THE ENTERPRISE Fkuit, Komm 8,1901 NOTICE' NOTICE' r - - -• Your property, yoar solvency, yoar future comfort and that of yoar family may dqxsd ofoo tbe char actor of your issuance. See that yon give it tbe atteclxn its impor tanot ikmacus and if the "Old Axr> T«o»" GLENS FALLS heats your scrutiny favorably, tktn or der Lfiaittt frrm us. WHITMORE & XEWELL. Life. Fireand Accident Ins. Agents LOCAL NEWS rwifta(tatVE|«ninalCt«iAßa»- day • Carpenters ar at sod at NtmVir % (taMes lakl't a lssjpe aaair pea. Dr. Kargkt is bacaag tie atoior of kis leskieace jjtait jnrt-fjl witk {ami aad paper. Rev. T. H. Scare mil zm-\ m ILia iko« Suilii No em> at ihr Xctk> dirt c torch here dut 4mr. Miwi X. S PH & Co. hare jnt ir cctvol a mem 4nr fna lb. J. L Wool aid. the vtU kma avoa aad cart haiWi» r am to—■ W J. G. SutM aa»>l W Henry Dkiit!>hiTit}«nd the ' Ban Hiß" and are ww ywytj to gra.l cara. gia «4- to.i zad u> %xd' . Firm the prr-vntmas heiaf Hade itd the aunt her of kma aad Miih i ronrnj; to torn 9. antici pating a fu i ma. Judge had qr-»e a vjw trt Monday night nhea h» rfcma* * rjafVi £ie. J> Ige h > he tot i,. '-rtJ car o'clock keeping .5 caaijaar. Thr boTJifj o .millrr at The Star* n CcanU loUctaWiiihiin Cfym Jfl Tnrvfar evening tv] *■ I—fan 1 flat ,or rak nhach "ill c- inic ua the near Sfenu lUntiu t» alVd U {he f >!l - ing am adtntnemu. The Martin l.iit Stock Corjjaay: Xnicaa ttiOja/ Li*i naent ad and thr Icjal ad*. •* Kea. and Personal pcopr' The ladies of the M. E Church expert to give a "Measuring Party" at the Masoak Hill on Friday night Novemlter 15th. Each terwn will be ntaMired at the door, stnl pay five cents a foot. Hot Choctibu and Cake trill 1 T' ni to ;I! po et;t free. Ttey r.;!i she serve Oj * lets at -»5 a;;t> a j-lase. The Ansuu! TJcctmg «>f WCliaro stoii fcjliil Cimrrh btM Sunday the li-tii s:hl pT~,c follow iii£ progranraevs'lfeei : ioa. in. -■ Pastor. k> 10:15 f>t the Roll, by /. \V. An k *Mn. 10.20 DL-cuscioa cf Cbnrrh Cmetiin! and Reading of Articles of Faiih. by Geo. W. Newell. 10:45 Wiiat Baptist Be!htm and their Plopess. by Ca]4.. S. F. William-. 11:45 Tbe of oar Cbnrch. I>> B.K.Ma*on. 7p. 0. Stnuoo. b>- Fasti*". This will be an istc vStiiig and profit." b'e meeting. All are cmdully iniittd to attend especially the members. A VILLAGE BLACKSMITH SAVED . HIS LITTLE SON'S LIFE. Mr. 11. H Black, tbe veil Vnoww Til lage blacksmith at Orili ■■ii-ille. Solb van Co.. N. Y.. U)S "Oil Httie sow. fat jtjr? old. hL- always been sabjrr* to croup, aad >0 bad bane toe attacks bees that we have i-arrd nay tines that be would die. We bane bad tbe doetc-r aad wscd many mcHiciaes. bat Cham'jeitain's Cough Remed ia now ow aole rebaWce It seems to dinist the t'sagh m- cwa