THE ENTERPRISE. 11 M ■l■■ I Hill II •, "snn a viimou. ... lan*a on rrmtnmtm . . . X H a atacKV r «ivV Uc p»frt «• yfrt tie a4«rtl«n» m ann>TH aaaker alb«Mn U anrl~~ »aC. u u>f -tfll laWaUtt- fdo t* Lu ol iia« all «Mn n 111I 1 1 h-tof the t>*' ,aaa.l(tl«kM€4K4«h. ilrflnh tfrr 9Sn*W:atßMartuf!- rr -»J, ta awe •r Car ma «sn|nnn k -tX »•» * pmh- IMM.M a»a rri-rai:teeof j »«t -*mti dn. * w;ii« Kara rmt i«*.ln is niu p" ai ■■ »i a" ; *«S»a - - T, e-a* Itnc a-a Nation* K»«, ail nr*t nil - > . C*, . ;■ • umrata, w rtan -'t M art* W. - |W * M J!rr ; - i - *HM-flaaav»mm. . arnvjnir—• - 1 »I- U ;.v * JVAV V Kaai 11 a at IW G&at •>%* ai t_aa aw. IMM KKIDAT. N'OV tJIHFR 8. 10M. The Now Vr.rk yellows* can now dc-rote n little spare to srandals oilier than political. THerc b ooihiug soi-ial aliout: what the goverrtttr* of Kcn tnrkv acl Iniiai a have t*'»n paring to each other in the, ~ Taylor extradition eise. ~ The i*Je.-ident »i the I'uited. State? iuil Governor Aycoek' hare both is-ue! their 1 'recla mation for the observance of Thanksgiving day, Thursday Nor. 29th Ex-Senator Petligrew seem, willing to lead a crusade in bror of public owner hip *• ol railroad-, which indicates that rumor was* wrong when it put him on th* road to becoming a railroad magnate. ." ' . Poor old King Eddie! The doctors have'cut off his lienor and soba«~Co. and oge ha* de fltroyed bis ei.joyr «!.t ol" flirt ing. Xo wonder he devotes so mc -h time t*> loyal cti|ijette; he lias to kd! time some W. CareU-.-- p?>ide'inay nix 11; the two Tom'Wsd.*V- :>f t!*«» Kalioiutl facial* ire o! them i« a : in» .• o. aire, prf|iafiiy l , U»r o+t—ns tsonalfir " by 'uniting a ha. liar palace; tli-> other aiH*b •! bibulnu.'- at -di-TiCi ' JeffrrsonV i» id- wil' trv«* plae*-:o UcKini v on the i??iie »»f postal car«:»- w'i;lt will 1 e due onDccemler 1 it« \l.Tb«> word •'Melvinley" and the uate of tin late Pre?i 1 enf- birth and death tnll ap»?ear below. Certain other ?ma!i change# will be mail- so a- toallow moro white •pae* !or :he post marl, .thereby rendering it more legible. WASBKTOI IFTTEB . iti'jli! Co. t V Kov. 4 th-i9- i. The annnal rep-»-t of the United States Tmsarer, Hon. Li is 11. -Roberts, for the fiscal year ending Jane jcth. contains some stupend ous figures. The total neireseipts of the Government were $587.615. 317. ai increase «i *0,444. 4 (-'5 over the preceding > hgb-st fret recorded. The t;ta! disburse®: mts amounted iu 07-Pj *hlch hare been exceeded only durinr the civil war. and in :«%p. The gold reserve of f 150 ,- coo,coo has been maintained with out difficulty by the conversion of goldccin and bullion from the gen «al fund. So greatly in excess ot his ■« Is are Uncle Sam's present Ticsnrr. leirned that -the receipts for one day amount d to ex, he fear «J that the of the -onnt r & be d ain on the r : Tilting *n e d un and be intynf*ii.,:-jy l*-gai .0 put: chase bonds and so re 'u.e the dell, an at the &arcte time tuntucy bs k ii-to circu 'ht- e« c#s o. nnupt* over t e*pend-l jr's £jr th not th at Oc tober, ran co. >ideiab'/ over 000/ wo. The Will"*™ McKinley Kat woil Mraorial Arch Asxoch tioa has decided (hat the coat o . the proposed ■oouKst, ar arch, shall be $». 