THE ENTERPRISE. rCBUSBKD «TK*T PBXDAY Williamatoa, N. C. AtFRH»JKT?r WHITMOKK. . . . Kniron »n . . ' If • anbacriber wlsbc* the paper atopped the p?bli>her nun b- notified and aubacription AS»eitieementa on which no iptciSc nnmhee of hwertlon. i. m»rk-.1. will be marked "till (MM" avl char|f 1 up to date of diacontlnii ■ace. Aslr«rtJ«ia«it«dl«r.«tlaiied b; tore the time coalrfe ted for lui e* pi red will be charged tran ■lent rate* for the time actually published. X > communication noticed without the name of the writer icranptnln It—not to he pub lished. but a»a guarantee of nood faith. ■oaineM s centa a line. Obitaarira and Resolution* of Respect, all over 11 line*. 5 cent* a line. Copy for Adeertlaemeiita. or change of Ailver lU.ia«,nt«. mu>l be in thia offnr not later than Wedneada,* uoon. M'BSCRIPTUIN »i oo A. VKAR IN ADVANCE Entered at the post (Sffict at Williamatoa, X C..*a Second Clasa Mail Matter. Friday. Octouku IS, 1901. We understand from « very Tellable source that n road can be cut from the Itoanoke niver to the highlands of Bertie for $350.00 mid a ferry boat can be put on the river for S2OO, making a total of $550.00. If our merchants are desir ous of inviting trade to Wil liamston it is very necessary that they should not let this op portunity pass. This roadway should bo opened at once. By doing this the Bertie people, in the lower section of Ihe county will have another market open to thorn for their peanuts and cotton. It will also cause more farmers in that county to grow tobacco the coming season. We really believe that this movement is necessary to the sue ess of the intended tobac co market f r Williamston. The sooner a ferry is establish ed at this point the booner our merchants will bo able to in crease their business. We would like to have the opinions of our merchants, and citizens in general, on this subject- If nny of them wish to use those columns, they are at liberty to do so. j WASHIN6TON LETTER (From our regular Correspondent.) Washington, D.G. October 14,1901 It is common talk in Washington that President Roosevelt is growing very weary of the constant demands for patronage which now take up so much of his time that he finds it almost impossible to reserve to him self the time necessary for the preparation of his forthcoming mt s sage. Already he has given notice that lit- see no one after 1 P. M., and it is considered most probable that he will soon be obliged to~ ex clude himself from the public en tirely for at least a short period This course has been found neces sary by several of his predeces sors. He has further let it be known, that he is opposed tJ any whole sale change of office holders and that he will not consider the ap pointment of incompetent or un principled men whatever may be their claims 011 the party. In regard to the Isthmian treaty the President has expressed the wish that the partii irtars be absolute »y withheld from the public until ail the details have been complete ad and he has submitted the treaty to theSejiat*. A Cabinet Minister, who will not permit his name to be used, tells me that the salient poii ts of the treaty have beeoHgre- d upon and that he belijvVs they will meet the cordial approval of the Senate and of the people, regardless of party, but that the details are care fully withheld by the President's express wish. Those who are in a position 'to know say that portion of his ines •age which treats of our relations with Cuba is giving him the most trouble, thit while he desires both the prosperity and the good will of Cuba and realizes that the surest mtfans of securing both would be by th: