VOL 111. GENTLEMEN 1 1 OF HAWAII. # '(fe . By SEWARD W. HOPKINS. gfa CHAPTER MXL* • ■— €OmUMBKB± * Tha add Frisnhaiaa aabbed. •plow mmmj kaaa." I said gsyly. Hshaemdwehan aa'iSTitl Gordaa. uST^t t L^| t M •■wed whßa ysa aad I bra. Every other temple of tha KaaamfloakaaOi asawai mas* bo laaUajad, bat in thia smwiwgiiiini aaea a year aad hare a Croat aad pwpstaela the momory of •hia groat day of thaaksgiriag, when »• famed aar aweat revoage. ** "Hurray!" shrieked Jollroy Sea way. who had ap to that aacmeat heoa like stoat. "Harray' Harray! H array! Xao Ist tho eagle ■ cream. At the taaiwa Hotel every American ia Hawaii shall, ea tha aaaivaraaiy of (hie day Itaj year, have meat sad wist aad all as free as air. Gosh! I thoaght I waa going to be toagae tied there far a apelL Bat pardon my— •V apparaut radeaeaa. ladies. I am aa HW I am afraid IT! ba st," aad the good-natured fellow danced ia glee aad aboak the haad of first oaa aad thea another, aad area shook handa all araaad with tha grinning aoldiera. "Corns, let aa gat ot," I said. "Everything can bo axpiaiaed oa the Ahmh" "Explanation* bo hanged!"" said Waaeawgu "Ain't yoa hodsxplaas t ions oaoagb? It's nil dear enough, except A Helena langheJ. "I bid Winnie," aba Mid. "and lfimitaa an ! Patua threw a sack of •nrth into tbe lake. That aatistea •be priests, beenase tbey didn't kaow diSereatly. Bat tbe soldiers came and rin*J yon off before it conld be captained. and we bnTe been waiting and weeping Cor yon near since." "Oar we-jnag had waiting are •war." said Winnie, na wa left the plana. "Oar waiting. h*t not weeping, ia . I replied. "(Jade Tom is "Tas, poor Undo Ton!" abe said. "Bet ho left ns Helene. How my heart rejoscod that be had left at Helene! "One thing more remains to he ex - plained," I said, as we led Winnie «1 Helens bock to tbe laadiag-plaee. "How did yea escape tbe torrent of bra, nad upon ehni have yon sah- Statod since."* "Thar* waa am torrent," replied Htlw. "A few |TMI jets •parted hanJreds of feet lato the air, throw ing the lava oat 09 the mountain-side. None of it peaetraiod oar bidiag ylaes. Bat the eruption frighteaed the priests M that not one of than has bee* Bear aa Mace. Kiaaolaaaad Palaa bnaght as food—bananas, taro aad rice. XiaaoUa aad Pataa hare been hiad aadfaithfaL Pataaiserea ►>* somewhere oa the islaad looking lor a -way to get of" "They ahall be rewarded," I said. "Ik*/ hare earned it" CHAPTER Xlin. The world that waa dark had grown fight again. All Hawaii was stirred by the aawe of the roatoratioa of Win nie nnd-the discovery of my ande'i daughter. The irst to congratulate me wns President Dole. Gordon "a lore walked atraight iatc Winnie's heart. She loved him oali leaathaa the paeiioaste darotioa ol H-ieae to me. Wel wan four happy people. Heleae woald aot listen to any proposition of miae to make her ths hairWM of DacU Tom's estate. She ia listed that the will ehoald ataad and the fortaae should be divided into thirds. Wiaaie waa to rweaiva har a hare and I mine. It did aot ■aha mneh'diflerence to me, for what waa Heleae'a woald ha of eqaal bene fit to me. 80 Mr. Bcrkton and Presi dent Dole •uttliid the estate in ttot way. AO the smallrr legacies were paid aa Undo Tom had desired, bat they made very little inroad oa the im maaaa fartane. Wa fond oaiaelve« very wealthy. Eraa a third of Uacle Tom's fsrtwna was a fortaae in itself. Hot long after the return to The Corela there was a hahia wedding, at which Winnie hrrama Gordoa'a bride aad Helena miae. President Dole astad in the capacity of paiaatto Win nie, and eld Jean Chicot tottered for ward and. in hia liamhliag voice, gam Helena, my baantafal Kaamai, into my knapsag Tba ripwh tiros of the natioaa warn there, and the Indies mt the dipfnmatWi carries took the two beaatifal brides to their heart at oneai President Data waa in hi* h>|tfiiiil mood. When he came