I • TWO g By SEWARD W. HOPKINS. 0 iConrrtjrht. by loam Bomtl So*«j CHAPTER xxmJ COSTIVtKD. Che Mt A moment (hiakiog. "Nimolaa might be trnt«l," she Mid. "He is trusted by tha prittU, | bat I think be is a rogue. Still, he ! deee my bidding." "Try it, oh, try it, priestess, I be Meou yon!" I cried. She leaned toward ue, and her bosom throbbed with • convulsive struggle with some emotion. I mold aee that I had gained some advantage. I draw my ehair closer to hers, and taking her hand ia mine, caressed It "Think of it, Kanmai, if yoa had a •later whom yoa lored, and she was atolen away from yon an 1 waa to be sacrificed to a heathen deity, whom yoa knew did not exist—if her death waa to b4 the horrible death to which yoa would send my sister, woald yoa ■J not weep? Would yoar heart not be heavy? I lore my sister, Kanmai; she ia good and beantifnl. llelp me to •are her, and I will lore yoa." A startled expression, then a softer me, showed in the starry eyes. "1 hare never been lored. I hare aerer lored any one bnt Pale." I dare j draw the lovely haud nearer Be. I stooped aud kissed it. "Lore me, Kanmai," I said. "Lore ■iy sister. We will lore yog in return. Can yon not?" 2» •• A rioteut shudder shook h*r frame. A conrulsire sob broke from her. Bnt ahe left her hand in mine. Her tyei became suffused with tear*. She was ! not now a priestess. filio was an angel. 1 I was enthralled by her beauty. I wanted to snatch her to my breast anil j derour her with kisses, but the selfish- . Beas of the thought bade me forbear. Thero was time enough for this. She seemed struggling a ;ain with •ome difficult problem. "Ia it so hnrd, Kanmai, for one woman to grant life to another?" She flung my band from her. ■- j "You will not believe me," she oried. "Yon do not think I speak the truth when I tell yon I am po-ver leas to holp you. I swear to yon that if it lay in my power yon and your •iater should depart from here in peace to-day. And now, if r>n would take mo, I would go with you. lint what am Ito do? If 1 ain a priestess of Pele, I must do as Pele demands. j If lam only n woman, a toii sir, what can I do against t'ti high priests? Yet you "do not bciiere nie!" ' "Yos, Knumai, I be!ier» you," I ■aid soothingly, "bnt I am so over wrought with anxiety. Pardon mo if I wound you. 1 did not mean to be harsh." She flung hersotf on the rag at my f«et and clasped my knees. "Look at mo au l tell me yoa do not hold me responsible for your sister's fate. Tell oil If I ajn only a wom an, I havo a Woman's heart. Yet you would spurn me." I stoOpe l and lifted her to her fc»l. She was sobbing "Kaumai, I believe yon fully," I ■aid. "Whatever pomes, I beliere yon would help mo if you eonbl." A smile lit up the b.»antifnl counte nance and chased away the tears. We stood, sits with Iter face uplifted to mine, smiling at me. I, with one arm still embracing her, as 1 had lifted her from the floor. A wave of lore swept over me. Too intoxica tion of Kati'iiai s prooinc- thrilled mc Suddenly there came tie sound of rnshing footstep i. Th » stmdlin { high-priests. ex»sper»te.L by. their I failure to find me, woe.' coming to . Kail m ii to consult. S!i > ha 1 sai I they never entered tbire. bt|» this oo oasiou was probably to > much for' their already riven lirsins, and tUey intruded upon her preson • \ "He ii here!" cried one. - Kamnai sprang fnua Instantly ■he was again a priestess —or a ijueeii. Her face was pale—perlux with fear. She stood areot, nofliuchi i •. She gave mo ono look, beseeching . and soft. "Trust me." she said. As they came rushing in. her voi-o rose above the din they ma lo Point ing to mo, she turned her gs/o fall apon me. Thero was n > love in it. Nothing but the rago of aa iasnltcd goddess. "Seize him aud take I.i a to the temples!" ahe cried. "Ho has dared invado tho sanctity of tho abode of your priestess. Take him hence, yet harm him not. I would have him strong and well to assist in tho sacri- ' floe that mast ba ma le to Pele." I was roughly seized ?ud dragged from fae place. They hustled mo into the and set a guard over me. "You will r«unain here untilyon die." , they said. "You are a f tlse pnoti. ' Ton must pay the pqualty " Half dazed by tho su I len ehsn,;* j