph Wires Away— Heavy Lasa of Property. '"W Orlmaa. Special.—The storm > r hlch has beea aweepiag the tfeif coast from IVasacola aad moving westward duriag the past two dv*. baa prostrated telegraph aad tele phone wires to sock aa exteat that aews from tha outlyiag aecttoaa to bard to cat at The greateat fears have beea entertained for the safety of the people living at Part Ends, which to at the Math at the itvwr. aad Cor the ahlpa that started for aea Just before the storm hngaa The wtraa there hare beea prostrated aiace Taeeday night at • o'clock, bat The Picayune reached a aaa who left Port Bads at 2 o'clock ma Wedaea day. He was seea at Baraa. which to •0 Bailee dowa tha river, aad the tartheet point with which there to wire communication at the present tiaae. This man deecribea the storm which swept that aection aa a regular tidal ware, similar to the OH which reunited la sach aa awfal loaa of life la 1893. He says all the people Uvlag on the east baak of the river hare ■aored np to the "Jam p." which ia IS miles from the mouth of the river. She house of a maa aaased Oobdfca half a mile above the qaaraatlae ata- Uoa. was swept away aad the Sfteea aaembera of the family, including nine children, drowsed. The qaaraatlae buildings were had ]y damaged, but no oae lajared. The big tow boat Chamber tola was drivea high aad dry ia the marsh. bat her craw are safe. The goverasseat boat Oeaeral Reiae ia believed to have been lost. Captaia O'Briea'a house waa swept a amy. hat he was aa the boat which was believed to be oat aids. The piledriver at Port Bads was auak. Tke steamboat barge waa drivea ashore near the lighthouse aad later it was reported that she had auak. Her crew were aald to have been aaved. The tag Vetearo weat dow* to Pass I.'Outre, which Is the eastern mouth of (he Hver. with two barges. When tost seen ate had her decha awaah. aad It to feared abe ha? ■oae dowa. If this boat aad her barges have beea loat. 2* people more hate beea drowned. There are num erous reports of Individual casualties alt akmg dowa the pamaee. The steaas era which started for the aea Tasaday remained Inside the passu a until Wed nesday evening nad then went oat safely, among the number beiag the Cromwell liaer Proteus, aad the Britiah transport Merhaairiaa. which waa dynamited while ia port a few days ago. Not a single vessel has passed up the river siare the storm began and great feara are entertained for the oaea which are expected. There ia aertoua apprehension coaceraiag the Cheaiere. Camiaada aad Graade laic sections, oa the sooth Ijouisiaaa roast, weat of the Mississippi river, where 1.04)0 lives were lost I* I**3 by the Ural wave. Up to thia writiag no word has beea received from that section which is largely iahabited by fishermen, mostly Chinese aad Mal aya. Up to Ikursday midnight every- Iklai seemed to be safe at the Mia aisaippl roast towns. Bay St. Louis. Pass Christian. Bikwl. Mississippi City aad Ocean Springs. bat since the* not a word has been heard from them All wires are down. The only reports of damage so far received are of de ntroyed bath booses and uprooted trees. The Louisville aad Naahvilte road Is blocked off beyoad Chat Men tear. SO miles from this city. The bk steel bridge there Is safe, hot b*jroa 1 there are several was hoots aa the road. The New Or leans aad North eastern road la also blocked by wsah outa aad Its big trestle over Lake Pontchartrain has been shake* by the heavy seas breaking againat It There haa beea much damage doae at Shell Beach, southwest of the city, aad which connects with L*ke Poatchar train. All the buildings there have bees swept away, aad there are re ports of losa of life among the >ah crmen, but the exact extent of this la mot known. A tidal wave swept ovar the laad there aa it did alae yeara ago. la tke city of New Orleaaa aad su kirbt there haa beea mamllirshla damage At MUaeberg. oae of the Lake resorts, the railroad pier heart ranalag oat iato the lake for a dia taace of a thousaad yards has been destroyed aad all light buildings aged. The big baikHaga oa shore withstood tke gale. There waa an leas at life. The steamer Neptaae. tied ap to this pier head. pouaded herself to fiecea aad saak Arizona FboM. • | B Ptoo. TO, gparial.