to as to offer hia congratalatiim. thnn which none •oald be aserw sincere, ha nil: "Aa thia grant light of happinaea ia dawning Jar yoa, as ia the dawn com *"» to-day pom^ there and that there waa n revulsion d popmlsr fooling is onr fwor. Thai a is no laager any talk mt motoring the naaan. and thn go. am man I of the United fltataa ban at lnat opened ita ystottthd that thin tilande ara da net knew what will ha dona, bit j tharo win at laat be penaa. Wa ahall I tertaantniaMpN and madneaa THE ENTERPRISE. cn tha part of the ex-qaeen's adher •ata. Xiaister Willis, aa yoa aee, is oa tho frieadlieot looting sod aeknowl edgae tha* hia former aadsr standing of tho aaattar was sbiisi Hi isl anil Sanity. There win be plenty for yoa to do ia Martig aa to asake the name of Hawaii a proad one before the world, Gordon ia where ha belongs. Son. Warriagford, mast go into th« cabinet.*" "Hokaow.-laaid. "Aad yoa mast grunt Gordon a leave of abaobca. It •soar intention to take a journey to America aad to.Eamne. **yj>riest«ai here haa aaaa vary lifile of tne world, and a few moatbs of travel and sight sasiag will do mach to araao tha pio taraa that maat now linger ia her brain." "Trae. true," aaid President Dole. "Go. aajoy yoai noises; bat return. 1 need yoa-both. Ia fact, I. need all Ssar of yoa.** "Do not fear that wa may not re tara. There are too maay heart-tiet that bind aa to Hawaii.** I replied, "aad thoagh inat of them may be. It it not ao. my priaaUss?" "Tea,** aaid Heieae. "Hawaii mast bo oar hoaae, aad ia that happy and glorioaa fatare that is opaatng to ui wo shall liva aad iorgat tha paat—yoa tha strife, tba sorrow, tba trials, I th dreams aad vagaries that once an thralled aa.' Then Doctor Warren and Doctor Ttiliag eaae op. "Well, we two kits pulled yon through a good many tough spots," •aid Titling, "lira. WarriMgford owe* "*• « debt of gratitude." "I fed it, indeed I do." said Helene. "I bleae yaw, children," said old Doctw Warren, be/ore whose sacred bead I bowed in reverence. "May Ood'a blessing mt on yon all. You going away, ao they tell me. Well, pavhape I shall not be here when you return, hat take my blessing and lovs with jam around tbe world." Oh, wbat kind words ware said that day. From all aide* the expressions •* regard warn the aweetest. And the beavena beamed npon no fonder nor happier bearta than ours. The day l»efore we ware guing to sail, Gordon lounged into the library from the porch, • here be had been sitting, and saw aso on a oiep-ladder nailing something in tbe wall. "What tbe miacbief are you up to now?" ha asked. "Have yon turned snrpenter. gone daft, or what?" "Xoneofthem."l replied. "lam oreparing a work of art npon which fatare gen (rati ana will dwell with awe nad admiration." * "Get yonr bend ont of the way so I mm aee it." he said. I gare a sail a final rap aad stepped down. Up oa the wall, orer a coral bracket, was a girdle of brilliant stones from which the light flashed in bright colors. Under it was the legend: "luaai, the Inatof the Priestesaaa mt Pele." Gordon laughed. When Winnie •aw it she 'aoghed. When Helene •aw it aha looked grava. Bat I sur veyed it with pride. It did not, how ewer. awe any future generation. Up oa oar retnra froaa oar tow through America and Europe, Helene, who had beoome n very wise- sort of wife, toee the thing down, aad aaed the jewels far dreja trimmings. I remonstrated. "I waat to keep that to remember the day* oa Kapatoli." I said. She opened bar big eyes aad lifted War brows saucily. "Wail, dear, yoa hare me. aad if pon waot remember those dayawhen yom look at me, I am aare these ban-, blea woald aot refresh yoar memory." See what a slave a man may beooma area ia hie own domain I CHAPTER XXXIII. Prosperity hna coma to Hawaii. Thederknaaa of ignoraaoe.fanperati tion aad idolatry have been ehaaed •way by the light of education and peace