p 1W Qstossis «tU>Hi Oblstoa. H was I asying of Henry Ward IfUki that "the little thine- of life ghrt m the M trouble." The r«- MM ho—t-ly w«t hi* favorite flhsstra- Mbre than half the disea.es (tat de •troy hamsn life arc yrodmJ by pesti fcneas to* m iaO to be tea by the naked •ye. The plague* that destroy animal Bit are of the ant invHble origrn And practically all the ravafinp of the Croat u done by imall insects and Not less true it it that the good thing* of the world, the Ihirp that make it a mora comfortable world to live i» are awatly little thinga Of the about too patents every week (raatrd to in ventor* in this country 550 arc for small aMchanical devices of general every day utility. The electrical canift that light* at the touch of your finger, the folding umbrella that you can drop into a small handbag or carry in your over coat pocket, the machine that cuts green aorn from the cob and the oil-can thM can't explode are good tvpes of the little inventions that are really great The great era-making inventions, like the telephone and the telegraph, are ne cessarily few and far between, and only hi a few instances have their real au thors made any considerable money out of them. The little mechanical novel ties. counted by thousands, usually bring their creators a fair reward and often a targe fortune.— Nnv Y»rk World. Woas of a Croeor. It was an uptown grocery which a little girl about five years of age entered the other day. saying: "I want a arool of cotton f" "You won't get that here." replied the grocer jokingly, "you'll have to go to the blacksmith's shop fnf that" "I want a spool of cotton,"' the child repeated, clutching something very tightly in her right hand And she con tinued to reiterate the request for a long time before quitting the store Present ly her mother appeared in the dnor, with ■ very irate countenance. "D'ye mem to tell me that you haven't got a nut meg?" she inquired indignantly "W -s that what the child wanted f exclaimed the grocer. "She asked for a spool of cotton." "Couldn't yon see the nutm>g in her hand?" retorted the mother, "t saw something in her hand, but I didn't know what it was." "Well, all v.->u had to do was to smell it" was the fiuL •hot with which the matron dca te.f Witnesses to this scene have amu rd themselves ever since, asking the g"~c:r why he doesn't exercise greater de ec- I tive skill in finding out what his cus tomer* require when they don't kn >m themselves."— Philadelphia Record. .. Magnetism of the Earth, It is well known that clay baked in a brick furnace is magnetized along an ; axis which corresponds to the axis of the terrestrial magnetic field at the mo I mettt of baking, and it is notworthy th.t; ' the magnetization is very permanent. On these facts M. Folghereit'er has founded a method of studying the inclination of the magnetic needle in antiquity. He determines the direction of the mag netic axis of pottery of Etruscan ai>d Roman times. The declination of the needle cannot be determined in this way on account of the impossibility of know ing exactly how the vases stood in the baking ovens; we know that they stood vertically, but no one can say which side was to the front. It is quite possible that this method may be determinations referring to geologic ep ochs by observing the direction of n>a\ netization of clay strata that have been transformed into brick by flows of hot lava. The latter question is now being studied in the volcanic region of the Puv-de-Dome in France.