VOL. 111. ITWO GENTLEMEN j| —^ OF HAWAII. | *r a ij—t CHA.IT EH XXTIL "SOT. Mr. WarnsgfarJ," eaid Lawyer Berkton. ia his slow atyla. laoktag at Dole as if far taiaaiap too*:. "then aa a secret coaaerted with yoar aaala'a lila of which yon k BOW aethiag Tha aaly two who art aaw liriag. perhaps, who da kaow it ara Prmidaat Do!* aad aayaoilL Ta vara haaa wapiaiow of yoar saris la yjaagw days, aad aaderstaa J the faO (inaaitaaei of the case. I aay paahapa wo ara the only oaea liriag. Thors wars other*, bat wo hare loot all (ansa af haa. How. that you aaaj lolly aaderalaa.l what u bsfon yoa. yam will please read thia coaaaassiea taoa which yoar aaeto pla.t l ia ay kaapiaj the very day that y*t were brought huso ill. aad. of coarse, a* Tea fairs leaned, the day apoa which ■adieL Toa had better read this be foro aay of tha others, a* it stead* largely iathe light of a will aad esacta aaalaia coalition* coiaridcat with thcue etwliag ia tha will Tha will, however, was aaado oat a sheet tiaao after yoar aiater disappeared. Aad Una docaaeat was writtea oa tha day yoar aade garo it to aaa. I seed aay aethiag farther. The doeameat aaakea everything dear. •*I VMM r*|inl, Mr. Berk ton," ) replied. "that if Ik* ilo>M*it is * 108- n«, yow will b« kind raovgh U allow (iorJow to md it aload. A* my mml (rieal I woald aatnrallj tan to hia tor t4rin, if aay war* Ili| tbff€ ggmf BO for a doable mili*f. I aaa not eqaal qaitato reading at length aload; an. if JN aad llr. Dola ajrt*, Gordoa will ml it** > "It makaa ao difference. " aaid Bert toa. heading the paper to Goriea. Gordon cleared hia throat, aad, spreading tta paper ta a labia before hum. real as follow■: *iimVtni..araa bu»or Out - (Date.) "Tsarmnlora mjr eepter. Thomaa Wantegfwr I. If to itokl iwem trees Msataralas lHtoas.aad I. la the awes time. toaUiic -It U with tto fellies sWioa aad the truabkegef ae eld ess who feeiabie cad ap; r >» "tins that I write tbts last leUer. la wht-b I mase a to din ere to my aeptow. akMtl toaarrlee, aad la which f lea re tl ■vwtVme lertherapamttsa iasomeaisaaer. It ao? too let-, of a wrong which kaa bona deaeaehlM. gnt bydirect aUiitba by others avdsiee* toy by mvsetf. "Aanamias that ar dear aophiw shall r?cwesu. I atoll write thia a* a direct raa ■a*l>etiia la hla,ulacu-1 nrtinkla, I alkali ta *Mel * repUas Ui« with 4M anll bnlti ftiUaf Ite xwU «( Urt ease. 1« tafia. Una, dnr T«a. I kanhnU*naiataM«rl« yoaaad yow dear f-iicsu. I was laarr.al laeaty la ikr laws af Wailaka. OB Ite lalaad at Haai. tlw» raiM, t wraty year* ago. ata-wilyaf Fnarl K!lrn. wapwal af i«» CUnl. hh wife Hart- art IMr daocbtar luMM. lu«d* Vu aVmt UrjtT-tK|w «T ajpa. m» luHaallw a*i M a vilalr rMiatk aatarr Tate na M 4nM tea t« bar falh-r» dbpoaiUoa. «W»b was fba'ifal aad (itn la »{ailea ' eS a aw linMat aaiar-. "At tkte tiaa I keM poaaeaatvas la llaal aaar Valkia aa-i apaat a nxaiihrtW* Partita at ar Ua«»» a Haaut.jj alM. ■*?ir!leji.' Jm C*i«N lor at Ml aaMil a»ta l>« rkni-il ajri, aat- W* a* aa »wr> a- aa I wt of i-a/master; lor with all Hi aa-t wU«« ke n. at that liar, a ao4 Uaatwxtby aaa. 1 U not Uka kit wife. Tkrrs waa arae thtacabaat brr Uil nfMlrl aa a-»na- Iktej of a rkwal la ht ea ter*. Bat I aM* Aaaetie aal M! U U» with tar. Of roan* Iks CMcala rn a*» I aaa wHifeg ln: tkalr tafklcr rt«ll Many a waaKky riaaltr. aai At- MCta kaeaaa ay wife. We lir«4 at -dagar Heal. - aii a: Int the pnalaa ot kapptaaa waa »«i; (Rat. Bat aSn a law aoatks. JaaafUwr ten ta assart aaa»B lalaiata •raw kasdaacktarar wife). aed Iks lot took ply. This aart of tkia« keyt ay eeatiaeaßy. aatU ay wife gaw Mrtk ta a eMM-a iaajllir. VWa ika ekIM waa kat aaa aaatk aM. ay wife Ml aa aad*r praaara afkwhikn-sMaißsa-Mtaa. Shatia ■ltaial fraa 'japt Haw*' aaa Aay »Mi I was awl aaaaaff aay aaaa aad took tka •HM wllk tar. I bars aot aaaa ay wife ear eBiH