AIXANTIC COAST LINE & R. CO , compzkssd acnwjt'i-i;, D»U4 Jan. 13, l»Ot. (Corrected.) ~~ TRAINS goino SOUTH. •AH. P.M. P.M. AM. P.M. NUMBERS n if. KM. 41. 4»,..„ Daily. Daily Dally. D'iy,l»'ly ti Hun. l.V.Weidon .. II #0 »n 4r. HoekrMt.. 100 »U ...; I'll Lt. TarVoro. ll>l .... 6»» Iv.KukyMt... 10*1002 «*7 SIS 12 32 I.r. wtlKlar... jasmin 110 fl !7 *4O Wfetai..... 1U II l« kv.Fajniterlll# 4 30 12 35 At. Ptoreoee... 73J 2 4'J .... PM AM I; yuw-ii» I a .... _ Ar. Ooldpburo 755 ti .41 ji.lsU ru f. 43 S M l tiv, Magonlis . 741 4Si Ay. WMniln*ion .... VA) too PM AM lM TR AINS GOING NORTH. AM .... KB 1 KUMBEIIS 7». 10.'. 31. 4». 41. Daily. Dat'.y. D'ly. D'ly. By ex dun A M I'M Lv Florence. t'9o 7SJ .... LvPay«4te«lllo ii l*> u 41 .... iicave Mel ma. 160 .llrd Arrive W.laun. 281 —l2 13 .... A M • I'll All . A.M. P.M. A.M. Lr Wllmlnetnn VCO 1189 , " llagtinlia h Oil u in " UoldaOoro . .... 4to nana -• j V M. Til 1' M I'D T,iave IVllmiu 2 .15 533 II IS 10 15 I |i ArltnekyMt. . 3SO 610124S 11 2.1 J i>3 Arrive Tarlioro 0 l(i l.eave TarbOrn. 2SI .... I.v K>ckv M 1... S3l ~.. 12 43 ~ . ArWeJdoa,...; 432 .... 1.J.9 I'M AM I'M Yadkin Dlv|"l ti Mulu Blue* Train ltavn« Wllntloirto , VOO HIII., arrive* Kivel.uirllle 12 03 p n», letiv.'H Fayetievliie IV ui, nr rive* KAnfnrd 143 p ill. ItetU rtilu if |f(,v Nanford 3 OS p m. arrlvn t'ayoiii'vitl i 4 : r |>m, leovH Fayettevllle I 20 p 111, Hlrlvu WllmlOKtotl 0 25 t> n-. Bennettavllle Branch-- Train li-him IJ-ti aet'ev Ho B 0i n in, Muxtxii tiO.» am. lie. Hprlair* !l 51 a in, l'arkltih 10 41 H 111. L|..p. Mill-10 M a in.irrtve Paytutovllle 11 10. Hiriilntt Icavo FayeUevlllH 4 45 p 111, Hi p. Mill" Soop m. IW H riiixx 543 | in. Ma> too # Ifi p m, arrivi-a Bin net in ill.- 7 IS juij. tsunn»'tl«>in at I'liyettevill* with train Ni>. • Rot Moxtou Kith tli4 tVlilml tt« I road, at Heii Hpriuira with tliv It'wl M|>ii»i;» and Bowmoro railroad, »t Kantord wlih itio Kuaboard Air l.;nw mat Woiitlicrn Itailwny, nt fililf with tlio lliiriimii null Charlotte Itnil ro*d, . rain "u the Scotland Ne*!'* Ilrnnch Uorl ►eavi-a Weid.iD S |> m. lli>lt(ii.v 417 p in. nr rivea Neotlailil Ne« It nt &tH p 111, (imtiivllle (167 p m. Ktullnu 7 55 p tn. iteiurntug leave* Klnaton T W ii in. Orennvilln 8 All a ni, turiv liiK at Hulilm nt II 1H a tn, Weld .in 11 UJu iu daily encept Munday. ".rain* ou Washington Ilrnnch N*av* Wn-li inirtou M 10 a til and 2 SO |» in, arrivo Pamela 0 10a in mid 4 pm, loiiiriilutf leavo r 35 a ffi and ft :M) j» »n, nrrlvo wu«hltiutou 11 a ui and 7 SO p m. datiy except Minday. Traiu loaves Tarboro, N. C„ dully except Sunday 5 :»() i> m, hnitdny 4 15 J» in. arrive* riytnuut l ! 7 40' pin, oio pin. Jtotumlnir, leave* i'lytnoi.tli daily « xo«»|-t Sunday 7 50 h n»,na«l Huiidny OOJ ft m, arrlvog TniUoro 10 (On in, 11 00 a m. Train « n Miilliiid, N. Uoldabor » dully. except Hun-lay. ft 00 a m, arriving HmlthtMd « 10 u m. * iMurnlntf leavea Hniiihfloid 7 ou n in; urrivu* nt G.ddi l«oro H 24 n m, Train on Naaiitilio hrnuoh Iravm lioi«> Monnt nt UMOa m. 340 |v ni, itrrlv«a Nash, vilitj 10 :0 a m, 4 03 |« m. Hpnug 11O|m H OI u m, 42.Vp m. lU'inriiiim leave H|»rlug lloi n 11 iO a m. 4 04 |i in, Nashville 11 4i n in, 5 iJ p iu, arr»v« in llofky M«»unt 12 iu |. n». (n 0 l» id. daily t*xi*««|>t Sunday Trt'n on rilntou lirui.t h tcavnu Wur«n«r to- Clintoo daily, Huuduy, II fo a in and 4'J» |» tn. INiirnlnjj Um»v«> . lint n nt t> 4jft in nud f r .l) )• in. Train Nil. - i*iom» «*«■ tiii*-• *tt at Wfltlou ft»r all noil North daily, uit rail via lUthinond. 11. M. FMKIi fifii'l I'iih*. A :?fit, •I. 11 KKNI.V. Oimi'l M inn :i«r. T. M. lIMLUSON, Trurtlf M _ 1 anything you invent or Improve ; nlao gi't 1 I CAVEAT.TR AOC-MAKK. COPYRIGHT or DESIGN 1 ! 