THE ENTERPRISE. V FBIDAT. OCTOBEX 11.1901. LOCAL NEWS Cet jnmcr ojstmat llial'i Rraewyoar ■rfianpMua. we aeritkc CMh. A viut to CVJHM' arw itw ■ ill par T»- r- OrUrn, Km SlntdarFndal J. A. Kuril ft Co. "a ■cad the adMitiamlj ia tk» fmprr it will PAR TOO. X- S. Mkbiat inning, tfcnr church Saaday by the paaSor. A arw hoc of Fiar Sbor* jmU mrrnrd —X. S. IVrf i COL We acne the hot tianhad m km. |. A Kuril ft COL A aire »a«»ety af lap, Calal tee thna—X. ft. MftCa Carrtarphra's a thr place for yow to Jaat arrived a car load of StaadardScw mg Uarhiai. at Capf. Fraanar oar apto lai ha al Shirts and JfcrirU.— N. S. 1M ft COL A fall bar of ap-to-date Gtrt'ataaah hp at Eh arw itae ■ar at kfiUtnrry wkkntTlLtkaa •rip. ♦ Kcr. It K. Xaaea wiD begin a aeries of muting* at HB'S school hue ant •Mt Wheeler* Wifcoa and Hi—l lit Sew lag Machines for sale hjr SLade. Aadenoe * Coajnar. tf WANTED—A (nlcbw. allnari F*'. *Vt*J * th»«ffae. «*-tiag « ffritar aad aalaaj. Rrfeieacr 11 if 1 it. Ladies" Ibeas Cooda. Dry Goods. Xa tioaa aad all other aatkhs of uaaaiag ap parel for the Ladies at Omgaaai'. The wood wok oa the UaptMt chan-h •■lf- ■ f- - - Rn it•uipMira HR wiMCUBr Mm. The paiwtiag will he rlaae aa anna a* workmen can be aerated. v There will be no services at the Methodist church Sunday, Mr. Sutton bills his regular appointment at Hamilton that day. DeWitt's Little Early ffiari 1 am dis appoint They are safe. |i« 111*. patk. rSertivr in ream iag all aipailiii froai the brer aad bowels. Saallaad easy to take. Xerer gripe or dutwaa. The pratiacted meetiag that has brea goiag oa at Slade's School llo—» chased Taesday evening. The pate. Mr. Ma meeting ia geaeraL Do TOO suffer frota piles? If ao da ant tarn to wngeiy far relief. DeWitt's Witch IWI Salve will act ant quickly. HIT •ad -afrly. saving you the tapaa aad danger of aa operation POST OFFICE NEEDS DESK. ETC l The •p|Kiruur of the port otter ha* ten very much bn((hlr«tit iki> week hy charing the «iadowi, It b fcnful that the podßutiT will mam place Hd tak ia a suitable place fur thratdl the public. X. j Kodol Ihtpe|Mi Cm M wot a n rthuuUnt to find natnt. It aionb the rioaach complete aad absolute tot br tfßtdaiK the food yon «L Vor doat ha 11 to dirt but CM eajoy all the good food yon wast. Kodol Djrrpepaia Com instant lv relieve* that datnuard feehag after eatingjfiving yon new hfe and vigw. DEATH OF UK WU.KV C CLE«V Died of Tubeivalur after an Olnes. of only a few days, Mr. Wiley Gray Cleary. son of on U maun Mr *. W. Cleary. -r- He had heea ia health Cor two years, yet his death mas ray narx ipcted. He leaves a brother. Mr. & ■ Cleary. ft Weldon. aad a dented father who did •P for his pleasure aad ninfcit that wnt npaoihle for him to do, daring his lap par. ef fcvlde Nallh, N«idm a amnher of other relative* together with a boat of The deceased was bora Dec. ljth, He had jnst reached mna hnnd whew he "God's ways are not con.—Br docth aQ things wall.—What seems to as hat faaar al tapers.