THE ENTERPRISE. TOSUSattO ITOT VUDAT unn i wniTMo**. «, iIMTN in MUM" ... ■ ■ subscriber wishes the *sper Mopped the ,»»B mm be asUStd nod MbacripUra paid ap. >4 II nil ■ nil as which M spedSc numh*r •(IntrtU'H aurted. Will he mirked 'till fb*aM~ sat cbsrgd sp (a date of dtacMtiaa- A -ti(i JUttntliiu* 1 befnft the Itaf •Mir* Wd «ar ba cspirad will be chsrged trsa daal win (or tbc time actually pabllahrd. ■tisvw-aaskstion Noticed without the asise ml lb« vikti sxompsnte* lt--not to be pub- Mad. bat Ul gasrsnter of good faith. SMtaess Locals s cent# a llae. OMWrin aad Bea>lslk>s» of Heaped. all am II Sacs. j rests a line. Oapp lac Advertisement*. or rbau(r of Adver lluai air auat be la thU oace not later than WSdnrsdsy noon. •DMCIIITIOIt |L «AVKAK IN ADVANCE Itetmd at tbc l-uat office at Williamilon. M. C..aa Heoond Cla«a Mail Matter. FRIDAY, ai ■-a a——a ■■■!. I I OUR PRESIDENT DEAD! It was indeed a Bad and severe blow that fell upon this country, when, lost {Saturday morning at 2:16 oclock, the jpeat head of our nation sttc combed to the cold hand of death. The news of the shout ing at Buffalo on the Gth wan severe enough; so much so that oar people could not find words to express their grief when the •ad news was received; it was so shooking that a great many were dumfounded. To think that the president, who had so endeared hiraselfto the majority of tho people of this country, and who was the last persoii in the world that we would have credited with having an enemy, could possible bo the victim of such a dastardly crime as being shot by a CITIJJKN of States. But, ulso, such was the case. And to-day,when the boloved remains lie cold in mother earth and ths soul hus returned to its Maker, and the whole world is in mourning over tho low of u great and good man, it is hard to believe, though such is the ease, that this life came to its end by a shot from a dastardly assassin's hand. Here, in this peace and liberty loving coun try, the president, chosen by the people; the man of all men on earth whom every American citizen should honor love and protoct,to be vilely shot in this manner! Where is that love of liberty that caused this great nut ion's hirth. RALEIGH, N. C„ September 16, 1901. In view of the concerted efforts which it seems from the pifbluhetl despatches are now being mide by the leading purchasers of cotton seed of Louisiana, Mississippi,o'.her COlton producing states to lix a mar ket price for seed far below the present price, and tit much less than the probable output of the present crop ought to command-es peoially so wjben the extreme short ness of theeoriicrop is considered —action dught to b« taken by the fanners to counteract these unfair schemes and to secure for their seed product such values as conditions properly warrant I am informed that efforts along this line win be made in other South ern states, and I, therefore, most heartily endorse the call issue i by Mr. T. B. Parker, Secretjry of the North Carolina State Alliance, for a meeting of the farmers in their re-." pectivc counties on SaturJay the list, inst, to select delegates to at i tend a state meetiug in Raleigh 0111 Wednesday, the 15th, Inst. When men for selti h purposes Combine together to ■ fix' prices to . be paid for farm products far below the true value of such products b) •hutting off competit o.» f it is timt for formers to take some action to dt feat such nefarious schemes, and "fi*" themselves in such positiou a»| to be able to hold their products ui til the natural law of supply and dt •and can have its legitimate sway Respectfully. S. LI PATTTERSQN. Commissioner of Agriculture. Curs ■lpKi «M pas wt J wai—ra una Washington, Sept. idlh, 1901. The sudden change in the bulle tins concerning President McKin ley and the news of his death have earned an atmosphere