500,00 x Secrelar/ who h T/easarercdthe Aaso t { already reports coistnbu 1; a* ia ns- st^»us'i/. ( ! tic appeals ha ve b«n ccl ijonly three day*, j One -1 tie s of the gov ■ S enaent serrki « the gn> ' Ih of th« ■ rural Itee dtiirery sr. iec. assd ' j «o*»!erfi:l is ihat gron th ka f *>e«t«s la ve Leen stj.i . | if th - ?si M? c - Dcpirt- I'tr-! fcsd bid ihc Ki i;ty to sla 1 .- • 1 li'h aii that t ate been ..skid for. i lo the fotr ir nibs i .ja, i«w free • t!i >rj w.tts have l-een es ! :it;ife 'f j!( a i>iii - ! u Xovensk 1 1 :!;ert »as $/*' rosl's. 1 J.L lot.k covers >» artiaj-frJ t« eat) five J nu.(s 1 i.r 11 j; I :i r ft;;cd is j to be 3,8 iiihali j i ting 40, 0: mile* of t ri- I tory, isac-iiHfH rcj'ii r« 1 for | each rojte. it can ami) that with 5 fc« routes t'ucSc Sui r-jn- J smaH a: in/ in t »i-> ser. >» «■ whi kfi -"•} ha - oii'y begun. And •is an intc iTlr.p fail ihil the j vi».e has a hije *; crease ii. j 'be of nail in t'-e sections I« oeertd so * hile ibrnW is nt.l in - | tit'jsxl rontfc. il an-, as compared j so the ('niftli-tiiM 1 flice system (he Heaved. *Il «jrs .0; i :hen 'b -n. a rd or.-, • hich will grow 1 ..'il 't if one A most in>|-or . .«T UI.LC: thegr-vermet.l Ihe » stimate of the Set re tar y of the lnlffi f fc: . peu'ious for Ui neat die U-s :hat the pension policy oi I the •dm.ristrition I which was piriir the caus«- of t' je attacks on l'ension Commissi* tn er Fianj i« not to be changed «.->der the preset.! administration. If it were intended to change *.'oe method iollowed !r ccmabKoncr Evans in adjusting pmsiun m alter J it wonld have beer. necessary to ir a te ia ly ii.aci?e the estimates for j the t ' >i:gress:«»nal I the stron-—st atlacks made rpr.n him c.« i.e Busilhoi; aho claimed! !.ia! w w.a w! ~,i era! euc .gh in 1 his «. >iK-truc" :««-» oi t:laui pel »r-.n law f !*-»■* I- M«>»io, Chief (;f the Heather is j- >if. wich er>i! sh«»it*y he issue-', show.itj'the i: « ect:venesa of th;! i ar peaii nut *l til shooting into | l"U"> to j ic v » e t hai!-tor'ties a»«s j ndrisutg • meth c -.;s snipe growe;j LID-L-' - AWT-TAFET — -U 1i J t'jj'tiWiluttJ. a nt e.-~u t'-; j son' T*sr>t TILL J-IF cx• n«H IHSBMI ;n J *acu> * *rKr- - £ tba nirl down ! as -- y *it! out (!:a«riK I '"•* '"I aj-;4» tki;.st«-rtui'> Pain lbin j luke . :«?■«-,; 1 :jnn«kl for t«r| minuSf- *u,m A«m ].U» I y r I*- «>■ it t toiwo- j t..t jft-tcitb, .V* a (earrat lia»-f zr.t ;t fw %j jjttff-. L- jnl ] irn«t fht K>»r *aic hy X S IV i \ %/«,_ t#terHl!»?sf z! lifts! in feaile C«Qc£3. | >r. the, evening of Thursday (M.l {ist the > «»unv" Mi!i- > t>i I iit'eton College enjoyed •« ;e!igh:* lu! 'luilowe en llvp ves l!».>guUii.*,!>aari and(!i.~nt>i n>represent, uteaiinj the past- I pre>ent atkd OIJ fashioned I jjames a..,1 j-i. t indispciisibir J fe.'tta c— ifirt ''uca' •—had M ini p*'ta..