admission, free of duty, of Cuban su ear, on the other hand he is most unwilling to recommend a course which would prore injurious to ths Louisiana planters and m«&n absolute destruction to the beet sugar industry. It is a serious problem and one that will tax ' ever/ reso urce of the President and Jlis party in Co ogress. It it regarded here as a somewhat remarkable coincidence that al though the e are now in progress eight Democratic campaigns, in as man jr different states, Mr. Bryan has never been invited to speak in any one of them and in the case of the state of Ohio his offer to stump the state seems to be treated as .an embarrassment rather than as a subject of gratitude. Dots it mean that the Democratic party in these states has turned down the free sil ver policy? is the question asked QII all ,*jdcs. Ambassador Clioatc is en route to Washington and rumor has it that, owing to the wide diversity of methods and views of himself and the President, it will be inti mated to him that his resignation will not prove unacceptable. It is further rumored that cx-Scnator Wo'.cott, of Colorado, will be offe etl the mission. There seems to he little foundation for the rumor be ■ yond the fact that Mr. Clioatc if • not the type ot man that Mr. Roost- I velt would havj been likely ti choose to represent his administra tion at any'important court. Secretary Hay has hastened t assure the press that there is n , truth whatever in the statement givCn out by Secretary Gage thai he (llav) contemplates resigning and says that he is sure that the Secretary of the Treasury nuis have been misquoted i Another lactor in the fight foi • the New York appraisership has , developed in the person of Mr Cornelius N. Bliss, ex-Secretary o the Interior, who is urgir.g ihe re appointmentcf Mr. Wilbur F. Wake 1 man. It the President yields to Mr I Bliss's wishes it will be in abscluti i disregard of the wishes of a mem ber of his Cabinet Mr. Gage, wh« s urging the ap, ointment of Mr Whitehead. i The appointment of Dr. V I*. Clayton to the posit on of interna revenue collector for the Pulmettt State came in the nature of a sur prise as it was generally understoix that Mr. Lo -misßlalock was sched uled for that place. Little is knowi of the reasons that led to Dr. Clay ton's appointment b?yond the fac (hat Senator McLaurin has beei seen at the White House recentl) and he is supposed to have had ; talk with President on the sub jeit. ' - „ The Schley Court of Inquiry ii I still in progress and promises to re main so until the middle or' o November. It is a rather remarka l»le state of affairs that if the Navy Dej>hrtnu'iitj through judge advo cate Lemley, prove their cas against Schley they will at the aim time prove the Bureau of Naviga tion guilty of the gros est ueglcc of its duty in not having Jong be fore, com t ir.artialed Ad niral Schley on the charges of insubordinatioi and cowardice. If Schley were al> that Lemley has undertaken tc prove he would be a r isgrace tc the service. A notable feature o the proceeding:* during the lasi week has been the absolute unani mity cf the testimony offered by the very young oflieers who have been summoned before the court, all of it derogatory to Admiral Schlev, Ihe ' Loudon Athenarum con cludes a very complimentary no tics of President Roosevtlt with the statement that he is more of a man of letters than any presiden of the United Stats since Thomas Jeff rson. But what a difference between ' letter*" in Jefferson's and Rooseve't's eras! The alphabet alone is unchanged. An amus ng story is being told in'society of the plight in which Miss Florence Foiaker, daughter