THE ENTERPRISE-- ~~ nt nil■ ■ nun 1 - ALraKV a wwrrnost it - - ■rimiff - *- nM Wi l» il. ifcia. fcn^iar —**" w ttil»^WH!»»« W, !»■■—■-«-i 1.. .«Tr* «*»«■« ttr •» af Wk n«e ■ n |iiir» W—M to to H>« —an AJ.un.» -»1»-«rcto.4 «* MATCIIMW HAT rrj>« TX AOVASCF. EHrt4aikcMi*Rji Utlliiw ai«. a. C_a» timilCtoMlbliiT FMDAT. Ocrore* 11, 1901. A tobacco market mud a •poke factory fur Wiiliamstou will make things lively for our merchants The Enterprise congratulate* the citizens on the move they have marie in regard to a mar ket here it n undoubtedly in onward move to prosperity. With a tobacco market in Williamston and a road to Ber tie; jon had MM well try to break a kicking-mule from kicking as to try keep tbe town from growing. We are authorized by the committee on gnl«cri|)lioa« t« the IOIMTO mark**! to extend an in vital ion to tlie farmers to lake stock in tlie warehouses. Bhan-» S!IM each. THE PRKSIDKNT.S DOG. A little incident which sotne bodjr about the White House witoesvl tlie other day is sig nificant both a- an illustration of certain traits in the character Of President Roosevelt and ik an example for his admirers. There lias l«E MI an impression among certain of his critics that he believed ''the strenuous life** to consist Hue fly in hunt ing and killing animals: but though a mighty hunter, he is not merely a Kimrod. as the following occurrence shows. It was a rainy, dreary day aoon alter Mr. Roosevelt's re turn to Washington, and after a busy morning the' President and his secretary st-irte'l out for a walk . Just outside the door a homeless, friendless dug, as clow to the wall as lie could gel. his Italy curled uj»into the •mallest possible tmnrh to avoid the rain and possible observa tion. As the two men emerged i from the door be looked tip ap prehensirely to see if a kick or stern *'Be o!T with yon. now!" would compel liim to beat, a rapid retreat. But nothing of the sort occurred. Mr. Roose velt's eipreMVf fiw took on a pitying and kindly look, and bending down, be strokud tlie animal's bead and pulled him jpntly by the ears "Poor doggie, haven't you toy master?" he inquired. Then be went back into the house, tod the dog. with instinctive ■nderstanding of the situation, trotted close at his heel*. The President ordered that tlie waif should be taken to the kitchen and given a good meal: and it is said that that dog will be the dog of the W bite llouae during this administration. Mr. Roosevelt is not one of those sportsmen who are satis fied with popping away at tame pigeons. When he goes hunt ing be wants the excitement of killing a dangerous wild beast. It wiflbe a good thing for his boy admirers to remember that the man who led the charge at «San Joan Hill was quite as ready to befriend a homeless cur as to hunt cougars orgrix- Oct. 7th. 1901. Tk Modal little Dutch Reform Choreb cfconea hy- BwiiJfiit Roose rdtashi* place of vonbip is to ptxiit hugely by his preference. The fluii of his deacmhution throughout the I'nioo ate raising a fond ot fjo.coo with which toe.ert a BMR ccuo&ra* and stately cbntch OD tLefomd nov so humU If occupied. President Van Buret; was the other air Wilier of to particular coaa.ui.xm who has oc cupied the presidential cSice. In bis day there was no society of the Chitcfa. or church building