— Nrw York Su a. More than fifty yeara ago. saya the Evaagellat a poor Belgian machinist, who had learned the truth of the Gospel, went up and down the coun try distributing tracts and new teets menta. A few persons, converted by Mils means, met together to atudy the Bible. The little group Increased, grew strong, called a paator, built a "temple" that became the mother of a number, of churchee. On Sunday, July 7, the flfty-aecond aanlveraary of the mlaatonary synod was cele brated In the mother church at Was mea. The moderator waa Baron Frists, chief engineer of government railways in the province of MM /era. The district is a mining region, vLsre most of the working people 3d three-quarters of. their Uvea nndsr - ground. My L " Am attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said I bad consumption. I then fried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral aad H cared ma promptly." A. K. Randies, Nokomls, 111. You forgot to buy a bot tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. llaidwilfc,»s.g it I 11, sum Liver Pills That's whit you need: some thing to cure your bilious ness «nd give you a good digestion. Avert Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation and biliousness.' Gently laxative. a > 11 mMsT* I BUCKINGHAM'S DYE&U&r* lin ■ ini 111 rr 1 niiiwr "[LIVE ITEMS OP NEWS. ; Maay Matters af Oeaeral laterest la a»rt IHigraibs. At Tko Nafoaal Capital. I Tha guaboat Ooacord will be Mat I to Paaaasa to relieve tha cruiser Phila delphia. The aaUwatad aaads la IMS of the 1 Departmset of Agriculture aggregate (4.785.40. Fifty members of tha Supreme Coaaetl of tha Scottish Rita called oa , President Roosevelt Admiral Schley was again oa the I wltneaa ataad Monday. His testimony waa given la a cool aad emphatic 1 manner. It Is said President Roosevelt's 1 decision to eliminate his Cabinet In writing his aseassge may result In resignations Rear-Admiral Crosmioshleld will be transfsrred from the Navigation Bureau to the Buropeaa station an : succeeded by Rear Admiral Henry C. Taylor. The War Department has deslgnat ed the Fourth. Thirteenth. Twentieth Tweaty-Srst, Twenty-second an Twenty-third Infantry for withdraws from the Phllllpplnes. Admiral Schley Is his testimony be fore the Naval Court of Inquiry de scribed la thrilling terms the bsttli of Santiago, at which the flower of Spala'a navy waa destroyed; aald t> alleged calloquy between himself an Ueutenant Commander Hodgson nee took place; explained that the Texan . waa never la aay oanaor from th> | Brooklyn's "loop." rod gave his ver slon of a number of disputed matters. The Ssanny Smith. Three whltea and eleven negroe were hilled la a race riot In Louislsn- Sunday. 1 Three outlaws were helnel to f «-» ' dom from the Jair at Wayne Cor House. Vs. Burglars terrified Moiin-'svllle. Vs.. but secured little frcm the nu eroua breaks. During a quarrel over a rn ' George Preaton stabbed his bro.h - Alec |o death nt Aston Vs. • Cavalry troopa stationr" nea brook. Aria., during a dn-n'ten r attacked the home of Der itv She' John Blcvlna and fatally wounded Ita owner. I Caleb Powers. ex Fecretary of Btate of Kentuckv. vii aK*ln convicted o alleged eomnllcltv in the Ooebel mut I drr and sentenced to life lmprli:or I Tient. At Th • N"»"lt s'arnuls Po. of Js—n. sailed ' N >w York for France. During a fight Edward Collier . bis fatber'a throat at Madiaon 8. I) Safe crackera secured $5,0C0 111 bonds and SIOO rash from I.awren • I 111 l*ht man's store at Berea, O. ' Andrew Carnegie and Ambassador Paun cfote aalled from Southampton for New York. Fire at IVI mar, Del., burnfed 10 acres of bulldlnga and caused a los of fully SIOO,OOO. The Grant family celebrated the tercentenary of the birth of Nathan Grant at Wlndaor, Conn. The deficit of the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo. It la aald, will approximate about $2,000,000. Safe crackera atole securities valued at more than 9100.000 from a Berea (Ohio) Arm. John O. W. Myers was placed on trial in York. Pa., on another charge of arson. \ Dr. P. M. Rliey has made a minute "report on the condition of Presiden MrKlnlev. The American Ice Company we. denied Its application at Albany. N. Y.. to reatrala anti-Trust proceed Inga agalnat It. Eight hundred boys aaw Director of Public Works Sslen. of Cleveland. 