THE ENTERPRISE. PCBLISHKD KVKRY FRIDAY wmitmrton, N. C. AtPBKD K WHITMORK, .. . RDITO* AUD PunsxsnEn .. If • •nfaacrlber wUhea the |iaper tlnppctl the publisher nut be notifled «nt solwcrlptloii paid up. AdrertU*m-nUon which n i specific number ol mark si. will he marked .'UHI ferbld" and diarfcJ tq date of dlaaonlltiu aacr. Al»ertl»?m:nt« dl*">iitlnu-1 !>S%>rc the tuue for hai eaj>trod will he,charg«ft iray aieat rain far the time artwally jmbll.tiei noticed without the name •f the writer accjmpanif* lt-n«t to be puli- Uahed. but'ana guarantee of good faith. " Butaeaa Uocat» 5 cent« ■ line. Obttoariea and Etaolutlona of Reaped, all over II llnea, 5 cent" * tlrte. Copy for Adeertlacmenti. or chaTißr of Adver- Itaiim all must be iu thli office not later thiui Wednradayaoou ~■ . •UMCRIPTIONfi.oDA VKAR Iff ADVANCE Ratrrad at the Post Office at Williamson, M. C., aa Second Claaa Mail Matter. IB 1 . FRIDAY, SKPTEMBKU 13,' 1901. The following is the list of Polls, proporty and income foxes for Martin County for 1(01 compared with the same items for 1000: Polls 1900 1901 White 1,886 1,132 Colored 915 9GO Total*, 2,331" 2,101 ▲n increase of 70 poles. Property 1»00 1901 White $2,266,364 Colored 181.911 Total, $1,276,061 $2,451,275 . An increase of $172,211 Taxes for 1900 190/ $79,855.76 2/,2'iO 83 .An increase of $/,405.07 It ia very gratifying ititU-eil to note the increase in property values within the past your, snd we predict that the in crease for next year will he •veil greater than tliin. Some ox' our town people, if not the majority of them-, arc laboring under false impres sions in regard to our town elec tion. Sec. 1 Chapter 750, Laws of 1901. providing for town and city elections, says: "all elec tions held in any city or town in this stnte shall he hold un der the following rules and rog ulations except us otherwise provided in' the charter of such city or town. The rules and lobulations re ferred to above call for an elec tion every two years on the first Tuesday in May The amended charter of Wilhamston N.C, chapter 29 Bee. 3, Private laws of 1901 reads as follows: "That the Mayor and Board Of town Commissioners of said town shall cause to be held an •lection in said town on the firat Monday in May, one thou sand nine hundred and one, *nd each year thcreaiter for lbs purpose of electing a May er and five Commissioners, «ftd that said election and rc titration of electors shall be 4t)4 and under the OIBTSI Laws of N.C. gover- JB« town elections. THE HOMKTAPER. There is no publication that 4SD hope to supplant the home paper. No matter how much Office publications may olfor in the way oi illustration,brilliant literary treasures, authors with biguaraes and the prestige of local State and national influ ence, the home paper has it's tmcred attention at tlie family hearthstone. Even the wealth bedizened metropolitan must have A weekly glimpse nt the, modest little country t-heet- And who does not welcome the paper from the "old home" in its familiar wrapper? Cherish it then Oh ye fickle ofthia r .yn ♦ration, tho green H l»ay-tree it may flourish and jutwper and doyou, prond.— (•'' Jforth Carolinian. t ... | WASHINBTBN LETTER (Fr-mi our rt*|oil«r Correspondtut.) ' Washington Sep'. 