THE ENTERPRISE. Fbuit, October- 25, 1901. LOCAL NEWS The water is wry low in the Roanoke. Kate the change in Eli Gurgaaus'"ad." hmhii at Methodist Church San der. %, _ ' v I Cottoa and Peanuts are being brought hi duly. Inhniniilli it cms received to late for pabiicr-taoo - Another Chinaman arrived hit Satnr dav eveamg Whnt'a the matter with oar correspond rati tins week. Wilhaimlon needs mote houses. Who " arill build them 1 Mr. W. R. White's new house is near tag completion Another car land of machinery arrived this week for the new miil. The State Chrvsanthemun Fair will be heM in Raleigh Nov. 12-1901. Rend the offer made to our readers on next page by The Criterion fob. Co. The Snarl Standard. Waverir, Va. aajs: Peanuts lower an«l not wanted. , Sir. Titaell has moved into the hooae Curmelv occupied bv Prof C. W. Wilson '1 f Rev. T. H. Sutton is holding a aeries of of meetings at 1 lolly Spring Church this week. Mr. F. R. I lodges is making prepara tions to ball two more tenant bouses in New Town. Mr. W. H. Leggett is preparing to tanld a honse on Academy St. on the lot adjoining the property where be now Urn. The editor regrets very much that he ia again forced to leave out an article that one of his snbacribera asked to he pub lished. Read the new.;'ad." of F. K. Hodge*. Mr. Ilouge* has as nice line of Groceries I Candiei. Tohacco and Cigars aa you can Snd in town. » .. / Notice the daily Bulletin of N. S. Peel 4Co. An expert artist has charge of ballet ip and give* new pictures to the public daily. The S-cth Carolina Inter-State and West Indian exposition will open Dec. l- I-joi. The ; . iucijul opening oration will be delivered by Senator Channcey M.Dc pew of New York The entertainment at the Opera House Mondsy evening. by Prof. S. M. Gregory, the old-time Southern comedian and no ted Baajoit of I>e'» Ann v. wra* well at t-aded. The audience was pleased with the performance. A couple of gentlemen were in town Imt week prospecting. We understand that these gentlemen were very favorab'y impressed with the location, ami think the old R. R. wharf an itleal site for the kind of plant they would pnt in ; a veneer factory using principally popular and gum kg*. We are sure they cannot better the locatsoa .—■ — * * h Election of Officers For The Martin County To bacco Warehouse Co. At the meeting: of the stock holders of the Warehouse Compani on Wednesday evening last- the following officers were elected: D. S. Biggs. President, AlonzoHassell, Vice-President, Asa Tom Crawford, Secretary, W. X.", Ellison, Treasure. BOARD OF DIRECTORS : D. S. Biggs. J. R. Mobley. J. D. Simpson. C. W. Keith. Eli Gurganus. K. 1.,11 cv. N. S. Peel. A. Anderson. Wheeler Martin. BUILDING COMMITTEE. Dr. J. B. H. Knight. S. S. Had ley. N. S. Pfcel. Eli Gtuganus. J. W. Anderson. v J- D Lefcgett. ; , Wheeler Martin. - C. D. Carstarphen. Kader Lille y FINANCE COMMITTER. J. D. Biggs. J. G. Gcdard. G. W. Blount. COMMITTEE ON BY-LAWS. Wheeler Martin. Geo. W. Mewell. , J. D. Biggs. ■■ Dr. J. B. H. Knight. . Ap assessment of 10 per cent, was made to be paid at the next rneet . \ The meeting adjourned to meet nest Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. When you cannot sleep for coughing, R ia hardly nrrtmary that anyone should tail yon that yon And a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allnv > the irritation of the throat, and make aierp pnssrhle. It is good- Try it For •rich j X. S. Fed & Co. gg . 