of Senator Foraker, ot Ohio, recently found herse f. Before her departure from Washington Miss Foraker in terviewed her dressmaker, who was about tdXlepart for Europe, and gave for the purchase of a very elab.irate wedding trous seau, | reparatory to her marriage with Mr, Francis KingWainwright, of i hilade'phia. Having given her order to a thoroughly reliable ' mo dists," Miss "Foraker gave the mat ter no further thought until the time for the wedding began to draw near. Then she cabled to Pi is and wired to Washington only to fiiud that the dressmaker had fa 1- en in love on shipboard and,on her arrival on the other tide had mar ried. When Miss Foraker cabled she was spending her honeymoon in Switzerland and had completely forgotUn Miss Fpraker's trousseau Consequently Miss Foraker was obliged to patronize home industry for her we deling outfit. She de * THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAM3TQN, W. ft.OCTOBER 18 lflol. Clares she will emp'oy only aged' and unromantic dressmakers in the future. TOT CAVSES NIGHT ALAftM. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croap," writes Mr*. J. C. Snider. of Crittenden, Kr,, "it seemed h would strangle before we cowld get a doctor, so we gave it- Dr. Kisg'i New Discovery, which gave fjiiick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the h'msc to protect oar children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cared me of a chronic Itronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs,. Cold*, Throat and I.ung trouble*. 50c and fi.oo. Trial bottle free at N. S. l'eel & Co. New VorK preachers are hound to lie nni(|Ue. One of thetn won |j},uu> in a Wall Street gamble. Petersburg Daily Progress. Whatever work a l»oy undertakes he should do it heartily for the work's sake. The boy who rises to the top is the l»y who does more than he is obliged to do, who is all around in his intelligence, and who 1 thinks of something beside* the end of the day and his weekly wage.— October Ladies' Home Journal. The etiquette that makes us do an insincere act is an etiquette tr IK; avoided. Honesty of action i* the foundation of the finest man ( ners.—Octot>cr Ladies' HOUR- Jour nal. Kcing asked one day what ont , shoud do in order to become an efli f cient piano player Liszt replied la conically: "One must eat well ami walk much." —October Ladies Home Journal. The proper length of the fore ' head is one-third of the .length- 01 the face; the nose should alit measure one-third, the mouth am chin together the other.—Octobei I Ladies' Home Journal. Husband aad wife are equal:ith ' one not inferior to the other: tin wife not a slave: not a hotisckeepei 1 —but an equal: a companion. Am just so far as a young man start' ' out with that idea fixed firmly it 1 his mind—to make a compiinon, : comrade, a chum of his wife —jus ' so far docs he start out right.—Oc tolier Ladies' 11 pme Journal. m A FIENDISH ATTACK. An attack was lately made on C. F Collli'r of Cherokee, lowa, that nearl; |>roVeil fatal. It come through his kill tievs. 11 is hack got so lame hecoulp no stoop without great |win. nor sit in a chai except propped by cushions. No rented; helped him until lie tried Klectric Hitter which effected such a wonderful changi that he writes lie feels like a new man This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidney trouble, purifies the Mood am liullds Up your health. Only 50c at X. S l'eel & Co.'s Brains and Rl eat executive ability are potent factors in a tnan'ssucces! but without the fiirntess and mosl thoroughly grounded principles ol cardinal honesty they arc factor; which cannot make for success. It is the combination of great abil itv and sterling integrity that place? men in control of large interests and keeps them there.'