aad symptoms appeal we bane fu—ad tbat tbe drea-led rrowp is cared jefrntr -eta set tied." There is ax'japr ia 4-riag this aeaHr (• r it watiias a* opcm or otbn iajnroos drag ai-1 «' he Rivet, aa coat den..y to a babe as to ar -WL PoraaSe by S Pre! fc c. > Personal Mr. Su ; *h X. Brick house was in town st*iA»v. Mr. J. Z. Brown, of J««rille. was bctt Mootlay Mrs. J.W. Watts left yesterday to visit in Greariße. ( Mis. J. B H- Knight was oat driving yestetttay afternoon for the first time since she fpraipel her anile. Her friend*- are indwd glad to see her so ranch imj-rswjed. Mr. ani Mrs. J. V. Hannaerlv who have lieen in town for 4 about —liu left Wednesday fc-r Bristol. Tenn. Mr. Harmneriy had been here in the interest of the Sandard sernr-g machine Co. SfeittaCMzft Ki Wwta ifflta CaM Br wo Oniwt Tabkfc cm* a «n!4 hi ooc day. SoCareno ftut accent*. HORRIBLE MURDER. Dcmpscy Bond, a Prominent Colored Farmer, c* Bertie, Murdered Two Weeks Ago i Last Sunday. Body Pound In a Reed Slack Near Skrwar key Church. MURDERER IS IN JAIL Bond, a respected negro aa, ofßiritic coaaUr.aod who was oftea iaV'3 !:iir.>l n telling timber; was brutally aser dnfi hy John. Watts, a worthies#, km tv;s ! *«*ciasen of white h'.uafiit wU ■rsidri in Wiiiiimston, on Noilly. Octo ber *«i. Ec-ad. who was quiet an.l sell-behaved was i.i towa on the 3rd iwaaiay. aad teiij; drink v. wandered istotbi IH>- etple* church followe-1 by Watts. Bnad went t'j *W«p ia a few rizantcs and to soore. w heTr .j. n t!u isia Urr MCKiat tu take him net. whi. h was ooae. Ia a few minutes Watts fol. wetl fete Wh c on tbe o:.tsnlc of the ch'ircts 3 ir mirk was made '»y one of thf . ablr by Watts. U> 'let's go«rt see J* gills,' Tie tv » men tiim jv rt'ed. Watt* 1 going Um..nt% Main street aw! iur i t» wani the rail' «1 at -the t lrores' rbre. la a bort Watts retraced Tv the (h':tfb ami tht iu. lo the ntilnoi wh« it he foual Bond lying darn s'-rrn. lie i'vn r.-bt*d hint jf #io« rfu. »inj te had ik> trouble 1.0 .to *o, the «on vuislrrf. In a btue *Lilc toml m V-" np JJ>! ■ nrt«C timul tVKi—lli Souse on Sen ucl Hadley'a fiin. scar Sbrv.Jit. y church ua th • ImAr*— —*• ' —- —~ — A.'ter it. hies the house Bond «l»J to ct!l hint in t- 'jc n«. t mora ng so he cwld take the b> at to PlvnuutV. a* he had wmr l«UMi;c*.s !•. atirtil «* there then »ent Ui bed letting K»»l »H Ucf by the fire. Aloe* bJ' |«ast eleven v'ckick "A".*tt» get rp and ment over to Bond ami him. and tjo latter ticvaii to (unr L-.n and then struck at him »ith 4 rkiu. ihe cnjov He ran oat of the k>.ae a»l got an a* and ii-tnrrnl Bond men at te*i"| t«**l to kit Itim witn .• t'.re -liil *fcich litk he-«■ I in l tti.sck Bond > n tit, h _i v ith th -ax. killing hit: tar t.