—Afl tW southern portloa of Arisona has been partially covered with water for auj daja aad the destrnction to property especially to rallrosda. haa toe* eaor ■oui. The Southern FMUk aad th« ■mailer mineral roads hare suferec many waihouta. The "Burro" road that runs bom Bnuoa to Nopln. hat been unit for use for eerersl weeks aad nearly every day fresh Soods com» that destroy P*rt» * the tracks. In al! orer ten mtles of the track has toe* swept sway snd the company tan al Its surplus at work repairing tto damage. The B Paso 4 Sontkweater* road haa asdfersd severe losses between Benson and BMhss and a tees bridges km toe* swept away. ; FtoaSsat CaalCraak. Coal Osek. Tean.. Spscial-Coai Creek is two ftot higher than e*w ha ter* HUT tM- wmv n laaadatad and the people art mowing to higher rrtmdJmn bridges and tresdea m (%t nsnr Coat Creek, are away. Six torn vertWKjJDgrtj near Coal Cieek. jSlsir«. Mo Uvea srsra t *i I /y / ■■■ 1111 .mi —. THE ENTERPRISE iua minima L— riaafc ha wmw Nwth Gara- Irtwlll, tpxl.l.—Tl» railroad «S --« HI til* diriig the ralaa for tto weak. Traiaa oa all mala Uara aiw ""MhWj tM ap, aad the Aiknlll* ft Spartan bars dlviaioa practically closed aad ceased operatloaa. No tralaa oa this road are reported. A Bother Ms slide oa Batata aoutalß, a large Bomber of arashoats aad the railroad eslirety toarnl fcr water for long dlstaacea U reported to be the a a;i of aflaira la the rati re road froaa Spar- Uibnt. No. IS. trow Ooluiab.a. dae here at 7 p. BL. reported at Asherllle 11 boars late, initial at 11 o'clock The raa throagh waa only psaaible af ter aereral transfer*, aa the road U blocked ia a aamber of places. Passen ger trala No. M. dae to leave Ashe Till* at f pi for the Saath. was an nailed aad No. 14 la the aime dl rection dae to leave hen at I:ti had aot bee* aaat oat Satarday even'ng It j is expected that a thala will te raa oror the Asheville *- Spartaab.irg —« time diiiai the afteraooa. No. " "as aade ap here Satarday mora ine aad sent oat to Morriatowa. There to aertoaa trouble oa the maia 11 ae between Black Mountain and Boaad Knob By the cave ia of the utanel. one man loat his life, aal Sa turday morning's uain were delayed abont tea hours The loageat tannel ca the moaataia. the Swannanoa. b g a cavlag la at one end at aa early hoar friday eight, and a acctioa crew sad wrechlac trala were seat oat at oaoe to repair the damage Sertioa Mas ter Rohiaaoa waa at work ia tke Isa ac! aad la tke very mldat o? the aiid* wbea the wreckisg trala party puahed "a way through aad raa orer his hudy. kllllag him iaatsatly. Superiatendeat Loyal 1. aad Road m *»ter Waltoa left oa a special trala at S o'clock over the Aa Seville A Spar taabarg divlaioa. aad retaraiag, made a trip over the main line. Train Was ter Newell ia aiao out oa the road oa an laapectlag tour aad every effort poaaible to beiag made to g*t the road bed cleared All the wrerklag crews aad bridge fprcaa are at worh as wet: aa all aectlaa mea oa the division * heavy freight trala area stalled between Greeavills aad Ea«ley oa the Chariatte A Atlaata divlii ,n Priday oa aeon at of a alide Jaat n short d a taace ahead Another heavy fre:ght followißg. ploughed lato the first trala aboat Mteea ears are report-d as heiag amaahej sad otherwise damag ed. No oae waa reported aa being hart. CoL J- " Ray waa oa hia way home froaa Graphltevill? aad waa delayed at the tunnel from mida'ght to 139 Satarday morning. Sectlaa Master Robiasoa waa from Itoaviie. Va. Hia body waa brought Pl"ced la aa andertahing rooaa. Tar Heel Notes. The oarers elected by ths Sute ÜBBdrymea i Aaaodatloa are as fol lows: John H. Dick. G.eeasboro president: B W. Walker. Raleigh, vice prestdeat; second Tlce president Jr ***"*• Salisbury; secretary aad treasurer. F. D. I-ethco. Chariot « executive committee. J. A. Niehots". Asbeville. E. L Peace. Goidahoro: K K. Rides hour. Concord: J. K. Marshall Raleigh: W. a Shepherd. Winston. A ** uniform commissions to *f*" u *•» made and maay subjects of Interest discneaed. Pcadlag the arrival of BUite laaur aac* Commissioner Young who will make further examination Into the cane. H. Maaaer. a Wilmington Jeweler taa been arrested at the inatanre of the Chief of the Fire Departmeat oa a charge of araoa. Homers jewelry atore. oa which he carried |1.30> worth of Insurance, was found on fire the other day and f«m damage was doae before the blase was extinguish •d- Hnuser la out on ball. The Governor haa issued a re qoisittou for Charles L) le. now In jail at Roaaoke. Vs.. who Is wanted la Charlotte for the murder of Scwton Laaler. He Is the man fon whom the Charlotte Observer offered two hua dred dollars reward. A few weeks ago the atdersaea of Greeaaboro enacted aa ordlaaace creating a bonded transfer company llikl R the exefuaiva right to haal baggage feoss the depot aad other places la the city. The ordtaaa ~e cuts off considerable source of the la come at the public drays, aad there la trouble. The draymen Mm that, having paid their licenses, they are privileged to haal aaythtng the public will Intrust to them. QnTy Oae LMe Last. New Orleaaa. Special.