9th, 1 $Ol. The on'y t pic of coivcrsat on. in Washington cn Friday evening and Saturday was the tragedy at Buffalo. The feople of this city have seldom been so deeply stirred, A greit black shadow sccTed to have fallen across Pennsylvania Avenue between Tenth nhd Fourl-enth SU. for the three big newspaper cfficcs are all in those four blocks , and there -were nitfcfls rtT jko pie iit front of each of them reading the bulletins. It was not only the fael that tho President •( the United Stales had been shot that interested thein so deeply. Whatever may be their politics—and tl.e citiz 11s of the District, being unable to vole often come r.ear having no politics —t'.c people of Washington have a watm personal regard for Mr. Mc JCirley. For many years, as Rep resentative, and ai rresident he has lived here and there has been r.o more popular man in the White House, personally, since it was built. Perhaps his salient characteristic i 3 the dislike of inflicting pain. Some men say yes in such a growling for bidding tone that it sounds like no, and a very rough Mo at thai; Presi dent McKinley could say no in such a manner that the interlocutor when he got outside the room, rubbed his cars and wondered il it was_n,ol Yes after all His devot ion to his invalid wife ha* also won him many friends, and there are many charming stories floating around Washington, told by people who do not for publication, about„his kindness "and consider ation toward her. ■ The Schley case seems to be at a standstill at present. Captain For sytb has been forgiven for his rc- I ortcd expression 01 opinion in l.ivor ol Admiral St hley. 11 s enis l.e was nfil talking for publication. KUIKZ, the Spanish pilot who brought Cervera out yf Santiago, is to be summoned us cue of the wit ness s. '1 lie Navy is having a hard time to get enlisted inen for the battleships and cruisers, while the "War Department is suffering from a most curious complaint—a famine of officers. The increase of the army to loo.oco caused a moving up all along the line, and m n, who did 1101 expect, to get promotions this side the grave, got their "step " in a hurry. I neon sequence of this, when all the promotions were ar ranged, there wer-e about 900 va cancies for the-position olC'Second iitutenau', the rank held by the newly graduated West Pointer. Hut West Point has not graduated enough cadets to till the numerous places, and it was not a case of a round man in a square hole, but of holes'" empty of all men, square or otherwise. The rule in such cases is to give enlisted soldier ',who can pass 11K rathersitlVexamination,the preference; and this was done About four hundred enlisted men took the examination and not quite tw® hundred passed. The rest of the places are for men who have served in the Volunteer army, within a certftin age limit. Thertr was no lack of Sec'y Root might literally have waded through them, for he got eleven or twelve thousand. lie weeded them out as fast aa he could coufd by designating men lor appointment in large batches, but comparative ly few of them could pass the ex amination. Some of them have been complaining that it is too hard, but the army authorities think that men who are to be closely jjwociuted in the service with graduates at West Point, ought to know somewhere as much as the latter do'. It is not so much a matter of actual know ledge of certain branches as it is ol Weeding out incompetence and ill iterate men, and securing officer* from the educated class of society -whicTi does not, of course, mean the well to do"class}ih fins country. At present there arc reported to be more tlan lour bund ed vacancies 1 for the Tight men. 