-nt* lie kinifi uW b»l. ; U 1 • afih fit I. »ht i-» !» and thif» tt in i.n «»W tin- U >« rioi 'l*i and coveted it «-ill ite!» arid K-a it,-*. awt *hn had leer! aw* »:v. re Sunday, retimed MoaJa)*.. TcCaJat FHtra-uj; lilfts! en the il cs tail asked the ta c. \; L.- n -e had iV - hie N'-'Jiing rooe *.■ -a. i ahbi't itthat Wclne-d iv Watts told l'sge thatl.e hi'! i*'. »os.-.clJi ;>>.* thai he V ■» utigLv. scared ab ul. f.nally telling him tt hat h-»i din; and v.1:.-re be had piii the U»iv..;.4 a>ttd him it be mould not help l>oiy hitr. Pa r r n-j'lkil; no. not for a hundred .U.I brv" Watt, gave Pat'e the «al ii Ukrs fmci Bond an.l told h'-.n he could have it. I'aj»e left the premises the following XotMlay moving t« Mr. Sk IV.rvf. (tithe ueantmu iiuthiir,; was known of the msnirr. After a lap® 4 nearly two frittuls ui '.t .« here I" iL|airr akrat bun. Tit people here it>m be h-'-j C"T rein he 1 h' - roc, IK *U drcra no! Ufcad been noticed by siime of the tn.ll people that Watt - ha-i m- re nxooe> dua aisal ur. l that be was spending UI from hss ttvoai «}. On Sun la). two retks after the lt-sp- j pcarance of Bond. Watts .-ent for W. R. j Cherry and told him tiul they, , tt is >u} - I |mtjbr meant th- fiirn«ii of ISood).j were trying to a ca-t him t> latAna* j Dmpwy Bond, oat be bud at and ki » I mLib( of it. Oa Sunday evening Cherry iclale! Ifc intfifirr to « H. Newberry. *hn -' pored tot* an upto-da!rd-..tecti' e > L.i rv »ert to tee Watts at ouce an ! told him j that Mr. Nn berry was a good I lend *0 j dim add ir! hin» to belkvt tb"t be wocvi I aibt him Watts asked for Newberry aw' j Cherry -rut for him.Ther >ooa rttnrnetTj U> V*J»' room. After qjiu ug him for I sua . turn he relate- the above story of | J»e killing and robbery, ocfjt that be | told these ,'ea*".rmeii he uid a brick u - j stead of an ax u ki!>!u}( R nd. , Me at caice arrested and plarcd in I jail by the -benfl. The ffcoiff and Mr. Ne-wberrj went si osoe to and |"a;;e abac. the;, arrested at I ■ll - lock midnight. P».t told then b- | dida t know anything -brut tbe killing | of Bond. B t. Mint reaching his for- | me* icninrr toH tieai that V. -Us had j twl him ibf'it the robbery and ki!l o- - an 1 had given him the watch, and had ! -pointed out a tree near where ttc Wti lay. When the i'-arty reached tb* plan | of the nulrr. they stopped and tied tbe I iorit. tben went in. fajjc took them to I tbr "oraer of tbe garden fence End pointed I r*.l the tnee tli,t W .Us had :hown ht.-l \(trr a c'•rviiW.'