Kanmai, wondering an 1 fearin;, J ! sank into the one chair near her throne and Bat oxhatisted, waiting for , farther developments. CHAPTER XXIV. Two days passed, during which I j •aw neither Winnie nor Kauinai. For I •ome reason—probably tie unnsual i excitomout was tho pr£vailiug caase— there was no regular worship with j Kanmai o:i the throne a« tU -.e ha I | been bsforo. liut there woro tu or] aaora high-priest* in the te nple all the time, going through a ridic ilous lot of wabbish. all to t'.io glory of Pele and exto.ling their ova wonie.iul vir-ues. In their songs or chania to their • goddess Winnie was freqiuatly men tioned. I was free, so far as tha limits of the temple, tha dining-cave an I the vol flana's crater ware concerned. I conld wander at will in. those places. Bat the door to my old dungeon had been looked, and the prieats carefully gnard ad against any chance of my getting into Winnie's prison again. Kanmai, ■o doubt, continued her visit*, hat 1 •said not gat near bar. I waa rigidly aialadsn from that part of tha system of oaves where lanmsi'a room was situated. I pasaed ths two days ia a greatly troabled state of mind. Tha sudden rovalaioa from hops to despair nearly drove me as insane as ths high-priesls. j The rambling of ths subterranean ' forces became louder. Now and then i the mountain wonld be shaken an 1 the j lake of lava wonld be stirred. Here and there a little apnrt of lava above the aurfaee gava warning of tha diead fnl scourge that was to come. I feared tha worat. If we remained ia the erater nntil the lava lake should 1 rise and overflow the present borders, we should be certainly dostroyed. I endeavored to atrike terror in the breast of the high-priests by tclliug them of the danger they were ip. "Do yon not know," I said to the leader, "if the volcano becomes active, the lava will overwhelm ns aud destroy us all?" - "Oh, yon prove that you are a false priest and an unbeliever," be returned. "You Co mo here as Lowai's successor and desecrate the temple of Pele by laying bands on herolioseu sacred one for the sacrifice. Then yon tear away a portion of tho wall aud aeek the presence of tho sacred one, where only Kan mai may go. Fleeing from tbeae you dare go into tho sacred chamber of Kaumai and rudely insnlt the priestess. You are lost. Pele is out raged, and her wrath demands ven geance. Kaumai is iucensed at your violence, aud after the sacrifice of the ►a-.-.-d one, you, too, may be aent to ! your death." j "But that won't save yon. Ton and i Kniimai mid all tho rest will be alain ' who.i tho eruption comes." "But it will not come. Even now we are preparing for the sacrifice. When we ofior the sacred one to Pele. s'io will Hlay the evil spirita under Kapatoli and still tho tumult. You are not a believer, so you must die." "ft most bo stopped!" I said almost frenzied, for I kuow the crisis was ap • proachiug. "My sister shall not be ruiirdere I by a gang of lunatics. I will oil down the wrath of the gor eminent on yon, and yoa will be put to death." ""Hut yon cannot call down any thin*. because you will be dead." "1 will rinit l'elo in Haleakala and seek her assistance. She will vent her wrath upon yon." "Not no. Pele knows well her faith-'® fal servants. She would not receiro -nor listen to yon." Just ti-'iii a still loader roar cam* from tho than any we had heard. The high -priest gave a startled look. ) "It is tiuic," ho said, and hurried away. Tao common priests, while no doubt as sincere in their dovotion to l'elo as the highs were not so firm in their faith as to Pe(e's power over volcanoes. One by one they began to depart. I could, I suppose, had I arrayed my self like thei^-—in fact, I was already mi garbed—aud fastened on my mask, j have made my escape by bribing Nimo lau, whoso cupidity I already know, liut I knew that I wonld not have time j t > get aid and return before the horrid plans of the lunatics would bo carried ont. Wi» lie was in imminent dan t; r. au l I resolved to remain until the last, aud see what I could do. Nimolau now appeared iu the temple and took liis meals with the common priests. Ho hung around idly, seeiu ' i-ig to keep away from mo and com pletely iguoring ine. He waa, not