of the name, at the national capital. Presiient Rcoserdt's selection of the church ts lice'y to give vogue to the denomination during Lis term c f ottce and the prospects now are that the society will become a strong and notable fa. tor in the religions life of the city. Tbeicdependence which charac terizes President Rouse-re t seem* also to obtain in bis family. Mrs. Rooserelt is a loyal comwunicanl of the Protectant Episcopal C Lurch, and baa bean grantkd possession of the famous * Presidential pew" in historic aid St. John's church, on Ltfayette Square. That pew has been occupied by six of the nine Presidents who were m-miters of (hat religious denomination. Wash ingron. Madison and Monroe serv ed their terms before St. John's ob tained the title of •■The Pres'dent's Church'.but Wm. Henry h's surer»sof, John Tyler, Tayb>r, Fillmore. Pierce and Arthur, wor shipped in the edifice, and so gare it the distinction which, in patt. Mrs. Roosevelt will neoe-r ta it. A strong movement is being in augurated in this city and is to l*e extended throughout the country, to the end of hating the projected bridge across the Potomac, conver ted int » a magnhic. Nt McKinley Memoria! bridge. It is deemed a mm! appropriate form of honoring the martyred President, as it uiil constitute a great connecting link In t ween the national district an I nortbc rn section of the c untry and the g-eat Sooth. The tetnarkaM • ma ii (testation* of per-.onal af fiction I and regret made throug'.out the S utS, ipun the occasion of I'r. si dent llcK nicy's asaassinaUoi. and death, have erapbass"-ed. in the public appreciation, his patriotic effo:ts to stamp out sectionalism and to make t*ie Southe-n people feel tbemse res real and equal co partners in th#nation's government and glory. A meeting in further ance of this opportune project will be held oaO. tutor9th. and through it, the movement, it is hoped, will gain an impetus that will carry the idea into s: I end. J and speedy reali zation. It is not doubted that Con gresi will be favorable to the noble scheme. Secretary Gage it quoted in d s patches fr»m Colmailo. where he is visiting, as prrdi ling the retire ment fro-n the l>|«n f at an ear y date, of Secretary of State, Uay. Such an event would not b? surpris ing. ThcSecre ary i* in hearty ac cord with the |>rnclaimed po'icy of President Roose.e t undoubtedly lmt both his he alth and his personal inclinations, •npd him to for«go further official cares. He do -s not feel that his services arj indispen sable to the new administration and he is tired of the spiteful mis representations of which he has lieen a constant victim to the par tisan yellow journal*. As he has an ampie fortune and qw'st tastes, pub ic office is a burden rather than a grace to him. However, be is likely to remain in his present oftce until the Senate di-poses of the several treaties, which he has negotiated ai-d to (he explication and defense af which he is otiioally committed. Qm bis retirement, it is generally s»somal fhac he wjl pe succeeded by Secretary Root now at the hezdof the War Leper*-1 metiL That pert ef the so. uJ contingen* which has retnrosd from the Sum ner resorts has had two t pier of intnes-ing guseip.ooc the marriage •if Miss Hdca Moftoa, of former Vic* President, Leri