—Commuaka- U«» with the resorta along Mississip pi Soand has baen opened, the trot Louisville and Nashville train coming tkroagh. gome sort of wire connec tion wna also established, aad It waa teamed that while the dsmsga had beea aerere it all points, wharrea and bath hoasia beiag swept away, there had been no loas of life except St* LoafcT™** U inm Itoeaa't Want Foreigners to Land. Washington, DL C, Special.—The Co lombian minister. Dr. Carlos Mar tines Hhn. returned to Waahiagtoa from Greeabrier White Salphur Springs. W. Vs.. where he has been for the tost month. His costing at this time may hare an Important bearing on aSair* rtlattog to the lathmna of Psaama. aa the mlaiater receive i cable advices from his goverament showing that it felt eatirely able to cope with the sltnatioa on the la thorns. pa the strength of these ad nates br. 811 ra aanoanred that Co hnnbin doe* not desire the iaa liag of foreign farces for the purpose of keep IBS open the traSlc of-the lathmaa Trwm F» Omrmetvem, Our Neighbor*, Omr Cmafry mmd Our OML WLLUAMSTON, N. C„ AUGUST 23.1901. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. SMaatr Skfttsa keterf aid foes kn. SDR WITIIH TVERIY MIMJtfS. Caffcd Wkts at FmU Speed—Sixty Sum Una Arc Kam to Nave Baaa Last. T it Toaaaiat. Wa, Special.—T>t aISB-uer (>taea has Just attired t.vrj the aor.h. haiag at aews of the aon appel.hag am-iae dtoaa er oa the P* ctffc coast. The ateaaaer Itlicilf, aaiKar froaa Skagway. Aufu.t Kth. when aearieg (he sistkeist cal ol Douglas Isbad. at 2 a. w. Angus! IStk. aad raaaiag at fall a peel, ■truck a toe ing he. erg and ta leu •haa 21 miaul ■ mat to the fcot*>«n d the de-p cheaoei. carry la; m a women aad ehii r.n to watery graves. The latoader had I*l pis-eaters, aad all were ia bed arhea the vemel atruck. The ahoch was ao severe that maay were throwa froaa their I er:ha aad the wildcat e trite meat prevailed. Wo. 1 waa ma leased that the vnsi-l vat doomed aad a teaeral arramble for the life toats eaaaed. maay J urn; ia; overt* ard aad atuaapt.ag to swim to the ahore. the diataare tetax ah rL l»« the scramble to get iato the boats, ■assy were hariei Leadhmg iato tho (hilly water, which. arcarJlag to pas si lifers airiv ag fiaaa the arcne. aeemed aire wt:h hamia beings. Be fore all the fasseaseas ha I Ml the vessel the gave a laate aad went doan.. tow tost. It to kaowa that aixty-sevea lives were tosi. It will bo ansae time before ILeir aamea raa le rftAnitely learce 1 as the p raer lust h i i ass eager list Vailsd Stabs Coaxal Smiih. of Vic toria, aho was a |as eater oa the Qweea frcaa Jcaeaa to Vict* ria. glean ed the folios lag story cf tte w.-erk f(i« smnay forty sarvivrrj who were taaaeaagera oa the latoader: -The lahuader Ml Kkaguay fcr Vlt tt ria ca laat Wednesday with I*l pas seagrra. amnag thewa 12 atowaways. All went well, the a'eamer making her usual record of IS kao a aa hour un II 3 o'clo h. Thacaday moraiag. when J u aaa a waa pea ed sad the >outh en I of nraglai I- la ad uraa reached. Then aaddenly the si earner eacutatcr.-d an oba ractioe aald to ha e beea an ice berg. aaJ stapfal w.th a Ja- which aroaaed maay of the akepln. paajw-n •era. Ciplali K o> was kiviit break fast a ad ike (Hot no.ified him of the trouble Wkta the *«s*el struck, water nuke) la forwar 1 la peat vol aaei aad the pilot al».»l that the \ esse I fee n a oa ike leach. not ove.- kal a mi'e aa: at oa-e. The ca? lata objected to ikA say lag that the beach wta to* abrupt. He thought there aa* no iasmediate Oai»er. bet voald ren a few uiks farther down where he kaew th r J wan a |ooi land- The captaia aaasued aereril pass i - gera the.e was ao Immediate danger aad that lha; could MI back to bed aad aeat the fait ofßcer down to e. smtae That oMcrr reputed therr* waa great deal of danger aad arged that the TCISCI be beached a" race The frat o»«r ordered the bo*ta kt -owa. bat this waa countermanded 'iy the (aptala who. however, finally re alised the sertoocaeea at the aluiatlo i aad sßeared tke first oMcer to gel dowa the boats Meanwhile the pa* aeagers aioaa'd to ike'r p?ril. ap pealed ca tke deck tad a rush wss made to tke parxer who had keen glvea mark ti»tt«:e for eafekeerln ;. Parser BJakoo landed all out exeep two tags o }I«.M cack. which were aot claimed aad wat dowa with the -| aaa il The kow of tke steamer sunk aad S9 miautea Inter tke ;r pH'er an I rudder we e bigh .a the si* aad use Iras, bat the captaia remained on the bridge aat.l the las; and finally ju «P ed ca a li e tat- When ih; ate :■»:• weat aade* aa tipioriw orcurr* 1.1 he cap*ala 'oat hla hold oa the raft aa! weat cader. Maargaai Bays Steamer L'se. laaint Special.