withstanding his lack of reverence for . IVle.ss suggested by Kaumai, evi dently a man of mark nud importance in the place, for ho was frequently in long, stealthy discussions with the leaders of the high-priests. And ouce I overheard one say to him: "Kauinai demands yotir presence." Nimolau at once departed in the di i.vliou of Kauinai'a room. I resolved to test Nimolau and aee if he could not be bribed to help me. Soon after the interview he had had with Kaumai, I saw him standing alone, gazing into the now bubbling ind spitting lake. He studiously tvoided me, so I went to him. "Ximolan," I said, "1 sin in great trouble. The sacred one who is to be sa-rificed iu this awful lake of m-dten lava is my sister, whom I lore, an I who is loved by frieuds high arid powerful iu the government at Hono lulu. It is awful to thiuk of an a fate for her. I came here as a priest , id,find and rescue her. I hare failed. Hoar I want you to help me. Yon do ! -lot believe in this stuff about Pele. I (mi rich. I will pay yon well if you save iny sister. Tho priests tell me | t!iat I, too, aui condemned to die. Now . if you will get my sister and me away ; from this hellish place I will m*keyo.i • th- richest of your race. You ahal' I want for nothing." j i(e turned his cumi'iij eyes on mi j in J rtjiiwd ioe well. He opened his lips partly as if W j speak. A high-priest came out of tho ten I pie and stood looking at ns. Nimolau raised his hand and atrnck me across the face, and, turning cj > his heel, walkod away to joia th# j priest. -r My last hope was gone. I waa too much disheartened and j sick to even resent tho insult. I i stoj.l rooted to the spot, watching his ! retreating figure. Then two more high prieata ap peared, and the fonr engaged iu aa animated disensaion. They beckoned for me to come lo them. "Come," one of thom said, "and see ths preparations for ths sacrifice." I followed them stoli lly. I was rapidly losing ths power ta think. , I wss dazed with misery. They lad me into Winnie's prison, Kanmai was thsrs, standing proudly and grandly alone, ©old, impassive, beantifnl. She was not iiks ths lovely Kanmai who had listened to ■>• but two days before and who besought me to trnst her. She was the inearnation of indifference, of crnel fanaticism. And yet, at sight of heir, my heart feM* »»djay blood fZfw TP -'-.'--Trw: - • --S-, THE ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1901. 3h« waa as beaatifaL Why waa ah* au« man kiad? Upoa a tabU lay asy sister Wiaai* apparently dud. I did aot aaa bar apoamy eatnaaa She waa cavstW with s cloth. Shs was robed aa Ksamai wss sad looksd calm and beaatifal aav« for tha traeaa of sorrow that wars ia hsr face. Whea I aaw hsr lyiag there, I cried oat: "WiaaSa. my aaatar, Winnie! Have they mar dared yoa?" I beat over bar fraatioally aad kissed her. Ah! Hor breath still cam* warn aad awaat from bar. "What ia tkia yoa have dowe?" I •boated* "W-fT tha restrainiag hand of a priaat from my arm aad gattfng rea>iy to saaka what aort of aflghtl onld agaiast sach odds. "Mar* derers! Hsll-hoaadst I Call down tha vagsaaes of Ood upon yoar* Kanmai stood impassive, no* look* iagat as bat at Wiaaie. Two priaata aeizad me, aad ia their grasp I waa a babe. "Harm him aot!" aaid Kanmai. ia toner that were cold and unfeeling. "I woald bars bimaaaist at tha aseri* flee." "Yoar aister ia aot dead," aaid Nimolan, "bnt ia aleeping. We do that to prepare her to meet the flow ing lava, aa then ahe will not feel the pain ot death. It ia not the law of I'ele. to do this, but Kanmai has never before sacrifice 1 a human being to Pele. aad aha doea this to ease yonr ai -ter's way." "Horrible!" I cried, turning te j Kanmai. "Are yoa entirely bcart leaa?" "Has Nimolan aot shown that I am 0 »t heartless?" she asked. A black cloth lay at the side of ths t-iMe. Oae of the |>riesU piekeil it np and tf.-ew it over Wiaaie, completely covering her. It was • heavy cloth. Nimolan fo!ded back the edge of it, living Winnie's face uncovered so to it she could i.reathe. I thanked hi u with my eyea for even that kind ii jss. "That ia the aaerifieial cloth," he ••aid; and I understood enough. "Come!