THE ENTERPRISE. FkPAT, aavExm tl, 1901. LOCAL. NEWS Grt year Syakraat MiaeD'a. ■— ii jw 111iil|li i.wa —dtke " AakktoOaqpnWhewatoaearißpay j/mt* -v ■Ulools • m - -^A " «"Wr 111 ili> 11 wlte fakr a package. r""'«iftif tal take DrWitt'a -*- g "*^ r >■. Tkrf -dre. Mr|^ *—S.lMft{k " " , " 1 ' We «ne , town. J.A.MfeRROa. Aaice nrirtj af Crit«| M hlfc* place for Jim lo - aLW Mr. V.K.«UklMkilii4lMl. linlMtaialbißkianM ti*n V |M M ttt tat Daa LJ^ y rt The evening train Toodajr was *yi hows bk owing to ■ delay of the through passenger train on the A never falling care for cats, km, aVeta. ■ m nk and nta k De- Wk'i Witch Haael Sake. A Mat aootb- far all atfa aRu tfana. Accept only the genaiae. Ladka' Dreaa Gaoda. Dry Gooda. So tfans aad all otkar attacks of neariagap y—al far the Ladan at Cmpra'. WAXTED.—A iwt-rlaa. aO-roaad statiag ea- Henry Brardon. Hank. N. C.. asya: "I aadicfae » jncanfar artkn hag ane battk of OK Miaate Coagb Cere did Me awe gaad tkaa aaythiag eke dariag •••int. BeatCaagbCare." *»« Inl Sesrfag MUkfaeCXk fa toaa—call * rai|iin' fat haa a ake Hne an dkpfajr there. fa *n tun Ike naiitJgrf ftk aZk Tbsae an top to hare than patos read *d KMX n anij DL.hrt Ka ren. Mkk.. writes: 4 fan* tried mmmj pfUa and kzatreea bat DeWkta Uttk ■artjr lim are far tk hot pOk I haare ever aaed." They aeser gripe. Ifant fapt Ike ijfth Anaaal Conren tfan af tke Yihatn Pi belli .a Baptkt nkkMaCantari, Waab fan Cat. R. C.. October $. 4.7, ipM. Pare Wkj.O»|>,aypn. fa-* tta it k tke ban p»sn iffHm the? SUytodfraataot nalj aaan tie kef load pnsfanaal Ijipigili— ■nil ah. l to CABD OF THANE*. af-—— -T r r 1 r I |l)ma «# enr eicnesiena the pke t agin a. which has been a vary paotbemnd oniihnkof thcMl ws have aided ie giving oer putrona an sec asinasi day of henhhfal pleas are is a nutter tkat affords as no hut wUo, wc ire, rcspccfullv JOWSp HATCH JUtOSL EBCVBSMH MlßKltt Mt.OUve.MC: A NIGHT Ot* XKIKOK. "Aaafnl anxiety naa kk far tke widow «f the bare General ak. Me., srhce the doctor, aaaddbenaahl writes Mam. &. H. liacota. «ko attended bcr tkat fearfal eight, bat she begged far Dr. King's New Dkcorery. akkb bad Me tkaa once aared her life, aad cared berefTi gll After taking rite her." This ny nilgai pi«|iwi k gaar aetped $m care Thraat.Chest and Lang nail 11 Oafy S* and (uoi Trial bat -oaabecnt X. &. XhelhCat t ~ r " j r liiliag ■ lull 11 it • Neck. ft, 1 ■ Xnn ** ticiutii vovn w ■ niuins e Kmtth. & f r be oot again O. K. Con Lug was an nnr attccta Mr 1 IT Ttgnii ml b Batlj Icr. Mr. Parker paased thrash Mosday aaornang. Qatte a uiisd fraas here went to Martin Cantarphen, af Tarhoro. spent Sanday in town. Met Fannie Slnde. of ITiiiiiilf. W. C. Ml - g apewt Saturday and Sanday in Ayden. JnoL C. Laaab went apthe rand ww aa town thw week. ' ■■!