* part a. tatco it «•.!'. All I i> rOuu c...tie It v " our for tasper ; crsin»r a;»«! "ore *Saj» ««re tnrl ara* , heard to remark: -I wbii evcrv j nigh; was Ilalleween. ""ik of the College is mov ing along very tice'y. Several new stuiients have anived n the lad few days, making a t->ta! ei rol'- ment ot aK,ut 150. . , Xom.RN IFIOrjtT >I"RP.VSSKI». "WliW ti l e»*r of (HICS I «BS S*-'. m fiw-an V hv- adtittd , me lo trj a cf tVWm\ We. h tla.-rl j SiI,TT." mho. K Carter. Atlanta. Ga. "I jwucn-M* U » an-! nteiMv oind. I DeWrtt's \V*rh Ituet Salve » a tptendid | cur * forpiles. ghing rrlw-f instantly, and 1 lieart'v nwanead rt In all wfitim " ?>U7xt*t\ ti mi- jiTo f>r- ; \Vitt*» y. 'i«"j cure sin; Cot-, fiorv all ether wotrans srt also -ar»l Sv9. Te »are (4 ot-'Oc-f, OA. . - S insav.-iiy : far this paper >x>a will o>nfc.T a gjest! t'avor tijsoa lis if yon cierton the 1 name "f the paf cr "ilii i -1 —1 TfXm A UH la OM 821 - Take Lax-live Krvr -o Q-Jaia Tablets. drngKiat* refa ad the sattary if it fails j t® cure. E. V. QiMt's on e-cb box. HC. THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAIfSTON, V. C., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8.1901. COXOHO -1 Dave Moore mat to Greenville Thursday. I Mr. J. C. Jordaa went to Scot r J land Neck Sunday. - J Mr. W. R-Rok-rmr. of Palmvra, . • «as on our streets Monday. • | Mr. S. V.", Captr rent to James ! vi?ie r.nd C.rc-ea iUe Monday. Mr?. Y.". A. Camper «K a victor in fistlß mtnt!. (or the past rtd. |i Mrjis. F. 1.. rhdidoa; and R. i jW. SihUi.y were on our street-; j J Mon-lay. • | John Hooker ;nd Mr. Da\id - • Powell wenitoScorlond Xeck Wed - JatfLiy. . Tkonai M«r>! went to \V:I - toyje his j l->!var«i-_ fe ■ (■ Mr. \\~. I. Cftr--r or' Vl' B. Fur-j : girvm Ac Co., Saf'-1, Va . was 11 here \\ oflK day. * Messrs T. 11. CnaU and T G. Iv!«.irls weiit toCrhnvilJc Tties-J Jay to sell tobacco Mr. 11. It-m.-.anldsnshtei.ML*: Hcnnk attended the Dfiij 't C-ffl I | ferencc in Km-to-i Lit week. J'f. WBHe Hnrrt, «ho has Urn |K«>ing t» se!io.J in .den for s«»me ' time, tame np to lik home Motflay. Mis» '.IS7K- Cna's ami Mas I Jkivis retuirTK i 'j, ~ *>\ in \yden | *.l nhv ;« r -| ' ? , >it to T II t Mr. T. ri. C: me*' of A den. eame tip am! ;«.« r*d tl.e jcotitra ;o print Messrs. S.W.Cas- I per & Bro.'s rtsideno Mrs. M.dlie Haskell, who has t*t ii v Jting relative, here lor the . past few v • -eks. r= to .icit ( land Neck M«».jhy nKjenii.jr. , Messrs. S. W. Casper & Bro.'s 1 gin was shut down Monday on ac '• count of the death of their sister ■ which ocrnred Sunday morning. Mr. Ehluroa. t»f Ajrden, has liough; of Mr. Janit-s 1,. Ita\eri|m.l ( his wiiactT ' irm alamt two mil•» j from till jdace. He ia a Cite tohac'- ( cn d'O'.MT. , | j Ir v;t.i!iC - . !■ >vc !* •n - 'crt or* j • !anc une.«. Guniivf of Mi--1' !