11 PRQTEC TlOll ■ *Hi«« 11 - rtTtt*ti,"OT X»fi7TtT"| 11 for tree examination and advice. » BOOK ON PATENTS ETtSJWtii i " C.A.SNOW&CO. : ; ; Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D C. ! ROBERT? WE CHALLENGETHE WORLD) T0 PRODUCE THE EQUAL OF ROBERTS' CHILLTONIC FOR CHILLS, FEVERS, 1 *1 Night Sweats and Grippe, and M II |A oil forms of Malaria. DONT WAITTO DIEI ie> uFf 1 ——— SPEND 25 CENTS AND BE CUREDf None genuinu unless I WOODERFIIL CURES MAKE ROBERTS' TOXIC FAKOUS! Red Cross is on label TRY IT. WNO CURE NO PAY. 25c. PER BOTLLE. Don't Substitute DELIGHTFUL TO TAKE. .Sold by ELI GURGAN'LIS and SLADE, ANDERSON it CO jjr " " ~ 7 : -- • - ■--- WRNNIS SIMMONS, Pro T W TIMSHM.CN.ttcn. Manager. JOHN 1»' MG6h,Scc. Trr«» THE , DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. Mamilnotni'crM ol KILN DRIED NORTH CAROLINA VINELUMBKIi, DENNIS. SIMMONS' BRAND CYPRESS SHINGLES WILLIAMSTON, N. C. and Correspondence Solicited 'Wheeler Martin. Dennis S IHgg* MARTIN & BIGGS, ; "v" Maniilaoturers ol .' FURNITURE, WILLIAMSTON, N.'C. ■ OORRVSPOIfOVIVCG SOLICITED ; 'PHONES: —Offioe- 33; Factory 4fi. • - ■ + WOMEN At IWVOTOW. Um Bnton >Mk ftirtl. Two WOMB had SI,OOO to forest, and after Ulklnc to * broker tor two Rolld hour* bought a government bond because ft was safe. Next day they eold it becaoae It paid very little !n --(«reat and bought gas stattk. That evening aom* rrtettA alarmed them bj saying tfctt It the gaa worka blew up ktoek wouldn't be worth anything, ao they returned to the broker and swapped for railway utock, which they returned to him next day becauae the railway* might go Into tho trual and stock wouldn't pay any dividends. Y« they bouglt Suapenalon Brtdgtt boa&i at 2:10 p. ra. and ttWe on band at 6:30 a. m next (lay to sell them. Hadn't slept all night. Had just beard j about the Brooklyn bridge. "Appose a tornado ahould blox* nut bridge over. What security wotald bo left?" For bridge bonfa they secured an upper county bond, and actually kept from ' worry for a whole week. That they swooped down on th» poor broker kad had him tell them. He gave up hia client®. Then came-a One looking gen tleman named Adams, from Dallas. Texas, who wanted to borrow 11.000 at 10 per c«nt on Ills big ranch, and would pay Interest In advance. The Wftmen trusted blm. and now learn that thert! are worse Inveatfi&enta thai* gap. bridge, altwt and governments, Adam* »«Wlrila at the expense of the state of Texan, and won't answet any j communications from the Bfty-odd flrat mortgage holders on 'he aam« piece of land There Is a considerable demand for bicycles in Japan, and some automo- Ml©* h«vo roronflv ImnoHM A H SMITH, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW, Main WILI.IAMSTON. N. C. GEO. W. NEWELL, Attorngy-at-Law. WlM.l AMSTON, N. C. whrrrvcr •rnicei iirf drurrtl.H Sjkh attrntlfMt Riven to (laroiniDK ami muk, tuft title foi purchasers of timber antl^iini*i BO YKAItr EXPKR,ENCE I I L J J " L J|l III I j . ■ 4 * I Ink! r»J | Tradc MARKS r COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anron« sondlnf a sketch and J«tlntkw mm* qnlrklT ascertain our opinion fraa whether an Oivantlon ta probaMy nntenlahla. Commentra t ion* strictly contiiloutfal. 1 tiuidhonkon I'atfuta mill free. OI«le*t itpcncf for ncurmic pal*ma. rnlfiita taken llirouirh Munn k to. rt«»lw •I't. i.iJnotU'f, without charwo, lu th« Scientific Jftticrican. A handsomely lllnnlralrd wrrklf. Inrtwi «lr. •aluiHm of nny urionilUo journal. Ttraw. p a "'fir: four months, |L Bold by all na *■«!*•! *r«. MUNN & Co. 30 ' 8 New York Branch Office. 025 w IX C. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Tlits preparation contains all of the difc'cstants mid tll|(CHla all kinds oi ft"ni. It Rlvei Instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all I lie food you want. The most, sensitive stomachs can I ake It. liy its use maty thousands of (Wapeptics have lieeo i; uueii.t!>dkdiutJll) StQtuach troubled It can't help . but do you good Pri'imml only ».v K. r. Dert'iTT Ai'i*. t'lilrue ' 'l'lio H. bottle conttilusJlH Uiw»Uh'sUc Mxa THE ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER S, MOI. IAS DONE NO GOOD ArpSays Etfvcatiflf the fcjr* lis led A Failure. IT IS NOT TIE KMED? SOUGH. The Presaat Generation of Negrwes Mara Oahaed Nothing By AH at Their Book Learning A neighbor said to me. "Major-, whal is all this racket tSis rumpus— this swimonrf'iSi about the nigger? HaV« Ihey broke loose? Have tbey ris again? You remember how they usjd to rise before the war, but the* gen erally went to the wrfl Held or the cotton pateh