0.. to ask park privileges during the skating seaaon. Striking workmen at the Adam Schaaf Piano Companv. Chicago. 11l were enjoined from Interfering with Ita non union men. The Grant family had . Ita reunion at Windsor. Conn., sleeting Congress man Burton, of Ohio, aa president of the Grant Association. From Across The Sea **« plan to float a Japanese loan abroad haa failed. The French armored cruiser I.eon Gambetta was launched at Brest. President Caatro of Venezuela sa s forces, have to htm. It la believed In Ixindon that Cerll Rhodes was responsible for the pun Ishment of General Buller. The Boer government of the Trans vaal haa been established by Acting President Schalk Burgher near Am sterdam. In the southern part of thi' country. "Prince Ranjit of Beluchlftan who lived In opulence In London, h i started for the I'eUed States. Miss Ellen M. Stons and her com panlon. Mme. Tsilka. were alive five daya ago. according to a mesn e from the Balkan brlganda who kidnapped them , Qea. A. W. Oreelv la quoted In a 1-ondon Interview as saying that plen t* of money cas bs made In the Philippines. C •wm' , n''-v , on hss been establish ' from VelnlV In the Turkish nrov n~e of Palonlca with the brigands who abducted Mlsa Ellen M. Stoue The con'roversr over General n-il •• Is having a marked effect on Brl- Isb politics. Frm»"o will issue a new loan uf aNwt sio 000.000 secured by the "hlneae Indemnity. Nearly a million persons are on the •ergo of starvation la Southern Tblnit. Jorepb Chamberlain announced in a speech at Edinburgh that the Brl tlsb government would frame new rules to limit Irish obstruction tn the Houae of Commons. MlscaHaaeoa* M tt-rv Marquis Ito of Japan sailed from Mew York for France. A pronounced feellug of frtandllnees .to Spain la developing among the Central aad South American dele gatea to the Pan-Amsrlcan Congress Oermaa coasmeat is la tha direction of predicting failure for the Pan- American Congress, -» Tha world's col nags gold In 1!K)0 imiml mult ul at sUrsr In rrMMd 1104t4.1t!, ootnparad wtth mmmm TSS KNT&RPRISI, FIIDAY| NOTE STATE FAIK «80. af a Larga CrawdL Ralsigk. Special.—Tba dial aaaaal Stats Fair bacaa Tassdsy. aadar Us most favorable aaaptrsa. aa to waatbar. atteadaace aad sxhlMta It ranks aa oas of ths beat fairs svsr bald la tba South. Tha prscsaslßa. whlob was a very ersdltabla oas. sssoad to aaas, sa> eortsd tha Oorsraor sad Osa. Cos, ths president of ths fair, tocstbar with ath er Stats aad city ondala. la the pro cssioa were a battalion of ths BUts Gusrd, the cadet battaltoa. SO* strong, of ths Agricultural aad Mashaaioal College here, with Its baad aad bagla corps, tba Srs depsrtment. ate. At tha grounds tbs Governor waa lntrodaoad by General Cox aad aald: 'Hie opening of the North Oarollaa Stats Fair at Ita forty-Brat annual an. hlbitlon Is a matter of no assail signi ficance. Ws bare entered apoa a naw century aad I believe apoa a asw era. f am among the optimists who believe that the world grows bstter and that the future holda for our children a larger measure of usefulness, distinc tion, happiness and success than tha oast haa held for us. Born In the troubloua times before the war, tbs as sociation which now conducts this fair Maintained Ita organisation and ma s ts exhibits except for a few years da ring the war and tbs period Immedi ately following. At the time of Its bl tb igrlculturs was si most the sole indus try of ths State. Today It Is but ons of three slaters —arglculture, manufacture and commerce. We have made grait progress In the yeara slacs ths orgaa sstlon of the association which aniu illy makes ths exhlb:U3S here and this fslr hss meeh to do with our progress, 't brings our people together. If shows ' em the thlnrs which hsve be n done nd stimulates them to doing other hlngs. It makes us acqusintel one vlth soother. It sbows to s me ex nt whst statehood Is and m kes each an think more of lan Jo' his na *'ty I are