1 : : Personal Mrs. W. H. Bennett is quite sick. Mr. Jas. A. Everett was here Monday. ' Mr. Justus Everett, of Palmyra, was in town Monday. Mr. C. H. Baker, of Hamilton, was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Newell spent Sunday in Tarboro. Mr. Dennis S. Biggs attended the fair in Raleigh this week. Mr. W. L- Stalling*, of James . ville was in town Tuesday. - Mr. H. W. Stubbs is attending 1 court in Hertford this week. Mr. J. S. Jones, of Jamesville, is clerking for Mr. Eli. Gurganus. Mr. R. J. Peel. Supt. of Public schools, was in town Wednesday. ' Mrs. M. E. Peel has returned from a visit to friends in Plymouth. Miss Hattie James, of Eveietts. . spent the day in town Wednesday. Messrs T. J. Latham and W. M. Wilson have returned from Nor folk. Mi.« Henrietta Peel was ' "Centra Girl" this week while Miss Bennett r was sick. Miss Mattie Bennett, who was quite sick several days this week,is out again. Miss Rcsamand Pope, who has ' been on the sick list for some days, is much better. Mr.R.T.White, of Mapleton. X. i C-, has accepted a position with Nicholson & Co. as clerk. Wheeler Martin, Esq., has been in attendaacc at the Federal court , in Elizabeth City this neek. i Messrs Bash, Ogdeu and Shade employes of the new mill arrived I from Pennsylvania laM Friday even [ ing. Mr. A. E. Smith of Robcrsou-1 ( ville, was delegate from Rol>erson- I ville to the Cotton Grower's Meet- i I »ng- Llouise, the little daughter of i Mr. and Mrtf. J. O. Guthrie, we are sorry to learn very sick at their ' home in Raleigh. Mr. Titzcll, the general manager for the new handle m:ll r arrived ] last Friday evening bringing his. r family with him. , .. .. .__ r Mrs. W. H. IlenuettiMid daughter 1 Mrs. C. I>. Carstaphen have re ' turned from Plymouth, where they ( Were visiting last week. ' Mrs. Jno. D. Biggs and daughter. Mrs. A. T. Crawford, and Mrs. Wheeler Martin aj-d Miss Mattie Waters left for Raleigh last Sat urday. They are attending the . fair this week. Mrs. Dr. J. B. H. Knight, who so severely sprained her ankle on the night of Oct 8, we are glad to say, able to lie getting around on the injured limb a little. We hope to see her well again in the near future. W. T. Mnna. GhoUouville. Va. drug gist, writes: "Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My cus tomers say it is the best remedy for cough* colds, throat and Inn# troubles." V SPECIAL OFFER We will give one,year's subscription to the fanner bringing Us the large»t ear of com from this year's crop; another year's subscrij*iou for the heaviest sweet potato; and still another rear's subscription for the peannt vine with the most pens on H. This offer ckxei November ii4h. Mothers every whet* praise One ll inuty Cough Cure for the sufferings it has re lieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of the tr jublc and draws out the inflammation. The children's favorite Cough Cure. COTTOX GROWERS' MEETING. The meeting of the Cotton Growers of this county, called for last Monday was very poorly attended. The majority of farmers ia this section «tre conspicuous for their absence. Mr. Jas. A. F.verett. of this township. Mr. A. E. Smith of Roijcraonrille. and Mr. Jus tus Everett, of Palmyra were here. Mr. Juste* Everett appointed dele gate to attend the Stat* meeting in Raleigh last Wednesday. DeWitt's Little Early Risers never dis appoint. They are safe, prompt, gentle, affective in removing all imparities from > the liver and bowels. Small and easy to - tike. Never gripe or distress, Mr.W. E Stubbs the popular bookkeeper for the Bank of Martin * County, has accepted a position with the National Bank of Wash ington N. C. and will leave for . that place the first of November, j CJf. Phelps. Forcatdale, Vt_ says his y child was completely cured of a had case e of eczema by the use of DcWitt's Witch r Hazel Salve, Beware of all counterfeits, jit instantly relieves jilca. THK ENTERPRISE, WILLIAM3TON, N. C.. OCTOBER 25. 