p. j(or toa. to the Comic da Feriford t Satan. of France. Mt*a Morton was well knows and greatly ad mired bete ud i« deemrd ' ardl wortt.jr of a noble iiustmnd and at. ideal wedded life: Many con gratulations arete cabled ulticial and social leaders of ihL citjr. The other and mote sen satiunal item is that Cttaonccy i "Our Channcey a* :&e nation calls [ him and "I* Reach", as the ton THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTOK. If. C., OCTOBER 11.1901. TOT CAUSES KIGBTAUIIL "OK >«M mj brathrr"* Wy F> takes silk Cramp." Writes In. J. C. Saafer.ofCrittodta, Ky., "it wool it ■will ftraaglr Wfatr «e nmU frt ■ dnrtot, w w Kite It Dr. Ka«'» Xt« PIKUHII. »fcri pit firl RESTF and prruaantiy nirl X Tc ■!■!> kaf it ta the law to protect oa rhrktren fawn Croopaad WTsoofjiajf Co«*fc- Iterwedwe 4 a ctnaic bmarkal tioablr thai mo UIMT naciif aoald ulitn." InfalßUr [far C«rj»h-.. CoJV Threat ml Lot tmhln. Jue aaJ #IOO Trial botlln fruat.VS. MJtCo. ery elite dub him. is to be manied again - soon, and swre and safe enough! The statesman, crator. wit and wealth maker has surrend ered to the « harms May Palmer, a Knickerboeher Southern belle. whose beauty, wit. diplomacy and American womantioes are eel •brated on the two continents of Europe and Americr. Of cnorie, the lowing season will bring the Senator's bride to grace his capitf 1 home and to adorn the highe*ti official and rocia! circles. The] elect are all agog to see her atwi refuse to beliere that the alleged | portraits of Iter in the newspaper I do her any sort of justice. * hen! the Senator does -come upon the scene, be will need his readint repartee to ward off the merry jibes of bis host of admirers. The Schley Court of Inquiry » experiencing a longer search of the fact* in the Santiago Naval cam pai 'ii titan the campaign required in the finding, blockading ud »mashing of Crntris fleet. The testimony agaii si A-'miial Schley's contentions in the ras# is not yet cooc'uded. and the end thereof not even in sight So far public opinion seems to hare l»een scarcely altered l>jr the testimony, and everybody outside the ca e is waiting to heail the fchley side of it Italy one seiitinient is common ind that i regret that the great rictcry ever degenerated into so unsavory a con flict In twi-en high naval officials. Tlie Court itself, pr«-*-ded over by Admiral Dewey, is unstintedly praised for its elide: t impar iality and purpose to reach a true finj ing. ln the House of Representatives that m ill convene in IVccmlnrr. less than one-fourth of the membership will IK- of new material* Only eiglity foui new men were elect- d last fall. Many of these, however, are a'ready coining to Wellington to acquaint themselves with the | i.ew Pre i.lert, will oilieiaf* and routine and to secure living quarters for tlie session Nearly all I lie new mtmW.S arr from the northern and eastern slates- The south iiml we>t IxHli have a custom of holding on to ef ficient congressmen and last year a majority of the states in those sections re e!e. ted their solid dele gations. A FIENDISH ATTACK. An attarfc.j*** bltlt cuilr « C. F. Ciflirr of ClMtvkfT. I-«j |ful n -j:f\ |innr«l fatal, fl unn lh«4i}'l hi* Lxf Br>» fin lurk ictit w Lime ht(Mit|> Kt Kith, nil (rj| |oii. ancMt na rhn pr«f>fwil In nukimc