of subdued and undemonstrative, but genuine sorrow, to prevade Washington Everywhere one sees the colors draped with black framing pictures of the dead President The people in charge of the "Oldroyed Collec tion of Lincoln Relic - r which fills the house in whkh Lincoln died, opposite Ford's theatre, have hung the whole front of the hon*e with crape and flags, surrounding por traits of Lincoln and McKinley. Yet with all this, it seems hardly possible to believe that the genial kindly-faced man will never again stroll along the streets or through the White House grounds, greeting everyone with his accustomed un ostentatious courtesy. Washing i ton has suffered a personal bereav ment There is some speculation inevit ably as to /he possible and prob able course of the n w Executive. While President Roosevelt is notso well known here, personally, as was McKinley, he is a National > figure and everyone is familiar with his eventful career. As the most careful ob-enrers of public affairs agree, it is not possible to foretell with any certainty what he 1 will do in the next three years. His occupancy of the same ticket with | President McKinley is another proof of the old trouble that politics make strange bedfellows, for there never were two men more unlike. 1 Couriously enough, however, they held much the same views on most public questions McKinley wtfs wise, sagacious, thoughtful; he avoided making enemies wherever possible Roosevelt is entirely careleii; on this point, and many of hi enemies have been made, ' not so much by his policy as by his way of carrying it out He has often appealed t-> seek dramatic effect, simply because he was not thinking about effect of any kind and did not avoid making one. He is the youngest mar., by five years, who ever held the oftice of Presi dent, being not yet forty-three, and when it is remembered that he was prominent in state and even in national politic* mi an *gc when most men are scarcely l>eginning their careers, some of the popular impressions of this character may be better understood. The great responsibilities now laid upon him will inevitably test his qualities as an administrator, and the country will certainly know him Taf better a year from now than it does today. He is not a man to be guided. He lie will do what he thinks is best and it remains to be seen whether those in both parties wish to oppose him will be able to do S3 effectually. It is thought that there will be iorae important changes in the Cabinet before very long, thiugh their nature depends on the plans which the new President may have lor 1904. Secretary Hay is said to be much broken in health since the death of hia son and may resign at an early date, in which case the se lection of a new Secretary of State will be a matter of moment. The name of Lodge ia suggested in this connection. He, like Roosevelt, has gone into politics under convic tion and lor the love of it, and the two would prcb ibly agree. Wal cott is another of the same sort, but he comes from Colorado, and i there is an unwritten political law wheih is against the selection of a Secretary of State from the fai West, Hie name of Depew has also been 1 mentioned, but this would make rather too much Excelsior in the Cabinet for political purposes, for 1 Depew is also s New Yorker, lie sides, Depew is a humorist and the ' joker does not always wiu in the game of office-seeking. Secretary L~>ng. while personally a friend of the President, might be forced out > by the c'amor of political op ponents. it the Schley. Sampson case ' develops in a way to warrant it. Major Sylvester, Chief of Police of Washington, has fathered a scheme for the checking of anar chists, which may receive consider ■ CHAMBERLAIN'S CIH'GH REMEDY A GREAT FAVORITE. Tbc soothing and healing properties of this