1901. Don't forget Eli Guigaant ia the nmn to sell yon Groceries, he always has a Sne stock on hand. A new line of Fine Shoes juat irecited. —X. S- reel & Co. Fine White Envelopes as The Enter prise office, yts. a package. Wheeler & Wilson and Dmeatie Sew ing Machines for sale by i3adr. Anderson & Company. tf Examine our up-to-date line of Skirts and Jackets. —X. 8. reel A Co. Just arrived a car load of Standard Sew ing Machines at Gurganns*. FOR SALE OR RENT—A good tobne co. peanut sndcotton farm. 1S miles fWn R. R. 6or 8 horse crop Apply to The Enterprise. Wanted—Three young men, trusty and reliable, between the ages of Jo and J», to do farm work on a trocK farm. Good wages. For further particular*, apply to ,C. E. BRILEY *l4 Ruttledge Ave Charleston S. C. . We will receive to-day a new line of the latest shirt waist flannels call and tee them. X. S. IVel&Co. A full line of up-to-date Gent's Furnish ings at Eli Gurganus' new store. A nice variety of Riu;s. Call and sec them.—X. S. Peel &. Co. A visit to Gcrgnnus" new store will pay you - FOR SALE.—A #>«. Fool table. Cash or installment. J. A. Mi/ell & Co. "I had lonx suffered from iiflujestion."" , writes G. A. LeDeis. Coin City., Mo. "J.ike others I tried , many preparations but never found arty thing that did me good until I took Kedcl Uype{»ii Cure. , One bottle cured me. A friend who had suffered similarly 1 put on the u«e of Ko dd l»yspepsia Cure. He is gaining fast and will noon lie aide to work. Before he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure indigestion bad made him a total wreck. A NEW DEPARTURE. The Keliukee Association will hereafter meet in the middle of tjie week. Two reason* are assignol for this, the avoid ance of the large Suntlay crowds w hkh go not to worship God. and to avoid the expense of entertaining inch large crowds It is now believed tint the awviitK-n j wijl lie attended chiefly by those who love . j ( kxl Mi I thtir church. The change will J 1 '.t-ij\ip int ninny, nxiic «lu I and innocently enjoy tlie nie- and a j few who would make the day a jacnic. j Thf-se -'Oilless few are tire ones who j bly hflve lone most to bring about the !ch The them to the "rear" is to be moat highly commended, —Tarboro Southerner. , .Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is m 4 a mere j stimulant to tired nature. It affords the j stomach complete and .-.bolirte re*t b -1 digesting tlie food you eat. You tlon't , - ha~ i 1" T i nj?*" * M the f~l . food yon want. Kodol. Dyspepsia Cure instantly relieves that distressed feelinjj : after you new life and vigor. | I —The American Totiacco Co. his not j aocceedel in driving the Wells-\V hiteheail i Co. (Carolin.i RriljliHi. out of | . business. That concern is doing 4) well | that it is fomxi to enlargcl to enable it to kee;> up with its orders—Tarboro South erner. «. % m — - , Lewis tlckennan. tiovhen. Ind: "I»e- i Witt's Little Early Risers never lieml me double like other pills, but do their work ! thoroughly and make rne feci like a boy." ; Certain thorough, gentle. Ladies' Drcsa Goods. I>ry tVonda. Xo-1 tions and all other articles of wearing ap parel for the Indies at Gurganus'. THE HOME 60L9 CURE. Aa Trceatmit l| ikict Iraak ards iri Beisg Cirti Giirj ia Seitt if Thiatelies [ SO