** said the chief high prieat; and they led me away. To p»'« Kaumai, the spare being narrow, it waa neceaaary to go in single file. Aa I walked befWe her, I 1.0 i.-ed her lips move. "Treat ioe. I love yon," ahe whis , er "I, and became as ice again. Wnat hope was mtirre l within me as s*ie spoke! Her worls bade me cheer. IVihapa, after all, ahe was sincere, ami the nobility that should go hand 1 • hand with her marvelous beauty ■nigUt not be larking. When wa left Winnie's room, in a half-dazed wsy, without attaching any importance to this fact, 1 noticed that only Kanmai and Nimolan wen !eft with Winnie. ' f or*ard I rem ono -ro 1 the blow Ni rndau ha-1 giTen rie, and this, with my fear of Kuniuai s character, plnngel me into despair. Hit the aaspeuae w >uld anon lie over, Pataa the fisherman waa now on (he seeue ß called, no doubt, to wit? neas the sacrifice, a ceremony evident ly as new to hitn as it was to Kanmai. Itefore th 9 sacrifice theie waa to be a f •est. A long talile waa apresil in the tem ple. Aroaad it sst the high priest* anl what of the common priests had re mained t« aee the volcanoes stilled by t!ie sacrifice of human life. I'atua au l Nimolan also sat with them. 1 sat between tco powerful liigh-prieeta, ont conld not touch anything of their fanatical repast. liut Nimolau ate heartily. Ia fact lis proved a perfect goanaaml. He cal'ed repeatedly for the best things on the table, and they disappeared more quickly than aa ordinary man onld est them. Daring the feast, one. then another of the high priests kept up s borribls chanting. At last that ordeal was over. Tha ta'de was hnrrie I oat of the way. There was little time to lose, ttreat ••ports of lava conld be seen coming from the lake. Jits of steam puffed np from the mass of hot stuff and die solved into air. I fancied I saw the ■irerwhelining wave of lava upon ns each moment, so overwrought was I. Y.ie rnm'ding was lond, but it bad '»e»n growing for a year. Kaumai appeared aad walked majes tically through the temple and out onto the ledge. The high priests in —cased their noisy chants and fell inlo line liebind bcr. The common" pr.esli folio we* I. (To tie continue*!.) The Dark Continent sold gooda to «e L*Eiitc.l Stairs last year to' the ex* taut of SJ.SOO.OOX J. (tordos Coogler Dead. Columbia. S. C-. Special.—J. Gordon Coogler. the poet, died Monday. Coogler. who resided in Columbia, where he conducted a small printing business, waa la some resperts a re markable maa. He wrote poetry by the armfal. as It were, aad although ma h fun was made by the press of his aty'.e of rhyme, he aever took it as aurti Coogler published his works In book form sad doabtless made money cb them, la his death South Carol ns loses one of her test kn.iwn c.tlzcn-i. • The Bessie Cotton .Mills. The noan!e Cotton Mills, of Kings Mountain. N. C. which completed Its plant some moatbs ago. started opera tions with 4300 spindles oa twist ply yarns from 8s to Ms. It has now le elded to add 1K» spindles this fall and more spindles later on to til the balld ng. The whole cant will be about MffO.OOQ. Seventy five hands are em jloyed. which will be Increased to IIS in a few months. AU the tenement s onse« sre nearly completed. J. S Manner la prealdesL Reb Is te Att ck Co'oo. Kingston. Jamaica. By Cable. —Tiio royal mad deis t r Para, from C> lon. reports rtbel activity ia ths neigh borhood of rum Ml Calsa Shi also reports that fighting his takea place at Bocae eel Toro The gowern meat of the latter itiace falling to re i»i> the EJbera's. " the rebels hav gircn notice ot thtlr latentlan t» n'. la -k Colon within a fort sight. Th. government Is ccatinnslly moving troops to meet tha rebel advance. Trade coatlaaea almost paralysed. INIIIOMUMCMK. TktdrtkMtatSMMa bHm WM Tk «Mtker totag Ike awk v*s , m rut Inprowat onr that «kkk To ke»>7 ratal ud 4>lllmi taasta tka nmwM clear tan - cool i Bights, ud akotaat aa ashlar The favorable conditioaa arc ahowa tar the beaeflctal affects oa all of cnltlrated crape. Ttaa taapnatK* averaged about X dagrsaa daily alorc the normal, vfclla the taiafall waa dcOcieat by about Mi tech for the au« time. Cottoa Improved wai aha I. hot It la feared that the evil effects at pre. vloaa bad weather eaaaot ha ofctL The bolla art seaturtag aai ttae I