—October Ladies Home Journal. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under The Sn. All Doctors have tried to cure CATARRH by the use of powders, acid gases, inhaler? and drugs in paste form Their |>owdcr dry up the luucitous membranes causing them to crack >|>cii an bleed. The power fill acids used ill the inhalers have entire ly eaten away the same meuiluanes that their makers have aimed to cure, while (uistes avd ointnienls cannot reach the d»- scase. An old an experienced practitionei who has for many years mule a clov: study and specinhv of the treatment ol lias at last perfected a Treat n«L'|it which when faithtully useil. hot on lv rvlipvvs.ut once, ljut permanently cures CATARRH, by removing the cause', stop ping the discharges am) curing all in flammation. It is tlic only reined v know to science that actuallv reaches the afflci ed parts. This wonderful remedy Is known 8S "SM'FH.KS the ;i' VK AKTL.KIi C ATARRH CL'RK" and is sold qt the extremely low price of One Dollar, e.u-ji con taitiiug internal and exlernal medietas rufheient for a lull month's treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use. "SXt'KI'I.KS" is the only pe. feet CATARRH CI'RK ever made and is now recognized as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cure* all inflammation quicklv and permanent ly ami it also wonderfully quick to re lieve IIA V FKVKR or COLD in the HKAII. CATARRH when neglected often leadj to CONSL'MITION—"SNI FFI.KS" will »ave you if you use it at once. It is no ordi nary remedy, but a complete treatment •etifch is positively guaranteed to cure CA TARRH IU any form or stage if used ac cording to the directions which accom pany each package. f)on'( delay fjuf semi for it at once, and write full paqivutirViu to your condition, and you will rrceivs special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without post to you' beyond the regular price « "anr»K.M" the CVARXAKKKH CATASRH Sent prepaid to any address ip |ha United States or Canada on receipt of One Itollar, Address Dept. C 49«. EDWIN B (iII.US & CO., 3i)i Market St., Philadel phia, STEPPED INTO LIVE COALS. • When a child I burned my foot fright' fnfly," writes W. H. Bads, of Jooesrille. Va_, "irhich caused horrible leu «*«•'* ya years, but Bucklen'i Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything eUe (ailed." Infallible for Burn?, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by X. S. Peel A Co. ijc. MOOT TRADE-MAMS. When JlMny Lind was receiving her re ntarkabls American oration, fifty years agii, it was mentioned at a table where •he was entertained that an enterprising fiih merchant had already registered a trade mark for Jenny Lind herrings. A young girl at the table promptly said: • That is a selfish idea." Kvery trade-mark is a selfish idea. Cer tainly there was never before such a trade- impetus as now exists. Owners of every kiad of movable property, whether animal, vegetable or mineral, are using and registering triple-marks. To snpply the lenund for information almut patent in;; trade.marks, C. A. Snow it Co.. of Washington, l>. C., have published for free distribution a small book of infor mation abjut trade-marks, explaining what may be patented ( registered) ai a , Irak-mark, with pictorial illustrations of many trale-marks procured for their clients, and decisions in trade-Htark cases. The Kditor ofthis paper strongly er dorses the action of General Charles 11. (irosienor, in requiring a certain share