I'Ve been readln' the Mew Yor* Journal and It looks like some thing must have happened out In Mis sissippi or somewhere, and the M«hops and college folks atari »ahkee women are mlahtll|r Mtllftrfid about 'em." W#!l, it Ik &musing to read these stale platitudes and theories about tho negro. A few of then* frt sensible, aome of them a delusion, and some are alm»et tiliotic. With most of them edu cation seems to be the panacea for everything and some of them Want kindergarten achoola f««r ilie babiea and separate arbMll for the mothers to leant physl>lony. Bome of the north erh female antiquities want aocial equality and bint at mleeegnation as the coming aration ft the only solution and the Oogro muat gc. and some say that every dollar spent on their education wl«Vns the gulf between the races. One very aenaible writer exfe strip th-lr voting and atop paying taxes for their education. Take them all together and they don't harmonise on any plan, thriugb a large majority, wl»h Dr. Curry In the lead, fr» fi>f education —more educ.i -tlo9. Well, it Is possible for even so great anil good a man an Dr. Curry to be mistaken. He and Bishop Candler and ionic other* on that line have mad# a life long business of educating young people, and are naturally dis posed to magnify its Importance, bat it stents to me when we try an experi ment tor thirty y'ars and spend over one hundred millions of dollars on it. and the negroes get worse Instead of better. It Is time to halt and try tome other methoJ. . "fhese negro?* are a new generation and know nothing of alavet-y. The northern Idea seema to Its that then •re the same negroes we had before the war, and that they havo recently emerged front slavery and seml-barba rlsnt. and must be educated Into good citizenship. This Is a mistake. The old-time negroes had a very good edu cation—not In book learning, but by contact and association with the'r masters and their masters' fani''cs and neighbors. Kducatlon Is not all got ten from books. It comes through the ear as well as through the eye. Our old-time slaves were better educated for usefulness and happiness than are th? college graduates of today. Thty had more common sense and far mure morality. We had among them carpen ters. masons, blacksmiths, tanner*, shoemakers, tinners, wagon maker*, painters, pa perers, railroader*, and >ve had good farmer* and glntier* and millers and hostlers. Amoni; the women we bad weavera, carders, spinners, aeamstresses, ihatu tH'rmaids. butter maker*, ctfoka and nurses and they were all educati'd tn their business. I owned a carpenter who could plan and build a flrst-class bouse and make a handsome mantel and run a modern staircase. I owit ' l another who isrew up from infancy with my children, and who could paint and pap-r and cook anil put down .arpets and dj other useful thing* and he was my faithful bodyguard du ring the war and la still dovoted ti tity family. Kducatlon- why. the children taught Tip to read, and that raa enough for him. he wtn always happy and contented. lU bad the daily t» -tt that wr> have/now ffiff- - vlcts and did not then? Alt this maudlin philanthropy has como from the idea that our negroes were savapes until freedom came. when the truth la they were better fed anil clothed and housed and far happier than the poor of the northern UltM. I «lo pot remember to have ever pun ished but one of oilf slaves—our own bovs g.>{ most of th,> whlnninat alHl the neisro-s grew up In fjar of 11. It Is not the lack of education that In creases i-rlme and tills om; | rlsons, for It Is recorded that 47 ptr rent' of thr convicts can rmd and writ-*. What is wanted is cood moral training and the fear of punishment far crime. The ne groes Ret none of this frmi thel>.' pai ents or their teacher* or preachers while In slavery their race trait ol stealing little things wa.i curbed ond restrained, but It has coine back in full force and now all of this genera tion will steal with but few exceptions We have not had atr. one domestic n-r --vant In twenty-five years wlij would', not steal, or as they ''ail It, take little things on the sly. We expect them to steal