The march of progress is ex lending into every one of the inhabit ed hfands. aad tba increasing com forte of^ the people, andar a satisfac have daatiuyed all the power once held by the ex-qneen'e ndberents. There la mo mora Kammilonkaailimawni- It went down nadar the aevern menace mt tba law, nnd its temples ware de stroyed. All save that oa Kapatoli, Which waa left intact at tba request of Gordon and myself. Oar wadding tow lasted nearly a fanr. Wa viaitad the nanny plaeea of in ternat and aceaie beanty in thn United Btates, the Toaemito Valley, Teliow (tonaPark aad Love California. W« made atopa at all tba principal cities, ahiafiy Sew Teak. Chicago and Wash ington. Wa went to London, thence to Paris, where wa remained for some little time. Prom there wa want to IkS and did the Riviera. Egypt and Sbn Nile and Bnrmnh were viaited and tfgil Then bask to Honotnlc. . Helena nnd Winnie thoroughly en joyed thia travel, and wa all benefited by it very much. To Eelena in par ticular it was a revelation. so little U *he known of dn world outside her tamplae, Har miad broadened andar the stimulus mt atndy, nnd she proved har pnsssssinn mt n mind capa ble of grasping the greater trutha of titm. and wan not long in patting her adf 'ym nn equality with thn moat ■i 11— Iiliultai She readily esquired a hna a ledge of music, aad her nature Trmm f Ourmeivea, Our JTrtfAtors, Omr Country mud Our OmL WILLIAMSTON, N. C„ FRIDAY, NOVEM BEK 8,1901. adept IB *ll the stadia, of higher cat tar* which the took ijh By the time K* arrived it Honolulu tgtia I ban reason to be proud of my wife's tal attainments as well as her physical beauty. Where the fair N«un Yalley spreads its fairest vista, with the mountains ia the distance, the palaaa and mangoes shading the fertile land, a aew mansion stands, sarroaaded by a beautiful lawn. It is Palm Bower, the home of Winnie and Gordon, and {a not far from The Corals, where Helens and I have take* ap oar abode. Oiv axiatsnee ia Oaha ta aa ideal Ma. We race ap aaddowa the valley on oar favorite horaes.hare pioaics oa Diamond Point, bare lawn partioa and balls to which all tha beat people in Honolulu delight to eoa*. Old Doctor Warraa is dead, bat hia memory ia held dear by tho people of Hawaii," to whom ho left the precious legacy of heelth; for hie treatmeat of leprosy waa taken ap by tho Govern ment, aad the leper colony at Molokai ia no more. WHere my cottage stood —the scone of my miserable waiting for death—a pretty little park ear rounda a marble monument, apoa Which I bare bad inscribed a fitting tribute to the great benefactor whoso life-study culminated in the eflbrtthat gave me back my life and happiness. Pstua and Ximolau have been imply provided for, and frequently come to The Corals or Palm Bower with a sup ply of fish which they hare taken ia the ftahing-schoonera that were part of the reward for their faithfulness. Old Jean Chicot, nearly blind, tot tering on tbe verge of the grave, still lingers, and bii worship of Heteae is Dsthetid and beautiful to see. Like a faithful dog he watches her graceful movements, and murmurs to himself: "Helen— my Helene! Itaughther, •nd see how beautiful she is!" And Helene is beantifnl. Her trans cendent beauty increases with her hap piness, and in the infataation that has enthralled me. and will ever hold me. I can see nothing bat perfect happi ness, sweetest bliss in oar fatnre. And Gordon, grown so stoat thst his old uniforms are like those of n boy to him, lolls on bis porch or mine, dangle* bis sword-sheath over his leg •nd talks proudly of his Winnie and the great days that are ahead for all •f us. TKB BSD. NEWSY CLEANING^ Southern California lias 2300 acres lu beets. Yale's Uss of '77. Scientific Schorl, has given the twirnralijr $»"/>0O to found a scholarship. The building record of the present year In Chicago Is said to be without