alee*. I kara wiawa to Mim tkat mg wife Mai wat utw ar fear yeaos a»a. 1 Wkea Aaaatta left we a* a*aHy, witk awt a akafew af yaaiimaliew. I skat a; fcaart ajaka kar, ant 4t4 aot la aay way attsaMisla4kar,er arta karkeafc. Pot ratal ssaifad ewaer tha aHi am tkat at* l«sa hat Aaaa aa. I soU 'riagai HaJ.'aa* tare aevar baaa ea tka tela* I al Haai slao- As (or tka ahiU. lAa kat kaow wkastkay dM witk bar. Taay wera e(a* sraa karaad, araa the paraata at ay wife katel aaa aaet Heartily. I barf Mae* bad eaaaa la kallara tkat tfcte katral aad tbalr aattaa was tha reealt et asekfe attaas of aalliaa Wkatarar waa tba eaase. lbs rfaal was ta Weak ay By baa* aae eaaaa mm aaay toartkoratas*. I kara aaaa ay rH«. fx- she to ka faaa4t*4a|.lwkkkUk*«aliacliy aa lull in* that eat Mar la tkte * a aaa at teaks ta eats thafeeaaa at theooertwhte* AkaeAaafesa thetla. 1 ill Hi iladtserae aaaaa afkar aba left mm. ""■at aaw ta tba >aiyn eftbialatter ■y tlla akM aHwly laainal a VbUaleJaM aarar ta tnae tor mm* tmmk ayaa the Aaachtar ot tba bba ana wb* wraefcad my baffistn. jet I fact that thare Is eaawthiwr dae tke tbfli hatha way af rayarattoa. Asshewas ta ao viae ta afaaae far thaaataoaet bar ■other that It ae eaaaa t* taoj 1 HI or aapaatHMber tkaa ay Aaach. Tbai .«**a7 f tewaa It fe aaahaa* mfoa yea. Taa. ay aepbew aad hafc. ta May ehild if ake ka aow Mytac. Ml^lawLn^MMM kafiar'bar' *"I kaaw at a* aark to aaaM ia tba Ha jMiallaiu efaloasnoiwa aaall rej aark. heal aayaared nkarkA aajaaldac. Of eaaaa tbte asf bare Ikay ~l feel aa laaw fa the daaahter wbaaa Aatfe/1 tea** to you earn. 401 lora ra THE ENTERPRISE. ■Utoirka' kantkaltoHa* took mlUnU MtorMakaaißtohttoMoawa seeacm. a Ca*M*a af those 4aftfa Hawaii IrinapriCtoilU. 'iMt aSwttnato aatrl*. "flni— V|||lMfOk». 4 'fliaa }ElSaii? U " p*aL| Vfaaa Oarlaa had dauhed readiag this reaasrkabia dacaaaat. I toy bad ia aay chair eatireiy eshaaated. The thiag aiaai I to ae to be ao piepaa teroaa. ao Batiks Uaole Toaa. that 1 aearedy betaerei what I heard. Bui than waa a* aiatafaiag either the aig aataraof ay aacla ar af tha wrtaaaaae*. "Thia is a atraage aaatter." I aaid, "jad aaa that will reqaira eanfal re aearch. Ik faaiaii iaawafiata attea ttea." "1 falittiM yoa earn do batp ■I il —ww fom are «H« MJ hnl ip this ■jrimoat wm. Hull it ia I (ooJ tot of ■ y to loae." "Oordoa." I Mid. "tktiinwoHk] af jam. It ii *4 «kit JM soaM Mt were JM |>Ek»Tu ■} rmiiftaßcn. To* *MU do jot tMI I am going to do."" "that, af COSTS*, is whatyoar aacls Jeaaands." "More." "I doa t see what more roa raa do.** "If Uada Too* baa a daagktcr lir- v iag. a* matter what her aba beaaaoag high *r tow ah* to tair esa to kis catir j estate aad mast tare if "Vo. oh. a*." said President Dole. "Thar* ia aot tta least ace I to go farther ttaa year aacte'a wiahee ia the matter. Oae-tkird of hia estate ia a large aaoast, aad tta girl, if foaad, will aa doabt ta perfectly aatiafied -ith that portioa." "It is aot what win astafy tar. tat m«,~ I rwplird. "If thsra ia a liriag hair. I do aot want a peaay of Uacle Tom'a moaey - "He Is right," aaid Mr. Berfctoa With • sigh. "Mack as w* May re gret tta ar f looily. Wsrriagford isqaite right. I do Mt aay h* is ia datj aoaad to do this, tat morally. The Corals aad erorftbiag tlx belong to Helea* Warriagford. if abe ba alire." Dot* shifteJ aaeaaily ia hia etaar. "Wall, do as yoa thiak is best," hi said. "Bat y« will tad tar. ns I'oabt, aaoij tta igaaraat Freaeo. Portagaea* and aatires ia Wailakn, wallow iag ia saperxtitioa aai idolatrs, "if aot worse. " "Let aa bap* aot." aaid Gordon. "Lst aa hope for tta best." "Of coarse, yam ar* familiar a ilb lb* former prosieaoas of year aacla'a wjl," aaid Mr. Berktoa. "Tea," I replied. *1 twderstood that after a few the catote was to lie divided bet weea my vieter Q'iaifred aad mysslf. if Wiaifrad wa* reeorare I. If her death waa proved, I was to tar* the whole." "That is trae. Bat oa Ao ky roar aac'.e gate me the paper that Jeaeral Gordoa has jast read, ba add e>l a codicil to the will, pwidiag fot the disiatoa of his estate into tkirdr. aaa for hie daagkter Helene. and leariag the ether two-third* nader the esaae condition* that lurmerly goverued all." "Vary wall.