and are never Jlsippolnted. It 1* Just as much a rate trait In the nepro as U is in the Arabs or tho posterity of Ishmael. It Is to tin credit of the negro that he will not cheat nor betray your confldiave. It Is to the discredit of Jews tnd Gentil»* 'hai they will cheat yiu or deceivo yo\t If they can "honorably." But the most alarming trait am m* the negroes is their utter disregard for chasity and their conjugal obligations. A large majority of the negro women are harlots and their children are bas tards. This lack of womanly virtue Is no drawback on their social standing or their church membership. If a woman belonga to the Daughters of Zion and pays her mito to the preacher she is one of the saints. A negro is never turned outrof church. They never suffer from remorse or the stings of conscience. They tear ghosts and graveyards, but not hell or the devil. Their religion Is s compound of emo tion aad superstititon. Neither the jail nor the gallows gives them much con -trn. for they spend their tints in eating and sleeping, and then no straight to Jesus. They are a curious and interesting race of people. Imita tive aa monkeys, they readily fall lute mil the vices and follies of the w<e, folks— negro boys all smoCe clg±r ettes The young bucks about \fct i towiynatd cities wear tanned shoes and the girls wear spectacled and blac* stockings because the white girls (In A lady who has recently gone to Wast? Ington city to' to the Nov York Press that slfe cannot get a r?l able or trustworthy negro servant. inn Mft: "Bin all the good u|tom cone ten sooth to Booker Wash ington's school? What has become jf all t*at falthfltl dog-like serrice the tdathertters tall M about? I aare tried 4 whole procession of tbett, and they have worn oat patience. The last one I engaged camfc next morning at 10 o'clock wearing a white tolle hat and a pink satin bodice!" Bat we still tad thorn willing and useful at V house, sad patriarchs like my wife sad myself Whß ha¥e to kojp open t)oqjke for humferdui offsprings and kifinrtd gad friends can hardly get along without them. 1 can sclll black my shoes and go to market and the postolftre and work In the garden, juid I drtn't mind making one Are in the morning. U I feel well enough to get up. bat there are numerous little things I don't Ilk* to have to d»; Old Unci* Tn»n rfirtfpifig wood for me no*, aftd my wife bas just sent him a cop of coffee and some biscuit to u-Jlp out his dinner. She hss great regard for these old, humble, good-natured negroes. 1 don't believe UlieliS Tom would at*Al. ftor he says It was whip ped out Of him when he was a boy. Pity It Isa't the rule now td wblp them and save them from the cbalngang. What a del) of negro burglars and thieves there must be In Atlanta, Judg ing from the daily business of the re corder's court. I reckon it It At bad I*l the other cities, hut we rtort't bear of It Rmhnp Gallrtr says, the Tennessee people have tried education long enough and the people will no longer be overriden with a hdrde of trifling Illiterate and immoral negroes. Mis sissippi declares that although the ne groes outnumber the whites, they pay only 10 per cent of the poll tax and get back 60 per cent for their own educa tion. and that it has got to be stopped. If a negro won't pay A dollar A year for the education of his children, they don't deserve it. and the people have determined to quit speodlpg half a million a year upon them. Georgia seems determined to do the same thing and our peoplf will say amen. Let tbeni have the taxes they pay and no more. Nothing is prised that costs nothing. Old Colonel Howard, whom i very body In this community loved and honorel, was one of the best schol ars and the best read man t ever met. and he told me that be never bad l>ul a few months' schooling and he prized his el.nation all the more benaußt) he got It bard, for he was poor and had to work by day and study by the light of a tallow candle by night. Well this Is enough for one time — whether It be orthodoxy or hetrodoxy. It Is my dojy and nobody Is responsible for It but myself. I have some cardinal principles about the negro that I dare to maintain. I would brute who assaulted a white woman. 