remedy, it* pleasaat taste aad |inift ind permanent cam have made it a gnat favorite with people everywhere. It is ca peeially prised by mothers of mall chil iren (or cohla.crunp aad whooping cough, is it always ilonb quick irlirf, and as a contains no opium or other baneful drag, 1 it may be (ilea as roakdeatly to a baby | ** *° an adult. Fee ssk by N. &. Fed A Co. m ' . • 0 I , • A TO* wtbbprisk, wiLLtmaToir.iH. c..sarranrro».noi. STOOD DEATH OFF. Tex , oace fooled a grave digger. He saya: "My brother an very lear with mslaefal fever aad Jnaadire. I persuaded baas S» try ElectricßitUn.snd he ana ma amrh better, but coatlaaed their aae 'aasß he was wholly cured. I am am* Hhcrif Wt ters saved bis tile." This uaadj ezpefe malaria, kills dfaeaee pna and pnrMea the Mood, aids dlgtShs. regalates Ever, 1 kidaeys aad towels, cans loastipatiua. l dyspepsia, acnoas diseases. IHSIJ , troubles, female coanplniats, gives perfect health. Oaly 90c at M. 8. M Jk Co. able attention now that the country is aroused on the subject. He sug gests that a Federal Bureau rf in -1 dentificatioi be established, in order to bring into direct and help ful touch the Police Service of the different states and chies. This, he 1 thinks will Csciliate the wa'ching of 1 anarchists and other dangerou. 1 criminals and be ot great assistance to the local police. Incidentally it might in'erfere with so see of the corruntion in certain muncipnl po lice departments. It is interesting to note that almost this identical scheme was suggested to Joaiah Flynt, the well known slodent of criminology, by one of the profea -1 sional criminals whom he inker 1 viewed on the best way of prevent ing crime The thief had aa idea thnt he was not talking t) one of his own kind, and told Mr. Flyat frankly that some sort of Federal Police force would ''dean out guan'* better than any other agency he 1 could think of. In the circumstan ces the testimony of this "gnu" ' seems worth considering. The Census bulletins grouping 1 the population of the states by na tivity, race Ac. have been mnde public and contain some rather in teresting information on the race question. The negro population 1 of the country is 11.7 per cent of the total, practically the same as in 1890, while the while population has increased, undoubtebly, by several millions of immigrants. This indicates that the negro is not dying out as some othnologists have claimed, but is holding his own and perhaps a little more. During the time when it was thought that the President would recover, it was found by Solicitor General Richards, who looked up the question of the possible punish of Cxolgoez. Ihat by making use of some legal technicalities, theaasas in could have been sen'eeced to titty years in prison. While ten years is the lim t of the punishment for assault, he eould have been tried for assault, not only on the President, but on the two detec tives and on Parker the negro who knocked him down, and also for conspiracy* which would ha«e brought the total up to a practical life sentence. CURED OF CHRONIC DIARRHOEA AFTER 30 YEARS OF SI'FFERINU. "I suffered for yo yean with diarrhoea anil thought 1 was past bciag cured." SB ins John s. Holloway, of French CaaqsMisa. "1 had spent so much time and nosey ami suffered so mach that I had grrra ap all hopes Of recovery. I was so feeble froaa the effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of Isbor, could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic.Cholrra aad Diairbocs Remedy, aad after taking sev eral bottles I sm entirely cured of thnt trouble. I am so pleased with the Kssah that I am aaaious that it be ia reach of alt who suffer ss I have." For sale by N. S. IVel & Co. A WNTIY SKKSSML "SsMtfciac m MM !!