—lt la reported In r.laxsow that 1. R EUcrmaa. of the Leylaad Use. has purchased the old established (Sty Uae of 14 atcauaers engaged la tke East ladlsn trade, the price being a early I.COa.OW pounds Mr. Kllermaa. accardlag to ramnr. Is actiag for J. P. Morgan and his aajo ctatcx Ordered to Hampton Road*. Nantacket. Mass.. Special.—The North Atlantic aqnadron has retired orders to sail for Hnaspeoa Roads. All >i ipsi illm i far thi roatisaeae of the aanuemn at this place hare beea connSermaaded aad the vease!s of the sqnndron sr* nlready getting up steam, preparatory to the'.r departure. While the exact reason of the rhsnge of ptaas la aot known, it U bellered here that the troahle la Soath America haa aomethiag to do with It. The Tea sels were scheduled to to la Newport an Aagaat 25th and the camp her* war to have reaaaised antll Friday. jsalhi i a'i I toss Open Again. Washington. Bperial —The Southern Railway haa iantd the following statement: Tl» «£3ni»sheres>fsfe rr ported la western North Carolina dad Aah'Tiile territory anbslded with £s tnrday. 17th Ins?. Tie Sjwthera 5a 1- wsy reports a*l liars open aid as noi lag normal coaditloca Rcp~.l a hi"e bees irad-: aad irsl-ss movies It !« fcaad that the dxmazr b/ Siod* n flrst reported to larraly over-fstlma tad. No farther tumble Is aaUclpattd. NOITB CAIOLINA CtOf BULLETIN. .« Hwn IhfortH Thraifcal the State. , The put week was remarkebie ,fo» heavy rains from the ttth to tick, and subsequently light showeis until the close; creeka aad rivers sera apia very much swollen. aad la nae seo ttoaa'tha freshets vara reported to tan been the hl(heat tor the seaeoa: much damage waa rained by overflow ing atraama la the weat aad soath. aaj many 8«lda were badly washed by the heavy downpour. particularly la Ptankllng. Halifax aad Nash cowatira. where the total rainlhll tor M hoars on the 14th varied from & to 7 laches. The temperature waa a boat 4 dsgteta above the daily Burma];aad the hot aanshine and high humidity daring the latter portloa of the week raaaed a very sultry atmosphere. aad mac cropa Bred on aaady laad or low pla Ma No farm work could ha arroap liahed during the week, aad grass aad weeds grow rapidly.—_ Cotton In some places improved somewhat, and la very favorable local itiea. with a good autumn nearly a (all crop may be made, bat throughout the larger portion of the state the crop has not made much progress; cottoa plants are very wredy aad loag Joint ed on stiff lands, small oa sandy laud, and generally are not forming boll a well on either; blooms are Mill report ed; shedding of squares aad bolls la Increasing. Old corn la practically made; the late crop la filling out thirty well. Fodder is ripening fast, bat pall ing commenced during the week, but what waa gathered was damaged by rain. Tobacco In the ceatral-weat erc tlon haa suffered from excessive rains and weeds; Airing is progressing with texture, good but yield light. Crops like sweet potatoes and peaaats of which the condition can only bo judged ty the appearance of the vlaee. are seem ingly doing veil, aa the top growth If very rigorous, but fears are eipreasel that the frequent rains will diminish the quality and quantity of the yield. Turnips are timing up alcely. Con siderable grass Intended to be cat for h »y was ruined by the freshets. Mil. oas. and fruits coatiaoe to deterlcate;' the apple crop will be' almost a failure Dead Body Foaad la a Traak. Aaheville. Special.—A murder, which for burtality haa few If aay eqnals ia Buncombe a criminal record. or ray red hen Monday morning a abort time be fore daybrra*. Willie Hehora. a colored woman, was the victim, and circum stances point with almost uarrrln; force to John Miller, colored, as the perpetrator. The murdered woman liv ed in the Cripple Crrek section of the Tity. Monday morning a neighboring c olored woman vent to her home ta borrow a shawl or wrap of some kla 1.1 and fslling to And the occupant of the house at home, began to look about for the wrap anyway. In one corner of the room was a trunk, the lid of which waa open, and about the trunk was a pile of clothing. Naturally she wrnt ta this pile of clothing to look for the desired garment. Oa raising the tray of the tronk she waa confroated with a night which for a few mlaates render ed her speecheleaa with horror, al though she Uvea la a section which has grown hardened to crime In varied forms. The Sehora woman lay d«ad in the bottom of the trunk. The head had been almost severed from the body, presumably with an axe. Seven-Inch Shell Explodes. ■ Junction City, Kaa.. flpe-ial—While at target practice aboo*. 