flelda are wry weedy. Ptaats are red , aad sheddlag la still solas ou Plch las has begou to a Halted nttat j Cora Is a fair crop oa uptaads. Toaas • corn baa improved aad altogether the outlook la aaore promiaiag. The good ' weather baa beea extremely favor able for the cuttlag aad cadias of ] tobacco. Alaaost the eatire crop baa ! beea housed, the waad being bright ; bat light The weather has beea j most favorable for the nuvtag air hay I aad fodder aad the work haa beea ] rushed. gone fodder la affected with ! the dry rot. bat reports are geaer ally favorable. Wheat threshiag Is about over. Laad la betas prepared I for aowlag aa rapidly aa the rnadi- I lion of the aoil win permit. Soaae oats ■ have beea aowa daring the week. ' Turalpa are romlag op to a good : ataad; mocta la being aowa. The re- j ports roDceralag peanuta are aot at- j together satisfactory the plants in places growing too tall aad bm rpri-ading oat eoodtk fMd peaa are j growing flaely aad It la said that ia ' aoae loralltlea the yield will he the j II neat made la years. Sweet potatoes j are doing well aad are aaoat praxis lag- I-ale cabbages are aot pleuti fill. The prospect* for frail have somewhat Improved. News ef the Day. The Europeaa dog renaaa has beea completed aal shown Franc \ with 2.- BS4.gM dogs, holding the Baropeaa rac- I ord. Not only aretlhrre more dogs la Prance than 1a any other coualfy la Europe, hat there are more per I boas- ■ aad Inhabitants thaa ia aay other l>- ropean eonatry. IVaare haa 75 dogs to 1 every thousand of Its I Then follow Irelaad with 73. Eng.an 1 with 18. Germ aßy with SI. aad Swe- j den with .1. There are JU.M dogs la 1 Germany. IJMJOLO ia Rasaia aad ■ 000 In Turkey, though taor sts who have resided in Constantino pi.- aver Ibat this number falia abort of the ac tual total, which they thlak to be larger In Turkey thaa elsewhere, la Kraare there ia a dog lav aad every dog ia reglatered. a roadltlon which makes the ompotation camparativety eaay in Ibat ronnlry The aumber .jf . dogs la the Halted Slates Is estimated at from 1.000.Mf to IM.tM.Mi. ,lt la aald that the great fair held every year at Nijnl Novgorod. Russia I Is the largest la the world. It frc- 1 quently happens thai 400.006 people are In the fair grouada at oae time. , and Ibe volume of tmaiife-ss traßsacted la eaormoua. la the year ISM. for ex- ] i ample, gooda to the valae of more thaa | 172.n00.iXi0 ruble* were brought lo the I fair. Thla repr«*s nts about IIM.OaO. ihmi of our money, and of ihia amount more than 143.000.009 rubles worth waa sold. It Is worth notiag that In the gradu ating rlaaa at the Calversity of Ver moat tbia year waa a y >ung womaa who supported heraelf do ag h->use work through the entire four y-ars' course and a young man who aipp>rt.*d himself by working al his trade of j atone cutter. The time baa eaiirely j passed in all the colleges wbea others than tbe wealthy hava a chaace at e.'- ; ucatlon. R. R. Wpddiagton. a I'aira Canaiy. I IN. C.l farmer, who died recently, was not troubled by the rare issue. He lived in lbs kindliest relations with th- 1 negroes snd In b!s will h-» gav» three Iracta of land to thrre of hia faithful coiorsd aerrants. leaving money to oth- . era. Vrße remainder of hia estate. I amounting lo I.SOi) arrcs. he bequeath- j v e«l lo tbe Uetho.llat ("hurra. It la proposed to build a ottoi m II for the maaufai lure of yaraa a: I an- J 1 ns, S. C . the InveatMcnt to b- K j 000. Complete equipment fcr dy> ' and mereerltlng Is l» be included in ' outfit. UA. ktri ord Is la'erested and ! Is aaktag builders of aaachlaery to ' correspond. Right Rev. K. D Ferguaoi. lUshop of l.iberis. has arrived la New York. | He ia 77 years old. and has labored in that country for the last M years, j The Barings now hold four peer- , agea—two earldoms. Northbrook gad J Cromer; two baronies. Ashbortoa and Revelsloke. And the founder of U>e family, like the llrat Rothachlld. came from Germany. He waa a Latheraa minister, who settled with a aaa la I Ester some ZOO years ago aad started j a cloth manufactory. A Colon dispatch reports a victory i of Colombia a troopa over revolaUoa- j lata. Correapoadeace coat prom tsiag | the Veneanelaa Goverameat ia aald to have been raptured. Herman O. Aimaar. of New York, j a brother of the late Philip D. ■ Armour, millionaire meat packer of Chicago, died at hia aummer cottage at Saratoga Baroness Dana voa Schwartaea ateia. wife of the Geraaaa Mlaister J to China. Is actlag a small part la a I New York theatre. Workmen of the Bay View steel milta held a meeting la Mllwaakee aad voted to return to work. The radical element seceded from the lodge. Many vessels were wrecked Bear Port Huron. Mich., aad the Ufeoav iag crew reacued M persons from the wrecked vessels Big Hrc la New Orlseaa New Orleans. Special.