• UL All Doctors have tried to care caraaaa by the use of ponders, arid rases, iahslr ra d **** powdeta thrin to crack opea aa Used. The power ful acids ased ia the iahahra haw satire thair makers have aiawd to care, while pastes snd oiatarents cannot reach the di -1 sense. T -fmmi lil yaai iSlaan who has for amay yean amdea clem study aad specialty of the trcatnseat of CATABSH. has at last perfected a Treat meat which whea faithfnllv ased. aot on ly relieves at oace, bat permaatntly cares i CATAaan. by reaMmag the came, stap . ping the discharges and cariag all ia ftsmmslimi It is the only wandi fcmma ■ to science that actually resches the aMct , ed parts. This wonderful reamdy is kaowa as "sNvrruis theocAßAimamcATaaaa 1 cvaa" aad is sold at the extremely few price of One Dollar, each package con taining internal aad external medhine f ruftcicnt for a fall month's treatment aad everything necessary to its perfect am. • "ssrvrruts" is.the only perfect CATAaan ■ cvaa ever made aad is BOW recnaaiaedas . the only safe aad positive care for that annoying aad disease It cam all laflammstioa quickly aad pennanret , 'y and it also woaderfally quick to re lieve BAY nvn or cou> ia the asan. > CATABBH whea aeglected often lank . to coxscamoN—^"snimn" will save " " comnlete * "° . whrfh is positn-rlv gaarnateed to care CA TABBU ia aay Cora or if mad ar cordiag to the dietctioas which aiuaa t pany each package. Doat delay hM send lor it at oace, and write fall particalms as 1 to yoar condition, and yoa will receive t apecial advice from the discoverer of this . wonderful nmsh regarding yoar cat without cost to you beyond the regute ' price of "SNOTVUS" the CCABMSOB ■ CATABBH CUB*." i" Seat prepaid to any ad tress ia the I'aitod Statosar Caaafe aa leeefet of Oae 1 Dollar. Address Dept. C 491, EDWIN B" r r.ILKS & CO , Jijr Market St , Pfefeld ' I*^ ATCfIiL - WilHamston - Academy will begin Its rail Term ' Moaday, September 9th. *. A. HUDGENS, Mi. Xkm MatW Balwiakle, A*Wiit * Jeaafo tfoors, Moaie Teacher. Boys and Girls prepared for COLLEGE Board at reaooable rate* in Pmrate Houses^... Dr.W.H.ltaml.Pm j. w. AIIIWH. #ee*y. $45 GbOCK FREE! For each and every dollar spent n cua at oar stores between now and DHCBMBBR «BT. 1901, we will (ivc a gueaa at the noadier of pounds of tobacco that win be sold on This Market from the Opening Day until the Christmas Holidays. The person guessing nearest to the correct number of pounds take* the dock The second mawit will get a Clock, worth fa.oo; the third near est will get s Bowl and Pitcher, worth s2.oO;the fourth nearest will get One Dollar's worth in Trade and the fifth nearest will get Fifty Cents in Trade. The dock is 7# feet high, 19 inches across bane and 1 T inches deep. Retail price $45.00. WE 56LL AS CHEAP AS ANY MERCHANT IN THE COLTfTY. G. D. & J. C. Robcrson, ROBERSONVILLE, - N. C PRIVATE SALE —OF A— Vciy Desirable Farm. Parties desiring to purchase a good farm, 225 acres more or kw, will do well to call 00 or address the undersigned. This farm is located 2)4 miles South of Hamilton, N. C. and is very healthy, produces fine cotton, peanuts and tobacco. Apply. Mrs. D. A. Outterbridge. or P. R. Rivet, 51-4t p Hamilton. N. C. W. W. Waters, HBSWYMii. I. L A complete line of ~STAPK & FANCY QROCKKIKS Bry MtHiMni XVe call »fecial attention to SYUPB and PORTO lilCO -—MOLASSES-—* me a trial, Fresh t "Indies always on band. n 11/ V ■? MOTHERHOOD Tha giaaiiw atoWoaofA—r wnnna is to km waa oMMi—. Ths Wis curatanUy MHM4 wftfc • «>n«liM «i«i. Ma 4aaS Wat eowyioa; dota jinital wtejW weak sad 4sas Mag WMss |» kZZ ham. wj daohu lor ymmm% Wlaa a t CarM gives woan fti hsshk aad Mnagtk to War haal «ky oMUraa. TOU eaa gat a dollsr bottls «| Wins at Ga*M aya»d»a|w- 4 VME'CjUHMfI : Littleton Female College One of the aaoat prosperous in stitations for the higher educatiou of young women. Panacea Water kept in the building. Ninteenth Annual Sess'on begins September 18th. For Catalogue address President Rhodca, Littleton, N. C. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE! SuttCMka, Mania Ciaalj Manas a* Ell I alai of Meaty **- «tt li rn rad. arllil la hereby (ivea for all per* •tU M Ikc ain yi" oa or brfmttt itch day at iapal ar tu, Mtkf will be plrwM ia karat their lea ill J. TMa Aa« *-•*. «H> J- D. ITUIII. a a KVKBKTT EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ■aitoa 11 »S« 11 aa Szecator of Apha Hirfi aaa. dneaaed. aatfc* la hereby ihn for ill yer ana >III ny llalaa afatad raid dcceaaad to mam theaa la the Oaor Moat the i«th day of Srytcabrr lyaaar thla aotlcr will to |lMj to kar af their recovery. TMaStfLuU. na WJUfWY rm. Baccfr NOTICE hi ■■■! to Law Satire la hereby |hn that •HMoUaa will he aa*« to the Board of Coaaty CaaaMaaen to gnat to Uw a adar afraid Llwaii to tetall iplrhaiaa aad art Uqaorafor 1 aaalka ha gto a iag Oil 7th. I«m, at WMcharda ruallg to aiHiwiWt Tnaaahly. Martla coaaty. M C- Thta« day Sept. lyaa. (Kl J. a. WHICHABD. NOTICE Martto Caaawty M. V. Aapr. e« ale. bfartt. Sy !>!■ a* a final af the Saprrior Cant af Ma alto laaaty. to a fallal yrarn fltoa thrreia peadfeg to re M. V. Aa|t. ct ala, KB parte, I anaßeaer far aale the flattoaeiaf deeerihed tract at laad. to wtl Thattaact oaaaaaoaly kaowa aad aa the "fipkaa P. Da via" toad, aa "Jerdaa nick" faad. to )aan»Uk Towaahlp. canty ataaaMli. adjatola« the laaia of S L Aa*r. tah lay Darla aad othera, nataia(H Ma riaor wM wie kalall the Coart hoaae door of Martto uaaalj. Ttaaeof aalr. Maaday the 71k day of October mm. Trraaa af aatr. Cadi. Thla Sept jaC ayai. W T CBAWPOSD 9a«l Coaaaaiaaloaer. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Martas aa adailaiatfmtor of Harvey S>H». da naaaa «. thla la lo aotify all peraoaa la dekacd to aaid alna to oaaae fowaid aad aettle al aace, aad all paaaaaa hotdtaeclatoaagauaat aaid affi win paaaaat Iheaa to Ihe aaderaigiird for pay ail af aa oe heiote Aaac. n. 190J or thla aottee will ke ala au to kar of Chair tecoarry TMa Aaa ai ayol "Slgned" SAMCSL a BIGGS, Ada r Aa Oa Lwa 1 . . . ATLANTIC COAST LINE B. B. COMPANY. coMMjaaao aauwu. 1 TUAINS (jOING SOI'TH. ei djfiii fl a ■■■ * n. r. M. r. M. A. M. r. M. Leave WeMao . 11 ja a a Ar Backy Mt «oe y%j r.u. Laan Taahaao ■! 11 Aaa I l» Bachy Ml 1 ajl 10 oa *J7 jIJ ■■ ja i» ap I» 5» >«• Laavr Srtou .. I »,| il a| l»- njtsevllle. ty ia » Ar. Pleat ace ._ 7JJ aaa r C|A. u. S:SBSU--z:tz::;;- iil 22 P. M. A. u. r. u. TBAINS GOING NOBTH 1 |«- . i * JfifMS * JK I % as iliifj il il it t A. n. r. M.i L,w. nainu a jJ j » LA- KapttoaUto * 4> L~T - «*- «•» Amw Wilaaa— a D ia IJ . . ■ AM. ' P.M.AIL Rage i? .TS V». Oailahaew, 4 ya y J7 uS P. M. A. M. r. M. IT! Una Vtoa ajj a M ia i j aa «j I a Ae- nat>j M» j p I(a »a li q I M La. Backy Mt |p N« A*. Willi a—- 4 M IJ _________ P.M. IA.S.F. a Tin la W laiß Mate 1.l Tula toavaa WU vtnc »a» a ■»- n'a'ataa ylj'a* «.,"*ad Spriaca I Y I a. rutlaa W4l a. at . Hupe MUla aa ST a. M, arrive IWI IWH RI aa. lutaraiai karat HLIWUHK ATSY- Hope Mllla J aa p. AA.. Bad ■L ILRTI 1 UPO. MaitoaA 1* p. M~. arrlvea Bao- UlarlUc 7 UP.IL C—l ITI ■■ at FayettevWe with uata Mo. A at SSnlaa wkh Oaroitoa Central Ballroad. at Bad the MDL toiagaaad Baawiiri rail raad, al aawfoad wkh thr Heahaard Air Ltoe aad SVall KABLWAY. at GAH wkh the Dartm aad Traia aa the acallaad Hack Baaack Board travel }»f.a;fcn«l W htaadNiA jadp. Giuaillfc Igy, Ela raara 7 55 p. aa ketaratog tna«aa Klailua 7!»« ar Gr*ea\tlie Sya a., aililas al Halifax 11 id A aSklJiJul'ial taadr^^ toa • ia a b.. awd aja p. arrive Panaaete 91a a. a. iwy aa . a ilafaalaa leave rtratk » JJ a. aa aaa tja p ■ aniii Vaahiagha ilea a a ercti* Saa *■>» »»» aaawlhK. la y a. Betartog. kave Ptywaath deny emept itoaSay. IJO r aa.. aad Sariatoy yea a. aa.. airlraa Thrharu a ja a a, 1 II a«»«a kaaaa MI^ *-rur j a aa, arrlvwa GoMakaao 19 a. aa. TIIIII aakaik Skßiaait laaveßuckj L*aaal AT yJ> aw. ]A*y ■. UTix* Kaahvllle aaf'J ■-.4«y a. hpiiaa haar 11 eaa. a . 