X«> 11 ■■ It brl|nl him until tic Innf Klntnr luttif ■ hit h rAii tack J *«*»lcrtul t tfut be mme» hr f (f )' likr a arm r. ■ Tty» Kunrlmn nnlk ins cam dtu\ I. nlnrt Inmlilr |«nlir> Ibe '■* «»l jtm.' builJs up \iur h« aftb t >nty jur at X IV-rf Jfc Co. - * * A WHTIY SKCESSBL "Scattkiag In Urier Tk Sa. AI! (tact at- hJrt InHljnmartMH In tkr UK«rf |KmWn. Kkl cam. takilrn ami drug* in {rate furm Thru fnnltn dry U)> the maowm annlnan cawing thrn to ruck open an bind. Tkrpoarr fal acKb umil in the inhaler* have ratnr |v rain away the ant arahiam that ttui* Mi|i«n hare xonrd to cm. ahik |u»ln. and unout reach the dr ear An «H an -*|ierWnrr*l |aaliliu»n m%o ha- (or naajr yean « dmt sludx aa(tu>iah ■( the twi»M of CIT\BBII. la at LS UIFCTJNL a Treat im tit which when fanhfally te l. *ot oa ly relieves at oacr. bat prrraanentlr oao CITABBM. by iimwiiK the canar. ! :n the ducharjrr* aad rannt aO in SaaMaafif?;; 1* ■> the ealy rtwnli kamra to Ktract that muJ 1 ! HJrhu the iflcl edpnrtal Thfr «ia«iift 1 ita>i{j •tkwpww O BJi'' «ad ft «hl at th. low price aI ime pari m COB UintßK tlUcraal an.l ejueraal iai rnfii-irnt far 4 fajl ajnt onvtbiu- am«»«ty }o peripct we. "jM-msf' i»tV,a(\ p rK,-, itTiKin cnui rvtr matte uJ k«.« tnVtnupTft thr only wit jad pMKr nwe for that in IK mug aal Ainrmr It nau L all inflammation qwirkW ad permanent ly ami it also wonderfully oairk to re lieve HAV W Ct OR CW.II ■ tkr HUD. I'tTXtil wheif often lr»U to u>nm wrT;» —"VM>r* **" will aave you if yoo u*r if at opfj. It »an aarr naaedv, hut a ciaoytrt* mka-h gnarantm! to cure t* 1 MHH hi aa> (ufMM *t aol a- CDfilißj: to the directions which - Will each package. IVw t delay U-t mw! tor it a$ Wiv. and write (nil furtirolarv as to your j» ! 100 will Itrtftr S*f»«l advice Imm fin of tkiv wonderful HITH.JV without (IM t > VM krmn*l the REXIIIR price of "SXrtHM" tV critx/uti Kb CATAKBH H IP " Sent jmpaid to any addma in the Tailed StaU-s or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Addies* Dept. Int. H)Vl\' »• GILES & CO., *&* Market Sc. nfladri- Jtat V snoframouviooiiA fnHr." nik* *JT. H. E»d*, of |w*riUc. Vn.. leg aoaesfor >» ion, kt Kartlen* Aims fidit ■kOjr OHI k after nujttiJt At Ca£ct.- Infallible for Barna. SraMs. Not SaH fcr N. S. MtCoL ijt- . rifdof Sfkpaphy h»» piweJa great bora daring the interaatiocal I fKUnca With the aid system, when the boats were hidden by nnt or swallowed op in the dis tance the newspaper correspond ents *ne practically helpless. The yijTtoai system is enabl ng tbou sands of eagetindividuals to secure early and accurate reports of tW piognts of the riral sloops and the res ait of their spirited competition. TW MiUw oftbi* pqn Unmgty n- artinuof CWrlr« H. sa rapraii » certain share- of 'thr pmnxhlmntknkcf ha* hook to | tie Cora MrKmley JbaanrM S"rn L tlu itafas «ul see an adveftsar- IM ikh look >■ Mrthr (don of ALL WOMEN Wins of Cardai is the jrwudian of a smnn'i kcakh and Wffd nans fma yowh U> «ld ajpr. It Wlp> fceraafcijiatoaronuahood. ll »tal*i Wr tW inah of peegnanej. Hnldbinb aad ntMlfcllhoad. aakiaf labor ramf and pat isntiiig towHaj aad ah- ll jeallj Irada her Uautyk tW In;, 1 una period knona as tW tkwjr of Me. WINE"CARDUI tain ktaanka*. Itlliag of tW w«nk, an-l aaeattiaal imgalaiity in every l»nc. It h valnahlr in n«tj