—'Thora waa a large Are In the wholesale district oa Common street, betweea TcboapOoc laa aad Magaaine atrseta. Sunday algbt destroying I. H. Meager'a wbaismli grocery aad ahip chandlers, aad L. M. Brunswig A Co s Chamlrnl warehoase. n»e loss will reach SJM.MJ. To have faith ia God la aot oaly to jsliere that He died to aave you hat that you lira to ami's Him. ■hhmaal, Va. Caißdeal, M *-»•. The Graad Free Street Fair aad OHlrt at III* s i ■ I, Oatebar 7 to 13 mdsstv.wtS toaTi'STkli *hs.e the uliil il.Krlial display owsr gtveu la tbs ■ i mh. Ffciaaoy'e famous Baed from tae ha-iai riras Gsaad Hois* Show pias sot fag tbe 3m Toa of Eqaiae Aristoeraey. aad a tbsaaal Mm whioh spese forbids - ' j Tbs gailread cam Is sas fare •waadlatp. BmdapaKal lo Wlibaisd Car- Msal A*ocefaUoa. 1111 last Mala eueet, lor programme aad prsadsm list. Emwpe sad Aastralis togsthsr are sl- BMt exactly equal ia arm to South Amer ica North America aad A set ratal caas kmtd woe Id almost cover Africa. Pmfaiw CaaaM ■* Cared by Weal a M Hn.H.w. as they nanot raaah fee toal portiaa of tbs asr. Tber* is only aas way to can dasfasm. sad Ibat Is by saaagta ttsoal i iai I lis*. Deafnam ia caaaed by sa ta ha ' A lining of the railsiblsa Tain Wbm Ibb taba ia ingaawd i vaa bars s tnabMag soaad erimperfacthaar- i far. aad wbm His ewttiwlr olo—d Dasfasm la I lb* rasalt, sad ealeas tb* ladamaaaMaa caa bs | J mbea wet aad Ihfa tub* restored lo Ma aermal I I inatitfaq. bmrtag will b* dmlroyed taw. ; I Va- cases ont of ten ar* mnasd by mtarrh. I j wsarb is aothiag but aa iaflaaasd coaditioa of j Ibr mnu mrfaecs. Va wig giro Oa* Hundred Dollars for say j I csmwf by catarrh). Ibat ma { I ustbsearadbr Hall's Csmrrb Cur*. Cireataas | | scat frwe P. 1. rami A Co., Tolsds, O. «aM by Drofgists, 7Je. | Hall's Psmily Pills ars tba beet. The popalatMß of tbe German Empire I I iaclaue* £iott.O» who use the Polish laa . Not All Abke. Saritxerlaad has wet summers aad ! dry samaiera. ao that some tourlata ; > amy spend two or three weeks among . the BMMißtalns without ever getting a I ' view of them, while others hardly see ■ j a rkmd aad revel 1b mellow sunshine, i i Up to the middle of August the pre | seat season was exceptionally un pleasant. aad thouaanis left the. sum- i mer "playground of Europe" disgusted, j Nevertheless there has been a con ' staat aucccaaloa of accldeata —more, la proportion, thaa In any preceding summer. This, however, waa to have | beea expected, for the figures printed . la Ibe year book of the Swiss Alpiae I Club show that there has been for years a steady increase In the number I of fatal accidcats. lo IS»S nineteen [ death were recorded tn the following i year twenty-four. 1897 and 1118 bad thirty four and thirty-seven respective ly. while the fatalities for lf»9 and IMO were forty-one and forty-eight la the Union Pacific Railroad between Omaha and Ogden I by thirty mlk-s. reducing the grades , from a maximum of ninety-aevea to a maximum of forty three feet, and ex paadlag the curves. (16,000.000 will have bora expended. It Is Aid, wbea 1 | tbe work ia tlniabed There will be a ' great aavtng la fuel. In the use of | I much longer freight trains, and in ] higher apeed. and the resulting in crease of earnings has been estimated at $3:900.000 a year. Potatoes form tbe world's greste«t lin ale rropr OOO million bushels beina pro dared aaaaally. equal in balk to the ei , lire wheat snd com eron H. H. Gaul's Hoas, of Atlanu. (la., ar* • the oaly sarp—sfal Dropsy Specialists ia th* j world Kae Ibsir liberal offer in adrertiasawet la sanlher mluau of this paper. Aa ordiaary p:ano contains a mile ef I I*sbo wire _ Piss's car* rsaaot b* too highly spoksa or I , s* s eoagh car*. —d. W. O'Baias, SM Tblet ! j Avsaas, M.. Miuaaspolis, Minn . Jan. •, IMX riimalma aI loe dead has beea the cus tom in Jspaa for 1900 years. It's raster to pat ap with the prodigal soa thaa lo pal ap for bla. 80. ST. Fcnaa 's Fibilto Dra prodoeaa tbs faad est sad brightest eoton of any known dye stag. MoM by aU druggist*. The State which pmiqeed the Urges* rsrw cm;. ls«t year was llUaoia. with ?17. M».