o( ' the proceeds fromthe sale of his lx»ok t« 1 lie set aside for a McKinley Monument ■ Fund. Our readers will see an advertise ment ofthis book in another column ol this paper. Wine of Cardui is tlio guardian of a woman's health and happi ness from J out li to old ago. It ' help* her safely into womanhood. I It Mistaius her during the trials oi pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood, making lal»»r easy and preventing flooding and mis carrisge. It gently leads her through the dangerous period known as the change of life, WINE'CARDUI ' cures leucorrbu-a, falling; of tko woiub, and menstrual ItTegularity i In every forpi . It is vuluable in eve ry trying period of a woman's life. It reinforce* tho nervous system, acts directly 011 the geni tal organs and is, tho linest tonic for women known. Ask your drujijfist for a 91.00 bottle of « Wine of Cardui. IlatoavtUo. Ala.. July IK IMS. I am nstuK Wtnaof C'ardnt and Thmt tuh! a Hlvk-I'riustit and 1 feul lifre a ilißrrfst w 'man already. Mfveral la di.a b*r* tho iiiMkinvs in thair komea alt Ihs time. I havo three girls lad Uarjr tu»using It with Mm. KATE ItUOWDKH. 1 rr in. I UUfalnre. sitdma, (trine fyiMfSttttta. Ijulim' Aitvtanrx twran- Ibr li«ll «ih»*» MruicliM ( uni|«ii>, »l»Hil>..S», Iran. ki};lit giving always means hav ing.—October Ladies' Home Jour nal. IT HAPPKNIiI) IN A DRI'G STORE. "One day last«inter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have in stock," says Mr. C. R. Grandiii, the popular drug gist of Ontario, N. Y. "She was disap pointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recommend I said to her that I could freely recommend Chmlvrlain's Cough Remedy and that she cot.ld take a Mile of the remedy nnd after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and 1 would refund the price paid. In the course of a day or |wo the ladv cante back in company with a friend in need of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a Inrttlr of Chamlicrlain's Cough Remedy. 1 consider that a very good ioconimendat:on for the remedy." The remedy owes its great popularity and extensive sale in a large measure to the personal recommendations of people who have Ikvn cured by its use. It is for sale By N. S. Peel & Co. Announcemeiit. Williamston /(cademy will its Tall Term Monday, September 9th. W.A.HUDGENS, Prin, Miss Muriel lluhvinkle, Assistant -. " Jenr.»« Moore, Music Teucber. Boys and Girls prepared for COLLEGE |.' t . , Hoard at reson«>b)o rates in Private Houses..,.. Dr. W. H. Marrell, Pres- J. W. Anderson, Sec'y. KwM Pyspeyla Out MgWtS wlMrt yw Mti LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS?. LAND SALE By rirtoe of a judgment of the superior Coart of Martin coMtj >u DM O« of T. H. Coiat* „ Iny Parker et malm «rtl fatarii at the omrt Hoof W i„ Willi>n4o» the following I—4 to wjr A t>an ml land thr of Mgact Harr*n. rfee'd . Joseph Harrell ct at* , containing about jiKta • A Sax. H. S«"i*. WKtln Mirtio. commi"" 0 "", Thu lit dir of Ort. 1901. >4! LAND SALE By trirtne oI a jad[u-.-nt of the Sajtii* OKrt of Martin «ualy. I will m 'he 4th day Ko vembcr aril lot fait at the Court Hons* *»» in WillUwtoa the tract 4 land ktcwa •* ,k « * D. Dona Mum bad containing about tt° For a fall description thereof Rftimcr i» »•* to Mid jadsateat. Aln IL Htnil*. Com. ) 4t Thi* i*t day Oct W KXKCUTOU'S NOTIC'KP North Carolina. Martin County Having qaaMkd aa r.wtntor of HraW Rw rtt deceased. aotkv ia hereby fina for *ll Per on« boldiajE daiaiaftinl aaid deceased to p.. •rat to the underugnrd on or before the IMb day of Augaat ■«•. or thin y*>cr .ill lir pleaded ia barof their recovery. Thi. AnfC '*-' at. 47-« J tt. k.VEBTTT H s KVKUKTT EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qnalifiH a« Rxccr.tor of Apha Ha nil. «on. deceaaed. notice U hereby fivt a f cf #ll per M»n» hohlint claim* again»t raid *o t>re*eat ihealo Ike ■adrrtifwd on or before , the 14th day of fteptcmber or thi* »«•»€* will he plead ia bar of their recovery. Thi* hrpt f4lh. »?