1 could see him massacred or burned or hanged, drawn and quartered. If thU be treason, make the most of It. 1 would pursue him with arms and pitch forks as Israel Putnam pursued the wolf 'bit devoured the lambs of hU flock. Even tha law excuses some ho micides when done In the heat of pas sion and before a man has time to cool. A father or a husband or a brother of 111* victim never cools. It rankles and stings to the quick as long as life lasts. If the officer gets'the brute first let him keep him. but I have little respect for the officer who runs his horsei'fo get him first. 1 have not forgottia the ten years we llvod in the country sod the appreheuston I felt every day that I was away from home. The cltUens who livo ih town* or cities and whose wives and daughters are protected by day and by night know nothing about the shadowy fear that follows those who live In the country and have no protection against the brutes. This fear is the greatest impediment to the country schools and the controlling reason that causes every prosperous farmer to rent cut his farm and move to town. It was this that broke up our school and brought my family and roost of the neighbors to Cartersville. And now the northern prfss is gloat ing over the prospect of reducing our representation, bciause the negro has been disfranchised. "la!t them do it," says Bishop Gallor—we must control the negro jpr the south will be ruine I tiJT them. After it Is doiw wilLwe havi; p.-ire—or will the republ'can part* anSthe 0". A. R.'S. (grab all, republ! e*ns». hunt for something else to feed upon? Well. Morilecal Is still sitting at thf gate, but It was Hainan who waa hanged.—Bill Arp In Atlanta Constitu tion. . . P. 3.—1 havo Just read Bishop Kel- Inv'a renlv to the svmDosium and hear tily Indorse every word of It. He un derstands the negro and knows what he Is writing about. And I havo read Professor Council's earnest pleading for the negro girls who are nursing the little white children all over the sun ny south. He begs the mothers of thess children to train these nurses in good morals and virtuous ondwt end save them from shame and disgrace. His letter la admirable, and so are all his writings and speeches. I have great roaoect for him. B. Ai Ants Fs'l 'n a Shower. From time to time we hear of showers of blood, of pollen, of caterpillars and of debris and vegetables, and now M. A. de Longree, a member of the Astrono mical Society of Ffaye, tells of a show' er of ants which feu reeenly at Brus sels. M. de Longree resides in that city, and ihereforc he had ample opportunity for abserving this curious phenomenon. It was four o'clock in the afternoon, he ■ays. when the ants began to fall, and the weather was very warm, the sun being brilliant and the sky clear. A great cloud of small black winged tills, interspersed among which wer some gigantic Mack ants, measuring from five to seven millimetres in length •pread quickly over the city and its sub urbs. and in a few minutes the gigan* : ints were over the pavements »nd the small onea Were falling on the garments of pedestrians, and even enter ing their months and noses. For two hours the insects remaitvti! in the city, causing every one to wonder how they oarne there, k is fuppostdj that they were brought thither in a storm which started in 4 neighboring district the uj>ump:ion being that the tempest lOUS wind tore op entire NESTS of ant* from'the ground-and carried them along n iti course. The only objection to this 'heory is that there *B no sign of a :orm in Brussels when the insects ap peared. Nituraliits. however. insist tHat in no other way can this singular phen omenon be explained. "v- The expense of harvesting 1,000 acre* of wheat it not more than s6oa This amount i» exclusive. of courae, of the planting. Ploughing a field coats $1 an A pa rty lb Arabs, with cat* •la, koraee and asaea. which has hart for some waeka encamped at the Zoo logical gardens In Vienna, has left for Trieste. The m«s appear to have mads a conalderable Impression upon tha Viennese women, aa they took away with them no loss than seven brides, five girls and two widows, all poeees lag property. A boot thirty rejected kdmlrera of tha Badoaiaa. who aaw them off at tha station, and wept in an affecting maaaer, would willingly hava followed the troupe and em braced a deeert Ufa but wCre rejected by the Arab* because of their poverty. The women selected will be married according to Arab rites upon reaching their destination. Aa the train moved off the Araba uttered a piercing, part ing cry, responded to by cries and waving of handkercblefa on the part of tha rejected onea. The horses, asses and Camels are left behind to be told in Vienna.