>•»' V. vath'-r- * ? *■' Kdzmanlt • 1 I cour.v to Ir. > :*'ha-j ! R,. am .f j' :hfs p! re. . ' I' Messrs. ' , \\, Casper & I»ro. >j( e with drivtrr Joe'C .sper, W.itl Cvs- ] pet and \Vh i!on C . per inkier Mr. j M. A. M.;yo*a> diMiiiMK. The sad r.ariie ! ns Mnn * kv morni.ig Mr. W. H. Proc te«r. of Greenville. X. C.. «iiel at 10 ' o'ej.n.k f:*or ! the »Jt\l »f an asisault rxl .1 to \» :th a'sbcrtrtl. Mr.l'ioc tor hail many fnends he.*. The xul rw.vs c.i:ar- to till ■-"•m - - . muntty that Mrs Butler, moilier of Mrs. \\*. V Ct*|xr. dkd a* her aortic in Ke!*ord Oct. ;*» h. I Mrs. Rmli' had readied the age «»f |Xo years. S?ic- lea l , es five 'liklrcJ , Ito tnorni th •" of a fa'lhful mother. | 1 >ll.n —At her '*w in this town at 4 o'clock Sun-'iv mcmi'ig. T *aisy Ca«j>eT. 4 of Mr and Mrv VT. A. Crsxr. The fiir.eral , service was heh! in the Missionary | Bafitis' ehnrcli at 2 o'clock Moii [dav .iftemoon. ' 1 \ .... f ' T'.ie toKicr rn-ji is v.ry short t »rr vg,-. sctti .1 .n id ist«. ineiug 1 gor d price* at ,nv ■ wareh mseft, ' j T"iio* e who -IpecteJ at tlrst that I prices acre too iugit. have seen It cntinne on tie ascending, ■scale with scarcely a IVSK tion. Mr. K. L. G«»odrich and Mrs. 1 Florence J. -hnsou we re 1 iappil> mar- 1 ,ried at the home of laic brklc's : hrother. Wednes lay evening at 5 o"block. The cernnmr was verv iinprcssively performed If C-pt. J::o. T. Hy man. The wedding was | a quiet affair as only ta small num ber of near relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson and I little so: 'tckl an entertainment 41 'the Missionary RiptiC'ltrrch ben , Monday Mr. an J Mr x \ Jokn- I -ion are Sxst'i hlimt JIK lUcv i.c very j * intcrx- tir-ff in their' eniata'caafat, 1 > known as " The"B.:n?" I.ea-jing The! ; Bliud.*" .he -""siritnitiotts vr. rc very good. The adn ecm fceti*g ! wsMtever the j*on»e it it dKncßo! 1 . $ to give. f . ! 1 * • i' > Z'm : * wwfjetykit tt thr §*■■!rr | i«H!S,T«SSSS£!S an easy way and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease gems and insure healtliy throat action is to take half a glassful I of water put into it a teaspoon t ul of i» Mexican Mustang Liniment •n4 witfc IM» P»«W tt* »*j «t at fefmh Tton IW ! taanwUr *«k t*a bri • iwl»n.lriur JuiiKttoyaf »Ktn i W; (Wol wrap' ■ruwllfeMck. ImtfueiniiEttEß. ,T MAY BE YOU a lal w vlikJicS m 1 ihlH| I 'Uf«l ■>! ti» i" _ tlTui I " Wkcrt Ttay t*4 By Uie death of a woman in Wisconsin a scries of remukatdr ■acts has been brought to light about the nunner of death of al irosl the «.ntire familr. Twenty fire y-ars a;o her father cut his foot M-vercljr and was taken home and so >n expired seated in a rock ing-chair. Heart failure was the cause. Six weeks afterward his wife died of the same disease while seated in a rocking-chair The/| were about sixty years old. \Vh*n i their oldest son had reached that* age he was taken sick. got out of I bed to have His bed made., »>s. seated in a and he 1 f •lie I. When ther oliivit daughter* the si re age she rompiaineii of not feeling well and died it a :ew ni Ments while seated in a, rrcking-chair. Aiid now Mr*.l Oliver, aged sixty. di-'S ;ri a rock- ! chair. This is the rc-su't mere, 1 ly of having a m kin ■ cf-aii" in te } house. It there had been no rock r at all. these people woui : h.»ve~»lcT£ 7 either in l>ed or-Oil ord rary chairs | fhese people robably had a ten ( idency o heart disea e I here is an . hi atofy of a man who a s. a c«CUn> »here ht-> • T \ | ather died. r • Lost at sea said the man •Weli wh re did his father die?', •"Lo-t at' sea " •*1 hen ! should think you would i be afraid to g,» to seaTj" '•Weil wiu re did your f.ithr [jkr*..