«• bushel. A «»sul going from Montreal to Port Arthur has to ascend OOU feet ■•U roe lbs Bowel*, go matter what ails you, haadaaha te a aaaeer. yea will a*r*r n*t wall aatll yoar bowels ars pat right. Casciaara help na.'a-*. ewrs TWO without a grips or pain, pn»ta-> ' sn wuaral movements, coal you Jost 13 cents a* star; gsttote roar bsaltb bask. Cas-' rasars t-aady fmthartie. the rennine, pat ap m metal boxes, every tablet has C.C.C. ■tuipnl oa it. Besrars or lmilatioas. A man caa go dowa hill faater than ha raa up. PTTs p-rosaewJy cared. Jlo gta or aarraas aamafter grst dav'e as* of Dr. kliaa'a Ureal , XsrreKostorer M trial bottle and trsatisafre* I Dr. R.H. XLtas, I.tt .. Ml Anth Rt.. Pbila. Pa. fhreiral cwlture ia only another name (er hard work Mr*. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup for eSildran teetaiag. soft's tbs gams, iwdaoos iataaav ti**.allays psia. rare* wiad eotie. ilj a bottle Nstwrally it Bake* a fellow leal cheap i to give hnaself sway. _ Mother " My mother was troubled with coaaumption for many yesrs. At lam she was given up to die. Thea she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, j gad wss speedily cared. 1 D. P. Jolly, Avoca, M. T. { No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take. It's too risky to wait until you have consump -1 tion. If you are coushin| j today, set a bottle 01 Cherry Pectoral at once. MmaSha: Ag li ngili • rfx&srn as Ms a. ihsa Mat asks It. Ha ham. Sick Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. Mc. AM drugglata. Waal f w MMMack* ar terl m >—tlful The* \t— BUCKINGHAM'S DYE whiikers r. tn.. WbßigpY* *. |««!»'» tn laUr Admrta. ■u! Bt'iinriMU ViMH* «t the Tomato ladaatrial Exhibition Tn ii !■ J aad to M to arMMtklu ■InI (to year's riim H* admitted that the lorn A little dlaap —i-ji— --na be told Ma aadleaee that Cawdt'i toria— (export- and tmportaTOi the tat Cecal year aaaoaa ted to ahoat %i 1 par head of the popa latioa. while that of the United Mates —»■«« oaly to ahoat $29 per head. ~80 jreaaee." he aaid. "that erea jrith ail for au. ahoat two-thMa more thaa oar Averteaa aeishbora." 1 "WEEK Of IQRKRB" j . «cnwno. 2 I Oct. 7-13. 1901. | i mcmmlMWYitAM 1 *; f 9 llUK.M»»a«t»*»«toaead, Va. 6 XoeoeoaoeoeoeoeoeO*o»&*Q*» QTARTLING FACTS Theemadaotahlldiea are tolaffaawed tedtoiaetloa by Worm* Symplon* k 1 afMUoar«Mk Ttoy d.pe.4 apea the ehßd'a topaaaHl a»d -p»a tto K/ Laee mm Tkaet A4e»ttheeale drTboykin's worm killer *QiQtH3#Ot IT IS A SURE. SPEEDY AND SAFE DESTROYER OF THESE rtONSTERS. IN USE OVER «• YEARS. ACCEPT NONE BUT DR. BOVKWS. tgc. yfer KNOWN. SOLD EVERYWHERE. CURRENT NOTES. T. C. Martin, gn authority upon the subject. finds that, 100.000 people are employed In telegraphy, 26.000 by Bell Telephone companies. 150.000 in elec tric lighting plants. 150.000 on street railways operated by electricity an 4 150.000 in electrical factories. A personal dlfflculty is Imminent ID Kansas City. The Mayor says that the city clerk deliberately helped two claimants to dip their hands into the dty treasury by oSclally certifying to a falsehood: and the city clerk says that the mayor is a liar. "Hare yon any sort of machine to sew on buttons?" asked the bachelor in the twentieth century department store.- "You will find the matrimonial agency the third aisle to the right," replied the floorwalker. 