—Detroit Free Press. ■ JirOBTAMT IKiIOtRfEnWT Seaboard Sir Line Hallway to Flori da. « aba. uiasssk, i •■dm, seulheia ristiaad Pistkaral. Winter excursion tickets were placed on isle to retort points ■ n this Hoe In North and Bouib Carolina, Oeorala and Flori a, o.i October tfitfe. aa it sill retnaia on Bale dttring the aeasoo. Exceptionally low rates are la efieet tbia year !•• I'iueburat ana Southern fines, H. IX, Cnocdeti, 8. C.. HSTSanab, tls., sad all points In Florida a d Cuba. To rnrb ajy of the*® points, tbe wrTlce ot Ibe Heaboard Air IJns Bailway "Capital City Koute,"wlll be foubd the brat nod most attractive. la adduoa to tbe tU|srlor aervlce now operated, U is aa bonnced that Cafe cars wld be placed la •ervice oa tha Waahlagtoa-Ailaata Line a bob i No»enil er I*l. aid oa the Florida Liars ab'>ut January Ist, 1901. Following tlile tba Florida A Metropolitan Limltrd alii be Inanguiaed about January IMh, 1103, with aun p:uotM appulntmeuta and •u|ierb rqulpmroi. Including dining aod club ear*, constituting It b«yond a doubt, tbe prsr of nay train In the world. Tba service of the seaboard Air Line Rail way to Cuba la most suractlte, lu Ca.a oar aeralee and mauy other faatnraa |iraeact advantagea commending U to the favorable attention of all tra* Her- KM tbat your to Inter Touriat ileketa read via tbe Florida A Waaf India Short Line. Seaboard Air Llue Hall war. LeW Kaln tar Hunting aal rbkisg I'arllre via Kea board Air Liar Hillwar Tbl» popular route. who»« lloea pwatr«t« »'me of the beet country for name, k> rd *nl 11-b to bo found anywhere In tb« 8ou«e, baa OD aate reduced rate tlekrta from Norfolk, I'ortair >utta and lilrfemoud to all points lu Ylrjclnla. N«itb Bod booth Carolina, for tbe benefit of hunting and flahibir paitlaa, tn.rlug Individually or uthe/wl-e. O. e'dog Is car ried fiee wlih each pataeuger and oibera are trai aported at a rmall rust. »11 Information u to moat deairahle point*, rales. scheduler, Me , furnUbed n|Kin appllc tloß to any agent or representative of tbe Company. PCTITAM'a FIDOI.BU I)rB products the faat- Ml and brightest eolora of any known dye •tnlf. Hold by all druggiata. According to aMlistira prepared for the Home Secretary 1 7iio children are burned to death yearly in the United Kingdom. It*afarw t'aaaat (tr Cared lit local applications aa they cannot reach the riiaeaaeri portion of the car There ia only on« way to cure drafneaa. and that ia bv constitu tional remcdiea. )>eafnea« i« caused by an in flamed condition of the tnncoua lining of th-> F.uatachlan Tnbe. When thla tube l« inlawed you have a rumbling aonnd or Imnerfect hear inR. ami when it ia entirelr eloeed Itearneaa i the reanlt, and nnleaa th» inflammation'an b« taken out and thla tab* restored to it« norma' l undition. hearing will be deatrored forever. Nine caaea out of ten are cauaed by catarrh which la nothing lint an inflamed condition o' the mucoua surface*. We will fire One ITnndreit Dollare for mar rue of Deaf nee* i niMit by catarrh), that ru not be cured b» HiU'n Catarrh Care. Circular* •ent free. F. J. CIIKNKY k Co., Toledo, O. Mold by Urnggiate. 