™ I aaiJ. with t thailJtT at ay horrible trxtlltriioi. "The fact of my easier'a ilrxlli bfiat pain fail; oartai* to mm. baring ritanaej it ayself, laa «o», with tka ri tp- Uoa at a few aiaar boqaeats. joiat leg atee with Helen* Wamagford." "Correct," said Mr. Berfctoe. "Thea I hare power ta vitMrai from tha hetiahip aa4 giro tha I*-- thirds to her." "If yaw ao elect," replied the lav T»- "I do,"* I replied "Are 70a gutag to read tha will** aaked Dale V "There ia ao aeel aow." I said. "Before anything eaa ha luaa, Heleae Wairiagford mast ha toasd. aad a* est act ia her owabebalt" "Qaita right. Qcifca right," aaid Lawyer Berktoa. "It u tha propel thing to do." "Thea we are daae for to-day." aaid tW Praa jeaf. '1 bar* a with Willie aad tba HeerHatr 01 Fereiga AJCaars.aad will hid yoa adaea. Our do a. pray eoaaider yourself at liherty to oart ail deyartaeatal aer riea aad asaast Wamagtorl ia kin eCorta to Sad hi* eowaaa " 'Tbaak joa, air," aaid Gordon. **l was ahoat to make that request." After Baihtaa had gome. Gordoa took ao the iiraaaaat of Carlo Tom's which tho lawyer had left aad aeaaaad it again earefaliy. "The feat thiag we're go to do ia to fiad that boast af a Chicot, it ha ia •lire or aaa wife. They mast be proitr dd,bst if the eld adage. The good die youg/ia to be apfjlisd aaliy, thaa eld aaimal will bra *» be lereral hmhad years old." "I hope ha is alive.""l replied. ~lt will be TO aaaeh earner to dad the haanoa of The Corals. ** "ft will, 'he said. "It willl Haag the haa aaa of The Ceralar & ' CHAPTER xxrra. My Hgwatai to aoroaipTiih the arraad which had baeoaaa my i„!eau t*J Igrtbalaat tostameat of (Jade ftwufiw. Ot JWfHiw, Our Ceuntrw and Our God. WILLIABSTON, N.C„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1901. f«l —to CaJ Ma daagblav Utthl Mil KMMB* and funk htr far BjfMr Ml*'* Mk, fa—leant my »»uwy. My «ai«Mrt*l itotU.nJ li |i«jwm proved, ao that Man a awk haga joanitj eiifaer to Lani, to M Aa priestess. or to Valaka to tori ap tUo wicked J* is Chacat arbfa scaadants. if fao kai aay iriat, aad *mt froaa them Ik* kaoalaf|irfaq Uordoa bad a*'iimM*l kia dfaal matter* that ho noli faa«o he* aext hi* eatiro tiao to my aoaaatoaor. hi ttordoa weat iato the wock Car the heireaa to The Carafe with fm Iraa aea*o of dnty thaa IM. la fact. ho of tea arid that it aaril bo ao anas* than right to !«t tha thog gaby da fault. aa.l keep the eatoto ajaiH Ho riaimisl that the draghln of laoilla Chicot, aad the paaUagktoaflk* wirke 1 Jeaa and haa cqaa ßy aiikai wife, vuaM, by this time. bait «*a babed their neaa aal gsasa ap r* th.-jr ways, vkict «**U reader Baa an u aftt cutadiu af ao rset aa estate. Bat Gsnha'a lieaa ware warped by hi* rfrtioa far wl V kaer perfectly well th* hal ho ton placed ia the same imaaalaaiu. he weald not leave a at as aaliailaati ho had found the ri(!itf*l a a aaa aad placed her ia pnaaaaa.sj af eswsythsag that belonged to her. And there wsa aialhr raaaaa far Gordon's disaadiaataea topanaa Aaa aearch—at oaea. * Ha had heeaa* soaswhst atera aad lattadhag—ai aost morose—the rhaaga dateag faia ripdlr (ran the ilij I pa e rod toba oatSe porch that «tat k toi I— i to fear from mj ittaixa whale to tlir («rn wit oily too Ira*. HrM felt tit Ik* time (Tf«t IWIM *in Ik* nnfortanste loasjof mj ositar. tat tal pi wag*] into the search far bar, mmA bad carried tk* nearchea aaoatha after moatii wilU aa energy aad tap i Ur» oaly of lor*. Thai k»y* tad saa taiacd hi* e>|naaiaaity to a rwvtato