9 o'clock Moa day morning .on Fort Kiley reserva tion. half a mile north of this city, a 7-Inch. 107-pound ahell exploded aa it was being plac«d in the breech of a section gun of Seige Battery 0.. Sev enth Artillery, commanded by Cap tain Van Duren. The caanaltles were: Henry C. Watson, killel; John J King, fatally Injured; Mo-ray Sykes. fatally injured; ('has Duncan, fatally iajured; Henry l/apiand. seriously Injured; Dennle Hogan. injured; Re cruit Lloyd, seriously injured; Rooa Duck, slightly Injured; Jamea Brady, slightly injured. Copprr M lac Sold. Salisbury. Bptriil.—A Rowan rotpci mlar belonging to Mr. H. K. Oddie wai ■old Maidi/ for IM.Mt. the properly Including S9Z irrn of land sltjlcUd i) miles from Salisbury on lbs Slake* Kerry road. A parljr of Chlra&o capi talists are Ah* pnrrhasera. the d- I be log made to one of the number aa trus tee for the company. «||| short ly be organised. Colonel Marlon. Unit ed Stafea pension agent at Chirsg J. Is here completing the purrahse. All of the new ovnris of the mine are men of wealth and high personal and bual teu character. Obstructive Kaiat la Hhtw Montgomery, Ala.. Special.—State Commissioner of Agriculture Pool', who baa just returned froai his hcaat In Marengo county, reports that secTion of the State visited by the worst rain he has ever known at this stttio. The cotton has blown down l-tel.with th* ground and is heM down by tht weight at its bolls ud the mud. H estimate* the iaiM|» by tS« la.n fie last week at b»twe«n 10 and 20 per cent The corn crop waa alao a sufferer. Postmasters Appointed. WasSSngton. "SjUHir—Ts» f-l mnat North Carolina portma? era ar? ao pointed: Conrad. Tadkia county. M C. Davis, vice M. J. Hohaon. resigned Cullasaga, Maroi county. Wm. R Bui gin. vice H. A. Berdlrk. resigned Lowe, Robeson county. W. C Towp send, vice F. Davis, resigned; H) k Rowan county, W. A. Shuping. Tic*. J. A. Shire, resigned. % ARP ON MARRIAGE Wfcat KM of Girl StoaM a fan; Lead ta the Altar. LOVE IS TIE GIFT OF TK LMB Evtls of Marry lag CcaUm Prefc-s --aar Capaar. of the laalWllaa Far the Deaf, (Uvea Rgarcs. When a young asaa falla la love aad resolves to get married I recaoa it Is a V»d thin; that he is reckless of the consequences. I waa. I know Jar I ana thought of aaythiag except the pretty girl aad how happy I would be to get her. I had ao thought of troable or poverty or grief or war or death Tfea time was far. far away whea the sti ver cord would be loosed aad the go*- dea bowl bo broken. Aa for the gill, she ia more reckleaa tbaa her lover, even though her peril Is far greater, for hers ia to be the paia aad safferias. the cars aad anxiety—the aigbt watch lag aad eometlmes the broken heart. II I Is a mystery to me how the aaother ea dures it all and holds up lur head ast keeps her strength lint love far her offspring, maternal love, sustains her. i It ia the gift of God. There was a mar riage ia our towa the other day. aad aa tie crowda gathered at the charrh our neighbor, lira. Feltea. stopped ia the veranda to rest aad see the battle from afar. She waa. as usaaL merry aad say by turns sometimes the tears were glistening In her eyea aid nana she laughed merrily aad showed her pearly teeth. Whea the bridal earrings arrived she gave a material sigh aad whispered. " Poor things. they little know what Is ahead of tlua ** Saddea ly she braached off into a story abnci her little pet male colt that la BOW bei daily comfort. "It watches me at tfc« window. - she said, "aad whea I ff > oal It ruas to me aad lays Its heed oa aay arm aad almost aeaatles ia my bowa Mary's lamb was not more lov.ag it bites and kick* nt everybody else, but runa to me fawas upon me with perfeel adoration." She laughed again, bat nil at once the corners of her Boots drooped to an angle of 45 degrees aad bar voice trembled aa she slid: "Bat. .. major. I have at. la* o(ae down tn * hard paa aad misery in my old age- N« rook, no help of aay sort, and though . yesterday waa my aixty-foarth birth i day I bad to pull the baggy dowa ta the branch and wash 11. Oh. my coon try!" She cried a little, and then laughed a good