—May be Htana's diant lamps." E. r C. Si. Phrlp*. ForesftJalr. Vt. nnU> cMU was comjiietel; oncdsf a Ucat •fcomabv the me of DcWitt's VTtfdb Hurt KJvc, Sevan, of »H l uliifiHi H hill— tly idjeiapOo. The ocMiva to OMawi, X- C_ ■ —O Tfctf*. hMag ihM > o'ctocC. WHArS YOf* FACE WOBTH? ~j ££ mmitk »«•**«* M* **• rf* Sr* 4N* Check*. «»!j Hotel. jbhk* Vflß tobscribrf to * expected that will fcr niaai bf Mnnrtav «.i*kt. ■fell*"* 5 .... Personal Mr. J. H. Everett spent Sunday tn K\wtK Mr. S- R. Clear)* left Thursday moniing for Weldon. Miss Lizzie Burras, ofJamcAnlk spent Monday in town. Mr. Barrel Joyner. of Elm City, vats in town Saturday. Chas. Lawrence, of Scotland Neck, was here Sunday. Mr. Geo. M. Burras, of James ville. was in town Wednesday. Miss Brown, of, Goldsboro Or phanage was in town this week Mrs A. E Whitmore left yester day morning for Norfolk to spend several weeks Mrs G W Blount and daughter. Katie, returned Saturday after a ten day's stay ia Baltimore E W. Brooks. Jr., was in town Saturday in the interest of The W. J. Soth Stove Co., of Waynesboro, Va. I Miss Ijnif Slado. and nephew. Bog Sladc. Jr., of Hamilton, were in town Saturday and Sunday visit ing relatives. Judnm Blount, of Bethel, spent a few days in town this week, vis iting his uncle. Mr. Geo. W. Blount, at the Roanoke. » ■ Mr Jno \Y Mizell. of Roanoke Rapids, is in the county this week Mr. Mizell reports that business is brisk at the Rapids. Mr. Frank Uxssell, who came home from Chapel Hill a few weeks ago sick, has returned to tak* up his studies at the University. Mr and Mrs. C. Reeves Alley, and little son. who have been visit ing her parents, left for their home in Washington City Satunlay morning. Mrs. Mary A. Joynes, who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. A. K. Whitmore. left yesterday morning for New York City where she will spend the winter. Messrs. Will E. Roberson. of Pinner's Point. Ya.; S 11. Hatton. of Suffolk. Ya.; Kli Roberson and John Ellison, of Parmele, were in town the first of the week to attend the funeral of their cousin. Wiley Cleary. The town people attending the Richmond Carnival this week are: Messrs H. W- Stubbs, Eli Gur gano«. K. B. Crawford. S. W. Har rell. Henty Taylor. C. H. Codwin and Wilmer Sitterson. Rev. A. D. Belts, D. D.,of Bethel X. C„ was in town Wednesday, on his way to Janx-sville, where he commenced aperies of meetings that night, at Siluam. Preaching every afternoon and night. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Knox left Tuesday morning for Norfolk. Mrs. Knox will remain in Norfolk at St. Vincent's Hospital under treatment by Dr. Lee. We hope she *4ll re turn shortly in perfect health. Kiae White Envelope* as The Knter prae u&ot yto. a package. W T Wrso-n Cbobouvitlr. Vs. dm*- (id. writes: "Yonr One Minute Cough Cue gira perfect satisfaction. My cus tomers say it is the best remedy for coughs colds, throat and lung troubles." ROBERSONVILLE. If Sallie Grimes spent Ttjesday night at home Mr H T Latham, of Washington spent Sunday here Mrs F P Lyon and children went •o Parade Tuesday Mr C A Guilford and family ■pent Monday in Bethel Mia Minnie McNaugbtoll, of Ererctts, was in town Saturday Mrs J II Robenon and Mrs W J Bugg spent Tuesday afternoon iu Bethel# *> Miss Callie Bryan, of Pannele, spent Saturday with Miss Sallie Grimes C H Robenon and Marion Nash, of Washington, spent a few da>. here last week Mr Janis Sugg, of Washington, spent Tuesday and Tuesday night in our little town Mrs Olivia Bell and childaen.who have been visiting her sister, Mrs G A