msny problems before us; . shell solve them all. but we can MI «ilve ihemly a sturdy adherence to our convictions of duty bv carefu study, by thorough p'epsrstlon snd by s recornltloo of the d'vlne rlrhi of 'he Verence of opinion. By th se mesnt rs shall not only remsln we h ivs Iwsys been, an Iniep ndeit people, ml we shall become a more cieitlve neople. capable of d >'n* the th'n 1 whose performance we have he'et'ifare ercly celebrated. We shall nat only •row the producta o! the farm, but wt hall multiply thoae p-olu"ts manyfold i>v manufacture an ' ahall Increase value by commerce. "We srs becoming mors united sat with ths building of better rosda, which Is slready sssured. snd by th« educstlon of SU our people we shsll bs able to ninke our Impress upon th» public opinion of the nation. It Is fn these purposes ihst we come together, not merely to see whst has been done, but to conaMer the things which yet remsln to be done. We take courage In our past achievements and start Into the future with the hope of better things. We have a great State, a homo geneous people but with enough dif ference to bring about that diveralty which Is sssentlal to ths largeal growth. Knowing one another better realising what our fathers have don& appreciating the labora of the present, let ua strike out for grester things In the future snd prove ourselves worthy of the dlstln tulshed sncestry who hav« earned the plaudlta of the world II their deeda have not been celebrated aa they ahould be. "With a heart full of hope, with gratitude for the past, with apprecls tlon for the present, with sntlclpstlon of a glorious future. I now formally de clare the forty-flrst snnuai fair open." Presbyter'sa Synod Me-ta. Charlotte. Bpeelal.-The Synod of North Carolina met Tuesday n ght In eighty-eighth annual session In ths Second Presbyterian church of th's slty. The attendance is large, both ministers and laymen being generally on hand. "Hie sessions will continue through the week. Another Increase In Wages. Fall River. Mass.. Speclsl.—Notlcjs have bees posted In ths Iron Works f'Mton Mills. Incresslng wsges j peri ■ent to tske effect November 1 Tb's s the second rslse of 5 per eent. la :hese mills, which are owned by M. C. D. Borden. Of New York, within a month. This unexpected scion. It Is fesred. may precipitate another oi the frequent crises In the oottcn manu'ae turing Industry of Fall River, as the operatives of other mills hsve not ye recovered from the sgltatlon caused b the announcement of the previous ad vanes at the Iron Worka Mills. Nrwspaper M>n Shoots Fanner. Pins Bluff. Ark., Special.—Carl Stub ■leSeld. ene of the oldest and wealthl >st residents of this city, was shot and instanUy killed by Meyer Solmson ."ormerly city editor of the tbs Dell Graphic. The shooting. It Is said, wa the result of an attack made by Sub blefleld on Solsmon Sunday concern! r; an article Bolmsln wss alleged to hav written while doing aesrspaper work Vhe Naw Banco■ be Boada Valid. Raleigh. Special.—The Black CM*. decided by tha Supreme Court, upholds tha validity at Buasombsoonaxy a bonis Issued ta batld a aoan ham aad take up tha Seating debt. Part of tbs latter /debt waa moasy which tha oonaty com missioners had borrowed from tbs county board of education. Chief Jan lice Furchea who delivered the e a ion. criticises la very plain langt *«s tbs action of the board at tdue >tUt. la landing this moasy aad saya tb«y ua uabla to a MtU sotloa aad posaibir ta THS MUMMMC SWP. Whan to rind as Mast, and Miwß Feeds Its Yossg. la Si. NitMtt, Henry Hales writes Ot the ruby-throated buimning-bird. The hammiag-Wrds bnOds on the up per side of a branch 3 branch gener ally about the size of the nest. The nest is beautifully felted with ins white vegetable down and studded on the out side witfc dnr Uchern" and minute specks af bark like ths branch itself. They do not seem to retire to se-. eluded places to