parallel since 1892. Ilnrr.v Trego. of Pinevillc. IVun . has shot a bald eagle measuring right feet froin tip la tip. l.uro|>lati Investigator* declare that any living cresturc will lose Oesb OJ a continued diet of horse meat. Alaska is tbe region iu which th? greatest extension of telegraphic fji e.llties lias takcu place Ibis year. In t-oin-* rcliool districts of Kansas enough wheat was raised this year to feed the inhabitants for fifty years. Berlin's Corporation of Merchant* has agreed to the tJovcrument's plan of organising aCluimlier of Commerce. A marble monument to the 30.n0) Tennrsseans In the rirll War has l.ron unveiled at ■ lie National Cemetery. at Knoxvlllr. Trim It is estimated that tlx- projected railway from southern to _wrstera Australia will cost f2U.0U0,001». -and take fire years to build. The Orllng system of wirelem tele graphy lias been oflioiallj tested at l/iuilotl. the results Ivinc satisfactory except iu torpedo ateerin; anil tele phoning. A monument to the memory or John Ericsson, the inventor of the first ar mored warship, the monitor, ami of the serew propeller, has been unveiled In Stockholm. Sweden. A fresh trade has been issued liy the Sultan renewing the former decree by which Jews traveling to Palestine arc forbidden to remain more than two months in thai country. The Treasury Bureau of Statistics, at Washington, lias compiled data showing that the Mates curved out of the Louisiana Purchase repay its enst yearly with one per cent, of their agri cultural productions. Forest Fires In Virginia, Roanoke. Va.. Special.—Format llrea are raging along the alope oTtnounuin* In Tazewell county, betwaln Oraham aad Flat Top Yarda. and owing to the fast falling leavea andf absence or rain for aeveral weeks. the Jlamea are fed hjr ample fuel to alarm. The entire mountain la a sheet of flame and a vast amount of fine timber and fea cea have been' burned up or ruined. The flames have crossed from our a de of the railroad and river ta the c ha at numerous places. Prcttdeni Will Oo to Chartestoa. Washington. Special. President Roosevelt haa been Invited to attend the South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Bxpoaitlon to be held .n Charleston, beginning December 2nd. The President mid that he woald at tend if public bnalnena would permit. The committee told the President thit he could set h'a own date, hot suggest - ed February IS. Lincoln's birthday. This caught the Presidents attention and he said he would attend on tftat %'f It js not always safe to try to 1* in foreign countries. An Amtrcm jour, naiist, ign:ng a hurt register in Nor way, gave his occupation as "ink siingcr and pencil pushtr." The police did not understand, so they detained the wosil-i --bc joker for some inne. until an ex planation could Uc secured from Uit nearest V'nitcd Sutcs Consul. COUNSEL ON CASE Affiant lefn li IkScbfey Coart •f liTestifilb::. CIARttS AGAINST ADM IML REAP. Schley aad Sigsbce Make Corrcctioaa la Tkdr Testimony Tho Fonaal Opmlng at Argaaacat Washington. D. C.. Bpcclal.—The Schley cowl of Inqafcry reached tkt argument stag* at tke beginning of the iflttßo?* session Monday. ' The morning sitting was devoted to listen ill to Admiral Schley and Captain Slgabee ia Baking corrections of the* testimony, which had beti given pre viously. aad th« Introduction by Judge Advocate l.emly of Uitnicrona docißoiti bearing upon different pkaw* of the inquiry. Admiral 8-*hley d'.d mot make any material additions to kia pi'.rloci statements, but devo ted himself largely to the charing n(> of ambignons puinta In his evldenca. When the" court rani ia after re ceas. Admiral Dewey handed to Cap tala I-/**mly and tke litter read the fol lowing announcement: "The court Mate* tkat wkile it has admitted :o its record a document presented by coun crl for the applicant, Which was Issue*) to the applicant by the\ President of the I'altcd States, oa AnW4». IWH. the court does not recognise audi doc ament aa the com mi ul on under which the applicant holds his present o«ce in the nary." ImmeJiaiely after the reading of this atatement the argument In the rasa waa begun Mr. Manna, aeala ■ tant to Judge Advocate Leraly. open IBR for the go vwu merit. Speaking of the run of the flying squailron front Key West to Clenfuejtos. Mr. Hann.i rlalm d that the trip wai n:>t nia l™ aa «ip.