Guilford. returned to tbaj: home in Palmyra Saturday morning Vm fpntfß*. spelling. aad laaienase thru another* good as Chamberlain's taßda. Try it. For rale by N H MftQ*. GOLD POINT Mr J L Weaver went to Parmele Sunday Miss Lena Everett was in town lknd|£ Mr Rav KeU spent Sunday in :l h» , * Mr Cramd Rawl-» -pent Saturday night with Mr R H Weaver Miss Dora Ccburn. of Roanoke Rapids returned home last Week Mr R H Worn spent Sunday at the ham? of Mr J R Purvis near Haskell The Cold Point Show Co, gave a very creditable performance Mon day night Mr T S Stalls, who has been very ill for some time. ,fre are glad to learn is imput ing Miss Lida Robtrson spent Satur day and Sunday at the home of MB» Xanie Coburn Mrs Mary Harrison of Parmde died Monday and was buried near this place Tuesday "I hadloag taitiol from ndipstna," writes G. A. Ijrltri*. Cedar City.. Mo. "Like other* I trird nuiiv preparations but gnn fotuxi anythiat; that did nr good natil 1 took KoJol Dnfarptta Cm. Oar tattle raved nar. A (ricwl who had suffered narilarly 1 patoa theaae of Ko- Jol Dyspepsia Care. He Kaiaiag Cast and will fooa be ibb to work. Before be lur l kui'l lli«|j»|Me Care iaUpftioa had madr him a total wreck. A PAINFUL ACCIDEXT. kin. J. B. H. Knight aM with a very paiuful arriilrat Tuesday evening jtc, alter dark. Sbr left b>«K fcip> op ton ant ia HIWIDK tKr Oitft ia frail of the Clm cut's pUv as die h-»l am mm] other or rasioas. fell in lie ililfk. * hirh is 3 or 4 feet .Irep at that phq. Ukl sprained her ankle and her hip. It heiag very dark »fcf b»l no kin the hxl hern taken away until the laadrd tn ttx •litch. She has been miarJ to her lied ever since At this writing, we are glad to note, she is soaae better. We b-f* she will be oat again soon. Doa't forget Eli Gatxanns is the man to sell yon t'.romws, be always has a fine stork oa haad. ljxlirs. if yon want the liest HIM* fWmds. Cloaks. Fan. and tt'r>|> at lowest prices, go to CaustarpJaen's. Lewis Orkenaan. t'-oibm. ln-1 "Dr- Witt's Little Early Risers neser lent ine double like other pills, tint do th?ir work thoroughly an>l make nr fctrl like a hoy." .Certain thorough, gentle. BALLARI) Mr A R Weaver, is spending . oine time at Mr J R Ballard Messrs Ward Leggett. and little Joe spent Sucday with M W Italian! Mrs M W Ballard Mint's Martha Cofheld. an! I-~.iiny Buenwiv and Mrs J R Hal! ml returned Tuesday fretji Creswell Miss Mima Roberswn. Messrs Johnson. Henry Robertson, Li ter Kverttte. spent Sunday at Mr. J. R. Ballard's Hisses Daisy Bridgtr, Annie Brtzemvre. and Lena My/ell and Messrs Theo Myzell. and Frank Rice. were the appreciated cnest of Mr J R Ballard's family Sunday Mother* every where pnae One Minute Cough Core for the sufferings it has re lieved and the livrs of their little ones it has saved. Strike-* at the root of the trouble and draws mt the inflammation. The children's favorite Cough Cure. A omjiich- line of Orat's Furnishing* at Carstarphrn's. TK WHE (UK Aa lagtMbs IriutMit fef aMcft Imk iris are Idas (mi Mlf la - Swte ef Tkaaseins NO m»MIS l««Sf!». SO VUKEXIXC or THE Kt-.avas. A riJUMin AND FSJSI - ratTHtUgOM RAHT. It is now generally know* aad under stood that Imilrnta is n itlnan aad nut a waakna-*. A bdy filled with poison, and nerve* completely shattered by peri