>\ pfepd. riCKXV PWU„ CSICBU4 Sliii IIS LIFE AID WORK Bv 0». CIIARI.ES H. GKOSVF.koR- President's lift- long friend. Caul™ I '* in war and Colleague in Conpieti. near hi* »ile with. other great men when hi* eye* were closed in death. Followed the liter to the National Capitol an'! to Canton. Tin- flettentl require* a kharr of the |>roccrds of hU hook to lie devoted to n MrXinley Monument Fund. Thus every kultM-riher twenties a contributor to this fund. Million* of copies will lie sold. Everybody will buy it. Irder* for the ins. NoMly will refuse Klegunt llidto- Kravtire hntnit «»f I'rc.idcnt McKinly'* last picture taken at the White House. You can ra-ily ami quickly clear fi,o» taking order. Order outfit quick. Chance to |irove success. secure yearly contract antl become Manager. Send ij j cent Htani|>* for elegant prospectus. Taking 10 . to Ju orders daily. yv« copies will be noltl in this vicinity. Address, TUP. CONTINENTAL ASSEMBLY, Corcoran Bldg.. t»pp. U. S. Treasury. Washington, I>. C. Aa Oa La ATLANTIC COAST UKB R R CO.Ml\\N V. CONDCMStD aCNRDt'I.K. TRAINS GOING SOI'TH. Jan. lith. 1901. .- I = g .£•, .a z* a, m 1 s it A M |» m P M A. M |7 ||. Unvr m'rkton «i jo |4 Ar. Rtukjr Ml . g 9 ')) l.eave TaiUiro ia ai b 00 . I.v Rocky Ml >" 10 o« 657 * it. T»M l,cavc U |l«uu 1 V-« iu 40 7»o $ v Leave iklnu a ss 11 is I I.V. I av« ttrvillv 4jut? IS « Ar. Florence liS aJU ' f * A. M Ar. »okl»!ioro . .. ' • js I l.v. GoUHboro J. . ' *4* l' »> I.*. Mannolu 7'•Si" 4 JS Ar. Wilmtngtua «ao 2 M j P. M A. M p. t* TRAINS GOING NORTH. i& && n AM p w I.v. Florrncr 9 y • u , v .. I«v. F«vttlrvHk. ia «V 941 ZZ.— I,rftvc >irlnia .. 1 11 V> Arrive Wlk« ajv .... ujy .: -V m r. m. ATm I # v. Wilmington ..... 700 9J5 IA. Migiwtlia i j,® it to I.v. OvUilxiru . 4 « 9 V ii / r. M aT>T P M p. M Uavc Wilwi . 1i) 4 u IJ I.i *• 45 l Ar. Korky Ml j > 6iu us nJ» 1 Arrive Tarhuro ! 6 4* I Ulvf Tarhoro a .*ij J.— Uv. Rockv Ml ... j |t»; ia 45 ——— Ar. WrkloLi 4 jaj l» P. M i A. u. r >t. _ Yadkla Pivbtea Mais Urn* Train leave* wtl mingloa, 9 out. m.. arrive* Fayettevillc 14 m p. m . leave* l-ayetterille «a a* p. at., orr, TT* Hau fonl 1131). a. Returning leave* satifum 395 p, m . arm'e Fayetteville 4 » p. leave I u>rtte ville 4 >» p « , arrive* Wilaiingtoa 4 WP- PennetUville Branch—Tiain leave* vil|e "*OS a. ar. Mavt«»n wOj a. n . Red Springs 951 a. m , l*arkton 1041 a. a» . II if* Mill* »o a . m., arrive Fajrettertllr i« »o. Returning leave* I avcllrvi!le 4 43 P n> . Hope Mill* s 00 p m , krd »iprinrt 5 4>* p ai. Ma\tt«i 616 p ni., arrive* Beu m tlnillc ; 15 Connect t»»n at F|n»tfrl".t with train No a i >!k\t'»ti aith Ca.otuui Central Railroad. »t Rid SpHnga *Uh Red spring* arid Ho«nM>re rail road, at Saulord wilh the Seahbanl Air Southern Galf with the Durham and Chailutte RailnaiL . Ti4(n on the Scotland Neck Branch leave* Wclduu ;> M P ifalifa* 417 P- atri*** Scot land Neck 5«0 p. M., eircenvflic 6jfv m * Kiu •ton ;«p. in.Returning leave* Kin-to" 7 So GreeunlleSjira.. arriving at »* t«a. m., Wctdca 11 UA %. daily except Sunday. Train* on Wa*hing't -n Branch leave Washing, ton 8 10a. to., and ajop. m . arrive Paruicle 9 lg a. ia.. 400 p leave Panaele 9 35 a. nr. and 6 3©p. ai.. arrive Wa*hiagton 11« «. «a. and 7 30p. m.. daily cacvpt Sunday. Traiii leave* Tbrnoro !