liyia|( prriwl 4 a wuun> life. It Riahim Ikr aersona •salens, acta diiarth on tW pai ta) Mjao> aad h lite fine** tonic fur s«nra iaon. Ad )«nr dra«s>t fur a 91.00 battle 4 W iae of Cardui. AU .Mr ■>. tSML laaahfWatWiWMntltn- Ma ltacf-l>na«U a-4 I M bna SSMtM «an aim** Iwtnl ta >m«.V « ua» IW fl hi ta»n faa then 3«M>a ! ISc MB*. I h»»* thm* (trta aaJtbrrwoMai.iwMh—>■ Mm IUTB taOWDHL '"TT THE CIIRISTIAM ENDEWO RERS* I»KESIDEXL % The Rtr. Francis K C!ark. D. D , pr oi !cnt of the Work! s Christian Kiwlcaror Sov i-tr. has written ft The Ladies" Hume Journal a strong article on thai «; estion: • Why >htHild a Young Man Support the Church/"* Doctor Clark's recent trip around the w„r!d gave him |t{-ortuoitics for studying this sub ject in many |>ha>cs wkkh do not nL-1 I*4 !hi-> country. IT HAmOIKD IN A im I'C IsTORE. "»nr dsvlwt ninu-ra lada came to bit ■if'i: 'totnalAilpl for a Inaadof enet h 111; t!'„i| I •Ihl act hat a- IB Mnk." jt» Mr C It tafamlin. tWpufmLaratrcx- Ki'! of Mi:v■ VV. Sha- nms li-sajv I* inl J aad s«ntH to kaow nhat onjk pcrfu'atian I t vU unauanil I sai l to her ih M I i«aU ftwli ttoanxa ' Chi:i;*rliin'» to,'h Kmnli awl that !■« Ult a 1-4tlr of thr nniiy nl aftr» gh isK it a !»n tiul if ibr did sot ikl it awlk the mamtj to bra; Kirk thr, l»4tJc and I »w:U rrtcol the prtcr paid. In thr cone of a dir or two the lad* came back ID (napni villi a frirad in ■erf O# • coagh mrdirior ud adrivl her to bar ■ Uxtlt of Cha*d«r|aia • tioth RnwW. 1 inmiihi that a «r> Ktnd rMOMMaifatin far the un 1» "* Thr gnat popularity aaJ »ilt«iin fair m a laijcr »i nai totiar ftfMad Rnmnditian of proplrwho have U*« ixrrJ br its ®e. It is for aalr hy £ > IVrl |( Co Announcement. Williqfjiston Academy will begin U> Toll Terra Monday, September 9th. * A- HUDGENS, Prin. j Vim hamj llsiciikW, A«*i»Uat » Jen&M, fe*fber Boys and liirls prrpAred for COLLEGR */"Y': ■ ■ - - i B»arrf at rftaiu —..Private nouses Dr. W. H. Itonfl, Pnr [ - jl w. uiiniii.gyy. LEGAL A D VERTISEMENTB. UXD SALE i Ixy farbirt ttr*** W *• nrti>idito«««lfcCM«» il li ■ lira B s» r>. Varrkr TU> MtryafOcL LAXI> SALE g «■ ana fiyrf »■»« «rS fa> «l al tkr Ctalhw •nrini r i -* * " *—* lanattcV 8».1.W ll niifii. Ikmi Mfanmrw Mk Alts M TW M />] Ikl V EXECUTfiBS NOTICE! SarthC ■ lil 11. Martn curat* ■nix i ll Imm T*. ll lir tt Hcwy Fw Cfcn Mrl.—tMTbfcmS; gtn»fanH |n •nl Sa Ac MlmcHiaav >ilm tw Mik da) W I ni« ■« Ita aoun «C (ar >li ■ «»ll klairilkc nnti). TW It 14-'« «« |.a.wrm ■ k HUCn EXECUTORS NOnCE tomtvOtH ttbwteWilta Ihi* —. *llllll*. «■!■ Hhmfc) flm kr afl prr ■MI *'■ Mgjmt «M famt* k •he MS Sapaf s»|fc»lii nw«t tM» aoSice ■nWHnliikw afthrirtwMry. Tii«fcTt MS. I*M s>4* 94. nwxv ma twran filii BUR IBM Bv Cn. Chub 11. Gncnws. -R; . Piailnit't Wr-lung faiesi Comrade ■a maJ Colleaxtar a Comgntm. Was nrar kn «tr Mk otWr pm men abra his cr*» ant cloned in doth. Mhaul the Us to Ik National Capitol and to Canton. TW Central inj—w a thart of tW procimb of W» book to W ilnUnl to a McKinlrr Mooaant Fund. Tbaseverv subscriber bit i— i a natrilatn to this (and. Mill sot of upu .will he sold. EtmU; win buy k. Olden for tW nsk iajf Nobody will icfnr Elegant Photo giatnie hxtiatal Plewdcwt, McKinljr'a last picture laWa at tW White lloaar Voa can easily and ijucllt dear fi .