'live International Ccnfo once- of American States will c.rtainly be held in tlu- City yf Mexi.o and the Slate Department was much pleas, d recently, to learn that, Peru has ap pointed three of her ablest men as delegates to the Conference. There was a temptst in a teapot lately, ov.j- the re, ortcd intention of Sec'y Squitrs,of bringing a num bernt and presenting lheni to the Metros politiau Museum. It was said that the articles, though purchase 1 all | right l>y, Mr. Squiers were obtain- THE ENTERPRISE, WtLLIAMSTON",' N. C., BEPTKMBER \9, 1001 cd by loot, but the State Depart ment shows 110 disposition to inter fere. It is reported that the Danish Min : stry has accepted our offer of three an I a half million dollars for the Danish West India Islands, but the report has not been officially confirmed by Minister Swenson, and therefore, the State Depar ment does not officially, know anything about it. It if >aid, however, that the Ministry has voted to accep' o'tt'r offer. Si nator Sewell, .of. N J., who sus trffm much the same relation to republican paity of that itatc as Senator l'latt Joes to the party in [New York, is seri us!y ill, and s v c-ral months sojourn at Carlsbad seems not to have helped him at nil. Should lie die. or illness cause his retirement, the New Jersey Re publicans should bo mph.tically sheep without a shepppard. Are;oit from Counsel General Sjjp *e, at Capetown, contains the Theerinfj information th«t Ameri cat) imports to the Transvaal are making Br ti h muiufa turers jeal ous He s eaki especially of Ameri., can wagons, and says that Lord Roberts considers American buck- Boards superior to any other wag. ons for tr .nipor.ation, and cheaper >nto the bargain. '!Bobs'' show Ins logical ability in reasoning that th e and convenience ot these wagons probably resd'ted ffotn the fact that mule wago s have been largely u>jd in' America for trans portation of goods over long dis tances; and he might have added that the conditions of tran-porta*" tion are often much liko ihcsi 'of lie 8 >tith African veldt. If the British trooper can 1)3 rcmodled like ill ti British transp rtation wagon, on the American plan, it may bj a good thing for the A my. Some English oftirers with cxprri "lice in the field"""are now formulating iigainst the helmet worn by Tommy Atkins, which is stilf, uiicomfoi t able an 1 iab'e to tip (_lf, and they commend the soft, hats of the American cavalrymen*. Dm 1 1 wait until you become chroni cally constipated litit t.ikc IH-Wiu's Kittle lvarljf Rise is now und then. They will keep your liver and Ixjwels in good order, Ivasy to tuke. Safe pill*. when ntteiulinjj court «top in and' pay up your buck subscription. No,rrin Silver, North Stratford, N, If.: "I purcluseil a l» »ttlc-_jt»f One Minute Coiifjlt Cure when suffering from a cough diK ! t >rs told On- it was mcurabje. One I nit tie relieve,l me, thesecon I nnil third almost ctireil me. To-dav lam a well man," - - IN THliSol'Tll. After a while perhaps no one will lie al lowed to vote unless he can produce a vac cination certificate.—Kx. STOOD DKATH Ol'F. V,. 11. Munilay, a lawyer, of Henrietta, Tex., once fooled it grave digger. He says: "My brother was very low with malarial lev«r and' jaundice. I persuaded him to try Klectric Hitters,und he was soon much hetter,. but continued their use until he was wholly cured.