-dltlously as possible. He I'il'd the faH that the lowa, which went by way of Havaaa. made much better time. Mr. Hanri related the partlcu lars of the meeting between Commo dore Schley atid Captain McCalla. as the former waa on his way to Cien ftsegoa. "Captain McCalla." he said, "did not know that Ominodore Schley waa oa hia way to Cienfuegos. while Commodore Schley did kiuw that Mc alla had been tlPere. Under such tir- cumstances." ke continued, "the ordi nary rules govern ing tho intercourse between senior and Junior olio M S did not pertain. In that cjfcx* th» burden of calling for information fell ii|>n the senior o«jcr. Yet it is in evidence th?t the commodore did not rsquri: anything f:om Captain M '"alia" Mr. Hanna presented the following points covering theise specific*! ions wblcb he said he Jiad uia!e in the Sorm of lnqulri(«* * 1- Why the flying squadron wee dil atory In arriving at Cirnfuegos. 2. Why the siuadron was held ther-? after the receipt of Sampson's order written and dated off Havana. May Si. aaying: "Be at Santiago. May 21." 3- Why nothing was done fo commu nicate with the Cubans after the re ceipt of the McCalla Bemu anduu,l:!i May 23; and particularly why the three light signals which had attrac ted the admiral, were not Investigated after Commodore Schley learned that there wet* Cubans in the neighbor hood where tuch signals were dis played. i Why order No. 6. directing that steps be trk?n to prevent the mctny from coatiauiag work on certain now fortifications was nut obeyed. •• The nature and causes of t!;s cur rent said to bare accounted for the •teaming of the ships off ohnru at alght. while on blockade at Clenfue gos. 7. Why after learning positively I that the Bpanieh squadron was not there and accepting this report as c.n rlusire, the commodore sent official letters and telegrams saying not that he would leave at once, but on th.' 161. lowing day. t. Why the omui' dore failed to te port to aay high authority that he ao tually did leave Cieafuegos on the evening of the 21th. If. as apn«"rs be did. so fail to report, and genially. 9- Wfcy Irrespective of signal?, or ders. or alL> from any source the c jm rianling officer of th? dying «iiiilron aid act. while at Ci«nfu- gos. 'of hl3 e-wa motion, .and with tho resiur«ei under his command, do eomethlng !lo> gaia Information of the Spanish fleet Mr. Hanna then took up the third sjK—lfti alien of the precept, eia*v*in ng the entice from Cleafu >gos to Santl ago. The testimony was. he said, uni form to the effect that the run a slew one and that it did not pro ceed with dispatch as directed. "As to whether the OghUag ships should have been held back for the Eaglo I do not express an opinion before this court." said Mr. Hanna. and then with this sentence, he landed this squadron 25 miles south cf Baatlag >. *ay t€ aad then took up the retro gade movement. Mr. Hanna said th-re had been no explanation or the fa-.-; that the aqaadroa had stopped t - fit south cf Santiago, nor of tho ci >. stances that la passing the loa-« iff* of Santiago he had continued to tu? eastward, except that on the ' fatt-r poiat Admiral Schley had said that at the, tftne he wag asleep, ' l*»w«u Magaxiae explodes. . Albuquerque, N. M.. Bpeclal.