«*> taking order. Order oatht quick. Cluaa to proiT «com. kor imlv contract and Imunt Manager. Send ll > ornt Oaaip* tur tleipal (*■ >pxtn> Taking lu to Jw orders datlv ytjtmmr copse« mill be toll in tWstieinstr .Übtw. Tilt CUYTISCEXTAL ASSEMBLY. Corcoran . J|f I". S Tiuni.i. Washington. U. C. A. Ci L. *Tumc coast ux* a a cunnxr. fin '■» nuru. l miss CMMi SMTH. wra> - i s'- eii la. .*» «m = , £■ 2 *" "Jt- S i . I*"- W, »V. s, - - a 5 *5 *£ £=i *= * * r m r *- a m r m. LmrVdi« •« w |ji„ H I Ar Reeky Mt ■ » a u r M Uatt TfTta »* *• • 4 ai I»* * *•* - ' M«a ft U 5 K IJ )> I—wWfcoa. ■ X T » SH '«• ljm«e 1 jwa ' \> ii ■> J Lw. InrllKillr 4|» 11 Ar. FVnaee _ ; « 1 J r 1* A M U utAkm " «J «a L t Masurfta . _— jr 51 4JJ a. wib.M«ta. —— _ ; m J£ r si. a st r m. TMISS COUC SuaTH *. £. f£ ; s l il i|] 51 il 53 A. M. r M t.* flmvmp 7 3$ btr lljtOoillt •* >S «■' lowtrka _ Js» js Aitttc Wilma Ijy _ If ij~. | A. a r il A M I*. J*aaa«ha _... • Ija 11 a M- «i it* > « » " sjj u* r. m a x. r * r m Imt Wttna _ IS iliui)** lit At. *aAj Mt Jjr *ta II q Ijj AninTukn _ 1 t«l ' ! Um latin s J U lafaW. J » •«« At.wits i— «a—u .a r. CJ a. a t m. Tadta IX Mn IMb 1.1.i km W ■Maa.taa.a, milim fc)iimßi u« r ■. faw« hHliMt |l». wiim imm ■mill ufam ■ .WW F»)llm1l lut Fatrttc tilk »•>* a. Mil— + a aa. Bed firti— a»UAB.Ibfr Mffl« miw rijiWuili I«Ml rasnMf ttmuL JfcwW. ««> u»— ||>|l«l HnlnridiCii IwOtil ■■Hi ■I. « M ClartAc IStmi - "" "™* W " "* faaat *w 1 ■ll—i Kott luit »«»i Imm li »W»T : u »- «ri«w »■«*■ Kit *■ 7ii» km> »:« li ■ T wla ifnißiim *\jm. B.anirai il W ■■»■■ n rta I » *l*j "" »»'«! • tnn»«MNMßartk«r, VaUaJ > r*4 l «. iniw yl» ,IVtt'i7C 4, , tmn *r >' !«• «'3 1> »nt«» h* Mj ■ iM faj MH|» 'Wii. T»«\, wrf Miuo TdWt M H i «. aS£.*rr.*r - --Cii™-~-£a «nti iTiiiiiiiw »ij«. ■. fiM»» »■>. Bt ■mAkwt M*f il 111 •t « *a. k. j opt. a_ am.r Xi«r*~V m» a. *■ j» ». *zz:'J:WZl''£L*3izv&u, pta. Yiln r* ■■! n ffcar xnlki 1 WiHn tat»■ | 11■ » Mart**%.all taO r>a Witi ill " ' - B ■ Kmna, • c fi. r ! , ' > " "'I- J. m_ nncunr. Cni n—u i I.*. wwig».-nitl|i hi . Notice to die Tax I*ay«»r« o Mania County I will Tint at tbe places bdo« oa the dajs stated doling fheaMmth of October 19.i frirthe purpose ofcnflrctiag Uia: Rcbersanrille; Friday, Oct 4-ifoi MGc Hoaw ■ Grifas Cold Poiat, Saturday " j • Wednesday, Oct. it-IfCS ftCTwfc, Tamiajr •• t - liastOf Friday " it - EveittU. Wednesday -• f " Cwoho, Saturday " if " ■allards Store, Tfcars-!ay ** 10 " Public House in WilitaKS Hamilton. Saturday "li - Tuesday Oct tl-lfM O. K- Covins *Co His re Dardens, Friday 4 sj " Tarsday, Oct 15-1901 JamesTille, Saturday - li •• Ihose fJIiBf to saeet Me at tbe a bore named places ltd settle their taxes will be nutcd by siyseif or ?epaty at ooce tor the express |i apses of collecting the taxes due. Tbe taxes Mast be eoud ep by tbe jist day of I am compelled to settle with tbe Sta'* aad Cnaatf by that tint Very rasp.. J C CRAWFORD, Sheriff Mavta Co cw stv asd err* tcramiT cimu !)■■ ■ Batik ©1 3(artin County, J jC cooud. c fcytUßtc inr m %m: ■Morsas, | umuna OanMtf fucaj% nMMMsartiKl to duS lujulmS f - *TT Mim. IWM. |uM TOTAL SMcMtanciin iilklaEtfarkMlrlis'uikdU j■•-.