- l-ui|i sure Klecric Hit ters saved l|is life," This remedy expels malaria, kills direase germs and purifies the tiliHxl, aids digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation lyspe|)sla, nervous diseases, kidney troubles, female complaints, gives |«'rfect licalUi. Oaly s»i' I'eel ft 1 Co. — In a certain Western slate there are two families, one name Day and thdothor Sunday,they are neigh bora. Mr Day is the farther of sev en girl:", while Mr Sunday has an equal number of boys four of the Days have married Sunday, another is engaged ,so it now appears that "every Day will beJsjjmJay by and by"—Greenville Reflector. OiIAMHKRI.AIN'S COIV.H RIiMKDY A GRRAT I'AYORITK. i Tti* soofht)!K end healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant faste and projnpt and |ieniuuient cure* liavemade if a great favorite with people everywhere. It is es pecially prized by mothers of turn 1 ! r 1 dren for colds,croup and whooping cough, as it always affords quick relief, and as it toman.* opium or other.harmful drug, ittil&y 1«> give* •* (.ortidently to a baby i«s to an aft lilt, l'or sale t>v N."J'cjl &*Co, PRIVATE SALE -• oi> A- Very Desirable Farm. Parties desiring to purchase a. good farm, 225 acres more or less, will do well to call 011 or address the undersigned. This farm is located i' j miles : South ot llitjnilton. N. C. and is very healthy, prodmcw fiyp cotton, ' pcanftts nnd tobacco: —^ V . ' Apply, Mrs. D. A, Oqtterbridge, or P. K. Rives, 51-4! p Hamilton, N.C. • ■' ' , 1 J Announcements, \\?i!liam§ton /\Gademy will begin its Pall Term Monday, September 9 th. W. A. HUDGENS, Prin. Mlsm Muriel Bohvinklw, AHsistnnt "\ Jennie Vloore, Music Teacher. Boys uitd Girls prepared for COLLEGE Board at reHonablc rates in .....Private Houses Dr. W. H. Harrcll, Prea- J. W. Anderson, Sec'y. $45 GLOGK FREE! For each and every dollar spent in CASH at our store* between now and DKCHMHKR IST. 1901, we will give a guess at the number of pouiitls of tobacco that will IK- sold on This Market from the Opening Day nntiMhe Christinas Holidays. The person guessing nearest to the correct nuniDcr of jwunds takes the clock. The second nearest will get a Clock, worth $3.00; the third near est will get a Howl and Pitcher, worth s2.oo;tln.' fourth nearest will get One Dollar's worth in Trade and tl»e fifth nearest wHlget Fifty Cents in Trade. The clock is 7 1 a feet high, 19 inches across bait/jiud 11 inches d(-ep. Retail pricjr $45.00. WE SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY MERCHANT IN THE COUNTY. G. D. & J. C. Roberson, JROBERSONVILLE, - N. C. I /nt I'ton 2,%*iiii»lo Colloi^o One-of the most prosperous in stitutions ft the higher education of young women. Panacea Waterkept in the building. Ninteenth Annual Session begins September iSth For Catalogue address President Rhodes, Littleton, N. C, W. W. Wntoix, ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. ' A com pleic litic of ST APS .V FA XCY GROCERIES Dry Goods and Nations We call special a.'tuition to syrups ami poirro uico JWUive 1110 a trial. Fresh Candies always on liaii'l, f motherhood! I The grenUwt ambition of Amer- B B tcuu men nml Women la to haw I f honuw blM«p.l \rfth children. The 1 I wojwan uittlclcd with fciuakt dls- B 8 #'»*> •» «'>iu»K'i(tly nimiaoed with ■ H becoming n chlidkw* wife, fco B H medicine can rcntore dciul or- 9 1 gniiN, but \\ ino of Ciirdul dooa I ■ regulate lor»ngoniouU that pre- ■ I vent conception; does prevent 9 ■ nii.«c;irri:»p«; wioca rv\sl«>re weak JV I luni ii.iui in id shattered nerves ■ I H>d >i»rj brhnf h..bU!i 1^ a barren nnd doKul.ite far years, fj P M ino of Cardul given women the || fl health and strength to bear hcnl- B H thy children, You can got a ■ H dollar bottle of Wine ot Cardul fi 5 from vour dealer. |WIK£"€ARDUII H ttcu»phl«,lVn»>., April 14, HOT, E B ~.l n Ffbnur 1 Si, I tosS ono boUW of 8 I pSf w CVruul ajul on» uvtajre of H B Tfjvdfnnrt'a 1 hidVcu U 6 Bi.ei") vor.r* i—.l hurt rif.or tj S lo a child Urttil I (30k Wl 1* ftj VP . . !»