-bk -trvch ia ihs ciark-' nr > the '*/lr W finally located. The UJ nawwbeVl the inquest T jtsday j ad cttuiae i the witnesses, tbe jury re-l ■raws _s • ewe to bis'death by a blow from an ax I oa sonse otter dca'l 1 v weapon in the hawl* j of John Watt,, and that Kcunicth Page j was aa accessory after the fact. Both ! were committed to jail toawiitVueaction 1 I of the March term of tbe j I The above ia extracts from the testi , nay given before tbe Corower*s jury. I The tale rtUed by Watts that tad THE ENTERPRISE. WILLYAII3TCN. N. C.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER «. 1901. cwwl ■ I atxi 11J to MM»lt hia » X Mancdjt kim mat in keepiag «Uk the ihmui i Komd. DfOpxv Bond was a LfUr mpntrd duU). aad kaowa as a "vkiCf Bja' negro.' He was always qaart ii! peaceable. an.! polite to every '•at. e\ew |V«¥& ralff tie influence of ircl- fn«4 «a> «B« l>r oor of the lwliug ribioK cf Una tjwa tke same night alter be h» ht—a {«: eon of cliuich awl be tot* Uut he did not iaterui to ilKCufa Ike iCTtvr I * ItstkagU tiiat Watt- nWieJ bin at tbe rsiWJ, awl. afterward, thinking wben he got sober, lira t-1 t-i home kno* ng | Fisf csi b4 litre, for tic purpose of ; away «ih biru. tk.wl ku a in* ptosjenMS and togas™ aad k««w aa iiHtf north two or tSrw boaaaf MU». BALLARD. Mesas. Taylor and Collins spent Stsnday night at W.Ballard's. Mr. John Rons is hiving chills again. We hope this big frost will *oon put a slop to them. Mr. M. C- Darin, of Rolx-rson viEe. was the guest of Mr. M. W. ; BaHaid's family last Sunday. Pojhr Point will soon discharge her tobacco gtadcrs. We will mi*' I tbe young men when they are gone. Miss Martha Cofiicld. who h. s Iwn spending '« ik tiu'e" at Mr. J. St. ioiL'd"« ret Timed to her home ■ear t.ald Point Fndiy Some of onr l«rs«rc wearing long '"Sigh poor hearts bat Jo not break." Mr. aad Mr*. Stephen Ouiter , - wt-rc Ik- appreciated guest [of Mr J. R. Ballird'» fant-Iy la.M W Jaedav also tlie guest >rf Mr. M VV. HalLiiu's fauilv OTI I rhn-ML y * 4 .ght U c nut .11 glad klff" Tfrinr I>¥ED AWAY FHOM lIoMK i - - • ~ MM- TiIEMIOtC 1-; t.REENK MKD IN bicuiiu£ X.AST SI NHAY OF A nLUW CHtIX. V_ Mr. Tbcodure 1.. Crcene, wh*» live*! near tun» .went t>t»r*enviHc v«tt: lay a * tvk ago to M.-11 a lot ol loijmi. hici after arriving he ■.» uLcn*itb a >cllow chill. He kul It tic Vl:ere he cngaced a ro"-n am! went to- Ikl. SL !to stdiv «Tse r.n'l ditd Ft udty cicitlng f.lort .> «« ■ ck. '(ik 1. in : i»ts were brought iht cwtnUry SiukUv to li';> !.»t. L «». 111-- feoiairt* 5 'U're in Urrr*t M.iSil iV . aj'tcriioon :;t 2 !)