*. C.. daily eaccpt Sun day 5JP p, nr. San»!ay 413 p. ar, arrive* I*lv mouth 7 4»p. «a., 6 10 p. ar, Retaraiaf. leave Plymouth daily except Sunday. 7y> a. »•. and Sunday 900 a. ar, arrive* Ta.boro m 10 a. a»., II 00a. at. » rain ou Midland X C. Branch leaves GokU t*oro daily, except Suudav. 500 a. m . arriving SmithbeU 6 jo a. «l Ketarntag laave* Smttkltfl 700, arrive* GokHborO Bts 1. tn. Traiua da Na*hvillc Branch leave Rocky Mount at 9 30 aT ia.. 3«* p. arrive Nashville r iu.. tojp.B.. Spring hope 11 00 a. aa.. 4 *5 P- m.. lie turning leave Spnng Hope it aaa. at . 4 55 Pm Naahville 11 45 r at.. 5 *3 p. ai.. arrive at Rocky Mount li 10 par, fojp ar.d*ily except Sunday, Vraiu oti Clin;oa Branch leave* Warsaw for Cliutna dAUy, ahpt Suu lay. it .* am . I*l4 a p. nr. Returning leave* cteuton 145 a.m . ¥rsia No. 7S aUke* close connection at *>l*o* for all point* North dally, all rail via Richmond. HkIKRSOX •' Can't Ageut. J. t KKKI.KT, Gifßt Manager. T. Jf, KM«RbO>.Tia*c Maa4gtr. ! . Noti«e to lime Tax Payers o Martin Connty I will *i«it at the places below on the daji stated during the month of October ijji forthe purpose of colecting taxes : Robersonville, Friday, Oct 4-1961 Public House in Griffins Gold Poiift, Faturday "5 « Wednesday, Oct 16-1901 parmele, Tuesday " 8 " Has ells. Friday " 18 " Everett*. Wednesday *• 9 " Conoho, Saturday " 19 " Dal'anls Store, Thursday •• 10 •* Public House in Williams 1 Hamilton Saturday •» it •' J Tuesday Oct >l-1901 0. K. Cowing &Co Store Dardens,' Friday •* tj " t Tu sday, Oct 15-1901 Jamesville, Saturday " 16 " Those foiling to meet me at the above named places ar.d settle their • will be visited by myself or deputy at once for the express purpose 1 of collecting'the taxes due. The taxes must be wound up by the J Ist • _ day of December,as lam compelled to settle with the Sta a and County by that time. Very reap., J C. CRAWFORD, Sheriff Mart n Co. COI STV AXD CITY DKFOSITOBY. CAPITAL #S,UM t Hank OI Ulartin County, J. .O GODARD, Cuiltu. *'pwrt Ut lb» Comlitioa of thr Bauk at the cloatvf Buiinrw Sept jstfc, 1901 .* KKSOVKcnC I • I.IABILITI KS. U»» "»i diaconat. fujf* 6,! Cap i Ul fr om * ' ff ! * I'wlivkkd Profit* |i. , r. 11. Mate* Bonds Sjoo oo CtitliatMof Otponti 9j.4a5.a0 fttfnitnrr —.l Fiat.rr. IVH »5 | .übject to check *».« >1 Dor (run Baaka |i>.«te.t«l —ZT. -,. fao o TOTAL UMAIB SU« Cota,i nc | M |taa ai: niiior coin Cy ti.3fi9.9a , . TOTAL »>.7J*.ro I. J O GodarJ. Cithi- r of Bank of Martin Ctaaty, do solemnly .wrar {or afllrm) that the above Ma'rnu-nt i. true. t 3 th? hen of my kn jjrl; an 1 bilirf. J. C. GjJanL Cashier. State o4 North Carolina——Cunnty alartin. ■w-wa loaadMbwiibedbrfure aur. this 1 :th day of Oct. 1901. W. K Mubte. N. F. TWENTY-FIVE REASONS I FOR BI'YING A STANDARD ROTARY SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE fttfl V ANF ,orl »«y' B *«y •«»*«■ It to cb«a»- UI,L 1 UIIL MAWn er. BUT, there U mora difference la the aaH • ty than la the price I The Standard" Rotary ha* the biggest bobbin of any lock stitch machine. Holds iut ranis of N'o. Hu cotton 1 Bobbin more quickly wound. 3 The first Stitch perfect without holding ends of thread. 4 The tension is released when talcing out the goods. 5 Tin' finest p*A are not drawn or puckered. 6 Less noiae than any other machine. 7 Runs 50 per-cent lighter than old style machines. 