—'The powder npotae of Uw Santa ft Pa ciflc it Williams. containing 2,000 ponds of powder, exploded breaking window glass and injuring houses. The explosion waa caused by sparks from a passing engine. The engineer and the irew escaped injury, but tin car* and canine were ( wrecked. Tho damage wUI aaiouat Uft.feiaay thou sands at dollars. _ TIAMS€IVI« PMCLAIATIOX Tbe President Dcalgaatos tisnmlii aStfcasThaakaghrlag Day. President Roosevelt baa hail hia prodamatioa Axing Thursday. Nov ember 2S. as a day at aattnoal thanks giving. It followa: A PROCLAMATION. The ataaoa ia nigh. when. accord tag to the caatom of our people, the Preaadeat appotau a day aa the special orcasloa for praise aad thaaksgiviag to God. Thia thaakngtvtng tads the people still bowed with sorrow for tho death of a great aad food Preatdeat. We mourn Preside at McKinley because we ao loved aad boaond him. aad the manner of hia death should awak en ta the breaata of oar people a keea anxiety tar the coaatry aad at tbe same tisse a reaolate purpose not to be driven by aaj calamity from the path of attoag. orderly, popular liber ty. which, aa a aattoa. we have thus (tr palflv trod. Vet la apite of thia great dlaaater. it Is aevertheleaa true that no peo ple on earth hare sack nbuu-Jant cause for thnnknglvlug aa we have. The past year la particular kaa been one ot peace aad of plenty. We have prospered in thlam material aad have been able to work for oar osrn up lilting ia thiaga mtellw-tsal and spiritual. Let as ic mcmUet that, aa much haa beea given us. much will be expected of aa. aad that true bom ace tones from the heart as well sa from tbe lips aad shows itself In deeds. We can beat prove our thanks Riving to tbe Ahs!ghty by the way in which, on this earth aad at thia time, each of as does hia duty to his fellow men. Now, therefore. I. Thmdurr Roose velt. PtMMnl of Ike railed »i(«n. do hereby dntnale as a day of gon eral thanksgiving Thursday. Ike rsth of Ibis present Xowbir. and do re commend fiat Ikmnkoit ike land the people cease frea Uieir vonM ccupatlons aad at Ikelr serosal homes and pirns of worship. reverently thank the Giver of all gool for the countless blessings of in%r national life. In witness whereof. I have here onto set aiy kaad aad tatsH Ike seal of the I'alted States to he alllxod. Dune at the City of Washington, this, second day of No vein tier, in the year of oar 1-ocd ow thousand, nine hundred aad oa«-. aad of the Independence of the Called States the one hundred aad twentv sixth. ••HcKMejr. The Fsfflvtat." Washington. D. C. Special—ln the new book. "On the Great Highway." which appeared Saturday. James Creelmaa. after dearrihiag the death bed of President McKinley. says that when he last visited the Whll - House Mr. McKinley said: "Jlj one amtlition It to he known as the president of the whole people I have no other de sire than lo win that name. After all no American can harm his country without harming himself. This gov t rnui" nt has created by the people for themselves, and. night or day. that thought is always in my mind. We are all together la this great poli tical experiment. Rome kard things have been written aad said of me. but that Bort of thing is a necessary In eldest of popular |tomaM-il It must always bo ao. My plan is to forgot the evil and remember only tkc good. I never despair of roarmiiui an op ponent into a supporter. The bitter r«l critic | hitr ran cmw to see me and he will find a warm hand to greet him. It Is the only way for an Ameri can to lire." "So he lived and so he illed." ad-is the author, "lien «»f all parties will remember him as M. KIII ley, the forgiving.™ I nd of CoaisriMiM. Washington. Special.