-,..-- j - • Died in his bed " • Where did his father die.?" '■Died in liis bed." •* ITicii i should ihmk you would; be afra:a to go to bed." —!"x RKI.IAKI.K AM) GENTLE. "Aprill'sS't-iIL" says the ms. F ! .jot air (till* aii.l p«i'.-. Yoa »s. -■ iall K lite) : ertnin. thi-roagh UKI pn-: tie. Mu-ln t gr« *. I Witt'* Liuki ' ii.4 - K *i: SII the bill- Finely \rj[vtj j ide IV nlt force but assist '.he K -.l*l |to a>t. Sungl ifi a tl im%«n'r f | Saul) an-I easy t. take. .m m m Tltc three tniilifMt dollar deficit. of theltuflfalo Exposition hasn't j lessoned the exposition enthu-i siam of other c itiea to any notic- j able extent. A PHYSICIAN TESTIFIES. > "I have taken Kodol Dtsfiqm Cat uil have never uml anything ta my tile that dill me the good that did." «ay*l Cooaty l*hysician Ceo. W. Snoggs cf | Malt County. Ga. "Stin* a phywciaa I j have pmrtibnl it and found it to unt the botnnki." If the fcoj ynat eat le-: main* undi;-?sted in your itixuch it dc- ( cays there and pofaoas the n>tra. You I can prevent thif i.. >' .etin; K.t tkit >L»rv.v..:f K.'lit. Clue v. hat yau 1..'. V-N4 Ort>l v.Tfii i fmfti neitltcr dyspepsia nor v tticKi. Thr »cnt.ei"« q'aacMy cured. ■ Sever fail*. APOfITERFOSIMItTSIS .KmxitL'j uu patent Im iiKja 1»!»!»■" eily and |imnpti' d««ne KO 1 it tpSWIrT Ac CO . PATENT LAWYKRS. opposite T- S. Patent Ofioe, Wa»*t»g*on. P. C. Taey have m dLaatwried el* it* Write , Ihem for their c vafidential letter;* J*» - j'ui card wit brin j it . snd H atay be arorth ■ I aoarv to TOO. See their alvtrtuttuctl' «lae* here ia this {•)». $45 GL.OGK FREE! Foreach nd even- dollar spent in cash at oar stores between now and DECEMBER iST. 1901. we will grre a jjntss at the nnmber of pound* of tdbaoco that will lie sold *m Tuts Market from the Opening IJtty until the Christmas Holidays. The jeinri guessing nearest to the correct numtvr of pounds takes 'the click. The second nearest will get a i Clock, e-orth ij.oo; the t.iird near- I est will get a Bowl and Pitcher, 'w» * •t i !rf"'!!' , i nearest will }-*t * »?i iJM.iirv aottb in Trade and |t"n aft'i re;:fe-« *l!'. ;,rt l-'ifty Cents 'in Vrwdte. , ■- - T!«-ciwt - ! i feel high, iqi J inrVv I*h ami 11 inches »dec|». K» t si! price >ts.oo. *WE SEIX AS CHEAP AS ANY j MERCHANT IS THE COUNTY. j G. D. & J. C. R ibcrson, ROhJBSOnVILLE. - N. C jt OST Asn XAII'K «!F • ADv' | It ci st marry to advertise in She »«. w»:-a;»ers but the returns ia!"oat ?r« a wa deal more than I ih«* c-~.: in toe !-»n r run. Adrcr -1 t.