(I.vk in llii; family httryttts sT»»wlh Use i" of a larje t- , . orevo orithci- and relatives. Mr C- micarusa wife and - bsmaEgET ~ He ».i» rnt- of tile leading tarin m in lliia cot«..iy aud a good citi ica. * HAMILTON. Pjsl Sassix r y went to Hassells Sttc--!ay. Hias Mittit Cofceld e-as in town Snniay. Msss Ore Jtakias and Mr. Hurras were in L»«n Sunday. ISe. D. c. Jaata, has -spent a vrtk in WiUiia*>ton. I'tvtua Anthony, of Scotland N'tvl, nt here Sunday. Dr. and Mrs- B. 1., Long have go* to ItaltmKs'e to stay a wee!. Ki . M T. held ser vices in the Primitive Baptist church Sindav. Ti.ere wiiS be a factory for cle->«- r.j[ t-can'-l- in operation here in a >itoi t tine. 1 J'rs. Bracy a: d childrer of Scot land Xf;k. «Ie viMtii.g Mr. and j Mr-. Salsbtir .. » I Mr« Pauie Jaroe-. of Evcretts, -j*as her- Sattmlay vinit nti Mirs • Eliza JuiUMo, ! Mrs. Jarvis. team went to Wasl,- | «nton to see her sick brother, re j turned home Tnisiday. Mr lohti Sals»»ur> .of Portsmouth I na- iti "!-c iav to "ee his [ fatk- - who i- quite sick. Mr. S. I>- Matthews and wife, |Mr T. B Sla k and Bog. Mr Arch j herrod atsd «w. went to tbe VVtl fdoci Fair n T.iurviay. Gregory, the oll rebel, will Rive one >f his concerts at Use Academy torn »ht —Tuesday If he is as good as iie nd to be, be worth hear ing THE CHILD* EN S FkIEND. j V»J"J hiir a oii tl)is winter- May ;be you ii-e oae aww. Votrthil'lei will | kfCtrlso. croi p. bronchitis. | grip and rth-t jritef» cnij laiaU One j Sirn't- C«x=»jb Core never -fails. Acts I pa—,"flj fr b ipi' ]4nan«t lu tbe iUw ami perfectly harmless. C. H. I Geoejse. Waachesler. Kr.. write* "Our ' ij&ir giri was attacked with croup late | owe night aw) w*s. v boarae she conld hardly apeak. We fre her a few d«ssea lof Ok Mraate Cia*. It relieved her ii n ilialiJy jui ahe went to deep. V"jea ahe aaofcc aext awaning she had ( Mepaoilnanceacrooup." * A. S. ROBERSON & CO., Robersonville, N. G. IS THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS I Entire stock of Dress Goods must go within FORTY BAYS to make room for our I t- ' V l '- ■' HOLIDAY GOODS, J - ■ * - * ' . " ■ / ' ' 1 * r;: ;• Prices cot now at Rock Bottom. # A rv | Now is Ihe lime for you to fcuy your Winler Fillings AT A SAVING OF L4i\£/ M 2", PER CENT. Com«* at once or best styles will be gone. RESP., YOURS To SERVE, S. ROBERSOX «S: CO. BUSINESS ITCra I Aiiicit' unn?t~ »kr thi hi»' 5 CCJ.I a j tiue h eL - K*» *«ke» fc?~ *fl®i 15 ce»*. *.V ..'kiop: Jark«lv Op« sfl I C!'*»k» f 1 >»lo Jlci. M»lr. Asdero St Cv. j Ikin « Iwv tMi C»ip«w is the can J to ;ell >•■» he thru th» a fine j.-ttx-k on hir&l. j,. • A ut* Lnv '4 Fnc iho«-t jm raaivcC I We wiU to *ll \i liking Jacket*. Ope*. Ckukt M! Reefer* than Anoar us t»n We k* [ you n> ke tke pric*j SUic, Aa&rtaa & Co. I Fine ttbiu lairl> f ■ j> TV Kates - j p»i«e oft. r. ytv a |*» L a .-c / ) An-'tfevr rx t«J4 SusU-'i Sfiinx j Mat bine'' jctl »miu at l-li (•U| k sn:«. i Wheele« Ac V3n tt>l IkiWk Sew -1 iitj; Um ulr In stable. A»A-iv« ! & Cumfunv. U I I'xaroiw ntv line «f Sklft> I 4»| Jackilv —X S. IV*I k Co. i J«t«t »'i »(i —™ V ac! 14 tii> la» 1 S«- „ .j- I i2i> Litft Sivlii aa 1 Auto •aoli lt J itkct. -t a SJaif. ." nj Vh a & Co. I' We w'i :(> 1 r.» l «■ a t v line of Ike Utf -» fh it .