75c. hall a i'amiir I'illa are tbe best The man who always expects the unex pected to happen i« |irool against disap pointment. Meet Tmt the Seweli. Xo matter what alts TOO. hefelaoHs to a rancor, you will never pet well until year bowels are put right. C«ao»BKTS Uelp nature, rare von without a gripe or i*ia, prolm* eae.r natural inoremente, coat you Juet II eenla to start ;elli>i( .rear Itaalt'i baa'*. Cas tussT* Candy Cathartic, the genuine, nat ue in metal botes every tablet has C.U.C. •tamped on it. Beware or imitation*. It'w wfren a - that ahe vi|i» ner Ices furlunate enter dead. IK OPtNLETTER Address to Women by the Treas urer of the W. C. T. U. of Kansas City, Ire. E. C. Smith. "Mv DEAR SISTERS:— I believe in advocating and upholding everything that will lift up and help women, and but little use appears all knowledge and learning if you have not the health to enjoy it. MBS. K a SMITH t " Having found by personal erperi •nee that Lydln h Plnkbam'i Vegetable Compound U a medi cine of rare virtue, and having seen donna of cures where mv suffering aisters hare been dragged osyek to life and usefulness from an untimely grave simply by the use at a few bottioa of that Compound, I must proclaim its virtues, or t should not be doing my duty to suffering mothers and dragged out housekeepers. " Dear Sister, la your health poor, do you feel worn out and need ug, eepeoially do you have any of the troubles which beset our sex. take mj advice; let the doctofa alone, try Lydla E. P!nkham*a Vegetable Compound; it is better thau any and all doctors, for it cures and they do not."—Mas. S. C. Bwra, Ull Oak St., Treasurer W. C. T. U-, Ksntas City, Mo.— tsooo-fwrfrl* fa*ee« tm*m Isf to astfeeufsa. Mrs. dAwo WE FAY B. I. FARE AKD trront $5,000 NOIRKKRCHOLIKRHIPH. BOAKUIT COST. Writ* Qulok to OA.-ALA. BVBIKBSI IULIA%K. MA COM. OA. —» ■ .. r - - T It •Alrtetl wlik TVMMAAMIA EMA IfnalftT* riff artel ti pt«nl— or tnpiliai, ikm en tar part oI the Mr, i*ti bonae ot joint*. telling Mr, mta patches, ewal len gland*, ikia itehea and bnrna. rare Hp. ar a? pfllQaf TO® HIMPI ITOIB prison or a« baglnnioge of deadly cancer, koo may ba permanently eared by taking Botanic Blood Balm B. It ■.), nab as* dally to cmra tha wool blood aad aUa 4b eaax. It heel* arery aara or alcar, atone all achee and pain* aad redans* all Botanic Blood Bala curaaaU malignant blaad trouble*, *aeh an ecxeaaa, aeaba aad acalaa, pbnplee, running ioraa, carbuncle*. acrofala, etc. Kapee tally advised for all obstinate cast* that bare raaobad the eecoad or third etage. Drnggiate, *l. To prow it cnrae, pie of medicine Hat baa aad prepaid by writiag Dr. OUlam, 1* Mitchell fttroet, Atlanta. Oa. Dca-ribe trouble aad free aacdird adrio* tfven. . X Brooklyn, N T., Nor.JA—OarAaldßaadacka Powder* ar# aold ban in largo qoantitiee; ikh •howa t hat people raaliaa the value of a raaWy at once harmlcea and atwtiw. Tha Puae(( arc of undoubted ralae in caring headache* of all kind* and in bnilding ap the nervosa aya teia. Inreatlgata "**» grade of i*a*cdla( of fered for thr mra of Haadanhaa aad tha Oar fleld M« aiUche Powdara will ba found to Ml Ant piaoa. Writ* OarAald Taa Oa. for (amplaa. Soma meu bear tha auae relatioa to life aa the vermiform appendix to th* h£- luu anatomy. KITH permanently cured. Ho Ala ar nerroaa hoaaafter Drat day a nee of Or. Ktine'e Great Nerve Keetorer. tit trial bottle aad trcatiaa free Dr. B. H. Ku»», Ltd., 881 Arch gt„ Phil*. Pa. It ian't bccaure people are fond of **a «ic that they blow their own horna. Mr*. Winaiow'a Koothtnf Brmp fee children teething, aoften the gum*. reduce* inAaaaaaa tion, allay* pain, cure* wind colic. Me a bottle. Men have been known to loee en dead aure thing*. I aaaaaraPiao'a Oara for Ooneumption nt*l mr ur* three yenre ago.—Mas. Taonaa |toe aiaa, Maple Mt., Norwich, M.T.. Feb. it, IMA. A tombatone inacription ia often • grare error. We refer to the. Mi aa small potatoes who don't get to the top of the heap. L, •• Slralfrnt-ea-Ataa," "1 am Anuhing a tour of Rurope; the beat thing I've had over here ia a box of Tatteriae I I brought from home."—C. H. McConnell, Mgr. Kconomical Drug Co., of Chicago. 111. Tetterine cure* itching (kin troublae. Me. a I box by mall from J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Oa., if your drnggiit don't keep it. Uit year there were 192,705 mile* ol telegraphic line* and 133,153 nilci of viz* iu the Lotted State*. imvmmmwmnnv S CAPUDINE ® S riHEi 9 Nrrvnua Hradarki 1 , Nairalila, g and HIC&HEADACHE. It la abao- C lately barinlra*. No effect oa the JJ heart. For aale at all Drn« Hum. to the acre at less cost, means more money. More Potash in the Cotton fertilizer improves the •oil ; increases yield—larger profit*. ' Send for our book (fire*.) exylAUung how to f»t these results GERMAN KALI WORKS. 