-»:ai* t-i« U a i.e- f «ary means of , p'viecti >n against c"flip» Mors. A ; a ta'- the cos tru wh eh does not " pe'-i -nTtir if*p 't-« mar before j the p-i!.li» wi" loose the .! a'k of its t ale la n ore enteipri«iiig estab 'liihiflii.ii TT: V - ~~e Wi \hadver -1 trses moit( »i 1 lure the largest trade in it# ini"—i hi a Record. a mm sxc£x:i Kit W iff Ike Sei. All hay* birdt irwcaraxiH l«v th* iMcut j* »rt>. ioJ (:•*>. inhalers a* i 13 }-» i* f.«m Their jv)».lei« : .in ■}> thr ■■ «nv m- UK-* ! ll at 1 «pn an Nrrd. The ihwct- I j fal a .*» e»-J ia taliJtiv h.w t»tiT- Itr eaten -way th - ■■■ m T oanes that 1 1 1 ri> naker> haveaKisrdto »'ill | .ru9>' • ualai :ti ran»* rr_eh the dl- Aan"u RprtirtKed j «S for taaay nan made a dujc j as. I ifrfuhi c 4 the Uutmit of *, ha. at last perfected a Treat- I aaat akirh mhen LnOfmUy awl, not on- I "y lefow aa «•«. bad |maDratly ca:. » icamu. by niHim the.auae. ttop I pa( the ge* aad rariaj all in- Oamtioe It sliei alr rnarvlt kivrnTi | to araeacr thai lCtaa'lT reaches, the afflct 'rd fjti Tha> aoadeifal lenar-tv ■> known m* "Bnrnß «ie«a naxmo cuu hu ii *x" nj is vil at the evtm..rty low price of tine I*ollar_ each {vwkajte oa- iieiaal and external sacdich:- raftciesl for a fall noath'l treatnv-nt and uenar to its net feet use. "Oi ino" t» the only perfect CITAitH j crtr ever naa-te and k a>« rrvxufnient as ! the «aly tafr aad piaitive cote fo that j aaaoiii( aad duVKme d»ea>e. It cores ' all laSaanßitM |nieklv and per uncrt lIT aad it aha woadetfally ipicl to re | Sieve nav ikvti or COLI* in nKvl>. IctTU'a «hi aqthrted often leads to ft'WTmo* —"XM-mM" wiit hi* I yjc if y- ."X it t», .!tisno or li | »v~ i- v s tl a' t'- treatment j whbh taean CA-J is -~.J i '.s T ;e i" u>cd ae-. ■ t wiiag to jCTrtioai which acvan. C ' ' • * - !». .I'. 'lAv b". t selfd . for nat ..-nc?. at i wracfn?! ;-trti-~alsrs as 11» jvj t',l v.«'«ili rrceive I spevial • fr -a iWr- at' Uu I m uk ,-! fairer .e -arjin,. rucr ease ! »:'s *il c>4 tajca o>» I the regular ci ;t" , Sm wtt !t o xsy a'Jww in ibc. t*Tt?« • Xrtfil* Cznt-Li n na jt of Ote j D**-»r. Add-'csa llrt Cr?i. Efi*JflN K GILES i CO.. QjtXafU St. Phi^det jfcia- . . ffsHflaja COCWTT I»UTV MKWIMT. Bank Of Martin County, r " I- X. GO«»«B. Cmmml MtpotxmtVmC ri i i ii n irHjO. y: «Fsoc»cn I lUßunu . «*• V t=ck MM '* / \ {!.•«-* Ca«r.iS«! rw«e» * *•««• C«W - £ J. >■« c«i£-**+*i ot*»t*s {:«>« fra; - •• •» iilMMllt feMS '!«>■ at,j«lbdiuk f*.*>• M Doc Jroa -*—— Cjah Itrun* *»> » TOT AX. aiim xll cs&t ?«£■ Cy f ?f' « TOTAi. - 3» , t I, J- r » f>*kri Ci>"£ -» r Metn C>t«l- ia »>!* ill/ (if - Ike ■ - L*t >af '3C'?-*-Jh C* —C*aeyr .r« t>t»j acLlflii 11U sar «f f. E StrfV S. f. A **% _ -IFJJS3 THE US3ASJT BBC 8 1 A ■ * •—"l* • If fU(E TECKFSCI | ""g"- ■" THE diITERION for October. Ai d pniK be th • p'«pn!»r norel ; offer to the readers of this jitptr. | THREE MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION FOR io CENTS. Aifonk a rare oppbrUnntr to obtain an introduction or to promote better af,aaa-sai« whh the BRIGHTEST ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINEPUBLISHED. THE CRITERION has a dstingur-hed staff of rrteis and artists irh ) coh!rih i'f -strong special articles of importar.t topics of the , day. Entertazajig hort stories and poems finely illustrated; Val uable and am 'oriiathe [u;«s on ma'ters perta;nsi;g to music, drama, art and iit-rra. arc. JOHN l*kl LLOVD. Author of " STRINGTOWN ON THE PIKE " Whits: —"And r.)