n tial Cat nn that ha tad It—i of Wisnie'e death, aad Ik* tarribie Manner ia which it wan to—mfct abont. ha w*a simply Bad tok tta one idea to had tka aikim aad their prieateaa aad briag theaa aO to paaishiaeat. Sow that 1 waa well oat of danger, the ttoajto *f r« reap* waa ipptraMHt ia hia ami, aad crowded aad dwarfed every athar thought. T was u«j*r to tol tka awdatn of Winnie aa ke waa. hat I Mt that I owed it to I'ocla Taaa to att«a I to bis affaira first. I waa lacsl to swallow vy taiss aad look at the qaeatiaa fkatoafki cally. Winaae waa deaL Ko Matter what wo did. or how aaik wa bar rid J, we could do her aa a»*d Bad it been otherwise. I weald tara bees oa the way to the islaad of I aaa* be fore I was aide to wall ailhoal asta tine*. Bntlkaew that mj p*ar aas ter's heaatifal fora* lay imbedded ia ths lava somewhere oa aad all my hast* woald b* af a>atad ia bar behalf. And ay losaagi* eoald wait. It wool! ba neiato* stait esaae. So Matter if year* eiapmd 1 woald, when I foaad Kanaai. delight ia her death straggles. So Gordon aad I aigwe l,the ques tion, bat as it was really aay nSaar either way, ta finally cam* woaad a* far as to apt* to go to Wailaha first, aid if we foaad bnt Httto df rally ia tracing tbo Ciikots aad aay aarfe's •laughter, to paraae that ill aad first. Bat be alipalated that if wa toad dillenlties in oar way. a* tta s»arah promised to b» a long oar. wa wssa to go to Laaai. dispatch tta fa into that had escaped the rnliaan. aad daal with Ksainai as ah* deserved. if akat too. kail escaped the erafbaa 80, with twenty aoldiers froa tta garriaon at Honotala, wa ataatad far U'ailako. There was attaeaeJ ta the war department a little atnacr, par ebased to eoarey tfcaia af that 4e {Ntrtznent or other* high- ia Mttarily to and fro amaaj the blaada. It van a splendid iittla sea-gatac re*sel, wader aa ifciiat uas. wd oificered, and aSurd-d aa faa4 ae eonnnodstions as aaysMptlrtliaii.l at Honolola. And ia tha atesaar. the Anno, we set ost om ear jaaaaay anil warch. Jollroy Kneaap M Wm mMk iat«rniej in my •Our* that it aaamad perfectly natural for Ua kba* af th« party Ho ntoitteM aftb Anmotod smoked kii blackest dgmm, tad elMfrsd as with lia iattt»n tuaga«, which was ready to reapaad. »o matter what might ha the aaljiit under disruseion. (To fte eoaliaai I ) Dr. Arthar T. Biaiitt rtccal!} md a paper before the New Tarfcfltait Medical Aaooeislioa apta "Maeeoge aa aa Oeeafalisa for tha HadL* to which he called atteatiea to tha htfa aad increasing aan bar of hind per sons, most of whom are oo others for their sappoet, aad aatd that the vtiamted atahtr ha thaa caaotrj is 56,000, of which UM are ia this State. la ardor that any af these maj become self iapywti.hs adroeataa that they be taaght mmmmgm ia tha State institaUom. taim txatoad ia the aaatoay tmd ytvasolofj of the body before they leara the prartanaT work. He consider* tba* tbo poaafar delicaey of toaeh whieh tka hHa4 paa ■ewaakaathta etpeeaSyfthrito bad ot work. Oae of Marshall Mh thrao-ieflar cash boy* asked hiafar a raaaa. "I only got |3 per week ok year ap," said the taSlioaaire. "Wefl," aal the boy, qairk aa a flask, "aay ka ysa weren't wo?Ul say aaorc.** Bo «H inwoWi "COLUMBIA,GEM OF THEOCEAN" Shkl II farty tossled m Every lace. IK Of YET MAINS IN AiEKA Mr Ifaaaaa Lfptaai lailifri That ■ ilfai Hi il Waa flack Ea- Tha Seal ra»w bstweea the chal faapt Haantl D aad the defender CMteth, waa no Friday The Co haMtM already - won la"two 'pre •to* races, aad aMhoagh the lead had haaa a aanaw aaa. great hopos af bar caadag oat victor la the final rare aa* «al«itala» i aa Friday. Bbe eaaghfed her defease of the honored laikr to saathar stlrtins race with flbe Saarark II orer a leeward and sWaarf rare af M miles, croaalnx tha Bateh Baa two aeroads behind her aahaaht. bat wfnalng by tl aecaada aa the tha allowaare. ) IMb altoaaan la coapated under yartotog ratoa aad la based oa tbe aaOtoa leagth of each boat. Tbe Ufaf ohata to it la the Bhamroek a TUB CO LUMBIA. i«H i|| kipr aprcad of canvas lTltj mr Tkooai Upton, owner mt «hc Sh—rsrk 11. standing on the liHir mt the yacht Krin. led bit (MMi In three hearty hurrahs for "She Is the better boat.