93 Nkimu SI., N*w York. New and Eolarfad Edition Webster's International Dictionary ot English, Biography, tocography, Ficuoa, etc. 25.000 NEW WORDS. ETC. Uned by W. T. HARRIS, IVD., I.L.D . United Stales Coasaiaaaoaer ol tdaranna. New Plata* T hroogtiout ■ Rich Biodiage. •364 Pagoe. 5000 lUaatratkooa. BEST FOR. THE. HOUSEHOLD Also Wabater'a C olleglat a ,55. Dictionary nun a valuable / M \ ScWtwh Glossary. uao Paaea. / W \ ■ «n>> Illustrations. Siae iiisnka. I SncciaMa paces, etc., at both \utmnJ Doofcs aaat oa sppLraHoa \ y O. d C. Mere! am Co.. SpHagfaU.MMa $2000.00 PER DAY GIVEN AWAY! VALUABLEJMFORMATiON w Fr—JNitlil mmpirimg Jmmmmr? «, 19o», «iN«air . | EXTENDED FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR OF 190? | PRESENTS WILL BE OIVEN FOR TAOS s-». I. Rqnolih' 8 «.,* Stmbenj, g. J. C Schnapps, Mjw Crow, Sm fared, tow i M't Mthoguu, Spectled Baitf,* i»b M,' Mai's Pride, MjBM. P. ft HUB 1 m literal Leaf. Catter - ul 0. ». T. TompfneimU mat m**r, thmmo ImmU mhoald be considered: Thrntwe mi* gtriag #*ooo.oo pr dmy flwr tugs, to fix the mem orjr of ekewmrmon ear trmde mark* plaei* mm toUcoos, to idea - amd prove mt them from R. J. (tEYKOLDS TOBACCO CO.. WWSTOM-SALEM. N. C. Asthma "On of my duihWt bad a terribla case of asthma. Wehrkd ntaaont everything, but without re lief. Wn then tried Cherty Pactornl and threa and one-half boom cttrad her."—Emma Jaaa Entsminger, Langxrllle, 0. Ayer's Chcny Pectoral certainly cures many cases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. sSSKSSFSSKS befan chooaing. A good pair rf OK. adfcte the Off of your whed " WicThVhlt G giea'ftrtt, last and a3 the time. Tfcey ■« comfort •blc, m*whc*r, MMimrfio rcyair. (■at tha kind far courtly mad* and tig laada. fcnd far catalog*. a* J TIRB COMPANY, THE SWIFT CREEK DAIRY AN f—STOCK FARM R>Vi\r , * ,L>ilaifnrwU HKlPxiam ll V\. i ,v anoiuerof 1.-fi.t'-r. .1 AjCt' J V ■* JKH>-Kl HI 1.1.11 iAf lr ABB HtilF'K*. a I f««i |T\ fM |Mt Milk and lock B *-1 up u» ila'r: noarb.tter MtMttoalh. Til - blood.-. the famous M k» IVta la. K , I aaibrrt na.t *» «'W. Pnlaad t ljmm l'a«i on hanl. T.P.fca.w«U. (Tc. UUANTED AT ONCE! IV and graduate la time to accept ki«l P"- altiona In tb« spring and t.tnni r IMI wnlt for part tut luu t. n til poalt ana *r. eeear d, accept n .tva. or will pav H. It. tare and fur- U'ab .Bloc w.rkf ir i«rt ' uitl- n. Inard • linn p. Don't mta« tkj» tttcat oiler, but w rltv at uuca for full Inf rotation «»Lt.HBU BIKHKM t OLLIMil 1 »M hiiia. ». •. S9OO TO SISOO A YE\k We waat intelligent Men and «'«•»» aa Traveling Representatives cr Local Maungera; ■alary tyoo to Stye a year aad all nptun, according •to eapertrnce and ability W e alao waat local representatives: aalanr $9 to a week aad co«aiiuian, depending upon the ttr*a Arroted. Send stamp far lull particulars and fete posit 10a ptefercd. Address, Dept. B. IU Mtxx COMTANY. Philadelphia, Pa. i @FOR EIGHT V DOLLARS I Y on nil tuy lh« Tery hot I «00 lb. Platform Scale. f OOmt lUra wjuaily low. Jooea (He Pay* the Krrl tf ht.* ni* BUJuIIAXTUN. K. Y. M . AAV IICDC V * new Pookrt Inhaler that ■ UU* ntnt I for Vfara ( w»«h» w.iiat ■ memf 91* r*«»ua Hedtlarhe In minute*.' urea Wm laurrh. i old*. »»r..i ehttla, *»> to "Mre|»* ipua> . *•«*!*• >o«4h«rttc, rrhrM* NfuriiUla N«*r *oa«nea». Adhma, l an J I.nuk TmubW* Mal> I am r- ul tl ri»..»i«ni|»« Mi ml f«r r*taiO|tu«v A. hattaaMma Co..B« z 1»7.1 hattauot tza. 1 rnn f%Df\DCV NEW WicoVEKV; firea \J ■ v 9 V oaiofc raWi f and emr«a worM hi Bom «l ind |U «tar» r traainant Free. »r. «. I. aaxia i aoas u» a. Atiaaia. «»■ €••14 .Medal al baflala r.xpokltloii. McILHENNV'S TABASCO Jfc— BVAmii ftiarl— tit ,ll>t.Ttllil.r.Mi.. mntla Ott'KH Plain t.itnt PMnltt flretill Teat Iter's I tM* rrtal. prior #Vt> "'tit |... |.sl l Iwr one t utiar t Alti^H l IIH t titii* t . K A*T fe*. LUt l». IM.INOIa.' ta. 4« ■I tfyrup. Ta».ton (loon. Dae W la ilpa M 4 by drum Ms. ffl —