•>* 2 kei bi'Mtol n flue U . ft b»bJ ;irl >hlch bo. a March 31, juot. y N The b»by V*ol«iu lou K n rnttndu and 1 • i] J jet »# rclt »» » !-• *ou COUld feel, M (J Ke« lay iKimo la I'rjirv and IBevcrwiU d B bo Wine i f (*;irdttl hrust H ■ Mm, J. W, C. SMITH. 1 H ./or adrlw rwl hi bidina, ■ H eTniplonifc, Tlx? Uwij.,.' ■ ' V W. •lotni nay, ■ ■ ivixx I _ n .. v ' t \ ■■■. ' JTr> . w.'.' 1 l f ; "" ■ Send us yoyr JOB WORK. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. • EXGCtJTOTI'3' IfQ^ICE! North CaroHua, Ma rlin Cwmty HA vine qualifitrd m R*ecutnr of flcnry. Kvr ett dec«««cd, notice is hereby gfveo tirr ft 11 per »K»tA hoMitix said decraa«.d to prc , xat to tltc undcmigiKd on or hrforr the i' th j day of Au|utt 1902, or thie notice will be pleaded ♦ in bar of tUeir rccovet jr. Thii Auk. &-*»«. J 47-St J. I), KvHBTTT, H 8 BVKBkTT NOTICE Nortl?CaroHnr» Roperior Cotir Martia Couuty ' l^forc J. A 'flobim. Clar* T. ll.c j:nbt vs. • Ivey I'arker and irlfr Rtid Baltic Htintfmoti and IniKtuiid; William. The drfcudu'.its, Ha!lle HttStuncralii4 William are hereby uotifinl t.j aj»p'*ar l»efore me at my office in WilliHiimton, .Marlht co., N. c, on the 14th t'.cy of Kcptemliet- 19b!, mid au*.jver or demur to the pttitlion filed In the above eutttled action. The purpose of this action is to hnvc »»• actual |>etition of certain land * lying near cono >»o r N. c. lK'tweeu the ploititifT and defendants j. A. IfoblM, cl'k Superior court Aug 1 at, y Ir ' ' NOTICE North CarolinA) r tkij>erior Court Martin Comity ) t Thomas Mixell against Violet Mi/ell. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as at*ove ha* txren com menced iti the Superior court of Martin couuty for divorce, and the said defendant will further take notice that *he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Martin couuty in Wllliamston, N, C , and answer or demur to the complaint in »nid action, or the plaintiff will apply to ihe court for the relief demanded lit paid complaint. - This i«d day of Aug. IC/»I. 464* J. A. liotibtt. Cl'k Court. NOTICE IVrsuar.t to Law Notice i* hereby given that upplicatiou will be made to the Hoard of Comity 1 omtuiswiouers to Kraut to the under»igned jficriiftc to retail spirituous and rnnlt I.iquors for .t months beginning Oct. 7tti, igoi, at Whichards Croaftlng, in Koltersonville Township, Martin county, N C.. This a day Sep*.. 1901. i .50-41, J. H. WIIICHARD j NOTICE Martin Couuty Superior Court , M W. Ange, et al*. Rx parte. Ily virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of MarUircouuty, in a special proceeding therein pending in re M. W Auge. et ab, K* parte, 1 -hall oiler for nalc the following descrilied tract of land, to Wit That tract commonly, known and 'designated as the "Stephen- H. DavU" latid on "Jordan Hick" road, iu JatiteaviUc Township, county aforesaid, the lands of S I, Ange, Ashley Davis and others, containing no acres more or lcs. Place of sale before the Court house door of Martin couuty. Time of salc.jMJttday the ytlidayof tpst. Terms of Nile, Cash. This Sept. 3rd, i/ii. W T CRAWFORD 5041 Commissioner NOTICE! North Carol^ia) r ftui>crior Court. Martin.County I Jos«-;»h 1,. Raw Is agniitHt Relteci a KawU The defeiulaut alK>ve named will take notice that an action entitled as aliove has l>eru com nienced in the Superior court of Martin couuty' for divorce, and that the said defendant will further take uot ice that she is required to appear at the neat term of ihc Superior Court Of Mat tin county iu Wllllamaton, N C . and answer or d« I mtir t »the