** be said. "M ahe deserres to be cbeerei." Wk Thaaas. although defeated, will hsaae with the satisfaction of hnawtac that his golden boat la the tabmt fsrviga yacht that ever cross ed the Western ocean. During the HriH at mna not an nntoward in iHi at erf led and Sir Thomas will to w—by far the most popular mt all the foreigners who have for the Anerlras trophy. TW laailaiUir race was the clos est at the aeries. bat because of the •uMaeaa at the wiad on the beat har. aa a ma test at the relative aula mt the yarhta tt waa not to be laaapai i l with the magnificent bat iks mt Msriaf aad Thursday. The ahl waa strong aad from the shore, MMMW the sea with foam and — r M awell—Meal conditions At the pMpaialncy algnal at 10:45 M_ hath li ia Is were far up to the NUMcr riaatiSled. CMMMH in.. Special.—The ciro ■art tmrj aaaaosntl to inquire into the Iflhi mt Bea. C. praam, on the H ssas mt tMa dty Saturday at noon, haa tsahni a verdict fully eaonrra- Us« Icr. Jan. MeCamiah. Tbe jrL'O aw laa aaaa SS yearn ot age and aerv mt wSh «*!■■«■■■ la the Confederate any. The faaeraJ of Brown wai hr'd bps JMcpt Wbcekr. Jr. ■■ln, Hywlil Tfcti artloM of a aa* aba for the paat few daye ka kM iiM|imilliif under the aaaee of Joe. WbHw, Jr.. U. 8. A m* aagaglag (be aueatioa of the po ■ca. H paw ttt joanc awn reg bumi at a haibi kottj aad from am ant aniina to nrion boilrew aaa abklag for lan of money The uliat at tbla upiaattoe baa not been banal The hotel clerk Biased him mrni am la«atipUM ikownl that h« n aet the aoa at tbe famooa Unite 1 ■MM anajr geanal, as be claimed lo be. Tba tbe police wet* pat o a >ils PA Die* at Sea WlMaim X. C, Special.—A tHr tfmm reached la this city announced tbe 11 ilk af Mr WABJack. Audi to i; aT tbe Idaatir Coast Use. aad^for pSiltdSkm'cr 7 WHalhajlon He J M nidaj iki 4th Put., oo the! ataaaMr GbkU. oa bis Warn from a; abet talbtU borne la Scotland. He, w I r , "'by Ma wile. Tbt naaiaa win arrive here Tneaday Ughtahlp. Just befete Ik* waraiag gua they agaia heated ap tote the wind almallaaeowaly aad worked back to their foraacr poetMnaa Both were oa ibo port lack aad close hauled. Willi the Columbia oa the weather quarter of the cbaUeager. The Amciiraa boat was Brat to coa« aboat after the waraiac |aa at l*:U. The Shamrock II laaaaedt directly aalera of the def.ader. at tha aame time breahiag oat her trraaea tous halloa Jlh aad letting fall to slarboautl her sptaaakcr pole. It was Captaia gycaaon's icaaao to crooa last if poaalMe. This he was able to do. bat while he had Ihe pride of pa altloa la a leeward Mart ho foaad himself 3v aecoads behlad the haadi cap gwa. Captals Barr. faa the aea' lae. had delayed breaking oat f- .bt aalla and still held the Coiaaabia* aborts In llat. Thus. he. too hsadtrapped hi* boat In croasiag. bat aot ao aiach aa his rival, for It la estimated that he was only 15 aecoads behiad the handicapped gwa. Sptaaakcra oa both koala wen btokea oat oa the line aad away they weat oa what proved to be the but rate at the ta ternatlonl aeriea of IMI. Rsr. kept ap hla good work aad took advantage of erery chaas* of air that coold possibly help hia. The Columbia waa oeea to be perreptibly raining, bat erery eool to the leet was wondering if ike could Ihill bp enough to rrozs Iho line ah-ad. Tke wind beaded l»lh boats a bit. At 3:39 the Shamrock II went about on the starboard ai.d headed for the middle at the Une. The Co lumbia tacked under her lee. Harr'a rante being to backward Ibe bead tails