8 Is the most rapid sewer—makes two motions of the treadle to three of other r machines in sewing the same length seam. 9 Tensions not changed by change of speed, si/e of thread, thickness of goods nor length of stitch—what other machine can do as much? 1 lo Jl*t elastic stitch. Thread docs not break when seam is stretched. ' 1J The Staixlnril Rotary Needle di|*> only once when making a stitch—old ■ style shuttle needles dip twicp—hence that much more strain and wear. 13 The "Standard" Rotary Shuttle never stops when the machine is in oper ation. 01a style shuttles start and stop twice to each stitch. Just think of the extra strain and wear this makes! The Standard" Rotary Shuttle moves on ward continuously without a jar. 14 Shortest needle used in lock-stitch machines—therefore less liable to bend and skip >titches. 15 OsrinK to of the shuttle and race, the point of the shuttle always comes in proper relation to the loop, hence almost absolute free dom'frotu stitch skipping. 16 Shuttle so constructed that it cannot hit the needle-hence no broken needles from this cause. 17 Protection and packing of needle bar and construction of take-up and feed niakc lea liability to oil goods than in other machines. •8 The face plate can be taken off by a thumbscrew thus enabling the opera tor to clean and oil the parts without displacing any of them. 19 Feed motions all positive—no spring* used—hence midline will feed over all thickness of goods and seant without "chewing" the cloth no matter what the length of stitrh. - *> Will wear twice as long as other lock-stitch machines. ■" Ever >" l* rt *» iadepeadenl of every other part, and 'can be replaced at a trif ling cost. Therefore you can keep a "Standard" Rotary practically new a life time. - - " new *t of attachments, self-adjustin K . and fastened to the prefer bar J In place of the foot. *3 Stand wheel and treadle ntn on adjustable steel points, which insures the easiej-t, smoothest hearings known to mechanics, and the wear is for a life time- Bent wccslwofk the finest construction and finish known to art. J J S Autor atlc keyless drawer and cover locks, peculiar to the "Standard." Standard Grand" Rotary. The only Drop Head Sewing Machine that raises, lowers and fastens the head in poni tion without touching it. Strictly Automatic. Sold by • • • J. M. HAMMERLY - F " ELI GURGANUS, AGENT. _____ $45 CLOCK FREE! For each and even - dollar spent in cash at onr stores between now and I)ECKMBER «ST. 1901. wp will give a guess at the number of pounds of tobacco that will be sold on Tliis M ar het from the Ojiening Day until the Christmas Holidays. The person guessing nearest to the correct number of pounds takes the clock. The second nearest will get, a Clock, worth the third near est will get a Bowl and Pitcher, worth s2.oo;the fourth nearest will get One Dollar's worth in Trade and the fifth nearest will get Fifty Cents in Trade..' 9 The clock is 714 feet high, 19 inches across base and 11 inches deep. Retail price s*s-00. WP SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY MERCHANT 1N THE COUNTY. G. D. & J. C. RobcrsoH, robersonville, . n. c W. W Waters, ROBERSONVILLE, M. C. ' A complete line of JSTAPE & FANCY GROCERIES Dry Ms «d totim We call special tq SYURPB and PORTO lUCO —MOLASSES-*- _____________ •WGive me a trial.~fMl v Fresh Candies always on baud. ■ 6UARAMTEED SALARY YEARLY Men and women of good addreaa to itpmul **• "•» lo travel appointing tfrnu. other* for local work looking after our intereata. feuoaalary - guaranteed yearly; extra commiaaiona and tl penaea, rapid advancement, old catabUahcd huoae. Grand chance for caracal man or niiman *° aeenre pleasant, permanent portion, liberal iccome and future. He*, brilliant Unea. Write atonic. ' STAFFORD NES|, *3 Chnrcto Street, New Haven, Coa« ***■ ;

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