build; they are ss ec centric in their choice of a nesting place ss in their nature aad hsbits. Some suppoas their nests srs nesr the gardens or vines they visit; bat that is not often the case. A few magic vibra tions of the wings, snd they sre far swsy in s few seconds. The last nest I found was on the outer end of s branch of silver poplar that hung over a public road; every carriage-top tfap passed under it was within a few feet of the nest—the tea place in the world where I should have expected to Cad such a nest I should not hsve seen it except that I was ac cidentally looking up into the tree, and I saw, protruding over the side of the nest, the long, fine bill that happened ju t then to stir. The nest might hare been passed hundreds of times and been taken for a small knot unless thus be trayed. These birds by but two eggs, tiny white morsels. The young birds when first hatched sre curious little things snd feed by far erting their bills in the mouths snd throsts of their perents. As the food of the parents is composed of nectsr snd fine insects, it is essily made ready for the little ones' tiny stom achs. Ourvs Skiiaullw *r OMwrt Kdiit Vv##. Botanic Bleod Bates (B. B. B.) MUs se ds stroys tha poison te ths Mood whlsh aaassa tba awful achat. Boas Pates, swollen ams elas aad Joints or Bktaasllm, er the foal braoth, Hawking, apittiag. DlSMtegs ta ths -1 hroat. Bad Hasriac. spMka driag boforS ths •y«a all played oatrsaHag of Catarrh. Bot anic Blood Balsa haa tar ad baadrada at aassa •t SO to 40 yaaza' aending after dostoss, hot anr.ngs aad patent nadlelaaa had all failed. It is aapaclallr eJrlaad far eareale, dsep raatad eaaaa. belief ie felt from ths list few doaea. Irapoialbl* lot aa* one ta saffst ths asoaias or ayap eix of Rbeasaalieas er Ca tarrh while taking itoiaais Blood Bala. It aakee tha blood pare aad rich, thereby firing a healthy blood sapply. Cares srs permanent aad not s aa taking ap. Oral •tores. St par terse bottle, sample of medi ein> aaat free and preaald, alao aoeclal med ical adrloe by daseribtag your tronble aad writing Blood Balm Oa.. 11 Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Oa. Norway, Serria, Greece aad Bulgaria are the only Kuropesn nations which bars but oae House ef Parliaaaat. Preoeo'ieation. "Why do you speak so slightingly of that eminent scientist?" "I didn't mean lo speak slightingly of him." answered the young man with the striped shirt front. "But it doe* seem peculiar to me that a man who knows just when the next comet will arrive and just how far it is to the moon should be so utterly ignorant when it comes to a question of when it's time for dinner or what teaia. to Uke-to-get to th® nearest town."— Boston TravtUr. Boss For the Bawete. Ho matter whot alia yoa. baadaebs ta a rancer, yoa will asvsr got well aß tl| voar bowele are pat right. Caecaasis help aatare, care you without a grip* or pate, peedase aear natural moreaeats. east yea J eat IS ceo la to alert gettia* roar health beak. Oas cabsts Candy Cathartic, tha geaaiaa, pat up In metal bo lee, every tablet haa C. 0. d stamped oa It. Beware »f laltaMoaa. The boerdiag hones bore boras the boarders. FITS permanently eared. Bo ■tseraerveas neaa after Irat day's aae of Dr. Xliae'a Great Nerve Keetorer. SS trial bottle ead treeUee free l)r. K. H. Kusa, Ltd .11l ArehSt.. Phlla. Pa. Marriage may be a failure srithoat beak ruptcy. Mrs. Wlaalew*s Soothiag Syraa forehlldree Irethlag, eoftaa tha guaa, isdasa ledaama ilon, allays pate, cara wtad eolle. Mee bottle Doctors' bills often make a saaa wish he were deed. I am aara Pine's Oe[e far Consumption aved my Ufa three years age.