* ■ 1 f. z&tr* .a'i an ! *«-r thnn. K. '& tldttar | A fnlt kneuf tj-ti' Isle (>»;'« I". rai-Jb jiag»tt I .ti * tTi'. ja . nr« •!« j We Iwt tt J 'Arl» afl tH"> j i:n;»t lie aoH .t «or» l.nt » a *ll Sib'V Analcivn Jc Co. I A n?re \ati> t> *A kiyt Call aa«l Me them.—X-!k I\ 5.*- C-. A \i»»t to Cirr,a«M' w* jfc-rr aill !u v yon , IOR SALE A sx>. rwJblli c»)i .or intelligent |. A. Si: t"3 fc Co. !,jtf4 Styles •Valkiaj'"ass4 Jitlm, foe «leal Sla I' Ac !c;*a it Co. Lai|:e->" Ite,s •> lt> liwl'. No lioft. ?•»! a!! - tt f» artVk. f !■.'lll/ Mid f * r -the l,».a> at 8 ...ifjii. »'— r •' SOMETHING NEW Wlmt (;i: \jaqus Tv n A strictly first clan np-I(HUIt 1 Dry Goo Is Store Tlie onlj' plate in l')wn> inhere you »il! find a fuii lii*e of.. . DJiF.SS GOODS. SHOES. CI.OTIJIXG nnrl - HATS I Separate and aj.rt froia Gr» '"crv |)"|cir:» jj"nt I I NEXT IX»«>0 , i* tli»* place wl ere I keep a Jul! l!i «» nfl'.f*nj\ aid Fan>y Jr«>- c Ti'H My li ie of COOK STIVES mi KATBS if >tt'l up l« tlie liert. . I'wo *ai>t of € i ■•onaid Aliun >asi r Arrive Call and buy ,a. barix-'l of AfME FLOI R- A tall st rim fcUt ahrep ti kial ELI GURGANUS. | HUY GOOD STOCK —KENTUCKY HORSES AND MULES. TKT.T. FS WHAT Vol.* WANT A\"I» WHAT YOi AUK WIM.IXC. T«» PAY AM) WE ( WII.I. TkV TO FIND YOU A HORSE OR MCLE To SITT YOU. T!i3 Martin Live Stock Company, - Wttliamston. N. G. Ul J[ Ml* Z&b I I I 4a lei.e::b*> T.'i i'2!B : kasl-l i;J> 3.! Ceil Cii'j * j f Zii'.t 3l lk:as^iii I S . *Hli' ! Till'. Nl »Vf>. Vi» + t".. I 'I Ti«!V"i'. »•>* lit*: if. Tlf. I -t it .j " j - n '« 1 I • *-! Ci« \:. • - t . -If .. J •"! * -lkli« • *'«-!- S.»iA * Hr% | f«ii - I tancl , t .vi 21 '«• 4 tm tt - 1 rj'HfO'-V If.ji:i.TS r~ s - • * I Mr. I ibtr rmi atiK tt!-» ( Sts6n*"Ts iat» «ir**■ « r* l!. n? iS- « I.h*mn- jruMkity l*» Hf fioiii li. IhK i • I •• :». ' I u U WfaH-li kvWa 1 «flrr Many *4 « Ww?4 tftri- - . liitiil inrTtftatf*. 7 * *'-» r i t • * •!»-*" * «"> • ( tli.v * | «ithrove t t 'y mran'tt I !o« sre jibe I Htk- «:•» ir-ttrr k- *r' K I haid a igijrTx 'lji ret '- :4* 'ln>* ' , j r!( ta i 'f , K j l>run'ka:*l- »:iU> .'i «-ai ; - U|»IRtET-53C3: J «IYKSu ft!', V( tE i» a « * ,,f j; ,14 KN a«r t »« iH: "ii.Tj-iirt.K'iv! lis in ti*> z >t.- ii:i **-t L- 4 [ (tt. |i;i« 'i'-c-i-r •■til", an I i»* ► 1, flc,: rl I l lluti »l uI- t®§-'• ly w IviT.'r '•» i' j i r > l" tt-lc. *:at it r~*' !* i«i e ffei H. s hu .* toe kt' . „...>*• - «'?•• ;rr-. i «»n *»k rtii;' it Th'.x. «t J • * J hit* «'•?**: I' » ( * ■ . •%! i*f» ihb -J .- * I .• i*l " , - rr . 