* I !*g you to let ne say a ««rf ccr.ttmirg The I Criterion It us all as a ckai: frmily magazine, and by I mean my friends who appreciate and rj.eak cf works they commend I have yet to fin ian *dver*e criticism ft ok r.ien or women whose interes . lie in the knaffH« thongirt and desire their loved I that whK h tc .ds to elevate life. Th*-Ckitekion is a great favorite, and ' justiy so. an I iw„ yc-r t>> take thae giainitoit> reu-.rks .iilhe same licitid spirit I «. -tend thera. With truest legends. I Ju, | Sincerely yours, etc. REMEM(iER. j month* wr I » Mits (stamp-, acceptf! ) Regular rates si.oo pr y car. io cents ,*.-r copy. Cnteri-w Pub lication Co.. 41 P S.— r.- try oar fuoto lkn (Act will l* p. a » «*- ir'i y t * r *i|it ; -m lir u*e «W mmzmzrae ~am§ irai't Miwiptim to the Eutnphic. For y> rti «e wUI irud Tb* Kaftnpra 6 aoMkt asl TV Critcrioa 3 ■norths. The KilnjirW LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Saie mi Rul EiUK «nn of an onStrol J A M*.. Onk ; fCoTtof li .rtMW'yiH' j |»«riir H*l ? - *« aK apm W»»d et •!. .1 *£Uael> at tkr Cw* H wr m V'tlltan>«tn« uq tfuadara. D>rc»iWt al >v« tk .'olhmiujr p- .►prrtf % ir».-f of Uarf ft* f I» * ani w «hr XortH. £&>( aid v ak • ■■ !■ D *+ri4km am the UVM, «ar fe*na*red m 4 i 4 ti taiate »rrr» aorr ov ftr«* urf 1 wtHfc» «.n« iwit9i-*m« !-»ori f I Icr-n* nl *. a?e. '»&« *irr c* --Si ?aj»®ar ia u .a«»nth-. • m L. -afi .-»•!•*w«*.i ~ sraS tBS-s*s»-*$ |V 'v i-V K H' :^/ it /(donvMW. Sale •■! Kcil llstale u>l l't.» -«al P.'uftfcy. II? rirt.r of ta a«Ri*t rfcr Oil «f ;kr %• li»or c urt >»f Mart' i fai tic tießndTit rstttlfd J. .1 ÜBrt »t »U C«. * I itin am! iko T - »»«§* ****■. I*3 ■*s* lee »t36 *•» *hc '•«h- «t Nil- et at tV Ccar, af -«* ta -t"». N C., Mots*!*... I*- r»*"■*? jbj4 iat ti* U pcuf«*fw, fo 7 .* tract of 'a «t v U3r« tU Kort*'; I \. *UUy *> t tike > UElrt «a tf»' NI"!; . iaJ S * h"ij «r* ikr 'lrrfL in* j,.ns i»*r» o? few 4>i ki««a aaJ a»lr ' the T •«t»h !.»!!« a . *_«*le»3 JM»> a lot of f -iprrty cviaMf «4 houachr bl and LtuWb %w .Mailt, Vs®*. rtr Nor xa( I4M " *UfJLU* WAFfT^ SALE (>F VALUABLE REAL. ESTATE. By virtue of a dfvrw mi the sjyit fart Manin «nt*. an a wgeogj a *dha| I3w«r«. ntitfp. l I.l* r.Etfi- « a*»l a - - «a-»% »3a tfa-uM neea-v* VHL r a-*t Ar ffwbaU 1 +**"'• ftr ta- Wr« thr fo!f >wi»*tL r*a! *ol' aal «a~ | leae»ta thtt-w to ars*: | i The ta*.!>rkk *9rr-«. ami Sol- • 4 V«| > aac | (hfftto. i.a the « *nj of * i XCta Hi' I | -ojth *4de of Mai'o >C ti« jawr a*** W I W. 1! ftwa Jr . m*4 tV r4fc«v H Q Oar hctacgrXWlhußfj tfceijt MafcOcjr •tore*. , . • I i T"k. ' K(vl rd* »~y as aa4 1# W hoaw and k trnauuh kawn —'Hn X*fce4aa MoMc y homc4mf a»!jwiar * | A. Terl aad :*aet*. on the Sort* aiJe a -*m* m tfce !