—Mae. Taenia Boa siss. Maple St., Norwich, H.Y.. Feb. IT. IM#. The electric light pole eteada ia its own light I SvavjP"F«ss I I I K I,T 18 REFR AMD Acra » fji I««,«. PLEASANTLY AND (JEHTLY. D M 'PERMANENTLY M With many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the W [b ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome JRj Ui one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup jo Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product, flf RH which have commended it to the favorable consideration of the £ most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all 5 [* who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents. ■ Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently with- T. O out in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect G ' * freedom from any unpleasant after effects. ft 5* la the of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are 9 51 pleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the £ combination are obtained from plants known to act most bene- O ficially on the system. ■ (gj ■ To det its benefice! effects— ®j J buy gcr\\ih\*rM*nufactvir«d by fij louisvill*. Ky. fr4r\citco.C%l. New YorK*ny W . t) row s»t« »v wuwr» • w>m fp+ reir awn» ZZZ. Ji ' •' " r _; _ , 7* ■■ ... • • 4 ' Awaad Ota (MM nag i kin I*HM DM gold ■■*■!■ »• Wiltd Btkit ft OK, , Limited. Dorcbeotor, MUL. for tin •»■ portorlty of their Bntkfut Oocoa ud . 10 of their coeoo ui chocolate inpt . ration*, aad tbo axeoUaaco o€ tbolr [ exhibit. Tblfl lo tko tMrty-ooreatb t hlf beat award received by tbam frooa . tbo great expositions la Burope ud i iwartca. "80 Floaten' haa'oV'tatt'fot a Job with tbo corporation, ahr "Tea, and a good attar? bo goto, loo." * c "For doing nothing, of coareer 1 "Tea, but yon muatn't forget that ho hrlnga a lifetime of oxpcrteaco la r that Una."—Richmond Dispatch. Oan W dw CMftulw. Many pceaona «Hh delicate skla aAr greatly la winter from chapping. VrHaaat ' ly the tmW) aiim from the aaa ol lapnre 1 soaps and cheap lalraa. Tha faaa and kaade t should ha «MM only la alaar, hot water , with Ivory Soap. A little maMoa-tallow or ainMind ofl may ha mod after tha hath to I aoftan the shin. Bus* B. P-taaan. | Krerr British periah with a Po|mW 1 tion of 300 or over ia compelled by law '■ to erect a pariah council. | A fellow M not a lobeter jaet because he ( infferi from boils. All gooda aw althe to ftnia fitauna Dree. u they color all fibei* at one boiling. r gold by all druggists. 1 Oraraa average in feet deep ia Bag land. Are feet six inches in France aad •tx net tea iachee in Raaaia. t 1 Gold nana ware first made ia MM. [ Their salt to-day ia 1,100,000 a year. ■ow'e TMsT We offer One Handred Dollars Bsward for aay ease of Catarrh that cannot he eared by Hall's Catarrh Care. F. 1. Cnaanr A Co., Pinna., Teledo, O. We,the undersigned. hare known T.J. Cfco ney for tha laet It yean, sad believe him par footlT honorable In all bartneas transections > aad Anancially able to carry oat aay ebUga tion made by their firm. 1 Wasr A Tnoax, Wholaaalo Dragglsts, Toledo. » Ohio. - - - -x— , , . , „ > WaLDiaa, Eiasia A MUTII, Wholeeale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Half* Catarrh Cure is taksn internally, act > lag directly upon tha blood aad macooa aar faees of the system. Pries, Tie. per bottlo. ■ gold by all Dragfista. Testimonials free. Hail's FaaUly Pilic are the beet. French steamera now atake the trip from Maraeillee to Sydney in thirty-four r days. A century ago it took eerea months. [ "Lloyd'* Register," now completed for ; the year 1900, gives the number of ves- I sets wrecked, lost and not heard of. , and broken up in shipyard*, as 848. none of lets than 100 torn. Of these, ao6 L were steamers haviri a tonnage of 398.- 1 304. and sailing craft, 523. of 390:878 ton nage. The figures embrace the world's shipping losses for the yeir. I WINCHESTER j "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS outshoot all other black powder ahella, became they are m*h ; better and loaded by exact machinery with the ataadaid brands of t powder, shot and wadding. Try thain Md yoa will be conviaced. ALL » REPUTABLE DBAIMBB * KBBP ♦ THEM IWL. DOUGLAS f | I ' 'v \y\ ■ MAPS W I , rSHAJ O I A n i ''W t"lw*H— i!