deal mare. Pearly Inn and pearly teeth are attractive fsatarea In a woman Neverthltse. betweea W* ting mule colts and washing baWi she still finds time to plead for the ed neat ion of the poor country girla ol North Georgia. I But what kiad of a girt ahould a young man marry? Of coarse, she masl be born of respectable pareats. aha i should be virtuous, she shoald have a good, loving disposition aad a lair edu cation. Sh should be healthy aad have no taint of her lover's ancestral blood In her veins. All of these qualifici tiona have beea discuacd aad treitsl ever and over agaia. except the last- I am inspired to say something atort that because its Importance has loag beea overlooked-neither porta nor philosophers nor scientists have writ ten upon It nor given any warning A letter recently received Irom a yoaag man in Miasisaippl asks if there is aay thing wrong in h man his cousin Yea: very, very wrong. Theaa. awer la found In the records of the aay tums fi»r the deaf and dumb nnd blind. Their chief patronnge comes from the intermarriage of cousins These insti tutions cost our state "boot fT&.OM a year, aad" „ half _ of t>* **' peaae could be avoided if the intermarriage of ..mains 1M prohibited. I have not the reports of the blind asylum before me. bat 1 know of three blind children of one family who were sent there, and they were the offspring of parents who were rousins I know of Bre children of oae family who were ml to oar deaf aad iumb institute at Cave Springs. Their parents were double cousins. They had but one child who could hear aad speak. Sh>* waa a good-looking coos try girl. She married a clever yn-iag who hauled wood for aae. Soon af ter his marriage be moved to Temaa and hired to a cattle aaan. aad was so faithful in bis service that in a few years he bought an interest in the ranch aad prospered. I met him at Waco sixteen yeras after be 'eft Geor gia. and he waa aaid to be warth flte.- 000. and his two elder daugatera were a boarding school at Waro. 12 m:a*a from bis home. He bad six children, and. alas! one of them was a ae-rte. The taiat had cropped oat ia the aec ond generation. »• Professor Connor, the faithful nad long tried principal r* *»r dear aaa dumb Institution, has tabulated the parentage of his pupils for asany yet:v. and reports that In 2C families prodcr lag 48 mates the parents were ffrst cousins. In 12 families producing 1* mutes the pareats were secoad coas las. In 11 families producing l£ mutes the parcels wcrit third cousias. Al together there were 97 mate children of parents closely related - Of 400 deaf mutes 193 bad deaf par ents. and many of these deaf parents are no doubt the offspring of the inter marriage of cousins. Among these 400 pupils 59 asarri agea have occurred aad tber>? have been born to them IIS children. IS of whom can hear aad 21 are mates, la 19 if the marriages there were ao cbil- Irea born. Now. after one. two or three nvtes have been born la succession to jtrents. It would setm.a an. if not a •rime for them to have more. The law £oald prohibit lt- But if this cannot be lone altor marriage, the remedy for: he fffture Is to prohibit the intermar riage of cousins- yes aad secomd -ousins To be born deaf oc blind in a dh against the child, aad to have it Hip ported by the state ia n drain npoa •.he treaanry that might be avoided. But being deaf or blind ia aot all the -vil that follows these Incestuous Mr- j Aacee If the children an aot deaf er Mlad they are geaerally aader aome Physical disability. They are coaaamp tlves or epileptics or idiotic, aad paaß throagh Hfe aad leave ao aiga. Porta aateiy moot of sach axarriagea resdt ia "-Ok'aidL" aome any. "the Levitical hwdldaot prohibit It." No. It did aot. aad I reckoa that Cala married kts sis ter. We hasw that Abraham married his half sister, sad ao doab: that ta why ao children were bora to them except oae by grace la their old age. Bat It Is aald that the Boaaa tows aad the laws of lTaglaad permit sach marriages. Tea. the Roman law did aatO Pope Alexaader II stopped it aad prohibited Brat, aecead aad third coaa laa from tatermarvyiag. Ibe lawa of Kaglaad permited sack marriages be ea ase tha hiaga aad the aoklity waated to keep the crowa aad the ti tlra aad their estatea ia their families. Aid ao oaar Americas people, who have patterned after Eaglish law and p»e redrat tor more thaa a hundred ytats. have beem reluctaat to make aay rkaage la this regard. Bat the quest*. >a is sow romißg' l> the froat. aad the time la comiag for a chaage. It aeewa sow to be aa estab