of the challenger. On they ame. Ibe America* boat (llnlu slightly. the crowd began to «horr. for it was then a certainty that the gallant defender was weit witbia her time allowance. .The Shamrock II was flrst to luff across, but hardly was this percepti ble before Rarr did the same thing with the Columbia, and they went over only two seconds apart. Tbe two secoads were to the credit of the Shamrock II in actual time, though she waa a beaten boat acrardiag to the rules of tbe game. The trsnal pandemonium that at tends the Una I victory la a cap con test folowed. W histles, siren*, bells, bends and cheers united ia a grand chorus of jubilation and J. P. Mor gan's steam yacht Corsair added to the terrific din by filing a national salute of 21 guns. Brevities. IJUe dispatches show that desperate fighting at close Qwartsrs marked tbe retreat ummwcfnl Boer attack oa Fiirt Itaia. oa tbe Znlalaad border. * Rndyard KI pi lag baa oaae to the front aa a crlt.c at the British War Office's relapse Into c4d methods. King Edward, who to 111. la aai-1 to be suffering from lumbago. * Preach mbmarlae boats are crlti r Jed aa not betas able whea sub.-ner. gtd to Ond aa toeay. Valuable Mrijr neap* of America bare beec found at Wolfect Guile. Wurtomberg. PrerlAeat Casino. Nla btU«r«l. Is determined to retrieve Uafoitanu oa the Colombian frontier la order to avert a formidable iwotafka. Dr. JoaJqala M. Martlaea. tbe nta Chilean Minister to the Uafeed Sutra, arrived at Huama oa hk way to tbe United Bm**. Tbe Colombia woa the tbird aad de ciding yacht race of the lam aaflunal seriea with tho Shaamk 11. Si The Proteataat Eptacopal Oaeral convention coatlawed Its a aaln i la S-in Fraochm fawlbtia Das r ha 11 Lratet Chattanooga. Ten*.. £ pedal.—A meeting of tke board of directors of the Southern Baseball Leagae waa held here to-day. at which K was de cided to chaage tba tbe aa noal meeting froea October U to Oc tober 12. At (bla aieetiag ail tbe btutt«* of tke year win ka el nail ap aoa tbe eoateotSoo for tbe paenaat ret vers NasbTllle aad Ultle Hock win Hi peMML NEW ATTfMEYS. Wmlii «f Item. Oat aC a class of forty-arm i|jll cants for Bwam to pwlha lav. who vera naaM by tka Sainae Caart oa last Moaday. tveaty-eight acre mrrnafaL Tke examinatioa c lasts tad of sixty-sis pill—i Iraki oa coastitatloaal lav. ciiatMl lav. real property, equity. n ■■tile lav. cm Uacta. coats, corporal lows. ctMoce. hnatratead. domestic wlatki—. prac tice aad legal rthlrs Tke court cosaph led Ike aatk of grading tke exaaslaatloa papni last week aad aaaoaared tke aacreatfal applicant i aa follows John W. BoHow. Cumberland con F nn TTi I Now Haaor Oscar P. Dtrllaaoa. Naah coaaty. Povell W. Glide well, stokes coaa ty. Frederick D. Hawick. Clerriaal county. CKleur H. llastea. Forsyth coaaty. Alfred It. Jartlce. HerUord coaaty. James C. Little. Ualoa coaaty. Uarid M. Strtasßeid. reader coaa ty. I.jfnrpu R. Varser. Gates coaaty. Jsmea A. Worrell. Xortkamptoa coaaty. Charlea E Thorn psoa. Pasqaotaak coaaty. Walter D. Smith. Haraett coaaty. John H. I'olger. Barry coaaty. Silas G Baraard. Buncombe coaa ty. Edvard Mayo Land. Halifax ran ty. George V. Cowper. Hertford coaair. Wiley Croom Hod ma a. Beaafort county. Hubert A. Ptttillo. Banrosnbe coaa ty. Reuben W. Lraaoad. Ualoa coaa ty. Itavij B. Smith. Gsitford coaaty. James K Mitchell. Hertford coaa ty. William J. Cocke. Buncombe coaa ty. llrtu T. Dtrkiasoa. Wayae coaaty. Marcus C. Wiaatead. Feraoa coaaty. Chsrles W. Sap*. Forsyth coaaty. Archibald Stuart Hall Smith. Ha'i fox rouaty. Nathaniel O. Petree. Stokes County. Octs a Pardoa. John De BfTTT. the lfu*sr«r«lj aegro bojr under witnct to be banc rd ia Rk-haoad ronlj October I*, for rriminal assault upon a snjeaf old nrgrn Ktrl baa n*rtT«d a (was latum to life laprbaaanl la the State's prison at bard labor. The