4 H P- a.. teta>atoto«vaifc|Haytii»a.a.t«ya. MaakviUr 11 45 A_ a., MY A arrive at Rocky Moaal 11 A AW. * aap . a. daily cxcry* toady. '«.V^d..«d.d«dka toe aa paMto Maeth aU rag via Bk.haaall • n. ML anaaaon. J k KKNLT Gta I Afat j j.:. i There la a"Son«; of SAFETY AND SECURITY In ihe possession of Policies issued by •mmii ULLiAii » ssi, that froceeds front the fact, that ample assets and efficient experience doubly guard interests involved. No other Policies con so surely satisfy. See us aud Oct the Best Insurance, » Hi taunt droJy jgl HOrreii Williams Ac Son Experienced Insurance Agents. TARBORO, N. -C. Notice tothc Tax Payors of Martin County I wiO visit at the placet below on the days statrd during the month of October 1911 for the purpose of collecting taxes: Kobersonville, Friday, Oct 4-1901 Public House in Griffips Gold Point, Saturday "5 " Wednesday, Oct. it-ifOS Farmde, Tuesday •' 8 * Hassells. Friday s " iS " Ereretts. Wednesday •' 9 " Conoho, Saturday " if " Pallards Store, Thursday " 10 ** " Public House in Williaais > ■* Hamilton. Saturday "is •' Tuesday Oct Sf-ifOi O. K. Cowing * Co. Store Dardens, Fiiday * 15 " Tuesday, Oct 15-1901 Jamesville, Saturday. >i V T.i •te fiil ing to meet me at the above-named places and aettle thair taxes will be visited by myself or deputy at once for the express purpose of collecting the taxes due. The taxes must be wound up by the jis t day of December,as lam compelled to settle with (he Sta'a and County by that time: Very reap., J G CRAWFORD, Sheriff Mart nOo. _ , « a ~n ' 1 " Dxxms SIMMONS. Pre*. T. W. TILCHIIAN.Cea. um|«T. |Om D. HOOMk STW THE » DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. MANUPACTUBGBO OF* ' KILN DRIED NORTH CAROLINA PINE LUMBER. DKNNIS SIMMONS 9 BRAND CYPRKSS SHINGLES WILLIAMSTON M. C. .. 4. • - • *♦. 6 tyOrders and Correspondence Solicited. COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. CAPITAI. fcill Hank Of Martin Coiuity, J. .G GODAKD. CASHIBA. krvort oI Ike Coaditiaot of Ike auk At tkc cloar of Budsea*, July 13th, >9*lf assopacßa. „ uahutiu. UuiudJinnU ••.>« «• Capital Stock MM Overdraft* ft.lya.6s Undivided Profit. |^|P laite-l Mate. loadi (500.00 Certificate# of DepoaiU |u«JO Paraitare aad KUtare* fj* HJ subject to check Dae ftw Baaka J5.6Kj.41 Caah Item. |» v TOTAL |aiM Silver Cuia.iocladia* all auirar coin C'y It.ei4 .t7 TOTAL ; fxj.166.58 _ I, J.C Goltrd > C«UtT of fcak of M irtia County, do solemnly .wear (or .arm) that Ike above Mateamt la Irae. to Ike be* of my kaoarledge and belief. J. C. Go lord. Ca abler. Stale of North Carolina—Coaaty Martin. S-ora to aad aaluciibed before at, tki. jotk day of Jnly 190*. W. K St abba. M. p. Wheeler Martin. Dennis 8. Biggs MARTIN & BIGGS, Manufuctiirers of FURNITURE, ♦ WILLIAMSTON, N. C. V f CjaKESroXDBXCR SoLICITBD. 'PIIOXES:—Office 33; Factory 46. \ _ _ 1 IROBERKI *E CHALLENGE THE WORLD TO PROOUCC THT B*l*l. Of O. Rotorrs' CHILLTONIC FM CUIUS, Fnos, Wight Swats and Grippe. and - * 111 IIH all forms of Malaria. N ' -JjM PONT WAITTO DIE! %WBM4r tKND M CENT! AND K CWICOI Neae genuine waless VMKWIL CSKS MB ■MOTS' TMK FIMMt Red Cress is ea label TBV IT. •NO CUM NO PAY. • Me. PCM aOTIUL Pset WSs a UuMi «sa—e DKUOHTnit TO TAKS. WWaf For sals by— KU Gargsaus aad Blade, Andeteoa * Co. ■ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoe eat. rm Lia n JKJETSS-.ISSUI'IL.I'S ISSRSTGASPSSG food. It glees lastaat relief aad nesat UAUowsyo, to sOOu yOU lM ®OSt KOSIUW A JOB WORK. KaSal Bjiaipalo TM VOVMDMM •(!*'■' 11 M"a. ' • -/p .- - ■ r. hF| i.-

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