lished sad esiversal rale that the** marriages entail upon the offspring evil coaaequtßctß. bodily or mentally. or both. The evil effect of what ia call ed "breedlag in"* nanoag aaimals leads to the eoarlusioa that It to aa law. Good stock, blooded stock, is ant permitted la tkat way. . Heard a con ceited ma declare that # was de scended from the Carrolls. of Carroll loa. la old Marytaad. Suppose he did. That waa six geaeratioas bach, an 1 woald give him aixty-four aacstral fatherra aad aaotbers. said beace he had oaly oae slaty-fourth part of olj Charles Carroll'a btood 1B bia vriaa I kaow s lady who boasta that her fath er could trace his liseage hark ta Croswell That was eighleea gearra tloaa hack, aad woald give him ilt aarestors aot much of t*bomweli's blood ia her. It is sstoaishiag how rap idly the aaeestral tree wideaa. Two Reaeratloma back gives a maa oaly f.wr great grandfathers and grandm t'>- asothera. bat twenty geaeratioas gives him over a million Just think ol It. y mug nun. aad quit bragging about ynar aacestora. for thrrre are over a ■sillioa differeat strain* of bio d in your veins, aad no doubt aome of it ia had—very bad. My wife's graadfathrr waa a Holt aad hia grandfather waa a Raadolph aad hia gtaadfather aras a Peyton aad his. anto liOtd Rolfe. who married l\»ahonias That was lea geseratioas bark, aad pi VISE my wife 1.121 aarestors. an 1 therefore, she haa 1-I.Kith part of Poky's Moo 1 ia her veins Mightly alitn strain, it se»ms ta aie - aot much lajun about her. One day I ventured to aak about the other IJK3 parta that d>d not come from Poky nad she aev-*r aiid saything. bat looked at me In a peculiar tone of vales that reminded n» it wrs none of my business. Rut I honor a noble ancestry. ■ used to think that maybe I desrcndel from Captain John Smith, but on ic v est i gat ion found that he never waa married aad had ao children to sprak of.—Bill Are ia Atlaata foes: itution. Lw and Hobson Speak. Cati'ierhii! Hd.. Special.—Captain Richmond I" llolr--n an I C« ncral Fitihugh Ijee delivered addresses to an audience of &.«•*> people at the Mountain Lake Cbatauqua. Capta.n llohaoos theme was "The N»»J." while that of Gen. Lee was Th«- Army." Both addresses were heard with great interest and Capt. Hobs -n ties loodly applauded wh n he de clared that Congress should ap;>r»» priate at least »2SjMtt.OO» ann.iall. towards bcildlng up the I'nited State* ■a vi. Ila-krr (lets Divorce. Miami. Fla.. Special.- Henry )l Flaeler. the multi-millionaire oil mag nate. has j rcurrd a divorce. under the aew Florida statute, which prorides that insanity of four yeafs" standing is ulii ient ground for a dirorce. The rase was bard in thambers by Judge Minor S Jones, of the Circuit Court. Former Governor Fleming. Mrs. Flag ler's guardian ad litem, represented the defendant, but there was practi cally no defrnsa. Mr. Flagler U 72 years aid. Camp lavestlgatioa. fM the ladies whom the British G;v (nnrat has eeat out to lavertiins the state of the refuges camps >.-sj Lucy Deane. the lady factory jr. Is perhaps, the least wMI kn>wn to the (t*neral public. But she is estrcmc |y well known to work peaple. espec - ally to those ia the paUery districts and to those ia jam factories. Miss Peane's father was kiliei ia the lsst Boer war by the Boers. ,QA aiaa caa go downhill tbia he CM S* UP- Tha Bajifin •( of the Johnson*. Although the late Albert Johona and hit brother Tom both began ihtir lite* work a- drivers of street cars in Lours vtllc. they 4hl not con* from the cla-s that usually snpfliri -nch employees, bat Mongrel to a distinguished Southern family, and one of their grandfather-, was a Vice-President of the United States. As joung men thejr were vcrjr poor, and had respiim-.ibilitir'. toward inkers rnd as thrir father had been in a way con nected with ;bc Louisville itlcrt iail*Jy lines they began to work ahcrc it aa* casfit to obiain employment. It was m thi« way that, although members of a family well known and socially esteemed in their natiire town, they began C;|eers destined to be,y>- successful in the hara ble employment %i street car dnscis It rtr 'Witt ttftis .employed m* loots eille that Tom JcK&son made his first invention to improve the existing con ditions on the local street cars. Thi was soun adopted everywhere and was the (ai* of the brothers' first" advance to ward wealth and importance. The fun ily had for many years lived in Ken tucky.—,V9 York Sum. .**.