■. ifJawinMi was In Mkn laat wwk. A. a Will. Jr., af Aahmt, waaralawn Will Ij. fna. D. Mas. Es,. went k>Mar faflt Wcdneday noraing. W. Sl Shades, af WawSiiia was a Twhor in town Sanday. MiasHßaStnran.of Kehrin Grove, is rating Miss Ida HaradL Mr. Andenan. af PoetsnMMrth. Vs., was in town Satnrday. Wheeler Martin, ictarnad front Raleigh TWsday Mr. and lln. C- W. Forbes, of Evwrtts, were here Wednesday. Mas Mary Hobbs left Wednes day narnifc to triak in Hobgood. Mini Lißian Taylor, af Gold Point, waa in town last Satnrday. Miss Marina Whitley left 1W day for Waahingtn to tench achooL Mtaaes Laara Mary Whitley left last week for the State Nanaal. H. D. Edwards aad Candy, of Eaeretts. were in town Wedneaday. Mna Henrietta Peel returned front Soberaoneille Friday evening. Mias Ernestine Gardner, whahas been Tinting in town has interned Miss Banna Belle Ysnel left far Littleton Fiaislr Colfegc Tneaday Katie left farBnltiaao«e Wednesday The Editor retnrned fawn a trip 10 Kicnmonu axaa rcitriwirg wen* neaday evening. Mrs. J. B. Qa.tuwai went to to Mr. and Mn. Than. Jones and spent Bin I j in Bwwtk W.H.S^gswßlknaethfaraarw lend the Va. Mi tral Caßrja Mcaars. Wss. Yask. S. SL Criadwr Becky Manet Wednesday evening B F. Godwin. Jr. carae down faant Scotland Heck Sntmdny even ing to apcsal Snnday with his par- Mr J. W. Manning, af Arahem father of oar dmr sad |U|inlin today. - Frank Hraaeß. who waa taken ack at the Uaivesaity laat week, wiMingisqaiteaick. Mrs. Hden Rhodes, who has B & Manhsby in Mtaignwrrj. Ala., has retnrned hanra. Miss Essie Bay. who has been ied by Min - - * _ „ u I. . ■■ . d. V t. 1 ~ . ' THE EHTERPRISB, WILLI AM3TON, V. O, SEPTEMBER 27, 1901. I JAMESYTLLR. The Gregory concert was grand I F. H. Brown and W. W. Waten spent Sunday ta EieteUv i We have the Artesian Well down 140 ft. We hope to get a Sow of , watersoon. Jnst after the benntifnl snn had 1 risen above the EaUun hariina.ifl ing the earth with beanty.the war , riage of Mias Josephine Catoaray to Mr. Walter Webb waa ml The ictimaunj took pfan; at ' Mr. John Bailey's, at; kn. The happy oottple took the aaa> r ing train lor Bocky Mount here they wifl spend a few days before e hating far their hoaae in WBaon. NarrkSiher. North Skatfa*. V. H. 1 "I parehaaed a bottle af One Mfaatc Cm* Care nken refering tmm a nagb > battle reherndare. the aeoaad and tfaM akaaS cared sac. Ta day lane nefl Type Wriefag hpr'wl Upl Cap Paper far aak-at thkoAce. Mae bpl • Cap >et>. a package. A SHOCKING CALAMITY. 1 "Lately beteß a ladaaal faharer." nrkea Dr. A. Kdkt. af Wißif 1. Aik. ' ka*s Aiaaca Snfae cared hire, k'a , and aR akfa eraptkea. tta Ike nelh aN.&MkCtL BALLABD. 1 Gw. Jill i a was inanr town • Mr. WOe Bennett Is in enr town this week. Mns Martha OoSeld n vnftkiag Miaa Annie Baßard. 