rommntatioß was tmnrd yesterday by Governor Aycock. IV Berry was rosvlrtu) aad M tenred to death daring the Scptfwbei term of the tUrhawnd (osatjr torn r» aad sic-e that tlae strennoas efforts bate bfrt made by counsel far the defease to I adore the Gov«-raor to in terfere with the eimrtloo of the death sentence. The claim was Bade that Die Iterry ns Insane aad la or dor to alft the merits at the i«i* Governor Aywk and IT J f Miller, of the Eastern Hospital tor the ia sane, to mak» a aperial trip to Rork injjhant to make a personal naasiaa tiuo as to the condemned priuiMi J ran it r I»r. Miller made a report to the Governor several days am bat It was aerer made pnblir aatfl jester day. It was t» the effect that lb" boy Is not an Idiot, neither U he ia sane but be Is a defect, a boy of very low mental development. In announcing the «ommo:atfcai De Berry's seateace to life Imprisoa ment the Governor gave oat the fol lowing: "The aenteaee of death la this case Is commutated to imprisonment la the penitentiary at hard labor for life The four resideat physicians who bare examined h:at certify that he is of a rery low mental grade and t«y ignorant and recommends his naas tat ion. bnt at their request 1 *' nt Dr. J. F. Miller, of the Eastern Hospital, to make an examination. He reports to me that the prisoner is not an Idoit nor Is fee lanae. bnt be is a defect, a boy of rery low aoeaiai de velopment. He recommends ottin . tation to life bnprisonsH-nt. Th» commutatkiD Is also recoemended by the, sh. riff T. S Wright. W. t Ere rltt. C. S. C.; W. 8. Thomas. Regis ter of Deeds; J. H. Walsh, editor of the Headlight: A. J. Maxwell, editor of the Anglo-Saxon; exSchriff J. W. Smith. Tampa Situation Improving. Tampa. Fla.. Special.—The labjr s t uation here is greatly itnprovei. Over JCO strikers it ;nra ta work aa-1 th« number WeJaniiy. it is sail. w.U be equally aa large. The cigar taancfa - turers feel caasiderabie aacjaraye ment at the ictnlioa. The ezriterxea: that baa existed far several days has materially decrease i. I our killed la (.birch Fight. Middies tx>ro, Kj, SpeciaL— A fea dil fight. In which four »«e Uhrf and four wounded. Or* ■nred Sunia at ike Big Spriasa Uatoa Baptut church, over the Tn«w Uae. The killed are: Tip Chadwell. James Cindwell. Rush MotfU. Henry *or gan. The wounded are: Iteary or. street. aortiUr; jMw mortally; Morgan. leg hrok«-a. Joe Moberlj. Qeab wound. Tke fend kaa existed be twees the Virginia Morgans an 1 tie Ti anrarrn Chadwella since the dfil war. Since then 3» Morgans aad ««• Chadwella hare' been killed la the numerous debts that hare takes olace. BmrMkf- II his lerw accepting tie fe«a nomination for Mayor of New York S«th Low makes Richard Crate: tie leading laaoe Geo. I. Flaader*. of Albany. X. V-. was «1 reted pnaldemt «T the FhnacrV National Qoogrsas at ■« PtfU. & D. Walter lltCkM. a ■*«•. •« ahot to danth by a mob i> the H«- 'tlnpton (Trtm.) Jail. NO. 3. HODGSON EXAMINED. lie feral Batik af Utj M b le scriM fcy S*. BtOttLYI EN€AGFD IHft SUPS. Was AS Aloae DtWb( the Vkoya. the flw Op .il WfcCl the Orrgoa Cawle l> n'MtawiM. D C. SfKtal-U» Imat L>>!) a»d«-r MJ*b' i(tii ocmpi-.d Ik- pour port of ifcs tM of ike Schley iMft of Jfur a» h witness. lis »a» ibi4 by Cqdta W. W. Falser, fo~- aerly eMtf of t» » hreac o" cr!w ! if thr Nary tal rwKM tr of th« New Or'nu ir»{ tS« nr. li-xtiis- Ftv. *h »it. mill' 4 to adi fc.mr «JiK w Lis former ustiaciy -;arera:a; I'M (Ml sapply cf lio Am rrai fe ( d s rj( lb? fjcilir* -Mt«T*> MJdisc of Oj SeliMr-hxlpM fy»4(S(! (J( KrllM wlia t'/l t (tfi.ted Sir. ftiyi?.- ktpt fit aounsdiaL'O] by at'iiig Mr. Ilcdg*:a rtitkr Ih* Marhi-hai kit blltl Ik? BroUn wfc.?l Ike iw *ev srls pu»>4 eaek t lh»r » t"»r l"r o lya en no ker way to C. -lis PI T - - witness in Ike V Tk-» tiiaaai'M tkn imrJ apca ertrj abnt C.nfu « « C miriadt Hclroi said "at fc-5 hat tks lights oa lis skcr» at Ci t'c.f n which vere sfiervwd I-- ttrials d lo be s!raaK bat k-i h»4 sappt 1 tify were signals b-tn-j tifwi! bs)a6ei of Ci - S;u>l f- ces oa akcre. H■ ad !