*»■ of Willtamv i» X. C Ibr «aar 11. Mac | «aaHjrct to a ilea fate ta aartM ■■Tar ;hereof, ir he e -tarr hi MtW hmmr tend MUlf ? the . »r«rt 4rH»£ la | 3 The faia r» h which * B Mrr Sw! al | the ttw of hi* t ' ath. ami IOT -- hm Haae I Piacr-' adjoawr, the laa4*»f *fce nr Jlc. C 4obl» v ataf iieta. aai*l farm iachunf - «■"*! tract kaoarr as t*ae ** tahew U" ~ Th - w*i tran iaaal jeet u> the ItT eataar cf Che mbimm mi >avl Hoi haviachrc* ~-*H ai.—.d to he' a? a poftia of k- rfnarv a The OMBRMSIJ kaaa a* she 'hnttl Ufcj. adjoiaitf the !aa>i if Faal Valla jal otheia Thtaaaad tract a aflaa aljut h the fiffe 1 -«Ute of the aid ha»if km aagiril her a« a portioa of >rr*»«tT. c The tract aeaa!> laa»a aa the -#• drr at Uaf aad aoa kf aar Area Wllltaar*. adjuaaaac the land of C. aa fee' aaa# f hen. Thia tract aa aa! jret la a ux year* Vaar ■atebyAXMoblealollaaalAacaWaaj. Ttoeal aa> Now*ay Dcr Mf« Kac f aale. before the Coat kaaar Teraaa of aale fvh Thi* Oct. jwv. M W T CtAWRHU) C«aa W. W. Watora, ROIERSMVRIi, L C. -I r«>»uf-'rtt? lint' vf BTAPK & FANCY Jl{ tCEMKS Ofj BuiJ iii lians TT? C" 7 l 'lTftri? ami i'UKTO KMX) —MTLA.SSKS —. , ..-fciT " 9 ■ KT' iivc me a trial : Cm: lk-s always oa band. 1 - i:• 1 • . i -r- c MS UrE AJf| Vltt Bv ;SV CHARLES H. CSOSTCXOK. Pn»; Val"« hiV-locg frvllJ- Comrade ia »« in! Colleague ia Wu r«rtii !r Kirli rtl-'r gnat m« si#* . h*A f v »tir ia -itilb. Follnrcil IV- ! rr the Natiotu] (jpilol and t"» laiit*n- Tli-- I -erf' -' ir«- a 4 Uic ju-t»sl» o{ W« Kx4 to l 'itxtel U» A McKiaVi llmiairrni Irn*l. Thaiever* «-?x fi!*r Itnißfi a t«tn>ict« to thi* fun I. Milivm -( copies miit I* M>M. KranMy milky it. Onidjfwlkr ask inf Nulwir wtil jelti* l . I.kyaal IVto j(ia"a* l"iitrait of %icKinlv'» Lit piclair liktfl it the Wfc:tr Hossc. Vus OE ami ijKickly cVar fi.coo - I— >ai> «-!-r Ha3"nrrt r :Ick. Chance t 3- ore >; «*>». :cs: * f-(i* contract *»'s Uxt aic Jl-3- V !H Stud ui cent 4-usp• ft eie -f rjt i«»,«tn». ia t" 5». «psc» iLliy. Jn'in cu{«e» »«tll be «.W ic tii> > k-.niti. '.iltLtsd. THK COJSTISENTAI. A9SOULV, V.'a,hinKtM. D. C. Send us your JOB WORK The ro-tuLi-tfr ttn> "Don't Btil v.«r ttl : *itlK®t \oar K-meand address na the nr-per left han d core-r, lhis ir. ..ires it» ;«oai|i rrtnrn to -on if aut ddimt.l." U'c are making a - jjev -sit\ of printing ther-j-t and address ■w aujl Kt» of |«jt . iml tciebpt; iu> "f asAiy prict-daod padded far y> cents. Ttis i> as cheap as iccft peojdc •«o bar the blank pftr. letter ha j «or -tistoL Tfce Kcttijuw. arahna. x. c a Announcement. \yilliamston Academy will begin its Tall Term Monday, September 9th. W. A. HUDGENS, Prill. Mia* Martrl Baisjiklo, AimUat " Jniic Woo rt, Nme Teacher. Boy* and 6 irk prepared for COLLEGP. Board at resonable rate* in .....Private Houses..... Or. W. H. liarreß, Prcr J.W. lafcim, sac'y. (h»r to »Int:> ank> smtkaalT w imuji» i>i la pi! mmd.

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