—r— ■— "^ r ~ r — *—: NO. 49. VENEZUELA INVADED fct ItfrM as* lakrutiMl if. firlrfetaffc TOMES CAIWIi-S VEKSIM « IT. •■t War Vcsidita Pi—nt Amm* team llmiu. New Tort. B»eriaL—The cable artsagr baa kna rudwt by tke AwctaM PM (raa Item Cardraaa. |CMI«I secret mrj af PM tent Castro, of Vracaria. h nptr *■ • dispatch addressed to the ma'law aakfag for a Malraseat oa tba Vo» I sola Columbia sitaatioa: k ~cUMU Vnnirh, Amg, 17.—h '*» Of Hia KmUtacr. Ceaeral Castro. I reply to yoar nkkpu ta Iho foilowiag terms: "TV eorara tu.at of Vnowk. proM war kr (Kwnl Caatro. Is liHjr JalUti ja all IU work* aad acta. It is r iiafilj liberal ia ita pnrlkr* It ia mi the cpiaioa that the Coatarrattvea at (V loabia. probably kd by raiaooa aad i forked pusku. have raoh«4 to as tist ia a rerolnlioaary aonaal aralast VraezaHa aad her pnra ia.au All of this baa ben actaalty | prorea by the oSrial pahltr ithi la iml by the cabiaet ia Batata. They dale from the Srst of April Tk!l Tie* baa aot bwa dc aied. either by the Coaaarratire pwrniat of Cb ■ombia. or by her earoy extnorflMty aad mlatatrr ia this capital. , V • 1 ""Wlw the pmraant of Vene zuela was surprise.! by tka trst aal cad second larasinaa of ber ux tboisand aad two h aad red tboa taad ciea. respectively, the laradtf were rictorioosly expelled by tW ®ar eraaeal and the people of Vranwb Brace said ereats. l#.«d area ban l*ea naied en (he (matter far tba defease and lalegrttjr at Vuntll aad Ita aatioaal hoaor. Tbeae are • t«He apart fMMB ber active mika troops oa other parts of the frostier as veil aa aatioaal troopp scattered ! over the republic aad tbe reserre Bin lia BOW aader arms. • "Yen.-zu-la has aot accepted tbl invasion as aa lateraatliiasl attack by tbe people o4 Colombia agaiast tba people of Venezuela. bat kaowlas Its Ml aoarce. niofcaizes la It tbe work o." the Conservative Roceraawat of Cot»m!>ia against the majesty of the nation of Vrinurla." Washington. I). C, Special—TLe Nnvy HrptrtmrM. which is firertil J all Its enemies to harrying skips U the srene of CnlOMbilVi at. Htb trouble. in order to raforrr oar treaty guarantees, experts to bare three ships on the way within 24 how*. The Machias. whkh has brni detained at Hampton Koails by the threatening weather south of Cape flattens. was able to start on her journey Saturday. a;suraiv es having been given by thn Weather Bnrenn that nil dangers froaa the Gulf storm al ine the southern At- Untie hare now pasned. Word was received at the Nary De parting nt that the battleship lowa had arrived at Kan Fraaeisco. aad she was iastrncted by telegraph to proread as souif as possible to Faaaoa ca tht west roast It is probable she wi I bare to take some rttal aboard, tart tb.- I teparttuent Keller# s sae wtJ >« able to sail On Uer 3.|«* mile Jotney by Sunday moraine. The Raagrr hat mailed from San IHego southward. Sell lev !■ W ashiagtoa. Wa. aington. D. C-. Special.—Ad miral Winfivld S. Schley arrived ia tb-: «ity Friday Bight from his hone la New York on business ia eoaaerUoa with the court of inquiry. He waa ac ompaaied by Mrs. Schley aad daring his stay here the a'lmlral will luaaali with Jeremiah Wih* a aad his other attorney» afs to the case Scarcity of flea. Pittsburg. Special.— % dispatch from Sharon nays: The rattoa planters of the South' are beginning to fed the (Crete at the steel strike, amadlas to advices received there. The clos ing of the mills of the Steel Hoo} Company ruts off their mala swpply of cotti n ties aad they seem willing to pay any price la order to have a suClcicnt i "Ply, wLvB the time i OB'I to move « otton.' Cadets at Bwflaio The Vnt Poiat cadets ant to th« Pan - Aawricai yeaterday to remain two weeks The strength oT the commaad ■ 12 officers. 3« eadets. 51 baad aad •eld music. * caralrTaseo. t hospital corps men. IS civiliaa rmployeea. M horses and 1* males. Om Pnllmaa pal ace ar. 1C tourist sleepera. • burnt care and 1 stock cara were required for transportation. The entire party wul lire in the escampment within tha grounds and hare their meals sir ted at the Slatler Hotel. ———————— # F«ht With Strikers. Cleveland. Special.—A tght aeear red Snaday sight between two spa rial polk earn at the Crescent Mills and a number of striker*. The poHce mten were tstortiag n con pic at. ■tri men from their home to the mul, ■>f Mw ntilhni* rrinil tj the men not to ietHin to work. TSh action angered the o®c«ra. who wd their clubs on those asoreat. F»»k Zigltr an-1 had his head ffmsthcdaad teienl other men wet* less ■■ ihnMl) hurt. The sKair was of short data Uon. bat ranch ill feeling waa ■■Utat Wfc iW - : _ , k- MS

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