omplaitit iu said action, or the plain tilT will apply to the couvt for the relief demand cd iu s*id'complaint This Atig. Ist i^oi 4W6t J. A, llobhs;Cl'k Suiwrior.Court MMOT-WM*. I I 111 1 II I^l Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. NOTICE North Carolina 1 > Superior Court. Martin -County I llattie I'.ibbs against Silas (oltlj } j .. The defeudaut above uamed wiU take notice j that an action entitled as above has KM 11 com in Ihe Superior court of Martin county tor divorce, and the said defendant wl!l futther take uotice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Martin County to Ik* held on the 3rd niouday In S« ptctlH-r at the Court lusik in Raid couuty In Willlamstoii, N. C . and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiil will apply to the court for the relief dimauded iu said complaint. Tlti« Ist day Aug 1901 J A llOlllUA, 4Kbt __— l - . Clerk Snperlor Court NOTICE. North Carolina \ Superior Court Martiu Couuty | Marioir lliggs vs. ]\liiahcth lliggi The defendant nbove aamed will take hotice that au action entitled as above has beeu com menced iu the Sui»ertor Court of Martin county) for divorce, and theaaid defendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of aaid county to be held on the jnl Monday iu Scptemtier 1901 at the Court house in »aid county in Williaiua ton, N. C. and answer or demur to the com plaint in sai 1 action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in aaid com plaint. Thia sth Aug. 1901. 4*44 | A. lfobba, Cl'k Superior Court ADMIN ISTJRATOIi'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Harvey Piggs, deccaaetl, this ia to notify all persons in debted to said higgs to come foward and settle at .giify, and alLpcraons hob'iagclaim»agaltist vrtd lliggs will pre scut tkeui to the undersigned for p&y turul ou ov befqre Aug jji or this notice will be uleau iu bar of thtli recovery Thl« Aug 91-1901' r ' Signed" ■ &AMCKU S UICGd, Adut'r Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Ttii« preparation contains allot the dlgestunu and digests all kinds ot rood- It gl re 1 instant relief and never falls to cuio, H allocs yon to cat all the food you want. The tuost sensitive stomachs can i ake It. By Its use macy thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It Is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It oan r t help - but do yon good Prepared only by E. 0. D*\Virr U )o_ Chicago pw|l.bvul«cooUans:)illmcMtti«SOc kla& A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "SsffiEthing Nev Under The Saa. All Jjoctu:* have tried to cure CATARRH uy thi; use. »f-pwdw,acul ].;*** inhak-rs *h 1 juste fonn. Th-jxr powtlers illy up the ntr.cuuus membranes causing them tj crar'i open an bleed. The jK>wer ful acid UKSI in the.inhalers have iutire- Iv .eaten away the wuf.e menilua:ie» that their maker* have aanetl to cure, while pastes aid ointments cannot reach the ti t-case. An old an experienced prartttioner who ha* for many years made a "clo.-e Uudy auil -specialt., of'tlu: treatment of c A'J'A ß'ii . IIA* it last perfected a Treat ment which when faithiully used, not on iy rei:ev--»ot^megrb Jt (wmarifeiitly carej CATAEHII,. by" removing the cause, stop ping the discharge* and curing all in hatnmation. It is the only reinedv known to tciencc that actually readies tf»r a (Bet; ed patts. This wondti lul remedy it knawj AS "SNI'Fr.MvS the CLIA&AKTKBDCATARRH CUT.K" an 1 is sold at tlie extrein.-ly low j»ike cf One Dollar, each package coti tainivK internal and extern ill medicine ru Anient for a full month's treatnent and ever) thing ne-.'essary to its perfect use. ".WN'N.II" is the only jierfect CAT AUK ■ CL'KK ever made and IS no - .