odicnl or constant use of intoxicating liqnrm, ruq:nre* an antidote capable of neutral tang aad eradicating this pntrnm. and destroying tlwcraving fair iatnaicanls Sufferers may me cur* thcmsrlve* at hour without publicity or loss of time from baiicw b> this woadrrfn| "HOMF. "0!.I> nil" which has beer perfected after many years of rinse stady anal treat ment of inebriate* The faithful use me- , cording to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cwre the most ohtuitr cae. no matter how hard a drinker. Oar records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, mdnstriqn* **d upright men wivits ft** VWA imuin*" CMlL mri craavuca rvTHFrs" This remedy is iu no sense a nostrum but is n specific ; for this disease only, and is so skillfully i devi-*i ind prepared that it is thusuugh ly tolnble and plr i-ant to the / tastr. so , that it can he given ia a cup of tea or coder * ilho.Tt the knuwl«|p of the per- 1 i soa tachrg it. Thooanp ji ljnwttnh hirjJ with this priceless 1 rett Ay. snJl a* many more have heca ; p ed ab'l ma le temperate men tpr having ' the "Ct a.uiunistered by luviag fri^4^ anv'. relatives «itl|on\ tUn knowledge in or lea. aad brfterc to-day that . they discor-liantd driakiwg of their own free will. DO Wff WAIT, Don't he deluded bvamut aad adsladtfqt "pnpr.iw—asai" iVrr* oat thr disuse At «w» and lor ail tiasc. The "HOMIt COU) cr«t" is sold at the e-xtensely low, price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of ewrdniyi treatment more ef fectual than 'ether* costing f>J to |®o. , Pull direction* accompany each package. I Special advice fma skilled physicians when r-tpoted without extra chrrKfc. I Sent pnpsid V> ML' th« VaW Ittclpl of One DoGar. Addir— Dept C 49' EDWIS B. GILES ft CO.. ajjo aad ajja Market St.. Philadelphia. All com spotidmcr strictly Cnafiih.tirl, THE BHTBRPM3K, WILLI AMSTON, N. a, OCTOBER 11, 1901. BRINKLEY& HOOKER I RUPf - ; Wk The Southern Warehouse 1 ROBERSON VILLE, N. C. 1 i , • ' . . ■ • ■ . •„ :.if This ie the place, and we are the people to sell your - ■ * • V * N. . . TOBACCO. * , r « W v . ~ 7 fJlaß Fanners, thy do wcsay this? First, We admit wc are not one of the large markets: but. Uk judge, where is the best prices, and competent jud- arC bclD « matl ° by our Com f >Ct,torS ' bul the r « WM »- ges will tell vou on Small Markets. Again 0..r eompcti- their w,sdom 13 °" ly be,n « oxcr,^el for their own tors are telling you that wo will have no buyers, and that and 1,1,1 for > ou far,ncrs ' We stallJ out buldl >'- and «• de * tliey will 50... >hut us up, that we can't sell tobacco, Who ler,o,ned to h S ht anything that towards combination, are these people? are they friends of you farmers. Wc W,U . sUw] h >' *° 11 - ,f >' ou W,H sUnd b y »*• No! without contradiction, wo say no. They are straining Tl,ev rcn »»' l '*? vfLhe old story of the Goon. They have every nerve to clone up the market at your door, Does this ««* t1..0g» to «y now, hut we wan. you it is the same old look to you like combirfaUon? Stop and think, we say it does. CoOU ' excc l >l ' ,n9lead ofuae raore stn P c ' thc y havc rMtd Closethis market and where is your competition? 