1 >• 1 •ma View, Va. - b rapidly aoaastlsg prseadenee ss s Hnm an iusMt Ita saeeaattditty. proximity to Norfolk, from which point It ia reached by trfreute ears oa s heqaeat ssd eoaeoaieat arbedale. and abonsll its great natural ad taaUgra and attractioaa. sod aploodld hotrl seousisodsrtona. ratlly place It with ths lunauat ot oar iwaaide r*e its. The Haa board Air Line b tha direct route to Norfolk Ina all poia s Month. mcouatiintimiof mtn sign, ST. MJGUSTIIIE'S SCHOOL, BILIUiH, i.r. Collegia se«l(oen*al«lsdwat rial* Train* lac Behool for N araea. gStMb inMSawmtiMrwvat c«iafaeo». aipfb Madsat, n«i. A. a Miattr, ■allies %- t- 80. at. ASTHMA-HAY FEVER mm —UI Ofi-TATT WCOOrST-WYCITY EDUCATE JorBUSINESS Udrhtn Bisnbs colleie, l.ltl«urO« BV Mir. ft— —iriw i »C.Titfli»wißßaitlai U». Ita* a,. S9OO TO SISOO A YEAk We nal utftlifrat gn and Woman aa Itsmliag Sijaflatlna cr Local llaaagtn; - salary ho ae- ftjao a year aad al mmmmm, accardiag to eaprrirace aad ability w« «1» out local Rfrantaliiti: aala'r ft to fit a •nt aad iQMWtaduo. drproding apaa the tint tp»oiril scud aaafr far fWfl particiilai» aad ma pdaitioa pdknt Addreia, Dept. (. THg anx COliruiY. rhiladtlntaia. Pa. s7slos2oo ( pS Addra a. scon g|BCOT CO . l.oalariile, Ky. Wbea pa writ* meattoa tbt« paper. * * * ***** *** ****** * * *■ ]:&OwnThis Book! / ** IT SHOULD BE II EVERY HOUSEHOLD AS IT MAY \ BE HEEDED ARY MINUTE. * A Slight IHmm Treat*4 at One* Will Fi matatly Preveat a » * Lw aitkaw. W» It* Haavy Eiyww* «1 Aarictioa. 4 % EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR > *r j. ATumm. a. a. o. « Tkia is >mt Valuable Book far Ike Houaehold, tprkiac uit dor. tko *, « I>il| lnlia.anbil gmptoai of different Uinutt, tie Uun aad Meana » « ft hniali rack Din—m, sad tkj biaflat ItatdM wiuek will alienate + or can. CM fagaa. ProtaMi? Illuatratad. »■- « m Tka Book «a written in plara 4. , * everyday Kagliak. aad M free froaa 4. * * tke teehairal whiek render ** "ijCT, ike «e— rf reoder* Tka * JYtzJlt* n i> tke Family, aad » aa worded a* * * to **" "adiljf aafaatood. by iH * 60 cts. F °sHa. •; * ■ Jwi-W MB Tke low price only ** Vv Jtr/i\ pSSt r* J Kftft " cattail ao aack lafm I—twa He la T thro to Raaw, bat way property - * - A * • tltiag pertain in* to faartakip. Mar * V riafe aad tke Plmladma and Bear- » . * .' oiV ix of fleaUkv FaaiKec; tojetker *, M * Vaicible Btripet aad Procrip- ♦ H tiBMB. EnißOitioM of Botamxeal Pnetk». Correct U« of O: iioarv Herb. * « Sew Edit on. Brriaod aad Salaried witk Coaqriete ladei. Witk tkia 4. - « Book ia tke koaaa tkaoa ia ao oaeaaa for ao* kaowiaf wfcot to-4o ia aa eat- «• 'a * "Ttal wait aatil yon kare illn min yvmr h«i*r kefaae yow wrdT. hot 4 J aend at aare far tka nhable TO hi ME OHLY •> CSHTB POSTPAID 4 : * Send paatal aateo or po«ta«e etampe of any dmoaaimatiao not Urfrr tkaa ** BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE 184 Leonard St., N.T. % « ****************** r,« ******************** - - ♦ ~T V- " » _ * SOA«K>NT Tooth Powder sagas 25* ■ mauSa . ■E a. «• »aT**T. KUtM. lrjiiPrtta DROPSVJ?.=gSr= »n» »«■«■ eaa »aa.a» a »■■■ a WE FAY I.R.FAKEANI> CSDER SS,WO —. I«|«»l!,t taiiauo laarßUwanLtmsir*. BO Aan AT COST. Write Qale* wOa Ala. Vastnaaa CaUaga.HaM.Oa. 00OMI0*9^K«O*O*O«0*O*C( f CAPUDINE I 9 for HRtDACHm i X and KP.Vg.KB. X ♦ Taken with Qalalao It |4«nali *er- O 9 eoaaaaaa aad Arhto* aad rWM-r-a ito I * Fetror. AT ALL ULL'TL STOKES Y K»*0*0«0»>*0« HHOWO4HO MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIHIIIJI. gM>Mi.b«4 IS3S. 1 be - Istf-fourth aa»da-» «Ui r immeara uranker w, sJ In >m »■ a- af raiitiar. f.-ar D>iaiMaid . olMn,lln(W>M».lMg>ap> —«aiaa. Pipiuaini a* rsanoaay raara ® «u* faas ptrjoaa ParfmharparticalanaoaCatw CHUSTOTIU m UM. ID..IHU, aicggs.ta, »A. s SAWMILLS! ltaaal-rtarad by th galea Iron tgforka, Salens. R.C. * THE SWIFT CREEK DAIRY AMD f-jrrHft STOCK FARM |V\ \ f f TMl'rKKlpAlgrw 11 VJL , i rv Mam «r HriMnri *JO V-aoa JEHoKt ari.Ul MtTT A*» M» Igr BS. a I frtan IT JM ami nufeaad Satw-tnrS Tji ferd aalo4au-. auoaWnrr MiaiiMtk n- >M rf IW r.arai M* I'vit ljaliit aad c»ai *ktari Iviaad fMae ana)>M hoa-l I f.BfoarU. IWUkm. >.C AGENTS "il? Irakari Sash Uek Ml Brahari DMr Miw Ardlaa oarbaw oaoryabara n aala Us TATE SPRING. Brtal Opaa aad Wawr sttaprd (kerosbaal ■ \nr riaoo-l t vntStfat M»a»t»a-»-t t*taaeaa Ho«l.lk.rO« nmrirUOU. MM Brat. ««« wito *M»r • ore. I>.. man ■ 4 Ho Uw. Hwoe», bladSarfti»ala a»> BMorya. Uliaaiatf aad Stnaa Hm> a »r» tor raa|kM TBM TtnLIXMK, Saarr * ft opr. TATg STBIM. TKBBgSSCK. • IBM hSi frVtaua G»>L Casfl USE CERTAINS CURE.?- --* - - - * 'lfciWMfltol—ltWwi Paiat !>■■■«. McILHENNY'S TAB ABCJ.