■—iiirfitw■ # Mm IM,' PI ' ifrWl A '!u* l n*i** J * ,M *'y_i'M MSIMI S3 n-M jS E L> l HJu ,>. •53S7SJlJ255}*'*iJSJi.M f S"""' '" cSShrt . . /MdhnODmmwlmftmim.Amtmrwmrintnlhltirrrl/rmmJttwrm ' ®! Q . 1 / mmi Ike fm •*— 4*mtm ««i >■*>! «■ VL > ( !. !■ 1.1 k«>%«. k. ' all AM »ah Ma IK. i*««' i ' —»'» Wmmw t»i '•- - ' aMTST¥ ratST- CX&T7 rri UKair'—' ycjCEXI *—; ■■ W£|." ■* . m^~ Mrs. Hllen Ripley, Chaplain Ladies Aid, Grand Army of the Republic, No. 7, 222 ' 10th Ave, N. E., Minneapolis, Minn* Strongly Endorses Lydia E. Vegetable Compound. " DEAE MRS. PI MM AM Your Vegetable Compomd coed ne of ulceration of the womb, and getting such a complete core I felt that the medicine had genuine merit and was well worth recommending to other sick women. - For fifteen years I have been your friend. I have never written yoa before, but I have advised hundreds of women to take yaarmedkmcv is fact it is the only real reliable remedy I know ol for a sick mna. M I have not yet found a case ol ovarian or womb trouble which has not been relieved or cured by the faithful use of Ljdk B. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. ** You have brought health to hundreds of women inM inneapohsaa you have no doubt to others over the country."—Has. Enita Rm*r gfiOOO FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER HI ROT OPTOB. When women are troubled with irregular or painful m artrnalkm, weakness, teuoorrhcea, displacement or ulceration of the wwh.tmtbcr lng-down feeling, inflammntion of the ovaries, backache. HattUence. general debility, indigestion, and nervous prortraiion, theysboaln remember there is one tried and true remedy. IjHla E. Ftan*omf» Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. No other medicine in the world has received such wMtsigsaa ana unqualified endorsement. No other medicine baa «neh a record of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy anj other medicine Tha Real Ttaim of The English Kin® may be said to have thrre throne*, of which the finest and most splendid is perhaps that at Wind j tor Cattle; the most frequently used , one is that at Buckingham Palace, an*! ' the true English throne (so designated i because, seated on it. the Sovereign re ceives the Ambassadors, in state) is the one at St James' Palace, London.— Lady's JtfagaaW. There are 11.700 hotels in Paris, in which there are on an average 240X00 _ I MHBMMMMnM | QAPUDINE 8 Hillm RndwV. Inrilgb, B B ui SICK lUViCIX. It la aftaa- * £ lately kuaka. *• ■*■* •• *• C 5 >wrt - **** "** p*"* — 1 «—• g u/t cute ca*cb m « $1( Use m Mr, M Mister. Wa gtva aa fa. >M mMiil. Waeaia M UTOU TOO Nf. Waare a O.aJaan«4TvlHwlCinn Vtmt inbmlniiirvlHt. >«rtalllh > Wa an Dm. I. toll Duni, «l. Ta> Writ* a f «Mal l»-4aj far Mk fn*. PIECESFREE I nami Ink—* (ana t- l*t» «* aar mii-ii at.4 nUlwnatwJ tt a*a la a MT k aw. Irtma> 1— pU««»>. ale. -n4 Or mmClhh .mm-. Hiw—t Male t>. WIHtM. S.C IrtßM tkrn- w>r- WOMEN I SUFFERERS ! tnktoto rmorn enrtntbtfia I»A* m rm ' mmf. at>M>r. •» li-TflT; \T£ZZTi.ITS^*ZrZ!: I'lor*Mf l» UAr*. «■>■»■■■■■» X.C. WUL Ul'M H JCimt.%. Mart wa«f llinlarll m '■ »■ >■■■• Um pay. ■UaHts. ■! 11 ■ It ITOTACO. SIQK people! ■m.H:haMni»w ——T i.laal.l, Aatl-rala Pnia.tor aar par bat*la Aatl- Malarial, lar CMMa. Fa ar. t, jga. Nrrlrl nil., for tka Ouaal W.a. K »«k*aPllla,l»lka«»aa >a adUat.M> t aaeara Wlla. lar CaaaUpattea. H- 6 C. PRIEST. M. D . Newark. OWa. * wmyi *«u triaima V w. 1 ■■ 1 a" 111 «ar (m sSAflul THE SWIFT CREQ DAIRY All rjrx; ft STOCK FARM ASnjMA-HXUTVCR i?n^ Mmmm OHWT n torrst-HYOrr f HEAP SCHOLARSHIPS aaljrkaa law tna aacfc taaaV aka aalr Int, k> wrltaatoaeaL Hinm (tUIBU •t ail M iMLKfiB, raLtamt, >Cc. S9OO TO SISOO A YEAX iSUjiSSaSt *"" y - y-" «»—, fc.,«a«L « MIrMHCknIi MtiaHaapM llli iil »«W.t »jgg™ MCl^HEWNY^S'tabasco teCnWM'sgBIILg BjggSBESjSSg 44a »HB V, r... .. .. - ,11 w"*Sr • , . >•-' . . .