-u thit vhea Captaia MrCalia arrird ritl saior aat oa as to the waiiac of t'c pals. b ■ was iamclia.Hy -V4 to tk? ikcre to oaEKUrJIe vltk t*» ImrtrMi Mr. itaynr jmH: -flow fir »f a yoa at dorin.r th's bl >-icade of ?aa: agfr->ra the Nunc dcriat tk- d~tf acd aigkt of May 73. 29. M a~»d JIT* la response the *iis« niJ "Ear ly LL U- dij tim - our kuctnil JM"- tloa ■« aluni sis mi>;. la the Li; t I think we tiraxH ip ui do* a in Iroat of the- kiilor. a 41siu > off about ki ml s. If* ii'el t'a! h« Iktrt boats, lb- llarh! >i.l a3d fix es. were iaside IV Ia? of ik> •:. ■boat midway M»fa that lilt ul tbo shore liar. Mr. lU?n«r asked th* n a ton! atrifcated to tk»- withes--. Sbe will rat down the Texas." Tbrr- Is a rood deal in that rrportc] COIVJ t«T that I did not say. - he ailei. •The stat'-BMUt was never mair. * he went on. "bat the coeucojorr d« I •ay. "Imnsa tfce Texas." Coai'D'slß". be said that the diii'iti" as report - ! was SetiUoos and that he had dens"! its verlal art arm. while not deny tut; the truth »d a par: of it. The afternoon c&ss lost > t the n« t tegaa ciih a qo- : -»n pet to Uri tenant r*ai«ian I« r !»y M*. Ilaana lie a&ke>i why be ha! wii*- t a his ralegorkal cental if the erir |jprr of the «o!lot|S7 twttcs himself an 1 the rornxotare. Tfen qw xtH.n was o!jjerteJ l> aaJ A 1 miral Ifcmy uiJ: "We hare ita farts. The letters were written. Tsat is all the mkjii wants. We vaa> tjrtt —farts. People are in£iaei2;ed by Ui.*- fereat kinds of thinzs.- \Ve waat tae farts, [in* oat the fartj 7 Mr. Haaaa: "All I want to fial o"t is the was ion for ciitiac this let ter." , "Admiral I»ew« y: TTk® wirt iea't want that informaliotk. We don't serf that " Mr Itasca t!i« a «h2nz-.l his tjsn tlon and the witness sai l that be ha I written his expli- it rl. nial :n nspMUi to a request Inwi X lei.il S !:fc; "flare yon anywhere i'»«H th~ substantial a- ■ «ra« * of the farts as set forth in lb? report that co!t«> quy"* (n the contrary. I have admitted It." Continning. the witness sail that Commodore Schley had not r±M 2* reported that the Brooklyn ru too near the Spaniards. Mr. Rayn r aske!: "What d-> yoi ko jw about th» Jt'tsrsk of tie bst ter:es. the number of batteries or th» tCr ength at the trim before tie rp- May 51? What ihul kttowledr*' did yon hjv- 7" The wita ss re?ll»d: "I had ma kaowledce whatever before the re" n aointKe." "What knowledge d!d yn iffli r; i» the rtoalt cf t!tait re;jaa: wsts o" baentardmrntT* "By She number of sh-Ka that wer J Irrl. by the cSarac-er of the the stroke. etr.. as ialiatlf the cali ber* of the cues, by the fail of tie ITS - the amount of water th'r would throw np. and the endeat d, - rertion of the fall as iadlcatlag whe: •- er the projeti!ea were moving w.tS prat Telocity or slow. Ia that way ' jndge. alone." -These thins* mere developed « tie Mill of tae recannoissane?. were they not T -I consider the rMSMMiaUKa ta that particular "to hare Le?a saceess faL- "The reeoMQmaaace was mtrnf .1 for the purpone of derdajlag thejw» ber aad strength cf the batteries at Santiago?" "Eminently so." Mtcteaant Dayaoa was recalled. H 9 testimony related to the sapplj of coil carried by the sco« hints oac May 25. when the retrograde mor—eat t» K?7 Want was hsgaa. The court adajaa^. Miss Stone's Sttaattow. London. Special-—"lt la report el from Soda." awe a diepatetrfrom Vi —to the Daily Express, "that Csl:- ed States Consul Ditkasna aad « caToy «f the aHasioaary sariety. arnr «d there Saturday. Intending to faUn* ■7 Ml* Stone (the aMaecad fcMra «ry). aad to depoat a portion of the Th» hdpad) have extends J the tin* for pajnMßt one month/