XOXIOI'S DOSKS. XO WXAKI.NIXC OP TIIF NERVES. A PI MSIST VXD TtlSt- TlVli tfRK FOB Till? UOCO* 1! ABIT. it is now generally known and under stood that I»riinkn«Ms is a disease anl n«»t i a weakne-s. A Isnly filled with pn«««n. • and neries coinph-uly shattered bv peri otiical or constant use of iutoxkating liquor . requires an antidote capal.le of neotraliiing and eradicating this poiaon. anil destroying the cravmg for intoxicants . Sufferers may now enre themselvis at . home without publicity or los> of time from business by this wonderful ' home ra>LU crag" which has been perfected after many years of close study and treat ment of inebriates. The faithful use at- j cording to directions of this wonderful discover)' i.i positii el/ guaranteed to cure : the most olbtiuate case, no matter how i hard a drinker. Our records show the inhrvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkard* into sober, industrious and uprirjht men. WIVES ct'RK vora Hrtiwsra!! cmt, rara CT'RK voca PATH t*s" This remedy is in no 'dim- ,\ nostrum hot is a specific | fcr this disease only, and is so skillfully devise 1 and [ne;crtl that it is thorough ly sol'ihi? and pleasant to the taste, so i that can be given in a -up of tea or coffee vithout the knowledge of the per son taking it. Th-v'.nands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless - remedy' and as many more have been cured an 'l made teriperate men by hariiut the* CfßiJWjjjßH u i ~t'.-red by lo\ ing friend and reUMWs 11 their knowledge in 1 coffee 6r tea, ami believe to-day that they discontinued drinking of their own free will, DO SOT WAIT. . Don't be deluded by appart a%l mislollng "improvement." lirive owt" the disease 1 at once and for all time. The "HOME I OOI.I> crRB" is sold at the extemelv low . price of One Dollar, thus placing within . reach of everybody a treatment more ef fectual than others costing sls to fy>. Full directions accompanr each anchagn. ■ Special advice from skilled physicians ' when requested without extra charge. : | Sent prepaid to any part of the world oa II receipt of One Dolfar. AddiessDept 0491/ KDWT.N B, GILES & CO.. m ajjj ' Market St., Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly coo3denriaL ■ K ir •* •"* BRINKLEY & HOOKER V RUN •«■ * . The Southern Warehouse, * ROBERSONVILLE.N. C. 1 This is the place, and we are the people to sell your ' . ly/ * - , -" . '■ -V . . ■ * '* * "7"""" TOBACCO. 5 Fanners, why do we say this? I • ' .... . • ■ I First. Wc admit we are not one of the large markets: ... , , • ... . , . • b.«. judge where » the berf price,. »„d competent jud- ore being mifllo compehtora but they arc ».»o, ond go* will tell you on Small Markets. Again o„r competi- ,a «*» »»'» »">«« tors are tolling you that wo will have 110 Diivers, and that , , \ ... ,1.... -u , . , 1 .. , > .. r . tcrnuneu tofight anything that tends towards combiiiation. 1. tliey will so -n shut us up, that we can t sell tobacco, \ho ~ „„ .1 „ 1 a 1 e' 1 t e " e will stand by you, if you will stand by us. are these people. arc thev friends of you farmers. . , /, ~ „ , . J , n . , . ' v»* - 1 . |- • ihey reuiind us %»f the old. story of thcjCoou. iliey have Ao: without contradiction, we sav no. They are straining / - . , * *n .i- uice things to sav now, but we warn you it is the same old every nerve to close up the market at voor door. 'Does this „ h - J ~ , 1 u. 1:1 1 • y.t - 1 .1 t Coon, except, instead of one more stripe, they have rubbed look to you like combination? Stop and think, wo say 11 docs. ff 1-7 (.'losethis market ami where is your competition? It secins 0 onc * ... , • , Farmers, you Tan't competition for your tobacco, re liculous to us to see such statements made to farmer.