-The indus trial commission will cease to exist on December 15 by operation of law. The members of the commission arc now at home mostly to vote la the mating State elections. A fall meeting of the commission will be held next Wednesday, and the commission pnrftsbly will remain In session nort of the month, going over Its final re port. This will be embodied in one volume and will he submitted to Con gress about the time the official ex istence of the commission expires. reposition Lest Sj.MM.ooo, Buffalo. N. *.. Special-—The Pan- Atr erican Ei posit ion en led at mid night Friday night. President John O. Milbum pressed an electric button at 1? o'clock and the lights ia tre famous electric tourer grew dim Tor the last time. Slowly, one by one, the lights on post and pinnacle and towel fade I aifray. A corps of buglers stand ing in the tower sounded "tape", aal one of the greatest glories of the expo sition. the electrical 111-imitation pass ed away, and the exposition was ended. Tfcc financial loss will he la the aeirti borhon 1 of S3W.MO. The total num ber or admissions for the six months was close to *.«♦.«»- Tie govern meat exhibit, which ts a beautiful and instructive collection, will be at on re shipped to Charleston. S. C. Brief notion. Both British and Boers had seTere losses In a llrist near Crest river, in the Western Traasrasl. 1-ord Kitchener says tte Boets retreated. British correspondents who trave'ed with the Duke of Cornwall compare the people of the United States unfa vorably with the Cansdlaas. A notshlo welcotre Ss being prepare! In Portsmouth and Londan for the Duke and Duchess of Carnwall. The acatSs of imo persoti? Ml livers pool sie foand to hare been dae to the plague. Martial Ffcugeren, who waa convict ed of murder in Londaa. test Wed that he had been ofered a fortune to kill Joseph Chan>ber!asn. It Is said Sir Thosu Upton Is try ing to arrange to take all *he product* of a number 9t 8»lk«n Qeorg a fknkt ---'r A RMdle. In 1899 the Missouri Historical So ciety gave a historical loan exhibit, o which were contributed objects 'A a general as well as local historic interest. During the temporary absence of the librarian one day a porter called and left an oil portrait with the janitor, but did not tell the name of the owner nor the subject of the picture. On opening it the librarian saw the face of a man apparently about thirty years of age. with small brown eyes, a great deal of curly reddi-h-brown hair, high color, straight nose and a decided expression of scorn on the mouth Altogether a decided air of distinction rests upon the face. The man is dressed in the high stock, white tie and rolling black col lar whi*h distinguish portraits painted daring the first quarter of the last ceti tt ry. The picture was hung djrin£ the exhibit with the query attached "Who is this gentleman V and vo it King* on the historical society's walk to usy. It was never called for. and though copied in numerous piper' with I t>o leanest thai it be identified or j claimed tin "ivs'triocs owner has never ] nuilc himself known, nor has he pined I will, the secret of the stranger's identi- j t_. have born o'T ~l j tiihti time to tun bin none of then> ! •-.** stcme I satisfactory, and the qif-.- J tion till remain-. "Who is thi> jratii- j :; n -T>rug£tstt Circular. Germany appears to 1* paying strict attention So the 111 rals of her |> «vle. Kotnithstaniting the gr «t iacrea-e itt population in th»! .unity only tfti per mmis were c- widenmed and pua ined f >r perjury in tVi/j, as aga.n-t ijoii in tifj. A LEX. H SMITH. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Main Street Willi aiistox. X. C. GEO. W. NEWELL, Attorney-at-Law. ~ Williamstox, N. C. m hrrrver amkn are doiinlAl Special attrntiou gives to tuaiaiif and mak lag title (or purcluiert of Uabci tad liabei k>Mk. BO YEARS* ™ f * ■ I j . ■ ■ H ■■ k H ■ Ocataim r rMi' CornntHTt Ac. Anytfw* a ikdrli and i—Mlw air qafrklf ascertain f«r op«aki>a fna wMkfv mm ttifcntVm a pn>bil>lf MimOk f ■ ■■■»» tfcmartrUftljeoAftdetillaL ItoAMkua CMmU •mt free. aariiry for >i fiat mikiil PaIMU tan llfnwll Mann A C-x rml?c iprrial a4iw. wHkoal rtfi. m I be ScteMtnc Hxricaa. A han«Homelr ilhi«tratnt aoklv. Unrwt rtr .nlaltMi of any Y«riaL Thm. 91 a TOO : f«ar moot ha. |L tfukft by all —••mitt*. 