* RECOGNISED as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures alt tnUamniutlon quickly and permanent ly and it also wonderfully quick to re lieve HAY PKVER or COI,L».UL.Uie 11KAD. CATAKKII when neglected often lcada to CONSUMPTION —J'SNCKFLKS" will have you if you use it at once. It is no ordi nary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure CA TAKKH in any form or ttage if used ac cording to the directions which accom pany each package. Don't delay Imt send for it at once, and write full jjarticulars as to your condition, and you will receive sjiccial advice from the discoverer of thin wonderful remedy regarding your case without cast to you beyond the regular price of "SN TWINS" the UL'AKNANKKU CATAKKII CRKK." Sent prepaid to rny address In the I 'nitcd States or Canaila ou receipt of t )uc Dollar. Address Dept. C 491, KDWIN 11. (•ILKS & CO., 2333 Market St., lliiladel phia. ~ " HH 1 anything you invent or improve; alao get I CAVCAT.TRAOE-MARK. COPVfcICHTorJpsfCN •! I PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch, drphota. ( f'»r fruo examination and advice. 1 • BOOKON PATENTS i C.A.SNOW& CO. Patent lawyers. WASHINGTON, D C. ; GUARANTEED SALARY jjjjjjjg YEARLY Men fpid women of good add re >4 to represent us. some to travel R|t|min:iug agent*, other* for lo»»al work looking after iur interest*. s9u>!ulary guarant »ed yearly; ivtu eoiuniiaajou* ami tx priiMH, rapid adva»e*Fl3Trnt, old established house. C»rand chance f'.i anient man or woman to secure plea^ant, pciiAanent position, liUtai income and future. Ntw. brilliant liuti. Write atones,' STAFFORD PRESS, Church Btrvet, New Haven,Conu. »$ 2j t- T - - - - ;-T - fffadel Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. DJtNS'II SIMMONS Pici. T. W. TII/'-UM AN.Gen. Manager. JOHN D. BIGGS,Sec. «t TrtM Til SJ t \ DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. M A> IJFACT UHELIs» OP KILNDRIED NORTH CAROLINA PINE L UMBER, DENNTS SIMMONS' BRAND CYPRESS SHINGLES WILLIAMSTON N. C. {jgfUrdora ami Correspondence Solicited. COUNTY AND CITV DEPOSITORY. CAt'ITAI. fjooo.o# llnnli Of Martiu County, J. .li UOIIARP i CAMIHMh 7^ Report of the Condition of the the do* of Ousiiir«, July 15th, 1901: RKBOURCKH. j UADIMTIKS. I,oaniia:iddUcouut. >". W»" C «plUI Stock b-000 dO Overdraft• $i.17».6 S ( n aid.LCIL Profit# *° United state* Bond. $y»oo Certifieste« of DcponiU 110*50. Furniture and Fixture* l)ne from llanks I ■■ Canh Item* 1-w.jO TOTAI» Silver Coin,itKiuditig all minor coin C'y #5,014.37 YOTAI* fjj, 166.58 • , * v I J.CV OoJarvi, Cashier of Sink of Mirtiu C>.iaty, do mlemaly iw;ar (or ifirm)thit tke above atalemcpt is true, to tf»* b?«t 0/ my an 1 belief. J. O. G jlarJ, OiAicr. State of North Carolina——Couuty Martin. Sworn to sub bribed before in:, thU jrth day of Jnly 1901. W. H. Stabba, If. P. Wheeler Martin. r Dennis S. Biggt MARTIN & BIGGS, FURNITURE, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. O>3SKJPOSA3*C3 SOLICITED. THOSE3:-0.1h4 3 J; P.iotiry 4G. ROBERT? WE CHALLENGETHEWORtO * '• T0 PRODUCE THE MUAL OF . ROBERTS' CHILLTOKIC SOR CHILLS, FHFFUS, lm Wm Night Sweats and Grippe, and In llnil lli forms of a ' ar ' a " | Ul&&jUirf DON'T WAIT TO DIEI SPEND 25 CENTS AND BE CURED I . None genuine unless WOOOERFUL CURES MIKE ROBERTS' TM!C FMOUS! Red Cross is on label TRY IT. •NO CURE NO PAY. • 280. PER BOTLLE. Don't Uk« a Substitute ■•»»>» DELIGHTFUL TO TfrKC. ——» for sale by—Eli Gurganua and Slide, Anderson & Co, A. C. L ATLANTIC COAST LIKE K R. COMPANY. » CuHDHMHED fCHtPt't-E. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. t>ATEU ~ «) £ fjj s] ;;, u Jan. iith, t'jsi. 6 ~ ,S t - jj * a ■/. 2 i=i z a f. 2 ! I A. MPMP. u. A. M. i Weldoa «• jo? t? 1 [ i!cave Tarboro .. ti v j 6eo L..^— I.v Ui>cky Mt toy 10 OJ 657 sivi> 5a I l.cavc UiUou 1 y>, ID 40 7 10 557 •«• Leave Si'l ma a 55 u 16 I.V. KayttttvUk 4 JD; J2 Ji Ar. Mu.-truce 7 »• 240 F' M-A. M. Ar. Ooldfctioro 7 55' „ L.^— i.v. (VoUlshoro ..-..y. [ 6 45; IJ» l«v. Mairii'rfia I 7 jii 4 JA Ar. Vt iliniiigtoa „..J 9 20; 6 w {- P. M.IA uJr. U. TKAIK6 GOIKCS NORTH. A. M.I r. u.\ I«v. rJortnee 9 &»\... 7 55 -. I,v. Kajrettevllk.. u 15, 9 4*|^ — —■ —— Leave Se Ima 1 yo .. rV i» 15'~— Arrive Wilttou ,a U|r-r"» A. M. r M AM. I,v. Wilmiueton 7•« 9 M Lv. .. . 1 » ja 11 l«v. Goldnboro ... 4 50 Jf 17 '• P M j A. M. F. M. r. M. I/'ave Wl'.aon »A* SAI ,a '3 '• 45 I ** Ar. Kocky Ml .... 3 610 1* 43 » >J 1 Arrive Tarboro „ j 646 L-avc Tarbpro .. a a»| ....... | •••• I,*. Rocky Ml 3> I " «jj~Y- Ar. WUaou 4 3* I ' Wi- Vf r I AM ** "__ Vartkiu Division Main Un-'Train Ictm Wil mlnglun. v «>* . »rrlTe» K»jreUe*(ll* ■»®s P m . ItavM Fnyclleville 11 »j p. «o„ irnwi HU fottl I 4.t p. m. Rt turning l'»«rm Kaufold 3«J p. iu., arrive 1 aycUeville 4*> n»., leava Fajreila ville 4 30 p. m., arrive* Wilmingtou 9*P W Itrnuetuville UraiK'h—'Traia leavea Beaaetta vilie Kos a. m., 5 a. Med Spria^ 951 r. in., I'arktou 1041 a. m'., Hope Milla »#•. m . arrive FayetUvillc 1110. ketununc Iravea Fayetteviile 4 45 P- Hope MilU 5 on p. m., ked Spiingt 5 4."\ P- »n., Maxtou 6 16 p. ni , arrive* ora "'couneclLiMtt Fayettevillc with train No. 7*. •} Maxton with Carolina Ccutral kaiiroad. at ked Spring* with the Red Springs aud Bowmore rail road, Ht Sauford with the Hcalioard Air I.ine and Southein Railway, at Gulf with the Durham aad Charlotte Kaiiroad. ,Train ou tlie Scotland Neck Branch Road leavee Wcldou * 55 p m., Halifax 4 »7I» arrive* Scot land Neck so« p. m., C.reenville 657 p. m., Kia -7 55 V ui.Returning ltfax-e* Kin»tou 7 sum m i.reeuviiie H a. in., arriving at Halifax 11 itta. 111 Weld .1 11 35 a. in., daily except Sunday. Trains ou Washington liram h leave Washing ton KlO a m , and 1.10 p. m , arrive l*armele 9ia «. nt-, 400 p m , retnruing leave I*araiele 955 a. m , and o jop. m.. arrive Washington 1100 a. m. ami 7 w l»r m., daily except Sunday. Tiaitt lenvv* Tbrwiro N. C., daily except Run day 5 v>l' *»•. Wuudav 4 »5 P- m., arrive* Plv mouth 7 «o|' ni . 4 »o p. in.. Returning, leave Plymouth daily except Sunday, 750 a. m., and Sumlayvooa. m., arrives Tarboro 10 10 a. 11 00 a m. _ Train t»n Midtind N. C. Brancli leave* Golda horo daily, except tyuiday. 500 a. m., arriving SiuithHe'.d r» 10 a in., Retui uing kaves Minitlifield 7 00 a in., ai the* CJoldaboro h is a. w. Train* on Na*hville Brunch leave Rocky Mount at 9>• a »»»., 3 ■:« p. iu., arii\-e Nashville 10 so a. m.» 4o; p in.. Spring hope 11 00 a. m.« 4 *5 P Returiiiugleave Sjirtug Hujtr 11 a»a. m.,4 56 P "* NanhvilV :i 4S a. m., », p. ra'., arrive at Rocky Mount 1 1 10 p nt., 6 o •}» m .dailyexcept Sunday. Train on Clinton l.raucb leaves Warsaw lor Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 40 ® «u-. and 4*S p. m . Ki-tuiiung leaves Clinton 645 a. m , aud 9 50 p.m. Train No. 7H makes close connection at Weldoa | for all NoiUi daily, ell rail via RicHaioed. H M I Ml-RSoN, Gen 1 Passenger Agent. J. R. KKVI.Y, Cien'l "Manager. T. M. KMF.RSON Traffic Manager.

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