-* as YOll -nu only (Jot It by Ntnmliiig; l>y 0111* >lnrkot Wc assure you we are in earnest; we will fight this thing to a finish; if we don't succeed, farmers you contribute to ottf defeat vorßs TO BRINKLEY & HOOKER. '• _ • • - • . - V. . _ 0 .. DON'T FORGET THAT.. A.S. EOBERSON & CO., . hohkusdxv it .i.e. N.c. Ih lloiuUintorn I^oi* tip tc Data €letki«fj mul Dycm Skibyle,}. A MOUK COMI*TiETK LINK CAXNOT BK FOUND ANVIIEUE. ' Our Mr .1.11. Kubtnon Jiaa—jmt- roturnfltL troin 1 lift. - fILJO ~ Xortliem Cities, ami a visit to our btoro will convmco yonol our immense stock of Clothing ami Ladies' Fittings. All in A isllAAC Hpfctc of the very latest designs is now ready for your inspection. - UC " pCWIIJ,, OIIUt#9, II CI lb, We are now displaying of the prettiest linos of GtH)b cM(! StnCtlV WD ~ 1,0" llclte I Dross Fabrics yoni eyes ever witnessed, among these are f Famous up-to-date and latest Colorings and IACKETS. back CAPES! Weaves Broadcloth, Granite Suiting, Purncl Cloth, ~ : - Fancy French waisting, Whip Cord Soleil, Gray Stripe waisting,C. H. Piaids, Diagonals, Cheviots Prices to suit customers. Homespun Potlins. , , > Don't fail to sive us a call. Thanking you for past favors, We are Resp., . 'i ; A. S. UOBEKSOX & CO. , —w*'- 11 —— — i .. . . i K. K. HODEGS' " •« Is the place to buy your J !Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Caps, etc.., Cheap. I " Clothing and Capes FRESH CA IS/DIES ♦ AT COST. always on hand. Women's Solid Leather Buy a package for your Shoes, 79 cents. Best (Jirl. See chance next week. F. K. HODGES, Next door to Blount's Hotel. NEW FALL GOODS! "Unjust opened a full line of the very late.4 and up-to-date,tasty ftelectioi.g of our Mr. W. 11. Crawford, consisting of Dress Goods iu Oxford Gray. Flannels, V©nitiau, idenloivn, etc.. also complete selection Gentleman's Shirts, plain and Fancy. In fact don't ask if wo hive it.jmt call for what you want,and get the lowest possible prices. We ask you to examine our stock,which means a purchase for you and a sale for us. ■« v *. / - YOMI to wrve ■ -—«. — » i' ,-N. S. PEEL &. Co.-, t —^^ — : I SOMETHING ft " NEW Wluil Giii\jOi|iis '] \\;n Stores. _ A strictly first clans up-to-date Dry f!. Is Store The only plti'ie in town where you will find ft full line of. . . in £ ess c. ooi is. sin )ES, - ci.oTiiixa at it? II /I TS Separate ami apart from - Grocery Department >*KXT DOOH | is tin* place where I keep :i full line of Oeavv ami Fancy Gro ceries My line of CSOK STOVES aid HEATERS is full and top to the best. Two cniN >t* ji I*oll n 1 Salt »Tn«*t Arrivol Call and liny js barrel!"of*" ACME FLOIR. ELI GURGANUS. • s . ~ '• |WEDDING PRESENTS!! j IT OI.ASS. CI.OCKS. 2 Isj * l-ISH CHINAWARRr- S- - Tbcs- tilr anprcriatrd Ifift* that 2 r caiuTtinr v?i virt wllh a rich, handsome 9 4 appearance. X Tht; Oiuic»t IH-Mgnsaiid Nrw«it Idm Z v May lr weh here. *' 8 I Mail Orders Promptly Filled. J | BELL, The Jeweler, 1 TARBORO, N. C. | _______ W. Wv Watei'H, ROBERSONVILLF, M. C. yl font fih^U^Thu^tf STAVE & FANCY * GROCERIES y *" **: Dry 6oods and NoTius U'c coll special it'trntion to SYURPS and PORTO RICO —MOLASSES e*rG ve ine a trial.~fM Fresh Candies always 01* hand. 1%. S. I*eel & Co., UcCorclck Harvesting ttasMie Ccapnf, - MOWKRS, KAKKS. RKAPEfeS.~)UXDEKS HVSKKRS, FEEDERS, CORN HARVEST***. j ■ Repairt *lwajs tu hand, 1 - \

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