■ -- ■ , ~ ffl Til illn -1 ■aj MmrHm. •■"raw — imSmailSirm WT_th— pCktrwi Jm*T n* W. r ■ II I. a P. TWENTY-FIVE REASONS FOE WYIXG A STANDARD ROTARY SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE OHIY ONE REASON £' • •jrtfcsahiths price ITV "StaJaJ" trtar ht the Ijgm litthdayloA sirt *'■ r Hold* 1 Bobbin asoee ipsikly luaal. J The •="-*-I —g. n li of thread. I ***— * ; ' I —T-f ~hra tab aaj. 11 ihi g. inula 5 The intipnbiitMt tm packered. 6 Lm bomt tkaa ar other mtter 7 ■—« f■ 1 S -1 *— *-* -1-lr airtifi * I* the moat rapid mtt—adtitaoariMMof the treadle to three of other aaachiaes ia sewing thr ok length oa. 9 Ttuinai aot chaxid % rki mi of aire of thread. tharkness of foods nor length of Mitch—what other mKhtar caa do aavh? 10 Mom rlaatic Sibh. Tbml don aot Irak whre sen it stretched. II Ixm n A break threat shea "*•■— » m backwards. " Thr Staa-brd * S«4aT Nadir dijii calv iau «bra axakiajg a —aid •trie ahttt* nrrdlrs dip !»** bracr tint merit more Una aad eear. IJ Thr Standard ' Kodrr Shattlr arrer Sop when thr nmchiae is ia oper ation. Old tlylr iha Ilk 1 start aad Softwin to each «»*«* Jat think of tbe ntn ttnia aad wear this make*' The "Standard" Rotarv Shuttle arnnmanl ortinoatlj trithoat a jar. 14 Shortr-t Ktiilt in l»rk Mitch marhia 1 ih u fim tr-M i-"r to bead aa I >lip iliUkra 15 thr shattlr aad race, thr poiat oftkr always come* ia proper rriabua to thr loop, heater a ImoM absi luir free dom Mitch tkippaag -16 Shuttle so mntnckd that it raaaot hit thr secdlr— bracr aobrokca aecdlrs from this caaar. 17 PTntrctioa aad packing of aerdlr bar aad coaMrnctioa of takrwp aad fcad make lew liability lo oaTgoods »fc.. in other marhiac* ■STbrfacrplatrcaahetakraofbyathamb-screwtbascaabliag the opera te* toeleaa aad od the parts withoat •»t' —— K any of them. 19 Feed m«ww all f»atrre—ao ipnap u»j hence machinr wjl feed oier all tharkneas of goods aJ seam withoat "chrwmg" thr doth - what thr length af Match. a» Will war tairr at long at other lockstitch machine*. 11 Errry part i* (ferrrr other fart, aadjraa be replaced at a trif . '*■* °* t Theieftae ram caa kctpa "Staadard" Salary practically aew s hfrltmr. 11 Braa arw act of atlai hmima. tad faaliaij to the pnaau bsr ta place of thrfbuC. 13 Stand wheel and trradlr raa «a adjartablr steel poiata. which istain the rastot. amoothrst bearings kaeaw to mechaaics. aad the arar is for a fife f " r " 1 aoodwork of thr Caot rnaili ailiua aad t«i* kaowa to art. 15 Auttanatac key has dsaaer aad own locks, peenhar to the "Staadard.** Standard Grand" Rotary. The only Drop Head Sewing Machine that rsnes. lowers fl ill f»t«»s the bead in posi tion without touching it. r Strictly Antomitic. SaHfcT ... J. M. HAMMBRLY ELI GURGANUS, AGENT. $45 GbOGK w w . _ MBOSNnUi. L CL Ih 13 Id I V A complete line of STAPK & FANCY For each and esery dolbr spent ~ OKOCKMtTKS in CASH at our stores betacea now unw^flKfiw and PKCEMBHR IST. 1901. net I »B*toa»aa on This Market from the Optnag yp € coll mfurcutl alUmtum to Day until the Christmas Holidays. _ ' The person gating nearest to SYCRPS and PORTO RICO tSdT* nnmberof f omidslake * -—MOLASSES—*-* get Dollar's worth in TradamM _ ll* Sfi(i cjanst irißstf Pihy Cents T™^ mmmmm W, J3flfl incites across base aad it inches oeep. Retail prior $45.00. T! «l! We SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY MERCHANT IN THE COUNTY. G. b. & J. fc. ktbcKQQ. ROBERSONVILLE, - k c ntfHM * [ '± .. .. ... " t