1.1 seems °^® nc * r .... . . . . . , . , Farmers, you Tan't competition for your tobacco, rcdtculotis to ih to see such statements made to farmers as ; You can only Got it l>y l>y out* j- We assure you wc are iu earnest; we will light this thing to a finish; if we don't succeed, farmers you c »u tribute to ottf dofeat ■ ' yours TO "awn BRINKLEY & HOOKER. 1 - x _____ * • ■ .. DON'T FORGET THAT.. A. S. ROBERSON & CO. UOBERSONVILLE, N.C. 7 ~ IN llondqntcrw For J iip te ®ata OctUJwfl ttutl iDrew Hubvlci. A MORE COMPLETE LIXECANXOT BE FOUND ANYHERE. Our Mr J. 11. Itoberson has just returned Iron, the rtLJOrt FULL LIME OF -rrr: ~ Northern Cities, and a visit to our store will convinco youol our immense stock of Clothing and Ladies' Fittings. All ChoAc Hpltc c>f the very latest designs is now ready for your inspection. r O' * Wc arc now displaying daily one of the prettiest lines of GcIDS aR({ StfiCtlV UD " tO'ddtC Dress Fabrics youi eyes ever witnessed, among these are " • ■ Famous up-to-date and latest Colorings and 1 \( I\TTS w'ta*k( v A.PFSt Weaves Broadcloth, Granite Suiting, Purnel Cloth, J '% Fancy French waisting, Whip Cord Soleil, Gray 7 " r Stripe waisting,C. H. Plaids, Diagonals, Cheviots Prices to suit customers. Homespun Potlins. - Don't tail to give us a call. Thanking you for past favors, We are Resp., A. S. CO. JiIWWWWIMWMIWfc K ( |f™l fi JT | WEDDING PRESENTS!] INLW I Wl.\ir»W*KK. CIT a/icw, c ■■ H | | - » { | I have now opened my New M\ I I ■- f-11fl nm § tw m iw .pptckd gin- ik,: | Store with a new an d well I »l Ih Euan a I ZZZZT*"* * I assorted stock of " | | DRY GOODS, Ju * l ° ,,e " c ' l a r " 11 H,,e 0f1,,c v , ery llioA and »P; to - d «te,tMty >ct *- s 1 selcctioi.s of our Mr.-W. 11. Crawford, eonsisting of Dreai I '^!t? r f m *J!! rm 7 ay Fm * 4 ' I' NOTIONS. j in Oxford Cray, Flannels, Vcnitian. I.lerdown, etc.. also » BELL., The Jeweler, Si Jry>ni[)lete selectju>n (!entleinen'» Shirts, plain ami Fancy. In fact TARBORO. N. C. | DKL. S jQOD. , J ( | OI| jp we | ( IVO call for what you want,and get tbo VtWilMlllj n ftlct a rilU j ine ()f evcry .! lowest possible prices. We ask you to examine our stock.whid* thing kept in a well-ordered means a for you and a sale for us. W. 15*. Peol Ac Co., DRY'GOODS STORE. Yours to serve -A' .ENTS FOK- » TS. T C? O £>r* KeCaraict lintstlag Mafliac Ctapaf. Don't forget to chII, and re- IN • O- I EEL OL UO—» wvmurnmmivNueu member I have a neat _ ____________ Mi-SKMS.KWj)mcoi*B\|T¥*T(!i» and attractive line of lleavy J 1 - »m« and GroeenosattheOM ___ XTT' W r* I Stand. I huvo aLso ,a full line of NL V GOODS Send US your I Don t forget to go to inn\rni3K' Giv2 me a call and get your I i _ °T wthor,Bhtl>rice - CARSTARPHEN'S Tlk Pnrtmatfer-Ocnrral mtk 'I""' Yours to |>lcaßC, . ' . ' mad your Irtttr without \oar name anil I ' 1,,1-to, . • • m i addio* printed on the upper left hand • IT T ' ® ° 8 ' aI "S C ai,( * Gnori'lOUS stock Consisting 01 I corner: this insum its {vmuja retnrn tf» everything to suit the Ladies and Gentlemen. Also his yon if not .letivrrrd ' nTm/1 . XTTICI GURCrAISUS ; MILLINERY wyiffii nvalty printed and pmldcd fot 50 J. eemU. TWm t» as eheap as mat people " is strictly up-to-date.- lie will sell J'OJ cheaper tluUB can bay the Uhnk paper. Better ban:. .* . r ««e printed. The I anyone IU town. - 1 , Wfflianlnn. N. ——■ — : _, • f ''■ . • . .. ' . ■ r 4 '