1 : . V * • \•. . | £ j th * *>;!. lll Ri.ltjta */; * irir!» i»i ii !t .e.» v. T th-i; k»'.« k tis , • !?«•■■ « Im 1 nfrflj lilMtt Wm »'t -t j I t'n- Um -i.t.ii «' "it vi taeirj «cj ftte *"H t-» K'r w»iT. > !v»n"t !»*■ .| 1; rV.I !»\- sn ' r.. i . | " I'nic «» t Ihfli 'ta'.ti •| >t r we fltvi Uic all ti " The ' ' ijotb i- *«-M 4 th* !*■. I r I j/r. • 1 ! Oit |l>tl. ir. 1?,,.., «rth.*» ■ ■ 1 rrarfc m cver.b'»l>' a t-.t tjorc ( | feet--" thin ot.' : -Ti costini} 'i t» J? 1 -!, I F»!: .u« tt >n*a«*«'»pan" *'■ »»»K' j' I Special adviie lff«i st.iW |a* >k : jw . • ben t«ju» te»l *'"• ml r 11 ' j J*nt } reran to aujr pan of ' •m :H = [ n eiyt of One ' ►>" AiMr*» Ifcfi tW ! HIAIIN B CII.KS & CO.. nyau ! 2 |)l ! St.. ; - !»il "!*-li h- i. All contsf, juliikc irvtiy rtrti(i.ial if WEDDING PRESENTS! I If I JJ si'.vrs'r-km. •■r i « »-. • -"j;* * 'iS ro»ECMI\.*WA*JS- •«*. il .#• »*e I**' fK*» t?-4i * if «-vkt *Hh 3k :»b. hai!w»r £ m 1| * X - N ' I n« ISfi 4 iatf t f { Ka* Ir •«*•: Iftrr. *' j» MiW{ly PilVl. | '» BULL. The Jeweler, * - TARBORO. N- C. ? •i —; ~~\ -Ar.F.STS i I fsCtrska Han?sti3g itt'tin Z:s*3aj. Moveits, aAK tm, Rurnsi | , Ht'SKKK-i. FKtD '.R-S tO»S S>.*VtiTt*S. 1 ■ ' .1 ~ I Seja-ri oc fcaiuL 5? * J K. Iv. I!()1)(JES' | Is ti'.c plscc t-» J ;.y - sur j.C/r.jCcr/v s, Ciotf-ing,, Sl.rrr. C::ps. etc., Cheap. Clothing and Capes j FRLStI Ca A OILS AT COST. 1J unhands \V -tuert\ Solid I.either ; Huy a package tor your \ Shoes. 79 i CMS. J lies! (Jirl. " St - (lUKSC 1-. K. H( »] XiKS, Ni>\t door to l>k>ur.t's Hotel. The place to buy Goods Is Uk fJaoe wtera Iftey rre found .t~ which we claim lu be hero . . _ The qn«*>tr>n at i-n* il:"'! ;> not TI1I#I» V IJOUSLVELT or n XII.EIt WASiilN'iT. )S; l. ir I'KICIi AM) Oi'AIJTV > . b.((li «»f lb- »o we gwaiik" on o>r ci t're Hn , e (if. all the COMi'Oil iS OF I-ii i; fio.a l:i- *'BAI»LE TO TIIK till AYR. . We wish to attract vonr special t»ui.i«. weuks invois-e of /*• r»i»r»TS. „ BKOAD ri.oTii, N, \NN:XS. Boiiisn'S and all other «iresj> fab. i> «>f tli«» .-t also to o:u new |>att- rn.s bi Rugs .m l Art Sfjicins of various sizes. He nil! jiivc interesting |»iees on Sa't. Flour, flims, Cook ißloV' \ ll»v.'.'rs ,nj Furniture. We ;:1-o have a few Ladies' ('*}*- left wlii'-ti *v«? Wilf u ll utat cu>(. ()m j> l'>ii:eii will take ploaMirf in skoVving vou tlir. our *toek and we know :;:yn.s. Peei&Go —. ;fr m;v> ;«k>J)s m:\v goods J Duii t n.r-. ttogo to I CARSTARPHEN'S "L'T -• - _ * ah l i «»k a! his 1 aii'l eiiwruHw cio-rk'+i'lfcNr g of "i-Ti i vi'ihfg to - nil ti> Lit-l V.- i'"i '»« Teiu r *i»- AJjso bis ' MILLINERY is * riciljr up-to-date He will tell yoa ehcafcr than ai'youe iu town.

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