1 J. C. Yaanortwick spent Snnday with H. M. Bnßatd. Mias Fannie Yaanortwick spent Snnday with Miss Annie Ballard. M. W. Baßard, John Bess aad J. M. Oakley arc on the sick list. j WORKING NIGHT AND DAY. f The bnaicat and aaightieat bttk thing that ever aaaaaadek Dr. Kag'i New Life Nk These ptlk rh.agr nakaea . into atrenßtk Knkaaneaa into enetgy. laaia fag iato naialal poser. Thry are naederfal ia baildaag ap the health. Only I Jjc. per boa. Said by N. &. Kel R COL A ooeaplete lane af Cent's Farakkiagt at Cantarphea'a. r RW. Panel). Kia*na« Jk.Pa.. aaya be . aafkaed 15 yaaea with pifca and raald ok . tain na aekef aatil IlrWe t Witch Haael Sakeeßerteda peraaaaeat care. Caaater ' kataare worth kaa. I Geo W. Lane. IVnoaao. Mich., writes: "Voar Kodol Uyapepaaa Care k the bra nwily far indjgeitwn and Uianaib tiaath tkat I crer aaed. Per yeara I aaf fered ban tanea coaapcffia aae ta atay fa bed aad caaaang are antoM agony. I aaa t nrepk nly tnU by Kudof Dyapepaaa Care. In rrcoaaaarndiag it to fiiaaik aha aaßer fraa indtgeatian. 1 alanya ofln to pay for it if it Cada. That far I baae arret paid." mmmmom. _ Mb k SaNt if TMnttkn mmnrn. anjuatsransNSH a nasfcnaaa. A bady Mkd akk paiaan. SfaSTca aU Waf faab^Jri^ affar earey pwaaad cfaae aaady and Waaa> natd kMtaJk MUMwm» haad a badir. Oar reeoada tfaaw the Maraefana Wanafaaanrtfaa af tkanaanda af wives ccna vocn nwaaanaai! cntr aaanccaa anen rstsn*!! Thiaienady fa faaaaeaaes noatraaa bat fa a nuik far thkdarenae anfaj. nfan Ay tJ^iTa-bT* gkenfa trap affaa' " aaffav nitheat tbs > a»"b im j*lhapcr. n a -n • n . »-a -a « ; _ . n _ . ■BSI *UN USSR PNCTB annri^aad^ aaany'haaae hmjhn nSa'lrtond 1 tkay MinuMtli i| dnaU« d than Dan pake of One Doßar. tkn plaring nWUfa tench af eaerybody n treataaent aaoreef factaal than others caattog |Q to fen. FaP dnectiona accoaf jnchage Sppnil adrice fan akakd pkyaacfaan Sent prarednf any part af the arifaa recafat ofOne Dofkr. Addreaa Dept Cap* EDWIN B. GILES & CO.. qja tad sua Marfcaa R, l%ffadatpkfa^^^^^^^_^ BRINKLEY & HOOKER RUN - • ~ - , r- * * The Southern Warehouse, ROBERSONVILLEN.C. .. * ' . ■ ■ » !.T' ' ' TT , V; This is the place, and we are the peeple to sell your ' • • ■ ■ ✓ • n • • TOBACCO. • ' ' »• * Farnos, wfcjr (to wcsaj this? First. We admit we are not oae of the Urge markets; « . , . ... . , . . but a* judge* where i> Uwbat pica, and competent jnd- ™ byoy corepet.lore.but they « -* •e, will tell you onSmmtt Markets. Agun our competi- *" £**■>"» *-f* . j7, and not for you fanners. We stand out boldly, and are de ton are telling you that we will hare no buyer*, and that . . A J _ . ... . . , . _v .. they waiT. Lt u, op, th* ne ou't nell .n/the, „* .hey Ke-W yo. No! witkooft eontredictioo. w. -y no. Ifcey .re rfruotog ofll,e k *™ every oerre to doee up the mufcet at your door, Doe. .to "»•"»*■ * -/ we warn you ,» tbo reread lookto TO. like combination? Btopand think, werey it dais. C °°°- of ° M more to " n,M>e4 Cloee this amrkei and where is yoar competition? It seems ? De * , /, ... . - Farmers, you wan t competition for your tobacco. - redicnlous to us to see snch statement* made to (armors as ' i. You canonly OotUbyatandingby oor Alarkefc » 4 We assure you we are in earnest; we wiD fight this thing to a finish; if we dont succeed, formers you contribute to oar defeat YOURS TO BERYE, BRINKLEY & HOOKER. r- .. DON'T FORGET THAT.. A.S.ROBEKSON&OO., houhrsonvuxk, N. C. li^] Icadqator« For tip tc ©ate ClctklMg aud 2krt)*le^. A MORE COMPLETE LINE CANNOT BE ANYHKRE. ■ ■ Our Mr JL H. Roberson has just returned Irom the ALSO A PULL LIME OF > Northern Cities,and a visit toourstorc'will convinco you ol , r Garpetins, Russ, Shoes, Hats, We are now displaying daily one of the prettiest lines of Gaps and strictly up-to-date Dress Fabrics your eyes erer witnessed, among these are Famous up-to-date and latest Colorings and lACKFTS CAPES' Weavesßroadcloth,Granite Suiting,Purnel doth, - liirivO, Faicy French waisting, Whip Cord Soldi, Gray Stripe waisting,C. H. Plaids, Diagonals, Cheviots, Prices to suit customer. Homespu Potlins. Don't fail to Jive us a call* Thanking you for past favor®, We are Re&p., A. S. ROBERSON & CO. *« • \ WHHHWG PRESENTS!«H.cprauw. Bttt& ' row anmwtiE ! ; —*»■■■!■ ■» • ri*. kMtaM j Mir W— ham. : BOLL, The Jeweler, j TARBOSO. N. C. I N. 8. Peel Ac Co., FOB -» Mltorid liimtln llichiM Cnpii|» M»m lAKEft. OjrMS BINDKM nODCU. CO** HAKVKSTKKS ■Hihi i«p IJlmmhmmL J»4 Send us your JOB WORK. ' i The ~ ~ mjk "Doot maM jwrldkr vitkoiit ytmr mmmtaad II i i iililnl tm the upper M M nMU.ftb i—« its prompt ntan to )N if Mtddnacd." We «it | ■pecijfcy of pratMgthcßMn* and addre— I « i«mß Ms of paper u4 earelopes; 100 afotk Hearty priatrd and padded for 50 cofL nil a as cheep a* amt people caa tap Ike bleak paper. Better lane I have BOW opened my New Store with a new an dwell snorted stock of D RYQOOD3. MOTIONS. PRESS OOOP3. and in fact a full line of every thing kept in a well-ordered DRY GOODS STORE- Don't lovget to call, and re member I hare opeued a neat and attractive line of Heavy and Fanry Groceries at the Did Stand. I have also a full line of IIARDWARB. Gin me a call and get your ■ Goods at the right Price. ! y Yours to plcaae, -—»=— ELI GUKUANUS -.'7 . - ' NEW FALL GOODSI Just opened a full line ofthe very latest and up-to-date ,Sm*f ■elections of oar Mr. W. H. Crawford, consisting of Dreas Goods in Oxford Gray, Flannels, Yeuitian. Iderdown, etc.. >IM complete selection Gentlemen's Shirts, plain and Fancy. In fcd don't a*k if we hive itjmt call for what you want,and get th* lowest possible prices. We ask you to examine our stock,which means a purchase for you and a sale for us. - > Tours to serve JNf. S. Peel &. Co-, 1 NEW GOODS NEW GOODS I' * ' ' Don t forget to go to—— CARSTARPHEN^. ~ * I u' - and look at his large and enormous stock consisting of everything to suit the Ladies and Gentlemen- Also his MILLINERY is strictly up-to-date. He will sell yoa cheaper than anyone in town.

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