11 ■MTZWIjjWLJ 1 11 LT/illl B V WM H HNfl V mm ■ 1 1111111 !.■ ■■ I W 111 ■ V i 1 H ■ • I PWR 1 ■ ■ kl H ■, • • 1 vmiiii M A ■ ■ ■ I' ■'■ 1 1 II IVtAhi ■ ■■ ■ m ■■ 1 1 11 mAIA! m m ■ ■■ B H ■ 1 1 ! 1 ; ' 1 UTthlac yon invent or Ipaiwoat: ako art • : CAVEAI.TII/IOC-MAIK. COPYftIUITor OESICfI | ! PROTECTION. Bead model. >iflrh.cr|>bota ; 1 for free examination and adnrt. lOOK ON PATENTS ! *W*r tmx at | W ,T C.Am SNOW & CO. ; Patent Lawyer*. WASHINGTON. DC. ROBERN we challenge the world - TO PRODUCE THE EQUAL OF ■%R ROBERTS'CHILLTOMC FOR CHILLS, FEIERS. fP| Night Sweats and Grippe, and 1 ■ ■%> LFC] JL SPEND 25 CENTS AND BE CURED! None genuine unless WOOOERFIIL CURES IME ROBERTS' TCtiC FUMWS ! Red C7o#is on label TRY IT. «NO CURE NO PAY. • 25c. PER BOTLLE- Don't take a Sub*tito*s DELIGHTFUL TO TAKE. Sold by ELI GURU \NUS and SLADE, ANDERSON & CO aENXIS SIMMONS. Pi*«. T W nw'.IIJIAX.Oii. Mupt JOHN U •IGOS.Scc. * Tn*. THE > DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. \ . Manutnctiirers oi -, w KILN DR !ED NOR Til CA R OLINA FINE L I'MIiER. DKNNIB SIMMONS' BRAND CYPRESS SHIKGI.ES WILLI AMSTON. N.C --; l ; fy Orders and Correspondence Solicited. Wlicclcr Martin. Dtrnnis S Higg* MARTIN & BIGGS, Mninifm?turerH of FURNITURE, WILLI AMSTON, N. C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. TflQNS3;—Office 33; Factory 46. NO. 7. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoa eat. This preparation eontalaa aD of the dlgestanta and digests all kMid food. Itglwi Instant relief Bad aef* tails to cure. It allows yoa toeatal the food you want. The ■otMsritifl stomachs can take it. By itsaaa aaacy thousands of dyspeptics base ban cured after everything else failed. Ik is unequalled for all stomach tins Mas It can't hat dm jmm gni Prepared only by E.C.MmtOiL€Mas Tl» sl. bottle cnHlwtH ttMlMfc. SS IIUMSOS COSDENBEI) SCHEDULE. In Elm: Juurj IS:k. IJSI. sacra btatioss. jokth. So. 57. So, H l»ally Dally So. 35. Ex. |l Ss.ML llaUy. Hon. Baa. ally. ■ L m. - —r.* T 55 l.v..Darilncton. Ar 111 SOT •• . Elllotl - Tie I U Ir ..B>attr ..Lr (H 4 00 Lv.. Sumter.. Ar .... Sll 4 51 ... Ar. .Creetoa. Lv .... 534 ft 45 Lv ( ratoa. Ar IN 3UAr Pregaalb.Lv 10 IS • IS .... Ar.Oraagafcaig.Lv ... CM •55 .... Ar ttnaark Lv .... «M 155 .... Ar Au«iuU...Lv .... 94* Train* SI and 35 carry tfcroagh PaH— l*ala«w Buffet Sleeping Can lilmi Saw fork and Macon via Aagaats. HC M. MITO*. Ora'l Pwaiagir Ant T. it EMERSON. Traffle Ma.af J. R KEM.Y, Oaa'l M«a«gar. ATLANTIC COAST U.\£ B. t CO. l'««tu«tp SraaDCLK. TRAfSH OOIXO SOUTH. Dated iaa. 13.1901. No. U. So. & P. M. Leave Wilmington ... * 3 AS L™« Marion CM Arrirc Pioreneo 7 tb ...... — P. *- A.M. I™" Leave Flnrecea. •8ao• 13* Arrive Sumter .... .. tit 4 M .... So. (4. P. M. A. M. ...... I-car* Kiimter I It * I a ... Arrlta Columbia 10 35 II W So S3 rum through from iMaua via Central K. H . karlanckarkatoaiax s. Iwi H Oi a. m.. MaaaiaK BSla.a. TRAINS OOISM SORTH. " N> . 54. So. SJL AM. P. M. Leave Columbia • ( 4S • 4 15 Arrive Sumter *OS 5 IS. Mo. 3t A. M. P. M ..... Leava Sumter Arrive Florence »2B 735 . ... V A. M. Leave Florence 10 00 L»ave Marion 10 35 Arrive Wilmington 1 35 •Dally, fllally except Sunday. So. 53 runs through to Chartwioa. S. C , via Central It R„ arrirtin; Mannlait SO4 p. ,jp.. laww 643 p. m.. Charhwtoa *JO p. m. Traina on C-taway Branek have Ckad -IK. urn 5 35 p. m . arrive 1 noway 7 4S p. a . ret rntni; leave C nway D 15 a. a. antra Chadboura 10 35 a. m. leava CMtasn 11M ». m . arrive Hoanlroan 13 25 p. m . ra mming leave Ruardma* I 1 'p. a. arrtva (hailbourn J35 p. rr. lllf'v nnrf Saaday. 11. M. EMtRSON. i;-a"l P*M. Agrat. J. R. KESI.V. Oen i M .naxer. T. M. EMERSON. TraSlc Maaager.

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